He wrote in a letter posted on the Religious News Service’s website on May 31st, that he was always taught that sexuality was a matter of “choice” and that he “never wanted to be gay”. “To make an extremely long story short, I have come to be able to admit to myself, and to my family, that I am gay.”
The letter reads:
“I was scared of what God would think and what all of these people I loved would think about me; so it never was an option for me. I have been suppressing these attractions and feelings since adolescence. I’ve tried my whole life to be straight. I married a girl, and I even have two beautiful little kids.
My daughter, Liv, is six and my son, Beckham, is two. I had always romanticized the idea of falling in love with a woman; and having a family had always been my dream. In many ways, that dream has come true. But I have also come to realize a lot of time has passed in my life pushing away, blocking out and not dealing with real feelings going on inside of me.
I have tried not to be gay for more than 20 years of my life. I found so much comfort as a teen in 1 Samuel 18-20 and the intimacy of Jonathan and David. I thought and hoped that such male intimacy could fulfill that void I felt in my desire for male companionship. I always thought if I could find these intimate friendships, then that would be enough.”
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In a Facebook post, he wrote this about his wife: Happy Birthday to the love of my life. You make me a better man and I love living life with you. What an adventure. 😊 |
Pearson said he had “mixed feelings” about the changes that have occurred in his life as a result, but is more contrite about his upbringing.
He added:
"I was taught to handle this growing up, how much it has hurt me and the unintentional pain I have brought Lauren, I wouldn’t have the friendship I now have with her, and we wouldn’t have our two amazing, beautiful children. But if I keep trying to push this down it will end up hurting her even more.
I am never going to be able to change how I am, and no matter how healthy our relationship becomes, it’s never going to change what I know deep down: that I am gay. Lauren has been the most supportive, understanding, loving and gracious person I could ever ask for, as I have come to face this. And now I am trying to figure out how to co-parent while being her friend, and how to raise our children.”Since coming out to his fans, there seems to be an outpouring of support from both fans and the LGBT community.
Others showered Pearson with Bible verses, encouraging him that God still loves him, no matter what, and explained it is not our place to judge others.

Chris Henderson said:
“The only thing that is terrible about this is he is married with 2 kids…Now he comes out…Thats just wrong.. and extremely hurtful to the wife and child.”
Another Christian Bill Cosner said:
“But what are you planning to do about it? You know what God would have you do. But will you follow Him, or will you follow your flesh?”Peggy Geyer Walker Jehn said:
"You did a great job! So loving when talking about your family and church family. You spoke with such truth, grace and sincerity. Love yourself and be proud of who you are, all of who you are. Your story is helping others and changing lives!!! But don't let that put unwanted pressure on you. Just be your true authentic self and you will be just fine.
Haaa Linda which side of the bed did you wake up from this morning? lol...stop confusing us biko
Devil in action
Well.. That was a waste..
Hian! Dis is serious. Linda take note!
Gud for him
...merited happiness
Sorry ur faith was not strong enof to overcome temptation. But the happiness u think u have discovered is just facade.
***********************************Happy ass tearing life Oga !!!!!!!!!! ****************Kwantinue !!!!!!!!!!!!
May God have mercy on him
World, Allow People the Right to Live Their True selves. See what he has put his family thru....Bn Gay is not a Sickness. Its as normal as bn Straight.
So according to his logic. I as a married man, because I feel attraction towards other women, apart from my wife, it means I am not meant to be with one woman, I was made to be with several women. So I should break up with my wife, remain friends and co-parent with her, while I pursue my love for numerous women?
Everybody has demons they battle with, the fact that you struggle with something your whole life doesn't mean that is who you are? We are not our feelings! Kleptomaniacs have the constant urge to steal their whole life, but with discipline and grace, they can live daily overcoming the urge, should they nw say that they are thieves and must remain thieves, cos God made them like that?
I feel for him though, but it's the information that they are constantly being fed by the media that makes them feel like there's no qualms with same-sex attraction, even when you know deep down it is against your nature.
I pray for him, that somewhere along the line, his eyes would be truly opened to the truth.
Ohk nah!
Na thunder go fire u
Talk about living a fake life. Can't imagine how disappointed his loved ones would be after dis devastating news.....
Choi! Anyway from his pics, he looked gay.
. ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA
Wht a shame!
When one life as a Christian is not deep rooted dis is wht usually happens.
