Watch how Tambuwal & his aides forced their way into the National Assembly | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 20 November 2014

Watch how Tambuwal & his aides forced their way into the National Assembly

...and see your lawmakers jump the fence...


Uche Emma said...

Show of shame on both sides

Unknown said...

i like their courage


Daily diet tv said...

Gotta love the Muslims!

Yummy mommy said...

Alu na eme only in Nigeria

TrendyFaith said...

Chaiii our so called leaders ooo

25 Friends with Benefits Rules to Remember

Catwalk With Pat said...

Yeye old men

Thanks to everyone who has click on my name so far.

Anonymous said...


KIKIS said...


Unknown said...

Terrible act
they are sending wrong signal/ bad orientation to upcoming ones...

#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE

Anonymous said...

lawmakers? naija is gone

Anonymous said...

That man jonathan has destroyed this country.... More to come in his 2nd term... make una mumu go vote for am ooooo...

Anonymous said... full of thugs

Anonymous said...

If a man commands this much loyalty from his colleagues, then there is something about him that majority of today's politicians lack.

Anonymous said...

I dey shame oooo

Anonymous said...

Contrary to what the NPF said, The speaker did not come in with thugs in the 1st place. It was until after he was denied entry into the house. God please visit all the enemies of Nigeria. Feed them with their own flesh and blood and not the masses anymore. Animals clinging onto power for selfish reasons at the expense of the masses. No jobs, No security, No lights, Nothing is working yet it is still 'do or die' system.

Anonymous said...

Banana Republic Of Nigeria. Where is the rule of law. Num 4 man of the country being embarrassed. Who are you. PIG D PIG. Naija. I cry. I laugh. Democracy. Imagine. Where is law and order. Where is rule of fucking law. Idi Ebele Jonathan Amin

Anonymous said...

BREAKING NEWS!!! New requirement now added to the position of National Assembly; must have ability to jump fence.

AGB said...

Jontahn's government is just so useless,honestly! So much partisanship and chaos everywhere. Tell me why the Speaker of the house of representatives of the federal republic of Nigeria should be locked out of his chambers just based on someone's orders and not a court order? Everybody just takes laws into their hands under this government cos of course the president is so weak and fucking partisan. What the heck is this country turning into? No law,no order,no commander-in-chief...NOTHING! What the heck has Tambuwal done that these people just keep trying to frustrate him without any genuine reasons?
2015 go soon come na, this partisan , corrupt, clueless and weak government must go. Nigeria deserves better than this shit. Law and order, security and orderliness are things that have strongly evaded this country under this government. WTF?

God Bless Nigeria

Anonymous said...

These guys have been pushed to d wall. I'm sure those pdp legislators wanted to do wat they did to ekiti state speaker to tambuwal. PDP(People Deceiving People).
Party of thugs and autocrats

lyonphelps said...

Hahhaahha, this men still have young blood See gate climbing with agbada.

Unknown said...

These r the law makers ooo...I can't believe my eyes...nigeria jagajaga mad people

nikkiebillz said...

chai,cant stop laughing!!!!!!!!!NIGERIA'S LAWMAKERS are a big disgrace....

Anonymous said...

These guys are jokers...and they are suppose to be law makers

GistNaija said...

wow. i no fit laff. we have thugs as our lawmakers. May God help us

Anonymous said...

Omg i cant believe my eyes

Unknown said...

Who get megabyte to watch something when glo no wan bring 3g come kontagora.. Glo bring 3g to kontagora.

ujunwa said...

Shame to Nigeria

benito said...

SMH. Nigeria is finished

Eze said...

What do u expect....when 90% of em are Hausa...Aboki will always be aboki no matter d level of education they attain...they see everything as COW rearing

Anonymous said...

Disgrace to Nigerian politics

Anonymous said...

when did joining PDP become DO O DIE

Anonymous said...

Look no further, these are the people sponsoring Boko Haram.....Chei

Neks said...

Conductors and Agbero better pass all this ones. Law makers without law

TEEDEE said...

All i can say...its indeed well with my Dear Country Nigeria....

KWEEN said...

Looooooool. Look at people's fathers o.

Anonymous said...

This reprehensible to say the least. These are the people representing over 160 million Nigerians or rather their selfish interests. Whoever continues to say Nigeria exists with this level of degenerate leaders and moron is in denial.
I weep for Nigeria and the innocent children that are being born to inherit this colossal and monumental calamity caused by selfish and self centered criminals called Nigerian politicians.
May they receive in return a million fold of the ill they have caused this nation

Anonymous said...

