We live in a country supposedly governed by the rule of law, a country where a court order should trump the bidding of anybody, but that only seems to apply to the common man. Why else would a mother be crying for justice over three years after her three biological children were abducted by known persons? This is Lamide Agunloye’s story.
In 2012, after a year of separation from her ex-husband, Dare Ajayi – during which she had been in custody of and solely responsible for the welfare of their sons – Lamide’s sons were taken from her Abuja home forcefully after Dare Ajayi is said to have jumped the fence, broken the door and beaten up the house maid.
Efforts to gain relief from police intervention were frustrated as the Police tagged it a domestic issue. The children were taken to the home of popular Lagos pastor Ituah Ighodalo, whose wife and businesswoman Ibidun Ighodalo is sister to Dare Ajayi. What should have been a simple case of a man of God and his wife doing what is right by returning the children to their legal guardian has turned out to be a deliberately orchestrated nightmare for Lamide Agunloye.
The lady and her brothers were beaten up by the Ighodalo's security agents, at Dare's instance, when they attempted to sort it out as a family issue. The Ighodalos are no doubt a power couple, with Ibidun running a successful events management company and her husband heading a Redeemed Christian Church of God congregation that is filled with many rich and powerful individuals.
When the news first broke, many expressed doubt that a man of God and his wife would go against the law, and they urged Lamide to go to court. Over a year later, with a court judgment (FAM/25y/14) determining that Dare indeed kidnapped the children, awarding Lamide legal physical custody of all three children and granting Dare visitation rights every other weekend, Lamide has remained unable to gain actual physical custody of her children.

In the face of the court order, they have taken to boasting about their clout, claiming to know the Chief Justice of the State amongst other influential people – they have made it clear that they have no intention of obeying court orders. Yet thousands sit in their church, not critical of the example that the leaders of the flock are laying.
They remain quiet in the face of the injustice that has seen a mother denied access to her children, an injustice being perpetuated by a so-called man of God and his wife. What hope is there when the very people who should be defenders of the law are the law breakers? What hope is there for parents when extended family members can willy-nilly snatch children and hold them for years because they are amongst society's rich and powerful?
What respite do parents have when institutions that should be instilling morality and order are aiding and abetting lawlessness as did Mrs. Durand, the proprietress of Greenwood School, Ikoyi? When Court Officers and Lamide Agunloye, with a court judgment in her favor, approached the school in which her sons are currently enrolled by the Ighodalos, instead of allowing them entrance and access to the children who were in school at the time, Mrs. Durand joined the charade by denying them entrance and spiriting the children to Asue Ighodalo who arrived at the school with armed police officers.
After Lamide's attempt to enforce judgment, the Ighodalos hurriedly filed an appeal before a Lagos High Court, asking for a stay of execution. It is nothing short of appalling that Dare Ajayi, Pastor Ituah and Ibidun Ighodalo, Asue Ighodalo, Mrs. Durand and so many others who should know better are being allowed to get away with several crimes.
When Lamide left her husband after his violent antics which included an attempt at drowning her and flinging her kids across the room, it was because she feared for her safety and that of her children. A court, considering the merits of the situation, deemed it fit to grant her sole custody to the children. It is thus very worrisome that it is this same violent father who, through his sister and her husband, still has access to the children, whereas Lamide remains subjected to the intimidation tactics of the Ighodalo and her ex-husband.
She is left with nothing but videos from three heavily supervised visits in three years with three young impressionable sons who are being fed misleading information to believe their mother left them. In a country where the rule of law truly prevails, the Ighodalos and Dare Ajayi would be behind bars for kidnapping three children and for obstructing justice.
In a country where the rule of law prevails, Olamide Agunloye’s story would have a happy ending.
Olamide Agunloye's statement below...
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 416 Newer› Newest»Linda why did you stop posting comments, please don't be intimidated.
Obedience is better than sacrifice (remember Saul). Mr Itua if only you had listened and obeyed then when you were told not to marry Ibidun. I hope she doesn't become your downfall. It has been one controversy or the other from the adultery allegations with lagos big men, Hakeem and them, to now kidnapping of another woman's children. You had no legal authority to harbor those boys. You/wife have been the ones fending for those boys since they were kidnapped. As a christian, not to not talk of a leader, you should not be involved in such case. It is shameful to the Christian body! You are pushing your political buttons calling on the governor and all, don't you know the God you serve. Don't you fear the God you serve! There is only so far your money and influence can go. Why are you abusing your authority. When you had a chance to mediate you didn't now that the case was assessed and judged by the court you are bringing your brother in to appeal. Why didn't you allow lamide to your residence. it appears you want to use the kids to please your wife and substitute them as your kids. You think you know the big and mighty in the society don't be fooled, power in man is in vain. The ultimate power belongs to God. You are going down a slippery slope. I can't even call you a pastor that is why I said mr. I pray you will repent! He is a merciful God, there is room for mercy. As for your church members I hope they are opening their eyes and they are not defending you and following you down your slippery slope. It is like Ibidun is going to ruin you and she will drag all of your congregation along. I truly hope you repent, it is not too late. Do what is right and return the kids, you have no right to judge lamide! Let God be the judge! Give Dare help, he needs it. Justice shall prevail, it usually doesn't esp in nigeria, but you picked the wrong victim to prey on, God will vindicate her. Just watch!!!!!!
I bidun, the court has ruled in Olamide 's favour. My former MD would say u cannot love the bank more than the owners. Do I bidun, u cannot love the kids more than their biological mom.
You do not know what it feels like to go into labor for 9 hours 3 times. You do not know what it feels to have an episiotomy.
You do not know what it feels to carry a pregnancy for 9 months!.
Haba how callous can u get? No wonder God is yet to answer ur cries. When u are busy tormenting another woman and being evil to her. May God torment you 1 million times the way u have been tormenting Lamide.
I am a former member of Christ Church and I remember how u dragged Pastor I tuah down and soiled his name with your so called evil looks.
This one, the whole world is coming after you. Return the children to their mom. The court has ruled. No amount off money u have, no amount of the powerful men you know either will make u win this case.
The kids belong to their biological mother. Period.
Its true there are two sides to every story.Having said that its common practice to label women prostitutes,also there's the case of women always claiming to be victims whn they actually are the ones inflicting the pain;however even if she's the worst kind of mother on the planet im sure the court weighing all evidence still granted her custody. The kids should be returned to their mother while the father can go ahead and appeal so that things would be done right. Today im a mother I doubt if I can live a day without my LO cos above all im sure the only thing that has meaning to lamide right now is her kids.
U r so senseless,unreasonable and Wicked!!! May ur lack of common sense not kill u b4 u realise it! Smh
Lies! Lies! and more Lies, Ibidun did not take her children, L amide should tell the truth and stop feeding the world with lies!
Liars!!!! Lamide tell the world the truth and stop all the lies! All the senator's u send your naked pictures to are all laughing at you!
Na waoh!!!!
No dickheads! The boys live with their father. he is doing very well for himself and they have a lovely home. Of course I won't reveal the location. This same LAMIDE talking trash has been to the house several times o see the boys. Even once with a judge to see the kids living conditions. She just involved the ighodalos for publicity. They only stayed with her when they first came to Lagos. Dare has had his own place for well over two years now. I just wish people could hear his own side because I'm struggling to keep my mouth shut
I Bet U Know Lamide was been beaten and beaten by this monster called dare. Tell me which girl won't go beserk when u are constantly being treated in this inhumane manner. Anon 2.45.
You are not well. So everything is now about money. What happened to love and genuine love . What else is she supposed to do? 3 whole years when she is not dead! She did the right thing.
Why do we women subject ourselves to things like this? So cos she stood by the gate for 5 years means someone else should do dat too? Ode.
What's the difference now
Best comment.
Olamide get a life. You are a useless and selfish girl. I know your kids and they are in a happy home. What sort of a mother are you. You are four years late for the prom. Wake up and smell the coffee. Even you own kids don't want you. They tell their friends you are trying to kidnap them. You are blaming everyone but yourself. You were the dumb ass mother who left them and went around having all sorts of surgeries while you claimed Dare took your kids. I have all your gist and I will release it one by one. From the people who are looking for you in Abuja. You have very useless friends that want you to follow their patterns. E.g Asiya
You are such a fool, you mean you actually put up your kids pictures. You are a complete disgrace to women. You are a total retard definitely.
I hear you were outside your kids school scaring other children and you want the court to give you kids. You are an unfit mother. You are not even fit enough to look after a cat. You stepped on the wrong toes. I will expose you so much that you will never misbehave again. Grow up and quit acting like a baby. No wonder the guy was hitting you. You clearly needed taming. Eranko buruku. You make us sick. Your kids will hate you when they read all the stories you are writing about their dad. You slapper/lesbian. You are a baba disgrace.
Olamide is a pathological liar. A sick person and an unfit mother. Even her friends say she is a nuisance.
Woman beater! He is an animal! He beats her every day. That's is his offense. If not for God she would have been in the grave! Many are already there with less experience. Forgive ko. He will kill her one day. She's better off by her self
Olamid tell the truth. Where do you live? Ode buruku. It takes too stupid. You failed and what's even worse you are still failing. I feel sorry for your sons. I pray all the people you keep mentioning get you. I am sorry for you. Better watch your back or else...................
Swear with the life of your own children if this is true!
Swear with the life of your own children if this is true
Oshe! Them no born the man! And any shameless pastor
Linda you better kick his bitch off your site or the wrath of God will fall on you too. As you can see Olamide is getting what she deserves.
