Meanwhile Mrs Ezekwesili tweeted that she did reply Mr Okupe when he greeted her at the airport, but just refused to shake his hands because of the 'falseness'. See her Tweet after the cut...
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Mr doyin should go and seat down and stop being childish
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Nothing irks me more than grown ups handling any matter on twitter... And when I see a man at it the way this idiot is, I want to ask how the heck does he become an adviser of any matter?
The lady was definitely right not shaking his hand.
Those that calls themselves adults ranting like kids on the net!!! Mtchew.
Its so obvious that this guy is so pained abou' somefin. Guy, chill nah.
CoolDiva speaks!
I actually don't like Oby Ezekwesili.
It was during her tenure as the Minister of Education that she and OBJ decided to privatise Unity/Federal schools.
Unity schools were the access of the children of the poor to affordable quality education but mba she and OBJ connived to frustrate us. Because of her actions my 2 younger siblings had to go to a private school for their Junior Secondary school and those times were extremely hard for my poor parents. I really don't like her, she's nothing but a hypocrite.
Awon oniranu
I actually don't like Oby Ezekwesili.
It was during her tenure as the Minister of Education that she and OBJ decided to privatise Unity/Federal schools.
Unity schools were the access of the children of the poor to affordable quality education but mba she and OBJ connived to frustrate us. Because of her actions my 2 younger siblings had to go to a private school for their Junior Secondary school and those times were extremely hard for my poor parents. I really don't like her, she's nothing but a hypocrite.
Abeg this man should go and sit down jare! He is beginning to seem desperate to paint her black,its becoming irritating.
Naija I hail!
finding it hard to figure out how an old man like dis will take to social network to lash out insults on oby ezekwesili,just becos of mere greeting.....oga sir,come ooo I'll greet u 5000 times if that'll make u shut ur gutters......ozu okuko.
look at them very ugly waist of mb
Mr Doyin Okupe, your attitude on this matter just shows how stupid GEJ is for employing you. Oloriburuku oshi.
Mr doyin no get work o...
What is wrong with this elephant looking man. If all his life he has never be forth right, leave those who are alone!
This man is a woman,
Hmmmmmmm! I just imagine this man having issues with his wife, he'll abuse her till she faints.
Actually, i tot its youth that do tweet fight ashe awon agbaya too do it #SMH
Photos: R Kelly's 14 Year Old Daughter Is Now A Boy!
Naija Badt Guy, says, "Doyin Okupe, if you've forgotten your job description, kindly resign and stop ridiculing yourself on social media sites created by people your children's age. Ewu Gambia."
ARe they not ashamed of themselves???
Photos: R Kelly's 14 Year Old Daughter Is Now A Boy!
Shu...Greetings na by force?I beg I beg I beg,make Doyin go rest,hin no get other more pressing matters to attend too?
Of course he is not her friend and does not deserve any warm hand shake. And i think Mr. Doyin should be a man and stop ranting. They should act like matured people that we know them to be. Haba Oga Doyin
This Doyin man behaves like a baby, he is not matured at all, from his tweets u will know
The thing pain am no be small. Lol
Mr doyin okukpe pls shut it alrdy. Y are u crying like a woman? Is greeting by force? I hate it when a man whines like a baby. With dis ur big body like a bouncer u cannot respect ur old age. Just becos a woman refused to greet u, uv just been insulting her on twitter. Behave urslf abeg and let d matter rest. What nonsense!!
Let this ugly Oby woman go and occupy back seat. Ogini! After all her reign during OBJ is not better. Let her live our Mama Africa, the Lioness of Igboland alone. She can't in any way be compared to Ngozi. She can die for all I care.
Please grow up Mr. Doyin Okupe!!! You should be the one correcting your children if they do what you are doing! You are a baby with white hair!
Mr Doyin Okupe why are behaving like a woman?
Mr Doyin Okupe why are behaving like a woman?
Mr Doyin Okupe why are behaving like a woman?
lwkmd ooo..dis guy wen dem dey kal onyx wetin u do libers na...nobody wan even see ur comment ds ur comment abt richest king nd morroco evry body leave d topic enta ur matter..guy nawaoooo..lwkmd for here..linda post abeg..
I just love her reply. Okupe stop embarrassing yourself. is it that most of the people on Jonathans cabinet dont have shame at all
see adults acting like under 15
Ermmm linda b ready to post the up coming dinner....
