"Before that fateful day, Esther & I had been talking & she told me that a girl/fan (Ojeah) was coming from London and she already made arrangements on a hotel where she would stay and that my man would be spending a day or two with her at the hotel. I asked Esther how she got the info, she said my man told her hubby and her hubby told her in confidence...but cz of d likeness she has for me, she wouldn't want me fooled/hurt. I was irked, I was hurt, but I was strong enough not to shed a tear." Continue...
After further inquiries, Esther told me the girl would be coming 21st Sept. 2013 but my man would join her on 22nd (a day after). I was relieved because I had a wedding to attend on the 21st & I was the maid of honour. On the 20th, my man told me he had something to do in Port Harcourt and would be there for two days. That statement confirmed Esther's words. I still couldn't believe it was happening because I trusted him with my life. I told him he could go and that he should drive safely. On that fateful day 22nd Sept. 2013, I went for service, I wasn't comfy...thoughts kept crawling....thoughts like: what could they be doing now? Hugging, kissing, or prolly strafing....(lol)....before the service was over, I left church and headed for PH. You needed to have seen me. I wore a strong tight, a black dress and a flip flop ready to fight. I got to PH, met with Esther & she took me to the supposed hotel. She said she'd wait at the reception while I go knock on room 101. I did and behold this fair girl came, opened the door and said: Yes, who are you? I pushed the door ready to explode only to find four other people in the room including my man, a bed decorated with scented candles & cute roses. It had the inscription: Say yes! Jnr Pope fell on his knees and said: I'm tired of being on the fast lane. I want you to have my last name and he showed me this beautiful ring...awwwww..I wept uncontrollably.....its one year today..
The couple got married in July 2014
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Excellent one.. How romantic indeed..As a guy you can do more! It is well. Gen 2:18-19. BishopDammy#
Sweet. #####QUEENMAYA#####
juniour Pope and e wife don come again. We don hear na lol
O my,hoping on God for my own testimony,father Lord visit me with that unlimited favour and your unexpected blessings upon the man in my life,hapi anniversary n many hapi marriage life together.
The story sweet 4 a suap story script but e also dey somehow. Who are they please?
Sexiness. I claim this in Jesus name,Amen.
wow so much for an engagement..mk sense
Wish the couple the best
What Really Happens At Night When 2 Couples Are Sleeping Together.
Female Traffic Police Officers Fighting On The Road
Crazy but something different from d way others propose. Congratulations, God bless your home.
Awwww! So lovely.
Thinking of how imma propose too,mine will be at the National stadium. When Nigeria will be playing a very important match.
Nice Nice Nice
This man na correct actor oOO
So he had cameras standing by huh?
Happy for them
It's high time I start cooking dramatic proposal, in years it will make up for the unborn bride lol
WOW....but wat if U had decided not to travel to PH to see things forurself???? Cos if its me,i wont go to PH becos sumone said my man is cheatingon Me.........
Nice it all turned out well
Cute couple..hmconcept2000@gmail.com
Beautiful..... No more indomie and egg for you
Nice one.... congrats to them
Wow,I love dat..but its risky!cos some gals will definitely go nuts and may involve in a misterious outflow...so lovely and swt.JP
Wow so lovely,i cant wait for the wedding bells to start ringing for me.
Even 'YES' dey there??? I no see ' NO' just in case. Abi him na winch? Lol!
Story 4 gods......
so sweet...
Wow!!!!Loving sometin is such a scary feelin,wat it does to u,u can Neva explain for others to understand..I love this and I pray Dat God will do it for me too and everyone who wish for the right man.Amen
So romantic.wish them the best..no divorce bikonu
This is sweet yo!
How sweet!
Wao!so romantic,buh if it was me I will not go to that hotel oo,before some use her shoe to disfigure my face!so happy for u.
Romantic! Lindishmo@gmail.com
Wow nollywood script! ThankGod she didn't spoil things b4 realizing the fun part of it
awwwwww so lovely. i pray my man will propose in a romantic way too, so that i can share the proposal with Linda nwa Ikeji
Woow lovely, romantic one from pope, but dt's way too far, wat if ha intention is to shot at sight on any lady dt cones her way dt moment. But madam please try & control ur temper to avoid super story dt touches d heart.
Awww! So funny and dramtic indeed! God bless ur union.
i'm sure if you check the meaning of the word drama in the dictionary, after Dennis Rodman , you would see these wannabes junior pope and his mgbeke wife.. wanting to make headlines it have do we have noticed u from pounding yam to this story from a bad scripted Nigerian movie
So sweet. God bless your union!...BGM
Aww.... How lovely. Thank God the suprise didn't go bad... Like she throwing a punch at the fair lady before opening the door.
awwwwww so lovely. i pray my man will propose in a romantic way too, so that i can share the proposal with Linda nwa Ikeji
api 4 u,wixhin longlaxtn in ur marriage
Awwww this is lovely and funny I can only imagine how she would fought had it been it was true that her man was cheating.I wish you well in your marriage.
Stupid Proposal if you ask me! It can't work for someone like me. How can I travel to PH to fight a girl over a boyfriend?? Not sure I'll do that over a husband sef.
