"I don't want to join issues with anyone" Comedienne Princess on Lolo1's diss | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 23 January 2016

"I don't want to join issues with anyone" Comedienne Princess on Lolo1's diss

Yesterday OAP and stand up comic Lolo1 slammed comedienne over her attitude and comedic act, calling it embarrassing. We all waited for Princess to react on social media but she didn't. When LIB reached out to her she said; "I don't want to join issues with anyone. I don't want to comment on it because I don't want that to generate something else. Thanks for calling. "


Unknown said...

Lol. More Instagram followers for you

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Linda, pls I have something to say; I live in the UK and had to go to the Nigerian High Commission to renew my Nigerian Passport during the week but guess what we were left in the cold till few minutes before 10am in the morning.
They give you a date to come for passport interview but leave you outside in the cold with little children in a weather of less than 5 degree.
I wish I had taken pictures or recorded the whole scene.
There is a place where people can sit inside but the authorities have decided to punish people and let them queue outside. People come from outside London and are there as early as 6 am to be on the queue
Please help tell the authorities to give time slots so people can know what time to arrive SBD not just be on a queue in a cold weather for hours while those who bring letters bribe their way in. Nigeria is such a corrupt country and it is a shame it still happens in the High commission here.
Because your parents know someone in the High Commission, they give you a letter to bring and you don't have to queue but just walk through.
Its really annoying.

Unknown said...

Act of maturity

Anonymous said...

Bless you Princess, in as much as I don't like Princess. We served together at the NYSC camp in Oyo and her attitude with guys was "ZERO" she's all over men.
I like her response, play maturity.
God bless you.

Unknown said...

Join dem ooh,we are waiting ...

Unknown said...

Good of her

Let's go Linda

Unknown said...

Good of her

Let's go Linda

Unknown said...

Lol I like her reaction tho...
Matured reasoning

Unknown said...

Dats much better. Linda take note!

Unknown said...



Blog It With Olivia said...

Good for her

#It WiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
#iT MuSt eNd IN pRAisE


Lol.. She wants to be the bigger person. Issorite

Linda's pearl said...

Eh ya, nice way to show maturity


You better don't. Silence is the best answer for a fool

Unknown said...

Silent is golden

Golda Awosika said...

Wow, silence is the best answer for a fool.


Unknown said...

Now dats d spirit of maturity...
Sumtins re best not giving a second thought.


Unknown said...

Good response.
She is so mature!


Unknown said...

E beta like Dat..


Unknown said...

Princess is very mature

Unknown said...

Kk. * it's well*

Unknown said...

Matured way to handle dat

Unknown said...

Finally, I don't enjoy princess' jokes.

Unknown said...

That is a very mature way to handle situation like that..I love her for that.

Unknown said...

Ok.. Next plzzz. !

Unknown said...

Matured lady.

Anonymous said...


BOXY (A.K.A) common sense said...

10 kposar for her that is called maturity that mind the attention sicker

BOXY (A.K.A) common sense said...

10 kposar for her that is called maturity that mind the attention sicker

Unknown said...

That was so matured of her


Very mature way to go about it.... beef is too expensive

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Now that's being matured....

Unknown said...


head of state(linda's foe) said...

Display if maturity.dat lolo jus dey find cheap publicity...gud one princess

Unknown said...

Na una two sabi
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

numero uno said...

Matured behavior from Princess, it is an objective criticism which she can choose to learn from or ignore. This doesn't mean malice or beef

Unknown said...

Lol...mature way of replying your haters...lolo1 just want 2 make cheap Nationwide fame but she made a miss call

Anonymous said...

So y did u reach her???u wanna start the beef rite?

Jules said...


ben soccer said...

na so my woman no time 4 bk talk...foward ever

waje's white teeth

Mufliat said...

Matured mind

#Hajia Mufliat

Unknown said...

Nice reply,OAP lolo shld carry her wahala go.

Unknown said...


Fan Emmanuel said...

Linda you LIB nonsense can gossip for Africa. Must you call her over this? I wonder what you asked her? I like her answer though,ozatara ya unu ndi asiri!

*Linda's best friend*

Pesin Pikin said...

Better we just let sleeping dog lie...nice

Unknown said...

She acted well this time

tosisochukwu said...

Good respond

!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere

Unknown said...


That's how mature babes roll.

Unknown said...

Love her reply

Tina Collins said...


Unknown said...

Maturity @ work m

Luciana Chinda said...

Good answer and matured mind.

Anonymous said...

Princess 👸...That's maturity...keep it up.

Unknown said...

Dats maturity

Unknown said...

Maturity. Horlaremi

Unknown said...

Good response ...#LindaConfirm

Unknown said...

This is maturity at Its peak

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Dis is d height of maturity
Lolo shld ve talked to her I private instead of calling her out

...merited happiness

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

Guess, that's matured. Good.


EVEMY said...

Y shld she respond?? After all,she's still more famous than the yeye Lolo or whatever she calls herself

Unknown said...

Good she speak mature


princess thumb's up

Demmy said...

I love ur response o Princess, pls dnt join issue with her and dnt even refer to dat post, pretend u dint see or hear abt it at all.

At d same time, look inwardly n make wateva correction needs to be made.

Unknown said...

Gbasa queen princess.even if u don't want to join issues, listen to Lolo's advice. . She has a biiig point.

Tired of hiding under anonymous when actually I'm a LIB addict!

Unknown said...

Gbasa queen princess.even if u don't want to join issues, listen to Lolo's advice. . She has a biiig point.

Tired of hiding under anonymous when actually I'm a LIB addict!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...Anon 12:01PM! all over men bawo?? Na wa 4 u oooo. Yinmu....

Unknown said...


JAO said...

I hope Lolo get to c this, maybe she d continue ranting or shut her mouth. She herself no kuku funny.

Unknown said...


doraDora said...

Ekwensu pack ur load n go @lolo1 #investingForNextGiveaway

doraDora said...

Ekwensu pack ur load n go @lolo1 #investingForNextGiveaway

Unknown said...

Well said by the princess, maturity is better show.

Unknown said...

Who's now the FOOL? Lol
Lolo1 be like "wish I cld take back what I said"

Lady with class#

Unknown said...

Me lovin Princess all the way.

Unknown said...

It is called maturity, mi loving it. Obong Abasi is fully involved

Anonymous said...

Round 2!..... scores so far.....1 all!

Joliment is Free said...

That is wisdom.

PAT said...

When princess go catch lolo! E go b like wizkid and dammy krane

don snipes said...

Issoryt issoky

Unknown said...

I like dat

Unknown said...

Lolo wants to start her own ni... (aunty linda post it)

Unknown said...

Maturity at its peak thumbs up princess

Anonymous said...

I think Lolo is envious. Princess may not get her comedy right but when did Lolo become the NBC of comedy? Who made her a censor in the industry? She is just being plain jealous of Princess. The sky is wide enough for all birds to fly without clashing.

Lolo....grow up please.(and I used to like her on radio o,never knew she was this petty.

Ak100 says so

Anonymous said...

Abeg princess generate oo.

Unknown said...

But no be lie she talk na

Unknown said...

Dat cool of her

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Go princess,go princess.Good reply for Low low

Anonymous said...

Go princess,go princess.Good reply for Low low

Anonymous said...

Lolo is 110% correct naaa. Princess is dry and refuses to try new things plus her character is zero. If person see truth, make e talk am. I hope she has stopped buying gifts for men and fucking them at random. #okbye

Unknown said...

PRINCESS nor get mind

Unknown said...

Mehn! See maturity.

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