"We have to be praying for this kind of people, for them to have a change of heart. What are they looking for with jet? Another one said, “Jesus said go into the whole world and evangelize, so how can I go into the whole world, with what? I need a plane to be able to go to the whole world.” Even the devil can quote scripture. But did Jesus Christ say you should go and steal to go and buy plane? But now they are claiming that they were given the jets as gifts. But why can’t they spend that money on the poor? There are many Nigerians who are begging that they have nothing to eat, and yet you say you’re preaching. Preaching for what? Are there no pastors where they are going? May God not punish us according to our sins.
Do you think the government should consider negotiating with Boko Haram?
My own opinion is this: When you talk of Boko Haram, who are they? How can you say you are going to negotiate with a nebulous group? They have not declared their identity. Are you going to be talking to the air? The people you want to negotiate with, who are they? Have they even given you their own terms? You can’t know or see them because they are nebulous people.
if you’re bold enough they will come and kill you. And you yourself,
you need to know what you are negotiating for? Did you offend them? You
are just sitting down and somebody tells you to quit. Look at all the
innocent people they have killed, and taken innocent people (Chibok
girls) hostage, and there is supposed to be a governor in that place.
What was the governor doing, if he has no hand in it? If I were the Head
of State, he would be the first person I would arrest.
do they (Boko Haram) get their arms from? How did they enter? There are
many questions to be answered. And then you are now talking of
negotiation. For what? What if they say for negotiation the Head of
State should quit? Will he be ready to quit? Or what if they say
government should give them so and so people in exchange for the Chibok
girls, what kind of negotiation is that? To me, I don’t buy it at all.
you think the current leadership of the Christian Association of
Nigeria (CAN) is actually acting like an arm of the federal government
or an appendage of the PDP as some critics say?
brother, I must tell you this; CAN leadership today is zero. CAN has no
leader. Thank God you are talking to one of the founders of CAN, and I
was there as their leader for eight years. Then, the whole country knew
that CAN had a leader, not by my own might, but by God. Because what we
were doing then, we had only one voice. But the problem we have now is
that people are struggling for power in unrighteous way.
because he is struggling for power, he can do little or nothing. Power
doesn’t come like that. Look at David in the Scriptures. Look at
Solomon. Even look at Herbert Macaulay and other early nationalists. You
don’t force yourself to power. This is what is happening. Somebody is
telling you that if you don’t allow him to rule, you will not rule well.
So the person struggling for power is not going to do better. Now,
election is coming in 2015 and some people are already saying they must
be there. They will not allow the electorate to decide.
are ready with their moneybags. Where did they get the money from?
Where did they get the $9.3m that has been seized by South Africa from?
They said it was to buy arms. We have to be very careful in this nation.
What is the man (Oritsejafor) looking for? If you call yourself a man
of God, then you should rely on God. Why should he be jumping up and
down? But because he was not elected, not chosen by God, that is what is
happening. Today, he wants to build a university, tomorrow he wants to be something else, next tomorrow he wants to be like other people.
why is he there as CAN president? In our day and time, election was
done by the groups and we know how we go about it. I think I ruled for
two terms, eight years. If there was any trouble anywhere in the
country, they would come to the centre. And it wouldn’t take time. We
would just come to the centre and solve it and I will speak out and the
whole nation would listen. Sometimes, you would hear people say, “Has
Okogie spoken?” “What did Okogie say?” There was unity, because that’s
what we are looking for.
we didn’t buy the position. But this time around, because they are
rushing to be in power, nobody obeys them. And look at how they are
making mockery of themselves and making mockery of “religion”. Is that
religion? Today, they are with the federal government. We saw the
writing on the wall when we left. The very first person that took over
started romancing with Obasanjo. Then one or two CAN presidents tried
their best before it got to this present CAN president, Oritsejafor.
This is not right. Look at how Oritsejafor has fallen, from grace to
he is not going down alone, he is also staining the name of the Head of
State. Of course, why not? If you eat with those with dirty hands, then
you must be dirty. And this is the man that they are saying should come
and rule the nation for a second term. They think people are stupid.
