The students first converged at the University's Senate Building where they shouted slogans and sang protest songs, demanding that the school ends this form of exploitation today, while accusing their VC of corruption. They left the senate building and went on a rampage through all the faculties in UNILAG demanding their rights.
The students then blocked entrances to the school, preventing cars from going in and out of the campus.
The students claim they registered late because the school management shut the school portal against registration, only for the school to demand an extra N20,000 from students registering late. The police are currently there to calm things down.

Let's say the truth, Nigerian kids don't like school, that's why any some thing, protest, strike, school shut down.
Biko who is watching orange is the new black season2.
Hmmmm can see dem laughing and enjoying d protest.. De neva serious
Good!!..Very good.
Make I see weda d senate board no go get sense.
*Nita Briggs*
Seen, heard, noted!
Craeful o these students.
CoolDiva speaks!
Linda ikeji, what's the latest on MISS SAHARA
Moshod abiola university students, behaving ratchet
At first na LASU, now UNILAG, y all dis, dis our government! satan go see some of our politician and comment "you are wicked sir/ma"
Haba during deir time dem pay upto dis, please in everytin we do, make we remeba, diaris God oooooooo
Mofo never loved us. They say we are the future yet they try to destroy our future. What type of government is that?
Lupita nyong'o
Which way Nigeria?
All these protests by students are not good signals or omen. The masses of this country are being pushed to the elastic limit and their reaction would be catastrophic.
GEJ is the cause of all the problems in nigeria
Yea! YEa!! YEA!!!, this ish started while in my final yr in d school back in 2012, it needs to stop. LOL...can even recognize sme of d faces der...UNILAG,we be.
~~~~~via my toshiba laptop~~~~
I guess dis is d latest trend in our higher institution.
20k is much for late registration. . D vc is bad.. how did he expect dem to get d money. . jus hope dey wil look into d matter
Buh its true..after all d money govt gave dem,d r still looking for d closest way to embezzle moni from students...hungry v.p's cheap thieves
The spate of protest in Nigerian universities is gradually turning to a storm. University Administrators to me act like dictators.
We shall always fight for our right...Great Nigerian Student...Great!!!
We no go gree o! We no go gree! LOL!
If u dont know what to write. Shut UP your loquacious mouth commentators.
I am in Unilag. Normally, students do editing of courses before examination.
Like in my department. The course adviser has advised that we remove a particular course and add another.
Do I have to pay N20,000 for that?
We are talking about the goverment but the most corrupt body in nigeria is the universities. The organisation that are suppose to preach against the act are the ones doing the act.... God help naija and the student shouldnt back down untill they are victorious..
Ride on students!! Ride on!! Enuff of dis autocracy in our so called democracym..Fucked up society!!
U expect them to be wailing n smashing their heads? If they did that, some other critic would hv another absurd term to categorize them! Minimum wage is set at 18,000 n they fine students 20,000! If a civil servant had a child amongst these ones u reckon he can afford it!! This lack of comensurate monetary fines vis-a-vis our realities keeps fueling madness! Students would need to may be extort money, sell their bodies or even steal to survive in these financially hostile terrain sometimes! Always remember 70% of nigerians r still very poor! 80 million super poor ppl trying to also cut their teeth in this country! Don't be hasty to trivialise the agitations of these kids,
This is ridiculous!!!
You have finally raised money for internet subscription, congrats and welcome back.
AnonymousJune 6, 2014 at 12:17. U r a very big fool, u exepected to start crying? Do u tink moni is easy?? Get ur asshole self off dis blong
Once u volunteer to pay all the exploitative fees and penalties for them, I sure bet you, you won't see anymore strikes, Mr truth facer!
Unknown City.
Well noted
Imagine who's saying we never serious. Shld we fold our arms and watch dem extort money frm students unnecessarily? #Thumbs up akokites.
