When she won Miss USA she admitted she only became a Muslim when she got into college. She said:
"I'd like to say I'm American first, and I am an Arab-American, I am Lebanese-American, and I am Muslim-American." According to the news site Albawaba, Fakih only connected to her Muslim roots in college.
"When I went to the University of Michigan, because there's more of a Muslim community, my dad wanted me to learn more about Islam," she said. "I didn't know much about Ramadan and other holidays, and my dad wanted me to take that opportunity and learn."
Source: Christian Today
Gud for her
...merited happiness
Don't be confused
Religious extremist...live your life on your own terms and morals! Religion is a facade and an illusion! Emancipate yourself from mental slavery and be free!
Interesting.Hope she likes it.
hmmm.... okay!
Wow! What a great news.... Welcome to a very peaceful religion Christianity". ..... I bet you won't regret it
This is the best decision of her life.
LIB ADDICT#just passing#
God be praised.
Muslims will kill her
Thank God she has found Christ...
Thank God she has found Christ...
Congrats to her, I also read he got married to wealthy Christian music producer. I see.
. ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA
Glory. Angels will be jumping n celebrating in heaven now
Eyaaaa love, wlc 2 a new life.
Jesus saves, the Way,the truth and the life. No one goeth to the father except through him.
Hian! Mek dem nor killi am o!
Nne welcome to the family. Linda take note!
No matter how poor iam and have nothing to eat, I will rather die than convert to Christianity or any other religion just because of money & fame. Shame on you Rima Fakih
Christianity is the way forward girl, welcome to the winning team!
Still Islam is d fastest growing religion in d world even in terms of conversion rate.
Google b4 u argue oo
Hope she will not be killed for converting, wish you best of luck.
Ur choice
Halleluyah..the kingdom of God is increasing.Glory to the name of the Lord
Your life your choice, no one should should try to harm her as a result of her decisions
Ur'e welcome beautiful, I pray u remain in the faith. And I don't want to here of "divorce".
Who no like better thing?
This must be the best thing she has done in her life time
So so happy for her..
Now she's been saved through our Lord Jesus Christ!
**u're welcome in d name of d lord(2x) I can c all over u d glory of d Lord, U're welcome n d name of d Lord**
Pls oh I hope she is safe,dey. May end up murdering her..pls o..Go into hiding. If possible now..most Muslim guys re demons
Her choice
Good girl
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Very wise decision. From death to life.
That's great!!
I just hope your people don't kill you on your wedding day for converting.. get a lot of security abeg. goodluck
Thaz the best move ever
Your soul have been saved sweety
Buh you need be careful cuz the muslims wont hear of it....dey would wna kom for you
Miss Freeborn!!
Christ is the only way.
Is a welcmd developmnt, congrts in advnc 2ur marriage...
***************************Good way to go pwety !!!!!!!!!!yuv made d righ choice !!!!!!!!! Bur mey ur pipo ur murder u ooo !!!!!!!!!!! ima na ur former fellow worshipers bu sonso blood sucking demons
Good for her
Gud news
She wad never a muslim in d first place. If she is she wont be in such a pageant
Very nice decision....
Happy married life in advance. More Instagram followers for you
Hahahaah, does bearin Muslim name make someone a Muslim? She was never a Muslim from the onset because a Muslim woman will never display her beauty in the present of numerous men to access her beauty, in which she did in 2010. Meanwhile, I wish her we in her new faith.
Good she converted
All the best to her
Why is it that people believe in God and Christianity till they realise their homosexual tendencies? Why change what IS just to fit into your narrative? Sorry we Christians know wat we know. There is God! Jesus died for you. I'll rather believe there is a God and die to realise their is non cos I still won't be missing much. I still would have lived a good life having lived by the Bible (the book of life) than not to believe and die to be met by Satan and his wicked fork?!! No cant do!! I shall follow Jesus till eternity!
Note... It was not said she accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.. Only that she converted to Christianity.... These are two different things... Christianity as a religion doesn't saves, it's Jesus that saves
Hey, mind your words, the Angels of God don't behave like humans.
You better die kiakia brother fool
She was never a Muslim, Islam forbids beauty contest, so right from d start she didn't know what Islam is about..and besides she converted becos she wants to marry a wealthy music Christian producer..Lol
Muslims coming here to spew trash from their mouth....Der is no forcing or indulging in religion, secondly religion is not a competition so wether muslims have more converts or not, God is the 1 to judge us all....so please save your insecurities to yourself. shes made her choice
Thank Allah she has move to where she belong she is now free to displayed her body even in churches.drink beer and sex the way she like a religious that their faith is in man not God
She was never a Muslim.
She was never a Muslim.
Free to suck cock you fucking bellend, moronic bin dipper
Lol..Ur nuts!!
I'm sure it was the "wealthy" there that caught your eye.
good for her###################
Ur loss not mine.
Hahahahaa,Linda if na u nko?
U aren't a practing muslim in the 1st place.Anyone who understands Islam will never,never convert.Islam is just being blackmailed.Allah will vindicate us.
she is getting married to "a wealthy christian music producer", reason for her conversion isnt far feshed.
sis u re wecomein Jesus name
Very simple. She was only a Muslim because of her father so in reality she never knew what it meant to be a Muslim. Good luck.
Very simple. She was only a Muslim because of her father so in reality she never knew what it meant to be a Muslim. Good luck.
He or she???
Give ur life to Christ before it is too late
Islam is a blood thirsty religion...
Best of luck God will protect u and guider u in jesus name I love u and jesus love u more than I do bless u my dear, ur marriage will never see crisis in jesus name.
Onyx, what freedom to u? Cock sucking?
that is y she won
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