They have not even answered about this $9.3m, and when the matter got to
the House of Reps, they said they should throw it out. Can you imagine?
Are they not the ones making laws on money laundering? And this is a
case of real money laundering. These are lawmakers.
they say throw it out, we will not entertain any discussion on this
$9.3m matter. Can you imagine! You can imagine that these are the kind
of people we have in the National Assembly. And then of course, the
relationship between Nigeria and South Africa is strained. Look at the
T.B. Joshua building collapse affair, and they think all South Africans
are stupid. Just watch and see what comes out of these two affairs.
These are bad signs. Tomorrow
now, they will say Nigeria is the giant of Africa and the economy of
Nigeria is booming, with mouth. The Head of State is a PDP man and he
(Oritsejafor) is linked with this rubbish. So what other proof do you
want that CAN has now become an appendage of the PDP?
So do you feel now that President Jonathan and Oritsejafor have a case of money laundering to answer?
course, they have. In fact, if I have a lawyer, I would sue them. And I
am telling you that I will win. If you can tell me that if I carry huge
sums of money without declaring it, that you will arrest me for money
laundering, then what is this one. They were carrying all that money and
it was not declared. It is a clear case of money laundering. Yet, they
are the ones making laws against money laundering.
report that the aircraft which flew some Nigerians and an Israeli to
South Africa allegedly to purchase arms belongs to Pastor Ayo
Oritsejafor has once again revived the debate about the propriety of
ministers of God owning private jets. What is your view about this
far as I am concerned, why are they men of God? I asked one so-called
religious leader, and you know what he told me? He said, “My God is a
rich God. So if yours is a poor God, that’s your business.” Imagine! So
you can even see that this one can’t be called a man of God. And these
are the people that tell you they can work miracles, that they have a
direct telephone line to God.
say they can do this, they can do that, and God is watching all of us.
If it were to be in the Old Testament, they would all have been struck
down by God. But God is a patient God. We have to be praying for this
kind of people, for them to have a change of heart. What are they
looking for with jet? Another one said, “Jesus said go into the whole
world and evangelize, so how can I go into the whole world, with what? I
need a plane to be able to go to the whole world.”
the devil can quote scripture. But did Jesus Christ say you should go
and steal to go and buy plane? But now they are claiming that they were
given the jets as gifts. But why can’t they spend that money on the
poor? There are many Nigerians who are begging that they have nothing to
eat, and yet you say you’re preaching. Preaching for what? Are there no
pastors where they are going? May God not punish us according to our
you see indications that there is now a sufficient will to tackle
corruption, or that corruption is no longer as pervasive as it was?
is in every nation but Nigeria’s own is number one. I am telling you.
And if we are not careful, this nation will go down the drain. Now,
people can’t help you to bring something from that corner without asking
for remuneration. Look at so many children and youths who have no
school to go to, or no money to pay school fees, and there are rich men
who parade themselves up and down the place as rich people. For what?
They seem to have forgotten that this life is not the end. Nobody chose
his parents, and nobody came into the world with a gold or silver spoon.
even if you have a gold or silver spoon, you are going to go empty
handed. A wise man lives life in a simple way. That is how I am. Even
Fela told them the truth, even though they said he was mad and called
him all sorts of names. Naked you came into this world, and naked you
will go back. These are people that are supposed to rule and govern this
nation. What is happening? Money is exchanging hands.
they are asking the nation and the national assembly to approve so and
so huge sum of money for them to borrow. They think people are stupid.
Whatever you do as the Head of State without the permission of the
people, you will pay for it. Those who were ministers and Heads of State
before, some of them are in Abuja today begging for job, because if you
get ill-gotten wealth, you will spend it anyhow. It is an ill wind that
blows no one any good.
With the next election just a few months away, what would you say of the president’s ambition to seek re-election?
can deduce that from what I have said before. You can even see from all
that is going on, that some people have been saying that he even signed
for one term. You see, if I were in his shoes, I would hide my head. I
am not a prophet, just like I told him that day, but that is what my
mind is telling me. And nobody knows what is going to happen. Even,
nobody knows who is going to be alive to see 2015. So, one has to be
very careful.
about election, what kind of election are we even going to have in
Nigeria? Is it going to be free and fair and just? Tell me what election
we have had in Nigeria that is free and fair? Is it not mouth that they
use in saying it is free and fair?
