"My wife persuadedforcedme to do a little spring cleaning this weekend. As I was going through my thingsrubbish, I came across this old account statement for an iROKO Partners Ltd bank account in London. If you look at the date its 13 July 2010. The statement is for June 2010. That’s right. £60.25 paid in. £60.00 (my feeding money) paid out. And an ending balance of £0.25. That’s right folks. I literally had £0.25 in my account that's $0.42 or N63. Continue...
Needless to say life has improved somewhat, but as I go about trying
to frame this statement, it definitely reminds me of how far in such a
short time one’s life can improve. It doesn’t have to be as dramatic,
but improve life can. It also should serve to demonstrate to anyone,
anywhere right now toiling away in obscurity on a little project or
something no one gives a flying f*** about that as long as you believe
in yourself and your project then success (whatever that may mean to
you) is or may be just around the corner. All you have to do is find the
inner strength to stay in the game.
At this point I had toiled for 6 long years. Fast forward another 4 years and everything has changed. But then I didn’t know that. It was only pain.
Founders. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever give up. On yourself. You may migrate from project to project and you will never know which one is ‘the one’. But one day, someday. Your stars will align.
At this point I had toiled for 6 long years. Fast forward another 4 years and everything has changed. But then I didn’t know that. It was only pain.
Founders. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever give up. On yourself. You may migrate from project to project and you will never know which one is ‘the one’. But one day, someday. Your stars will align.
Don't give up on your dreams. Nice piece. Everyone has a story to tell.
CoolDiva speaks!
Pastor's daughter nu.de pics exposed online by her internet lover. See
Awwww! So 9ce of him! tosyno0074ril@yahoo.com
Slow down buddy uh. Jopeyemi@gmail.com
Thank you sir, just the right motivation i needed.....and God bless you Linda
Sorry to deviate but Linda.. Thanks for the much better structure u have in place... I so disliked the former one
Very true..well said sir..u have made it..linda ur story too is a testimony..life aint easy but with hardwork impossible is nothing..s/o to evri1 hustling to make it in lyf..soon ur story will change....................................#KingOfKings
I will say a big AMEN to that. My comment is just that prospective entrepreneurs should never give up on their dreams.
I am sure someone somewhere today,will be very uplifted by this little story.We all need someone to say to us once in a while,don't worry its gonna be alright.
Thanks for the advice. bukoladewole@gmail.com
Thank you Jason Njoku I really needed this...
I ♡ dis
dude was hardworking tho! while living here in the UK. kudos bro! nuff respect! and more blessing...
Thanks sure needed those words of encouragement..
I'm not a fan of all these type of post. I think I enjoy gossips more. Or maybe a pic of a girl with big hips
I hate to sound like a party pooper, but we need to stop this habit of defining a success story by how much money we now have after suffering or going through a lot. It makes many people see money as an end instead of just another tool to use for the kingdom of God.
Success story is hearing that statement on that day "Weldone, good and faithful servant.". There are many people who will be great in the age to come and for eternity who never had a lot going for them financially or even materially in this age.
What you do with your money or whatever it is God gave you, to advance His Kingdom is what makes you a success story -not the money itself.
Thanks, Jason. Sometimes it's hard to continue on a project when all you encounter is gridlock. I sit back sometimes and consider the other option, backing down, but this article is an encouragement that 'giving up' is not an option. God help us all.
True talk.........nyc one
Inspirational piece. Thanks for the encouragement.
Thank God 4 d turn around...waiting 4 my own too... God bless Nigeria...
Well said. thank you!
WOW! Very inspirational and short write up..Thanks for sharing your story sir, it' s a quick reminder that hardwork and perseverance sure pays#Teamnevergivinguponmyself
God bless you Jason for this message. it was short but inspring. again, God bless you
Quite inspiring. Each new day provides a new opportunity. It takes hard work to establish coincidence with the opportunities.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
Interesting article indeed!
VERY VERY VERY encouraging...I just need this to push ahead the more...thank you
thank you sir. am encouraged
Very motivating!
True talk. ... thnks for d encouragement
Wow !
I will be there! By HIS Grace!
Quite inspirational!
I cannot agree less, believe in yourself and your dreams and put God first...surely one will get there someday, though it may tarry and be rough.
Congrats Njoku!
very encouraging and inspiring....
WORD!! Thank God for this post cos that's my balance now. I will continue to grind and pray...so help me God.
Thanks. You dont know what this means to me.
Just the kind of story I need... Tanx 4 sharing.
Truly a rags to riches story! Linda almost quite like yours! Hope is a really priceless
First of all "lol"..guess what?. I don't understand anything here.
Yes o.Never give up on what you really know you should do.The "man of the hour" spent many days and nights getting there.
Nice one....that was good enough inspiration brother.....K.A
Thank you your write up it has encouraged me today,some day Jason I will introduce myself to you again,first time we had our issues, respect to you and your projects and future deals ,hope to see you soon ,some day or some months I have a great idea I will like to sell to you ,Respect my Bro!!!
Thanks for the encouragement cuz this country is getting more hopeless by the day. Lots of talented people wasting away in one way or the other.
