The Gwoza Christian Community Association in Borno State has released details of disturbing disclosures made by six Christian girls who were abducted in 2013 by the dreaded Boko Haram sect.
The girls were abducted last year from different locations in Gwoza local government area. Their statements revealed that, following their abduction, they were subjected to serial rapes by Boko Haram terrorists. In addition, they were turned into domestic slaves in various Boko Haram camps before they pulled off their daring and lucky escapes. Continue...
Below are the summaries provided by the Christian community in Gwoza from the extensive statements of the six girls who escaped from Boko Haram camps. The girls’ names and other identities have been concealed for their security and in order to protect them from stigmatization:
Captive for 12 days in Boko Haram Camp in Sambisa (15th May 2013 - 26th May 2013).
She boarded for commercial bus at Tashan Bama in Maiduguri on 15th May 2013. There were five men in the vehicle when they took off. She was the only female among them. When they reach Bama Local government around Firgi area in Borno State, some Boko Haram members with heavy weapons abducted them and they were taken to Boko haram camp in Sambisa Games Reserve.
Immediately after their arrival they slew the five men with knife in her presence. She was there in their camp for 12 days when they slew more than 50 people in her presence. Whenever they bring a hostage, they check their identity card and differentiate them base on their belief, if your Christian they killed you, if the victim happened to be Muslim they recruit them. Those who refused they slew them.
They told her to get ready for conversion the following morning, and fortunately God took control of the event and one young man among the captive took courage and jump into one of their cars and started it. Eventually she and other six young men entered the car and they drow off. Unfortunately the Boko Haram followed them and succeeded in killing four but she and the driver escaped. That was how they abandon the vehicle and trek for some more Kilometers to get to the main road.
Captive for 3 Months in Boko Haram at Gwoza Hills (12th May 2013 - 13th Sept 2013)
This was a girl abducted by the insurgents in early May 2013 and was in their custody for about three months before her escape in September, 2013 by the grace of God. Luckily they did not sexually abuse her as she was groomed to marry the insurgent leaders' junior brother. However, she suffered beating even at point of death to convert to Islam and forced to wear their 'hijab' as they go from one hiding came to another atop the mountain hills where they are based.
She even followed them to the attack on Gwna police station conveying the bullets they used during the attack. Her escaped gave her a new life of hope but never believed it was really true until she was taken out of Borno State.
Her parents' home and the whole village were attacked after her escape, burning all the houses and killing two people in revenge. She was later examined and found physically fine.
Held captive for 22 days in Boko Haram at Gwoza Hills (30th Sept. 2013 - 20th Oct. 2013)
It was around 8:00pm on 30th September, 2013 when Boko Haram with heavy weapons came and broke into her brothers room and shoot him. They took his wife out and put a gun to her head, but when they heard another strange event outside the compound, the insurgents came back again and asked the ladies including her to come out. There they captured herself, her sister & her brother's wife and took them away as captives. They were taken to the camp on the mountain top in Ghwa'a village where the leader of the Boko Haram stayed.
She who is a dedicated Christian was asked to denounced Christ and accept Islam or else she would be slaughtered. Out of fear she agreed and they ceremonially cited Quran verses, gave her a veil (Himar) and named her Maryam.
After converting her she was taken to (Emir) leader of the camp who was called Ibrahim Tada Nglayire and she was married one of the insurgents called Abdul, where she was sexually abused. After that, he asked her to perform an exercise of taking water from a kettle to bath with it as sign of cleansing from the sex they had. Which he called WAKAN JANABA.
The insurgents gets their money from External sources, she always heard them mentioning Arab countries etc. Some among their local sponsors whom they mention were some District Heads in Borno State and a member of the State House of Assembly . They always thanked them for supporting with money and protection. On the 20th of October, 2013, when the insurgent have left to get their ammunition, their leader's wife brought them together in a conversations. That was how she escaped.