For your information that event Centre as nothing to with the church, Mrs ighodalo has a very flourishing business which has been existence for over ten years. That place was built from her very own hard earned money, even pastor is is a wealthy and accomplished man minus the fact that he started trinity House, after all he himself has a thriving company called Siao. So stop with the nonsense of using congregations money.
They Ighodalos pressed every press able button. They have money and power
Yes o.
God bless u
Lamide is too cool for this mad boy. Parents , please teach your children especially girls to recognize abuse from a tender age. So sad. This man abused her for years and still abusing her by taking her kids where there is law? Impossicant
it's obvious most of you don't know a thing about motherhood. The woman says they have refused to give her her children, hence the need to cry out. Forget all this online epistle oh, someone takes one kid, just one kid from me, i will be visiting them with grenades and blowing their heads off to get my kid back never mind 3. Regardless of what might have happened, they have to first and foremost give her the kids, at least to abide by the laws then both sides can sit and mediate on proper arrangements but refusing to do the right thing only gets her upset and unfortunately, she had to resort to this. This has clearly been ongoing for a while and for her to do this it means she is fed up of being ignored and motherhood will push to do things for your children. The boys might grow up thinking she never fought for them and if she lets things go, she will miss out on the important part of their lives.
Do what you gotta do lady to get your boys back and then you can all sit down and figure out custody plans.
For those accusing lamide for telling her story and naming her children's name, chill. She needs to scream so the world can help her. Trust me her kids have it worse where they are. For those accusing lamide she was sleeping around, where you there, did you see her, be careful how you judge people. Lamide was in a very abusive marriage. Dare was very insecure. There is nothing that justifies his action, absolutely nothing! Lamide did not know the school her boys attended until recently. She has been fighting for her right to see the boys now for about 2 years, she went through the due process. I pray you all repent for judging her for a sin you did not witness. People have witnessed Dare beat Lamide.
Wow So true! Bless you for this. She's going about this the wrong way. But people react differently to different situations. Some stay calm and classy no matter what.
Dare was found unfit to take care of the children hence the reason why the court did not grant a joint custody. The court went through the due process and evaluated all evidence and all claims yet they granted lamide sole custody. Go figure. lastly, regardless of what lamide did or did not do, she should have full access to those boys, she birthed them, labored for them. Ibidun and husband are aiding her brother she needs to back off and let the court make the decisions. The court decision is final. Your political clout and influence can not fight with God's Power!!!!!!
Dare’s side of the story, a lot of people were saying they have not heard Dare’s side of the story, well summarized, his side is that lamide is an adultress that she abandoned her kids. I am not going to dwell much on this because as it has been established he kidnapped the kids, she never abandoned the kids, and if she is such a bad mother she will not be fighting with all she has right now and going public with her story. Lamide is a very very private person. As for the claim of being an adultress, Dare is sick in his mind, he has no regards for women, every woman is an ashewo in his books. He is very insecure. Even if lamide did anything, IF, that is her business with God. Let God take care of that. Bottom line, Dare is a mad man, he has no justification for treating anyone like this. Period! There is no excuse not even adultery. She never harmed her children or put them in danger!
Domestic Violence against women is a no no and should NEVER be justified or condoned. Lamide almost died in this marriage it was only the Grace of God that saved her. Dare is a dangerous, obsessive, violent, and irrational man (prayer is may your daughter or sister never marry someone like him). Don't be fooled, he is a very irrational man! He has poisoned and manipulated the boy's mind but it is for a moment. All this will soon be over!
Folks from the children’s school only see one side of him, the side he wants them to see (Note he has multiple personalities). And yes the reason they saw him all the time in school was because he is obsessive, jobless, and he is using his kids as a weapon against lamide. He has done so many evil and crazy things and he thinks he can get away with every and anything. Quick reminder you and your sis and cohorts are not above the law. Just wait patiently on the Lord and see How God will help us fight this battle. We are holding on to Deut 20:4- for the Lord our God is the one who goes with lamide to fight for her against her enemies to give her victory. God is already at work
The Ighodolo should back off! Back off from Lamide. Yes they should back off because what happened was as soon as the court awarded Lamide the sole custody of the boys, Mr Itua’s brother, Azue Ighogalo, quickly filed an appeal, which was thrown out of court instantly for they had no basis. They then pushed their "political buttons" and the appeal was reinstated. What are your intensions! Why couldn't you just accept the court's judgment. And you call yourself a pastor, really!!!!! You know this doesn't look good. Abuse of power! What would our ultimate Leader, Jesus, have done? Hmmmm..........
Pls anonymous overlook salsa's comment she is only naive she does not know what motherhood is all about am sure she is just a young child trying to get involved in adult's issues. I pray olamide gets her kids back cos from the look of things her ex has stronger backups
Why are u all here breaking ur heads over family issues? Just let them be abeg, I dunno why people publicise their family issues when in the actual sense they can amicably sort out the problems. Of what use has this publicity done to the publisher? If we all should post our personal problem on here, then there won't be space for more important news
The so called ibidun should return the kids to their mother., am sure if she had her own kids she would have understood what motherhood is. Depriving a woman of her children is like offering a woman a rope to commit suicide. For the love of God let justice be done
When men are unfaithful are their kids taken away from them
There is proof of battering ooooo very heavy abuse I've been present at one before and there is evidence on court dare can't deny it
anonymous oluwaseyi is right is ibidun is a mother or has gone through the labour pain then she would know that children are the strong pillars in their mothers' lives. So ibidun should pray for God's forgiveness and hand over the kids to their mum irrespective of the issues at hand
Mumu even if there are ten sides of the story let the woman have her kids before the story telling begins
Leave Linda out of this, what is linda's business in this afterall she was only doing her job. That's why it is called a blog, anything counts
Anonymous 4:28 u better leave Linda alone. Do not implicate ur stupid self
Chineke eeeeee pls anonymous 9:27 take it easy with this ur grammar. Before it explodes my phone. Ajim Chineke ayo gi
This is not about Olamide being right or wrong. First, the quoted court case has granted Her the custody of her children. If the Banwo and Ighodalo could not win the case with their influence, then that means Olamide is right. why then are they seeking appeal. I think it should be a case of obeying before complaint. Let them obey the court first, giving her her kids and then go back to the same court. @Ibidun and Pastor Ituah, they know better than to be found in a situation like this. Yes he is your brother, but because of the assignment God has placed in your hands, you could have put them in another of your family's place and focused on God and the people he has sent you to. Little wonder why you don't have kids of your own. The Bible you say you preach has a little part that says "obey all constituted authority". Even if Olamide's story is not true, and your influence could not make them grant you custody of the kids (thank God for some firm and incorruptible judges) please give her her kids.
A Father that is jobless and can't take care of his kids. Let him stop telling lies about Olamide.
Olamide, there is a strong bond that exist between mother and child. Science even shows that cells from every child a mother has will always be found in the mother's blood, this shows the strong bond between mother and child. Olamide get on your knees and pray for your children. Get up and fast for their return. Pray without ceasing and your children will be returned. This is a battle that before it can be won in the physical is most be won in the spiritual. They are your children and they belong with you.
Keeping her children away frm her??? Even after d court has granted her custody???hmmm only in nigeria! Mr dare n family u had better respect urselves n return kids to thier mum b4 u incur d wrath of motherhood on ur heads. Tjis is sickening
thank u very much we know Lamide is this and that! Does that stop her being a mother to her kids? A lot of u love Kim K, Amber Rose etc!! R they the great role models?? R their kids not with them???? I can bet that those in support of dare! R not mothers! GIVE LAMIDE HER BOYS
I don't understand how Nigerians will be so shallow and stupid!!!!Of coz dare will say all these things to make Lamide look bad, they have been in court since, do you think the court won't hv done their investigations and they still ruled in her favour! Be coz those things we not true!!! Besides the ruling is a shared custody!!!If not that there is something else there! y are they still keeping the boys Lamide didn't fight about the father's seeing the kids! Pls Nigerian use ur head! They just want to punish the mother simple and short
Hmmmm single guys and girls! Do ur research well before u marry o! This Ajayi family NA WA!!!!!
Dare said it with his own mouth a few days ago! He STILL LOVES LAMIDE AND WANTS HER BACK AND EVERYTHING WILL BE OVER!! She said no! Coz its her dead body we will see next! All these is too punish her
All you Nigerian spend ur time on telemondo!!!! Watch crime and investigation! Then you will no some people r physcopaths Dare has shown all the traits of one! He was crying and begging Lamide a few months ago and at the same time saying all sort about her! And wants to hurt her!!!
God bless u on this post my dear sister. We shall demonstrate and lock down pastor I tuah"s church until they return the kids to their rightful owners. They are the real kidnappers here.
Stop the lies! Ibidun never stopped L amide from seeing her kids, people know the facts before criticising Ibidun,
Im sure d court wld ve hrd both sides of d story b4 giving verdict. This is wat is called wickedness in high places to keep children away frm their mama ahn ahn d guy must be deep. As 4 aunty ibidun d only thing u can ever be to dos kids is aunty. D kids live wit u did u adopt dem against their mother's will or u picked dem frm motherless home dat u re showcasing dem around? To even think dat the head of dat house is a pastor is worrisome. Wat wld Jesus do in dat situation?
Try dat wit me, not a single service will hold in dat church until they return my kids . Wat nonsense!
Only in Nigeria will a mugun comment that because a mother revealed her sons faces online, her kids should be taken away. We are talking about 3 lives here o. You must mad person who hasn't been through pregnancy and labour or you must be an Oghodalo. Asiwin.
Abegi, tell your pastor to return the kids. "Even if" the mother is an unfit mother, why do they get automatic rights to them. Are they the only other family members on both sides!!!
