We live in a country supposedly governed by the rule of law, a country where a court order should trump the bidding of anybody, but that only seems to apply to the common man. Why else would a mother be crying for justice over three years after her three biological children were abducted by known persons? This is Lamide Agunloye’s story.
In 2012, after a year of separation from her ex-husband, Dare Ajayi – during which she had been in custody of and solely responsible for the welfare of their sons – Lamide’s sons were taken from her Abuja home forcefully after Dare Ajayi is said to have jumped the fence, broken the door and beaten up the house maid.
Efforts to gain relief from police intervention were frustrated as the Police tagged it a domestic issue. The children were taken to the home of popular Lagos pastor Ituah Ighodalo, whose wife and businesswoman Ibidun Ighodalo is sister to Dare Ajayi. What should have been a simple case of a man of God and his wife doing what is right by returning the children to their legal guardian has turned out to be a deliberately orchestrated nightmare for Lamide Agunloye.
The lady and her brothers were beaten up by the Ighodalo's security agents, at Dare's instance, when they attempted to sort it out as a family issue. The Ighodalos are no doubt a power couple, with Ibidun running a successful events management company and her husband heading a Redeemed Christian Church of God congregation that is filled with many rich and powerful individuals.
When the news first broke, many expressed doubt that a man of God and his wife would go against the law, and they urged Lamide to go to court. Over a year later, with a court judgment (FAM/25y/14) determining that Dare indeed kidnapped the children, awarding Lamide legal physical custody of all three children and granting Dare visitation rights every other weekend, Lamide has remained unable to gain actual physical custody of her children.

In the face of the court order, they have taken to boasting about their clout, claiming to know the Chief Justice of the State amongst other influential people – they have made it clear that they have no intention of obeying court orders. Yet thousands sit in their church, not critical of the example that the leaders of the flock are laying.
They remain quiet in the face of the injustice that has seen a mother denied access to her children, an injustice being perpetuated by a so-called man of God and his wife. What hope is there when the very people who should be defenders of the law are the law breakers? What hope is there for parents when extended family members can willy-nilly snatch children and hold them for years because they are amongst society's rich and powerful?
What respite do parents have when institutions that should be instilling morality and order are aiding and abetting lawlessness as did Mrs. Durand, the proprietress of Greenwood School, Ikoyi? When Court Officers and Lamide Agunloye, with a court judgment in her favor, approached the school in which her sons are currently enrolled by the Ighodalos, instead of allowing them entrance and access to the children who were in school at the time, Mrs. Durand joined the charade by denying them entrance and spiriting the children to Asue Ighodalo who arrived at the school with armed police officers.
After Lamide's attempt to enforce judgment, the Ighodalos hurriedly filed an appeal before a Lagos High Court, asking for a stay of execution. It is nothing short of appalling that Dare Ajayi, Pastor Ituah and Ibidun Ighodalo, Asue Ighodalo, Mrs. Durand and so many others who should know better are being allowed to get away with several crimes.
When Lamide left her husband after his violent antics which included an attempt at drowning her and flinging her kids across the room, it was because she feared for her safety and that of her children. A court, considering the merits of the situation, deemed it fit to grant her sole custody to the children. It is thus very worrisome that it is this same violent father who, through his sister and her husband, still has access to the children, whereas Lamide remains subjected to the intimidation tactics of the Ighodalo and her ex-husband.
She is left with nothing but videos from three heavily supervised visits in three years with three young impressionable sons who are being fed misleading information to believe their mother left them. In a country where the rule of law truly prevails, the Ighodalos and Dare Ajayi would be behind bars for kidnapping three children and for obstructing justice.
In a country where the rule of law prevails, Olamide Agunloye’s story would have a happy ending.
Olamide Agunloye's statement below...
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 416 of 416Hhhhhhhhh
God bless you. These kids will definitely have access to the story and I feel for them. With all the unprintable things people write about their parents.......smh.
blame it on the useless and proud mother and her entire friends and family who cant swallow pride and go and beg the man and his family. I also do not like it when grandparents don't act right in such circumstances. Its pitiful..meanwhile am sure both mothers will be the first to be buying and selling asho ebi as if thats the beginning and end of the marriage...oshi
Lamide this is my story. Read it and act right before its too late. I pray you open your eyes to see clearly that your parents and friends in as much as they claim to love you do not if they are pushing you to destroy your home. Again the emphasis here is (YOUR HOME) please read and share
My name is ****** and I beg you to please protect my privacy. I got your address through a colleague, and I feel I can unburden my heart to you.