#peter #lola # teebillz #tiwa
aliona will press the phone
Bia akpa dawa jee choo ife iga aru...haba! I'll be so glad if oby will ignore n not rply u. Gosh! Agadi na agwo ofe!
That is an Igbo woman for you! We no dey like outward pretense and false friendliness as these Westerners are known for. Way to go, Oby Ezekwesili!
Gotta love social media
Is this man dis pansy about things like this coz I don't understand all his rantings
Why is Doyin Okupe behaving like a jealous woman? I hate his guts...who is talking about an opportunist???! He is the greatest opportunist I've seen in Nigeria. Has he forgotten that he is a second fiddle to Reuben Abati? The Jonathan govt needed a crude, untutored, loud-mouthed special assistant, that was the reason he was recruited...I really feel for you Okupe 'cos the inferiority complex in you always play out in all your dealings with cultured people. I was ashamed the other day I saw him been interviewed on BBC African news, even the presenter could not but snappily cut him off because his answers were full of anger; there was no logic in whatever responses he gave to the question about Boko Haram. Are your children not telling you, you are bringing shame to them? Stop all this your childish behaviour and face the business you were recruited for. Uncle loud-mouth, lol.
Don't understand this feud. Handshakes and greetings are not by force. This guy should get over himself.
Mr Okupe go and take several seats joor and leave Madam Oby alone.Shuo!u wan be d second FFK ni?hia!
This tells the sorry state our dear nation is presently! Imagine a SSA to the President tweeting for the past 48hrs over greeting or no greeting when there are numerous national issues that requires urgent attention. What kind of advice could a man like this give the president? #politicaldog#
Mr Okupe, you're a sanctimonious, impotent specimen of a man, you have no foot to stand on now, because you are nothing more than a play ground bully picking on woman. Do you harbor secret desires towards her person? Are you pressed because she rebuffed your advances?
Evidently you have no pedigree, your bloodline is clearly made up of area boys and harlots done good. Let's be clear, YOU doyin wouldn't know class if you studied it at school. It's a pity when new money lords excesses in an attempt to assert some perceived sense of attainment. YOUR PEDIGREE is MONGREL, otherwise you wouldn't look like a constipated swine.
Coming onto the Internet to expose your local boy attitude, you've only managed to embarrass yourself.
And your attempts at indirectly insulting an elder state's man, who's done more than your pleb of a sandals wearing retard GEJ is laughable, furthermore if you're insinuating Ngozi doesn't reject your advances, and using to press Obi, then you're more of a douche bag than words can express.
You sir are no Bourgeois, you are scum of the earth. The poor woman would probably have caught something from your wretchedness.
simply put well,answered by a superior matured female to a falsehood proper-gator a he goat bully that embellishes liars and makes it looks like the truth doyin okupe is a big fool him reno and labara makun we meet their water loo soon na by force to shake ur flirt hand the lady ignored him and just like fani kayode he has been rantying and talking bullshit all day may be patience Jonathan does not have an errand for him to run foolish bull
(Mr, Dr., Chief) Okupe. Easy man. She answered, she no answered, why does that becomes a problem that you'll then take to tweeter. She does not want to greet nor shake hands with you, finish. Abi aran ni? Nkan mi wan be ni? As Krio would say "lef am". Leave story. I believe this is not part of your job specification re-Jona bulldog.
ohhh una dey beef una sef before......pls Linda next!!!!!!
Senior Special ASSISTANT..
He is lower than Adviser.
This is becoming more childish !!
Doyin okupe is a total disgrace to the sit of the presidency and he doesn't respect his age @all, stooping so low, ranting on social media. A national disgrace for that matter. is this what he's employed to do? An old man for that matter with wife and children, haba. Dance of shame. SMH
How come Doyin Okupe's write ups are always flawed? Ki lo de naa? Dokita for tha marra!?!...
Only idle mlnds discuss ppl we need gr8 minds to find ideas to our challenges
Hello o?... She said she is not interested in shaking your hand and you are here comparing her to Okanjo. How childish can you get. When you no be Adams and Mr songz, why e kon dey pain you say she no do you whazup... That's by the way, abeg anymore of that Nicki's pic? those boobs ehn, jaw dropping.
Pls Oby shld go and hide, wat did she accomplish wen she was a minister aside ruining Unity schools?... And yes, Ngozi Okonjo Iweala mit really be a threat to her, complex presents itself in diff ways and women lik her r d most vulnerable #Bee
Let's watch as the drama unfolds.