FIRST TO COMMENT***(GURU) We have heard you cardinal..
Seriously only God can judge all dis...
Y does it takes u so long to upload comments linda or what ur name? Ur blog sucks dis days... Anyways dt ur biz.. If u luk dnt post dis. Eat it and sleep wit it.. If u don't knw it so disgusting... Mtcheeeeeeeew for u or whoeva is responsible for postin comments. Same to u
God Bless you sir,May God continue to be with you!I wish could give you a hug right now....Please,tell them,they are stupid and wont listen,Tell them Oyedepo,Adeboye of this world.They will never say the truth,Pastors my ass!
Cardinal okojie shut your stupid mouth.....randy goats calling yourselfs priests......cardinal my arse
True talk. Have u voted Linda Ikeji TODAY? As the Most Active Blogger of the year. www.socialmediameritawards.com/vote.php
Pls tell dem d truth
True talk my lord...
I do much love this, I hope our president and can president will read this, sometime I hate this country,no law, but if poor man steal 500h naira he will land in jail, chai, naija I hail oo
Nothing but d plain truth!! I love fearless people
You couldn't have said it better your Eminence,you hit the nail on the head.
Well Said (Li×”da's Ma×”)
May God judge Jonathan and Ayo. Greedy selfish leaders. »»»»»QU££NMA¥A»»»»»»
Hmmm, nigeria my county. So many evil in d land, even in the hse of God.
Too long can't read
Very interesting. And this is just the basic truth. Of course, this will not go well with the guilty parties and they sure know themselves. CAN is now a political arena.
No comment
God bless you and your generation sir. For speaking the truth to power that be, sir, in the hereafter, God will bless you with everlasting joy in paradise. No weapon fashioned against you and your household shall prosper.
Hmmmmmm #bright bravo#
He said it all. Now we knw what they do with their jets all with out tithes.
This Warri-born pastor is rogue. I knw God will be shaking HIS head "Ayo when did u turn to this"?
Truth talk!.....This man really said the truth.
True talk!!
Cardi baba, abeg oh! People in nigeria do not like to hear the truth! Next we know you will suffer from a 'brief illness' and die. We know the truth that we choose not to speak it is all down to self perseverance
Cardi baba, abeg oh! People in nigeria do not like to hear the truth! Next we know you will suffer from a 'brief illness' and die. We know the truth that we choose not to speak it is all down to self perseverance
He just poured out my heart, am afraid for.my.nation, which way nigeria? And our so called ministers of God just dey confuse themselves.
well said
Pastor Cardinal-okogie, said it all, No free and fair election in Nigeria, its all about money election, cos i remember last election, its was pay and vote, i see everywhere, that is why i don't register for voters card, not to talk about voting self. God Bless and save Nigeria.
In those days when u see a man of God, there word is power, they are well respected but today chei, they are even struggling to be on forbes list of richest men in d world. Na wa!
Pastor Cardinal-okogie, said it all, No free and fair election in Nigeria, its all about money election, cos i remember last election, its was pay and vote, i see everywhere, that is why i don't register for voters card, not to talk about voting self. God Bless and save Nigeria.
In those days men og God had respect and their words were power, but today they are struggling to be on forbes list of richest men while their followers suffer in ignorance and poverty.
Sorry which of them is rocking the Jesus piece?
Talk talk
My bishop have said it all, who so ever has ear let him/her hear.
Nice talk cardinal Okogie. Some pastors have lost concentration and directions. May God have mercy on us all.
Read this somewhere else before. i feel that politics has entered the church.
Ooooh yeah Cardinal Okojie jst read my mind. God bless u Sir....
Men of the Cloak should restrict themseleves to d pupit n not meddle in politics.#myopinion#
Let he who is without sin be d first to cast d stone...
i dont know y christians r not united.they critisize themselves.servants of God stop judging urselves,allow God to judge
Straight 2 d point without fear or favour!!! Dats my Archbishop Emeritus! May God keep u Sir... it's high time Nigerians started asking questions...
