Dino Melaye denies getting married for the third time | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 25 September 2014

Dino Melaye denies getting married for the third time

There were reports earlier today that controversial former House of Reps member, Dino Melaye got married for the third time to a lady named Christy who is from Owerri, Imo state. Dino went on twitter this afternoon to deny the report.

He separated from his first wife last year and separated from his second wife a few months ago


Unknown said...


Alloy Chikezie said...

Serial lover and serial woman beater dino melaye we've heard.

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Anonymous said...

Nawa for him ooo...den he has a problem not the women

Unknown said...

I honestly see no reason why he should defend his "personal" life choices to the prying public eye.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Bro! if u like marry or not it's your life live it d way want!

Unknown said...

His headache


Unknown said...

Owerri ko ur dick ni.

bunmi said...

Na him sabi

Unknown said...

Lmao! @ angola ni? Bloggers duo nu onu unu iga....

Bonita Bislam said...

Lol some bloggers sha.Theirs is a tough world they live in coz of competition.But reporting untrue stories is too bad.

PHINITE said...

Complete abgero

Teelz Nova said...

Hmm. Culd b true, but all dis politicians we can't trust dem if der shuld b a rumour dat he married a cow? Not so hard to believe. rite?

Unknown said...

He should go take several seats abeg

Eka Joy said...


#king said...

Okay..But u too like collabo.....................#KingOfKings

ary said...

LOL! so the man to CATEGORICALLY deny that lie! Hehehehehehehee

««« THE ONE AND ONLY JOAN911 »»» said...


Baby95 said...

E clear.

Anonymous said...

Are u sure?????????????

EbonyAma said...

Mtchewwwwwwwwwwww not my biznez.

Anonymous said...

Time shall tell...#nextplease#

Anonymous said...

For financial security, women are forced to marry animals like Dino Melaye.

honour said...

Name him sabi

Anonymous said...

Lol, go ahead and marry a 3rd wife if that's what your heart desires, divorce her and marry again before Christmas. Handsome guy.


Serial imbecilic moron. IF u like marry 100 times. Jobless mofo. Walking dead Indian hemp smoker.

ROYALTY said...

They should allow the man be jor. What if he marries for a third,who e concern?

Uche said...

You dino are known to be a non repentant liar with no credibility in this city. You have become a joke and laughing stock so forgive us if we do not take anything that you claim seriously! But I seriosly doubt any of my igbo sisters will fall for your intrigues.

The Sexiest Mother Of This Blog said...

na him sabi

ROYALTY said...

They should allow the man be jor. What if he marries for a third,who e concern?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Person wey go marry u again sef na fool! Idiotic fellow , razz ise

Unknown said...

see the mmus face

Unknown said...

see the mmus face

Unknown said...

see the mmus face

Unknown said...

see the mmus face

Okoro said...

Thank goodness he didnt mention Linda Ikeji..lol

hrm paul ojeih said...

Who are we to believe this dude is a serial wife beater a serial adulterer tells lies as a hobby so we wont believe shit that comes out from his mouth any how na him business if he marry 10 dino sucks

Anonymous said...

Ogaooooo, Mr Dino bikonu no vex

Anonymous said...

guy man u na dog? Badguy.com

linda's fan. said...

see y i love linda,she no dey carry fake news!

Anonymous said...

mumu linda mention the name u know u r talking about SDK. MUMU ASS KISSER

ukbliss said...

U be witch y can't you stay with one woman

Reggys Beauty And Fashion Worlds said...

Lol see he's head like coconut

Anonymous said...

U 4 talk d blog wey talk am NA Linda haha!..anyway NA Stella dimikoko blog only carry d news.no other blog or newspaper carry am

yawanow said...

Why not marry 5wives and maintain them.
Hope this one stays.

Debbie Chelsea said...

Lol @ Owerri ko Angola ni

Dadulcie said...

His p.. Seperated from 2 wives within 2 years?? Anyhow sha thats his probs

Unknown said...

Who care? Do anyhow, na you get ur life.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

Unknown said...

lol ..........funny...sue ni

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt that one desperate "housewife" will go ahead and married this Dino SHEKAU. I so pity women, the man ought to be in an asylum if we were living in this world; but of course, Naija, out of this world country, any goes. hehehehe

Unknown said...

Y won't d rumours b out nw,its ur way...imagine u seperatin 4rm ur wife last year nd same 2 d 2nd dz year...guess uve a big problem

Anonymous said...

Well that's how he denied beating his first wife... Turns out he did... Guilty
Then he denied cheating with alero and marrying her as second wife... Turns out he lied... E come beat her join...
Abegi the truth will soon come our whether in owner ro or Angola

Unknown said...

He sure knows how to play his games..please I think this man can coach manchester united.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God!
If this is true, I swear this lady won't escape death.
What da Fuck!

Ij pretty said...

Hmmmm,,,,this man is funny

Kae said...

Dino Melaye is a serial husband....#shikena

Anonymous said...

i am sure this man is mentally sick. Divorced d 2nd wife? Women run away.

Ada said...

This man is obviously lying

******LIB QUEEN*****

Anonymous said...

