In a forum organised by young Nigerian professionals under the auspices of Akwa Ibom Young Professional Leadership Initiative, it was declared that the participation of Nigerian professionals in the nation's leadership was imperative, hence the need for young professionals to rise to the occasion, to take up the challenges of leadership. Continue...
Conveners have disclosed that the choice of Udom Emmanuel stemmed from the fact that he is a professional in his
field of endeavour and understands the problems of young aspiring professionals in the state.
Unveiling Udom Emmanuel as the next governor of the state, Otukong Emmanuel Ibiok, Special Adviser to Governor Akpabio on Political and Legislative Affairs said professionals, no
matter how young could transform any state or country, stressing on
the need for professionals inclusion in
The forum which emphasised on the need to create and sustain conventional and innovative fora for young professionals to contribute to the development of Nigeria, particularly Akwa Ibom State, through debates, and enlightenment programs had Mr. Aniekan Umanah, Hon. Commissioner for Information and Communications, Akwa Ibom State, as the keynote speaker.
Other notable speakers at the event were Barr. Ofonime Enoh, Principal Partner, Lincoln Associates, Abuja. Barr.
Abbas Idiong, Yadomah Bukar Mandara (a youth representative at the
ongoing National Conference, Otuekong Emmanuel Ibiok; Special Adviser to the Governor on Bureau of Political and Legislative Affairs and the representative of the State Deputy Governor, Mr. Stephen Leo Ntukekpo.
Here are photos from the event:

its aalright
Its a welcomed initiative. Its high time young energetic and sincere Nigerians get involved in issues as it pertains our governance.
Saying politics is a dirty meant for only people ready to go dirty,is not helping.
You can't expect someone to wash his hands in dirty water and rub,a clean hand on you.
I just hope they will keep to their word and make it possible bcos we need young blood that really knw what nigerians are going through to tackle and solve the problem once and for all.... God bless akwa ibom and all who supported this idea....
That's very good...we need young strong minds to rule this nation.we have had enough of the old people,they shld go n rest.
Akwa Ibom ayaya, this is good
True Talk, Bonario.
Awesome initiative. Hey young people, the time is now!
CoolDiva speaks
That Alhaja's scarf though.... it has wash and looks to messy.
i thank God say this one dey happen>> who say reformation no go come naija,, we dey watch dey come.
kudos my young aspiring brothers.
Barr Ofonime Enoh aka KPOZO... i see you. Idiong i see you too. Nice one.
Cool dem
Is Abuja the new Akwa Ibom? Or is Abuja safer than Akwa Ibom?v because I don't understand how some fellows parading themselves as youth should decide that out of all the professionals we have in the state, Udom Emmanuel is most suitable. We,ve had enough of these people siphoning our monies through Construction companies, now a banker? Please we need positive change not a stooge. By the way please tell them that not all the youths can afford flight ticket to Abuja, but they have positive contributions to make concerning who they feel should represent them. The above youths have been paid to endorse Udom Emmanuel.
So Because He has worked in the bank makes him a professional in Politics,a game he has never known about or played till only last year. Because of selfish interest. I don't doubt his strides in d banking sector but he's not fit to even b what God'swill Akpabio wants to give him. You Have To Serve To Lead. He Has Served The Banking Sector That's Where His Leadership Skills Shud b employed. Not In Akwa Ibom State. If He Was Coming Out For The Post Of Zenith Bank C.E.O Or C.BMN Governor Den He Wud Have our Support As 4 What God'swill Akpabio Out Of Greed Is Offering Him I'm Sorry It Is Not Possible. You Have To Serve To Lead.
Politics is a dirty Game
this is a good move. Its jus d right time 4 our youth 2 wake up frm dia slummber!!
dis is a welcomed move
I Am 26 years old now I've Been A Card Carrying Member Of The PDP Since The Last Election. It Is My Dream To One Day Lead The State,If Not Me But My Fellow Colleagues Who Have Active Members. But What The Govenor Is Doing Has No Equity and FairPlay,I am not fit to contest d post of d governor due to constitutional requirement of the party P.d.P how ever we have men who have represented this party 4years since 1999 But No It Is Only Udom Emmanuel That is a professional others are not. This Same Udom Emmanuel Did Not Even Know His Ward Chairman till Last Year. He Did Not Even Know About The Constitution Of The Party Only last year.He Knows nothing about Politics Now All Of A Sudden He's A Professional. If Udom tho older Than Me by age is Govenor 4 8years and I senior him in the party. When will my dream come true? Cuz after he steps down He will also want to bring another fool from nowhere and endorse as a professional to succeed him. This Has To Stop Enough!! Is Enough!!
Jus hold on my good brothers, you will soon feel my positive influence. Linda take note of my name so get use to the spelling. J'aime akwa ibomites et je suis akwa ibom. Nous sommes riches!