No matter what he says, she never abused her kids!!!! And she hasn't even exposed him at all!!!! You guys haven't heard 5% of her story so please!!!!!
We are neither jury nor judge but a judge has ruled!!!
Plus why do you assume that Lamide cannot provide for the kids. Just for your information, cod she is not throwing it out there, Lamide is not from a poor family herself and has done well for herself through hard work too.
Madam are you okay? She doesn't live in the same city.
So if that is truly the case, it is legal for the father to then dash the kids to his sister and husband? It can never be well with you!
They had to be mentioned cod they have custody of the case and have been heard to say that they e adopted 3 brothers. You see why their mum is now damning all consequences and crying out loud now.
We don't need to judge, a professional judge has done that already.
My point exactly. Including his enablers. They will all start their church branch elsewhere
Abegi, go an rest. This is a gossip magazine aka trashy magazine. I doubt Linda has ever claimed to be an investigative journalist. Go to Sahara reporters for that
Yes Dare was pressured to resign from his Job in Abuja. Dare supporters his wife in her business, Dare was the one who got his ex wife her first shop on Awolowo road. The first 3 cars Lamide drove in this country was bought for her by This same Ibidun. Dare eventually moved his family to Abuja and then the stupid girl saw lime light and got into the wrong company eg Genevieve Nnaji who is a careless mother and a confirmed lesbian. Olamide where did you see money to collect money from silver bird in Abuja and why couldn't you maintain it. You have gone to enjoy your life for 4 years and now you have seen there is nothing out there. Didn't you tell your husband that you were fucking someone else? You can not destroy this men of God. Yes Dare may have been broke. But guess what God is blessing him.
Olamide was a hoe before she married and remained that in Marriage. Thank God Dare ran for his life.
Olamide pls tell the world what you did when dare took the kids? Why didn't you go to court then? Why suddenly now? Didn't you move close to his house in lekki a year ago. You are an irresponsible mother! You married way too young hence your inability to cherish a good man and 3 beautiful boys. I am sorry for your outcome
Olamide went on a fucking spree when she left her husband 4 years ago. This man left a very Good job in England to return to Nigeria for the sake of his family. Lamide is not stable. She is a money hungry materialist bigot whose ideology is as perverse as her father. Her mother is a known mad slut! A dread lock smoking mother who cares less about the values of her children. There is nothing. Anyone can say here that will add up. The man tried abeg. Is it easy to raise 3 children alone. How many of your husbands fit look after una pickin for 1 hour let alone 4 years. We shall see. Time will tell
I know Lamide and genevie were once besto (lesbians) pls can anyone say why they fell apart. A relationship built on falsehood will surely collapse.
Hmmmm! Dare can be this mad. I hear his boys are one of the most brilliant and well behaved children in and out of schools. Pls parents of children in Greenwood speak up if you know this man.
Not all woman are mothers. This woman has over 2000 selfies on Instagram. That doesn't sound like mother looking for her children
Lamide should stop crying wolf, I know both of them very well! Dare did not kidnap his children! He had to rescue them from neighbours that were maltreating them, neighbours the at Lamide dumped them with wen she went to do her Brest and bum implants and was away for along time!
I saw Lamide and the boys in Ibadan during her brothers wedding in December 2014. I am confused
Oga o. Dare and Lamide you guys should pls let peace a chance. I know you guys were madly in love at some point. Everyone knew how dare dotted over his wife and Olamide did know anyone but her husband. I think Olamide got bad counsel from friends and family else she should have gone back to Dare. Dare on his part had ego issues. His wife stopped respecting him when he lost his job and things became difficult. Both parties have fault that could have been resolve. The law too could be faulted. Let everyone go back to the drawing board and resolve it amicably for the sake of the boys
Dear daddy are your kids in ur custody or in your sista's custody since u urself are in ur sista's custody sef . Wake up frm ur slumber
The kids dad is not doing anything. No job, no means of livelihood, controlling freak, woman battered, wife bearer, rapist, otherwise how do u beat up ur wife, have violent sex with her, then put her head into the toilet and flush!. If Lamide had stayed with him, we would have been mourning her by now.
I have never done this blog comment thing in my life but I am drawn to saying something as I feel a lot of human being have lost the plot.
I know both Lamide and Dare and I seriously don't care for either of them but having said that what lunatic in their right mind would even suggest that its ok to hit a woman. I read in amazement comments from supposed human beings suggesting that Lamide must have deserved being hit by her husband.....To think these are people with blood running in their veins, who have kids that will end up in a man's house at some point in their lives???? Are you for real????
Then there's this other group of inbeciles ( Yes you must be imbecilic to actually type those comments) calling this girl a prostitute and saying she slept with men in the presence of her kids, seriously are you for real? Did you pay her for sex Did you witness the said occasions when she slept with men in the presence of her kids? Did she sell tickets to the show?
Then the bit about tummy tuck blah blah blah blah making her unfit as a woman (what has that got to do with anything?) Can we not have intelligent debate or views? How unintellectual can you be to broach that as justification for denying a woman access to her kids?
She is a runz girl so what? How many of you guys did you mum have kids for different men? My point here isn't to judge but to ask that as human being we actually consider our words before putting them out there.
Yes there are two sides to a story (that's ever so apt) and I can bet that neither is without fault in someway but common the name calling etc is just ridiculous. If your view is contentious be wise enough to keep it to yourself. No one wants to hear it.
It is true that some kids (a minority) are better off without their mum ( Yes I agree to that as I have seen first hand what terrible parenting can do to kids) but having said that I want to believe the judge had a reason for granting this particular mum custody ( if this is indeed that case).
As I started this off, I really don't care for Lamide and I cant stand Dare but please give the girl her kids. If she decides to sell her body to put food on the table it is her prerogative not your business nor mine.
Read through most comments and I'm speechless. Each one defining various individual characters and mindset. Heart broken by the insensitivity of man much more as they are familiar beings with a supreme name in common. But alas the patient and all knowing one sits on His throne above looking down. I pray His insight on every being both young and old. I pray His love melts every hate and bitterness. I pray His wisdom surrounds all and His mercy prevails. I will be standing in the gap calling out names in prayer. May His peace that passes all understanding fill every heart and fill all with grace to act and walk before Him blameless.
Read through most comments and I'm speechless. Each one defining various individual characters and mindset. Heart broken by the insensitivity of man much more as they are familiar beings with a supreme name in common. But alas the patient and all knowing one sits on His throne above looking down. I pray His insight on every being both young and old. I pray His love melts every hate and bitterness. I pray His wisdom surrounds all and His mercy prevails. I will be standing in the gap calling out names in prayer. May His peace that passes all understanding fill every heart and fill all with grace to act and walk before Him blameless.
As a mother who has had her child taken from her before all be it for two days, I will like to comment. The two days I did not have access to my daughter was the worst two days of my life till present. I could not sleep or eat or think. After I got her back , I found out her father thought I was an unfit mother. While she was away, I did everything in my power to see how I could get her back, this is just 2 days, then imagine if it turns to 6 months or a year. The pain of not having ur child/children with u can never be explained, nobody should ever try to judge her for whatever action she is taking now. If she put it on social media, it is because she has tried every other possible means, and if this does not work, she will try something else. God knows if my daughter was not returned I would have gone this route, because I will do ANYTHING in this world to have my child with me. People can judge because they do not understand, even a mother will judge because she has not experienced that fear. There's almost nothing worse than having your child/children taken away from you. If she involved the school, its because the school has shown that it has taken sides. I know Mrs Durand and she really is a nice person, I know Mrs Ify Ighodalo and she is a sweet woman too, but all the niceness and sweetness amounts to nothing in a situation like this when you cannot act as a mediator, hold family meetings, call both parties in a neutral environment. Discuss! As a school, it is important for you to ensure the children's mental state of mind is stable for them to be in school. Whether or not those children are brain washed, they are scarred for life because they have been taken from their mother, whether or not what is being said about her is true or not. I dont believe Olamide is stupid, no mother will sleep with men in front of her kids, please let us be reasonable. If she is sleeping around does that make her a bad mother? We all need to stop bringing false morality into issues. IT IS TOTALLY WRONG TO TAKE CHILDREN FROM THEIR MOTHER OR DENY THEM ACCESS TO HER!!!!!!!! After that, every other thing is totally irrelevant. Let her even be a mad person, her kids will calm her down when she sees them. Even if its a supervised visit. And i know how people with power act, the father of my child told me that I have no money so the court will never grant me custody of my daughter and if he wants to show me who he really is, he knows the governor and many commissioners, so he will use that to his advantage. Imagine if he had done that? I would probably have been doing the same thing now begging for help any way I can.
Yeah its the same Snr Lamide of FEGICOLLA,i really don't know much about her family life but i heard
gist of domestic violence she went through some time ago, but really, whatever the case may be, she deserves the custody of her children!!!!! A mother's love can never be replaced however poor she may be. Please fear God and return her kids to her!!!!!! I've seen great men and women from public schools and very humble beginnings so money should not be the basis of them being in better care with an aunt when their mum is able and alive
Idiot!!!! Lemme guess, you were there when she was sleeping with different men in front of her kids!! Oloriburuku like u
Lamide and i attended fggc akure and i know her to be a very responsible lady from a lovely family...its a shame that she ended up in such a family.i pray God sorts her out
Aunty Ibidund best u can be to dos children is aunty till kingdom come. Dnt deprive dem of motherly love when their mother is alive. U did not pick dem frm motherless home they ve a mum. Do urself and brother a favour and return to ceaser wat is ceaser's. This is wickedness in high places to keep kids away frm their mother . Dis dare must really be deep chai
Lamide is a fantastic person ...i have known her since we were 10 yrs old.this is soo heartbreaking, she deserves better
Were u born thru a woman??????...may God judge u for this bile u just spurted, mother deserves this least of all lamide. U are sooo evil
Be very careful, her selfies are business related, she is a fashion designer. May God forgive you
U must be a bitter fool
If lamide had gone back to dare she would have died. Dare was volatile. He ran for his life. He tried begging people to tell her to come back but who wants to die. So many stories of people that have died in domestic violence situations. Dare is not well. He is obsessed.
