The pilot husband of Nollywood actress, Omotola
Jolade-Ekeinde, Captain Mathew Ekeinde recently opened an entertainment and
tourist center in Badagry called “Aquatic Jungle Entertainment”. The
center has planes as part of its tourist and entertainment attractions.
The center has facilities for recreation and entertainment ranging from modern zoo, indoor and
outdoor aquarium, and a 5 star hotel that gives room for boat ride. The center has two airplanes and is expecting five more before the end of
next year.
"Most times when our children visit airports, they only stand by the aircraft to take photographs but here, we give them the chance to go inside the aircraft to experience how an aircraft takes off and lands. It’s going to be a center for entertainment and learning” Captain Ekeinde said
He also said the center offers one of the best services,
promising that Nigerians will have value for their money, “If you can afford to
travel to TINAPA, Ghana, Dubai and other western world, nowhere is too far for
you to relax. Moreover we offer services better than some of these places” he added.
Good for him. Congrats
A commendable inititative. me likey.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
9ce 1!De rich r gettn richer n de
poor r gettn..........
That's good for him. He has the advantage.
Yh nowhere is too far 2 relax
Good job well done captain.#investment#
Nice 1
nice 1 jor
This xmas is going to be fun. I hope our kids get to snap with one of their nollywood favourite actress too..?
nice 1
Linda no photos???
Ok we haff hear
Good one
Omotolas hard end money @ work...
That's a gud 1.
Good for them.
I am not sure I would want to 'fly' in the plane though. Was it not that controversial plane that was towed from a filling station in Lagos?
Pictures nko?
Wow!! Behind a successful man,diaris always a unique "eve" no b eve of Mr Adam woh" Aunty Linda oya post mi comment
wow,tz rilly cool
Wow!! Behind a successful man,diaris always a unique "eve" no b eve of Mr Adam woh" Aunty Linda oya post mi comment
nice one,congratulations
Whaoo! I ve alwayz wanted something lky dis..pls linda share with us some picz of hw d place lookz lky..##
That's a good one there....
Kudos Mr.Ekeinde. Smart Business Idea More grease to ur elbows
This post incomplete without pictures!
linda approval my comment pls
Whao!!! Dis is going to be something great and very entertaining, honey moon thing centre,kudos to Mr Ekeinde.
I will definitely check this out,brb
Interesting, money is really working
I love the couple they are really happy
I will definitely check this out,brb
Well done to him! Great initiative!!!
Interesting, money is really working
Wowww! I love that...it will really be a nice place to be. At least they gonna make lots of money from there this Xmas.. Good luck to them
Wowww! I love that...it will really be a nice place to be. At least they gonna make lots of money from there this Xmas.. Good luck to them
Wao big congratz captain and omotee...I love dis, dats d best place for my boys.
Hmm!!!!! Na here lagos parents money go finish....wish dem d best
Hmmmmm omo sexy ona ato gi! Ihe oma mere gi meere moooo! Amen!
How much oooooooo? Make we try d place out this xmas, biko!
God knows I Love dis man, for takin good care of omotola and kids.
This is someone who thinks right. Its one of the best ideas in Nigeria, not just the tourist center but its location, i hear badagry is underdeveloped compared to other parts of lagos, this could help in developing the place. Kudos!!! Captain n Mrs Ekeinde. I hope other wealthy people would begin to think this way and not make every investment restricted to the island.
thats cool
Captain God bless u for doin dis ooo. Ahhh I ll rest small. Mum, dad I miss uk, I miss us. Am sure my kids ll love dis and happy.
Where are the pics?
This is a welcoming idea, more bless to u?
Awww, that's really nice... good job captain...
money talking! Congrats 2 'em!
Gud 1 for them dats is a cool business nd will fetch a lot of money for d family congrats
Nice one there! Me likey!
Nice one man
Wow am smitten wit dis creation.nice one captain
Very good, that’s where the broken down aircraft that blocked Badagry road few months ago was headed. xox...am 1st....yay yay
very good investment congrats mr ekeinde
Where did the money come from? Possibly his wife? Hmm nice concept.
Now that's contributing to the economy...
Dats nice.
Frankly speaking,omo T still look beautiful and attractive to me even though she don born four.But i know say down there(tommy and vagina)don fold and elastic.I love that her dark skin daughter wey look different in the family.I love that gurl gbaski.*soliloquy*
Good to know. Weldone Captain, and Congrats!
Nice move, hope it last.
hmmmm dats good.
That's a true definition of a patriot thumbs up Mr Ekeinde
Correct guy.
I love people like this Who get to work rather than sitting,lazying around & being bitter "praying" for Nigeria's destruction or cursing other people out. Be the change you want to See in your country. SIMPLE AS ABC. Nice one Captain Ekeinde. God Bless the federal republic of Nigeria. Amen.
I like dis man....
Naijadeltapikin... Correct this is what we are looking for someone to contribute to d economy.kudos omo sexyyyyyy baby
Wow that's nice. Thumps up Mr Ekehinde
Nice one!so creative, we'll done oga captain
That's nice, but d location is Lil-1 kind.