Don't talk like dat,d school authority re bastards,y wud dey put up 20k ,cos we didn't register early and dats due to their uselessness
Frm 10k to 20k. D students did rite. Infact, the protest is long overdue
They seem to be emjoying the protest
Linda pls hw can I forward my school protest pix that will happen on monday to u? #BringDownTheFeesUniport
This my email( Let them mercy us,it a federal school n not private 4 God sake+ if we had the huge amount to pay we wud all be in a private or state uni.
Gud, carry on........greatest Akokite........25k for late reg wen dey purposely shut down d portal. av registered anywaiz.
Nigeria students like protest nd strike pass going to class
let them fight for there right....last registration #20,000 how must is d school fees
We Should all know our rights,so corruption as to stop! ! !
I pray Delsu Abraka students will have the mind to do the same............................instead they will be the ones begging the school to take the money and open the portal for them..
I love it when students know their right and act wisely.
Which way naija..... Na wa o
@Anon 12:17,u're a big fool. And i'm sure u're a drop out. Do u knw hw some work for their money? And yes! 20k is a big deal!
since you feel they don't like the 20,000 naira for them each....if 20k na small money why are girls sleeping around or why are almost half of Nigerian hustling ....smh.....Solomon...
What nonsense ?? If the 20k is for late registration then they should register on time. Lazy students just looking for an excuse to exhibit their inborn toutish behaviour.
I hear all of una finish. Greatest nigerian students
Season 2 is not out
Linda I think say u no go talk abt am. This student no dey serious @all, dem no register ddem course form early and dey av to pay 4 late registration, a stitch in time saves nine. All dis people wey never register and dem dey protest automatic carryover be dat and extra year 4 some people.
I paid dt 20k too wen i ws doin my masters.
Naija kee way?
Unilag students dt r Payn 10k as skul fees r goin on strike,can dey compare demselves wit lasuth students dt pay 250k? Abeg,dey shud park well.. Dey no lik book or skull...
All these ones be butti children. Them no kana like oau or lasu pikin
All ye idiots commenting esp d ones saying nigerian students don't like sch! If u have nothing sensible to say,why don't u shut up! They shuldnt protest when exploited? Clearly ye all r no parents yet if not you wulda known what it sounds like to have to throw away an extra 20k for no fault of I said, get busy and shut up. U want the sit-rep? University authorities r now exploiting from parents and students....imagine final year medical studeNts in OOU dt jst graduated were asked to pay an extra two year tuition fee before they wuld b allowed to pass out.....I guess u as a father or mother will be SO WILLING to part wt such crazy extortion because u love schooling.....idiots....UNILAG folks pls protest jooo.....royalty all the way from oou is supporting u from this end
All ye idiots commenting esp d ones saying nigerian students don't like sch! If u have nothing sensible to say,why don't u shut up! They shuldnt protest when exploited? Clearly ye all r no parents yet if not you wulda known what it sounds like to have to throw away an extra 20k for no fault of I said, get busy and shut up. U want the sit-rep? University authorities r now exploiting from parents and students....imagine final year medical studeNts in OOU dt jst graduated were asked to pay an extra two year tuition fee before they wuld b allowed to pass out.....I guess u as a father or mother will be SO WILLING to part wt such crazy extortion because u love schooling.....idiots....UNILAG folks pls protest jooo.....royalty all the way from oou is supporting u from this end
Go guys, it is high time you stood up to the THIEVES in government.
