As they grabbed tools and anything they could find, they rushed to dig the grave up again after the woman woke up to find herself buried alive in a coffin.
But tragically, the un-named woman died before her would-be rescuers could reach her inside the plot at a cemetery near Greece’s Thessaloniki.
Now police are probing why the woman was pronounced dead by doctors treating her for cancer, only to be found alive.
Her grieving family arranged her funeral at the graveyard in Peraia, a small town 16 miles south of Thessaloniki, Greece’s main city in the north.
Shortly after the last relatives left the cemetery on Thursday, residents and a group of children playing outside reportedly heard a female voice shouting for help from inside the grave.
They called the police, and began digging up the grave to save her but she had suffocated to death inside the coffin, it was reported.
However, a doctor who was at the scene and examined the woman’s body, said she had been dead for hours and could not have been revived.
Dr Chrissi Matsikoudi told Greek TV channel MEGA: "I just don’t believe it. We did several tests including one for heart failure on the body. It would have been impossible for someone in a state of rigor mortis to have been shouting and hitting the coffin like that.”
A coroner is expected to examine the body.
Meanwhile, relatives of the dead woman say they are considering filing a complaint against the doctors responsible for her treatment at the cancer clinic.
Source: UK Mirror
This is serious case
Big trouble awaiting the doctor
It's will not be funny for the doctor
May be someone must have played Tonto Dikes Hiiiiiii song out loud during the funeral
hmmm..since ystdy linda na so so resurrection news............................#KingOfKings
This story just doesn't add up
Wonders never cease
Wahala dey o, lindiway, wat wil I do 4 u 2 strt posting ma comments. Hurts badly.
hmmmm akuko ifo
Dis is serious
So scary o. Only God knows Hw many ppl av bin buried alive in ds world
Oboy this mistake is something i dont want in my life abeg lord God.....
Not funny @ all
FIRST TO COMMENT***(GURU) This is strange...
Wow this is amazing
Lindodo when wil I ever get to see my comment being posted. Dairis God oh!
I thought I heard dx story on dem say dem say(wazobia fm.abj) lng tym aqo.so its nt new aqain...d name remains #Immanuel#
U dey craze o, lol. Na sad tory be dis.
Hmmm.. Ehya, I wish she didn't die again!
So strange
Lmao! Sai! Una get mouth for this blog
Na wa oh. Second death.na hell fire
Wonder nd signs
Afolabi Tosyne's blog
A case of the ghost? I hope they didn't really hear anything, cos if she suffocated, then that's a horrible way to die!
And how can one hear someone screaming frm inside an already dug ground and even buried? Mba! Ekwehem!!...... All lies!!!! Show me pictures! Ana a forge akiko! Mtchew!
When dis kinda thing happens;; I'll be on my #usain bolt mode.
this are d days of jesus christ were people die nd resurrect
very unfortunate.
I wonder oo, she doesn't post mine too
Linda wen wee u marry? #datzdnews I want
Himmmmm. Linda I knw say u no like me
dis is unbeliveable
Praise God.
Praise God?? Pls read d story again
no be small matter
But y did she had to die again after waking from d 1st death? Omg! Mystified!
So whats the story? Dey heard her screamin buh bfore dey cud reach her she had died and had been dead for hours? Rigor mortis buh she screamed from 6feet underground and was heard?
Forge forge
This is not the first time I hear someone saying that thevy have heard crying and mourning from a grave.In Islam we have an explanation for such things;a person does not stop experincing fysical or mental feelings when he dies.NO-O rather the one who lived his life right and specially had the right believe in God,will experians enjoyment in his grave.And the one,who was not holding the proper belief in his heart will experiens bad feelings
and desperation.God sent numerous Messengers to tell the people about the one and only truth about The One Creator,Who created you and gave you all you have.From the first human,Adam,who was allso sent as a Messenger til Moses,Abraham,Noah,Josef,Jesus and the last one MuHammad,they all talked about The Truth:God created everything and He does not need anything.All the creations has weaknesses so God does NOT resemble any creation in any way!!!He is The Creator and whoever has weaknesses-is not a Creator.This,among the numerous other facts are found in Islam.It is the simple,understandable Truth.Sometimes God let some people hear and see things,to let them wake up and seek the true Religion.Beleave me it is Islam.Happy to tell more : vk@wippies.fi
Fake story
...Amazing ke?
Hahaahha...Rigour mortis,reminds me of plato's book 'the republic'.The situation where a person is said to have been dead long ago yet still look fresh as if blood is still flowing in his/her body.rip lady....................................ALIWAHAB.
very funny
@ w.moses ekwehem my broda! Onyekababyface@gmail.com
Thank God somebody hard her, no be small matter
Linda... Hmmmm... Story 4 d Gods
Shut up nothing Islamic here.......she was not certified dead before she was buried.....she obviously woke up from the coma and it was too late cos she had already being put in the grave and before they could open the casket she eventually died....that's why those days they used to do a wake keeping in case incidents like these happened....
End time
at anony 2:27 there is noting like Gods it is gods.story for the gods.
at anony 2:27 there is noting like Gods it is gods.story for the gods.
Strange tho..
I tink dis is a miracle
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