His kids should cover their faces in shame for this national disgrace..
He should just quit acting like a sissy..
Lmao..see attack oo..but I think dis old pple ar too old for all dis..ranting on twitter..nawa oo..bt I think he's correct..oby na nyash kisser......................#KingOfKings
She shouldn't have answered him, she should just have allowed him to be blowing hot air. See who is calling who an opportunist LOL. Jonathan needs to put a leash on him, doesn't seem to understand the decorum expected of his office.
I sincerely think Doyin Okupe should forget this issue and move on as a man. Why is he mourning on it. Is it that he is so pained. He should go and sit down and let us hear word. He is eating from government and does not know what an average Nigerian is going through. He is too full and has time for all these. A lot of Nigerians do not have time for all these frivolities because daily survival is a constant struggle and Uncle Jona- his master has done nothing tangible to abate that.
Please leave dis woman alone imbecile.see as he looks like a mad man
Full mumu, no pedigree as if na ur papa was d one queen eliza handed nigeria over to in 1960.inshort this man no get sense
SOCIAL MEDIA oooooooo...... this adults should chill pls. Haba!
This doyin okupe guy is jobless sha.
Now I see y goodluck is not doing anything in Nigeria carrying fools as special advisers. Leave madam due process alone. Loving mrs Ezekwesili
What is wrong with okupe self? I want to believe what oby did to him really hurt him and that's why he has decided to go on a vengeance mission.....he's not a matured man.
This man for just respect his old age nw, like seriously kilode na!...
These two are role models in their own capacities. And may have to awake to this realization that the younger generation is looking up to them.
Hence they should learn how to manage such situations as this more maturely.
Kai I need doyin,s head.d man is so irritating,wts wt the ranting?is ds the kind of pple workn for GEJ?disgrace
Who cares?? Like one LIBer's comments said, Doying should "take several seats on a greyhound bus"
On this I agree with Doyin Okupe. Cos when this woman was there stealing money like the rest of her counterparts, nothing was heard of her. She'll continue to make noise till she gets another political appointment and the noise will stop. Hypocrisy at its peak
Doyin Okupe is a big fool.
Na by force to greet
Doyin should plz let Oby be, this is turning to obsession.
And this doyin okupe is a spokesperson for nigerian government? What an animal!
ghen ghen!!
Oga Doyin, biko ozugonu biko. K'anyi nuzie nti biko.
Edon do na ah, make person hear word.
why is dis old man acting like a kid...... did dey design social media for u old man.
hw will she ansa ur greetings wen u keep acting like a boy??? huh???
why is dis old man acting like a kid...... did dey design social media for u old man.
hw will she ansa ur greetings wen u keep acting like a boy??? huh???
Friendship is not by force.if She refuses to hobnob with an AGIP (Any Government In Power), please do not blame her.You just continue to play your politics of the Stomach,
This Oby woman WorWor sha!! No doubt.
Doyin Doyin Doyin.. Biko learn how to spell Iweala for christsake.. Might not be an everyday name for you from your part of the country but you guys work under the same government. Have the decency to spell her name correctly.
Lastly, you are beginning to rant like FKK.. They say atimes it is better to keep shut and be assumed a fool than Open your mouth and remove all doubt.. You are a man and not a child, easy on the rants
Doyin Okupe is irritating. The woman refused to shake your hand so what??? Is it by force? If her name wasnt oby ezekwesili would you have made a meal of it?? . I cant wait till we get worthy leaders in this country. Reuben abati, doyin okupe, reno omokri,etc are all so bloated with ill-gotten wealth they think they are untouchable.
Doyin Okupe is an embarrassment. So childish and immature. And this is the sum total of what make our "leaders" tick. Either you're chopping with us or not. Sad
Ride on. It sounds like doggy. From the back. ENGR Emy
lool.. hilarious
Linda breaking news!! APC has dumped Gen Buhari as their presidential candidate and has choosen Kwankwanso as their candidate
Naija my dear country. Our politicians have misplaced priorities. Funny.