I am going to over look what has been said/pics that have been painted about the mother of these boys, which I consider as a topic for another day. I am simply going to focus on more pressing issues:
• Were the kids abducted from their Abuja home by their father 4 years ago? Yes!!
• Have the boys been living with Ibidun (Dare's younger sister and Pastor Ituah's wife) in their Ikoyi house, since they got to Lagos? Yes!!
• Lamide denied access to her 3 boys since they were deposited in Ibidun's house? Yes!!
• Pastor & Ibidun claim to have adopted the boys, if it is true, did they have Lamide's consent? No!!
• Should a woman be denied access to her biological kids? No!!
• Is there a court judgement in place, that gives guardianship to the biological mother? Yess!!
• Was the court ruling executed? No!!!
• By still holding on to the boys, has Pastor and his wife broking any law? Yes!!
I am a member of Pastor Ituah's church and I must say I totally disappointed in the role they (Pastor & Ibidun) have played in this whole drama.
My message to everyone bashing LIB, asking for the Ighodalo/Ajayi's side of the story, there was a court case that lasted almost 17months and before the judge could give a verdict that awards custody of the boys to their mother, that judge must have heard the submission from both sides of the divide. Please don't get me wrong, I will love to hear from the other party as well, most importantly I will love to hear from my Pastor and his wife on why they have taken it upon themselves to pervert the course of justice.
In conclusion, no mother deserves to have her kid (in this case - 3 kids) taken from her completely without any access.
If she is promiscuous and sleeps with different men in front of her children. Then she is an unfit mother and doesn't deserve to be custodian of the children.if she is not mental she should be allowed supervised visitation rights.The fact that she gave birth to them doesn't automatically give her exclusive rights to the children. She has to be a fit mother. You people especially Lagos Ashawos should stop fronting nonsense here.
Lamide and family were not allowed to see the boys on said day
From the very beginning when all this drama started Lamide’s family has always said let’s wait on God, lamide should be patient and we will wait for justice to prevail. True, Lamide’s dad is an influencial man but he didn’t misuse his power – his basis was/is you can not fight evil with evil. When you put things in God’s Hands you don’t have a plan B, God is your plan A all the way. As such, he advised his daughter to let God fight this battle for us, that she should go to court and that is exactly what she did. She went through the court system and she was awarded full custody of her three boys after both sides presented their case. The court system really saw the true colors of Dare as he showed them his wayward behavior (there is an arrest warrant out on him because of contempt). Be careful before you judge lamide, I pray no one goes through the physical and emotional torture she went through under Dare. Dare was an abusive husband!!!!!
From the very beginning when all this drama started Lamide’s family has always said let’s wait on God, lamide should be patient and we will wait for justice to prevail. True, Lamide’s dad is an influencial man but he didn’t misuse his power – his basis was/is you can not fight evil with evil. When you put things in God’s Hands you don’t have a plan B, God is your plan A all the way. As such, he advised his daughter to let God fight this battle for us, that she should go to court and that is exactly what she did. She went through the court system and she was awarded full custody of her three boys after both sides presented their case.
.I do not know both but i can see dare was violent wth Lamide. No man should beat his wife ever! No reason is good enough. Not even adultery. When a wife or husband is going bad DIVORCE, No need for physical or mental abuse. It is not only cowardly and beastly it is also CRIMINAL. So in my books Olamide needs to leave dare less she becomes sad statistics. Dare needs medical help to manage his rage. Now to my 2nd point about not hearing Dare side. The truth is what we see written by either Olamide or dare will be their own take on the situation and may not be the full story. BUT in court BOTH through their lawyers would have presented their cases well and with concrete evidence and documents! The judge analyzed these and STILL gave custody to Olamide! This is what we should accept as the truth. We have no choice but to take the legal route. Nigeria is not a country of anarchy. If a person is not satisfied with a ruling they should not take the law into their hands as Dare and ighodalos have been doing. Nothing goes unpunished. This oppressive behavior blocks God blessing. Karma will catch up with you. Be warned.
Deep sha! Ko ni ise ni! He doesn't have a job, he is running some so called non for profit that has not been productive! Abeg he is a vindictive man, he is wicked!!!!! He needs prayers, Pls pray for him.
Oh shut up. Bragging under anonymous. Coward. I don't know the parties involved by the way.
Mr Foolish! I am glad u said she went on a fucking spree after she left her abusive monster husband! I would go on a triple fucking spree if God saved me from a carnivorous, nose bitting, woman beater low life, drug addict like Dare. Is he even mentally fit to look after his kids?
Mtf. Get a life
Are u a fool? how much time does it take to put up a selfie and how does that interrupt her looking for her kids ? Daft comment
Gbam! My thots exactly
Its okay to stand for five years waving at your son when you don't have a court order granting you custody. It's okay to wave when you're sure your kids are not with a mentally unstable person who bites your nose and beats the children with curtain rods. Contrary to your opinion, she did not enrol those kids in that school and she went with one unarmed policeman in compliance with the Law and order of the court.
Read through most comments and I'm speechless. Each one defining various individual characters and mindset. Heart broken by the insensitivity of man much more as they are familiar beings with a supreme name in common. But alas the patient and all knowing one sits on His throne above looking down. I pray His insight on every being both young and old. I pray His love melts every hate and bitterness. I pray His wisdom surrounds all and His mercy prevails. I will be standing in the gap calling out names in prayer. May His peace that passes all understanding fill every heart and fill all with grace to act and walk before Him blameless.
These people should first, be sued for contempt of court...(shouldn't they obey before appealing?) If the court says Olamide can keep the children then why the fuss? If these people say she's not a responsible mother, did they prove that to the judge? I'm not sure Dare is mentally upright from the picture of Olamide's wounded nose above...what sane man will bite another's nose?
I mean, this story is just crazy, it's almost like there's something the Ighodalos are keeping under their sheets! Olamide has presented her case to the law and to the world, PLEASE RETURN HER KIDS!
These people should first, be sued for contempt of court...(shouldn't they obey before appealing?) If the court says Olamide can keep the children then why the fuss? If these people say she's not a responsible mother, did they prove that to the judge? I'm not sure Dare is mentally upright from the picture of Olamide's wounded nose above...what sane man will bite another's nose?
I mean, this story is just crazy, it's almost like there's something the Ighodalos are keeping under their sheets! Olamide has presented her case to the law and to the world, PLEASE RETURN HER KIDS!
I have heard various comments here and some people deserve to be slapped. I want to excuse some of those that are castigating the mother based on bad behaviour. You can not be bigger than the law. I am sure before the court could grant custody to Lamide, it would have done thorough investigations. You call her a prostitute, a drug user and so on, fine. The fact remains she still birth those children. There's is no where I read here that she endangered the children's lives before they were kidnapped. Okay, she brought different men to sleep with her in her home with the kids present. She is single. She has a right to fraternise. Or is there a law that says so long as you have kids for another man you cannot have sex? I am so sure it's not that she made her children spectators in the act. Let someone give me a break here. And as to Ibidun's role to this whole issue. I would have expected you to show more empathy for Lamide because one day you hope to become a mother. No matter what you do, the children will one day ask for their mother. Let us be mindful of what we do today because of the day of judgement. I will not speak ill of pastor ituah because of the garb. Let the Lord judge him accordingly but I have always admired his good judgment though. I want to still prevail on him to be an instrument of reconciliation. What if the woman is a prostitute and a lesbian, can't she be rehabilitated. You can counsel her. A woman that has suddenly gone crazy was made so by a man. Let us not cast stones. This woman laboured 3 times and brought forth. Even the bible acknowledges that a woman cannot forget her suckling child. Let her have her children. Don't brainwash the boys. And to the school, I begin to wonder, is it an haven for estranged children? Because someone from the school gave 2 instances of mothers that did not create scenes when castigating Lamide. The only thing I see wrong in this whole issue is exposing the faces of the boys. No matter what, their security is paramount. But i cannot fault the mother sha. I cannot imagine not seeing my children for 1 month talk less of 3 years. They are all I live for. Linda thank you for airing this. Don't let anyone intimidate you. Let us see justice done. Money and affluence is not everything. No one can love these children more than their mother.
Dude is obsessed. Ko well!!!
Linda what is the delay in posting comments and responses back. You may need to put this article on your front page. Don't hide it let the world see, especially those who may need to reconsider where they worship.
Olamide is a liar. She has no love for her children
Lamide, you are a loser. I am a parent in your kids school. Please, I know your husband and he is a fantastic dad. He has picked and dropped his kids everyday. Were you asleep before. You don't even have a brain. Mentioning their head teachers name. The woman is an educational icon with over 40years experience in education. All parents are waiting to tear you apart. we don't joke with our principal. She is a mother to all the children in the school and she is always willing to help mothers but your case was not so. Abeg, you must be a real she devil.
You went to the school two years ago and the head teacher gave you permission to come and be visiting your kids and you never came back. You sons are friends with my kids and they tell their classmates that you Illtreated them when they lived with you. You made your first by cook for his siblings at the age of seven hence the hot water scars on his body. Olamide you don't have any interest in your kids, you just want to get at Their father.
