What is wrong with this picture? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 13 November 2013

What is wrong with this picture?

I just can't...*sigh*


Anonymous said...

Policeman smoking a joint in ph

Unknown said...

Officer gat to get high to do his job. #weedtinz#

Anonymous said...

Ganja man! 1st 2comment yaay!

Anonymous said...

Lol omg! "Police the friend of the masses" my foot! This one be igbo no be cigaret abi what else is wrong?
bad:see co workers caught doing it right at work see pics

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Igbo na Agba kwa madu ara.....*music*

Angelo Bazzini said...

Lindiway!!! Where you go get this one? Person wey catch monkey wey em hand dey inside pot dey romance the meat, wetin em go find for pot? Sha no be today we know say dem 50 dey smoke kopli

Unknown said...

lool...absolutely nathing o....the guy wants to feel alright..

Anonymous said...

D guy is smoking DRY FISH......

Flector said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Stupid guy so this is wat dey use the money dem collect from us on the road for? Oga o fun yin o
lmao: see what this young lady is doing to this big guy lol see pic

Unknown said...

C'mon Linda. Y are Ɣ☺u so shocked. They do dis all the time. This should explian why they always act irrationally. *Ɣ☺u can adjust your jaw now* lol

Anonymous said...

Der is notin wrong with it,d man is tryin 2 light a cigerate...linda,aw is dis news?

sajuwa bimbo said...

Smoking on duty

Unknown said...

Officer wanna hv som fun. lolzzzzz

Anonymous said...

D guy is smoking dry fish....

Anonymous said...

D guy is smoking DRY FISH......

BLAZER said...


Anonymous said...

You no know say 85% of them they smoke weed, na today. First to comment, linda eat it if you like Uhoo

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Dat joint s soo fat!!!

BLAZER said...


Unknown said...

Is that weed?

MR. CHUKX said...

Its just goes to show that Everything is possible in Naija... Policeman smoking a banned substance while on duty.. SMH

Anonymous said...

Ahahaha...... He's a serious guy trying to make an arrest

Unknown said...

All I can see is a useless policeman that wanna light a marijuana!

Anonymous said...

No mind dem...c d kin highment wey dz man mol,leta nw they go cum our hood cum dy tidy us....mtcheeew*tega*

Anonymous said...

Oh dear,Only in Nigeria can a Police man do this..SMFH#Big shame


Anonymous said...

Lips r sealed.... *continues pickin beans*

Anonymous said...

*just passing* hope daz nt in ph

Unknown said...

Don't mind them.ndi ome iwu ada iwu . mtcheww mm

Anonymous said...

Smoking weed on duty? Mehnn,this must be "weeded" from service.

Anonymous said...

It legal nah Linda.... Or u think u can fight boko haram wit clear eyes...

bbm pin 23491053 said...

Linda na new thing. Most of your female fans even rap this thing better than your male fans now. This photo just reminded me of my project back then in the university. My research was on women who abuse drugs, and I found out that 80percent of ladies in the universities engage so much in drugs. Well nowaday ladies can rap dis more than moimoi... Justsaying. Engr Emy

Anonymous said...

Its not new anyway.Nigerian Police dey smoke weed wella

Anonymous said...

Its like the officer is eating fish

Anonymous said...

Pekele pekele arugbo je gbese ta ni o san

Unknown said...

nigga wanna tint his eye

Anonymous said...

Omo na jumbo be dis oooo...and he carry gun

Anonymous said...

Yo... a mans gotta get his head right.. #legalize

sister said...

Oya see nah! Onye uwe ojii indeed puffing weed in public! Which way nigeria?

Anonymous said...

A Nigerian policeman smoking ganja.
They go out on patrol high and laden on drugs, weeds and other contaminants.
No wonder they leave sorrow, tears and blood in their trail everyday.
The Nigeria Police needs to be overhauled. It's workforce needs to be undergo series of evaluation ranging from psychiatric, drug dependency, beastiality, etc.

Anonymous said...

Our own officer with GANJA ?. Hmmm odiegwu. Jumbo size for that matter oo. Ganja planter


The Policeman is kissing Maryjane.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Haba officer indeed,I dy hail ooo idiot

Nikapetrelli said...

Highness tins

Anonymous said...

Haba officer indeed,I dy hail ooo idiot

Koni Dafuwon said...

Dis na amato place 4 maryland na,he dey light ganja with ak47 by him side...soon he'll be claiming accidental discharge,I hope he's 'accidentaly' discharged from d force by his igbo smoking superiors

Unknown said...

