The Minister of Youth Development, Mr. Boni Haruna today
May 29th revealed plans by President Jonathan to grant amnesty
to members of Boko Haram once they lay down their arms and embrace
peace. The Minister revealed this while speaking this morning at
the national Democracy Day programme tagged A
day with young leaders of Nigeria.
to the minister, over 300, 000 youths from the Niger Delta region have
benefited from the amnesty programme of the Government. He said the beneficiaries of the
Amnesty programme have turned from being militants to being wealth generators
and employers of labor."President Goodluck Jonathan has also declared amnesty for members of the Boko Haram sect. Series of integration programmes have been lined up for the members of the sect who would surrender their arms and embrace peace. Let me use this opportunity on behalf of the Federal Government, to call on the members of the Boko Haram sect to embrace the government’s gesture and key into the amnesty programme " he said
Not a good idea
This is absolutely bull shit.
This is a good plan to stop the boko haram, but why are the rugged and restive youths given preferences, what are they telling the ones that are cool headed and went to the university and they don't have Job.. This country is really a menace.
Jonathan u make me so sad
What! What about all the life the have wasted? What an anathematous disdain, this is repugnant
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Its a right step in the right direction.
If we can't end it by the use of force,then we should try dialogue.
It took a northerner late President Umar Musa Yar'adua to grant amnesty to Niger delta militants even when most Nigerians were against it. Any option to stop this evil called Boko haram should be used.
Jonathan makes me so sad
We now have to become terrorists to benefit of this amnesty. Hmm i hope the FG will provide jobs to youths before they are recruited by terrorist groups to cause havoc in the country.
Let us also give osama bin laden amnesty, GEJ you're a foolish dunce and may God punish u and ur foolish wife. AMEN
Say what?? After all the lives they've wasted?? OMG!! Militants didn't kill people like this, people u shud fight against like what Obasanjo did to Odi.. Smh!! #NONSENSE
They said they don't want money, they want everyone to be muslim in nigeria. Olodo president.
GEJ you will die and be born again and die and be born again before u or my family members see my votes
Giving terrorist salary every month. Thank God I don't live in nigeria,the land of the dead
I just wish they will listen and surrender abeg bcos we don too suffer frm their attacks....
Hope he does not regret it in future. Boko boys are killers not commited fighter God pls help naija
Amnesty? With all d blood they shared? But y? Goodluck the blood of those innocent people will be on ur head oo!!
Abeg, diz has got to be a joke o! Cuz d lives they've taken is damn much & cant be forgiven! What do u think d family of those that lost lives in their useless bombings n insanity wud do? Even me self i will go & mobilize unemployed youths n frnds to start a group dat will also be granted amnesty after causing so much havoc! Abeg this isnt a welcomed idea!
Seriously not a good idea. Wrong move GEJ. TERRORISTS CANNOT BE GRANTED AMNESTY!!! What would have happened if d US had granted Bin Laden Amnesty?? Na wa 4 u oo
Hum, hope dis is a gud step
He 's frustrated! He dsn't knw wat to do!
He is too cool to rule a country!
It's a very bad idea. More terrorist groups might spring up in the name of wanting amnesty too
Anytin biko.. tired of al pple loosing deir lovd ones nd family to bh
I'm not saying it's a good idea but can u explain why it ain't a good idea pls
Ok if that will stop them from kill souls.
GEJ never said so. He will soon be fired.
Hmmmm.Amnesty on what,what are they even fighting for?
GEJ they don't deserve it at all......
Stupid and clueless. No one negotiates with religious fundamentals who double nearly always as terrorists. I used to support jona but from today, I'll actively campaign for his removal.
Unbelievable, Nigeria always looking for the easiest way out..making a mockery out of hard work... Big shame
Am nt in support of dis cus No sinner shall go unpunished.
Tell them. Amnesty for boko? Am afraid!!!
Jona the confused fool
Wrong! Very wrong!! What about their victims? What about properties lost? I say if government goes ahead with this plan then for every person who has lost a soul or a dime to their carnage double should be given! This is wrong!!! Very wrong!!! Boko haram has killed more 5000 Nigerians and how many has Nigeria managed to kill? Not up to 2000.
Oga o........ Please people don't get killed because the killers will walk free,I weep for the souls of those that has murdered, I weep the chibok girls.....
These Guys make more fighting against the Govt than Amnesty does for Niger Delta. Their mindset is diff and they fight for a stupid belief money can't buy.