Held captive for 22 days in Boko Haram at Gwoza Hills (30th Sept. 2013 - 20th Oct. 2013)
She was kidnapped by Boko Haram on 30th September, 2013. She was taken to their camp. The following sub-gang leader of the insurgent took her to the Emir, (Ibrahim Tadaghleke) for an update on how they captured them. When Ibrahim saw her, he immediately ordered her conversion to Islam and gave her a husband. The husband came in the night to sexually abused her, when she refused he brought his gun and knife to kill her if she attempt to stop him again. He left her when he discovered she was on her monthly period.
They normally speak Kanuri language, Arabic and Hausa talking about Some District heads and a member of the State House of Assembly. Popular in their conversation is that, they hate President Jonathan because he is Pagan and sent the Army to kill them. She escaped when she tactically dropped her shoes on the entrance of the door. She picked a kettle with pretence to enter toilet. That was how she made her way to escape. They went through serious challenges, but God save her.
Held captive for 22 days in Boko Haram at Gwoza Hills (28th Sept. 2013 - 20th Oct. 2013)
She was captured and held as a slave by the Boko Haram group on 28th September, 2013. Their house was invaded by the insurgents. In their palour, they asked for their names. When they found out they were Christians, they went with her. They started going up the hill for almost 2 days on foot. When they reached a village called KWATARA, one of them went from there and entered another village. It took them additional (8) eight hours before they reach a place in a cave on top of Mandara mountains hills, where they were kept for almost two weeks before proceeded to another location
She was converted to Islam and was given a Muslim name called HASIYA, and married to an insurgent. She was raped and sexually abused by force under a treat of Gun. She was only 15 years old and still a virgin.
Held captive for 5 days in Boko Haram at Gwoza Hills (19th Nov. 2013 - 23th Nov. 2013)
They met her around the Cameroonian boarder, caught her and started beating her. One among the Boko Haram pulled her veil, tore it and tied her hands behind and started beating her with plastic pipes. Another one of the insurgents dragged her and tied another rope behind her and pulling her like animal. She was then taken to the mountains travelling throughout the night where they went to a village in the hill they call Hraza. It was too gloomy because there were so many branches within the caves. She quickly agreed to convert to Muslim with a knife of her throat, on 19 November, 2013. They cited Quranic verse which she repeats after them. She was given KALMAN SHAHADA. She saw a man called MALLAM where they were staying. He doesn't come out in a day time, neither does he follow them for operations, but he gives orders and instruction as final authority. He doesn't open his face. He is aways in a veil like Arab man, in all white clothes. The second in command was called Ibrahim Tadagleke and then mallam Audu and Mallam Saidu, whom were the operational commanders.
On the 21 November, 2013, the overall MALLAM, who was in charge of giving orders came out and went round the camp around 5:00pm - 6:00pm. He was accompanied by Ibrahim who they called Emir followed by operational commanders and then over 80 armed insurgents were behind him. Some among their sponsors where late Mohammed Gadafi before he died. People from Chad were used to import the weapons, on Carmel and herdsmen from Niger.
Their main funds comes from Afghanistan and Iraq. They always thanked the Arab countries. Most of the people that sponsored them locally were disguised. She escaped from them on 23 November, 2013.
SaharaReporters could not independently verify these accounts.
God is on the throne
Nawa o!!! Disturbing indeed!
Linda dat headin seems incorrect
Linda in 2013 I beg not is 2013. Ndo o
Omg, scary, I know one day, Boko haram will be history, wicked, Christian will never force you to join them, muslims problems to the world
We are @ War. Christians vs Muslims. The problem is we are too afraid to admit it.
Reading this story,I was painting a mental picture of what could be happening to the Chibok girls now.
This is beyond horrible.
We need serious help to deal with this evil, we shouldn't feel big to ask for external help not only at helping return the Chibok girls,but eradicating boko haram.
Islam is indeed a religion of peace. SMH
Busted! Yvonne Nelson and John Dumelo gets down on eachother in private (Video)
Jesus christ! Very bad experiences for girls thr age... Only God can help us see to d end of dis BH fools o
Oh God do something fast abeg, ii know Dos in power are behind dis, dey will soon die one after d oda.