May d Lord save his soul.
Dts deir problem ...so much inlove wit sis linda.... crushing on her like
Life goes on bro...keeptelling dem....u dnt hv to fake urlife to please anybody,mostpple on LIB. will begin d judgemental approach,but need I tell u dat most of u hv gay spouses,brothers and friends who re still in the closet pretending....its so good to be ablee to express urself and live life to d fullest...bro I knw u re far far overseas. and am here and probably wouldn't get dis message but if u can handle the drama dat comes with coming out as gay,welldonee,u did d ryt tin.
Well I always knew
Good for him
May God have mercy on him
Dix not funny at all
he shld be castrated .anu mpama
Y marry in the first place. God punish you. Idiot
God b
God bless you sir for the insightful comment.
I didn't read all of it but he is giving excuse for his action. The devil is just there laughing at you because you fell for the things of this world. Seriously, the media is making the gay as if is hard dan normal is temptation of life. Whatever your name is, clap for yourself,you just fooled yourself.
Very gay looking
Let God be d judge
I've never heard someone speak with so much truth and wisdom on dis platform! Thanks for doing justice with this comment. Let people keep helping d devil to coin new names for new evils around.
Make sure u join him as a gay too. Foolish & stupid chijioke...
So according to his logic. I as a married man, because I feel attraction towards other women, apart from my wife, it means I am not meant to be with one woman, I was made to be with several women. So I should break up with my wife, remain friends and co-parent with her, while I pursue my love for numerous women?
Good question... You just nailed it.
I wonder how someone who has a Bible, reads that Bible and claims to believe that Bible can say they are gay and even claim to be made that way by God.
So because I find myself stealing or lying or attracted to another man's wife, it then means that God made me that way...stupid theory or philosophy
The Bible says that as the coming of the Lord draws nearer, iniquity will abound and the love of many would wax could...many are gonna thing normal of things that are just wrong
May God hv mercy on ur soul...
I've never heard someone speak with so much truth and wisdom on dis platform! Thanks for doing justice with this comment. Let people keep helping d devil to coin new names for new evils around.
LWKM. Laugh at Nigeria's funniest pictures here
Pls pray to God, u knw he will change that spirit in u, gay is not a good thing even u are not a Christian
Thank u Fred
How does gays look?? it takes one to know one
The spirit of the last days is truly manifesting. Dey there be deceiving yourself that you've always had craving for men since you were little.
Nonsense and ingredients.... mtchewwww
You're a fool. You need God .
Hmmm .... Tell me how is been gay normal as been straight ????? Can you explain that to me
This is exactly what goes on in Nigeria everyday. Many down low bisexual guys that all of you meet everyday but the so called "evil spirit" never catch u a bi. Pride is what is killing Nigeria fake fake people everywhere doing fake business selling drugs prostitution is rife no one of u have any standing to judge on this matter. You barely have electricity to type. Get a life.
This is a lie of the devil. you re not created to be attracted to men,anything contrary to the scripture is a sin,you claim to be a Christian but you re not rooted in the word, word of God changes people, it takes care of any satanic urge and reshape them to what God wants them to be.cos it's the light that shineth into darkness and darkness cannot comprehend, you need to restrict urself cos the path you choose now Wil destroy ur soul, any decision God is absent from leads to disaster, you better hav a rethink, rededicate ur life to christ and pray to destroy that urge. Wil continue to pray for you.
His wife has entered it! Eyaa
Clap for yourself
@fred Olia... no offense but IMO that is the most reasonable and sensible comment I've read on this blog in a while. Its good to know people still think clearly. I couldn't have put it any better.
Let it be known that he said he has never acted on it and he probably has no plans to act on it ....he just had to live his truth lying in itself is a sin
The devil is really working hard. God have mercy
Ur comment is Golden. 1 Love
Ur comment is Golden. 1 Love
Dami, dont be an idiot, the mere fact that you can't choose to be gay, is the same way a gay person can't chose to be straight.
The pressure of attraction is innate, and madness is the only thing that can come from battling your own nature.
People need to mind their own business, and get out of other people's private lives! Let's be honest, the reason why all these people are coming out, is because of wicked, ignorant, backwards people like yourselves, who put so much pressure on them, that they reach a breaking point.