Respect Cardinal!
Though I am a muslim, i have always respected your views, as you always stand on the part of the truth.
May you spend the rest of your life in God's glory & fulfillment.
This tin of fellow christain abusing a great icon PAPA AYO is jst a case of mere jealousy ,bt anyways we all knw wht Grace attracks , as it attracks favour it also cums with wht nigerians calld BadBelle
sister linda pls i want u to help sell my new blog ,pls snd me readers http://kiloshenaija.blogspot.com
Hmmmn!God know all!
Na you get stupid mouth.
Can u chnge ur pix, d weavon is tacky n ur face is ugly wit big teeth, so stfu monkey
With u being bias, u wan make we come dey read u presenting false instead of truth? It wont happen bro.
Don't u have elders in ur place calling an elderly man ur ass. I decree and declare may that ur as seize to function until u learn how to respect ur elders. Idiot.
Sahara Reporters is a useless site thats one. two mr Cardinal is a man of God so i wont say nonsense about him but he should take time to read the news papers well.
Another level of religious quagmire !
You should be wise my sister/brother..a judge is that one that condemns and punish you,like d case of the adulterous woman in the bible.in this case as humans we must identify one's wrong and fight against it in our little means,be him our brother or opponent,else we face condemnation in Gods sight....he has spoken what many of us only say indoors...he has liberated us,we owe him appreciation.look aside a catholic against a Pentecostal and see beyond what he has said.I believe Jesus would've said same.the gospel truth...God be with you Cardinal
Y ar yu displaying dis act of laziness n stupidity? What ar yu?
True word... Catholicism always preaches one voice for all.. that's best for everyone. Thanks your Eminence.
pastors are just using Christ's name for business ventures. Although it is only the fool that can't recognize genuine men of God.
Okogie says it as it is, dts just him
Infact u are cursed forever for calling an anointed man of God such name.
is an idiot and a fool for saying ur ass for an elder
Foolish girl you are! Seriously you are a full definition of FOOL with shallow minded, with all those dis Man pointed out all what you have to say is dat, you need 2 render apologies 2 your parents for wasting their hard earned money on your education!
WETIN U DEY TALK CHIDI? All he said is the truth! you must be an hypocrite
Na wa o!!!!
Foolish goat with foolish comment. I'm sure of of those loyal lapdogs of Oyedepo or Joshua...Yet ur life has continued to remain equal to wretch n misery. THANK GOD FOR OKOGIE!!
Majority of our ppl hate to hear d truth..d Cardinal just stated a simple truth which has nothing to do with any denomination. Search your heart well! Nigeria is really in trouble..& our so called Pastors need to return to God, ..then shall He hear there prayers & heal our Land!
What of if the elder didn't respect himself. The way he spoke he look jealous, he choose to be poor but I choose to be rich period. Poverty is the worst decease on mother earth.
He spoke d' truth.....unfortunately in Nigeria we av become slaves to Pastors....A country without values is a dead one
You're doomed forever. Sorry
Why shouldn't he mention names? Are they not mere human beings?!
The best time in Nigeria to be a pastor is now.
"Can you see that private jet over your head?"
"The white one or the one with red lines?"
"The white one."
"It belongs to my pastor; he has two universities, one in Nigeria and the other in Ghana. He has a fleet of luxury cars including Rolls Royce and Bentley. He lives in a mansion in Banana Island. He has a villa in London as well. He is not a business man, he is a man of God. His wealth is not from his companies profit, but from poor people’s tithes. Isn’t that miraculous?"
"Miraculous? You, where do you live?"
"A flat in Surulere."
"Yes, it’s indeed miraculous, but especially hilarious. Your father there!"
