song 'Baby Face', which Don Jazzy says was stolen from him, has released a statement explaining his involvement in the whole issue. He mentions that he produced Wande's hit song 'Go Low' which he never got credit for. See his statement below...
I have heard and seen some folks rants about me stealing production credit for Wande Coal's new single "Baby Face" and I would like to clarify this issue. I was only doing my job by making the beat for Wande and that's what I did. I don't see any reason why people should jump into quick conclusions without taking their time to really dig into the matter for facts.
Find the song after the cut...Two years back, I remember I created a demo for Wande Coal's "Shawty Go Low" and someone else took the credits. I was in shock because I had plans to finish the song with Wande and was hoping it would be released as a single which I produced. Here is the link to the original version of "Go Low"
u have heard and seen some folks "Rants"??..Im Done!
Seems this whole fight is about concept stealing.
Pls guysss.....settle this ish quietly now. I hate seeing people I like fight one another.
Wande n Don Baba J, abeg make una settle. Na beg I beg
Wow wow wow! This is getting more interesting. Keep it up shizzi i dey feel ya!
Thunder fire all of una
Ok intellectual property theft plenty 4 naija music industry. Don't they sell these beats tho.
go low is even a rubbish song like baby face u produce... see don jazzy version of babyface even wit all the jonzing still sounded beta the beat is killing.
Na wetin make u go thief don baba song abi? Yoruba thief
Shut up shizzi. The issue isnt about you producing the song, it's about Wande not giving the songwriting credit to Don Jazzy. or did u write "Go Low"?
The new song self no sweet what's the fuss but as for me don j no try
The new song self no sweet what's the fuss but as for me don j no try
If you see a tif.... Nwanne u go knw 1time....
This nigga brot u from mushin to mohit... Nw u dn grow wings to trow shots at him.... IDIOT... DATS Y SOM PPL HATE DOING GOOD. BEING GOOD DOES NOT PAY..ANU OFIA
Song no sweet why the fight
No offence intended pls,but is this Shizzi guy high or something? Does this version of "go low" sound any way like the released version?
Linda abeg give us gist abt telemundo my heart beats for Lola. OR abi u nor dey watch am....
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Why is donjazzy greedy?, he should b happy for him nd nt try to paint him black.......
No one holy pass (in 2baba voice) don jazzy shame on you and wande you are a fool
Hmmm, u stole this from me. U stole that from me. Em dne release song b say em dne release song. U jst gotta b kiaful wen nxt u doing ur songs. The walls hv ears n bliv me, sooner or later if u aint smart, pesn wy smart pass u go level up. #useurhead #fact
Grown ass men. Gone 12yr old #umuazi ogbem aru bee di udi castin ah
Mr producer, shut your trap and hope things are settled amicably. Apparently u're the one that advised WC wrongly! Y didn't you speak up when someone else took credit for your job????
So why the ranting from #donjazzy? Ogbeni donjazzy lockup if d@ is d case.
So why the ranting from #donjazzy? Ogbeni donjazzy lockup if d@ is d case.
Shizzi best producer ATM. You should blame wande not don baba j
So Wande is used to collecting the songs and credits too?? Smh fool!
Don jazzy I always said is a lion in sheep clothing faking humility and kindness little devil going pebbles on his artists smh the truth keeps coming out all the time n he denying all Dbanj left now Wande he has his brother or himself since he is using tiwa and she is too dumb to see because she wants to be under men all the time shine your eyes we go hear story small time
Don Jazzy, you are a man of great esteem. Pls, try and resolve this issue with Wande Coal like his your younger brother. No need of all these fight on the social media.
Shit or whatever your name is, shut the fck up already..See this nobody calling Donjazzy 'some folks', no be your fault na dat black mofo cus the disrespect. Mofo like you
†ђǝse two don pass the level nau.....hmmm i like shizzi sha
Soon d only artiste Don jazzy will have in his company will be himself, dat nigger should have called wande quietly, but he choose media. publicity tryin to make wande look like d bad guy, that's bullshit, Don Jazzy better behave
This Shizzi guy must be very dumb bcoz ds go low he produced is nowhr near the go low produced by jazzy, which yeye credit u dey find? Rubbish
If wande had released this version then he would have been forgotten like eddy remedies. Big ups to @donjazzys version. Ratti!!!