Protest all over.....God help Nigeria!!!
my people go talk say pikin wey dey chop akara dey chop him money...dou as an alumni i can tell u too categorically dat we encountered such,got to d point dat i was in d sch of thot dat dis site portals is intentionally closed or impossible to open so dat alot of students wont register on time and den d sch govt in turn makes extra cash wen students pay for late registeration...cos it opens with inpunity during late registration...studnet govt(if any) shld have a sit in with d sch govt and find a solution asap not d protests dat wastes time and delays graduation hand no dey.....greatest akokaites......Hon. Jeff,represented asisa constituency,class of '08
We are becoming conscious of our rights. Good
Tired Of Fake Hairs??? Grab 24 inches Indian or Brazilian 100% Human Hair for just 19k and 16 inches for 15k. Promo ends soon. Other types also available. Ping now 2B6C82C7
extortion is just too much....**whew**
Protest all u like lil rascals... If una like make una no get sense as to call off dis nonsense wey una dey do... Na una time una dey waste bcus as time dey go semesters dey go nd na una go suffer am. D strike wey ASSU go nefa do una abi? Yeye schildren. Umu anuofia...
**Unilag Alumni**
All dis our institutions sef, dem be thieves... All of dem. The way dey exploit students is way out of hand
Aluta continua victoria acerta#amala awetsu "nothing shall discourage us"
#################GOD punish#######################################devil
ok! make them continue
via official intercom
First its OAU now its unilag...
fight for your right
Haba,y b say ona no day tink b4 talk
they r not serious shey.......ur taking trash
they r serious u guys shuld saying wot z nt
Protest now a wee party, dj present at the gate, liquor, dancing nd all....
All of u saying shiiiit....Una dey 4 d stupid unilag authorities...Naa die all of una go die o!!!!!..if una no solve d problem now now!!!!!
Good move jare ~Stella~
Ure a fool, I guess u went to a private Skol, or u be useless yahoo boy. Ure small tiny sene did nt inform u dat nt all stu can affordd to pay skl fees within first wik of resumption. Ode.
Mgt of the school should no that this period is a trying time for the country and anything that will bring tension and violence should be shun.
Tired Of Fake Hairs??? Grab 24 inches Indian or Brazilian 100% Human Hair for just 19k and 16 inches for 15k. Promo ends soon. Other types also available. Ping now 2B6C82C7
Watching here ooo... And season 2 is out in the US today
Even uniabj too we get our own right now internal asuu strike cos our vc an lecturers get beef they won't let us write exams especially the 300level science students that need to go for IT
Na wa o what is all dis problems here and dere na wa o
A̶̲̥̅ℓℓ U̶̲̥̅̊ beefs n haters, 4 ur info dia protest wuz a success
Linda I want 2 appreciate ur effort on the authenticity of ds news.our problem as Nigerians is that we fail 2 stand up 2 negative happenings nd exploitations perpetrated by our govt nd dats y dey get away with it.rather than applaud the sense of duty of people who have d courage 2 stand up against exploitation you kip posting negative comments as if your lives depended on it
Dats LASU nt unilag
Pls o no violence again . Pls see to their complaint o.
Wish unilorin studnt would ever do dis......nop everybody s scared to face Tanke .ok ride on guys.
Blog... blong...#runs as fast as I cn#
Unilag is just a scam. They also increased all PG sch fees by an outrageous 50%. We in the MBA exec class now have to pay 900k from 600k for our second yr. The sch authority is clearly deceitful and a bunch of fraudsters. They also charge an extra 10% for late registration while deactivating the portal. Am just so disgusted with the sch and it's gimmicks to make money from students by all means. The sch has since lost its integrity. I had my 1st degree from Unilag and things were diff back then. The sch authority has to get its act together and review these satanic actions they have taken so far.
see all this bloody JAMBITES hating..... we don't like school but we here anyway stay at home and be watching orange is the new black awon mofo 'z
Can't u just check ur spellings bfr publishing ur comment... Mtchheeww
dis is so nt fair,a handful of our leaders r products of free educatn,y den do dey mak d struggln masses go tru dis stress jst to train a child?is educatn nw xclusvly for d rich?dis is so hrtbrkn.
fight for ur right, aluta continua
Kay: Wen did u do ur masters mbok?
APC should bringdown our school fees.lagos people are tired of Fashola nd his baba sope.
Dis pple shld stop disturbing pple abeg. Its enough. Come to d east nd knw ow mch some skols are paying dere
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