We all know they force these hostages to make these statements but why even say it if you know they will still kill you? Haines is the third westerner to be beheaded in the last few weeks. Continue..."My name is David Cawthorne Haines. I would like to declare that I hold you David Cameron entirely responsible for my execution. You entered voluntarily into a coalition with the United States against the Islamic State, just as your predecessor Tony Blair did, following a trend amongst our British Prime Minsters who can't find the courage to say no to the Americans. Unfortunately it is we the British public that in the end will pay the price for our Parliament's selfish decisions.'
Before executing his hostage, the Islamic State militant called Jihadi John by the media, said;
"This British man has to the pay the price for your promise, Cameron, to arm the Peshmerga against the Islamic State. Ironically he has spent a decade of his life serving under the same Royal Air Force that is responsible for delivering those arms.
'Your evil alliance with America which continues to strike the Muslims of Iraq and most recently bombed the Haditha Dam will only accelerate your destruction, and playing the role of the obedient lapdog, Cameron, will only drag you and your people into another bloody and unwinnable war.'

Responding to the video, British Prime Minister David Cameron said
"This is a despicable and appalling murder of an innocent aid worker. It is an act of pure evil. My heart goes out to the family of David Haines who have shown extraordinary courage and fortitude throughout this ordeal. We will do everything in our power to hunt down these murderers and ensure they face justice, however long it takes," Cameron said.
Evil and barbaric!
I always ask myself that question too. Why make the statement when they'll kill you regardless. Maybe they promised them a quick death or something.
Cameron, call this what it really is, not just evil. It has a proper name and it starts with the letter 'i'. Stop being too liberal with these people in your society.
Enough of d talks..fight dis pple....................................#KingOfKings
Issues abound everywhere. I wonder how all this will be put to an end!??
Too bad #bright bravo# 269beb21
Linda; this is how they get them to say that stuff...
They take them aside and torture them slowly; telling them they will repeat the process and inflict more agony slowly if they don't say it. So to just get a fast death they just say it, get filmed while saying it and get done with it
They won't film you till you are so afraid of the slow torture and start wishing for the death to be fast
There is God!.......#Happy Sunday Everyone
See how chubby he was b4 his capture, gosh! Ds people are blood thirsty animals. Why kill innocent people who have done u no wrong all in the name of religion???
Chai it is really pure evil+smh may his soul rip*sobs*...#iamswish#happy sunday lindy
Evil at its peak. Never knew there would be something deadlier than Al Qaeda.
May his soul rest in peace.
The islamic state people are jst stupid...I despise all muslims..dnt think some muslims are good jst try nd say sumin that will hurt em nd they will wanna remove that their stupid knife 2 kill yu!!...you want an islamic state wht bout the christians??even if the US like takin advantage of some helpless country but ths?? I support em to invade iraq with full force!!!dnt care bout the civilians tho...cus em too are pioneers of the IS!!!
Eya!rest in peace,these people are so heartless.
Hey Linda, sure you dont know what tortures they undergo when they refuse to talk.
Guess a little of 24 will give you an idea
God is watching
Linda that was an unnecessary comment about the guy agreeing to make the statement. You cannot even for a brief second begin to fathom the intensity of circumstance or the fear going through him at the time.
That comment from you was totally uncalled for.
you cant blame the minister its not anyones fault for his execution
Linda, the hostages go through unspeakable torture and more often than not, they are threatened that if they don't say what they want, not only will they kill them(hostages), but they will also target their families! Oyibo's and any parent would love their family and hence do anything to protect them.
Islamic terrorist group again? Why is all this muslims making noise, can't they learn 4rm xristians ? Nawa all dis so called muslims. #####QUEENMAYA#####
Omg, R.I.P
Such cowardice from an evil sect
As gruesome and irritatingly disturbn this is_I stl wonder how eager ds blog is to share d death of d westerners killed by the ISIS buh wah about the plight of d middle easterners who d "westerners" kill, maim, injure n torture daily. Wah abt them?