Dope police!!!

Anonymous said...

One olodo Cop dey try calm him nerves with marijuana inside Aso Rock..I sabi that spot wella..SipZ ma Sizzurp and puffing ma SK#DIZZY

Anonymous said...

Officer na wetin u dy do

EbonyAma said...

A police man trying to light his stick of weed, don't really know what is wrong cos the pix is kinda blur.

Samuel Emma-Okpuruka said...

Smooking weed

chyko said...

D guy wanna high b4 performing his duties. Corruption is damn everywhere.

poker said...

Our law enforcer dey smoke weed sha... #Issokay

Anonymous said...

This is sad. Wish this wud go viral on d social media so dem boss wud c d kinda pple they kip in d police force. No wonder @ the rate they kill innocent pple,after smoking that,he gets hyper and thers a gun on him. Wat wont he do wen som1 challenges him? Words fail me. #signs.

Anonymous said...

LAMO....... Wat linda? U got a problem with d brother lighting it up? Hahahahhaah... Kinda weird though if ask me.

Anonymous said...

LMAO! Olopa pls take it easy

Anonymous said...

Abegi,shey na new tin be dis. Who no D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ smoke weed.
Egede 2 all glorious Axemen all ova d world.

Anonymous said...

Na police dey smoke a m pass

Anonymous said...

They need to step down

Anonymous said...

Smoking weed!

Anonymous said...

Police taking weed?? Hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Sergent Collins....Yes sirrr!!! Where are u?Oga!!! I dey raid 4 *Oritafagbo lane*

Anonymous said...

Hahahha! A cop smoking weed! The irony!

kpako said...

Naija police..bullshit! See as he dey smoke on duty...yeye pple

Unknown said...

d policeman smoking weed? if dats it, den ur a 1st class learner Linda *ONYXGODWIN*

Anonymous said...

Ichago kwa anya!!!

Unknown said...

im d take im drugs so dat im go see road collect 50#. na joke o make dem no com wele me o

Anonymous said...

Some of them after taking these, their gun will start having accidental discharge, or they will start shooting bus drivers bcoz of 20 naira

Anonymous said...

Na norma tin lindy

Unknown said...

D nxt thing der na to stand up shot person

Unknown said...

D nxt thing der na to stand up shot person

Anonymous said...

lol there is nothing wrong with it o. In Turkey it a normal thing. They even give 15mins smoking break every hour during classes or 2hours during work time just for smoking so let d man flex joor. I have even seen the lab attendant smoking in his office they even take patients out for smoking.

tana said...

Pls dnt shoot afta hiiiiigh..olopa

Anonymous said...

SARS officers dey do this one wella na..even for their station sef...

Anonymous said...

Who does not know police pple dey take igbo too.dey don't practice wat dey preach

tharnar said...

Mopol tkn weed......... Only in naija ds Kind tn fit happen. Latter now. Ds man after smoking now go try Wnt dey arrest ppl. Wey. Dey high too saying its illegal *mtshw

bbdatouch said...

Only in Naija.com ,smokin weed *CookiNg Egusi


Unknown said...

lol!!!!!!!!! He dey smoke weed!!!!!!!!illegal for citzins!!!!!!
for more news like us @ https://www.facebook.com/suitsnaija

Anonymous said...

Oga police! Wetin b diz? SMH for Nigeria police.mtchewwww

Anonymous said...

after we start hearing words like "accidental discharge"

Anonymous said...

Normal pIx in d Area....Kpohkpoh Kpoiing jst to regulate

OYE said...

He no fit kill himself jawe

Anonymous said...

weeeeeeeed. Correct man, you get math (mouth).

Anonymous said...

Police wey rap dat fin

Anonymous said...

U can imagine huh?and they wil b d same pple harassin civilians...its a piri

Anonymous said...

Nothing is wrong with d pIcture. Hehehe

Anonymous said...

What kind of people do they recruit into Nigeria police force? I thought they go through training.Abeg this is public disgrace joor!

Anonymous said...

See naija police life

Anonymous said...

chai! Police man smokin weed

Anonymous said...

LOL....the dude is kushing...dis is definately in PH

Anonymous said...

Based on the Taxi colour, this is Port Harcourt. We don't dull. Kip putting ur lighters up. Hehehe!

Djaguar said...

Sillyy Ass 9ja police.if they catch sum1 wit weed now they wld say u r in possession of a hard drug.yet na them dey smoke am pass.

Unknown said...

Usual site in eko atlantic city.

Anonymous said...