The guy might not be perfect but who is? You abuse Ibidun and her husband but they did your job when you abandoned your kids. You sleep around. You dupped a General of twenty million Naria in Abuja and that was why you ran to Lagos. You are a lowlife. Trying to use this as a medium to get famous. Your friends are in their own homes with their children, even the one who is someone's 3rd wife. She didn't leave but she is telling you to leave. After everyone you have labelled sues you, you will have no money left to get custody of your kids. You didn't even pay your rent for your shop in Samit Plaza because they locked it up. Onigbese ni e. You are a bisexual, a cheap girl, a liar, a whore, an irresponsible and wicked mother. You think marriage is easy for anyone? We all stay calm as women because of our children. You were sleeping with anything that would have you when your husband was looking after three children. You her supporters: Feyi, Asiya, Eniola, Lola, Wumi, why didn't you leave your own children. God will punish each and everyone of you for advising her wrongly. You Feyi didn't you wait on the Lord for a child, you are abusing Ibidun, you better be careful or you will experience the wrath of God. Her husband is a Pastor and God is very specific about pastors, and people judging them. You will all rot and Lamide for the sake of those lovely, well mannered boys may you NEVER get custody of them.
They are happy and stop lying abegt. You said they denied you from seeing them but you the picture you put up on this blog is what the boys look like now and they are in the schools uniform. Lamide, you will wish you never started this game because, people will never stop abusing you. I have all the evidence of your plastic surgeries and information with men telling them you are horny and how you miss their penis. You are not worthy to have those lovely kids. I beg you in Gods name, they are happy and they don't want you. Please stay away or your parents will feel sorry for you. Omo Disgrace.
I met dare earlier today and he showed me a few things. I felt like crying..This is o unfair Lamide...Oga Lamide Haba...Haba..haba... YOU ARE A DEVIL
Dare is a narcissist...aka.."narc"
Laide u re a big lair, dare is taking very guy care of the boys. Go back to ur chains of men in Abuja. U wey u don dupe a guy run come Lagos.
Laide u re a big lair, dare is taking very guy care of the boys. Go back to ur chains of men in Abuja. U wey u don dupe a guy run come Lagos.
Laide u re a big lair, dare is taking very guy care of the boys. Go back to ur chains of men in Abuja. U wey u don dupe a guy run come Lagos.
IKunle Abiyamo oooooo. Pastor Ituah and wife, fear God oooo. The Bible preaches forgiveness. Please return Lamide kids to her.Just as God preserved Ibidun from the hands of her evil dog carer, God will make her see reason and give the kids to their real mother.
Please note he married his 2nd wife Ibidun while at Redeemed. He had to leave because of what the GO said about divorce and remarriage.
Dear Dare, not sure if you are reading this, if not pls anyone that knows him should please forward to him. I am sure you are overwhelmed at this point, the reason why we are mad at you is because you have just been so badly behaved and your sis, Ibidun and husband(Itua) have been an enabler, misusing their authority- they should know better! They should have put you in order with love. I won't lie, you provoked me to anger that I have insulted you greatly. Then I asked God for forgiveness and reverted to praying for healing for you. Indeed you are a victim of your upbringing no doubt and I pray God will touch your hardened heart and let you surrender it to God. You need help and the first step is to seek God's mercy and forgiveness. Then obey the court orders, and then move on with your life, meaning let go of lamide. You know you are obsessed with her and the only condition you have given for her to be with her children is if she comes back to you. It ain't happening! You have killed that relationship, move on. Yes you tried to beg her to come back but only a person who wants to die will come back to such relationship. She did you a favor by leaving because you would have have been in jail for murder! You need to accept things are over between you guys, you lost that chance!In life you win some and you lose some. Doesn't mean you cannot have a relationship with your sons. They will always be your sons- no one is taking that away from you. Infact they need a relationship with you. But you need to act right, and only God can take you there at this time. You have crossed all boundaries and you have now dug a pit for yourself. An easy way of that pit is to just let God. Once God comes in everything in your life will be perfected. Stop being vindictive! You will destroy yourself! It is not worth it. You have a chance to reset your life only if you do the right thing. Obey the law of the land, stop poisoning your children's mind, don't teach them lies (bad bad parenting skills)!! And lastly, you are alive, lamide is alive, you guys are their parents (mom and dad), they have no business being adopted by the ighodolo's (they should go sort themselves out). This situation is already messed up as is, please don't confuse them even more. Don't repeat the cycle! Please don't repeat the cycle!!! You experienced that cycle and that is why you are where you are today, you have the power to stop the cycle. Do the right thing. Seek God, He is more than able to deliver you from this mess. God bless and I will keep praying for you. I know you are hurting. It is well with you!
Hmm! Not judging any of the parties, but here is my 2 cents:
Olamide, are your sons being abused physically or mentally in their father's care? If not then for peace, stability and sanity's sake of the kids, leave them with their father until they are at least 18 years old.
On the other hand if they are being abused, then by all means fight with every pint of your blood to rescue them from a bad situation.
From what we have read so far, and we don't really have both sides of the story, it seems that you may have some issues yourself to deal with. If that is the case work on yourself and get yourself together. Keep working to build a future for yourself so that the day your kids come knocking for their mother (trust me they will eventually) you will be solidly able to be a mother in all aspects, emotionally, morally, financially and spiritually.
I know it is easier said than done, but that is the only reasonable option open to you now if your children are well catered for with love, a decent education and all else in their father's custody. Don't mess up their equilibrium if they are fine. It is a sacrifice you as a mother will have to make until all the indices are right and they are old enough to make the free choice themselves.
As a previously domestically battered woman myself, who consciously had to leave her kids behind with their father because of their stability and overall well being, I know what I am talking about. It was me he couldn't stand and so he hit me whenever he felt like it or he believed I had deserved it, however ironically, our children were his world, he loved them (in his own way) to pieces and I knew he'd never knowingly do anything to harm them if I was out of the picture (knowingly, I say because he has actually hurt them mentally in some ways, but they are older and better human being for it now and view him as a pathetic individual who need professional help). Trust me hand everything in this matter over to God and continue praying about it. But you must do some soul searching of your own and take care of you too, so your children have a decent mother to return to.
If you continue to fight on the screens of blogs then you will hurt your children in the process and they will find it hard to forgive you. Remember they are probably already telling your kids that you are a bad mother or worse a prostitute and drug addict, so don't become canon fodder in the hands of the enemy. Please think of your kids squarely and them alone. Ask yourself as painful as it is 'What is best for my boys right now?' Believe me this question will help you put things in perspective. Ignore all the noise of what people are saying left and right and simply do what is best for your children. I wish you all the best and may God help us all!!
Hmm! Not judging any of the parties, but here is my 2 cents:
Olamide, are your sons being abused physically or mentally in their father's care? If not then for peace, stability and sanity's sake of the kids, leave them with their father until they are at least 18 years old.
On the other hand if they are being abused, then by all means fight with every pint of your blood to rescue them from a bad situation.
From what we have read so far, and we don't really have both sides of the story, it seems that you may have some issues yourself to deal with. If that is the case work on yourself and get yourself together. Keep working to build a future for yourself so that the day your kids come knocking for their mother (trust me they will eventually) you will be solidly able to be a mother in all aspects, emotionally, morally, financially and spiritually.
I know it is easier said than done, but that is the only reasonable option open to you now if your children are well catered for with love, a decent education and all else in their father's custody. Don't mess up their equilibrium if they are fine. It is a sacrifice you as a mother will have to make until all the indices are right and they are old enough to make the free choice themselves.
As a previously domestically battered woman myself, who consciously had to leave her kids behind with their father because of their stability and overall well being, I know what I am talking about. It was me he couldn't stand and so he hit me whenever he felt like it or he believed I had deserved it, however ironically, our children were his world, he loved them (in his own way) to pieces and I knew he'd never knowingly do anything to harm them if I was out of the picture (knowingly, I say because he has actually hurt them mentally in some ways, but they are older and better human being for it now and view him as a pathetic individual who need professional help). Trust me hand everything in this matter over to God and continue praying about it. But you must do some soul searching of your own and take care of you too, so your children have a decent mother to return to.
If you continue to fight on the screens of blogs then you will hurt your children in the process and they will find it hard to forgive you. Remember they are probably already telling your kids that you are a bad mother or worse a prostitute and drug addict, so don't become canon fodder in the hands of the enemy. Please think of your kids squarely and them alone. Ask yourself as painful as it is 'What is best for my boys right now?' Believe me this question will help you put things in perspective. Ignore all the noise of what people are saying left and right and simply do what is best for your children. I wish you all the best and may God help us all!!
And you have proof?
if you have described this man as narcissist why then did you leave your children in his custody for 3 years. if i were you i would be more grateful than spiteful that whilst i was away for reasons best known to me, my children were properly looked after, sent to one of the best schools and got the best possibly life. The wise woman they say uses her hands to build her home and the foolish one brings it down. lamide and her fans should apply wisdom in this matter.
If Lamide cannot be told the truth about her erratic behavior and her seemingly lack of respect for anyone or authority then too bad. She has caused the children more pain than good with her unstable mannerism, which is so glaringly obvious and will put her into more trouble if she is allowed to continue in this manner.
Pele lamide
I thought dare was mad Now I know he belongs in the zoo along with all the shameless animals supporting him. Don't you think the judge heard all this your allegations ....those people calling out lamides supporters doesn't dare have supporters too. I feel sorry for everyone involved this is not a case that can be resolved normally lamide and her family are dealing with animals ....really????
