A woman named Patience Aaron who lives in Afaha Abia village, Nsit Ibom LGA in Akwa Ibom state has been arrested by men of the Akwa Ibom state Police command for allegedly burying her day-old baby alive.
According to the state Commissioner of Police, Gabriel Achong, Patience buried her one day old baby boy in a shallow grave with hopes that the child would die. Fortunately he found and rescued alive seven hours later...
"Patience on September 14th 2014 did bury her one-day-old baby boy in a shallow grave. The baby was rescued alive" the commissioner said
He also said the woman has been seriously ill since she was arrested and was receiving treatment.
I know i'm first coz u haven't even uploaded the pics yet... :P
evil woman
end time so many evil things are mow happening. Gos pls have mercg
Some pple are not meant to be mothers
Visit my blog
why re pple still dis heartless........... D child is a survival.. d future is bright
Maybe she is mental ill and if not she is wicked and heartless for her not to tink wat she went tru during pregnacy and delivery pains
The evil that women do, surprises jezeebel
How cruel, she doesn't deserve to be called a mother.
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Crazy act
Weldone police, God will continue to expose them
FIRST TO COMMENT***(GURU) Bad news..What might have made a woman bury her own blood...
Evil woman, y is dere motherless Bby's home.
After carrying the 9months stress. How dumb!😒😒
Tufiakwa! Chukwu aju! Y not give out d baby 4 adoption or worst sell it to a family dat wud take care of it nd pocket d money! Y even carry a baby 4 nine months, give birth to it wit all d labour pain only 4 u 2 kill it!!!!!!!!! Y EVEN HAVE SEX IN D FIRST PLACE?! Y???!!!!!!!!! Y???!!!!!!!!! Y???!!!!!!!!!
#GM Says#
It's horrible to grow up and learn that your own mother buried you alive as a baby! OMG! What a way to start life! And if u know u have ever committed abortion, stop condemning this woman bcos ur guilty of the same crime! God have mercy!
This is wickedness! Why did she in the first place keep the pregnancy? Why did she not terminate it? There are two things involved here, she is either possessed by demon or she is mentally imbalance. Otherwise no normal mother after the pain of child bearing would bury her child alive. May God forgive her and to the police, thanks for saving a life. But also remember that the mother must be alive to take care of the baby no matter her offense.
This is wickedness! Why did she in the first place keep the pregnancy? Why did she not terminate it? There are two things involved here, she is either possessed by demon or she is mentally imbalance. Otherwise no normal mother after the pain of child bearing would bury her child alive. May God forgive her and to the police, thanks for saving a life. But also remember that the mother must be alive to take care of the baby no matter her offense.
That baby is a fighter and his mother the she demon
Where is d photo...
The must be one backward Igbo woman, that's cool 500k she buried . all baby factory in PH go done vex the woman tired.
Oh! There's nothing one will not hear or see in des world of ours, som people re crying evrynite to hve a baby while som who hve re disposing dem,God! It's well,i hope she gets d punishment she deserves.
Oh mercy
People can really be wicked and heartless. Burying a day old baby? Wen u were spreading u never thought of de consequences. Such people shouldn't be allowed to leave.
I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Praise God the baby made it. Ha! am seriously praying for a child yet God has blessed a woman like this nd see what she s done!! If only some Pple know what other women would do to hve just one child....... Hmnnnnnnnn.
I dont wanna say implicating words... But why the hell would you wanna take a soul... Na war o.. Nkan be
obviously she is not really well.i mean who does dat?huh.
Wonders will never end, are you sure she really gave birth to that child. Some women are strong hearted #onelovefromSnow#
Why didn't she just take the baby to a motherless babies home. People are just wicked
Thank God d baby is safe ....as for d woman no comment
Hia what kind of story is this. Bury a day old baby kwa, na wah o
I trust Akwa Ibom men, they don't joke with their children..
Hmmm pikin wey another woman they fast n pray for nai another person dey bury!!! God dey O.
- Bliss
Its either is mentally ill or that she's suffering from PPD.
