"My marriage was full of lies. I cannot tell you in detail what those lies were, if that’s what you’re trying to make me do but it was based on lies. It’s a pity it didn’t work out. I didn’t go into the marriage to crash it. I wanted a family; I wanted a loving home and a loving husband. That was why I went into it in the first place but as nature would have it, I didn’t get any of those. I still thank God my head is intact."Was it really a marriage?
It was a marriage but we didn’t do any wedding. We didn’t do any court marriage or church wedding. We did nothing. We didn’t even do traditional marriage but in my culture, there are many processes to getting married and I did a few of those, so you can say I was married. In Igbo land, there are rites you adhere to before you can say this is my wife and I did a couple of them.
Why did you do the rites in secret?
You cannot do rites openly; it’s just a family thing, family members only. It’s not a traditional wedding. If I had done traditional wedding, I would definitely invite people. If I had done a white wedding, I would have invited people. If I had done a court marriage, I would still have invited people but it was just rites. I didn’t do anything the public needed to know, so you can’t say I did any marriage in secret.
Did he cheat on you? What exactly did he do?
No, it’s not about women. Like I always say, you cannot build a home on sinking sand. You need to build a home on a rock. What I mean is that a marriage built on deceit and lies is no marriage at all. If you want a solid marriage, it must be built on honesty and trustworthiness. If not, it’s definitely going to crash. If it doesn’t crash today, it will crash tomorrow, so the lies are my reasons.
When did you discover he was lying to you?
Well, it was good while it lasted; he was a good man to me. I felt all I saw was all I was supposed to see but later when one thing led to another and things started unfolding. I started finding out that everything was not what it seemed. Every relationship, you have problems in-between, there is no relationship that just goes on smoothly. In the process of friendship and dating, we had issues that we resolved but when we took it to the next level we just couldn’t hold it together. There are things you can hide as friends but as married couple it is impossible because so many other things like families are involved. As his girlfriend some things that were hidden were revealed when I became his wife. What happened between me and my husband is between me and my husband. We caused it, both of us caused it.
For how long were you guys together?
The marriage lasted barely a month before we started having issues. We were having issues before I found out I was pregnant.
Are you planning to raise your child as a single mother?
When I don’t have a husband, I’m raising her alone. I can’t throw my child away. It’s not her fault that the marriage didn’t work out, it’s not her fault that I got pregnant, it’s not her fault that we didn’t take our marriage seriously, so I’m going to raise her no matter what happens.
What attracted you to your husband before you married him?
I saw something in him that nobody had ever seen. I saw a man that was a good man inside his heart. It’s not like when you’re looking at him everything is perfect but I saw that deep down somewhere, there’s a good man. Without the influence of society, he would have been different. I blame it on society and I blame it on him. He allowed things to influence but he was born a good man and I thought I could bring that goodness out in him. I thought that I could change something and make it better. I tried but it didn’t work out.
Was it completely his fault that your marriage crashed?
It’s our fault. We shouldn’t have allowed our marriage to crash. I wouldn’t know my mistakes; he would tell you my mistakes. Maybe I was a little too much to handle, maybe that’s why but I wouldn’t know until he tells you his own side of the story.
Some people were saying you got into the marriage because of money?
I didn’t get into the marriage because of money in the first place. I got into the marriage because I wanted to be married and because I saw something in him that I felt would work out for me later in life. I didn’t go into it because of money; there were no millions to spend so it wasn’t about money. I don’t care what people say. What matters is the truth and I try to be very straightforward when I deal with people. So, it wasn’t about money because there was none
Others are saying you left him because of his brain tumor?
He doesn’t have brain tumor. He was sick at the time, he had issues but his sickness is not the reason why our marriage crashed. Money was not the issue either. I would definitely know about his health status before I would marry a man. I knew what I was going into, so how could I just leave a man because he had a brain tumor? It’s funny You said he didn’t have a brain tumor, what was really wrong with him? I cannot tell you, he would tell you. He was sick, he was treated but it had nothing to do with the brain. He had surgery but it was not brain tumor, it was not cancer, he was just sick and I thank God that he’s alive. I don’t know why people just wake up and conclude things out of the blue; you don’t know these people from Adam, you just read about people and then you go and comment rubbish. You write rubbish to tear people’s lives apart even when you know nothing about their issues.
Is he still in hospital?