One thing I know is except God is not God in this case then the truth won't be revealed. Dare as I know took the entire family (agunloye) as his. The man took dr agunloye lika a father. But the level of betrayal and disregard for his person is not only surprising to many but also very painful. I know Mr Ajayi sacrificed greatly in no small measures to met the demand of his greedy/glutton ex wife whose thirst for materialism is beyond comprehension. Now she has lost her soul (husband and children) because she wanted to profit the whole world. What gain has she now???
I will not leave my children in the hands of a man i describe as a monster for one night let alone 4 years. Was she on drugs or ill or incapacitated. A woman should not function for one night without her children. lamide you are economizing the truth. I know pastor tried but you are not a mother material and i doubt you re a wife material. it was convenient for you to turn your back when this man took the children. You are only speaking now because those men who promised you diamond rings did not fulfill their promises having seen through you. Pele i feel your pain. but it is not by agidi. Humility and gentleness wins. Not police or court, or going about with bunch of husbandless lesbians
I blame the parents especially the girl's parent. dem still dye alive..nawa for some nija mothers sha....
Olamide aka iconola has failed in her bid to build her home but her business. She neglected her God,home, her husband, her children. If Olamide who grew up in a functional home can be behaving this way how much more her children who she wants to send on a path of destruction. We cannot keep failing in our collective role to say the truth. Once a women claims a man hits her the entire world brings out a sword to kill the man. pls everyone look beyond the negative comments. This woman is not serious
Anonymous 6.57pm March 2014. All I will say to you is that you should just go ask God for forgiveness for bearing false witness. That is all I will say. Go repent!!!!
" Let them all pass their dirty remarks on dare..He is doing well. His clothing line is moving, he runs a successful ngo which is recognized all over, he is a director in acmeconnigeria. Most importantly he has raised 3 beautiful, smart and respectful children. One question I'd really love to ask" Is there a place for hopeless sinner (LAMIDE) who has hurt all mankind ( HER CHILDREN, STAFF & CHILDREN OF GREENWOODHOUSE SCHOOL, THE IGHODALOs, HER HUSBAND/EX and many more just to save her own FACE"
I pray Dare finds a wonderful woman so he can move on.I know he loves his wife and thats why he has not divorced her. I know men who would have remarried a long time ago if their wives did half of what this crazy girl is doing. But instead he has chosen to stay focus, taking care of his boys and bringing them up in the way of the Lord. GOD BLESS YOU DARE AJAYI. YOU ARE A HERO. GOD WILL VINDICATE YOU. YOU HAVE NOT COMMITTED MURDER AND SO NO ONE HERE SHOULD HANG YOU. LOVE YOU MY BROTHER. WE ARE SOLIDLY BEHIND YOU
lamide is a waka about. she has been like this since ibadan days. Very confused human being. And those of you who have made this forum as a place to air your dirtily linen in public shame on you agunloye ko agunmaniye ni
I like your advise especially since you have been through a similar situation. I believe she has to fight till she gets to no point return so she can explain to her boys I did my best. Because her boys will ask her questions. Your case is a little different your kids stayed with their dad, Ibidun wants to adopt the kids because the court found dare unfit. That is a little different from your situation. God will give her the wisdom to make the right decisions. Trust me God is all she is holding onto.
Story for the Gods. We will all reap what we sow! This woman and her family is ripping what they sowed. Once upon a time Mr Ajayi was the victim. He is now a victor. Today is mother’s day i doubt if anyone will wish her happy mothers day. Please a lot of women need to learn that patience and gentility is the antidote for a peaceful home. Any woman who does not submit will eventually surrender. That is my $1
If i were the husband i would have this idiot arrested for abandonment. 3 plus years???? Comon what the hell was occupying her time? Christ. When people in America get locked up for leaving their kids at home alone for more than one hour. Praying and being patient my ass. Girl you are a Cow! Nobody can help you. If you like bribe your fellow husbandless Magistrate. You have all lost. This is not about any party here. its about right versus wrong, responsible versus irresponsible, good versus evil. caring versus careless. Love versus hate, selfish versus selfless. At the End i think man is more of the finer one and this woman the ugly bitch...lol and i will continue to laugh
I went through this same thing 14 years ago. Women are so unserious. you guys call for trouble but when trouble come start una go come dye cry fowl. Even if she no get mama or papa. Where is her pastor? At least we here say the man get man of God behind him back (You cant defeat GOD) why then are you surprised they couldn’t take his kids from him. God cant be mocked.
I am praying for this man. Pls pray for this man
Does the women go to church? you fools. This is a women who does not believe in God. Else what is her spiritual father telling her. odes, bastards, imbeciles, ingrate. I don't blame her isn't her father a cultist??? his hands are not clean thats is why his house is not in order. I hear her father is a real life and political fagot and harlot. Shame
Please men look before you marry! there are real life witches and wizards.
I have known Dare Ajayi since command days. He is a real man and a survivor. He will definitely come out of this situation stronger and better. The guy is 007. He has been through worst situations, but i am surprise his wife does not know better. She cant win oo. Ori bobo yen le gan
peace,peace peace. The couple are beautiful and the children are so handsome. The devil is a liar. I pray someone can reconcile them. They would make a perfect family. I curse anyone who has put this marriage in asunder. May you never find peace. Kilode iywao fine oho hans the children are wonderful…so sad
Lamide i called you severally to calm down when all these started. And i remember telling you that a hunters dog that wants to get missing will not listen to his masters whistle. But you abused me. I knew when you and Rizo started dating and it was so perfect. You guys made love so perfect and complete and God blessed your home with 3 lovely souls but you did not listen. Now things have gone out of control. I pray you reason and start to retrace your steps because you are and keep making mistakes. Be sensible and go easy. You cannot use force to win this battle.
I think you missed the part that dare kidnapped the kids, she did not give her boys away. Dare kidnapped the kids like a criminal!!!!!
U can't be a mother to talk like this ....u can't Be ...With this type of senseless talk you can't be ...i hope dare bites off your nose soon. He needs to express himself to you.
The Agunloyes are very brilliant I don't know any ajayi that is brilliant and I know the two families well. So next excuse the boys are genetically gifted.
God bless u oooo. I will occupy the so called church with market down who will bare their breasts. I will go to my hometown in Ibadan and bring women down to Lagos. We will occupy their church to the extent that CNN will video us. Rubbish and nonsense. 3 whole kids oooooo. Dem no bear Ighodalo ooooo. So wetin concern dog with environmental?
This is a big joke. Are you sure you are a mother? Cause you speak without sense. All your accusations are baseless either the boys are happy or not they deserve to be with their mother. I pray that you experience abuse emotional sexual and physical then you can be a better judge. If you don't know this is not a normal case.
@Aunty Grace, the answer to ur question is YES. There is a huge place for Lamide to occupy in the lives of her 3 young boys. No amount of money or best school can change the fact that she is their biological mom. A judge has ruled. Why is it so difficult for people to obey?
This lady's story is so sad and some comments on this post makes it all the more depressing.
The question that needs to be answered is why did dare and his sister flout a court order? Why aren't they getting sued for kidnapping? She needs to work with other bloggers, NGOs, female civil right lawyers and not just stop at this blog.
Seriously, Nigeria is the worst place to be a woman.
That country is a mess I tell you.
With all you have said now do you think you sound like a fit mother yourself? Pot calling kettle black.
After being in relationship with him for 3 years,he broke up with me,
I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted
him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with
everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to
someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell
caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type
that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the
spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be
okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he
cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex
called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that
he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return
to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was
how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made
promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem or child
problem I would be of
help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful
spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from
all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell
caster, his email is dromoselspellcaster@gmail.com you can email him if you
his assistance in your relationship or anything. he we be ready to help you.
self regard sofia.
Shout the funk up!!!! What about if she never gave birth to you? Will you even be here to say rubbish?
All these long storiess......I frantically don't care....
Bottom line both parties to adhere to the courts ruling .Period
If the court awarded her custody give the kids to her.
Which agunloye is brilliant? a father riding on other politicians back. We heard he knew about bola ige's assassination. we hear he is very quarrelsome. we hear he is a political prostate and jumps from one political party to another! i beg na brilliant we go chop! man we no fit win election for him backyard. Stupid idiots
I feel for Aunty Ibidun. she is so sweet, kind and gentle. she does not deserve half of what is being said here. pls anyone who has no child of hers should not speak ill of her. i plead, after all she is an aunty and a mother to these kids. If i were in her shoes i will probably do the same and care for my brothers children in the absence of their mum ..happy mothers day. You are a big mummy to all of us in trinity house
Lamide, you are a loser. I am a parent in your kids school. Please, I know your husband and he is a fantastic dad. He has picked and dropped his kids everyday. Were you asleep before. You don't even have a brain. Mentioning their head teachers name. The woman is an educational icon with over 40years experience in education. All parents are waiting to tear you apart. we don't joke with our principal. She is a mother to all the children in the school and she is always willing to help mothers but your case was not so. Abeg, you must be a real she devil.
You went to the school two years ago and the head teacher gave you permission to come and be visiting your kids and you never came back. You sons are friends with my kids and they tell their classmates that you Illtreated them when they lived with you. You made your first by cook for his siblings at the age of seven hence the hot water scars on his body. Olamide you don't have any interest in your kids, you just want to get at Their father.