A police officer smoking in public. This doesn't really portray a good image of our police force.

Unknown said...

Usual site in Eko atlanyic city.

ykay said...

Smoking Igbo on duty....na wa oooh,guess its in rivers with the color of dat Taxi !!!9ja ma country

Anonymous said...

Is he about to light up a big joint

Hephzy said...

NiceeeeE, The Law Keepers are usually the Law Breakers

Anonymous said...

Whaaaaat! Isn't dat weeeeed!Ganjah. An officer of d law n in public? Naija!

Chop Chop said...

Moroko on the job. Na wa wa.

Anonymous said...

D guy wan dey alright

Unknown said...

"Nigerian Police caught smoking marijuana " wat a shame!!!!

~NDG~cimino~ said...

______puffn igbo_____ he's actually showing us the legal way of doing it!. *yes di legal way!*

Anonymous said...

getting high on duty!!! SMH!

Anonymous said...

Linda nothing wrong with the pix nah!!Can't an Olodo Cop blow weed again??I hia say GEJ dey sniff snuff,oops I mean nose candy..SipZ ma Codeine and puffs away sum SK#DIZZY

Anonymous said...

The very security apparatus put in place to safeguard our national security is the threat to it.there is nothing wrong with the pics bks the world health organization categorized hemp under mild drugs but there is something wrong with a commissioned police officer in a police uniform getting involved in such an act when the Nigerian law is against it.

Anonymous said...

ganja in progress das rite

Unknown said...

the officer dey pipe ‘mary J‘

Anonymous said...

A Mopol smoking weed while on duty, after u see them acting like mad people on the roads.God save us

ericabrandy blog said...

D man dey dope na

Anonymous said...

Oga police..take it easy before you get hire and fire your rusty gun at innocent citizens for 50 naira..hian

Anonymous said...

Na so man of law, dey on duty dey take subtance that will make him become unstable. Man of law

Unknown said...

Police ar ur frnd,lol,smoke ur brain,rubbish

Anonymous said...

Pls where's Prince Charming. My love. I now believe dat never has love known its dept until d hour of departure. Pls come back my prince. We all miss u here

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Convert you techno f7 a+ to galaxy s4 at an affordable price in abuja....no need for launcher..........contact 07039359163 for details

Yud said...

Am I mistaken? Or is that weed I see in the mouth of a law enforcement officer

Unknown said...

Convert you techno f7 a+ to galaxy s4 at an affordable price in abuja....no need for launcher..........contact 07039359163 for details

Raylah said...

Yekpa!!!! Police smoking a joint?! Ok o!!!!!

Anonymous said...

W@ can we say....na 9ja we dey

Anonymous said...

A Policeman with Wrapped somtin(obviously WEED) in his mouth.......God help us in dis country

Anonymous said...

A nice wrap of igbo in d mouth of a policeman with a fire arm.....he'll later go on shooting spree n claim its d devil...odiegwu!

Anonymous said...

That's an officer smoking a joint! They 'does' that every time

Anonymous said...

Mehn!!! Mopol dey double up...Sure he must have harassed some innocent dude for possessing Jay, only 2go hide smwhere & heat up#naijawonders#

ejike capable said...

Habatically d guy wan high.

Igor said...

The picture was photoshopped

Anonymous said...

He didn't even wrap the weed well #smh#

Lubabatu A. said...

I fear for this nation, its a pity dt those who re supposed to stop d abuse of drugs re d ones engaging in it. its not today sha I don lose confidence in popo tey tey

Anonymous said...

Makes me horny....*reaching for mine*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


ZeeZee said...

When he finishes getting high he will now use that gun on an innocent civillian

tolupizzle said...

Officer toh wegbo, bad ass officer.

Aminodasilva said...

Seems its IGBO in his hand.....

Anonymous said...

Let me believe its a big cigarette cuz if its weed then am sure someone is probably dead the day he smoked that with his service AK with him.

Anonymous said...

irresponsible of him......hmmmmmm smh

Anonymous said...

If that's not weed, I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

Anonymous said...

Mopo + Ganja = accidental discharge

Anonymous said...

pple wt do u expect frm 20naira men.

Anonymous said...

pple wt do u expect frm 20naira men.

Anonymous said...

Dis people are just one big fool...they can neva bee my frd..aft na them go day day arrest d people that smoke

Unknown said...

Wetin u wan make I say,why we dey for naija

Anonymous said...

Now you see way there are so many cases of random killings of innocent people by policemen? We no longer call it accidental discharge because we know there's nothing accidental about them.


