Actress Mary Uranta releases new photos | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Actress Mary Uranta releases new photos

Looking good. See more photos after the cut...


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice curves...

Cute G said...

All these just for us?ok seen.NEXT!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice curves tho..

Anonymous said...

No thank u. Picture perfect gone wrong

Flexy said...


Anonymous said...

The 7th picture though....*eyes rolling* don't know her buh she's cute!#zizzy

jigs said...

She sure is hawt

Unknown said...

Quality babe!!!!!

Unknown said...

Nice one!! And that jean... Me likey!

Zinybenson said...

Team decent

Zinybenson said...

Team decent

Anonymous said...

The bleaching cream looks good an you...for now.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Rili cute

Anonymous said...

She luks real gud...dnt reali knw her.~Mis Royale~

Anonymous said...


NennyD said...

Thumbs up girlie

Apuesto said...

She is Fooooiiiinnneee !

Anonymous said...

Nice n decent.....@ least berra dan some dat will show plenty of skin...lindiway u fit still chop dis one as u day chop d rest ooo...happy new year in advance

Janelicious said...


Anonymous said...

Who's she pls?

BLISS said...

She looks good

#watching in 3D LED#

♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

Lukin hot nd pweety

Anonymous said...

Nufin special abt d pix....its jst der

Gbabe said...

She's pretty but what's up with the over size male white shirt over a skirt?


She's just there,all I see is a fair lady.
she try but black is beautiful.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

She looks good! I can see she has been working on herself.#Anwuli#

inspireify272b3120 said...

Love seeing girls on such attire of top and blue jeans......i will kit my wifey ehhh.....

Mab said...


Anonymous said...

I really wish I know her,she's pretty tho

Rough Diamond said...

Glowing skin.
Nice but na studio she dey?

Anonymous said...

She try ooooo,1st 2 comment,linda,gud mornin

Anonymous said...

mary uranta is trying too hard and it not working, clothes look so cheap and not in place. pls get a stylist, look online for fashion inspirations or just stop but all the same goodluck and god bless ur hustle. xxxx

Noblism said...

Wow! She's got swagz, i like! Hp she's not bleached up tho

Unknown said...

Looking good

Anonymous said...

Chocolaty! Gi na hyping! Anyway its all good, as long as they appreciate you when they finally get there.. Nice pictures though especially the 'all white'... SOMY

Anonymous said...

Pretty girl.

Anonymous said...

As e dey hot oh!cute

Unknown said...

She's pretty tho buh am prettier than her..

Anonymous said...

Good dress sense.
Breath of fresh air, Omawunmi needs dressing classes.

Unknown said...

Wow superb she looks slim beautiful and amazing nice combination u don't have to be naked to looks classy

Anonymous said...

Not fine at all,she refused to bleach her legs,lol,the same background no changes.

BH said...

Nice pics

Anonymous said...

All covered up..classy!

Anonymous said...

I like her decency but i don't really like the environment. Nice one Mary...decent and sexy!

pwitie B said...

She's cute

Anonymous said...

She is so pretty.

Anonymous said...

Mama you too fine.

Anonymous said...

i think she's gotta great ass! i like it!

Unknown said...

Wow! Beautiful

Unknown said...

Nice pix.

Unknown said...

work on ur acting skills 1st.. we knw ur beautiful already...

el pauliest said...

linda... Na when u go post ur own fotos... U be ex-model before o u go fine pass dem when u don de post since...

Anonymous said...

Sweet....decent and beautiful! Me likey! @vidiaTT

Sahnzylyn said...

Linda,I'm very angry with you!!! Why on earth don't you like posting my comments? I waste my mb which I bought with the miserable allowee I'm paid as a corper just to read and comment on your blog and you can't even post my comments? Damn!! Not kul Linda,not kul @all.beautiful pics by the way,as photoshopd as they are.

Anonymous said...

Nice pix! Well dressed.

esty neji said...

I love this actress. She looks younger & more beautiful on these photos unlike on screen.

blackpearl said...

She looks nice.....mi likey!

blackpearl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sahnzylyn said...

