FIFA said the suspension was due to government interference in football activities, particularly the controversial removal of the Aminu Maigari-led board of the NFF. A High Court sitting in Jos had on July 4th sacked Aminu Maigari and other executives from the board of the NFF. This suspension by FIFA means no Nigerian team or club can participate in any FIFA competition.
“As a result of this decision, no team from Nigeria of any sort (including clubs) can have any international sporting contact (art. 14 par. 3 of the FIFA Statutes),” FIFA said.Read the full statement after the cut...
The FIFA Emergency Committee has decided today, 9 July 2014, to suspend the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) with immediate effect, on account of government interference. Article 13, par. 1 and article 17, par. 1 of the FIFA Statutes oblige member associations to manage their affairs independently and with no influence from third parties.
The decision follows a letter sent by FIFA to the NFF on 4 July 2014, in which it expressed its great concern after the NFF was served with court proceedings and consequently an order preventing the president of the NFF, the NFF Executive Committee members and the NFF Congress from running the affairs of Nigerian football was granted by a High Court of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
The said court order compelled the Nigerian Minister of Sports to appoint a senior member of the civil service to manage the NFF until the matter was heard in court, without giving any date for such a hearing. The authorities then appointed a person who decided to convene an extraordinary general assembly on 5 July 2014. This extraordinary general assembly was convened in violation of the NFF statutes.
Originally, an elective congress had been planned by the NFF to take place on 26 August 2014.
The suspension will be lifted once the court actions have been withdrawn and the properly elected NFF Executive Committee, the NFF general assembly and the NFF administration are able to work without any interference in their affairs.
As a result of this decision, no team from Nigeria of any sort (including clubs) can have any international sporting contact (art. 14 par. 3 of the FIFA Statutes). During the period of suspension, the NFF may not be represented in any regional, continental or international competitions, including at club level, or in friendly matches. The most immediate effect is that Nigeria will not be entitled to participate in the upcoming FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup (5-24 August 2014) should the suspension not be lifted by 15 July 2014.
In addition, neither the NFF nor any of its members or officials may benefit from any FIFA or CAF development programmes, courses or training during the suspension period.
Dayum!!! This Is Harsh!!!
nsogbu Nigeria... nkemdirimeverista111@gmail.com
Oh! Good news are as scarce as gold in Nigeria these days.
And this is not even the second time we're coming under FIFA hammer.
Nothing to cheer up for in this country.
Wetin concern me
Gosh...Na wa oooo
Wow it is not a small something o
Just imagine
To comment na wahala
Omg! Why na...why can't we do things right in this country nawa oh! dredamken@ymail.com
I love that ban
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Nigeria, a joke of a country. Everything is always upside down and abnormal.
Nigeria shud rest alittle... they were turning football to politics
Na wa ooo....anyways, I have no interest....Next please!
So whts d nxt step? Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
To my little understanding; NFF is not employed by FIFA, so they should buzz off!....Politics everywhere!...What's their biz?? They should employ them naa..;the employer has every right to employ, retain and fire his/her employee provided the contracts are adhered to.
*My R1.50c comment*
Good for them! Nigerian dirty politics has gone international! Stupid pple!!!
Hian! I dnt even understand d reason 4 d suspension, sha diaz God oooh but dats none of my busines
Serves Nigeria right!
It doesn't make sense. Suspend Nigeria for what. They can fire any idiot they wish to. What is their own. As long as no body was lynched over football
Nigeria my country
FIFA there's God Ooo
pls add 79719fd2 bbm
Wow.all dese 4govt interference.I luv their strict adherence to rules.but isn't dis too much?
O dikwa egwu. Non of my bix. Chioma_kairo@yahoo.com
hmmm Wat can wee say ??? its well
pls visit www.mavinmis.com and add 79719fd2 on bbm. thanks
You see Nigerians? Them don come fool themselves again for FIFA. Since I've been watching the FIFA, it is the only international event where they put whatever political, conflict, or any other nastiness aside and just focus on the game. Now, Nigerian officials have manage to bring their mess into football. Shameful!
Nawaoo,abi na brazil fifa wan suspend come mistakenly give am Nigeria!pls make una check dah list well cos I dnt fing Fifa have any fing to do with NFF or nigeria at large,if they want to help,they shud help us to fish out boko haram
But honestly FIFA is not supposed 2 be concerned in any tin a country football association does or not it doesn't sound right
Breezy_p. Repping 080MTN
how does it affect my GP
Hmmmmmmm dis is siros#bebo#
Na wa o, must dia b politics in everything we do? Y dcourt order nw?
Eya. Ogunaomi@gmail.com
Eya. Ogunaomi@gmail.com
Corruption. The U20 female youths though. Poor things.
Na wa ooo. cgestheruko@gmail.com
........uuuhHh! Unndunno what tosay
That is their own biz... Linda how is Laura doing?