Anonymous said...

Law enforcer commitin crime...

Anonymous said...

Nothing do the guy lol. E no go need binoculars to catch thief when dey miles away

Anonymous said...

Shebi na Gooluck roll jumbo igbo giv am make hin smoke ba??? Yeye ppl go dey insult president like say na hin spoil country Jonathan!!!!!!!! Til 2019, country don spoil since nd who tell una say hin boses no dey smoke all this our yeye top officials dey smoke better weed idiot smellos inshort I don vex make I go roll 5 jumbo smoke my tin linda baby u can join mi... Even dat G7 dey suffer frm highness

ary said...

The worst police force in the world!!!


Wen e smoke that igbho finish, e go begin harass people unecessarily, fire groundnut for innocent people body. Naija I hail.

Anonymous said...

Under the bridge..at the end of the street..later on mopo go show! No be say dem wan catch us..our ways be dem ways so we light up..smokers live long so we puff up..with some liquor we go smoke up YEEEAAAHH!!!!!!!!------Excerpts: "Liquor Dey" (song by 9ice Adigun Omo Oyomomi)

Unknown said...

Police is ur friend,after this nw..he go shout aside...lol

Anonymous said...

#good kush#

Chimenka said...

Good living

Anonymous said...

And Linda Ikeji Blog is a television station that reports news right? If you don't like what's been posted then don't look or comment moron!

Anonymous said...

weeders are leaders...mind yhu

Anonymous said...

Bet u Ngozi Braide or some other muppet comes out n says d picture was photoshopped

vinchy said...

I asked the police man because i know him very well,he said he wanted to confirm if d weed is high breed,

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:29.....r u dat naïve?

Anonymous said...

This is so so wrong. In uniform and he thinks he will carry out his duties effectively? So y won't we hear of accidental discharge, ehn. God pls help Nigerians, Amen.

Unknown said...

Choi ganja policeman

Anonymous said...

Mopol dey swallow ganja!!!! Mopol nfa'gbo

Anonymous said...

Mopol dey swallow ganja!!!! Mopol nfa'gbo

Unknown said...

lolz!!! Abeg dis guy is trying to catch some fun u knw.tinz are jst too dull 4 his liking.juicing up his day!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

This pix is photo shopped, the igbo in d pix is clearer than d man their. If u like don't post this comment again!

Anonymous said...

dats d people dat want 2 mak d country move forward

BARRY9ICE said...

u guys re not getting is mission, he actually wanted to arrest those smoking & selling d igbo, so he decided to mingle with dem requested for a parcel. anoda way trying to be frend to d smoker to support d saying "POLICE IS UR FREND".....lolz

Anonymous said...

I and High, is I and High, experience experience experience!!!!!!!!!! Don't you ask me why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tribute to Bob Marley.

Unknown said...

The real criminals are smoking with the fake ones haha

Unknown said...

The real criminals are smoking with the fake ones haha

victor said...

Roll one, smoke one, he's jst having fun....good kush

Anonymous said...

my guy,blow d thing jor,make body come down

Anonymous said...

my guy,blow d thing jor,make body come down

Anonymous said...

my guy,blow d thing jor,make body come down

Anonymous said...

You think that a gentleman can run after boko harram.if they dismisse this gallant man you go know say Amebo no be good work

Bunmi said...

Nothing day there na... to do his kind of job, u need this

Unknown said...

He is doing undercover, dont judge him

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

una wan put this man for trouble with una camera phone!

Anonymous said...

I no ur type,its nt my fault dat ur brain is ful of toxic.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with the picture.
Officer wan smoke kukuye may him head charge well to fit perform him duty.

Anonymous said...


nini said...

I guess am d only one that sees what linda sees.theres a half naked cop behind d cop smoking d ganga.....na there wey linda eye dey...

nini said...

I guess am d only one that sees what linda is seeing.there's a half naked cop behind d cop smoking ganga.na there wey linda eye dey...hehe

Anonymous said...

Common folks...it's clearly a fake pix..the fag has been replaced with a a fake wrap of weed. Trust me am a graphic designer and this is just a joke.

Anonymous said...

After smoking highness then stand for road h8ld taxi or bus driver abeg abeg 2k then close work

Unknown said...

Leave that man alone. A joint a day never hurt anybody. #Shuma

Unknown said...

Leave that man alone. A joint a day never hurt anybody. #Shuma

Unknown said...

Funny picture! He may as well be smoking out of a Medicali glass piece. He is not being very conspicuous.

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