Because if you don't say it, they don't kill but painfully torture you
Na wa o...dia is GOD in everything dey are doing,those bloods dhat are sharing in Britain will answer
Abeg oh! Linda help ask that very vital question? Why do as they say when after all they still not spare your life....? May God help aid the pains of his family!
What a horrible way to die. Linda you asked why did the British man have to say all that when he knew he was still going to be beheaded anyway. Well, there are different torture techniques that would make you do anything the person that abducted you tells you. If you watch Game of Throne, you remember how that Ramsey guy tortured Theon Greyjoy till he became brainwashed, and did everything the guy asked him to do.
But this a real sad war, and it wont end soon. The thing is that, there is really no good side in this war. Yes, the ISIS are inhuman with their killing, but the British and Americans kill them too...and you know one of the major reasons America is in the middle east is because of OIL. So, maybe if the Americans and the British can totally leave those places, then maybe things will simmer down a bit.
If you watch the Antonio Banderas movie, Day Of The Falcon (Black Gold), you will understand the genesis of what the discovery of Oil has caused in the Middle East. It is always good to look at things from two angles.
Are You A One Minute Man?
Abeg oh! Linda help ask that very vital question? Why do as they say when after all they still not spare your life....? May God help aid the pains of his family!
Allah wil surely bringdown d act of evil Rip
This man who has beheaded three is a coward, that's the reason he is all covered up, trying very hard to hide his identity. But he will be hunted down. 'He is a dead man walking '.
Till the power of love overwhelmed or overshadowed the love of power the world will know peace.
even if he was force to say it,he stil had to say it bcos he knew he was sayin d truth.
But seriously. David Cameron is saying however long it takes. Does he know more innocent people are going to be dead by then. However long is saying till Jesus comes which nobody knows. Chai all this killings muslims sects are doing all in the name jihad. Dariz God ooo.
The Lumdy Blog Review
Linda this makes me cry it hurt so much the Islamic ar becoming so scary and the man I love is an Islamic God pls av mercy end time tins ~ice princess~
R.I.P to the dead. Islam the cancer of the world.
Lord have mercy!
Den u still hear dem say islam means peace
########LIB MY BAD HABIT#######
No way!!! ISIS pls show a vid of him making that statement... ISIS sword will never depart from your household and y all shall know no peace. ..#SeunLondon
Evil people!!!
i like what you said about why should they say all these things even though they know they will still die, some one like me won't evn bother saying those rubbish and trust enlightened British and Americans citizens know that..i am being skeptical abt all these videos now really.
This Isis group are stepping on d wrong toes. I hope they are ready to face d consequences.
Jesus, pls help us.
Linda run your research and findings properly, not every one is forced to say those statement, do you know who organized ISIS in the first place.
Linda run your research and findings properly, not every one is forced to say those statement, do you know who organized ISIS in the first place.
Ehya... What a pity... Dis is becomin worse o, somtin has to be done abt dis mad dogs as a mata of urgency
When will all dis wickedness. Doris
They were forced but the British People have always come against their Government's interference with the US invasion of other countries. Before the Iraqi invasion, millions of people protested in the UK against the invasion and many got Tony Blair blamed for it. A popular name is the British MP, George Galloway who always attack his government alliance with the US on the issue of invasion. This is a known fact so don't come here and expose your ignorance of the British society or what outsiders think.
Linda, don't show your ignorance here. The British people are always against their government joining hands with America to invade countries. Read well on global issues.
Mr.David may your soul in peace.You Shouldn,t have made such a statement against your country knowing fully well you were going to die.That shows you a complete caward.You knew you had no liivers you still went to war ravaging countries like Syria &Iraq? He pursues a snakes either kills the snake or the snake kills him.By agreeing to serve as an Aid worker, in their own thinking, had already made you one of their enemies.
Rip poor aid worker. This man name John that is beheading people your punishment await you and your generation. God will expose you. May Ebola locate you and kill you. Go to hell all the militants all over the world.
Evil Muslim.
These guys are evil.. How can u behead your fellow human.
Linda where were you when this story broke yesterday? A pity how everyday the world's opinion of Islam is worsened! Only if these monsters realize what they were doing to their religion, to their faith!
