You will be a testimony of God's greatness. God will use you to show that He is the I Am that I Am. This will be a year of breakthrough. No weapon fashioned against you will prosper. Your enemies will fall at your feet. God will keep you safe from all evil. No deaths will visit your family in 2016.
Something great, miraculous, and breath-taking will happen in your life in 2016. God has promised you that and it will happen. May this year be the beginning of the best years of your life and may all your hearts desires be met. 2016 will be filled with testimony for you and yours. He will turn your passion into a goldmine. May everything you touch turn to gold. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.
Happy New Year to you all
Massive hug and plenty kisses
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1299 Newer› Newest»Amen o
Amennn...happy new year
Amen!! same to u..... xoxo
Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Wish you the same dear.....
HNY! everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wishin all d libers a properous newyr
linda notify dbanj......2016 shall b our year
Happy new year adaugo m lindibae.
Happy new yr Linda...
Happy New Year LIBers
Happ new year lindy way...God bless us all
Big congrats to us all. Happy New Year Y'all. 2016 would bring us nothing short of Joy! Linda take note!
I say A Big Amen to these prayers...
Happy New Year Fam!!! Enjoy with style
Amen linda, happy new year!!!
Thanks a lot Aunty linda....happy new year!!!
Happy new year Linda..God bless u for being a blessing to so many this past year.may he grant u d strength to do more #vikkiloveslinda #libnation
Happy new year my sweetest linda. Muaaah. ZINO
Same 2 u linda
Linda dont take note!
To all LIB reader, Welcome to my year. It will be a year of Glory to Glory, minimum shall be 4 changes in level 4u. Happy New year. Ezumah Wisdom O.
Happy new year Linda #vikkiloveslinda #libnation
Amen, same to u dear,
Happy new year to u all.
Happy New Year
Happy new year everyone
Happy new year Aunty Linda
pls give us new year giveaway
Aunty Linda pls post my comment
Amen happy New year linda
Wish u d same, happy new year to everyone may all our heart desires be achieved this year INJ
Wish u d same, happy new year to everyone may all our heart desires be achieved this year INJ
Amen happy New Year linda😆😆😆😆
Amen! I wish u & all LIBers same.
Have a prosperous 2016.
happy new year Linda hoping to catch you right there at the summit. LIB happy new year
A very big amen to your prayers......happy new year to a woman of good heart.....aunty linda
Amen .
Happy new year to you linda and every one.
Happy new year lindiway.
Happy new year all.
Happy new year Linda..Cheers!
Happy new year Linda and a big amen.....
Amen amen and amen in Jesus name.i receive it in Jesus name.linda u go soon be pastor.diz prayer nah fire#wink
Happy New Year to the very Awesome Linda Ikeji !!! God Bless you. Keep the hard work going in 2016. Yippee!!!!
Same to u great role model and more blessings ijn
Thanks.same 2 u linda
Happy new year
Happy new year to you too Linda. Every thing good and lovely will be for us this 2016 in Jerusalem christ name Amen
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Honestly i'm so excited,ecstatic,enthusiatic,happy and...linda i wish ALL U ARE WISHING US!.THIS YEAR My family members,frnds,coursemates,lodgemates,church members and ALL LIBERS WILL MAKE IT! SORROW,SADNESS,CALAMITY,GRIEVE will neva locate us Jesus Name(AMEN!)
Enter your comment...happy new year @ lindaikeji lets do more in 2016
Happy New Year, Aunty Linda
Happy New Year, Linda dear
Amen Amen Amen Amen in JESUS name (AMEN)#Abi#
Hapi new linda, take note of my name now..
Same wishes Lindalisticlindosky!
Same here linda
Omo I no sure say rat and winshi winshi go operate to night because even the sound of these banga and fire work go make them go on house arrest. Thank God for the grace to see this neww year.
Happy new year Linda
Same to u bae
Amen amen amen amen amen.....and amen..
~Make I go drink one bottle of fanta~
Happy new year Auntie Linda.
Amen,happy new year
I wish u the same!