Very good. Just hope it delivers n price isn't outrageous
Haters, we re waiting for your comments....
Very nice...
Wow nice one Mr Ekeinde
So nice bt pls we nid to see d pics of d place
Good to know, wish him the best and please he should not allow the media break his marriage to omosexy. Happy weekend y'all.
Linlin, its a nice one but where is it in Badagry? Tell us
That's some job creation. Who says Nigeria is not an investment hotspot.
Very intelligent man, investing wisely
Wow!!!!That is Very Nice of Him....
Fantastic. Will visit there in january. Op its affordable sir. I know u from igbo elerin back in d days.....smiling. Love ur family too
Nice one!
Nice one!
Linda y do u refuse to post my comment?
Good tinkin
Madam Linda wat av I done 2 u? Wen will u strt posting my comments?
Yes o ! Dis is very welcoming!
That's fantastic!
Oya o Linda, go there for Christmas and new year and blog about it. At least you can give us first hand info and original photos of the place..... we're waiting.....
welldone captain
Cool...very nice of him
I no know you but I can say this about you - smart man. God bless you. I will bring my kids to Lagos when next I visit Nigeria for that boat ride and airplane experience.
Nice one linda post my comment hahaha
Linda no pix of d place now its boring without pishurs
I'm happy for them!they are really good couple.God continue to protect them.one love toyenye.
Linda we need pics of the aquatic jungle, not pic of omotola and her husband. Use ur head naaaa. Must u rush to give gist wey neva complete just becos u want be d first person? Mtshewwwww. If u like don't post my comment. D truth is bitter. Am only caring...
I like the idea already :)
linda u dnt post my comment y
You didn't tell us where it's located in Badagry
My dear joke its because u dont make sense. Pls try upgrade miss joker of life.
very nice, need more!
pls linda make i adversite my blog site 4 here abeg.na so u take make am na approval d comment
Wait o! I dnt understand, Linda you mean the center will have real planes that will be grounded and will not move or just a model of a plane plus which kind of a 5 star hotel "That gives room for a boat Ride" #confused
those training for the aircraft we it cause up to a million and will you let your people learn on credit?
Nice one !!!
Is there insurance policies inplace for those that might want to ve flight experince?Make man pikin no go enter one chance oooo
Can't believe u jst typed dat !
Good initiative
Cnt wait 2take ma kids dia on Xmas day.
Great vision. The man got brains and swag.
Jesus! Is dat omotala's husband???? Haaaa *lips sealed* hez a pilot nd av money dat explains it all lolz
Great,just superb,packing my bags already with my kids.....
congratulate him do and even more
Nice one.I like it,it is nyc!
Dirty phidophile
Fake couple!!!
What is hard end money, olodo
Lindodo...mbok name n addy...travelling home xmas based in badagry...def wanna visit there shaperly#grins
Wow... Congrats to dem!
Looool, work has merely started at the site, it's a long term project, definitely a good vision he has but it hasn't turned to what most of you are thinking just yet, just so you know before you pack your bags.... And this is good for omotola, better than showing off a gold plated iPhone, a bag or a Rolex wristwatch , i'ld rather you show me a happy and progressing family. Congrats to Captain and Omotola
And what business of your`s is it if it is Omotola`s money? That guy is a pilot and employed one at that. Go and check what d least paid pilot earn per month and educate yourself b4 spreading ignorance.
Wow! proud of u guys. Nice initiative & development in your homeland.
Pls don't use that plane found in a petrol station
Not really, I know a certain woman that donated a free plane to the husband for this project.
Beside before she started making money, he was the money bag
Dear Anonymous, just so you don't take it outside this place...it's actually *earned money*.Thank me later.
Ok oooo We go jaye rich their oooooo
Ano 7.59am 10.32pm,the law states that a lady is consider an adult at 18.can she say she is a virgin or she has not dated an older guy in her lifetime?Even omo t got married at 16.she is due for a bf jor.
post the photograph.thanks.
@sunday otuns you must be crazy. Omotola got married at 18. Google is free.
Omotola 's money' how? Omotola has money but please that man is a captain not just a pilot and he flies with pan africa airlines who only fly private jets , executives of shell and chevron only. So go figure. He's just a very humble man. The guy is loaded and with Omotola by his side they are a formidable force!
Linda, can u post d address?pls
Horrible comparison
Bad Belle the phone was a gift to Genevieve. And who says Genny doesn't have a thriving business elsewhere. Busy body
Waoooooo,dis is nice,I love omosexxxxxy die, am so so hapi 4 d couple
Linda next time dont post a news like this without a pic
A big congratulations to them. This is indeed an outstanding innovative success. Weldone. God , I pray for inspiration
A big congratulations to them. This is indeed an outstanding innovative success. Weldone. God , I pray for inspiration
This is indeed an astounding success. Linda well done with your posts. At least you get us all informed. Don't mind the busy bodies who talk down at you. They are not even creative. Always idle and that is why they post nonsence. If it tire them so, they shld also share d pics too and contribute. My God, I need inspiration.
ok. Thanks.
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