Evil men doing what they know best. Pathetic!!
Y r dis pple so wicked, jst dnt undastand wat dey get 4rm al dis der r doin. Killn innocent souls wil animal, der r even mre worse dan boko haram I mean dey are al d same. Muslims r jst too pathetic......shame to u guys......SMH anywai
MZ G says so
Wonder y linda thought he was forced to make such statement. however, if linda knows more abt history and international politics, may be u wld av been objective. And as 4 the ISIS, there some other diplomatic measures, that can be adopted to deal with this situation. Be that as it may, such killings from either parties is d least we need in this sensitive world... *Lawrider*
Aboki will always remain aboki whether white abokis or black abokis. They r all xooo backward. 1st to comment. Ask4kreesto
*sobs* fucking horrific...touched to the bone. ISIS macabre is into another level while the spooks run the motion disdainfully.
»_»_• \0/ ^FORTUNEDEXC£L@REDIFFMAIL.COM^ »_»_• \0/
ISIS..another boko haram..
Later they will say dat dia religion is a religion of peace...just wondering.
RIP man n may God give ur family d fortitude to bear d loss.
Dunno wat 2 say enimore may his RIP
What about dem? U r just a mofo and seriously have u seen any westerner kill Muslim people because they are Muslim? Not to even talk of an aid worker. This is pure evil!
Boko guy, is that you?
Hope the Western powers will also learn to stop unjust invasion of Islamic countries. Did u all see the widely spread picture of American soldiers gang raping a 14year old Iraq girl? Google it. One of the rapists said...
'I didn't think of Iraqis as humans'. They also killed her family. Many of such violence was captured in pictures but Obama blocked such pictures from spreading.
No one hears when western christians carry out their evil but the exact opposite happens when it comes to Muslims.
Na only one person ISIS kill and the world is about to stop? What about all the Iraqi lives that America wasted when it was searching for the non existent WMD?
All your references are movies. ..Movies. .are u for real....u go school at all?
How old re u sef....
Linda, I believe you've seen the game of thrones and their ways of torture right,now what these hostages pass thru is prolly something worse.
My friend shut up make we hear word abeg
Trust me, this video/picture is fake. U are being led to world war 3 #antiIlluminati #antiNewWorldOrder #worldTerror #tribulation.
Maybe if the person does not say it, they will decide to postpone his execution and torture him first the ISIS way. One or more of them must have passed through that.
Too many evil everiwhr. God hv mercy. Rip man. Angelangel
heartless mankind
Ehen! That's a typical Muslim answer. Silently supporting all their militants actions but come out and make face as if they are not happy with it. I know the next thing this anonymous will say is that 'fyi, I'm a christian' we are in deep shit men.
Maybe they promised not to kill him if he says that. Rest in peace.
You make a lot of unnecessary and naive comments (for someone of your age). Would you rather they torture him first?
This people are so so wicked, taking people's lives away seem so easy to them, God have mercy
Ode. Soldiers don't fight in the name of religion. They fight for their country. The soldiers dat raped could even be muslims. U don't know
islam is a religion of peace...anytn muslim does is on net any bad thing christains do is being covered.....just read thru d english version of d Quran,muslims should neva kill,killing is sinful bt wen israelite fight muslim countries wit d help of americans,dey are forced to fight back.....self defence is not a crime.....muslims are not terrorists....proud to be a muslim
It is very easy for you and Linda to make this unfortunate statement against the dead because u have never seen torture before. If u know the kind of physical and mental torture these captives who are not even military men would have gone through in the hands of those beasts in human skin before reading the prepared speeches, you'll rush to ur respective fake pastors to ask for forgiveness!
@Secret Agent. You are right on point.
Prejudice! Isis, just like Boko Harams and other terrorist organisations are not Muslims. They are just bands of cut throats, murderers, sadists, psychopaths and dregs of various societies that are given the opportunity to join forces in a lawless situation to express their inherent disabilities freely without d established means of checks in a decent and normal society!
still dont understand what this people will gaine from this killing of innocent men... there is God ooo
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