It has finally happened to me, what I never thought would happen. My marriage of only two years is about to end. My husband is about to divorce me. I married a good man who made me happy. For two years I had a home, I was a wife and I could have been a good mother. But I let it all slip away because I was too blind, too trusting, so naive..to busy trying to keep up with the society
Why, oh why didn’t I see this coming? If only I had handled things differently. If only I hadn’t listened to my friends. If only I had stood up to my mother who encouraged me to leave my husband whilst she stayed married despite all my father did to her. If only I hadn't listened to my elder sister, but no, how can I believe my own mother does not have my best interest at heart? How?
Oh sure, I keep up a brave front at the office and among my colleagues, but alone at night, in the darkness of my room, the regrets come and I cry bitter tears.
I am so lonely. Loneliness more than anything, is killing me. There’s nobody to talk to. My mother is not my friend. She just used me to take her “revenge” on men for the “evils” they did her. We don’t talk any more. And my friends are not my “friend” either. All they are waiting for is my divorce just to satisfy their feminist ego. But how can they talk about divorce just like that? Do they know what it means? Do they even care how I feel? Am I not the one who was married for two years? Am I not the one who knew what I experienced? How come I am the one not allowed to make any decisions about my own life?
I can’t even pray. I’m so tired, so ashamed. What else would I ask God for? I got a good man, but I can’t hold on to him. I frustrated him, i nagged him away and i lied to the world just to justify my actions and waywardness!
I am scared. There is something final about divorce, just like death. I look at the future, it’s so blank. I don’t want my marriage to die, not like this. Femi (my husband) is not a monster. He tried so hard. I was the one who is to blame. I was the one who got anger problems. I was the one who got angry because of ordinary 50K. I was the one who said hurtful things. I was the one who hit him first with my slippers. I don’t blame him for slapping me. He’s only human. Left to ourselves we would have worked things out, but no, my mother hijacked the whole situation and twisted it to her own ends, just to prove herself right that men are the devil. Now I understand why my sister hates her so.
The judge was merciful and gave us 60 days to try and work things out. But how? HOW? Femi will not speak to me, neither will any of his family members, after the way my mother humiliated and kicked them out on June 15 at our reconciliation meeting. My Pastor and everybody I appealed to would not intervene without my mother’s involvement and my mother would rather die than get involved. She wants the divorce, so I can meet “better men” out there. If only Dad is still alive.
So here I am. crying my heart out, watching the days go by, watching my time run out. Oh God, please help me.
What do i do?I am in a mess-
This is a real life story and I see a lot of similarities. Someone should pls advise this girl before its too late.
settle it amicably
Explains why Ibidun doesnt have a child despite the Pastor's prayers. I doubt his pastorhood to be involved in such.
Anonymous march 25/2015
You are the biggest fool on earth! Even though you are a faceless and nameless idiotic slut or faggort My God will strike you and everything that concerns you! Mind your business but if you must tackle another being who is waiting on The Lord ! Go and ask baba God! Just pray for repentance because I have seen experienced it! o one fights with this family and survives! You have! Fashola
This girl called iconola is shamelessI she dey take picture of selfiee with the children for Facebook after the husband allow her see her pickin for weekend!! na Facebook be the next thing?? unrepentant jezebel!!! tufiakwa
Get your facts right. Custody was bought. The stupid magistrate is Lamide's Aunty and her customer. God is fighting for this innocent and poor man who has done nothing but taken good care of his children for 3 years without a trace of their mother who keeps jumping from one man to women! Evil will not triumph over God and that's way MEN & WOMEN stood up for him! Nuff said
Na only ashewo dey go naked when dem no pay am! Bunch of lesbians! Holy Ghost Fire will burn all your smelling pubic hairs
Who go jail am? Dem never born the person! Who God has blessed no man curse! You don't know half of the story! Them go jail all of una by the time this man begins
Your mama na the ashewo and the odoko
Story for the Gods. And she left her children with such a man for 4 years! And came back to meet them in a better condition! Ode
May God restore your home! Pls don't stop sharing your story... Very honest and touching!
Why hasn't she remarried! She left him 5 years ago. The kids prefer their father to this money hungry bisexual. Ask Genevieve?
God bless you Dare. I saw you at the mall the other day with your boys! Shopping and eating. Your bond with them is so strong I could sense it from a mile. May God continue to provide and bless you so you can take care of the boys. As for their mum just leave her! She isn't worth response
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