Stop encouraging people to live lies! You can not walk half a mile I'm the shoes of these brave people. Who's lives have revolved around people telling them they are broken or shameless, or abnormal, imagine rape? They are raped of the choice to be who they were born to be. It is between them and their maker, mind your own problems.
What rubbish are you talking about?
Where you forced to marry your wife, when you were in love with another woman?.
His issue is an individual issue, his desire for his wife, is disconnected from his sexuality.
Stop being reductive, you sound like an intelligent person, don't try and make things appear basic, to confuse the gullible.
Also, if you stay work your wife, knowing you do not love her, and your cause her unhappiness, because "God" then you are sadistic and evil person.
Mostly she will one day poison you in your sleep, to rid herself of you.
I've never read anything, as shameless and devoid of intellect as your comment to be honest.
Congratulations to this man for living his truth. So many people have an issue, because they prefer to lie and deceive, like their father Satan, that's why it's so hard for them to see the courage and strength it takes for another to be who they were created to be.
One consolation is that people are slowly realising the true significance of the suffering many gay people have to endure.
One day, when his kids grow up, they will look at their father and see a hero. Ask yourself, what will people think of you, when all you ever had to say, is "Jesus doesn't love you...because you're gay "
Shame on anyone who reduces God to someone who's only interested in what people do in their Bedrooms, and not the content of their hearts.
Exactly! Live your truth! God will never fault any of us for that.
Excellent response from Fred Olia.
The guy said the wedding night was his first time with a girl, was he with men before? Not clear on that from the story. If he was doing that then he definitely knew he was gay before taking his wife on one chance journey.
Na wa o!
He even looks gay,nonsense.this ppl will not just stop creating scene for demselves.soon they will no male nd female marriage for dis dem country.it sud not just get to nigeria
He doesn't need to join him,with his write-up u will know e is gay
I am only responsible for the things I say and not for wat ur dumb brain understands.....u re such a waste of conception
Goat begot goat, snake begot snake .....for those woman who are lesbians if you give birth to a male child and may be they ate 5 expect some of them to be naturally gay .....our women una need start the cleasing from una side and stop saying its noting for it is very bad.
Goat begot goat, snake begot snake .....for those woman who are lesbians if you give birth to a male child and may be they ate 5 expect some of them to be naturally gay .....our women una need start the cleasing from una side and stop saying its noting for it is very bad.
I feel sorry for guy. Living wit demons all these years !
This is why people just need to let gay people be. Live and let live. So they can stop pretending and hurting innocent women and kids.
Your logic is bullshit. All of you keep hailing him. How is that even the same thing?
Awesome comment from Fred Olia. There's nothing else to say, he's said it all.
Good man. Nigerians will keep forcing gays into false marriages because we refuse to face the truth that some people are born gay. Straightforward biological fact. Why are people so wilfully ignorant. To persecute gays is on the same mental level as persecuting twins or the left-handed or albinos. Nature is gay, bi and straight. If people would do some googling on sexuality of mammals and human history, we'd realize how idiotic homophobia is.
I won't even waste my time praying for you, you belong to devil and all his angels now. Shame on you!!!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Asampokoto, people are so desperate they'll turn a blind eye to be in a relationship, then when things fall apart, they'll stay claiming to be the victim.
Only someone with no morals would think it was ok, for anyone else to remain in a relationship that is detrimental to theirs or someone else's happiness.
It's stupid people like this, that would encourage others to stay in domestically volatile relationships, and tell them "God doesn't put you in situations you can't handle"...they'll women into suffering in silence in the hands of abusers.
It's irresponsible and reprehensible. No one deserves to live a lie, and suffer in silence.
Fred, you are a disgraceful, lowlife.
Bonario, atleast he's appealing to look at.. You're ugliness is offensive, and it's a mystery that it's both on the outside and inside.
Are you trying to say that the devil is more powerful than God?.. people are gay by nature, deal with it
The only way you can compare yourself to this person is to imagine you were forced to marry a man. You people just balance on top of your high horses and rain down condemnation on gay people, without any thought about what these people have to live with everyday.
Though God loves every homosexual, remaining in that sin will cause someone to fall under His sword of Judgement.
Follow God or follow ur flesh n devilish desires?
Jesus was tempted 3 times, u trying to say dat devil was more powerful dn d son of God?
So after marrying wit two kids Nai u want Kum out abi? How did ur wife get pregnant abi na thru artificial insemination? Gay idiot
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