Boko haram is just an excuse for illiterates to use God's name to act as animals in the name of God. There is nothing these guys have done that justifies their actions whether you are a muslim or xtain. These guYs are just barbaric.
Ok #bright bravo#
What is all this, I think Nigerians are been played a fool. So, BH has abducted so many girls in previous years without d masses knowing. This is a shame, from frypan to fire. Even if they release the chibok girls, how do we know they are d one. Where are d parents off the girls if I may ask? Am beginning to think this is political. We are recruiting soldiers bcos of BH, what will happpen if we were to be at war with another country?
hmmmm this is serious ooo since they hv mention all this villages soldiers should go ther and fish them out na
Jesus plz come save your own people o, plz
North and there fish brain,so when all these happened they came out and sealed there mouth,am now perceiving conspiracy in all these drama....Arc ugoes
Notice how they also kill Muslims that refuse to join them? Boko haram kill a lot they've killed a lot of muslim clerics and their families that preach against them. Boko haram are NOT muslims they are bad people and if anybody comes here saying islam this islam that then you are not different from boko haram.
chai! so touchin and heartbreakin..see our gals. bt, whr are these acounts comin from sinc sahara cant verify.
stylecast OAU
Boko Haram don become part of pop culture now, we don dey use initials/acronym BH. God help us
Enough of all dis boko news,am tired of hearing it. Nigeria is nt a country,one particular news all d time witout no solution
Hmmmmmmmmm......dis is just wickedness.....
Linda am speechless hmmm
Oh my God,I know most of those top politician's hv a hand in dis,d just want 2 tanish our president's hand work,GoodLuck is one of d best president so far.
And why are we just hearing about this now? I av always known that some big names in dis country is backin BH up, dat explains why our military is powerless. God will punish the arabs, dey will neva know peace. Is it by force 2 be muslim? God help us plz. Fight dis battle 4 us.
OMG! I don't know what to say!
Hmmmmmmmm !!
Oh my God,,,,see the way I'm shivering after reading this...kai...
They are lucky to be back home! Thank GOD.
Fuckin pussies!! You will get yours soon! Punks!!! Gosh I hate dee nigaz to an outrageous level! Fuckin pussies!!!
linda wath did i do to 2 u never post my comment pls tel me what to do 4 u to post my comment. wel dere is God ooooo
Y r all this stories coming out now. Don't really like this sahara reporters
Linda I don't belive any of this stories
Linda dis girls may be saying the truth. now I support ffk for leaving APC I think Apc have a link to BH, some people in that party have some contact with BH if not why are they not bringing solution to the crisis. that is why you see mostly muslim in APC Buhari and co sure knows what they are doing.APC want to give a presidential ticket to a muslim in dat party and if he wins GeJ will go in their mind and that brings an end to BH. God will put them and BH to shame very soon.
Ya Allah
This is some cooked up stories to make Nigerians believe the sponsors of bk are foreigners how come none of this ladies held the name of the local sponsors in naija something is missing in this story or it is completely false cooked up.
God save our Northern Christians! That's to show hw peaceful Islam can b! Peaceful my foot! BH acting out d words of Koran nd some fool will say its a lie! Gone r d days of ignorance, we know nd read better!
#GozManuel Says#
They need to get a good phsychologist for these girls. it's hard to imagine what their state of mind will be like after this sad experience. And JONATHAN NEED TO ACT NOOOOOOOOOOOW. CLEAR OUT BOKO HARAM. THE PAIN IS TOO MUCH.
Too bad. ENGR Emy
Very disturbing. Which way?
Lord thank you for this exposure !!! Nigeria Govt you don hear? If you like don't act, just look until you will be the next in that cave. Is like you don't know the power you have as the president of this country. I honestly need you to read the bible and see how kings ruled their people. You most find that cave, use foreign help since you army is corrupted. God Please I commite this country Nigeria into you. Hear the cry of your children and fight our battles, show the world that you are Jehovah, the I AM. Amen
In conclusion. Bokoharam are just bunch of criminals taking advantage of a failed government, they can all be crushed. Just put together a good to take them down and block the borders. PROTECT OUR BORDERS
Wow, this is so scary, really devilish, how can humans behave like this, it is so unbelievable. God will save us from these people n heal our land from these insurgents
@ a member of the State House of Assembly. I suspect Sen. Alli Ndume!