If you like,don't post this one!! It seems you choose the people you post their comments.*flips hair and waalks away*

Anonymous said...

Aaah Linda, she has tried oooh. To loose weight it's not easy!!!! Kudos to her she look great!

Favourmoyse Blog said...

Nyc shades

Unknown said...

Think I need to send my own pics too for upload. lol

ifitush said...



Anonymous said...

Think I need to upload my pics too. lol.

Unknown said...

Fine geh no pimples only dimples. The name doesn't ring a bell though.Facially She's a fairer younger version of Nse Ekpe Etim. But Linda baby, this ur "release of new photos" all the times is kinda getting on my nerves. The socalled photos doesn't tell any story...most of them re just "Selfie" a regular photos. Am a journalist, can I be freelancing for u ni? Heheheheheheheheh. Abeg next story jare.*Lillyuredbombanytimeanydaywelldonesugarpie*

Unknown said...

Think I need to send my own pics too for upload. lol

beecee said...

Dis Mary lady is just sooo pretty,with good body

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Think I need to send my pics too for upload. lol

Unknown said...

Very nice, Me likey, Babe la hot *kisses*

Unknown said...

Beautiful pix and accessories,her shape tho....*jst observing*

Anonymous said...

She's cute. Buh I dnt understnd d sleeves of d 1st outfit... 2nd & 3rd outfit on point. Luvly pics. :)

Anonymous said...

She looks good. Covered up nicely. Me likey

frankie angel said...

She is beautiful

Anonymous said...

Baby face.

Unknown said...

Nice, she looks beautiful

Unknown said...

I luv her in dat blue jeans

Anonymous said...

Cute babe elle est belle

okiki said...

Me, I don't know her face o

Anonymous said...

One of the true, hard working and quite Ph girl. Keep going girl! U rock.

Anonymous said...

Fine chick. But I have a feeling that this lady is a runs chick from the way she appears in her movies.

Anonymous said...

This lady is gorgeous.I just love this.

Anonymous said...

Mary.Mary.Mary Am jus loving ur look. Wn u fat,U wr sweet, as u lepa now u simply luk adorable muaahhhhhh.cindybiggs

hottie said...


Unknown said...

Seen i love her glasses

MiCorazon said...

She has really slimmed down & also looking good!

Anonymous said...

Is she single Linda?

Anonymous said...

She looks beautiful. Glowhite

dhobiz said...

Fine picture but what is she releasing it for?

jenny said...

This is no news linda nwa ikeji

Rx Mams said...

She's looking good.

Anonymous said...

biko si ebe pua.o si m stunning,,how?biko i dont wanna get unnecessary angry wit u

Anonymous said...

Nne imaka ooooo

Gistyinka Blog said...

She hot...

Anonymous said...

I love her outfit in the second picture. Just loooooooovvvvvveeeee her looks there. Big ups my Rivers sister. Representing Port Harcourt.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Decent and beautiful. I looooovveee

halliday said...

Nice one Uranta I like!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...guess she was born on a sunday cos she looks extremely gorgeous.

Bonita Bislam said...

Trendy Mary

Unknown said...

Just one spot (˘̯˘ )

chychy said...

She looks gd,looks better wit d red lipstick.

Anonymous said...

Saw this girl recently she looks old now

Anonymous said...

This girl don't know what happened to her she is looking so old lately

Anonymous said...

Mary is looking really chic, me likey.

chioma nwereoma said...

yippee first to comment. i love her outfits.all of them. very neat and decent. kudos my dear. linda post my comment o, i neva see my comment since i begin comment on this ur wall o,

kyle's Mum said...

Shey na The Palms sge go snap all these pixs? Disappointing snap shots I must say.

Pumpkin said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

She's so cute.
I love d 4th,5th and last pics.

Unknown said...

She's cute

Tina Collins said...

lukin so swt.....

Nollywood Forever said...

The weight loss looks good on her, she almost looks like a different person. She is trying too hard in the last set of pics.

Anonymous said...

She's lost a lot of fyn

Anonymous said...

Who said u can't be covered up& still oozes out sexiness

Anonymous said...

Looking good

Anonymous said...

Bleaching tins, she's fairer

Unknown said...