The guy might not be perfect but who is? You abuse Ibidun and her husband but they did your job when you abandoned your kids. You sleep around. You dupped a General of twenty million Naria in Abuja and that was why you ran to Lagos. You are a lowlife. Trying to use this as a medium to get famous. Your friends are in their own homes with their children, even the one who is someone's 3rd wife. She didn't leave but she is telling you to leave. After everyone you have labelled sues you, you will have no money left to get custody of your kids. You didn't even pay your rent for your shop in Samit Plaza because they locked it up. Onigbese ni e. You are a bisexual, a cheap girl, a liar, a whore, an irresponsible and wicked mother. You think marriage is easy for anyone? We all stay calm as women because of our children. You were sleeping with anything that would have you when your husband was looking after three children. You her supporters: Feyi, Asiya, Eniola, Lola, Wumi, why didn't you leave your own children. God will punish each and everyone of you for advising her wrongly. You Feyi didn't you wait on the Lord for a child, you are abusing Ibidun, you better be careful or you will experience the wrath of God. Her husband is a Pastor and God is very specific about pastors, and people judging them. You will all rot and Lamide for the sake of those lovely, well mannered boys may you NEVER get custody of them.
They are happy and stop lying abegt. You said they denied you from seeing them but you the picture you put up on this blog is what the boys look like now and they are in the schools uniform. Lamide, you will wish you never started this game because, people will never stop abusing you. I have all the evidence of your plastic surgeries and information with men telling them you are horny and how you miss their penis. You are not worthy to have those lovely kids. I beg you in Gods name, they are happy and they don't want you. Please stay away or your parents will feel sorry for you. Omo Disgrace.
ACMECON is about to sign a $138 Million dollar payment deal with a big telecommunication firm. Kai this girl missed out. Patience dog eats no bone, but in these case you get no bone at all.
s picked and dropped his kids everyday. Were you asleep before. You don't even have a brain. Mentioning their head teachers name. The woman is an educational icon with over 40years experience in education. All parents are waiting to tear you apart. we don't joke with our principal. She is a mother to all the children in the school and she is always willing to help mothers but your case was not so. Abeg, you must be a real she devil.
You went to the school two years ago and the head teacher gave you permission to come and be visiting your kids and you never came back. You sons are friends with my kids and they tell their classmates that you Illtreated them when they lived with you. You made your first by cook for his siblings at the age of seven hence the hot water scars on his body. Olamide you don't have any interest in your kids, you just want to get at Their father.
The guy might not be perfect but who is? You abuse Ibidun and her husband but they did your job when you abandoned your kids. You sleep around. You dupped a General of twenty million Naria in Abuja and that was why you ran to Lagos. You are a lowlife. Trying to use this as a medium to get famous. Your friends are in their own homes with their children, even the one who is someone's 3rd wife. She didn't leave but she is telling you to leave. After everyone you have labelled sues you, you will have no money left to get custody of your kids. You didn't even pay your rent for your shop in Samit Plaza because they locked it up. Onigbese ni e. You are a bisexual, a cheap girl, a liar, a whore, an irresponsible and wicked mother. You think marriage is easy for anyone? We all stay calm as women because of our children. You were sleeping with anything that would have you when your husband was looking after three children. You her supporters: Feyi, Asiya, Eniola, Lola, Wumi, why didn't you leave your own children. God will punish each and everyone of you for advising her wrongly. You Feyi didn't you wait on the Lord for a child, you are abusing Ibidun, you better be careful or you will experience the wrath of God. Her husband is a Pastor and God is very specific about pastors, and people judging them. You will all rot and Lamide for the sake of those lovely, well mannered boys may you NEVER get custody of them.
They are happy and stop lying abegt. You said they denied you from seeing them but you the picture you put up on this blog is what the boys look like now and they are in the schools uniform. Lamide, you will wish you never started this game because, people will never stop abusing you. I have all the evidence of your plastic surgeries and information with men telling them you are horny and how you miss their penis. You are not worthy to have those lovely kids. I beg you in Gods name, they are happy and t
Mrs Oshin was paid to make a false judgement on this matter. What happened to the evidence the school gave about the fitness of the children and their father? This women should not be left to preside over such sensitive matter because cos she is power drunk and intoxicated. Judicial Rascality???? ca u imagine a magistrate who is a thug
Greenwood house school is a fantastic school and Mrs Durand has built a strong reputation as reputable educationist over the years. She is old enough to know what is in the best interest of the children hence her refusal to grant the court orders from being executed. God is fighting this battle for Mr Ajayi. I am so happy that the matter has been moved away from that useless magistrate. Besides he has the right to appeal. Why was he also ordered to be arrested? Did oscine not visit dare in his home? Did she not exchange txt messages with him? She was also visiting the other party and got clothes from her (bribery and corruption). May good triumph over evil. The Durands, Ighodalos, Ajayi's and Greenwood house Shall win this battle in Jesus name. Amen
This is serious
this man's company acmeconnigeria is about to sign a multimillion dollar deal with a giant telecommunication company to provide e payment solution in West Africa. Please who said he is a poor man? awon ode you dey there they hating and his making deals!
Let's hear from the other side too please before judging
Linda you did the right thing GOD BLESS you and yours Amen! Any woman that has gone to the labour room 3x will see nothing wrong in what Lamide did... at this point she wont think of anything than the safety of her kids and getting them back after 3yrs. all the people blaming her for mentioning school and stuff should leave story.....ko ni meaning RARA. infact she kept quiet for tooo long jere.
IBIDUN AND PASTOR ITUAH. RETURN LAMIDE'S boys to her ooooo. ti e ko ba fe kan idin ninu iyo! i have spoken on behalf of abiyamo toooto
who wants to know about the details of a new contract his company might be signing? what has that got to do with anything? It is not even a done deal yet and you are already broadcasting it!
Why does it always have to be anout money in Nigera?
A judge did not rule. Folake Oshin is a mere Magistrate.
Dare is a wonderful father. Lamide, didn't the judge in court tell you off about this your social media madness. You are an erratic girl and it is working against you. You have disgraced yourself publicly. You were told off by Justice Idowu today in court. You and your lowlife magistrate who will hate you when she looses her job because of you. Your letter to the school was not even a legal letter for custody. You tried to kidnap the children but thank God the school was sensible and caught onto your game. Your children will loathe you when they read all this stuff. You are one woman any man will beat because you,are like an Omo to ko gba eko. Smh
Anonymous march 16 5:01pm he is not jobless at the end of the day..just to clarify that this man is on top of his game! he has and will always be. I beg!! me i get sister wey dey find husband biko. She is calm, beautiful and Godly. she loves children too..wink, so please if anyone knows the ighodalos i am looking for johnny sorry dare...smh
omo olu agunloye bi oyinbo ro nu o.... you have terrible people around you. They are killing you gradually. Change your approach as it is not working. Seek peace seek humility, seek meekness, seek forgiveness, seek patience and ultimately find wisdom.
Anonymous March 16, 2015 at 12:46 PM
She kept quiet for 3+ years..are you well at all. but she was eating, sleeping, making money, taking instagram self, fucking, listening to music, watching tv, traveling, going to parties and owambe and saw other parents and their children??? Oloshi
What if the man had married a stupid money hungry witch like their mother and they were being ill treated??? or what if the man had taken his children to his village for his grandmother??? what if they were being molested and uncared for like she did. You are a stupid daughter of a hoe for saying such! leave your children if you have any with a useless man and lets see how they will turn out..ode olori buruku! you should have been aborted by your sick mother.
oga o. I feel sorry for everyone. Particularly the children who have been caught up in this show of power. Pls lets keep praying for them! can someone please reach out to this family. I understand the man's pain as well as the woman's! If i were to be in the man's shoes i would probably do same. How can a mother be gone for such a long period of time and then comes back aggressively to take her kids. I wont allow oo. She will come with her entire clan to beg and give the children a justifiable reason why she left for so long. Thank God nothing happened to the kids in 3 years.
If i was the woman as well I would still want to lay claims as the biological mother of the children. But unfortunately this is naija not hollywood! Its a patriarchal society so a woman has to be seen to respect that order otherwise one would be labelled as a rebellious wife/feminist etc
I pray everyone siding dare receives his wrath soon. Dare you turned lamide into the woman she is now from your physical and emotional abuse. I know why lamide didn't fight you back at first she was tired of you of your madness your instability your sad approach to life. She had to take time to redefine her life rediscover herself heal her heart from your wickedness. Please everyone this is a very peculiar case this is just not a husband and wife disagreement this is a woman that has suffered severe abuse. How can a broken woman fight you ...you knew she couldn't fight you ...you scared her and intimidated her with your violence. Lamide didn't want custody of the boys she wanted access but you won't allow her cause you want to be in the picture. Dare please let go of your bitterness and wickedness lamide doesn't want to be with you anymore she has moved on and you should move on too. Then both of you should have equal rights to the kids ...The boys can spend a weekend with lamide sometimes then holidays and special events. That is all we want we don't want to heal the relationship it's already dead her sexual preferences lifestyle or business sense is only valid with regards to your relationship with her and she doesn't want you anymore.
Just give olamide access let her spend time with the boys too. God will be the judge of all the other accusations. Do it for God.
This is the height of irresponsibility on the part of Dare and Olamide!! Are the first couple to have a troubled marriage? Why must they expose these poor boys and also their families in public in such a denigrating manner? Awon omo ti won ko lati ile ire o gbudo siwa wu bayi! Haba! Pastor Ituah is the kindest and most noble man i know and it's a shame that Dare and Ibidun can smear his name in this manner. The mystery between a man and a woman can never be unravelled, even the bible says so. The matter can only be settled by Dare and Olamide, if they can both put the interest of their children first and bury their pride and hatred and FEAR GOD! People should not be too quick to judge. Ask sensible questions. Where was Olamide in the past 3yrs when the boys were kidnapped? In Yoruba culture, this is an aberration, Where are both families in this crisis? Would Pastor Ituah jeopardize his ministry to commit a crime for his brother-in-law? Why didn't Dare and Olamide file for divorce after allegations of battery, infidelity etc? The truth shall always prevail one day.