Wahala dey o
This is serious hmmmn nija which way
Frm nw on am supporting USA....
shame on dis country.. nt a curse tho buh dis country z headin 4 disaster xcept d leaders r changed to gud ones
I'm tired of my country
Moye B.
Sorry 4 9ja I'm out ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Na the first time? Lol. Naija shaaaaaa
Fifa don high....9ja wey ₪☹ snd b4 nia dem d̶̲̥̅̊
suspend H̲̣̣̣̥
sport ѣε̲̣̣̣̥
like we d̶̲̥̅̊
suspension already
Warrisdis again. . Dnt evn knw wat to say. . Didnt knw fifa can interfer in a county's affair
Its quite a pity that every area of our national life has been infested with corruption.NFF is almost comparable to NPF(Nigerian Police Force).Let them not kill football in Nigeria abeg.
Dats gud news
Nawa ooooooooo Nig
Serve them right.
As if â„“̊ care!!! Wating dem sabi play b4... Mtchw
Politics again.Na wa oooo,na wa for nigeria government
hmm,we dey sick boko we go kon sick Fifa too. Ogunaomi@gmail.com
We too dey get bad luck.....sha tank God no competition is on now....Nigerian league is a useless one...so no complaining...#TeampatrioticNigerian
Good for Nigeria....
This is serious! chininye070@gmail.com
I don't get this at all.
Its like FIFA dosnt want d nation to have a say on NFF any longer. They want to be d ones actively overseeing the whole thing. Let Nigeria reverse dat sack decisn asap
That's what you get when you have a moron as President (pardon my rudeness).
Ko kan Aye. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Ko kan Aye. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Na only us waka come....sha tank God
no competition is on now....Nigerian
league is a useless one...so no
complaining...#bringbackourgirls thomassolomon67@yahoo.com
So we have succeeded in transferring our greed, corruption and stupidity abroad abi? What da fuck. Jopeyemi@gmail.com
Oh Nigeria my country!!! As if we don't have enough on our hands already #sighs#
#Before and during GEJ
Wil dia eva b Gud news in ds country?evn in sport we r in trouble...na dem sabi jo
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
Good! Make we rest no be like to say na we play pass! FIFA is doing us a favor.
That's to show the extent of corruption going on in FiFA. How dare them interfere in a country issue? Αѕ hard αѕ it ιƨ, to hell with them!
Bravo FIFA bravo!!!! Hope when all those corrupt politicians who were planning on going on another jolly with the U21 Women's team can't go anymore they will start to come to some senses. Politics and corruptions are so widespread in this country it's disgusting
bit.ly/1zqxARl Get to work with your comfort time and earn cash..
this is good for us
FG only participate in sacking, in essence of diverting money to their pocket/ putting their own people.
they never participate in good thing...
i believe this is good for us
too bad
Chai!!!!!!!!! dia ris God o
neva air ur dirty laundry in public.. patoswife@gmail.com
Gbam. Short of word. Linda post my comment if u like
Why Must FIFA bea sycophant? They allow currupt administrators run fooball affairs all inthe name of non_interferance. Our govt too should take follow due protocol bfor impeaching an office holder. Abegi make BPL start make I reignite my passion
I expected this! This country, I don't understand anymore. Must we play politics in everything we do
I wish it came b4 d world cup...thank you FIFA, can dey Ban Mikel for playing backwards and slow too, plssssssss Fifa...
Ignoramus. Google is ur friend.
FIFA has rules and u either follow them or get out of the body.
This is not fair
That is the rule. Every country's local FA must be elected through a congress and free of any form of govt interference.
No need to apologise. Na fact u talk
Naija! Are Æ”☺ΰ for real? #WizDON
The only reason NFF exist is because if FIFA. And yes FIFA pays NFF. Think we'll before you write.
who fucking cares *mtchewwwww*
nigeria my useless country, everything about this useless country is upside down .... chai we need to change
Nigeria should just try and fix internal issues to showcase a good country to outsiders
Nigeria and the regular show of shame, It's very sad and annoying, Lets Leave politics out of Nigerian Football.
this is good, Nigeria needs to be disciplined, all they care about is the money coming from fifa thats why they keep beefing themselves. why would the Government be the one to judge the case? let fifa take up the case and not government body.. greedy people, ride on fifa, we go get small sense.
How does it affect me. They can ban Nigeria for life for all i care. Mschewwwwwww!
FG should interfere with the NFA. I support the decision made by FIFA.
It serve's Nigeria write.
naija i know say na bcos wi traveld to brazil n traveld back handless, na dat cos govt interference in NFF. FIFA gudos, dem blame Yobo cos im b dfenda, hahaa mak dem go peach go play naa since na simple thing to play countries wey get better leagues n world class players
Everything about Nigeria is politics...I dnt know the day NIgeria will be better...what a messed up country..tuck off ..BOSMEG
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