Issokay by muwa!

Anonymous said...

Watch and laugh.Basketmouth,Igbo musicians uncensored.

Little_lady_by_Ariel said...


Anonymous said...

Bona Bona!where u go since ds xmas. I thought u don chop Linda money com waka.welcome

Darling baby said...

My sister good question.everybody wan show say dem be babe

Anonymous said...

Thick mama. Too much office wear.

Darling baby said...

My sister thank you everybody wan claim dem be babe

Unknown said...

I don't get d concept behind d sleeves of dat shirt oh, nyc pics tho, body magic is working

Amarachukwu said...

Tiwa savage

Amarachukwu said...

Looking sweet.

Adeyimika said...

What is it with bleached/ whitened skin. I almost didn't recognise her.
In my opinion, bleaching is so old fashioned & the aftermath is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

This one is sampling herself.....eeff off jare!!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely baby so cut......... kiss pls add me 3320FFB9 bt I don't like girl who is nt responsible o nd beautiful tall pls becos am easy going handsome guy tank u 4ur understanding.

Anonymous said...

Lovely baby so cut......... kiss pls add me 3320FFB9 bt I don't like girl who is nt responsible o nd beautiful tall pls becos am easy going handsome guy tank u 4ur understanding.

Anonymous said...

Lovely baby so cut......... kiss pls add me 3320FFB9 bt I don't like girl who is nt responsible o nd beautiful tall pls becos am easy going handsome guy tank u 4ur understanding.

best baby said...

Looking good is money, I love her acting.

Unknown said...

Yea I noticed dat too. The white shirt in the first pic is too long 4 her bt I luv the skirts anyway and d shoes, I luv shoes

Swaggs isimemen said...

She's cute adoreble girl

Gozie said...


Unknown said...

she is beautiful, i love all d pics

Unknown said...

she is beautiful wit nyc swagg

Unknown said...

she is beautiful wit swagg

Anonymous said...

Are you blind? Can't you read? Some people and useless question sha!

Swaggs isimemen said...

She's cute adorable girl

Unknown said...

Her skin has changed.

Remi Gold said...

Her braids is all I like

lovlyivon said...

She's an actress from Riverstate saw her lastweek trekking in GRA area ph

Flexy said...

Black is beautiful. all the fair women are ugly abi. Kpachara anya gi oo

Flexy said...

So all the fair woman are ugly abi eh bona. kpachara anya gi ooo

Anonymous said...

Banario wanna be..which one is watching In 3d led? Please take several seats or go get a real! It doesn't kill. Okbye #zizzy

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry dear, can't believe most chics don't know fashion..sorry ooohh. #zizzy

Anonymous said...

You are a saddist...I pity your life..#zizzy

Anonymous said...

As you resemble ikwikwi so? Hahahahahahaha.. Chai. Ndo ooooh? #zizzy

Unknown said...

Lekwa ukwu...*in timaya's voice*

Anonymous said...


siloswagx said...

Fine girl!

Anonymous said...

Mumu oooo, show us yourself if you reach. Ewu gambia #zizzy

Oluchi said...


Anonymous said...

D curves are gud.....

Unknown said...

She's cool though. Pass mark.

~~Success Has No Limitation~~

Unknown said...

This chick has lost weight tho! Very nice!

Unknown said...

This chick has lost weight tho! Very nice!

Unknown said...

Yea not bad

Obietrezy said...

Wow!!!! She's so cute and her outfits are looking lovely..... Make my future babe get this kind of dress sense o!.... Hehehehe

harnikky said...

Looks good!

Anonymous said...

me sef, i be actor. prove dat i am not!

Anonymous said...

Now she s fair? Na wa o! She was my secondary school classmate.

Anita said...

I love your way

Unknown said...

I dot think so

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Nice pix tho

Anonymous said...

Cutie to bahd

Mary said...

she looks good, she's been working on herself to slim down, and it seems to be working. i love her decency. covering up is way better than appearing half naked. keep it up Mary

Unknown said...

isnt she one of those plus sized actresses?'cos if she is,she's done a great job on her weight!..she looks simple but good.