He’s not in hospital; he has never been in the hospital. I don’t know why that picture came up, that picture you saw online was taken like last year December
Was your husband with you when you were pregnant?
No, he wasn’t. We were having issues, we weren’t together. He didn’t see me pregnant for one day
didnt u guys date b4 mariage? Badguy.com
Hmmm, this is serious.
Lmao.....wot a super story. ..
Eiyaa sorry,I saw that coming.
You saw something in him,oshey! Visionary.
There is something you are not telling us, maybe you went in for the money and found out that there was no millions to spend. 'Sowie doll' Dangote son is on thw way for you #onelovefromSnow#
Dt wild girl dt has bleached of her life, abegi go and sit down
Good girl gone badt
Is that realy her on d first pic?????
She wasn't ok wit d marriage nd den she left!! Nothin bad abt it..only her knws wat she faced in it
I hv gained no new info from ds report..hisss.. waste of my data plus time..hisss..
This one na Wowo de wowo. Yet u couldn't bring out dat best in him. U just don't want 2 say de cause of ur divorce.
I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Whateve,who Cares
So long a letter!!!
Its such a shame the lies oozing from this report... This girl is a call girl , and its evident she is a liar. Shame on these actresses .Lets see where fucking dicks get you.
Lies full her head. It's better u tell us u want to go back ur single life than all dis lies. You've settled the guy n it's nice doing biz with him. Dats all...
See this uche is a big liar..
She. Had her wedding cos I was @ festac that period with my actress cuz so I. Knew when all them actresses,Went for the wedding I was supposed to go but I said one I was never a fan so them actresses went she was even in my cuz room some days before the said wedding.
2 one thing u must know about this people is. The lie, they live very fake. Lives and tell u stories that will make ur head spin so from what I learnt the babe married the guy cos he was fucking rich. So uche can like to take several seats
Her story has no basis. She's contradicting her self. #oge#
Another fab story...
... Hmm. Another marriage palava
Soo the $arriage has ended.too bad.
You knew what you were going into but you thought you could change it.That's one problem many ladies have..they. Always think they can change a man/situation.you see a man with some dirty behaviours and you think when you marry him he would change....NO HE WOULD NOT
Marriage crash everywhere
Gradually, we will be like developed countries
This is not encouraging
Uche it would have been better u kept quiet than condradict yourself, what do u mean by it's not money/woman/health/etc issues that crashed ur marriage, so nothing tangible happened ehn? Or is his JT too small? But u actress' do test drive now, so I don't think it's true. Uche me think say u dey lie ontop d lie wey ur hubby lie remain, na MONEY be d problem, just say it. He tell u say hin get plenty money, u com marry am com see say hin jus dey manage, u com waka, no be so? We knoe now 4get! Even d gods dey confused for dis ya tory 'I married him b/cos I want to be married' yimu!
He had surgery but was never in d hospital? Did it took place at home? Just tell us u met ur match in lying but his super duper lies over powered urs simple.
Uche it would have been better u kept quiet than condradict yourself, what do u mean by it's not money/woman/health/etc issues that crashed ur marriage, so nothing tangible happened ehn? Or is his JT too small? But u actress' do test drive now, so I don't think it's true. Uche me think say u dey lie ontop d lie wey ur hubby lie remain, na MONEY be d problem, just say it. He tell u say hin get plenty money, u com marry am com see say hin jus dey manage, u com waka, no be so? We knoe now 4get! Even d gods dey confused for dis ya tory 'I married him b/cos I want to be married' yimu!
Contradicting story, from statement above u said he had surgery, from d second to d last question u said he's not in hospital, he has never been in the hospital. Am confuse.
Yes I agree with her that it was based on lies. Eg
1. She is his "wife" but they never married.
2. "He wasn't in the hospital for one day" but he had surgery!
3. He never saw you pregnant for one day! Haba did you guys separate immediately after fertilisation of your egg.
This babe na real Laila Asika Asiegbulam
Sure, there's definitely something she's not saying... Alot of these actresses hv failed marriages coz they compare it to movies, it will nvr work dat way... Dey wanna get married to rich guyz with so much connections within and outside Naija, dey dn't wanna b loyal plus 80% of dem do runs.. Too bad but dats wat we get
Uche u lie that was not marriage at all u only did an introduction which is not marriage rites in Igbo land is just a start, so stop calling it marriage to mk people not to see d truth that u got pregnant out of wedluck....pls u were never married.