Me too. I hate seeing people I like n cherished so much fighting one another...u guys should settle this matter amicably....one love
Na wa o... Well I still tink if donjazzy didn't act immature in this whole situation, none of this would be happening. Well they are guys involved so best believe all this fight will end soon.
I don't care
Abeg Bloglord,allow me use ur mouth chop dis onions.
I av just one question for u Blackdiamond.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Wande coal pls stop spreading the same lyrics n melody to every producer u work with!
Let these assholes fuck off. 9ja has got bigga probe to deal wit than this childish ish...
Na ur own biz u dey do jare shizzi,leave dem make dem dey fight like small pikin...
This DonJazzy of a guy is so puerile. When there was quarrel btw D'banj & DonJazzy, during the Mo'Hit days, D'banj kept quiet about it and when their promoter was questioned how true the issue was, he simply said there was no comment yet, but it was this Jazzy of a guy dat went all about on Twitter to unprofessionally disclose everything. And this.
Like WandeCoal said, Jazzy has Wande's number, Email Add., and he came simply direct-message Wande but as usual, he chose to make it public just for the sake of getting attention and also fooling pple to believe he's right, since we live in a world of "who said it first is the honest one".
Haba!, you stole this, no I didn't and all kind of accusations everywhere now. You guy shonld just concentrate on making more good music and stop fighting...(gba fun Oga eeee) simple as Abc
Signed by Orobo
Producer my ass!! Did any1 mention dis mumu's name? U just want to get involved so that people wil begin to talk about U. Go pack 4 ojodu Begar bus stop nothing concern U 4 dis matter.
The music Industry is huge & everyone can have a piece of the pie. So stop this rumours & beefin' with each other. We as Africans should stand together & support each other. U.S.A & other European countries enjoy our money coz we busy hating on each other. So peeps please settle this !!! #FanFromSouthAfrica I love you guys.
Linda this wande & Jazzy gist is the best so far this season.. Pls i don't want to see davido or wacumxy.. Wat ever the name is.. By the way i just called Jazzy to calm him down.. The thing pain em no be small
So mr producer ka wa sa lo bcs I did nt see where they mention ur name
Shizzi huh...tryna b popular too?'..oh puh-leeze..go grab a seat behind let d real celebs talk
Wande se uv see wat happens wen u choose to play MUMU all in d name of loyalty?! U let dese pple push u around for too long!! If don babaj wants to fight intelectaul property fight....wande will win with evidence cos he's wrote half of songs in mohit for dbanj,nd 95% for prince! Where his his own credit ehn! Greedy donjazzy.live and let live
Wande se uv see wat happens wen u choose to play MUMU all in d name of loyalty?! U let dese pple push u around for too long!! If don babaj wants to fight intelectaul property fight....wande will win wit evidence sef cos from he has been writtng most songs from Mohits to mavin for dbanj nd 95% for prince! Where his is credit.greedy donjazzy live and let live
Who d fuck is ds motherfucker dat wnts 2 use ds Black Diamond Don Jazzy platform 2 fuckin promo his fuckin 'z-lister' status. WC u r a big disappointment 2 d blackfold. D J pls dnt fuckin bother cos some1 else wl fuckin pay him bck. #9Ja femcee
All these artiste airing their dirty laundry in the public, way to so how matured y'all are. It's just sad what you people are doing to your names all in the name of sullying a person's cred. Way to go!!!
Dis shizzyyyyyyy is a big fool and should just shut up already .
Everyone has a right to be credited for their own work( s) , if someone previously took credit of your work you should file a suit or speak out there and then....
It's like saying, when someone killed my brother no one saw it o, now that I'm killing someone it shouldn't be big deal.....
The question unanswered by wande coal is very simple....DID YOU STEAL DON JAZZY''S SONG...YES or NO
simple. Rubbish. I dey vex pass don jazzy sef
Why is he involved with artist that steal music? First Davido, now Wande #SuspectGuy
Who is this rabbit realising a press statement? Wande Cole go and give Don baba J his credit simple.
You be food?
Wetin concern agbero with overload? If dem like, make dem go cnn. Nonsense!