OPC TO GO START DEM OWN! Since taking up arms has become the way to success
Abeg no fvcking amnesty..dis dogs deserve to be punished..Death is jst d perfect reward..they have killed a lot....................#King
story! U know they won't so y offer? This borno haram or boko haram are blood thirsty!
Government of tricks, lies
This old men are really confused! Granting amnesty to boko haram! After all the killing, looting & destruction? the military cannot guarantee safety of lives and they think the best is too grant amnesty. Nigeria needs amnesty from boko haram & not the other way round
Not a good idea at all. After the thousands they ve killed..Gej biko think twice. D̶̲̥̅̊at means we should all form a gang,terrorise pple and hope for amnesty. They won't get away with d souls they wasted.
Wow!! Amnesty...oga John dis wan no be Niger delta oh...
which dirty amnesty Niger delta militant were fighting over exploitation of their land and defending themselves not bombing and killing fellow nigeria what is the fg trying to say that terrorism is accepted these BH pole don't deserve it we need to eradicate them from Nigeria no such thing as human rights for them because when they were causing havoc amongst nigerians they didn't think of their own human right to live they should all be shot dead!
Just cant believe this
Why must they be granted amnesty despite all what they have done?
fuck!!! does he mean he's a coward!!!!
After killing thousands of innocent soul???? D idea isn't an option, dey must face d law.
Jonathan don't try shit...be warned
How you grant amnesty to Terrorist...south West be Ready for our own national cake.#Gbam
Its a welcome development. God pls help ur children. Amen.
Amnesty? To blood suckers? Brilliant! GEJ! Thatss how brilliant you are
I knew it would end up like this. This is by far the worst decision ever made by the government. You don't negotiate with terrorists!
This is a slap on the faces of those who have lost their loved ones to Boko Haram! The government is enabling terrorism! They are basically implying 'kill thousands of people, destroy lives and properties and you will be rewarded with amnesty!'
I know GEJ wants to be the one to put an end to Boko Haram, but he's going about it the wrong way. Who's to say another terrorist group won't spring up after Boko Haram? What's stopping another group from springing up?
These terrorists are uneducated but they are stealth and know how to diffuse bombs. Imagine what would happen when they government pays for their education and they learn how to make bombs! #wahala dey!
9ice move president,it should b resolved in harmony nd let God b d george
So all nigerias finance naw wud b used to pay militants meanwhile dey cannot pay worker a reasonable amount(doin 18k minimum wage) mstchew!!!! Darris God sha ooo
Atleast its better
If Jonathan do dis i will hate him personal .... Niger Delta didnt wast any soul... but BH has wasted many souls in our country... No Amnesty for dem pls Oga Jo
What the hell is wrong with this president?
.....Anyway may God blee Nigeria
These guys say they are against western education. Why the heck is mr president offering them something they don't want? *sigh* the people advising mr president are clearly drunks..
Dis country is doomed
Yeah right! Like Asari ba? *SMH
EJust wonder y I'm sensing that dis isn't a good idea. U can't negotiate with terrorist jare besides they aint d real perpetrators of d act cos they have sponsors within n outside d govt.
I hate this man
My dear president u r really doing ur best,hve always tried to put a picture of a united Nigeria under Gej,how it would hve bn,it would hve bn very awesome,bt in all God is ur strength,he will continue to guide u and protect and also all the wisdome u need to pilot a very stubborn country like this....God bless Nigeria..Arc ugoes
I support de idea, is a wellcome development, let see de excuses they will give
How can u grant amnesty to pple who dnt even recognize ur government or ackowledge ur presidency. Jonathan must see this as war n declare full war on boko haram. For goodness sake, you cant compare Niger Delta militants fighting injustice in their region to tactless Boko haram murderers
The Goodluck Jonathan administration is an absolute joke, a disgrace, what kind of horrible advisers does this man have? you keep offering amnesty to terrorist groups and there will keep being a terrorist group to spring up after one is down because it will become the easiest means to a life of wealth. If we offer every insurgent amnesty you make a mockery of the good sons and daughters out there trying to get an education in the deplorable universities. There are people with masters,doctorates etc out of jobs in Nigeria how are they supposed to stay out of a life of crime if they see that is how the government pampers criminals and make them wealthy.
What about dis...
(Nine Serving Generals to Face Court-Marshal for Treason)
TREASON: Chief of Army Staff, Lt-Gen. Minimah is leading the investigation of 9 Generals/Senior Military Officers on suspicion of selling military-grade weapons to Boko Haram.