Igbos don't date dey see u dey like u and next minute u are married
U were never married Uche stop saying husband to cover d fact that u got pregnant out of wedluck, in what Igbo land has introduction mk people married? Is only a process but does not mk u Mrs.
In my opinion I tink d guy was sick and has no money and wanted Uche to assist him maybe that's when Uche realises that d man is broke and run away.
@snowflix u are so right u just said my mind.
This Uche is a pure liar,First off,You know dat guy is as ugly as a monkey and you went in,(1)You knew he was old and sick why did you marry him then?(2)you thought you had hit the jackpot because he was from PANYA,You could easily get your staying in europe and be touring around the globe showing picture in your instagram(3)You found out the guy was ugly in apperance and also ugly in his bank account,and to cap it up he is ILLEGAL IN SPAIN.And he prolly borrowed someones paper to come to nigeria and fuck you.(4)You found out he was illegal in europe and also a broke monkey,You where devastated,Becuase you have hyped the guy to your colleagues who also is looking for a rich fish to be in thier net,SO THE BEST THING WAS TO TERMINATE THE MARRIAGE,But the guy came with annoyance because he is not getting pussy in europe so he have to make sure he pour all d akamu he has in his waist straight and fill you up with a baby sharp,So the conclusion its.THIS GUY IS NOT WAH U THOUGHT HE IS,ONYA GI MATA USU,YOUR TRAP CATCH BAT.HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
Wow, its only money dat can make a pretty woman allow dis kind of man touch her. I jus can't mehnn..
Uche went into d marriage tinking d guy was rich and married him for d money but later find out when she wanted a big wedding that it was all lies that d man is very koboless and all he has was borrow pose Uche ran away.
If you don't want to divorce,Don't get married.
Moni finish marriage end..forward eva jare u go soon catch anoda massive fish!!!
all this our celebs and marriage palava...
Uche was my sec.school friend ( FGGC lejja),only introduction n bride price were done,so my dear ,i did n't know where u got ur fake ass news that she has done her w.wedding .SMH for some pple carrying rumours n spoiling pple's name.mtcheww.
Ije uwa
i dont no wot to say . She have said it all
i dont no wot to say . She have said it all
Dis is v.serz...
Tales by moonlight, she ended up saying nothing just blabbing. #dguyugshaa
Nigerian actresses surely do like to get hooked to footballers, even my beloved and respected Stephanie Okereke was involved. Na wa!
Igbo ladies, the hustle is real! Lol
For all of u that say the runs girls(prostitutes) are the ones getting married and the good ones are not , u can now see that the runs girls marriages can't last but when a good girl marries, it's for life !!!!! All you girls that keep on deceiving yourselves because of money I pity u especially all these models
And you too can like to learn how to punctuate..
Day by day primary english course,get a copy
Bad choice of marriage. «««««««QU££NMA¥A»»»»»»
Nawa oo baseless story
Lmao @ visionary
Youths in Nigeria and all over the world, the change is here,let's embrace it, let's stop the killng,robbery,kidnapping, terrorism and scamming of innocent pple. A great company has given us this opportunity to make money in a decent and honourable way.. How insanely sweet to take a drink and be paid for it..Wow, there can never be better opportunities..take this chance NOW!!! Visit www.hotize.vemma.com my profile and everything you need to know will be further explained. Stay blessed
Nollywood is now going the way of Hollywood! Everybody is now getting divorced!
D man head no be here oo
It's nobody's business why the marriage ended. No reason to take panadol for another person's wahala.
Akuko!!...Story that touches the heart. Her stories are just all over the place. Not one atom of genuineness in d story.
Plz don't open your mouth and say rubbish if you are not family coz clearly you know nothing about what happened
Uche be speaking cheap english! Haaa! Tot I was reading wat an 8yrs old gal wrote. Na akogheri! She tot there was muni.......wasn't wat she expected, she left! End of story!
Talk true babe, yu married him at first instance bcos he was a footballer......
Many single fools sit lonely in dier beds n lash out @ pple whoz marraige failed wen dey hv nva bin married.Who r u to kal ha a liar or a whore?Wre u in d marraige wit ha?