Salmaa said...

Normally I don't Comment, But I read some of the comments and it got me wondering, why do some people have to be so Negative all the Time. She Looks good simple. If she Bleach, Its her skin, If the Clothes are Cheap, Its her Pocket. Pls Make person hear word, I wonder how the ones Critisizing Dress in their own lives.

Unknown said...

Very nice pix..covered and classy..Not like the ones that will show us their punani and waving pear fruits and tell us they are showcasing sexuality...You go Mary....

Anonymous said...

Y wld she go to shoprite,change clothes in their bathroom n come out to pose?it luks cheap.get a studio next time.

Rough Diamond said...

Y do u want to fool urself? One ugly modafucker I know datz u jeneviv

Anonymous said...

very lovely

Anonymous said...

Cheiii,hot sexy Mary Uranta

Chike Obim said...

Mary,silent achiever,no publicity hype like Toke and co yet waxing stronger,nice pix Mary.

Anonymous said...

Wow,Mary has changed so much,looking sleek now,pls don't add weight again...Luvly pics

Anonymous said...

Ok,wait o,as hot as this chic be,why she no de follow for blog competition like Toke dem???? Somebody answer o

Anonymous said...

She's lost weight and she looks good . But the bleaching skin girl, you be fine black girl, why the complex

Anonymous said...

Why bleach

Anonymous said...

Why bleach

beautiful said...

Luk gud

Jonpinjeff said...

Its refreshing to see a true beauty on LIB after a long hiatus

Angelina said...

Hmmm noone seems to notice the hip pads shes wearing. Take a look at d pics again especially d 2nd and 7th pic. Her shape just seems funny somehow.

Anonymous said...

Bleaching is for people with low self esteem, inferiority complex and people who think that they can never look beautiful unless they look like white people. White people see nothing beautiful in black and we buy that concept and use chemicals on our skin to be like them. We can still be our black selves and be gorgeous.Agbani Darego did not bleach her skin to beat women from different parts of the world of different races and color to become miss world. Classy women of time and age don't bleach. Give it to the classy women of our time who has maintained their black color. Naomi Campbell, Genevieve Nnaji,Oluchi Onweagba,Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama. In our great Country Nigeria we still have cute black women who have not tampered with their color yet are beautiful and successful in what they do. Stephanie Okereke,Mercy Johnson,Tiwa Savage ,Ini Edo, Linda Ikeji. Kudos to this beautiful and successful women who have dignified our black color. Black is beautiful. Linda post this message oo.

Unknown said...

she has a good girl looks . Hope she really is. Nice photos better than that of maheeda

Ada said...

All you haters and myopic humans that cannot differentiate bleaching to normal skin color...Mary Uranta did not bleach,I know this girl way back in phc,she has always been like this,she is even darker as I watch those pictures,at least I have been opportune to meet some of her family members, they are all fair in complexion.

Anonymous said...

Mumu and bad belle people,Mary has always been a fair person...Mary,am proud of you,who say ph girls can't rock????

Chituru Dike said...

Go Mary..Go Mary..Go mary....this is my home geh...she no bleach o,na ma personal person be this,na natural skin una de see so ooo,I de envy d girl self wen I see her life,me like all the pix

Anonymous said...

Angelina 7:52 pm,which yeye pad? I sure say u no even get waist talk less of shape,that is a natural shape there,I Sabi this geh,why una de hate like this? I dare you to upload your picture ( dats if aunty Linda go gree sef) make we see you.

Anonymous said...


Ayotunde Ayoko said...

but really whats this supposed to mean? show? chai naija bloggers sef..smh

Anonymous said...

The babe na " isi fanta okpa coke." Please next agenda.

ary said...

Who is she first?

Boyfriend said...

My sweet sassy Mary,make una no worry,no pads worn,it's natural and no bleaching cream applied,what you see is pure natural fair skin color.

D.I.O said...

Na una sabi, bt all i knw she's decent n dats cool. Doris

Anonymous said...

Mary Uranta keep using all the ids to defend your self that you are not bleaching, we have eyes and we know your original color. Bleach on baby, if it's the only way to reinvent your self and career.

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