Wicked world. Those that are barren are praying 4 a child and those that are blessed with a child want 2 eliminate their's. «««««QU££NMA¥A»»»»»»
May God help this generation!! Our own is just too much.
Too bad! When some people are even looking for one.
Evil woman your plan no work.,thank God he's alive.
Wot in d world was she finking?
Oh Lord, when some women are crying day and night for a baby,many are looking for way to get rid of theirs.
Dats wickedness, d baby shld nvr b given to her agn.. The world's gradually turning into something else..
Emmm...where's the photo
errmm..where's the photo
how great are you oh Lord
Its better for her to die oooo
Female ritualist God have exposed u. Go and rout in jail
Wat wickedness in d highest order... After recieving her treatment, she too shud b buried alive.
As 4 d baby, d lord almighty wil continue 2 guide nd ur purpose on ds planet EARTH shall b accomplished.
Some people shouldn't be living, wicked woman
Afolabi Tosyne's blog
this woman is evil.she deserve forty years imprisonment
The evil that men do.........
Why? why? why? God pls bless me with on.
omG see d fine baby ha na wa for dat woman o
linda post my coment
Personn wey get head no get cap
How could a mother do such a thing? With d 9 month of pregnancy and d labour of birth..... Nawa o if she knows she can't avoid to have a child why did she got pregnant in d first place.
yeah sick, until a mentally sick person would do that...
Omg. That woman is a beast.
Either she's a witch or she's mentally sick. This is why children grow up 2 hate their mothers wen they hear d story tomoro.
There must be a reason to such action,,,,
I think d woman has brain disorder.......foolish and heartless..kai
Very gud... She shuld face d wrath of d law, and serves as example to odas of likeminds
Very gud... She shuld face d wrath of d law, and serve as example to odas of likeminds
Lots of people are looking for children while d once that have them are throwing them always what a world shhhh
Chei! Bury kwa. After carryin d baby for 9mnth? Wt hapend to d ophanage homes? She's rili sick cos dts nt normal abeg.
Such a cute baby
Omg..wots happening?y on earth kud she hav don d@..#bizzare#evil#
What a cute baby...some mothers shaa are something else
I don't seems to understand y she did that after nine months of pain and stress carrying the baby but all the same, there must be a reason for her action....... Wishing her quick recovery tho......
After the pain of 9months she delivered and have the heart to bury her day old baby kia.the wickness of dis generation is too much.
Choi!! Not even a word from my mouth are u sure she's d real
mum, I.mean what on earth could be her reason. Na waoooo. Nothing wey person no go hear.
The mother is so heartless,did they force you to give birth,people are out there fasting and praying for the fruit of the womb from God,and God blessed you with this beautiful baby and the least you could do is bury the baby alive and later if you cant give birth,you would say its the witches in your village.
The is a great child..that woman is wicked
Why are people still so naive?Do people understand that there's a lot of options out there if you don't want ur baby. Foster care, adoptions and so on. I think they need to bring more awareness to that.
this kind of woman, is she in sane? that baby is a God sent baby. maybe he is going to be our next president to hope us change NIGERIA
it could be peuperal psychosis. God go help us oo.
God. Y....smtin am desperatly seekin for sm1 na Has. It nd want 2 kill it.....D angel dat gives. Children is blind He doesn't knw. Who or nt deserve Children....Chai sm dnt deserve 2 b a moda....
wickedness!! Igwioafoma@gmail.com
And so? Is dat de matter on ground? MUMU......
Ur heart desires will be granted double fold.
Jus corrected 1 NEKS lik dat 4 typin GOg instead of GOD nd u ds SEXY MAMA typed GOS instead of GOD.. Pls tak it easy wen typin xpecially wen it's as 2 do wt name of GOD.. Ghost no dey chase u nd NEKS
Amen. OooOooO,I pray tanks Zo..
4 ur head.. Ode
Ur prayers has bin answered.
dont mind the fool,,he/she has notin else to do!
She might have been suffering post natal depression..... But of course we are so backward and myopic in naija to even think of that option......for those of u here who don't know go and google it....this is where proper investigations come in, but in naija we all have a one tracked mind....of course if they find out it's not post natal depression then the law should take it's course.....
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