Women kw hw shameful it is fr a marraige to fail in ds part of d world...esp a marraige ds young.n dey kw hw judgemental n hateful pple cn b abou it..So fr a woman to stil damn d consequences n leave,trust me,it mst hv bin excruciatingly unbearable.Am married n I kw it is.
Yea @ badguy.com nice question didn't u guys date b4 marriage pls stop given us wrn impression abt marriage we da singles ar nt happy pls ~ice princess~
Sorry Lady,Maay God bless u wit a man dt wld suit ur craving n mk u happy.
Soo sad,sm men pretend jst to get a woman n wen she gets in u see all sorts of surprises.rili sad.
Uche is a liar..
I concur; some of them borrow borrow to woo a girl.. If you look into their pockets, it's torn-empty.
I just pity some girls desperate for obodo oyibo husband.
*My R1.50c comment*
STFU which stupid cousin actress? If there was a weddn we'd def ve seen pictures. Stupid liar
Face your life
4get dah story it's only ur former face dah can be loyal to dis kinda man not dis new one.
The guy wud probably be a drug dealer... Put one and one together!!!!
Fucking bitch, we know so u can continue ur prostitution. Actresses just can keep their legs for a man, always going for d highest bidder. Decieve a man to get a child afterwards fuck as u like. Bringing disgrace to womenfolk ewu
Hmmm, celeb with their wahala
Full of lies could still mean 'YOU'! Its not always the man, you know. So cut the feminism woman self pity crap
Story story story
Same thing that happened to me. Marriage based on lies, ìt crashed.
Linda, abeg oh, nor marry footballer! Lol
Shut up already
Story story
Linda post comments jare! U dey breastfeed pikin 4 there. If na big work 4 u to dey post comments on time then employ someone, u too dey dolly dolly for posting comments jawe!
Even if u date a guy u cnt kw everytin
Only money could have attracted you to this Obasanjo.
Did you all hear her? When she couldn't get what she went there to get,the next option was to opt out"! That is to show how selfish you are... And that is the only major reason for divorce in our society. When you go to into a marriage to make the other party a better person (to give and not to take), that's when marriage would begin to work. We all go into marriage for our selfish reasons, that's to get,get, and get and not to give, give and give.
If you love someone you should be able to make that person a changed and better person.. Love is all about making your partner a better person by giving. Guys be wise. Don't go into a marraige to get, go into it to give. Your marraige will work if you do that.
But they were never married. She said no church or traditional wedding? Just a few family rites? I don't get it.
Do you know how many people have been lied to in their marraige. And they are still in that marraige to make it work..
Baba u nor be small pikin again ooooh,dis year u knw how many years u be sha?if u cannot handle ur marriage at this age na wen u go handle am?in the first place u probably marrie that man bcus of is money,now nor be watin u plan nor be he u see,dat's y u dey change am 4d guy now,u knw say I knw u well tell d world the truth.marriage is 4 better 4 worst,till death do Una apart.......#@ braims dey talk 4rb b/city.
Get another story madam! This one is incoherent
Did you all hear her? When she couldn't get what she went there to get,the next option was to opt out"! That is to show how selfish you are... And that is the only major reason for divorce in our society. When you go to into a marriage to make the other party a better person (to give and not to take), that's when marriage would begin to work. We all go into marriage for our selfish reasons, that's to get,get, and get and not to give, give and give.
If you love someone you should be able to make that person a changed and better person.. Love is all about making your partner a better person by giving. Guys be wise. Don't go into a marraige to get, go into it to give. Your marraige will work if you do that.
Plz oooo. Say the right thing. What are these rites dah would make u a married woman if nt either white wedding, court marriage or at least, traditional marriage.
I'm Igbo but haven't heard of any rite that would pronounce someone a married (wo)man.
As long as marriage is concerned, u were never married.
So clean ur mouth for u just voiced out rubbish.
Story for the gods.
She sounds like she's the reason why her marriage failed. Imagine saying that she doesn't knw if it was partly her fault that it didn't work out
remind me again how this relates to d post
story for the gods
Story for the gods
If u ask me,na who i go ask?trashy story..i couldnt makeout any sense from what she was saying.no congent reasons for the divorce,how can you be pregnant for 9months and ur supposed husband didnt see you even once throughout that period?haba uche!Whatever the issue is,it must be really big oooo,smh..for you!
Pls what is d title of dis movie?
