You'll be surprised at what the ideal number of sex partners is according to this survey | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 23 January 2016

You'll be surprised at what the ideal number of sex partners is according to this survey

An online survey conducted by Britain's biggest, extramarital dating site, has found that the ideal number of former sex partners is ten, this means that respondents prefer whoever they're dating to have had ten former lovers.

More than 1,000 people who took part in the online survey were asked how many lovers they would want a new partner to have had. Between eight and 12 was the most popular answer, chosen by 38 per cent of women and 37 per cent of men.

Any number above 20 was considered a turn-off, chosen by 3 per cent of women and 4 per cent of men.

This is probably bad news for the good girls, it appears the bad girls winning. Lol.


STERN said...

having only one sex partner is not easy abeg..I cheat and I'm a proud cheat.

Unknown said...


blaq said...


Unknown said...


CokeAddict said...


baba said...

Enter your comment.. Na them

Unknown said...

Abeg eeeeh no. Numbe is ok depends on onne self

Unknown said...

Abegi,most people don't even remember their body count again,have sex as much as u want,with who u want,don't put restrictions on yourself because u wanna appear holy when deep down u a hoe.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

like seriously


sanrock said...

Survey......Lolz continue

Unknown said...

Lol u funny


Lol.. Straight up. If you don't cheat who will...!

Yaneez Deeyah said...


CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...

Smh... Mama, i've made u proud... Looking at this post, am really proud of me...

Unknown said...

Good one bro.... Continue with the act

Let's go Linda

Muna said...

Survey ike mbe!

Unknown said...


Ohiren Erimiakhena said...

It's already been said an" extramarital dating site" what do you expect?,for crying out loud...this is no survey!!!.

Unknown said...

Lolz stern stern,Baba wey dey heaven don dey watch u in 3-dimension.

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Dis one Na ticket for Good girls to go Bad! Linda take note!

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

Hehehehehe. Stern is so blunt. I guess some have more than 10 former lovers.




Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Damn right!!!

Golda Awosika said...

Lol stern tho



Their opinion...... it's what the Bible says that matters not want some borws human being who decided to carry out an uncalled for research says..... what matters is pleasing God..... strsts away


Special place dey wait for u for hell....
U can only have sex when u are married...... I would rather dp what pleases God than what pleases man....

Unknown said...

Just ten? I'm kinda disappointed though.

Ladun Liadi said...

Honey we could help each other boost our respective body counts

Ladun Liadi said...

Because you are God Abi? Prove hell exists, you can't, you rely on unverified 'testimonies'. How gullible can u get?

SolangeD said...

na so ebola,,lassa fever,hiv dy take spread any how


Ladun Liadi said...

What kind of God will endow man with sexual organs and hormones then turn around to prohibit its use? Simple logic. Unless of course your God is an author of confusion.

Unknown said...

Ok na...#LindaConfirm

Unknown said...

Like seriously

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...


OSINANL said...

Stern Stern...

Anonymous said...

Cheat o,afterall if u don't cheat,u wil b cheated

Unknown said...

You gotta be kidding
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

The Holy Ghost will arrest you someday and you will realise that you are wasting. Turn your life to the Lord Jesus and receive peace,direction,joy and life triumphant.

Onyx....Jesus loves you. Come as you are,stained,perverted,morally depraved. He will have mercy on you and yout life will make meaning. said...

Dey r nt serious 10 sex partner 4 wat na?

Unknown said...

White people and their madness!! Isshhh..


Enter your comment...
Dz Linda sef? Stop acting like miss too goody shoe. Having 10 ex- sex partners doesn't mk someone a bad gal biko.

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Lol no be small thing

Anonymous said...

10?dats small na

Unknown said...

Na wah O..Many 9ja people don over break record then..

Anonymous said...

meet thousands of Nigerian single men and women at Nigeria's no. 1 free dating website.

Blossoms by nsture said...

Hmmmm @onyx nna may God 4gv u,gany1 dt dosnt av sexual restrictions is a dog.... U nid jesus onyx

Anonymous said...

Datz good...

Anonymous said...

Whatever. It's just q stupid survey done based on sex life of some promiscuous. I'd u follow every worldly thing that is released just to belong then oh well too bad for you. I'm happy with my just one and hope its like that until I marry making 2 in my whole life. As a woman I can't deal with the thought of having banged so many men.

Vester Bond said...

Some ple sabi 4om holi holi eh!

Unknown said...

Dis boy self u can yan trash, and u be Linder first son, first son indeed

Unknown said...

Hehhehehhe... "special place dey wait for you for hell". Shei! Some pple are mean sha!. Eeerrmm, onyx, u really need Jesus Christ!

Bona said...

Abeg Linda I won't cheat on you

Linda will you maRry me

Gsword said...

10 to small abeg, dem for make am 50


Unknown said...

Ten is not that high na. Depending on age, we are not in the middle ages o

Gentle Prince said...


Anonymous said...

Just realizing this stern guy is Canada based

Anonymous said...

What about people like us who have had over or about 45 past sexual partners? I think I'm a chronic cheat, was seeing other men while dating various men. I also had this long phase where I was single, just mingled and had fun when I was in uni. Then I'm currently married now and I've cheated on my husband serverally with 3 men. When I was courting my husband, I was also cheating on him till even a week before our wedding. I keep fighting my demons Mehn but temptation all over.... Any body who judges me na Thunder go strike u cos na the same fornication/adultery we dey commit. So move on! ;)

Anonymous said...

Na so!

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dpapa said...

Propaganda kwa,Yeye Demons dey give una survey una dey follow am@stern go for deliverance I beg

Idemudia said...

What d f***k with u and these sex tapes? Smmmmmhhh

Unknown said...

Dere cup of tea. Aids is real

Unknown said...

End time survey tunz.

K.O. said...

There is hard scientific evidence to show that having more than 10 sexual partners over a lifetime is an independent risk factor for developing cervical and anal cancers... That's the number after which the risk becomes INDEPENDENT; beyond zero sexual partners, it starts to accumulate.
Note: The anal cancer risk is independent of sexual preference, ie, it's the same for both homo- and heterosexuals.

Unknown said...

linda is kicking

Unknown said...

Fuck that shit...u want to b good keep it up..u want to b bad that's even more berra. But trust me nobody likes a good girl anymore, guys see them as a burden . Seriously guys would u wanna b with a girl who u have to teach everything or b with a girl who understands every move u make. I like bad boys o nd would love to get married to one,, wen two bad people are in love it's makes them good for each other.

Unknown said...

Enter your reply...been reaing ur comments..u really sick my dear

Unknown said...

Stern, nawaoo. Anyway, more Instagram followers for you

Unknown said...


Peace nwadire said...

Uwa nmebi

Unknown said...

The world is coming to an end soon. #Accept Christ#


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