This reprehensible to say the least. These are the people representing over 160 million Nigerians or rather their selfish interests. Whoever continues to say Nigeria exists with this level of degenerate leaders and moron is in denial.
I weep for Nigeria and the innocent children that are being born to inherit this colossal and monumental calamity caused by selfish and self centered criminals called Nigerian politicians.
May they receive in return a million fold of the ill they have caused this nation


What audacity do this people in blue and black have in shutting the door of the assembly against a sitting speaker.

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand is why they kept shouting 'Allahu akbar' as if it was a religious battle. It's just silly! If the doors are shut, why not act distinguished and make the necessary phonecalls?

Mr_decency said...

lawmakers turn to lawbreakers naija which way?Any hope for the younger generations?

Anonymous said...

This is absurd.
Things have fallen apart and the Centre cannot hold.
If the Reps can scale fences and conduct their affair without decorum, what is the hope of the common man?
Come to think of it...The nation Nigeria is a jungle and only the sting survive. Nigeria have got light years to go to meet up with South Africa in every facet of governance.

Unknown said...

#abeg madam give me 2 gala n chilled lacasara jare

Anonymous said...

And there u have it....


ColdFlame said...

Something keeps telling me that Aminu Waziri Tambuwal is the catalyst of the change that Nigeria critically needs so those bent on undoing/undermining him may want to really watch it.

TripleC SDK BlogBoo said...

Lawmakers, Always Acting Comedy since 1960

Anonymous said...

What a shame. Tambuwal is actually sitting down like a gentleman at the end of the video. lol Nigeria is a joke i swear.

Unknown said...

Wow wow wow how our leaders disgrace the constititoon and dignity of our great country i weep...deeply

Anonymous said...

jonathan doesnt know how to play dirty,he is just showing his foolishness to the world....he would just be killed by the hausas like MKO,and nothing wud happen. baby ruling a nation.

Anonymous said...

Shameless politicians. Can u imagine

Anonymous said...

They didn't forced there way . But were prevented from gaining entrance to the complex.

Anonymous said...


LONLYDON said...

Useless politicians. .

Anonymous said...

That is how you know you can take the person out of the ghetto but not the ghetto out of the person.

It only only serves to tell you that age or bank account don't mean nothing

Emma Obasikene said...

And this is why Nigeria will not be united despite how we preach it nobody wants to be marginalized not even a beggar on the street well this is highest of it all even tambuwal jumping gate this men are all glorified criminals in suits haba chaii........................ kudos to all the girls that believe in true love because love will always find you holla for match making 09035904778

Anonymous said...

This is RUBBISH!!!!!! Why is he locked out of the N Assembly? This stupid PDP government.

Anonymous said...

This is RUBBISH!!!!!! Why is he locked out of the N Assembly? This stupid PDP government.

Anonymous said...

Pdp n apc ar causin public nuisance in dis country.i dont knw wat our youth ar waitn dere no oda party apart frm pdp n apc.dey ar jst figthn fr dere own selfish interest.itohan

Unknown said...

A show of shame. The speaker turned and being pushed like a moron. What a nation !

Unknown said...

Nigeria/ns has a long way to go.......Imagine law makers.......pples father nd grandfather.......jumping gate with agbada.........

BH has indeed distabilized dis country...

phlexx said...

Only in Nigeria we see such rubbish!

Adeyemi said...

I sorry sorry oooooo,I sorry for Nigeria!

Unknown said...

Should we blame these law makers? If a man is not allowed to enter his legal house what will he do?

Unknown said...

If GEJ is not allowed to enter Aso Rock,Would he say all is well? Nigerians think.

Unknown said...

Nigeria is finished!

Unknown said...

Jonathan is a joke.

Unknown said...

Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!! I am ashamed for this country.

zibaintl said... na so tambuwal wan tak rule Nigeria?...jumping fence with dat d best approach as a lawmaker?wat a shame..dis aboki dem think say na dem get Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

#smh# people's father's & grandfather's disgracing demselves,u can only find diz kinda tinz happening in body is above d fuckin law, House of reps members respect dat.#grown ups big acting lyk animals #

Anonymous said...

You are a fool go bak to school

Anonymous said...

Why would they lock him out. What happened today is proof of how unpopular Gej is with the law makers. And shows that 2015 won't be a Walk in the park. And the police and soldiers drove off. They know who their bosses are. Ewu Gambias

Anonymous said...

Jonathan is a destroyer! Haba dis is too bad. We mustnt allow dis to go on.


U cudnt av said it any beta...

Ameena Bello said...