Liar and golddigger is who Uche is. They always have an excuse for their greed..all dis money hungry celebs
9ice' Ex Wife, Fmr Publicist Rubbish His Political Dream, Leaks Photos Of Him Fighting on The Street [Pics]
See armed Nigerian police officers helping a man to chase his woman instead of chasing crime (photos)
Not sure What s wrong with all this female Celebes.seems the new trend now is going into marriage and after one month they will start with super story.they should just learn to saparate their jobs from their private lives and stop living fake life.
Dating b4 marriage isn't an assurance that the marriage would work. Marriage is more complicated than that, it's not a story book!
Because RUNS pay ba. Yeye
You wanna be like Mona Lisa Chinda , Njamah Express n other milking bitch out there
He told you that He owns millions and some mansions..lol...'Story for the girls'
Awww...thou art vexing...hehe
i don hear u abscond form ur marriage becos the man too ugly uche abeg stop forming stories that touch the heart u got wat u deserved simple as dat
Too bad
Hmmmmmmmm..Uche,diaris God o
''i left my marriage because i Love DICKS"..Uche Ogbodo..*ALICECUNT*
wow,tnk for d info..whu cares;
Ojai says" uche it's quite unfortunate it ended this way. I pray God will gv u the strength and funds to train up ur girl. Its well
Dating the guy does not guarantee the opportunity to know everything about the man.
Dating the guy does not guarantee the opportunity to know everything about the man.
Uche talk true, " he had surgery."..... "He has never been In the hospital" na wah oooooo... Haba.
No, first you married him thinking the guy has money then ran away because he has none. lol
Dear Uche, are u show u entered this marriage for a good cause? God is a God of second chance, u said ur ex hubby lied to u but is dat enuff reason to quit a marriage? Say d truth and shame d devil, why did u marry dis man? I leave u to ur conscience
Story for the gods.
This her story has K leg...
She's saying they were never married though, not legally or civilly. They were playing some version of house. She got pregnant and discovered a fatal flaw in him, she bounced. Ok. We got it. Don't let me catch you still talking about this a year from now. You made your choice. Live with it and move on.
Akuko n'egwu Mike Ejeagha.
This one not wife material
Abi,you didn't he has a Norwegian wife before you went into the marriage ? Or you wanted him to divorce her and he refused?All these Nigerian actresses and husband snatching.
uche saw somtin in him (moni) which no one had seen but after d marriage woke 2 realise it was all borrowed. d truth b told d man was 2 stupid 2 have eva had any relationship with her.
What does that have to do with any of this?
Pls any igbo person in the house, explain how you get married in your culture without the traditional wedding? What are the rites you perform for you to be tagged married? I don't understand Uche's explanation about doing some igbo rites and calling herself married. I need an igbo person that knows the culture very well to help explain it to us.
Liar.. D guy use wash marry her... Treasure.. Lol...
No be only Badguy.com
Nah Badmeat.org.ng
Like seriously
Hmmm! Marriage wahala. The Lord is ur strength. At least u hv a dotter to keep u company and make u happy.
FIRST TO COMMENT***(GURU) We have heard you..
Super Story produce by wale adenuga production and written by uche ogbodo••#GiftedDiva#
A Micheal who can't spell Michael.
Even if u date a man for 15yrs,u still can't know somethings abt him,until u guys get married,anyways,such is life....just take dat as a lesson,and continue ur life.
Once the bride price has been payed is she not married?
She was just talking 'up and down'. I weak for the story sha. The bottom line, you got fucked, good for you, and you got pregnant. This is what happens when money rule your head.
Men tell lies so that they can fuck women. Tell them the truth, nothing for you. Lol
May be that she didn't do traditional marriage but her bride price was paid .once a Guy paid your bride price your married to him.
Thanks anon 7.41am I noticed that lie too, don't mind Uche.
@anon 7:53am u are so fucking right and observant too, I lost my Lv for Uche , she's a big lair.
And anon 9:31 who told u bride price was paid? Or do they now pay bride price in introduction? Cos as u can hear that's d only ting they did and I wonder y Uche labeled herself married cos in d Igbo land where I cm from introduction does not mk u married is only a process unless for poor hungry people who don't HV money to do d rest and just run to each other and start making babies .
@Annoy 6:49....good question. She said she tot she could change him, guess she knows berra now.
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