Over a greeting?? My Lord!! Social media is making grown folks act like young idiots!!!... Cry m a river build a bridge and get over it please ... Nowadays its hard to tell who's grown and who's not
Whaooooooo! Doyin is just being childish here and acting like a market woman, apologies to the women. How can a matured man like him be complaining like this? Just imagine the mentality and level of maturity we have in our leaders #smh. You are pained because of handshake? What about the lives of innocent Nigerians?......their families?. ....friends?. ...and loved ones?........as a result of the our 'leader's' decisions.....#prayforabetternigeria
Pls this man should go and sleep, and if he's finding it difficult, 500mg diazepam will do. I'm very indifferent abt Obyezeks, but this man just lacks decorum. Why would u directly verbally attack another adult just coz ur pissed?? The man just keeps pissing me off. And oby definitely has more class, coz she hasn't said more than that tweet. Jobless man getting paid for nothing.
this childish form of communication is unbecoming these 2 old people.
Dude? No wonder Jona has such a terrible image with advisers like you.
But really oby's son often in arguements about government often push the discussion towards Okonjo Iweala. And all we sense is envy and rivalry women who have not been 'chosen' ooze. Whatever it is, these people are all users Oby, PDPs APCs etc are users. Some of us don't fall for politicians falseness anymore whoever they are
This man is just big in stature, Infact overweight, but his brain is underdeveloped and so tiny. I don't expect him to do any better than he has. Agbaya!
Mr Okupe pls rest ur peace! Empty vessels makes d most noise! Stop ranting bullshit!
seems someone here has complex.no be by force now.
Nigeria won't get anywhere when will still have buffons in the corridors of power.
She snubbed your theatrical handshake...deal with it and stop sulking...fool is casting aspersions
Stewpid tout Okupe is!
end time
Okupe is on his periods. Someone pls give him a hot water bottle.
Mr Man live her alone ,may be U want to Poison her with that ur evil Hand ,live her in peace.
na by force to greet abeg leave d woman
AWW..Well she chooses who to greet and who not to greet its her decision she is an adult.
Doyin grow up pls....stop beefing women up n down as iff u don't have better things to do with your time.
To think that this is coming from a senior adviser to the president.. Its quite a pity! Okupe has lost it all.
Criosly is ds guy 4real?
I suggest u take several seats mr doyin and stp bickering. Wats his prob anyway
Too bad #bright bravo#
watching hard talk was physically painful. i wish Mr Okupe would crawl back under the rock from whence forth he came. but alas i know to be a sheer dream, i pity the president and wish him good luck if this is the kind of adviser abi na assistant he has
Leave this people Linda. Nigeria don Doroscatter, everywhere is Dorobombing, over 200 girls Doromissing, yet we are still Dorrobucci, instead of us to be Doropraying. My Doropeople let's be Dorovigilant. If you don't want to Dorodie. This isn't Dorofunny oooo..... DorogoodNight......
Rosie Said......Mr Okupe dont be a fool. What has Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala got to do with this? I know you want to start a fight b/w these two women,but that not gonna happen because they are smarter than you. Oby does not want to shake hands with you,Period........Keep your filthy hands to yourself.
Ngozi ezekwesili is a disgrace to herself. Who doesn't know she is jealous of okonjo iweala's celebrated success. She was all over the twitter the last time attacking okonjo iweala unnecessarily.
To be honest ds nonentity of a man has a problem, let d woman be abeg!!! U don't even know how to spell Iweala(nweala). Make Ngozi catch u. Stupid!!!
Dis is totaly rubish
Doyin Okupe abi what is that your name ....can you please act like you played with some toys when you were young and stop clamouring for attention..Agbaya dey follow woman fight on top greet me i no greet
D woman can like to go nd sit down, so he said stuff abt u wich r obviously true, cnt u act mature even if d handshake was fake? Biko jare, wen she was in powere wit OBJ enjoying, she didn't know it wud one day end
Greyhound bus for Canada?
Na wa 2 dis guy sha
Wat is wrong wit dat woman,if u are sack from a government can't u then greet people and u said u are pastor's wife
Haha! This cracked me up. Please include Always Night sanitary pads cos from his size, the flow would be heavy.
Doyin Okupe so sounds like a spoilt little child who desperately whines for attention,if the woman says I am not interested in a handshake with u,then pass and move on than coming to twitter and forming COMMANDO.
Its not compulsory she shakes u
See as she be. Ugly mucheche
Abeg, all you talking like saints if you were in his shoes you would do more. The quest for power has made her blind to the truth. When she was in position of power she didn't do anything, she's no longer there now sees everyother persons as fake.
This Goodluk and his people must think Nigerians are stupid? Huh Oby doesn't need to prove anything to anybody, she's well accomplished in the comity of nations! Even if she ceases to exit today, she will be forever remembered while okupe is just a jobber that if Oby becomes president tomorrow , he will do same job for her. Shame on GEJ , shame on okupe and shame on Nigeria!!!