Lord have mercy on us! These poor girls,i hope they all get some sort of councelling,if they were rich men's kids we would not have heard the last of it,Nigerians we need to take back our country! God please give us the courage & show us the way before it is too late
The stories just sound too real to be true! And none of dem even sabi where they escaped from Oo! Abi they closed their eyes while running? Oya Nollywood...over to una...Ghanaman signing out!
Boko haram should be eradicated. horrible and painful death shall you (boko haram). and your sponsors see in the ηαмє of Jesus Amen! I ρυт you to extinction boko haram in Jesus ηαмє Amen!
Nigerians jst amaze me, which I is Apc spoiling GEJ's name, deirs was BH in obasanjo's regime too, jst dat dey haf become stronger n is a pity d govt of 2day is duin little 2 stop dem, secondly whether dis story is tru or false, d truth is dat we haf gehs in d forest wif deadly terrorist, n we can assume dose gehs in d forest wld b experiencing dis same thin...So SAD we haf a weak n slow Govt in dis country
The parents of the gehs r in lagos cryin and begging... Dey came 2 tvc studios yestaday
But why muslims everytime? U sef check am nau? I used to be a Muslim and I thank God for my soul today. No doubt not all muslims like dese ones are animals but a great percentage of muslims worldwide are barbaric and I think its inferiority complex dats leading dem to all dese violence.
God, please hear the cry of he children. For people saying the girls are lying welldone, and wait till the kidnapping gets to u. Don't forget that the bible has told all these stories happening now. This is a complete sign of end time. God please have mercy p. #bringbackourgirls
God, please hear the cry of he children. For people saying the girls are lying welldone, and wait till the kidnapping gets to u. Don't forget that the bible has told all these stories happening now. This is a complete sign of end time. God please have mercy p. #bringbackourgirls
I don't believe that...in not is 2013.
@11:35pm. I like your high level of reasoning. You are the only person that said it all. This is purely sponsored
Perhaps those Arabs they are always thanking are the same people who give Buhari money to contest
God help us
To be honest this is pure Genocide against the indigenous Northern Christians. Jihad is going on. CAN wake up and make an int'l cry. They cannot continue to kill the northern Christians
NIGERIA SHULD DISINTEGRATE OOOOOO. Since dey r all hungry to b president make e.bdy divide so dat dey will b president of dea own region. Nigeria is too big 4 one person to rule. Pple shuldnt critisise jonathan o diaris nothing d poor man can do,hez surrounded by wolves.as 4 boko haram diaris God ooooo
Yeah it is a religion of peace, if it were not, those muslims that bh killed would not have been killed as they would have allowed themselves to be recruited! Abi did you read the story upside down?
And the baby factory victims from the east who never opened up nko until the syndicate was busted? What kind of brains would you call theirs?
Story, story!!! Please mention the name of that honourable member na! All this hide and seek abeg!
all this still sounds strange to me,guess dats how i'm able to live with it cos i cannot imagine it to be true....yucks...how can a society even live with that?its impossible 4 a president to sit down and not do anytin abt it to d point where its sounding norm like a bomb going off in Syria or afghanistan or like somebody shooting somebody in America...if dis is true,den i Denounce dis country...i secceed from it...aswear
A pity what these girls went through but there's no way a foreigner will sponsor without an internal help. SR should try to be critical and analytical in reportage. I expect they mention one or more names of internal sponsors as they easily call GEJ names.
Ps God save us all
This is so so so disturbing. God pls save us in this country. WE NEED YOU ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!
CoolDiva speaks!
Oh my God, this is very scary. and someone out there will come to tell me that this is not because of Jonathan and Christianity.God pls save us,if it is ur will that we should divide,let ur will be done.This killing must stop.
This is saddening, may the wrath of God befall every boko haram member and their sponsors wherever they may be.