GEJ, AYO and House of Rep God is watching y'all on 3HD
Idiot, you're so foolish and myopic. U must among the ass lickers of TB and Oritsejafor. Idiotic girl
Linda letting us see this guy's comment is downgrading...u should get a robot to read ur comments or track this guy n make sure he/she never comments again,but if possible tell us who the person is so we condole the parents...for they have no child on this one
He said it all. Fake pastors everywhere. Baba Okogie, wat took u this long to reveal the truth. Please keep on with your good works.
God bless you His eminence, may His truth always burn alive in your heart. #catholic and proud
This priest hit the nail on the head Nigeria is finished
Well said but will they hear?
Catholics dont see other churches as equal anyway. He has raised irrelevant issues here and people should not be carried away thinking that he is fighting for the poor. That is the trick of such people. Other churches are seen as inferior and only Catholic church is the real church. If a catholic were to be occupying that position of CAN president today, you wont hear anything. Or when did you hear Okogie speak so rashly about raging immorality and corruption in the catholic church and the vatican to be specific. If he thinks he is so clean, he should have resigned from the catholic church because it stinks!!!
I love the fact that he enjoys fela's music. Linda how come u misses that. Should have been the caption.........cardinal loves Felas music. Says Fela is right...thank you sit for speaking the truth, but like you said too, be careful lest you judge
Its Pastor Ayo with the Jesus piece. The man is looking more and more like MAFIA DON these days.
D truth is soooo bitter, plss tell dem oooooo
CAN president is an arm-smuggling criminal. Look at his dressing, like a cultist.
*scratching my head *
Hahahahahaha u have cracked my rib ooooooooooo. WORD!
That wasn't necessary. If u look better, why are u commenting as anonymous?
He has said it all, a man of GOD shld live above all this earthly materials. All dis pentecostal churches sef fit like to drag xtainity in mud
This man when una da call Oritsejafor so abi Na Oritswiliki Ni, Na musician him be na, Una nor see him Dressing with big Dog Chain for neck? Ole.
Just a show that he or she under anonymous didnt go through text books or thesis! Sorry aboki oo
Anonymous 10;12pm u are d biggest fool on dis block to ever say d catholic church stinks I pitty u because u are a living corpse. What has he said that is happening? Mumu instead of u to open ur eyes and see u use that lepros hands of urs to type rubbish here. Thunda fire u and ur entire generation idiot
This has noffin to do with d pentecostal or catholic church,it is just d bitter truth mtcheeeew may God continue to punish and disgrace fake pastors
Ahahaha ezigbotaa nonsense in his or her little mind. You that read the newspaper speak naa! The cardinal has spoken.
Is patrick here?
Hahahahaha @Anon u funny die just got me Rotfl but true true d girl ugh sha
And Who Approves Linda
Foolish you! So you didnt knw or even read now that he has being there as CAN president? Ever heard od scandalous affairs like this? Nwe oke ohia! Dont come for catholics if u dont knw what to say! Because they will swallow u.
(prostrating)Good evening our Daddy in the lord sir! I am the costumier your wife just employed. I am here to evaluate your wardrobe sir. After thorough evaluation, I realize that you too complete sir. But there are few things you need to make your swagga THE complete swagga! - A little tattoo on your arms and neck, two diamond studs on your ears and just one baaaaaaad grillz on your teeth! Ah swagga pe niyen! Your style will be known as A.Y. Swaggz. YO!
I respect u Cardinal. May God bless everyone who believes in the truth. Nothing sounds more convincing than Honesty. My God is not a poor God and I can never be poor! What a statement from our so called pastors. Who created the poor people and who is their God? We go to church, pay tithe and make offerings, only for some individuals to purchase luxuries like private jets and super expensive stuffs. Only for schools to be built by the church and we can't afford to send our children to those schools. That makes me wonder, did our bible tell us to live lavishly while we hv d poor and needy around us yet do nothing to uplift their burden? Yet we rub our lavish lifestyles on their faces? If you want to be of the world pls be, if you want to serve God pls be modest. You can't be inbetween. Our pastors do evil and people say: Touch not my annointed! How much more myopic can people be?. We all are annointed and Men of God. Let evil be condemned no matter the angle its coming from. ARISE MY FELLOW NIGERIANS and emancipate yourselves from mental slavery.