Yeah its high time the youths claim their future from these old thieves! I wish other states will follow suit
It's abt time am loving this
Only Governor Godswill Akpabio Wants To Be Senator Only Governor Godswill Obot Akpabio Wants To Implant A Governor lol even abacha self was'nt This Selfish
As Long Evil Remains In The HouseHold Of The Akpabios... Udom Emmanuel Does Not Have My Support. I Cannot Support A Government Of Intimidation,Assasination,Double Standard,Betrayal,& Deceit.
I'm Not In Support Of Anyone in Particular Come 2015 Cuz Only God Will Decide 4 us not God'swill Obot Akpabio Enough Is Enough "He Is Not God" And Will Never Be. Udom Emmanuel Will Not Win God4Bid.
Supporting Udom Is Supporting Uncommon Evil,Uncommon Blackmail & Uncommon Rubbish.
The Souls Of The Untimely Departed Will Hunt God'swill Akpabio's 2015 Ambition. If President Jonathan Can Boldly Declare That His Ambition Is Not Worth The Life Of Any Man "Who Is God'swill Obot Akpabio" Mbok? The God Of Abel Will Judge Him Soon.
These fools have gathered to support a man the governor wants to force on them. They have forgotten what happened when the former governor tried to force his son in law on the state. Una no wan learn.
I Pity These So Called Young Professionals Supporting Evil. We Are The Richest State In Nigeria And Collect x2 Wat Lagos State Government Gets From The Federation Account,But Most Of These So Called Young Professionals Are Satisfied With Popping Bear Bottles in the club while Younger professionals in e.g Lagos are popping refrigerators of champagne in the club.
Yes oh, make una join go thief too.
In A State Where Only Commissioners rule and their P.A's take crumbs from dem and they call themselves young proffesionals nonsense. I remember an insidence where a top government official oppressed a young professional and took his Chick from him. If that so called young professional was a rich young man in lagos 4instance this can never happen. Nonsense.
Nice initiative to end the reign of our grandparents still leading us when the game has changed from what it used to be.
I pray the next young leaders of tomorrow wont be all dat dirty. money intoxicates so can't predict or vouch for our young generation. #PICCANTO#
Instead of these so called young professionals to mobilise peacefull rallies and demand 4 job creation,they are going around collecting beer money. Wen dey go to Lagos and abuja the young professionals there oppress them. It's A Shame.
We As The Youths Of Akwa Ibom State Need To Wake Up And Face Reality!! How Many Industries do we have in Akwa Ibom? Last I Checked Only Champion brewies is functioning and it's only popular here in Akwa Ibom. Akpabio instead of pushing 4 Mobil,adax etc to relocate their HQ's here He's Busy roaming Aso Rock 4 his selfish Ambition like it's his Birth right.
Young Professionals who only collect crumbs that's why mere commissioners oppress u guys. And Take ur chicks in the club rubbish!!
Bonario Nnags.It's high time young, energetic and sincere Nigerians GOT involved.Your oyinbo too much.
All Our So Called Young Professionals want is beer money and wedding money but they 4get and barely think about the future. They want money dey can use for only 5-10yrs how about your children? Where will they work? As rich as akwa ibom is non of these young professionals want to joing our yoruba/hausa counterparts to own banks, No Akwa Ibomite as rich as it is can boast of any Big company owned by him in Nigeria Glo,oando,dangote,jumia,onyx,linda ikeji,bella naija,mavin records,chocolate city,zenith bank,1st bank,e.m.e,hippTv,Soundcity,PRTV,beatFm,CoolFm,NaijaFm,Conoil,wazobiaFm the list is endless. Where are and who are these poor akwa ibom young professionals? Rubbish Wake Up To Reality My Brothers.
Sounds like a good initiative, good for them and hope other young professionals in other states take a leaf out of their books. This may just be the key to taking power away from these uneducated so-called leaders in the country.
I am amazed not that many comments but I guess if it was something inconsequential like Kim K or someone buying some trivial material item, there would be hundreds of comments. A lost generation!!!
Akwa Ibom Is The Richest State In Nigeria Yet Our People Are Starving Serving As HouseBoys/Girls in Diff states of Nigeria. It Pains Me When Ever I go to "Surulere" or Portharcourt to name a few. Demand Accountability Don't Collect Crumbs. Where Will Our Children Work? When No Akwa Ibomite Can Boast Of Any Company In The Nigerian Stock Exchange. It's A Shame yet we brag of being the richest state.
As Akwa Ibomites We Have Served Enough It's Time To Lead To Rescue Our Girls From Slavery I Know We Our Girls Hardly Go In2 Prostitution But When They are house girls they become worse dan a prostitute,they become sex slaves. Least a prostitute gets paid but "Ekaette" Does not.
I Am A Proud Akwa Ibomite And I Do My Best To Hold My Head Up High EveryWhere I Go. But I Can Never And Will Never Be A Professional And Collect Crumbs From Our Greedy Politicians. Who Because Of Efcc end up not investing d stolen funds. Ask Adenuga How He Established Glo But These Foolish Akwa Ibom Professionals only want to get married and drink beer. No Future Plan.