So sad!!
GEJ political mission wont work.. At first you wanted to ask for 3yrs extension before getting your ticket to run for the election in 2015.. But Reps wher smart enuf to go on recess. Now you called them back thinking Tambueal is gone they will accept it. Your mission is nt extending yobe, maiduguri & yola state of emergency your mission is to extend your tenure. #GistHasIt that a member will stand up and propose that den ur pipu in der wll agree with the motion.. *your plan is failed* even us the young wans can interpret talk more of them

Anonymous said...

Rugged industry!!! i'll see ya'll when i hit 35!!! Iyalaya....

rukkybankz said...

Chai! U dey my mind

Oluleye said...

Nigerians dont think. The question should be:WHO LOCKED THE ASSEMBLY AGAINST TAMBUWAL.
GEJ is messing up.

rukkybankz said...

If you ask Hu I go ask

Okoro said...

Shame to the those ppl and not the country.

Man united said...

Fellow Nigerians,this is d real WALK OF FREEDOM!
Never again shall a cartel with their blood thirsty armed forces determine whom should not just be the speaker but our leaders in this country.
If Burkina can do it,then we can!!!

Anonymous said...


Toronto Finest said...

they are calling war in this country

Man united said...

Fellow Nigerians,this is d real WALK OF FREEDOM!
Never again shall a cartel with their blood thirsty armed forces determine whom should not just be the speaker but our leaders in this country.
If Burkina can do it,then we can!!!

Anonymous said...

Every eligible Nigerian has right to vote for whosoever he/she chooses. Get it right.

Anonymous said...

Very matured comment. Ask them and the people supporting this shameful act. This shows you that some people are hiding under politics to wage religious war in Nigeria. God will surely frustrate them.

Anonymous said...

What a shame!!! Yet, these are the people controlling and directing the destiny of over 1.7m Nigerians. And we are expected to have a meaningful Country. have a long way to go....

Unknown said...

Do you think at all before you comment...what is happening in ekiti state,is it not PDP...all are the same

Unknown said...

Aboki na Aboki no matter what.

Anonymous said...

The youths of this country need to know that these Bastards don't give a f**k bout us. Try all u can as a youth to sort yourself out. If we wait for these animals to lead us, we will be doomed. The only hope this country's got, is "yo'U'th"

Anonymous said...

They are not worth lawmakers, they shd be found in the agbero bus stop

Anonymous said...

Jonathan is a disgrace....can't just imagine am from this country kai....Ayomide....

Anonymous said...

Animal,did ask yourself why are they being denied entry to the chamber,who tell you there all Hausa,anywhere I blame Linda for giving any illiterate chance to dabble into national issues without really knowing reason for that matter happening.

Anonymous said...

Henry Eze you're a very tribalistic and extremely vain person by calling an Hausa person names my mother is an Ibo woman married to an Hausa man for 35 years we have lived together as a happy family my mother is a Christian and my dad is a Muslim I advice you to go back to primary school to re educate yourself with people like you Nigeria will never be united why can't we live together as one nation and stop all these tribalism nonsense you are vomiting from your mouth.

Anonymous said...

Henry Eze watch what you say about the hausa's the Ibo's are not better either always fighting themselves and killing their relatives for money ritual I'm half ibo and Hausa and I hate it when people abuse other tribes all we need now is peace Henry Eze you talk like an Aba street trader.EZE GOES BACK TO SCHOOL.

Anonymous said...

Henry Eze watch what you say about the hausa's the Ibo's are not better either always fighting themselves and killing their relatives for money ritual I'm half ibo and Hausa and I hate it when people abuse other tribes all we need now is peace Henry Eze you talk like an Aba street trader.EZE GOES BACK TO SCHOOL.

APPLE said...

Very shameful.

Anonymous said...

Henry Eze watch what you say about the hausa's the Ibo's are not better either always fighting themselves and killing their relatives for money ritual I'm half ibo and Hausa and I hate it when people abuse other tribes all we need now is peace Henry Eze you talk like an Aba street trader.EZE GOES BACK TO SCHOOL.

Anonymous said...

Heavy show of shame

Gwagshouse said...

This is fucking ridiculous! Our nation has got No Leader...

Unknown said...

Hahahahahaha this is the rachetest thing I have seen in a long time.

Anonymous said...

HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL DEY KILL OO....... HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL DEY KILL OO....... ( Now dat is what it sounds like when Thugs lawmaker cry)

Anonymous said...

Naija Politicians and their selfish interest tho. Where is it done that a speaker comes out from a minority party. For u to av decamped to the minority party u just av to step down as a speaker for peace to reign.

Anonymous said...

no excuse for this.....on both sides.....even with millions in d bank "agboro na agboro!"

Anonymous said...

When i said these ppl are #politicalanimals someppl say i no sabi talk watin come be this one now?

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