FIRST TO COMMENT***(GURU) We have heard....

Anonymous said...

Is he a seperatist?

Anonymous said...

Stella dimoko korkus blog I know carried this fake news. That's why I like Linda, she verifies news before publishing.

xtr112 said...

Yawa don gas

Anonymous said...

LOL..He is actually right, nobody has the right to talk about his personal stuff especially when the accusations are void abi false.

visit www.phonemastas.Wordpress.com its a nice blog, don't overlook this.

Anonymous said...

I hope no woman falls in his deadly trap again....

Olubukola Ozone said...

Lollzzz. Dis man can be very funny @Oweri ko, angola ni

Unknown said...

So he wants to make money off Bloggers abi?

Anonymous said...

I swear die! Dis man dey vex lowolowo! I beg of U linda, dnt step on his toes lik som dos, cos wen DOG is angry it wnt mind biting it's owner oo! Hear?

Anonymous said...

Ogbeni, stop blabbing and sue one of them already.... Hian!!!


Anonymous said...


ibeakwadalam said...

The face of a wife beater.

Linda please you need to champion the fight against domestic violence and women beaters.

Lets have a list of alleged wife beaters and publicly shame them.

Anonymous said...

Lmao,ds man go don dey fustrated,....... Chai na only u waka come

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Na wah, the first will always be the most important woman he ever met, 4 her to leave this new him, every other one will also leave 4 the same reason, dear former legislator its funny how u ever got to the pinnacle of leadership of our dear nation when you can't hold you nuclear home! Oh sorry polygamous home together.

Anonymous said...

Getting marry and divorce is his source of wealth....so don't blame him #ritualthing#

Anonymous said...

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways....what of a triple minded man...?

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Funny @ owerri nko,angola ni.funny man

jerry said...

Media and their lies again!

Anonymous said...

Any Owerri woman that marries this trash lacks respect for herself. He should go and marry his likes. No Igbo woman should allow this cursed animal to come near her.

Anonymous said...

If u lik,dat ur bizex.......PLS NXT


Unknown said...

Hmmmm speechless

Unknown said...

Na wah o,na only u waka come

Jessica law said...

Dino we don't care about ur explanation, if u like marry 10 we don't give a damn about you.

Anonymous said...

Like seriously no one cares mr dino. Find something to do

Unknown said...

The marrying man.

Anonymous said...

U dis guy heeeee I wonder dose deciving u

Anonymous said...

Their business not mine.

miss pink said...

He goat and his sheeps

Anonymous said...

Melaye, you are an inresponsible idiot. Tomorrow you will contest for election! And idiots like you will campaign for you. Just hide your face in shame. Animal!

miss pink said...

Dino is a good friend of mine and a good company to be with when one is bored. My advice to u; go back to Tokunbo ur 1st wife otherwise, u might never av a settled home again, women will come and leave after few months. A word is enuff for d wise.

miss pink said...

He goat and his sheeps

Anonymous said...

idiot did she mention any blog or paper? all she sed is" der were reports earlier" read well before commnting..oloshi! oponu ayirada.

Unknown said...

na stella carry am :)

Unknown said...

For sure he will deny it.

Lifematters-Mattersoflife(PEOPLE AND SOCIETY) said...

Lindodo,what do you think,please advise them before they go their separate ways as we see couples do so these days because of non-essentials. No shaking,you shall sure get the media award but remember me your sister when you get to your paradisi jare.

lipsy5 said...

Who cares? Ewu yoruba

Anonymous said...

Ladies stay away from Dino Melaye, when you see him run, he is not a very good man!!! You have been warned lol!!! Whizman

Anonymous said...

Ladies stay away from Dino Melaye, when you see him run, he is not a very good man!!! You have been warned lol!!! Whizman

Anonymous said...

this man needs to go grab a seat. why must this be what you are known for all over the blogs haba. no shame

Anonymous said...

Dino is an animal without a tail.

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm rumour na wa oooo which marriage

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Joey said...

Dem boys wan help am market him ministry since he is into changing women. What do you expect when you change women regularly?

Unknown said...

Then he has a serious problem not the women. He's separated from the woman he was flaunting with on social media after he left his wife? Chai, Dino, pls visit TB JOSHUA FOR SERIOUS DELIVERANCE.

snowflix said...

'sighs' #onelovefromSnow#

Anonymous said...

Na jealousy go kill you ooo, leave Linda alone biko!

Anonymous said...

Which school did you attend & who is your teacher?

Anonymous said...

Na jealousy go kill you ooo, leave Linda alone biko!

Unknown said...

Linda so u don't want to post my comment abi........ chai dere is God oooooo. my name sake of life

Anonymous said...

Shut up!! Verify b4 u talk!who tell u say no proof even me know,time will tell

Anonymous said...

All is well...

APPLE said...

Dino the useless man. Dino you have been reported to the association of witches and wizards.

Anonymous said...

it is so unfortunate that this is the legacy this guy has decided to leave. sad

Anonymous said...

Fake story for wia? He normally denies until undeniable proof is exposed. No be today e start...

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