Hahahaha! I dey feel u die.
please go and listen to Don Jazzy version of the song please, just go and listen then you will know the true story of it before you start commenting rubbish and start insulting Don Jazzy no beef on wande coal but please just take time out and listen to the song first then you will know better,
Hey!! Idiot..... Y abusing dem?? Is it by force 4 Ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ø̲̣̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ 2 comment?? illiterate!!!
D tori tire u as e weak me? Abi make we hear about Lola joor. Lol.
Shizzi no get sense,na hin do Gobe beat wey davido steal,now na wande.Am very sure that shizi must be a theifin the outside world.you no sabi wo®k.@shizzi ole
What is dis Shizi feeling like? U have seen nd heard some folks rant....who re they? U wuld ave tagged someone's name in dis lame write up so u'll get d bitter part of life today
Sharrap jor, asif donjazzy came from lekki, they all started from somewhere, do good or not, no for your own pocket
this same man who you said want to spoil your career is the one that produce your first album that was a hit all over nigeria even abroad, made you a star even had to make more music for you than is over crew, cos of you he had to fight is is partner made hit for you, before you left he made 2 massive singles hit for you, which is rotate and the kick which your using to go round the world and do show with, now you come and say shit about him, people please we should reason about this more and see to this those that knew mohits back in the days can tell the story
I listened to the song babyface carefully!@wandecoal was perfect,@DONJAZZY was a joke.u both should figure it out.one love @pardoncokoro
@shizzi: Must you always get involved in controversial songs???just like the case of GOBE originally belonging to PASSWORD...as a producer,I conclude you are the brains behind these,cos you stand the best chance to discourage ur clients of asking you to reproduce an already produced jobs without an official approval from the official owner knowing the consequential effects will be so excrutiating if failed to be acknowledged......stop tarnishing your growing image all cos of Money,young man.
If u don't know wat 2 say, shut ur trap. Its not greed, ok? Its called "giving credit". U hear? Greed my foot.
I D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣ tell you,very wacko song dats wat D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣ r makin all dis noise for,smh for our celebs oº°
Don Jazzy is not a bad person, still yet he left you to person the song after leaving is label most record label will sue him, and still demand for 50 50 for every shows and event who and tours he goes too, but this man decided to let you be, now you come and say his not God, so you people should reason first before you pour out insult on Don Jazzy, what he made wande coal who he is today, till date mushin to mohits is still one of the best album till till date, who produce all the songs in that album DON himself, but he did not collect a dime from you, please you people should see this first thank
He don black already nah
for those who can understand, life and see reason to this will know the truth, wande coal is on gratful, just like wizkid, when banky brought him back then, but he calls banky is guy but then he was his boss, now nko banky is his guy, so people please justt go and listen to Don Jazzy version then you will know thats all
#Sigh dis Idiat too wan put mouth! Fool! Nd 4 ya'll Idiats calling Don Jazzy Names, av u ever seen him behave in such manner b4? Y ya'll ranting lyk a Straight Nigga dt was raped in d Anus? Wande must av really hurt him so bad, its nt even abt d Music, but d Backstabbing, av u ever been betrayed by a Loved one? Yea, dt Pain? Yea I bet sm of ya'll can relate, Don J made dis Niccur, he may nt be God but he's a Fucking DON!!! Wande decided to pull a fast one after everything Don J has done 4 him, its Nobody's fault if Wande luks lyk Burnt Puff Puff, he shud gv dues to whom its to be given! Nd if ya'll think Don J is seeking 4 attention lyk d "Burnt PuffPuff" said, den ya'll shud melt ur brain on Hot Coal! As 4 dis Melonic Cat producer, No be ur fault, Na wande carry DJ put 4 ur hand.....Foolish He-Goat. Feeling lyk he's Shit! Mtcheeeeew! Wande, Ur own has met u!!!
This one just needs to put a sock in his trap. does that stupid beat sound anything like the original go low song, pshewww!!!
