shocking images were taken in ISIS-held territory in the province of
Homs and show the two accused men being savagely executed by up to four
bloodthirsty crowds are seen in the desert clearing where the group of
executioners made a display of hugging the blindfolded couple and
telling them they were forgiven of their 'sins', before pummeling them
to death with hundreds of fist-sized rocks.
Images of
the horrific murder emerged on social media yesterday and were
hurriedly shared online by ISIS sympathisers who claim the photographs
reveal the terrorists' compassionate side.
sequence of four images begin by showing two blindfolded men standing
side-by-side in a desert clearing while a group of ISIS gather
alongside the on motorbikes.
of the two victims - who has curly hair, a thick beard and wears a
black leather biker jacket - appears resigned to his fate as one of his
soon-to-killers shoulders rests his hand of his should
Source: UK Daily Mail
Rip sorry brovs
how barbaric..... Sigh
This is crazy
Barbaric! Rip to them.
Why are this people wicked?
They are animals, wild beast.
For all of you that believe being gay is a choice.
No comment
I do not practise any religion and i am utterly repulsed at what i see, the lives of two beautiful people taken away for they say "the sin of being in love with a same sex partner"
If there is a God and that God proclaims homosexuality as a sin, i am happy to be a non believer. Then, may God forgives those passing gentle souls their sin for, they did not know how to love better. May they rest in eternal peace and may the people who shorten their lives never know peace but torment. I love you
Evil heartless useless devilish beings.
Wickedness of the highest order..
OMG! Instead of dis they wil hav led them to Jesus Christ in prayers, and not send them to their untimely death.
I rather not comment my bias on this Justice delivered on the two Queers.
religion of pain... its unfortunate dat pipo still follow it.
Dead men walking.
Lol, nice one
Omg ,save your children.
My muslim brothers...do educate me please.
Is this stoning act justified by the Quran?
just curious.
Onyx and others take note. Your next door neighbour maybe an ISIS member.
Very good.. Very very good. I soooo Love. They should find lesbians too and kill them all.. They need to take them all.
Oh my! If men were God... Kai!
dis is horrific.
My muslim brothers...do educate me please.
Is this stoning act justified by the Quran?
just curious.
but why do these nasty arabs seek asylum in a christian western nations....dont they know the way to qatar,kuwait,saudi,Jordan...
Stupid idiots... I just dey imagine hw devil go dey roast this animals for hell fire if them die i swear.....
In as much as I dont support dis gay thingy! Dis is so wrong...jeeezzz...
I am tired. .just tired. :'(
My God pls intervene...pls Lord
Kiaaaa ds is nt fair, even if I don't support der act bt no 1 deserves 2 die ds way ds is wrong may God 4gv dem all.
Dis pple r wicked, chai!
Dis pple r wicked, chai!
Wicked souls
Oya all the homophobes come out and support ISIS oooo!!! ndi Obi ojooooo!!!
God why so much wickedness in dis World..pls come na..pls na..tired of all dis news ..I wonder hw u re up dia looking at ur creations going against one another...if its nt al keda..its boko haram..only God knws wia dis ISIS cameup frm...now south Africa has Zulu boys..with time dey will turn to a terror group..chaii..dia is God oh..wat eva happened to living in peace and harmony..am tired I swear
islam... #wackreligion tufiakwa!.. Muslims are fucked up in the head
Hmm,as if they were God to judge,I wnder who gave d ISIS authority to be doin that,may God help us all
This is horrible, what kind of a law is this??
On a serious note Linda,i honestly belive that you should stop giving this people publicity. Biko haram&Isis shouldn't b news items.
Waoh......dis is bad
Justice will be delivered to you too!
I hate isis but here they did a nice job
This animals are dame wicked! May God strike dem down.
It's not Kiaaaa. It's Kai!
Epicurius asked
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?
There is no god
Islam, chirstianity and any other religion out there is all crap, these are things written in books thousands of years ago by illiterates and back then religion was law but nw we have d constitution... Please seperate religion from state and religion is meant to be about your own beliefs and not enforcing it on others, no one has that right!
The little sense you were about to make got lost in your grammatical typos
Wht d heck is dis? Hug of death, and dis practice is insane in dis modern day. God help, and save us.
The same way your entire family will be wiped out right before your eyes. You are such a heartless soul. How in the world can u promote murder? You r next in line to be killed. Waste of space
These ISIS are beast
These ISIS are beast
By the time dey realise, they have stoned half of their population, mostt of them are gay, they are hiding
I do not think homosexuality is right but no one should be killed bcus they are gay. The idiots that stoned these two people sucks dick. I bet you. Stupid evil fuckers. How can you stone a whole human being to death.
