It seems marriage agrees with Kanye. When last did we see him smile so broadly? The newly married rapper was spotted out and about in New York City yesterday looking really happy and at peace with the world. The paps were taking pics of him and he was laughing with them...before now he always tried to knock some paparazzi's teeth off. Guess we should all thank Kim for this...
The bottom power of a woman!
Toh , good 4 him
Every tin abt kim nd kanye is news to lindaa ok na u go soon tire.
And that smile is very sincere!!! Keep being well - disposed bud.....#SeunLondon
Aww hes really hapi.hapi 4dem both
Team KimYe ........NOTYME
Love changes everything... so happy to see Kanye smile this way
He's so cute wen he laughs...we shud see more of dis please...u myt jst increase d numba of ur fans. Cos nobody rili luvs a saddist.
Good for him, he has found his heaven.
Love changes everything.. so happy to see Kanye smile this way.
Awwwwww rilli cute smile..i like
awwwww..this is luuuuuv
Hehehehe. . Evrytin na news. Happy for him
* smiling * go kanye! Luf ya! He is overwhelmed!
I pray their marriage last.
i love them (Kanye, Kim and baby Nori) together.
Wishing the best.
Gud 4 him!
Oh boy, so Kanye west can laugh like this? First time in history of him and Kim. Hmmm, that's means something sweet pass something. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Happy and handsome to booth.when you love someone and its returned,this is how we look.
Try it Linda.
He's looking dapper, God pls I need a husband this year.
Good Morning.
Cupid,venus son couldn't be so proud of his arrows .It seems to be working so perfectly on kanye after centuries have passed!
Yes ooo, marriage is good Linda. Go nd taste it
Next gist pls
first time am seeing dis guy hapi....... nice...
God bless ur union
Enjoying is his marriage
Good to be married and happy. Congrats Kimye.
CoolDiva speaks!
Love is a beautiful thing linda
Kimye... Best couple for now #wink
Wow, first time I will see him wearing a big smile! Thanks to kim
Linda; luv and marriage is d bst thing det can happen 2 anyone; man or woman; broda enjoy makes a persn happy. True love not decieveing cheatin asses,,thse 1ns dnt get it. Learn 2 love n ull smile this big evn pipo u hate cnt make u sad----C21
Thanks to Kim.
Dt big nyash woman don dey sweet him....
Don't test d power of a woman com oooO linda u nor dey tire 4 dese pple mata ?mi don tire nd no am nt hatin...
Linda u r not serious at all.
It's true sha. I have never seen him so happy before.
Maybe they got pregnant on d honeymoon
No doubt kim really made him a better father and husband...... I wish them long lasting union....
Good for yeezus.....keep love alive bro
Love is a beautiful thing but marriage is sweetest. God bless ur union kim n kanye
I haven't seen his teeth this much.... Good for him sweet. Am so happy for him, thanks Kim for putting a smile on his face. Later pple wld start hating on her, u did right by putting a smile on ur husby's face. Now that is how d inner peace sets in.
Awwwwwwww... see my Kanye sooo happy, m loving ds... muaaaahhh
Kim's pot of food seems great..I did say 2 my self 'almost there something wrong wt dz guy' but dz pix has proved me wrong wow and he's so handsome wen he smiles,fine maN..*fastionista LeOnOrA*
waoooh.. so good to be married. hv never seen him smile.
Yeah... It suits me!
awwwww...kanye looks ute smilling
This is the other of him, balling things.
A smile to remember!
~D great anonymous! too need wife...oya cm mk we do
Beautiful smile he's got. He shld do this often.
Love n'egbu ka manya
You will got one by God's Grace and ur smile will be more radiant than kanyes'
The power of a woman, kim u are so pretty may GoD continue to bless your union
Wowww.....isn't dis just lovely. Don't get it twisted. LOVE IS A BEAUTIFUL THING.
And he looks so handsome & graceful. Plz Kanye more of dis smile, it so fits u.....
Sometimes we need that extra something to complete us, I guess he found his extra something! Yeah he looks better with a smile, haven't seen him this way since his 2nd album.
Good for him.
Hehehe.. Just for saying it. U will get one my dear..
Hehehe.. No allow Bey and Jayz team catch you..*winks*
Anyone that does not associate him or herself to his newly found happiness is a hater... GBAM..
Find a woman you love and smile will forever be on your face....bravo kanye
Wow so kanye cn actually smile.the power of we we run d world.
And ds Linda will neva publish my post. Mtchewwwww
Good for him
Dunno, not that I wish him bad buh somhow in so afraid for him. Hope Kim has come to stay n not to hurt dis guy coz I see he is genuinely in luv wit her.
Seriously I have never seen him laugh like this! Chai am happy for him! Kim is really working magic! #Strenghtofawoman#
He is really happy...wishing them all the best.
See this fool.. you now include ur names in ur comments so that money wont pass u by.. no money this xmas go n work.. u r such a big fool. Ur parents shd be ashamed of u dats if u ve any. Bastard
awwwwwwwwww am touched!!
why is his face fat?
Hapi 4 him
Kim's pot of soup is working,@ 1st wasn't sure. "if" may God bless ur marriage and 2 think dt smile looks gud on him*fashionista LeOnOrA
Best pic of Kanye so far.
Amen u will just keep faith
Marriage with the right person dey sweet
@ eddreamz was he ever a father or a husband.
He's so cute wen he laughs...we shud see more of dis please...u myt jst increase d numba of ur fans. Cos nobody rili luvs a saddist.
Beyonce relief photo showing her nipple
I wish them blissful married life
I never see him smile is way b4 oo, is gud to marry ur hrt it give u peace, and linda my sister dis my 1st time commenting on ur blog but am an adict to ur blog, dat is d reason y I recharge my bis, I commented on d issue concerning peter supportin ur friend tiwa nd u didn't post it cos I did nt c it on d comments, y naa ? Nt hpy oo. I want b c seen my comment oo biko Nne oma
Dis smiles will soon turn to cry cos kim will definitely cheat on him soon
If there's a reason to laugh him go laugh now. These media can just spin anything around for sensation. All the while he's been laughing b4 his marriage they didn't capture those because they wanted to create a bad image for him. Now they deem it for to share his happy pics. As always they'll soon start picking faults again.
Kanye is in love,linlin what did I do to pls post my comment joor
kanye my man the circus finally moves back to new york thuder fire jay z
Id have to admit, this guy has the cutest smile ever.
True talk jare
He's on his jolly way 2 becoming Ms Kanye Kardashian
Love is a beautiful thing when u find that special one. D glow can't b hidden....
You just can tell when you see a man in love.
Mayor. Thank you o!!!!
12.59,why are you so bitter and angry.?issues dey o.
okay oh oniranu somebody lets see how ling it will last mschew anyway good for him
great smile from him
when you find your rib, the world will be a better place & at peace with u.
He is very happy and I am happy for him👍
So Kenye can be this playful? nice smile from him, he look very hansom here (Marriage is a good thing and showing in him)
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