If I mistakenly enter ur blog ill break my phone. Wit ur comment ur blog is waste. Foolish boy
Weda u like it or not, the man has come out bold to speak the truth. He is not one of those men of God who see the truth and keep quiet. Men of God should stand for the truth!
The same way other churches see the Catholic Church as inferior so u have no point
I have waited patiently to hear Pastor Olubunmi Okogie's insight to this whole $9.3m and arms deal saga and I am indeed delighted that he said it all. You can call him names for all I care but the truth has been spoken. Nigerian open your eyes lest Oritsejafor and the president will kill us all over the elections. My pain is Oritsejafor has so meddled into politics that he has stained all Nigerian christians. It is such a pity. Both Oritsejafor and President Jonathan should be jailed. This can never happen in the US bcos the US President will be held personally liable for this kind of act. Later now they will say Boko Haram is from APC, what are the arms meant for - Boko Haram or their personal army for the 2015 election do?
So pastor too can be bad?i tot is only imams are bad.when one muslim dd wrong some foolish christen start to abuse prophet muhammad s a w....stupid pple
Even if I agree with your reasoning about the Catholic Church being corrupt and have an air of superiority,that does not change the fact that he raised some truly legitimate points about the so called president of CAN.
I agree with him that there is no difference between CAN and PDP,that should not be, there shoukd be a fine kine between religion and politics but Pastor Ayo in his pursuit of wealth has lost his sense of purpose, direction, respect and credibility.
Anon 9:22 may God bless ur life. This man talks with jealousy n reserved annoyance. But a lot of us has neglected the place of going back to God n confirm what z going on in Nigeria. The physical can see nothing close to the spiritual
Well spoken Cardinal. I agree with you and good you are brave to tell the truth. Ayo Oritsejafor....judgement is coming for you right here on earth.
But if it is African mmagic you will sit for ages.
Lazy mumu
Men of God my ass, enjoying all the good things of life as if there is no heaven. But the masses is suffering yet they see nothing wrong in it. He asked a questions those places they flying to with the jets if there are no pastors there? Let them keep deceiving the gullible once. Why can't they use those money to build industries and employ the jobless teaming youths. SMH
Not being one to call names but since he ...Cardinal Olubunmi Okogie has initiated it lets go there......
When he was CAN president what did he achieve?
What Legacy beyond being the president did he leave behind?
The current CAN president may not be perfect but these are trying times in the country and all christians must rally round and support the one elected to be the president....
As far as I am concerned Cardinal Olubunmi Okogie is seeking for relevance.....he should locate a cocoon and hide himself because his opinion is tainted with tribalism and ignorance. Not being one to use vulgar words but he just makes me "*&%$#%*&#@"
U are the biggest fool I have ever come across in my life. Are u for real? Condemning a church cos a priest said the truth ? Now, u as a protestant have u said the truth or u are been foolish? If u don't hear any thing when a catholic is occupying the position it means he is doing the right thing just like okojie kept one house during his time. U said he should have resign from catholic church bcos of some sins by other priest why ?if I may ask do u resign your faith bcos those that prophesy the same as urs are going astray? A food for thought
really Ayo Oritsejafor needs to stay off politics... even though he is from Niger Delta as Jona.
Affiong I said d truth, na Bcos u ugly too datz y u feelin bad, continue wit dat ur dog meat oloshi, Ashewo calabar
Mechifugi onu, ewu
Must u insult? Old hag! Beta go n marry
Thank you cardinal..may God continue to bless you. It's a thing of shame that the man representing Christians got himself involved in such mess..One wonders the kind of hidden nonsense they av done together..They shouldn't forget nothing is hidden..God is watching and he's not sleeping
hahahaha u just said it all d guy is lookin like snoop dog dis days
I wonder how you define jealousy...thinking the cardinal is jealous Well I just conclude your ignorant and have a long way in life.we serve a wealthy God,we get this,but when ur primary goal is now getting a share of this wealth.you might even rob The Lord and u ont kno it.
Beauty without brains.*crying* nobody should wife this one please
Linda abeg help me do a story on ayos chain bling. Do you know it is d same Kanye West, jay z, even d banj and davido wear. Man ayo get superstar swag. I need to get dat bling with d Jesus face too.