Also, the Generals allegedly gave Boko Haram tips on troops’ movement, operations and were involved in illegal movement of weapons from the Nigerian Army armouries in various northern states.
Senior Military sources confirmed that during interrogation Boko Haram suspects named the officers and Generals as their arms suppliers. The Army’s investigation was prompted by loud accusations from independent foreign media and strong evidence provided by US/EU military intelligence sources that top Nigerian military chiefs were colluding with Boko Haram resulting in the terrorists gaining rapid offensive capability and upper hand over frontline troops.
THERE YOU HAVE IT, NIGERIANS! How much corruption and indignities can one nation take? How much official criminality is enough? When did treasonable felony become a recipe for successful military career? How can we expect our frontline troops to put their lives on the line for Nigeria when Generals and commanding officers are getting filthy rich on the treasonable felony of selling offensive weapons to terrorists?
For six months various frontline troops have told us in confidence that they refused to go out to fight Boko Haram because the terrorists always seem to know where our troops were going to be even when troops movement decisions were supposedly made at the last minute. Further our troops told us that Boko Haram had offensive sophisticated weapons such as rocket-propelled grenades, Israeli Uzis, Russian Kalashnikovs, mortars, AK-47 rifles, Bazookas and Improvised Explosives Devices while our unpaid frontline troops constantly suffer from typhoid and malaria fever from being forced to drink dirty water from bore holes...
my dear .. Not after all the blood these people weast.its well
Amnesty for Terrorists ? Am not in support of that. After they have killed such a number of people and rendered families useless and homeless.
for fuck sack you don't negotiate with terrorist another set will rise... rule number 1 don't negotiate with terrorist fucking people.
So what are d bloody bastards fighting for that d govt plans to grant them Amnesty? After d brutal killing of d innocent which is still going on presently? Nonsense!! They shld all be caught n brutally killed, those who kill by d sword shall equally n suppose to die by d sword. Mtchewww, govt n misplaced priority, what nonsense? Honestly I de VEX.
my God this people are terrorist they are not just one armed group of fuckers give them war and not amnesty
I can't believe it but if it true then uncle jonah is not serious
Are these people mad?
Boko Haram dis is ur last chance.
Militants were given amnesty, we tot it was over but boko haram appeared..and now they plan to give boko haram amnesty too? Dear God, pls forgive us!
tired of all the bullshit and lies from the GEJ about Amnesty offer.
If it will stop the killings, why not???
Amnesty? 4 d criminals??! Wot is wrong with dis Jona sef?? Ok o... we keep on watchin as d dramas keep on unfoldin!!!
Is this the way forward???? Guduluck Guduluck Guduluck how many times did I call you.. Chaiiiii
Then another group would like to start and get amnesty at the end ...not a good idea
What else???
I guess a graduate like me who served his fatherland doesn't have to seek for job anymore??
You never paid such people and you paying someone for killing innocent lives???
God save us.
Amnesty? 4 d criminals?! Wot is wrong with Jona & his advisers sef??! Anyway, we keep on watchin as d drama is unfoldin!!!
After much slaughtering and killing of innocent people?? Amnesty my foot!! They will get tired of killing when the due time comes. Useless people with out a thinking faculty.
My President, pls its only if they can come out publicly, lay down their arms, denounce it and embrace peace. If not, pls don't u ever deal wit faceless people. From E.Cali
Ok, another set will soon pick up Arms to get Amnesty every group has to benefit from national cake this time.
Jonathan please stop this amnesty thing with these murderers. Font be intimidated by these northerners, they dont have anything to offer this country apart from wickedness. Your policy should 'NO RETREAT NO SURRRNDER'
ok, then Igbo and yoruba should start preparing theor own militancy because thatis the way to go since the Niger delta region has done it and succeeded now the northerners has killed severally people and get away with it then Igbo and Yorba should start warming up thier own militant group....mumu president
Clearly this is a short term solution to problem which this government cant handle. This government lacks ideas on how to solve this problem, the best they came up with, is to give terrorists and criminals freedom. Makes No sense!!
When they said these ppl are visionless. No mistake was made. Gaddamit!
Rubbish!!! If for real,I won't mind claiming to be a member of d BH since I'll be paid at the end of every month while most graduates will still be on the street distributing their cv all around different offices...