Tope richkind or wat eva u call urself.._ u re an ingrate...infact d word ingrate shud be scraped and ur name put inplace...becos u re aginst sometin u wish dey continue to kill...evin if dey do....will dat change ur life frm being pathetic as it is....if u re a homophobic individual...its okay..but dnt wish odas death...cos those guys cn be ur kids ,brothers,uncles,evin fathers.....tolerance is all we sick...u hate something ..fine...but learn to tolerate dat shows how mature u are.
Re they God.must they stone them to death
If God judges us this way
All of us in this world would ve been dead before now.
This religion should be changed on a serious note.is just a very wicked one.truth
Muslims re so so wicked. Why should they be taken a soul they can not create too bad of this religion.my bible condemned killing. I wish they can learn from Christians nd stop taking lives dat they can not create stupid fools
Religion of pain. Nd still d blinds re there.good for u people. Religion of killing. Well d choice is in ur hand.fools
Really ? They did a nice job is what you have to say about extremists committing murder. Jesus forgave an adulterer but you feel that you have the right to justify the gruesome death of consenting adults who didn't hurt anyone. Just so you know sin is sin. If you consider this worthy of death then same goes for pre-marital sex and changing the time you signed into work.
Ed dreams or whatever u call ur name.... U seem to be forgetting your bible,there is no small sin or big since... So if u are an unrepentant lie and u steal or u even fornicate with girls... U going to be just right beside dem in hell....damn I hate this holier than thou attitude of Nigeria Nigerians.....you not let God bless d judge..... No one has d right to end a life dat he can't create.
Pple wicked oooo chei!
Anyone that can support murder of innocent people is not one I can call a Christian...even God hates d act not d people, who r u then to hate them?! May God Almighty in heaven forgive you. God loves a repentant sinner, ur job is to help them repent not kill them.
ISIS, BH, Al-Shabaab and all other terrorist groups, and ALL their symphatizers will face God's judgement...blood suckers.
OMG! And some blood suckers like them are supporting them here e.g @bobby @dee and co, so no forgiveness in your quran abi smh, you all are in bondage mtewww!!!
but its part of sharia now right , infact they are to be taken to the highest building and thrown down. we really need to have a discussion about what is our business and what isnt .. God should judge ! no one else
These guys are just animals! This is just a show of Crap that is all.
A fool says in his heart there is no God. I am not supporting Isis for taking laws into their hands but with the way this guy thing is going, I see the world filled with guy people in the near future and is that what you want? What nonsense excuse are you making out for them by saying they didn't know how to love themselves better? Are you listening to your self or are you speaking in their behalf because your are one of their kind. There is a God, his name is Jehovah. He is just allowing time for mankind to change n repent and for those looking for excuses not to repent, Jesus Christ will come n wipe them away from the surface of this earth. Take note!
Hmnnnnnn it is wa ooooooo imagine ooo.
Devils to lead men to Christ? Man wat r u saying?
For your mind.God won't force any to follow him.hes given man freewill.he can and is willing to stop evil.this is only possible if man will surrender his heart to God.he says give me your heart man.man says NO! So don't blame God.
Christianity is not religion.its the life of Christ personified.have you read that Christ stoned or killed people? Pls don't get it twisted.
No where is it in the Qur'an. But if there is anywhere you can find it in, it has to be the Bible.
Thank you...
Even d life of an ISIS member dat we can't create?
See one-sided generalization.
If Osama, ISIS, etc. does evil, then Muslims are to blame; but if Pastor king does evil, a Nigerian pastor sells human beings, KKK does evil, etc, then Christians are not to blame, rather the individual or group is to blame.
Can we be consistent people?
I see u don't even know what a religion is. U have only reiterated what ur pastor said dat Sunday, without bothering to know what a religion is. Christianity is a religion, learn to cope with facts, don't be a mythomaniac.
No one born of a woman has the right to take a life.God is the judge and will indeed judge.murder,homosexuality,theft and all are seen as wrong not just bcos we were tot in schs and church dat they are wrong but also bcos we allhave a conscience dat guides us wether we like it or not.it tell us what ought and wat ought not be.but then again,who are we to judge? Make ur choices,live and let live....bearing in mind dat there are consequences for your actions.
God forgives, but i really hope he'll make an exception and never forgive these bunch of lunatics and murderers
I have learned that there is more power in a good strong hug than in a thousand meaningful words. See the link below for more info.
Why are these ISIS killing people like chicken? They shall be punished for their evil deals by God.
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