Kisses to you the
Queen of the Bloggers. xxx
Happy new year folks.......
same too u dear L
Happy new year people
Same here Linda
I wish u the same!
Amen,same to you lindakoko
Same to u
Ase waa!
Happy new year dear.
Commenting via nokia 2700.
Same 2 u linda. God bless u.
Amen in Jesus name!
amen o...same to u...aunty linda this year you go marry o
Same to you Lindodo ......I pray say ur money go reach my hand dis
I wish yo the same Linda. God will continue to shower his blessings on us all. Stay blessed and thanks for the wonderful prayer point.
Your excellency ma. Amennnnnnnnnn ooooooooooo. wish u the best and whatever you lay your hand upon will prosper in Jesus name.
PROPHET BAAL typing...........
Happy New Year everyone
Happy new year Linda,welcome to year of grace overflow.
Thanks Linda. GOD will surprise you.
happy new year
Amen ooo...same applies to you Linda. Happy New year everyone
Amen ooo...same applies to you Linda. Happy New year everyone
Happy new year Linda ooooh,this year will definitely be better
wish u de best sister linda
Ameeeeeeeen...... Linda you are wonderful. I wish you all the same... N a more prosperous year for you...
happy new year dear#much love#
Happy new year Everyone, JUst spare a thought for all the emergency services who forfeit being with their family to keep your family safe tonight. Happy new year
Happy new year to the soldiers who can't be close their families at the moment, protecting the lives of the populace..God bless y'all.
I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to all the time zones that already are in 2016!
Enter your comment...Happy new year to u Linda.
Happy 😊 new year Lind. I wish 🌠 you and pray 🙏 same to you. @securityman
Happy new year to Everybody here...wonderful LIB followers
I wish you the same and may God continue ti bless you.
10 things you need to know about sex before you turn 30
Wish u the best lindi way*wink*[moneyinthebank]
Amen to this wonderful prayers. The bible says: he that waters, shall also be watered. I also prayer that you can only get better this year in all aspect of your life. The best is yet to come. Amen.
happy new yr Linda Ikeji
New Year is not about changing the
Dates but Direction; It’s not about changing the
Calendar but Commitment;
It’s not about changing the Actions but Attitude; It’s
not about changing the Fruit but Faith, Force and
Focus! May you Commit and Create the best New Year
ever!happy new year linda
Happy new year to u too..
Amen, Happy New year all
Happy New year for all the LIB
New Year is not about changing the
Dates but Direction; It’s not about changing the
Calendar but Commitment;
It’s not about changing the Actions but Attitude; It’s
not about changing the Fruit but Faith, Force and
Focus! May you Commit and Create the best New Year
ever! Happy new year linda
Insha allahu....
Happy new year linda
Amin o aunty Linda
Tnx linda....happy fab new year
And you too Linda.... Hope we getting hooked this year oooo
Amen may dis year b a fruitful year for us in Nigeria may we begin to experience peace and unity abudantly in dis country (God bless nigeria)
Amen!and may it be same to you
Tank God for seeing a brand new year,happiness tins on point
Amen...and u too insha Allah!
linda happy new year to u and all LIB readers
Happy New Year Aunty Linda
Wish you same sweet lindy thank GOD We all made it
Wishing you a Happy New Year with hope that you will have many blessings in the year to come.#my2cents
Ameeen!Happy newyear.
Amen Linda and u too, to my fellow lib God in his infinite mercy shall make each and everyone of us to inherit all that we have been looking for in the year 2016, God bless us richly IJN amen, Glory to Glory.#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY#
I'm feeling shy í ½í¹í ½í¹í ½í¹ of getting into 2016; it's my first time... í ½í¸í ½í¸í ½í¸
Nice one prayer warrior! PLEASE POST MY COMMENT. I AM A FAN! HNY too my dear Linda
I claim it in Jesus Name, Amen
Happy new year Linda Ikeji and blog visitors
Happy New Year to you all. Massive kisses
Amen and u too
Amen to your prayers&i wish u the same
Amen! 2016 will be a memorable year for you in Jesus name
Amen! Wish you the same!