Y him dey yarn like say him bin put juju for hand? Oga Abeg cool down ,greeting no be by force.
Doyin Okupe go do your Job , which is to Inform the president on how much of a Joke we think you all are Dumb idiotic clueless rats running around without an objective or focus...#dimwits !!!
linda,honestly,im nt gud @ abusin old ppl coz of d way i ws brot up.bt,whn such oldies failed 2 realised dt dey r old,we shd nt hesitate 2 tongue lash dem.pls if we av any1 dt's somhw related 2 ds dr who,dey shd call him 2 order.he's nothin bt a useless man.
I wonder oo.picking quarrel with a woman.so childish
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What's your point? We're not even hearing anything from her, only mr doyin's rants. He needs to shut up and take several seats, so do you!
Very apparent that Oby is a thorn in Okupe's fatty lips! They are obviously having sleepless nights.
That's true,when they are out of govt, the talk anyhow..
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4 real? Wat man whines like dis? I doubt if dis idiot has a dick. Wat nonsense!....n 2 think he occupies a political office....Gossshhh! Now, I am so irritated I wish I cld c him n slap som sense in2 him. Mrs Doyin, face ur work - special adviser...my ass! Smelling idiot!
Okupe please fire more shorts at her. lol..Linda i just got information that this two were once lovers, Allegedly :)
U just have to insult GEJ..
Thought they are adults and patriots at that?
You people should leave this woman alone, whether she is using the Chibok girls for her own benefit, she is working for it! She actually stands under the sun, screams to her voice goes hoarse. So yeah she is trying, screaming for Nigerians, even if it aids her cause. Unlike some people who criticize the government through twitter and pseudo accounts. Please leave the woman be y'all.
Mr doyin I tot u were appointed as an adviser to d president is ranting like an idiot part of ur job,u re jst not an inteligent as pple tink u re plz go sleep 4 d sake of ur offis.shikena.I rest my case
In civilized circles you don't shake a woman's hand except she offers it first. Okupe is a typical busy (African) man....anyway he has never lmpressed me. Obasanjo used to refer to him as 'Omoba to ja le'.
Mr doyin I tot u re appointed as an SA to d president,is dis part of ur porfolio ranting on media like dis,its shows hw busy u re wit ur job,datz d same way u go bbc disgracing ur self and d likes of ur superiors,plz go sleep 4 d sake of ur offis.mrs oby u win dis time.I rest my case.shikena
What a childish rant and GEJ made him a spokes man? I smh in sadness
Oby is far far better than Ngozi. Ngozi is lucky because Atiku pushed her up to Obasanjo. NGOZI`S HANDS ARE DIRTY TOO AS IN CHOP MONEY AND CLEAN MOUTH.S.... OBJ`S D...AND ACT LIKE HOLY NUNS. BOTH OF THEM.
Bia nwokem it is not by force 2 shake ur hand, stop sowing unnecessary seed of discord. Pls allow dis good woman be.
Let me Google what a greyhound is. Lol. One of the many reasons I love LIB making the smart smarter. *smiles.
This is childish. Mr Okupe should take several seats abeg....
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Doyin, one thing you should know by now is that you needn't be too hasty in certain circumstances, e.g, someone refusing to reply your greeting. Just manage to swallow it and absorb the pain. In some days , you'll get over it and you'll realize that silence can be golden. If you like, hate the person in your small world.
It's sit down sweetie not seat... thank me later
They didn't eventually privatize it nah.... I remember then in 2008, our teachers went on strike! we couldn't even write NECO immediately after WAEC... they had their own silly reasons, but it didn't work out as planned because our teachers didn't allow them!
Correct me if i'm wrong please.
This Doyin Okupe should be ashamed of himself. He is a BIG disgrace to his family and generation. Please Linda reach out to his family especially his children if they can get their father to stop disgracing Nigeria. What this guy doesn't know is that history will not spare his superfluous stupidity
I agree with u Doyin. She is probably feeling left behind. What was her roles while in Government? She didn't do any better. This is not a time to throw blames on the presidency and the entire government. We need to support them with prayers and any information that will lead to the end of this insurgency. If Oby is the president, I doubt if she would ve done any better. It's only very easy to lead with mouth and ideas while outside. It's just like the way spectatotors score goals from their chairs and beer parours. Put them in the field and watch clueless players. Oby should calm down and work with the Government.