Paint him black ke? D boy black already. Hope u knw we are not talking abt micheal jackson?
e be like say na microsoft word dis mum use take produce this his go low version...mchew! Another 0brain producer (balu)..lwkmd
This shizzie or whatever is a big imbecile. Wen did u start ehn, I no blame u na Wande cause all dis rubbish. Yoruba pple are jst d worst kind of pple to partner wit, they will disappoint u in d end. Tufiakwa unu! Disgraceful tribe. Ugo
Shizzle shout up ur dirty mouth. Foooooooooooooooooool
See dis smallie o. U berra go back Sa before thunder strike u o...
What rubbish is this shizzi he should take a sit. His dull shanty go low sound crap. Beat not all that and lyrics is wande's so what d need to bring it up. When two elephants fight it's d grass that will surfer to take a seat
U guys shld leave my Don alone o. Simplicity isn't stupidity. Wande omo mushin no forget ur root o. Black mumu
How come you don't get to post my comment,pls?
Mr producer I am glad Wande did not produce this song with you I was almost sleeping listening to this dull and uncreative beats Mschewwwww
Thank God he went with don jazzy's version of 'go low' cos this dude's version is WACK!
Dis producer is jst dumb! Aw can he compare dis nonene to don jazzys version n also it is not d same beat and everything unlike dis baby face song!
Abi ooo...I don't see why he is talkin sef...that was how he did with Gobe by Davido..now Babyface..dey bring stolen song and you polish it now u claiming "Go Low" after how many years. Guy u stil av a long way to go..it is to early to start losing credibility..@Shizzi
Ahn ahn bona,so u cld only afford 2 buy onions @ d suya spot.Local morrraFocka ni bobo yi sha !!
see rubbish production of Go low, they don't even sound the same mscheeww. Sounding as if Don Jazzy stole it from him.
First don j n d banj,now don j n wc next ty n don j..vry soon na him go dy sing he songs,wit he coconut voice..greedi ibo man
Who be this shit abi shizi? Who no u? U wan shine small with this rift? Pls take several seats!!!!
Don Jazzy is not even an Ibo boy He's Deltan
Mr. Don Jazzy. You are obviously a greedy fellow. These guys actually made you. They gave you food too. You worked together. You are a devil in disguise. Big Fool.
So he should let sum1 else take credit for his work because you think he's disgracing you?
Guy,stop thinking,it's not ur forte
Year just S̶̲̥̅ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ pointless jeez!
@ anonymous....is it possible to paint wande blacker than he is?lol
@ anonymous....is it possible to paint wande blacker than he is?lol
'' allow me use ur mouth chop dis onions '' U sef get mouth die.. lol
Don jazzy should park well abeg,na so he dey beef up dbanj now wande
Dis version is sooo not dope,,@donjazzy killed it,btw wah credit is dis dude talkin abt??
Abi ode ni ita eleyii ni. What do u mean brought u from mushin to mohits u think say mohits na house or area? Ode ni omo ina yii mehn. Ewu
Well said. All tjis fights isn't healthy for the industry.
U dey there. Na u olamide dey.call muthafucka
Bia,,wadecole did u steal d song YES/NO,,no much explanation or prolonging d issue,,na so ppl dy take fail exam,,anyway una deh give linda work #didi
How can two people abandon you in two years. Is it not obvious Boyjazzy is the problem??
Lola don born,andre don comot for jail,andre papa wan go find solidad but him moto catch fire,na today we go knw weda him die or not
dis is getting more interesting abeg glass 0f wine
Donjazzy is being immature joor...he tries too much to court attention, making himself clever by half.
Shizzi at the moment is better than Don jazzy. Nobody can kill Donjazzy's beat better than Dbanj...they can only try
Wc is used to d intellectual property theft tho. #sealsmymouth.
@Bonario he did not steal Don J song, he only modify it & take d glory, jst to compensate for the yrs he has been serving Don slavery. as for shizzi will advice u should be silent cos u re only doing ur wrk, but nxt tym do it wisely.