Amen! 2016 will be a memorable year for you in Jesus name
Happy New Year
pastor Linda Preach!!! and in case none of these comes your path this New Year well the Catch is to never give up and to see all New day as a new beginning.. Happy New Year to you too Linda
Amennnnnnn. Same to you too, Aunt Linda
Yes o same to u lindaa..more grace
Amen pastor Linda.. Wink!
Check out 7 obstacles that might hinder some of our ladies from getting married in 2016 at
Happy New Year all may it bring us all the best life has to offer. Michael.
Amen! Happy new year to you Linda and everyone.
Welcome to 2016
A very happy new year to u Linda and thanx 4 a wonderful prayer. Wishing u the very best.
Amen. Linda u shall be greater this year Amen.
Yayyyy Linda happy new year. Welcome to year 2016.Love you soo much
Christ saves
Happy new year.
Happpppppppy new year fams
Pastor Linda wishing u happy new year
Happy new year Linda, God bless you.
Same to you sis... More blessings
Happy new year linda and all LIB readers. This year will be the best years of our lifes. God bless you.
Happy new year ms ikeji thank you for been a part of my life all through the year 2015 u made me smile am happy for you and I oray that 2016 shall be greater for you!you will reach a new hight,you will make world Guinness amen.
Same to you CHEERS!!!!
AMEN!!! We made it!!
Happy new year dear long life n gud hlearth
Better year.... Thanks to God all mighty.
Tnx oooo n same 2 u,wish u all d vry bst too,Merry New year evry1
Happy new year to u too
Amen.......Happy New Year #AuntLinda
Happy new year everyone
happy new year Linda and all LIB readers...true confession; I only comment here during LIB give aways and at the end of the year....this year if I hear say I no win give u much Linda....bile go kill them waters this year, na estate u go buy gaan!
Hapi newyr Aunty Linda.
Happy new year everybody
Amen, i wish you the same linda
Happy New Year....
The Biggest Amen Aunty Linda and thank you for making us smile! God bless you abundantly! % Linda Your Greatest Fan % kisses!!!
Same to you Aunty Linda Greater u in dis year IJN.
Amen and you too. Happy new year guys.
Happy new year Linda ikeji
Amen Sweeeeety
Happy New year
One of my new year resolutions is to win all your give away cash and any other thing you knowledge you wish to impact .
Am inspired .
Didi n Dexter !
Dexy Didi this space guys New kid In d bloc
So linda,u know God? Eya,Amen!happy new year o...JEUS is coming Soon!
Amen! Happy new year to everyone
God bless you, you shall not lack, may you find grace in all your doings. You shall be kept in good health by God's grace. God would bless people through you. Happy new year dear
Linda AMEN!! I wish you and your family the same. I pray for your success also and everything you lay your hands on shall prosper. Whatever the enemy has planned or will plan may it not come to pass in your life. All your foes shall go into captivity. I wish your business success too , you will reach higher places. Thank you for all you do. To all the LIB readers I wish you all the best this year May you all find Unlimited favor , happiness , comfort and joy. *50cent's baby mama
Linda linda happy new year. Amen to ur prayers nd i wish u that ur heart desires. We ll celebrate with U# true talk
Amen to ur sweet,well composed prayers..
God will bless you and yr family real good in dis new yr.....welcome to 2016
Happy new year to Nigeria
Amen. Happy New Year to you too Linda
Amen!!! I receive it in Jesus name.
Happy new year
Linda hapi new year and hapi new to libs .
Happy New year everyone
same to u dear
Same to you
Aunty Linda Enter your comment...
I believe and I say amen.same to you.thanks.xoxo
Amen and Amen!!! Happy New Year
A big AMEN to that wonderful prayer my fabulous lady Linda... HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone welcum to yr of turn around....from ur baby..Nne Love.
happy new year world!!! we made it through.
Cheers to Libers everyone and amen to you linda.
happy new year FAM!!! we made it
Same to u aunty Linda
Even though I didn't get takeaway but ur still the best love u xoxo
Happy New Year!!!!
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