Too many inconsistencies, too many grammatical errors in your write up.They should name the sponsors they heard the so called boko haram talking to.i hope this is not a ploy to implicate some innocent politicians.we already know you are anti- islam linda ikeji.
Na wah o
God will help us but please linda try editing and proofreading your stories before posting, too many grammatical errors!
The whole issue is confusing! Nigeria seems not to be organised.
Na wah o
God, am not a proud nigerian i swear....
They have names of atleast 3 top boko haram leaders,... Of which the same names were mentioned by up to 2 or 3 of the girls, the locations of where some of their camps are have been revealed. Sources of their funds and potential funders have been revealed.... Wat other detail or tip does Jonathan need to deploy soldiers to go and fight these people? Even if we need to get British and American soldiers involved... Is this battle not fightable? Jonathan's slowness to act is part of the problem that we are facing! Nigeria is just a big mess!
These Muslims are terrible people! How can you kill people all in the name of religion? This whole thing is just sickening!
my God! pls ds set of animals shd b dispensed away wit.wht r dey turnin ds country 2? jus imagine d kind of attrocities dey committed.president jona,afta u might av secured d release of ds girls,pls all dos boko boys shd b executed n dere meat given 2 sss dogs 2 eat.
Shut up there. U must be a muslim. U people are a violent set of creatures. Take it or leave it, U people suck!
Dis is soo painful. . I knw d military is nt workin cos some of dis top pple ar sponsors of bh dats y they cnt act.. really cnt wait for bh to bcome history
How come they no the specific time everything happened? Did they go with wristwatches? All these political christian associations with making up stories enh! By the way why are they always trying hard to bring war formally amongst muslims and christians? If them no fit contribute to d peace and unity of this country make them no dey add salt and pepper na. #fakestories
This is serious! Death and suffering to ALL Boko Haram members and sponsors!!
And so be it.
Don't be stupid, the camps are not hidden, the government knows where the camps are!
If these write up is something to ride home with, then Government/Military should take a clue from this and locate the camps of these insurgents, it also gives a hint of where the Chibok girls could be. May God help us. Amen
Boko Haram!!!!!!!!!!! if i catch 1 of u i will kill u 10 times
My dear you are very right........IBB, Buhari, Atiku. You shall not prevail, you shall be greatly ashamed and your everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten...keep sponsoring Boko haram.....God will surely rise in anger against you all.
God help d abducted girls
I only have one thing to say, all of u saying these stories are cooked up, may they kidnap the female in ur families and rape them continuously, then u will know how it feels, maybe then u will come to Linda's blog and be spouting nonsense. May God help us in this country.
Anon 10.35 if Boko haram are not muslims, who are dey den????
U are trying 2 shift d blame away 4rm muslims. d case of d sudanese lady 2b executed, isnt it bcuz of u Muslims, IS DAT BOKO HARAM AS WELL??/
Plz take several seats. *according 2u its not muslims its Boko haram abi?? U've got no piont. Una Wicked Kpom Kwen. no tell me anything.
Govt is expected to act fast
things is going out of hand
this is desperation from adherents of a dying religion. it is on a downhill movement irreversibly
So you are saying there are also sponsors of the sponsors out there? Epic!
Sharrap Monkey, every sane person is anti-Islam.
GOD bless u , u talk am well.
Sharrap Monkey, every sane person is anti-Islam.
So you are saying there are also sponsors of the sponsors out there? Epic!
This looks like a fable due to a lot of inconsistencies. I wonder how the girls in captive could give details of foreign sponsors and yet claimed to have lived in fear. At what point could their captives discuss sensitive issues in their presence? Now freed which security agency had debriefed them?
Also its only gaullible ones that would posit that BHs are muslims. What in their values conform with Islam?
May God deliver us all.
The thing is.....we r all saying...let GEJ should.go ahead and send soldiers to destroy them......pls dis guys r bad we know.....but its best to use wisdom in dis kyne situation.....lets all calm down and pray....be our neighbours keeper and b very watchful
God dis is not true oh my world help us all
Here is the way out for you and I:pray for Nigeria!
Pls ! Don't judge the religion on the actions of individuals.
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