Amnesty to terrorists? When we say this man is dense they will say we abuse our president. And u can't equate this to naija delta militants they weren't tagged terrorists
You are for peace, they are for war.You cant please satan, no matter how beautiful the color a snake is, it will bite u one day.All those ppl who tender snakes around d world, the snake bite and killed them at last.these ppl have a mission.Hope you wont be wasting nations resources on these blood sucking demons when graduates are dying at stampede looking for jobs,.Tell the presido, his house is leaking, the nation is bedwetting. Who gave boko haram.armoured tank, military uniform, hilux vans, brand new motor cycles.The enemies within are more than enemies outside.they are in that northern Ng.My obsvtn, they burn churches, not mosques, kill pastors and christians , chibok victims were mainly christians, bombing south bound luxury buses,some of them have started marrying the girls for themselves..confirmed news.forced marraige similar to what some notherners do even then former zamfara gov and his ilks.IF it is separating from d north that will bring peace, bc they been ngs problem for decades.the truth is bitter.look for alterntv solution, God will rise and they will fall and d nation will be at peace
Jona jona understandin is a well springs f life unto who hv it, jona b wise.
.my hand no dey oh
I have never seen anywhere in this world where terrorist have been pardoned.....this is just an absolutely senseless development from the president of Nigeria....Jonathan, you are a nitwit...you lack leadership experience yourself.
Na only George? U go soon see georgina!!!! Empty brain.
Jona, you're clueless. Period!
Stupid! Stupid!! Stupid!!! No Amnesty to killers!!!!
E be like say I go join talk say I be boko o dis one wey man pikin never get job since. Na free money for all be dat
I used to be a GEJ loyalist but now, I see that he is truly unfit for the presidency. I hope this is not true. He must be removed if this is true. No vote come 2015
With all the blood they've "shared." Chai! Chai!! There is God o! There is God o!! There is God o!!!
If that is true then I just lost respect for my president!!! This is yet his weakest move, that means the rumours are true, Boko haram is dirty politics and GEJ is involved! How can he take taxpayers money and give to this men that murdered countless Nigerians!
I know you sir.immediately I see the write up.a voice said that is you.
president if you recognize the people talking here you won't believe.
I personally will not vote for him if he offers BH amnesty, I will see to it that no boday I know votes for him! I have been rooting for him all through this nasty regim, bt amnesty to BH? That is the hight of weakness! We don't need a weak leader.
looser .captured and defeated cannot give amnesty to the winner and champions
let boko be the one to do that for you.
Gej it is obvious that you are tired.confused.army is no longer obeying your orders.
you are buying weapons your generals are giving it to boko boys.pls resign honorably
That does not mean that Hausa will rule Nigeria again.
it will not happen.we are all tired of forcing ourselves to live together as one Nigeria
Fool and you just dropped a comment huh? You so wish 2 live here.
It is until now dat I know dat dis GEJ is a clueless n dumb president wtf hw cn u grant amnesty to terrorists? Those who hv been killing innocent souls, omg now I knw dat the Northerners are remote controlling ur head all in the name of 1 Nigeria I tire for dis man I shook my head at ya
Judge nt George
Yeah, Mr peter, you are right.
If this is indeed true, wrongest move. Every Tom, Dick and Harry will pick up weapons and start terrorising the nation, all in the hopes of their own share of the national cake. Look at Asari Dokubo, despite all the havoc he wrecked, he was granted amnesty and today he thinks he has he right to run his bug fat mouth, like his opinions matter, threatening heaven/hell if Jonathan doesn't run/win the 2015 elections. That's what happens when you refuse to put people in their place.
Also, the Boko Haram folks are fighting for the most pointless reason ever, that's if they even know why they are fighting. What about the youths who have served their country and no job? Will they be justified if they decided to to pick up arms and start their own? Or the various lives that have been lost due to the poor healthcare system of the nation. Will the families of the deceased be justified if they decide to become terrorists unless the government rectifies the situation? No. So why show support for terrorism by granting amnesty to people with the stupid reason for killing. No No No.
@Richesofsolomon says:::Good idea....let's find a way of getting those gurls out unharmed...den d next follows,which is,if dy reject it,d nxt option is WAR(If diplomacy breaks down d nxt option is war) Total war against Boko haram
Amnesty for terrorists? A terrorist is a terrorist. He will feel insulted by you suggesting he drops his cause - for anything. This is like telling him to embrace Haram. Really funny.