He left zenit bank as a manager to be the ssg of aks. I prefer this man.hope he wont disgrace the accountancy profession
I Can Never Support Cuz He's Not Right. He's Not Right Because Akpabio Has Failed. In The Richest State In Nigeria He Has Scammed Us With The Tropicana Project, A Project That Only Him And His Family and commissioners can afford, or is it the stadium? A project that will bring only foreigners from other states to invest,whereas the private sector is non existent indigenes of the state have nothing on ground in terms of industry establishment in almost 15 yrs of democracy.
There's No Company Owned By An Akwa Ibomite On The Nigerian Stock Exchange And You Call Yourselves Young Proffessionals "Shame On You Guys" Even Him Udom Worked In Zenith Bank. These Are The Issues On Ground.
It shouldn't be in Akwa Ibom alone it should be around Nigeria. We youths need to arise and wrest power out if the hands of this elitist and plutocratic government.
In The Richest State In Nigeria We Can't Even Boast Of One Private University. Edo State,adamawa,osun,ogun,delta,lagos, who are these young Professionals?
There's Wide Spread Poverty In The Richest State In Nigeria And The So Called Young Professionals Are Going Around Uyo And Drinking Mere Coffee in Sheraton Abuja And Singing Udom Is Right.
Very Impressive. Ablaze with hope for positive transformation
That is the product of seasoned organisation like Zenith Bank. Ride on Sir,you have all it takes to lead your people. I see you beyond Akwa-Ib.
Now akwaibom has done it, which state next? This is a welcomed development, thought the youths were still in that slumber, wake up wakeup youth, hey, wake up!
How young? 45 doesn't do it for me, below 30 or early 30s would pass as young.
Too much talk talk! The next Governor in Akwa Ibom should come from Oron nation. The season for Oron leadership is highly overdue. Enough with the relegation to the background by their Annang and Ibibio brethren. Time to take the reins of leadership and move that state forward.
Who are you guys deceiving, we all know this is a state Government sponsored group as that is the governors choice. 2015 is the turn of oron nation to produce the governor of Akwa Ibom state but due to the marginalisation we've suffered so far the current governor is trying to rob us of that but God is on our side. If you visit the land of oron you will see a people who have clearly not been impacted in anyway by the whole uncommon transformation by the present administration. We have our own son Larry Esin who is competent enough to deliver not just in a biased way for the oron people alone, but for the entire people of Akwa Ibom state. So support Larry Esin for governor 2015. #oronnation
Professionals ke... how many of of them have registered to vote
An expose on Udom is coming. He is not as clean as his appearance portrays. We all know he was/is laundering money for Akpabio.
Scout around d globe u surely see d likes of Sen. Udoma (UAC), Larry Atteh (UAC), Iyanam (formerly of Glo) & other vibrant Akwa ibom born ppl doing great in d private sector can't be in d realm of affairs in shaping d AKS corporate cuz of fear of political intimidation by d Akpabio boys. Funny enough majority of dis group very close friends are SA's, PA, LGA Chairmen, House members in Akpabio's cabinet & like d last election are d new political group but using a name young professionals to campaign for Udom Emmanuel hoping he wins so as to have members nominated to continue d chopping as usual. Why can't u create programs like Toyo of Rise Network to open d eyes of ur Akwa ibom youths to growing small businesses or d likes of Growing businesses foundation to support small business to grow ind state. I know dis group is trying to sharpenly positioning themselves to enjoy what others who formed groups during d early stage of Akpabio's campaign dat are elected members of his cabinet and d funny thing is dat d support from AKS young professional will make dem relevant to Udom & Akpabio for d elections & after it business of chopping as usual while d youth will go back to status quo! AKS youths don't b a fool twice vote wisely. Some of d members of dis group folks are perm sec in d civil service, some are codedly d brain work of Akpabio's anointed ones operating underground to sell d Udom's project thro whatever available youth platform.
Mr. Anonymous.. stop ranting and nagging like a desperate house wife and frustrated he goat. If you think you have anything to say. Come out, identify yourself and say what you have to say in a civil manner. Hiding under the auspices of anonymity and squirting, rendering abuses doesn't make you any different from a psychopathic coward. I remain akopac.
What do you expect from Akwa Ibom? I think I expect nothing more than what we are seeing now. Come to think of it, a state where the Governor has collected over 5trillion naira in 8 years and invested less than 30% in the name of transformation with no visible opposition. What do you expect from such society where the only mean for living well is politics? A state where the Governor is an Empror and no body dear go against him. Please spare me all this noise.
The question at hand is whether professionals should devote their time, energy, accumulated learning, and hard-earned income in order to participate in politics, or allow career politicians to dictate all the terms at the helm of national politics?
Since professionals are also part, a rather integral one at that, of citizenry and electorate, it only appears logical that they make their presence, in its entirety, felt in conceptualization, formulation, and then implementation of public policy.
Even to this day, lawyers, academics, journalists, professionals from the media, businessmen, corporate executives, and even army personnel participate in some kind of politics in their different organizations.
So Who says that the doors to state and National political offices are not open to professionals from any of this fields?
AKYPLI Keep it up and encourage more professionals to bring their expertise to bear in todays Governance.
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