Well is a pity most people here aint interested in finding solution to what the problem is rather they are insulting themselves, for me I'll say wande coal should please come out straight nt saying ehh oga I don serve u for 10yrs bla bla bla" jus hit d nail blacky
Lmao I just love this blog.@ barrymice u said years of slavery? Why did he wait 10 years ejo? Now we were not there and no one knows the true story I think we should stop taking sides....... Singing confusion break bone yeeepa double whale for deadi bodi and the owner of deadi bodi.... Ok so bye
Shizzi abi wetin b dat ur name sef,beta paddle ur canoe b4 naijas rip u off the little confidence you'v got in urself. You call this ur version of 'go low' song? HIAN
Oh ppl shut up,so because they are celebrities they shldnt have human emotions,like if your friends did the same you wldnt be pissed.don jazzy made a mistake let's say heat of the moment,why didn't wande,let it go out of gratitude,if not for mohits he is just another chuddy K,don jazzy shld have known guys with finger dicks,have complex issues.everyone wants to own their own record label,even tu face had hypertek associated with kennis music,wizkid has starboy nation in association EME,dbanj left mohits,but DB records is under association of Good music.wande is just greedy,u want own ur own,well have but do you,just because you both worked on the track doesn't mean its urs,whatever you did under Mohits or Marvin belongs to them,you can't take a song produce under another label to ur own label when ur contract with them has been void n done.no matter what and how,you never bite the hand that once fed you
Pls u guys should stop insulting shizzi, he's d best producer as far as I am concerned
tnk u Isabella Peter, U make brain.
SHITzzi or whatever you call yourself....are u seriously trying to square up to don jazzy or what????...I laff in chinese
Hope u guys knew that sound sultan was actually the owner of sho lee wey sean tizzle dey sing,bt SS no go for twitter con dey embarass himsef,dey sorted it out maturedly,and now SS is gettin his royalties from dat work cos it was dey both knew he wrote d song...donjazzy no suppose come twitter @all@all,he is now BOYJAZZY in d league of davido,waconzy,wizkid,maheeda et al.
You are even more than a joke. Donjazzy recorded the song, and Wande Coal 'stole' it, refurbished it and released it. So how do expect it to be, imperfect? You must be a mad person, really. Reason logically.
Good evening Miss Linda Ikeji. Thank you so much for your effort to bringing updates closer to the masses.
About the issue of Don Jazzy/Wande Coal, I listened to the two songs in the morning thru links I got from their twitter handles. I must say that its really a pity these things are happening to DonJazzy at these times, first it was with Dbanj, and now WandeCoal. These are entertainers I adore.
I'm not going to be bias or sentimental in my observation though. But people fail to understand the consequences of crime, especially theft. Yes we call it Intellectual Property Theft, and it doesn't sound unique or maybe there is no much of legal flavour sorrounding it. The truth is that Nigeria as a country, things happen and we don't take them serious, and some of these things happen in the entertainment industry. If it can be proven in the court of law that yes indeed, Wande really stole DonJazzy's property, I don't think its going to be the same as we see it, at least Wande will have to pay for the damages. And if its proven that DonJazzy is falsely accusing Wande, the same may apply to him.
But I have to be straight here, let us not jump into conclusion. Yes Donjazzy accused him of theft, and Wande denied it, only on twitter. After all they both were together as of last year when it was allegedly recorded. After listening to both the original version of Donjazzy and Wandecoal, it will be too risky to put a rope on one's neck and hang him, this will only require legal redress, but what do we expect, living in a lawless society. As Donjazzy said, if he sends his legal team after, you will also complain.
On the question of why Donjazzy decided to adopt twitter war, we never can tell about their personal relationship for some time now, so let's not blame either person. Everyone doesn't want to accept a blame for a damage caused.
Well Shizzi, I don't understand your wahala here oo. I follow those two on twitter, I saw the tweets and even retweeted them. I never saw where your name was mentioned, not to even call you an abusive one like "some folks". No one complained about the production, or are u hurting yourself for copying Jazzy's style of production in the song? Unless that. But that doesn't warrant you to call anyone anything or even involve yourself in this matter. I like some of your works, but don't make me to start seeking the sources of your productions, maybe you are used to production refurbishment, at least after what happened with Gobe. So be careful next time.
Nwagboo Emmanuel Chidiebere
Urualla Ideato North, Imo State.
You are even more than a joke. Donjazzy recorded the song, and Wande Coal 'stole' it, refurbished it and released it. So how do expect it to be, imperfect? You must be a mad person, really. Reason logically.
when it comes to money issues Naija people can never keep a straight head. always acting like say na them like money pass for this world. Fighting and insulting themselves publicly over money.. Yeye and shameless People
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