And how will the Jobless Nigerian youths feel? How will the convicted prisoners feel? How will labour union feel? How will the Families of the slain feel?
Then be sad! @least he didn't force u to be
I seriously fear for the continued existence of this country with the kind of leadership it currently has. I fear their crass ignorance n stupidity might even pose a more existential threat than the Boko Haram menace. If at this stage and with all the money they've spent n intelligence they've gathered all they can talk about is amnesty, then we are all well and truely screwed. If you don't know the basic modus operandi of your enemy how can you defeat them. Does Boko Haram seem to them like an organisation in need of amnesty? We are talking about mindless pitiless killers who have no discerning sense of rationality or social ethos and this brain dead dumbo president of ours is still 'begging' them to lay down arms. How many times did America offer amnesty to al quaida. And make no mistake these guys are as bad or even than al quaida. If this president doesn't have what it takes to run a country like this, and he clearly doesn't, then he should just respect his limited intellect and leave the scene for someone that knows what they're doing. Its not by force to be president. He's putting the lives of 170 million people in jeopardy..nuff said
Wow! What a prayer! Smh
This is madness, and weakness from his path. So when he can't beat them he is joining them, he shld grant all of nigerian amnesty to do our wish. Mumu president #doroidiot
Hmmmmmn I reserve my comment on dis
Dumb a**, God b d "judge" not george olodo oshi, worst move Mr president !! U've lost my vote..mstsheeeeeeeeeeeeew
Dt prayer goes bk to u...y r pple so abusive. Hv u bin a leader for once?cnt u say ur comment. Wt outbeen rude?ds freedom of speech has made many pple like u maddddd
Like ur father
Maybe when they turn themselves in. They will grab them later
Nigeria is misusing Amnesty...it's not political.all cos the militant where granted amnesty..my clueless president want to grant amnesty to a sect who has killed over 100,000 lives..what will happen to the families who has been hurt by this people..what program have you created for those kids who has lost all their families,relations,siblings and co..boko haram will never get any better..they are enemies and that they will remain..clueless president...
that's nt right! Lotta lives,properties been lost n he wants to pardon? Wow!
This people have bomb churches, kill thousands,even behead pastors God will surely take care of them. The way of God is higher than our ways!
Every possible means of ending this evil shud b utilized
He can't be serious...not afta the blood shed.
God save us from this clueless, senseless and reckless people we call our leader.. First it was Niger Delta Militant from the South South, Now it Boko Haram from the North. One what basis should they be granted amnesty, what are they fighting for? If the grant them amnesty the FG should better be ready for more sect and Militant bcos it seems the only way we can get the government to be responsible is by becoming a threat to the country.. What a pity
honestly i am so ashamed of being a nigerian.i jus fil for our brodas n sistas who r resided outside d country. Our president az bin a weakling evb ryt frm d day of his conception. Av u eva stopped to wonder ow dese bh men get deir arms n ammunitions.dey av deir sponsors in govt...we know dese me.gej knows dese men buh he is jus so weak to act. Were it to b in d tym of obj,dis issue ud av bin long dealt wif n forgotten. D stupid gej now wnts to grant amnesty to terrorists dat av claimed n destroyed d lives n properties of many.if u ask me i ud say dats cowardice. U av jus so rubbed shit on our faces.if u tink u r not gud enof to rule us step down n let smbody dat az got guts sit dere. It doesnt end at wearin goggles n ur traditional attire.dere is more to it dan dat.ur wife sef na anoda problem wey we get for dis country. Pls sir dnt grant doz guys nofin.dey deserve nofin.except u jus wnt to use dat as a bait to lure dem to ur abbatoir.make u get sense oooooooo.i remain ur hater for life
Oh pls shut up,if u dnt hv any tinz gud 2 say.very soon BH will b d tin of d past.
GEJ is obviously out of ideas!!! The amnesty offered the Niger Delta Militants still has its issues and he wants to go down the same road with a more terrifying group!
Has he really used "Force"?
fuck dis country...how can u grant amnesty to these bloody terrorists..is like nigeria is now more interested in d terrorists than our educated youths dat'are looking for job... smh chaai amnesty ke after shering d bloods in #patience voice.linda swallow my post if u like
Mehn! ds jonathan shud g8 the hell outta dr. Smh
It is a bad idea and d house shud look into it or frustrate d president to resign before I carry out dis madness he call amnesty to dis murderers ooooo
How many times will u grant them amnesty
All of u that is criticising President are bunch of fools. What idea have u brought up all these while, all u are doing is being on blog 24hrs waiting for GEJ to breath so that u start ur critize. Do u people think is easy to deal with terrorist, how long did it take so called America to get hold of Osama and co. Pls my fellow Nigerian let us be realistic and truthful to ourselve and us this time for prayers for God's help and direction on our leaders. instead of this, we are morethan this we all knew what is going on in this country. God bless us .