So with his age and political status he doesn't know he has to start a person's name in capital letters and forget all those 'kiddies' abbreviations...
A million likes
Oro naa dun o fe ke. The action pain him he wants to cry. Cry overgrown baby man scheeeew
I think there is more to the hand shake he offered, cos i dont understand why greet you you no answer go pain man reach like this.
Mr doyin, if u hadn't said anything in d first place, we wouldn't have known what happened at the airport.
Funny. but Doyin should sit down,think on what advice to giv to his master not ranting on net
Wetin concern me
You Just took the words outta my. Mouth @Chika. Lmao!!!
Doyin, no be for twitter your food go digest. You can αѕ well take your bible and read. Deep mysteries of life are derived from the bible. There you can obtain wisdom for your office. Wisdom ιs more profitable, in αℓℓ thy getting, get understanding.
You Just took the words outta my. Mouth @Chika. Lmao!!!
Why is she being a B*****
I am extremely happy that someone can come out and lash back at this Oby. Little wonder she achieved nothing during her tenure. She was probably having picnics with staff all through.
This Man way dey nag like this, I pity ur wife. Abeg, leave Oby alone, no be by force she go shake ur hands na!
The grammar I see here gives me headaches. Lol! Thanks for correcting one. Doyin is acting like an overgrown baby. He is acting like he wants to cry. Lol!
Please my people, be mindful of your post on social media. All these insults especially on our President doesn't tell good of you and our country, remember that the whole world is reading your post. Make your comments but please don't insult or curse anybody because of these politicians that are fighting for their selfish gains. I pray that God will intervene and save our dear Country from hypocrite leaders, BH, corrupt leaders and those that has vowed that our country will not move forward. God we need your mercy and intervention. Amen
Onye ala, mr man go and rest abeg
Doyin Okupe needs to calm down and act like he has a semblance of sense. A lady reserves the right to shake hands with a man. Wonder why he's so miffed.
Oga doyin jst tell her u love her lobatan.. Na either yes or no. abi e pass lyk dat
Na she wan make dem paint her black, but which other color for better? Abeg make she go sit down for eagles square joo.
Matured Babies messing up in public,Doyin Okupe should engage his fellow men in public, like Asari Dokubo, Tompolo and even Shekau if he has the guts rather than disturbing Oby
Ok, now I understand. I checked Oby on wikepedia, got a full page of a career woman.. what of Doyin Okupe?. 3 lines of what? Doyin, Stop Hating.
y'all shld stop disturbing urselves,next u r gonna hear is dt she visited doyin in white villa and she's up for a ministerial appointment...ask 2 time minister,Fan Kayode,its d way d boffons play d game...oby ezekwesili,ngozi iweala, Potatoe,potaatoe...same yeye fouls...
why is he over reacting,the woman does not want to say hi,what is the problem?this guy should stop acting like a kid and face his job.disgusting
Doyin is the thief and opportunist. This lady is not your rank and class. Fool, rushing where angel fear to thread.
Doyin, very soon, Nigerians would deal with you. Watch your back!
why is he over reacting,the woman does not want to say hi,what is the problem?this guy should stop acting like a kid and face his job.disgusting
@ Chizzy i couldn't agree with you more, being straight forward and direct is the best way to react to false pretense for the likes of those that are ''sheep in wolves clothing". Oby did the right thing.
My thoughts exactly...and his needless abbreviation and wrong spellings like a 14 year old blonde girl... Chineke!!!! Nsogbu dikwa.
China David u badtttt. lol
I beg help me ask am o.
So Doyin had all this against Oby in his mind, yet he wanted to shake her hands, for what na? She was right, it's truly a false hearty handshake.
Badtttt people.Hahahaha
Correct one.well done
When adults fight and involve the internet....it never ends well. Oby should have kept quiet and allow the busy body to continue to rant.
lol. The guy send the babe baje!!! he wants to toast her, LMAO.
I dont know this man wahala o
what do u expect from an attack Dog (bark)
The thing pain that man gan...Lmao! left ma nigga hanging...SMH!
I wonder wat dis man will do to a babe who turns him down. Ode oshi
I wonder wat dis man will do to a babe who turns him down. Ode oshi
anonymous 5:16pm, those that CALLS themselves? I don't usually do this but people have pointed out this blunder so many times and many people still commit them.Call biko.
Idemili kingdom is out grab ur copy
Idemili kingdom is out grab ur copy
Oby is confuss
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