Where there's so much poverty, you find gullible people swayed by so called men of God. Nigerians too like miracles, they won't work hard for deir money, dey rely on prophetic words from men of God, when your bible is der to reveal evrytin to you. So called men of God with private jets, expensive schools, big houses, flamboyant cars, beautiful wives, jus name it! And wat do deir members have? Dis nation is in a sorry state, I pray we see the light someday. Thank God for a few true Christians like our cardinal okogie who speaks d truth @ all times. The truth shall surely prevail, naija is watching
U spoke my mind. I'm a Muslim too yet I respect Cardinal Okogie a lot
God bless nd keep you my Eminence,continue to tell them the truth,he who has ears,let them hear... As 4 those castigating your comments nd the church of God,may the good lord forgive nd have mercy on them.
Fear catch me oo. Lol
I do not expect Okogie,Onayekan,the pope,rev fathers catechist or any other roman catholic to say anything different.You were defeated in an election and you say it was not properly conducted and since then pulled out of the association(CAN). The roman catholics stand concerning protestants and other Pentecostal movement is the same stand the nothern muslims have concerning the south western muslims. Since the pull out initiated by Martin Luther King, roman catholics has never and will not see anything good in any other Christian movement other that roman catholicism ! In short,the roman catholics prefers to form aliance with muslim extremists than have any thing to do with other Christian faith that aren't roman catholicism and this also have robbed off on the parishioners of roman catholicism. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING ALREADY AGAINST ORITSEJAFOR,WHY NOT CALL HIM ONE ON ONE,FACE TO FACE AND ENQUIRE FROM HIM WHAT WENT WRONG OR IF HE ACTUALLY KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT THE 9.3 MILLION DOLLARS MATER PRIOR GRANTING INTERVIEWS INDICTING HIM THE WAY YOU HAVE DONE ? The roman catholics are happy,the muslims are happy and also APC wether Christians or muslims are equally happy now with these your coment and they all say;nothing but the truth ! What makes a matter true is only when it has been proven as a result of all verifiable hard evidences made available. Denominational differences will continue to be the bane of Christianity in Nigeria which will probably lead to the end of Christianity in Nigeria as the enemies of the church will no doubt take advantage of this !
The cardinal was the President of CAN for 8 years. What was he doing as CAN head when there is no church in the North that has C of O for their land? What did he do when El-Rufai revoked allocation of Catholic church in Central Area, Abuja for no just cause? What did he do when the government was using Nigeria resources to build National Mosque while Ecumerical Centre was lying waste? It took the effort of Rochas Okorocha and Obasanjo under Bishop Sunday Mbang as CAN president to build the National church, what was his role in the 8 years of CAN President? It took Sunday Mbang to stop lopsidedness in Pilgrim sponsorship in Nigeria, what role did he play? It is on record that no single church in Abuja has C of O for their church building until recently, what role did he play throughout his boastful good 8 years as CAN president?
Cardinal Okogie should not bore us with his rhetoric of failure of CAN, they (leaders of Catholic) have already pull out of CAN and CAN is still standing.