Sweet sweet. The kind of things I like but my man is so unromantic
Drops dead
Cool buh a lil bit risky biko. Wat if she had punched d gal dat opened d door to attend to her? Dem go say sorry say na play...I won't act dat part biko
Wow! See how am crying as if it happened to me...congrtas dearie#Lordiwanttobemarried#may.viola@yahoo.com
risky but cool
you wore a black pants ready to fight, hope you didn't slap the fair lady ooo.
His boo is romantic sha.
hmmm interesting PH.... okay
Awwwwww, everytin about dem is so unique ,from d proposal to d pre wedding shots.. I loveeee #giggles#
that was sweet and creative.the guy tried
This has just got to be the most useless and stupid proposal ever............he was bringing Nollywood into his proposal. Mtcheeew.....Which decent man would plan this and call it a proposal? by trying to break her heart....
nice one
And they say love doesnt exist.....
This made me laugh
U really went to fight.....
Happy married life.....
hmmmmmmmmmm! is that soooooooooooo?
Awwwwww,so romantic...qudratadenike@gmail.com
This babe go write book o, story of my life things, but what matter's most in marriage is the after afters....proposal, wedding, baby things etc.
quite romantic.
nice 1
awwwwwwww! lovely
lovely proposal am shedding tears alredy
Awwwww........so romantic.Da couple look lyk siblings.I pray da God blesses Linda with a man of her choice,amen
A beautiful way to propose...God bless your Union and God bless Nkechi..
Sweet but dangerous. HML to them
Hmmmm. The guy really got you. How are we to know didn't go along with a gun! Thank God he's yours today.
That was so romantic..
NNE u try oh.
Awwwwwww....dis is so sweet!! preparing 2 fight & den dis_lol....
Hahahahahaha thank God say she no slap d babe wey open door 4 her,story 4 change.
he dey propose to person way don get bele, shay she go say NO ni?
Dis is sweet. I wish ma man wuld propose 2me romantically lyk dis.
And as u wish so shall it be by his grace jessimor
Bro na pure water nylon nd sabina gin plastic dem go use pursue u nd ur babe comot for field lmao
For the first time, you cracked me up. Lmao
Lol..we don hear oo
So sweet. Mine was a little bit awkward cos when he knelt down before me. And brot out d ring,i slaped him cos I cldnt believe it
Hmmm,this is risky ooo. The heart break could send a girl to an untimely crave . She tried ,i would want mine to be very romantic,no heart breaking things abeg...
Awwww so romantic
Very romantic. I love it
Awwwwwww....dis is so sweet!! preparing 2 fight & den dis_lol....
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So romantic God bless me wit a swt and a romantic hubby like dat ummm ~ice princess ~
How many times will he paste this story jor. He put it all over social media now he is putting it out again. I thought they had married and now have a kid?
Very annoying fellow. 40yr old man still acting like a 20yr old.
Dramatic indeed..but the best proposal i have seen.....
What do u expect from a nollywood actor???
Awwwwwww! So touching and romantic.. I felt like crying 'winkles' #onelovefromSnow#
So he pretended to cheat on her? I think that's cruel means to a happy end, with many ways it could have gone wrong.
Doubts arise.
thats cute
God help you if naija is losing in that match. U go no ur mistake.
sweet,romantic and interesting..But what if she came with a pistol under her tight gown...= GBEGE
the best proposal av seen so far.
Sweet... Buh I'll crucify him later 4 puttn me tru such. U can imagine d heart attack she must be feeling
I would love to do something similar to Beautiful
Linda Ikeji cos I love this lady so much...
Lindodo abeg I need that money to solve some tins in skul
Lol,ds guy na fool
Lol,ds guy na fool
The story sweet 4 a super story script but e also dey somehow. Who are they please?
Lovely and dramatic one indeed
Hmmm Africa magic tinz!...interesting proposal though buh my kind person go don finish d afin face wit pepper spray b4 I slam d door open!..dat was over board #justsaying
Guy, that was risky. what would have happened if she refuse to come to PHC?
This kind of game has part 2...
Dis story brought a little tear to my eyes....
Thank you. It's unsettling. Congrats though
Amen in Jesus name.
You are really an actor! Quite romantic and dramatic! May God keep your union forever.
Beautiful one, which day my man go surprise me too na *tongue out*
sister linda goodmorning o....my name na dora......abeg no vex e get problem wa d worry me since....my spirit keep tell me to ask for your help...abeg no vex o, u fite help me with one used laptop.abeg I wan come back to blogging I no even get money to buy new labtop abeg help.....my email doramickel67@gmail.com ...........God go bless u more for me
sister linda goodmorning o....my name na dora......abeg no vex e get problem wa d worry me since....my spirit keep tell me to ask for your help...abeg no vex o, u fite help me with one used laptop.abeg I wan come back to blogging I no even get money to buy new labtop abeg help.....my email doramickel67@gmail.com ...........God go bless u more for me
it doesnt make sense.....so what if she didnt go to PH?? it wasnt like the arrangement was made for her to go. She just decided to go on her own.
then the proposal.
Oh pls shut up!Over sabi! Did she complain to u.I dnt knw y sum pple r full of hatred.....I'm sure nobody has even given u dat plastic swit ring nt to talk of d real one dat's y u're so full of hatred. Learn to share in pple's joy and odas will rejoice wit u wen it's ur tym. STOP HATING...
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