Who is our president listening to?
nawa o
nawa o
Hmn. Amnesty???? Why not put the money to a better use rada dan waste it on boko haram. Look for a stronger way to deal with them and dont forget dat u cant achieve stopping bokoharam without God
Sad news!!!!! What that means is that when you carry guns and kill people government listen's to you?… Very sad news indeed!
After this another group will spring up . hence this is the only 'legitimate' way to get job in this country. Pity innocent lives.
dis man has lost it. wt a shame!! :(
A big LIE ! i live in the Niger they now kidnappers and armed robbers
Granting amnesty to a terrorist group doesn't sound right to me...afta all d lives they ve wasted...dia is God oooooo
There will def be more terrorist after this because that's the only way to get free cash n be sent abroad to study after taking the lives of thousands....
They granted militants amnesty, now does boys re living large n rubbing shoulders with the high n mighty forgetting all d things they did, now u want to grant boko boys amnesty after all the lives lost n properties destroyed? Don't u think u are encouraging other youths to pick up their arms and join terrorism since it is fast becoming a career path!. GEJ u need to sanction your advisers n administrators they are clearly all in this together. U re d only clueless one.
Arrant nonsense! After offering them amnesty, what next? Another deadly group would erupt from nowhere and after shedding innocent bloods they will also be offered amnesty and so on.....all of us go kukuma turn militants na, since na only way FG fit take recognize us. Rubbish!
Worst idea. Different sects will start to spring up cos they know they will be rewarded with amnesty.
Mon ami either you are GEJ or even a bigger idiot!! Can't you see what your so called president is doing to this country???? How dare he grant amnesty to Killers??? Why does he choose to make Nigerians cry. None of the decisions he has made since he got into power has been tangible. Now he also has increased the tariff on foreign cars so that we can buy the stupid Nigerian made cars that he and his family will not buy and ride. May God give you a double portion of the suffering Nigerians are going though... Since you are acting like you are dumb!!!!
Would you still feel like this if you or your family encountered boko haram?
Shut up! Did Americans offer amnesty to Osama or Acadia? We Nigerians have a right to be pissed off. If you choose to be as dumb as GEJ then go ahead but don't insult us for expressing our fury.
The situation of the Boko Haram should not be compared to that of Nija Delta, No matter how we look at it, The Nija Delta Militant had fought for a good Course. My Judgement over the issue of the Boko Haram is that the Government should approve a legal right arms for Individual to defend them selves from Boko Haram since they are incompetent.
Boko Haram isn't Political, it's madness. The fact that the sect has put forward demands that they know will absolutely not get met as terms of a stand-still to all the killings point only to that one conclusion. The underlings and foot soldiers might believe in the hog wash of a Western-influence-free Nigeria, but the guys on top are just mad men with too much money and want to just sit back and watch the country burn.
You don't medicate a rabid dog Mr President... You put it down
I'm usually an observer on blogs when it comes to political discourse. However on this one I would say we have the weakest/dumbest president ever...Btw, all GEJ apologists/trolls should stuff hot burning coals down their throats before you say any thing to me. Thanks in advance.
As I was saying...If your entire family, your means of livelihood, your sense of security, etc were totally annihilated Sir, would you still be talking amnesty???!!! Clueless cow! I'm from the ND and even I concur that the Amnesty program was a rubbish band-aid solution to a grater problem. How much more for these mass killers called Boko Haram! People like Asari Dokubo and Henry Okah are/were living large from juicy contracts while the "minions" still scrape by. Have the pollution and oil spills that threaten their means of livelihood stopped??! Keep on rewarding bad behavior! Just shows the banana republic we live in where people who try to tread the right path are still scrapping by but those who behave like touts get rewarded! You DO NOT negotiate with terrorists Sir. Crazy ones at that! Your spinelessness is disgraceful! Ugh! So heated....
Doro nonsense, George Bush once said that the president of the united states does not negotiate with terrorists, why will ours be different, these people should be hunted and killed cos they have taken lives too
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