41 year old Taylor Lianne Chandler was actually born a boy, and named David Roy Fitch at birth. She revealed recently that she had a fling with Michael Phelps, 29, that involved sex. She told National Enquirer how they met and claimed he didn't know she was a transgender;
"We hooked up on the dating app Tinder, in late August. They finally met of Sept 21 when he invited me to his home to watch a Baltimore Ravens game. I was a bit nervous, but after a few minutes he made me feel so comfortable. One thing led to the next and we made love during halftime. Later we had intimacy again. The intimacy with him was amazing! It was the first time in my life that someone made me feel like a true woman."
"I never lied to him. We were together for such a short period of time. I never had a chance to tell him about my life."If you were Michael, how would you feel if you later found out you had sex with a former man?
Awkward body.
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O tie da bayen
hahahahaha... when that small drum stick elongates to the site of a body like this, wetin man go do?
and u just found out you just did a man. lolz
Oshay left breast.....
N u decided to tell him this way? Abi.. Stupid man-woman.. Mtscheeeeeeeeeeeeew. .
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All these transgenders are vexing ooo...buh face tho.
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Linda why now? she is not a transgender. i love you but pls get your facts right. She was born with both male and female organs. She elected to choose the more dominant. Kapish. KD
WTF , u can't tell me dude didn't realize she abi he na transgender, bladdy fucking liar atleast he woulda realised whenhe met her.
choi... that awkward moment when you jes acted gay or become gay unknowingly. lol... anyways she pack goodies... please don't tell my GF I STARED HARD!
got my voodoo doll? please help me scratch my butt, i'm in public... thafinexx
Akuko Uwa! And what abt her prick? Hahahaha? She comot am? Ochi atogbuom ooh! Lwkmd! Next abeg!
O boy. God knows how many men have slept with other men as a result of surgical implants on d chest and even in d vagina.
But wats d difference in sleeping with surgically enhanced females and transsexuals??
linda they finally met on sept 21 not "of" biko edit it thnx
All I see is big fake boobs. She still looks like a male facially, nothing soft or appealing abt that
Wow, its unbelievable
Oh my...!guys check out the sexiest girl in town from liberia!must see pics...
I tell people that it will be hard to tell apart women from former men when you leave the shores of this land. The best thing to do is zip up, hold it till you come back, before you chuk plug for reconstructed socket!
Phew! Hole de dia? Am curious.....linda pls find out frm sahara....
No disrespect but plz get ur facts ryt, am if u like don't post this but now I see y ppl are mad at u. Why in hells name do u kip spreading lies and giving mis information to those who don't hv access to d right news. She's not a transgender as she was born with both the male and female organ!!! She only choz to remove the male organ. Plz confirm from ur dictionary what I just explained or from a doctor. This is d first time am really pissed at u.my spellings maybe wrong cz am typing in a hurry and don't even hv d tym to do a review.
Did he remove his d*ck during the surgery? I don't think there is an artificial p*ssy at the moment.
Lobatan o
All these people sha. God dey o
well she shoulda told him...@least she said the truth he didn't know... and Michael whats wrong with women your own age
He can't change wat has happend so he shuld ask well nxt tym
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
First I don't believe his story,
Secondly his is just another groupie seeking cheap publicity,
Thirdly I don't believe his story.
Gush I will go mad. www.splashnaija.com
Then she's a transexual n not transgender for micheal not to know.
He now has a pussy dts Wat matters, wasn't it pussy he wanted and he got it, Weda it was a man turned woman or not at least he enjoyed it and he came shikina
And transgender stories are making news on this blog because?
Been warnin ya all on the hazards these scums pose to the existence of the human race. All them gays r iniquitous thats y we need 2 quickly generate strong laws that will protect the str8 folks out there. Am scared 2 death of not fallin a victim of these retarded trannies who surgically sliced their cocks n tucked it inside 2 become a cunt. I think str8 men are now becomin endangered species as a result of this trickery. The bum was even saying that SHIM never lied 2 him as they did not spend enough time to discuss abt theirselves. Holy shit, one night stand is beginnin 2 get creepy.
As. Long as he felt he was seeing a woman,ders nothing to regret.that means the Virginia was really constructed well. #silly me #
Hehehehehehe...chewing pomo.
But wait o I'm confused here, while the were having sex Michael no see the road wey he dey pass? Was there no traces of manhood been cut out or something just saying kos I'm confused. We no even know real WOmen this days again hian!!! Make my brother no go carry man turn woman come Ouz na me go kill her myself.
Well i will never be micheal bcos i must first of all monitor a lady and knw her family background without her knwledge b4 i get down with her...... *GLO BRING 3G TO KONTAGORA*..
Trans gini? Jesuuuu
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After all the screaming and mourning, he got for free..........Hmmmmmm, I will feel terribly bad......hahahahahahahahahahahaaaa ,this is crazy anyway....
Oh bobi bros no man can resist dis unless you be gay. Any way I no blame the guy sha lol no be him fault sef the frontal view can make man craze
if i was a dude i'd still bone that'but i'd cover up the face tho.its ratchet
Michael Phelps slept with a woman.....and there is nothing to feel about it
Lmfao! Serves him right!! He saw big boobs and started drooling abi? I'd bet he feels like dirt right now.
I'd feel akward
He didn't see dick or he removed it and replaced it Veejayjay? still dnt understand..well if its me I wont sleep oo..Knowing I jst had sex with a former mister somebody................................#KingOfKings #6ixGod
What has happened has happened... move on...
Since he enjoyed it at the ist place and even asked fr more.....he won't feel bad
wahala don dey o
iyama! Linda you need glasses. which one is "one look at her pics n u can tell bla bla " I think Phelps needs glasses too.
that thing looka ugly
This ugly hag, noce bod, fake obviously but the face is so ugly. Nawa o!
she rocks, the lady is is beautiful that every man will like to have her..
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Confusion: Pastor warns Ebola is God's Punishment for Obama dividing Jerusalem
Linda, this your obsession with transgenders hian! I know you are educated enough to kno wthe difference between a transgender and someone who was born as an hermaphrodite.
LINDA SHE WAS BORN INTERSEX NOT MALE!!!!! Get your goddammned facts in Line!!!!!! I know you want everybody to be trans but sorry not gonna happen.She was born with both and she chose female!
Thank you
The news about her is that she was inter sex, and not exclusively a former man as you reported. Inter sex means she had both male and female genitalia and she had to get rid of the male part in her. Stop misinforming people, please
This men should stop confusing fellow men.
Mumu..i read her story! She was born male! And had surgery over d yrs to became female..she was never born with both male n female organs. See d way u re talking wit authority as if wat u re saying is true! Google is ur friend..go check instead of spewing blatant falsehood.
Liars, every where.
Very soon they will start prosecuting you in Nigeria for delighting in twisting story to get attention
You turn Amarphrodite to tansgenda and people are making comment like fools
Are they the same thing for God sake
We demand appology for this
A man is a man nothing like former man
Micheal Phelps is gay.
Well... I'm not phelps
Wonders shall never end, unbelievable. Did he remove his Dick and put pussy,how can dat be possible, just asking shaa
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