This is the height of irresponsibility on the part of Dare and Olamide!! Are the first couple to have a troubled marriage? Why must they expose these poor boys and also their families in public in such a denigrating manner? Awon omo ti won ko lati ile ire o gbudo siwa wu bayi! Haba! Pastor Ituah is the kindest and most noble man i know and it's a shame that Dare and Ibidun can smear his name in this manner. The mystery between a man and a woman can never be unravelled, even the bible says so. The matter can only be settled by Dare and Olamide, if they can both put the interest of their children first and bury their pride and hatred and FEAR GOD! People should not be too quick to judge. Ask sensible questions. Where was Olamide in the past 3yrs when the boys were kidnapped? In Yoruba culture, this is an aberration, Where are both families in this crisis? Would Pastor Ituah jeopardize his ministry to commit a crime for his brother-in-law? Why didn't Dare and Olamide file for divorce after allegations of battery, infidelity etc? The truth shall always prevail one day.
Aramide has had access to the children. She should STOP lying. She saw them almost 8 times during Christmas and their birthdays and overtime she requested for them. Dare has never stopped her. How can he? Even after cases and proofs of infidelity he still did not divorce her! kilode? This woman frustrated him at some point that he almost committed suicide if not for his brother in-law. i even heard he was ready to take her back if she came back to her senses but the girl was living a fake lifestyle and humping from one Alhaji to Generals and senator and then women! She wanted to explore her sexuality. This is a case of a bird that wanted to fly and then someone threw a stone at. Pls everyone has the right to decide his or her destiny. Marriage is for better and for worse. Lamide only wanted the good part and chose to leave her home when things went south and dare chose to be responsible for the precious souls he brought to life simple. As usual with every women who thinks the grass is always greener on the other side and later realize that this is contrary she now suddenly remembers that she has children somewhere and then aggressively with the help of a corrupt judge arranged a kangaroo judgment. It can’t work. God is a just God. Even with all the Senior Advocates of Nigeria her father took to court yesterday and the entourage of useless, adulteress, husbandless groupies dare still triumphed. This is a clear case of one with God is a majority. I rest my case
Dr. Olu Agunloye should be ashamed of himself. A father coming to court to defend a daughter that has messed up his name! What a shame. He also paid for SANs and lawyers from two firms to gang up against his son in law, oga o. As yoruba’s will say Iyawo buruku se fe, ana buruku ni o se ni...meaning; It is better to have a bad wife than having bad in-laws
My candid advice to fellow Men; Please learn from all of these I beg you in Allah’s name, Before you get carried away by her beauty and character as necessary as they are too, you also need to know about her background, where she's coming from. It matters... You may think you have no business with the family as far as you're ok with your wife and I'll tell you now that no matter how good your wife is, if she doesn't have a good family, then I can assure you that it'll have a way of affecting your home too... Cos they're her first counsellors and friends, the first people she wouldn't mind opening up to when issue arises and whatever their responses or advices are would determine how she'd take it up to you as her husband... You don't expect her to get good advices from those who do not see divorce as anything cos they can always ask her to come back home if her home isn't suitable for her. But when she herself is bad and she's from a disciplined home, even if she's trying to come up with funny attitudes, her family would guide her rightly and tell her she has no room anymore in her parents house to come back to, therefore she needs to do the right thing and even tell her the right things to do to hold her home tightly...
Anonymous March 17, 2015 at 3:13 PM
Pls pastor Ituah is not complaining, he is solidly behind righteousness which Dare epitomizes. He has successfully led this young chap back to God. Miss agunloye is the one who has been acting like an idiot not dare! Pastor Ituah had begged both parties, but lamide chose not to akin to voice of reason and she is still been misled as we all can see. It was miss agunloye that came to broadcast her life on a cheap platform to win public sympathy and hit her husband and the father of her children who has done her job for her beyond anybody's comprehension. She has worsened her matter as she is now been exposed. Mere looking at the two you can tell who has the grace and the covering of GOD. A man has been praying for his lost wife to return home after 4 years of straying like the lost sheep and you are blaming him. You are stupid. Which marriage is easy!!! tell me
I know plenty women who are married to criminals, occultist, fetish men and men who can’t control the direction of their dicks, but these women chose to stay in such marriages not because of the man but their children and they pray for their husbands until they change their ways. Even if dare was not perfect, who is? God sent a woman to help a man but here you are trying to destroy him with your gang of witches. Heaven will forbid your aspirations in Jehovah’s name. Amen
When considering whom to marry, please put the family also into consideration, check their ways of life, the first thing to look at is their stand with God. if they fear God,then be rest assured that you're automatically going to have a peaceful home, cos anyone who fears God would consider not offending God first before acting on any issue and that makes things easier for you.
Before you marry you may need to go close to the family and study them a little by being your partner's friend even before proposing to her or accepting his proposal. Infact, meeting with them once or twice is not enough to know their kind of persons, its not about pretending or not seeing enough cos character is like smoke,it can't be covered or hidden, being with them in just a day or month is not enough to know how Godly they are
It's better to marry a wife with little shortcomings and from a good family than a good wife from a bad family...
This is not dare's neither is it the ex wife's fault it is simply a trend. More women are running away from their homes and leaving their children for husbands to take care of. The world we live in is changing. Values and morals are being exchanged for glamour life and materialism. Range rover, big house, Gucci, Louboutin, Plastic surgery . But these are all vanity upon vanity all is vanity. It is a woman's responsibility to keep her home, nurture her children and marriage whilst the man is to provide and protect. But all that has turned upside down hence the madness. Parents too do not do much. Mothers too have stopped teaching their daughters how to respect and submit to their husbands. Rather husbands and wives compete instead of complement
This woman and her friends/supporters are Sociopathic whore. I'm surprised you didn't drown your children and blame it on their dad. we know your type. smh
Fathers and mothers should never leave their children. The women in question sounds very selfish
sentimental crap.. I am so tired of people finding or redefining themselves after a failed marriage when there was nothing to be found or redefined. If she was lost and not yet defined why did she go into marriage?? them force am?? I loath women who excuse irresponsibility and try to justify their mistakes. Own up! you were tired of the guy's penis after 15 years and 3 beautiful children. muumuu
Maternal abandonment leaves the children to deal with significant emotional, mental and psychological effects. A mother doesn’t have to pack her bags and physically leave the house in order to abandon her children. It can also take place emotionally and psychologically, as she withdraws, either because of her own childhood issues or from other mental health issues. Either one is very bad and not acceptable in any society or culture therefore not justifiable. I think the man did the right thing by stabilizing them and providing the best environment for them to thrive by involving his sister who herself is waiting upon the Lord. I pray God sees her effort and answers her prayers earnestly so we can all laugh at those who have said all manner of things about her highly esteemed self
Abandonment occurs when a mother physically, emotionally or psychologically removes herself from her children. She does this by ending or ignoring her responsibility to parent her children, or ending her relationship with her children.
In this case the woman did it all. I wondered why she didn't go to his dad or mum or family members if truly for 3 years this man prevented him from seeing her children. Didn't they do the traditional marriage or introduction, she cant claim not to know an uncle or an aunty or sibling. I know pastor Ituah will never condone such therefore I think the women here is fabricating this story for self pity. The dad did well particularly as being reported by the children's school which is an unbiased party in this case.
Men typically are the ones who leave their wives and children with no prejudice, while the women raise the kids with no praise... Turn the tables now the dad is raising the kids with everyone thinking he is superman and the mom being a selfish woman.. for me, whoever does the raising as long as the kids are loved is all that matters.
I am Kind of confused with this story linda. i heard this women has access to her kids. There is a recent picture of her on her instagram page with her boys in white outfit sitting around her! if this is a recent picture then she is a fool for fooling everyone into thinking the man has been wicked to her . I want to feel that there is more behind this story than what is shown.
Creatures like her don't deserve children. She obviously doesn't care what abandonment can do to a child, nor does she care. I hope her children have nothing to do with her when she needs them as she gets older. She doesn't deserve all these attention either. waste of my precious time. Infact let Ibidun adopt them I support. She acts more like a mother and definitely looks more like one.
To be honest, we've all had days we wanted to run away from home. It's not courage to give in to that, it's courageous to stay and take care of your responsibilities. That's why they're called *responsibilities* rather than *hobbies*. And, yes, if a MAN had given in to his urge to run away from home, he'd be considered a selfish, disgusting person.
Stupid ass women!!! if you'all dont want to take care of the children you brought into the world keep your damn pants on!! stupid spoiled selfish imbecile of a woman and a bloody idiotic media that gives this cow any attention at all
some women are not just caught out for parenting. lamide falls under that category
most of those pushing this woman are not in their husbands homes. Pls because you all have broken marriages does not mean you should recruit other gullible women into you league of lonely and useless lives. You all are pathetic even those who cover their heads under the pretense of Haija's we know you. Her cousins and fat ass friends who are jobless. Mind your business.
We don't need her to beg us! Let her go and ask God for forgiveness. And also beg the head (ELEDA AWON OMO) of those children she left for years. She is a big fool! Women are looking for husband! God gave her a very good looking and gentle men that she later frustrated and emasculated! This women brought out the worst in dare. Many women are looking for children God gave her 3(BOYS) beautiful , smart, healthy ones. Ode Alaimo ore.
Your mates are sleeping and waking up in churches to keep their homes. You are business gallivanting up and down the place. dare should fight the good fight. Yes he was violent because you often slapped him and hit him first. You abused him in the presence of your staff, friends and children. This humble man once worked for you behind your office with your tailors while you sat on your executive chair. God will punish you. The bible says the kingdom of heaven suffered violence and the violent takes it by FORCE Matthew 11:12.
linda why aren't you posting comments
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