I write novels and screen plays plus poetry and songs....but the platform to get out there is restricting. I did some copywriting tests in advertising agencies yet was not called due to the man-know-man syndrome. Yet there's nobody who is not impressed with my works. God dey.
I hear linda saying, "yes, it happened to me too".
Encouragin words...
I'm encouraged. Thanks a lot for this piece.
Whtever dats meant to be will definitely be. Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
What is he saying?I dont understand o
Yes o!The stars must align at some point
What will be will be.
Cus you a dumbstard!! Go bac to learn ur ABC perfectly nd come bak nd read it
Ok ooo... nkemdirimeverista111@gmail.com
Ope, I know you personally and have seen some of your works. It's not the man-know-man syndrome that is affecting you, after all, you have tried it yourself! You are just not as good as you think you are. Brush up your so called writing skills instead of trying to use your looks to sell your books!!
Giving up is never an option for me.....thanks Mr Jason for this piece
This guy still lost in a major way by marrying and knocking up a Nollywood hoe because of body shape. Smh men
Very inspiring
Well said.... never ever ever ever give up.. run, walk, crawl if you may but never ever sit on your bums... keep moving.. Don't Stop. Stay the course.. Heads Up.
"I am determined to neva give up" in Kanu's voice
The state of education is so poor in Nigeria. There are people commenting that they don't understand what he's saying. It's written in plain English. What is difficult to understand here?
Wow, this is quite encouraging.
thanks bro, you never know, you must have touch or save some ruining soul with this.
Good story. Good lesson. Let the hustlers get inspired.
@olubukola luro monkey.u r very stupid.your entire household is a dumbbastard.
Hmmmmm, ok
Thank God but continue to be humble.
I am so inspired. Keeping the dream alive. Check out http://fashionandstylepolice.com/ for everything fashion.
Yea determination leads to success
If you know her personally, why come here to give this piece ?? Am so sure she would have appreciated that in private!! My thoughts...
Very very uplifting. thanks for sharing it. You have made my day. Bless u.
This piece touched me, I pray I will share the story one day with you Linda, meanwhile let go and start it.
Article; Like a child- www.unikmindz.blogspot.com
check this blog out
@opelicious....why want to work for an agency as a copywriter?
Go to amazon.com buy the following books.....
Ogilvy on advertising......cashvertising by drew eric whiteman I think his name is
go to www.thegaryhalbertletter.com and read everything on that site.
If you spend one week readin and do not see ideas to make millions without needing agencies....then you need a change of career.
I say this because I write and make millions monthly. I dont work for nobody. And I am 29.
I say this to encourage and motivate you. Not to brag.
You will Thank me for it later
Motivated and inspired...
im inspired. hardwork pays.
im inspired. hardwork pays.
i wont give up...
Nice piece...Lovely article. I was really touched by this inspirational message.God bless!
You head dey there
You head dey there
Dusting up my proposal and docs to start again. I actually somehow gave up after few trials
Anon 9:00am, But money is a starting point to start achieving that for the Glory of God. How do you encourage people now with something that is yet to happen in the age to come? This is one form of encouragement and uplifting and hope for some downtrodden/despairing peeps out there, especially those with financial troubles/problems right now. I would'nt knock it quite like that. It is true money isn't everything but does help.This is just one story and example of how determination and perseverance helped financially for this guy, you don't know his private life or how he's using his wealth to glorify God. This is just a story to inspire and encourage just like the story in the bible of the sick man in john chapter 5, who had been sick for 38yrs as he couldn't get into the pool of Bethesda to receive healing whenever it was stirred, because the first person in would be healed. He had no one to help him into the pool and others were always faster than him in getting in there. He never gave up and went home because he wasn't quick enough like others, he never threw his hands up in defeat but instead he persevered and still hung around the pool, hopeful, until one day Jesus saw him there, had mercy on him and healed him without even having to get into the pool. There was no "well done, good and faithful servant" in this story either, but it still encourages and inspires Christians and even people in general to keep at what they're doing, be hopeful and never give up. .... Just Saying
Ope- I think u might wanna consider the criticism and work on it. its never too late to write a new chapter and start afresh.
I used to feel entitled too, but I am learning that I no not what I think I know. I humble myself daily in this and I am becoming a better person. Now ppl look for me, I don't have to worry about man-know-man.
its tough for a pretty lady who wont spread her legs, but knowing ur onions helps a lot.
Money, achievemnt is equally a measure of success while we are still on earth. Don't undermine this words on encouragement please.
Amazing advice
Linda, kindly share your story. We all love to hear.
Inspiring is the word for this great piece from Jason.
Perseverance always yields the desired results. This is the message I try to preach on my blog...Never ever ever ever give up on your dreams.
U "cannot agree less" means u disagree.
LOL, we-re ni e
Lovely! Thanks for sharing. I am not giving up on MYSELF.
Soul lifting piece from Njoku himself, i love it. With tenacity against all odds, one's dream will surely come true.
You can start your own importation business today with this material, it's 100% FREE. Just Click on my name to have it
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