I see pain some where, but I am trying to fathom if it is against GEJ, CAN president or the state of the nation. With all due respect Cardinal, you said you are not a prophet so I guess its a personal thought and feelings according to you. GEJ never said he is negotiating with terrorist but if it will secure the release of the girls I believe he would be ready or would you want the girls to die in Sambisa? It was in the watchful eyes of CAN when Cardinal was in active service and during babangida regime that our nation was mortgage to OIC yet some Catholics were there and found nothing wrong with it; today there negligence is costing the Christian communities in the northeast so many lives and properties and even threatening our nation. If you saw the handwriting on the wall abt oritshajafor and yet nothing was done about it, who is then to be blame? Some priests in the south and christians are selfish, how many of them have been to those troubled north to show sympathy to those Christians and others to boost thier belief in Christianity. If the president failed to have done so, why not some priest in the Christendom after all Christ and some whites sacrificed thier lives for us. The cardinal made personal feelings known but no solution. But the last time I checked, God do not reveal everything to all man of God. compared to the previous administrations, GEJ has been better off even in the face of killings and propaganda caused by the passage of FOI bills though I don't expect everyone including priest to agree to it. Is the cardinal telling me backing out of CAN is the solution to the failure of CAN or the country at large? If Goodluck is not the right person who then; Is it Atiku or Buhari? This country started decaying in the watchful eyes of the previous administrations, yet the cardinal never sighted instances were he advised the president at that time or does he expect this president to turn the decays in four years; was Rome built in four years? Even if the elections has not been 100% better, can the previous elections be compared to the once we are having now? Cardinal flies and drives in federal roads, what is the state of our fed airport and roads compared to OBJ administration? The schools have received more money from this govt than any previous administration, what has the cardinal has to say? Our agriculture is receiving a boost with silos, and rice mills built what has the cardinal has to say. For corruption, I cannot hold brief for the president because I don't know much about that but there could be a better way of siphoning money, if the president had wanted to, not even with oritshajafors jet. He could have done so with his private jet and in his trips.for the killings in the north, if we fold our hands to think that God will descend to fight for us, then we should go and ask the Israelis while they are still fighting to defend themselves; We need to speak and defend ourselves. Personally I don't take all what some priests say seriously, they have personal feelings, shortcomings like everyone else so I am not surprise at his comments. Except he is a pessimist, I expect the the cardinal to point out some progress of this administration to balance the negative statement he had made. He should tell us what the federal and other govt including the states and local government who receives allocations too should be doing in order to move the country forward nit just to paint the fed. govt black while they all have failed. No one is perfect, in one way (God forgive me) priests have aided corruption in this country else when a man comes to pay tithe, make billions of donations, and offerings and you as a priest never asked how he got the money or you as a priest failed to received money from those who made I'll gotten wealth then you are or once part of it. Catholic church use to be in the forefront of humanitarian service but where is the free medical service, where is the free sch etc. Let change our value system for better to move this country forward.
Its so easy to insult someone as anonymous, coward am sure no one in ur family looks better
Guys, Do you want a 'serious' relationship? Try
BV HookUps
Youths of this days we are meant to be future leaders of tomorrow, be wise and stand for the truth, Cardinal have said it all, may God expose their evil deeds, the wicked ll not go unpunished.
Linda why does it take you time to publish my comments, are u now bias
2 hell wit u isioma ugly fool, squint eyes
The problem with Nigeria and Nigerians is that we are too Conscious of our ethnicity, political parties and religious backgrounds to the extent that it affects our opinions and ideologies when serious national issues are raised. These are the problems that plague us daily and if we aspire for a better country, we have to learn to tackle issues as they come and stop this reckless and blind support for people because they are of same political, religious or ethnic background with us. I may not support all that he said but for the interest of dialogue, they priest has only raised issues which affects everyone and we should stop the name calling cause only ignorant minds resort to such tactics.
By that logic, over 50% of nigerians are fools.
Go and sit down jare, ignoramus. Must you dumbasses see everything through divisive lines? They are jealous, catholics we re defeated bla bla bla.
That is why Nigeria will not move forward as a country any time soon. Because we form affiliations along useless lines such as religion, tribe, language and other frivolous things that should not matter.
At this stage in Nigeria, the only thing that matters is good works! Let's stand along those lines, who is working and who isn't? Who is stealing and who isn't? Evil does not recognise tribe or religion
I'm moved to tears for our dear country Nigeria.
I swear, u got the best response there!!!! Can't stop laffing. .. from me Senor
Hahaha.... U guys rock!!! She is a dunce in mumus clothing!!!!
I have respect for elders anytime, especially when they open their mouth to speak on issues, because they tend to differ from the way most young people speak.
I am sorry cardinal, You have not shown any quality in manner you tried to castigate CAN leadership.
As an ex of that office, show some respect. Your angle of comment is loaded with hatred, it has nothing to do with exposing truth.
The Pastor Ayo you are talking of is a man of integrity and its clear you do not know him.
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