Waje stuns on the cover of the November issue of Zen magazine | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 7 November 2013

Waje stuns on the cover of the November issue of Zen magazine

Really nice photos...


Anonymous said...

Lovely tollyvikky

Sucre said...

She looks nice...Love the makeup

Unknown said...

She's luks gud bt needs 2 shed sum fat lyk me!

Ellatyra said...

That's my Waje...The pigin lord....fineeeeeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

Big boobs..

Ellatyra said...

That's my waje....the pigin lord.....fineeeeeeeeee


Anonymous said...

Datz my gal WAJE alwayz killin it.I lov I lov I lov!

Anonymous said...

Lovely pics

Gbabe said...

First to comment !

Mr Dalvin said...

Beautiful like Mrs Dalvin

Anonymous said...

Wat an astonishin pix...

OMG!WOMAN said...

They're fine!

Jesse Ebuka Okoli said...

Though the 2nd pic off da chain

Anonymous said...

Mi likey!she's beautiful...

Anonymous said...

Alwz stunning...ur sweet dearie,kip lookin good

Anonymous said...

Alwz stunning...ur sweet dearie,kip lookin good

Anonymous said...

Luvly pix...luvin ha new singles 2

Anonymous said...

Omo see kegs! Large jugs.

Unknown said...

Love the second pics


nice nice....bonario pls keep you vaseline.


But she looks like Toke in the second.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

yourstrulyblogposts.blogspot.com said...

Hello, pretty lady!

Anonymous said...

Ur first pic u look too old...advice go for facial surgeory,second pic z ok.

Anonymous said...

She is indee looking stunning i am getting tempted

Watch Video+pics: See Pastor Caught Pants Down With A Lady In Church Office [Video]

Rough Diamond said...

Too much photoshop tho
D first pic, mbanu! Nah!!!
D second pix is more like it!

Unknown said...

Best singer in 9ja!loveeeee! *ONYX GODWIN*

Anonymous said...

Lovely pics, love d second pic more

Unknown said...

Thought there'd be more than tow pictures

Glammo! said...

Sorry to burst ur bubbles! U aint on d 3rd list either!...

Unknown said...

Thought I'd see more than 2 pictures. Not bad though

Anonymous said...

Luv her makeup

Anonymous said...

High boobz are huge!!!nd the first pics is a no for me

Anonymous said...

she look like omotola in the right pix except for the coca-cola hands

Anonymous said...

The 2nd pix tho.
Is that her hands on her shoulder or someone elses??

Anonymous said...

Lovely pics, but sincerely needs to shed those fats,her outfit and weight at d colorful world of moore is nothin to write home about.

Blackberry said...

Naaa...no be evry body go look like tooth pick, inugo?

Aphrodite said...

Waje, she's Stunning mayne, nd Stacked at d top, Love her plenti much mehn! *PlentiHOMO!

Anonymous said...

her breast are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo massive.... dstv dish..lol...2 much press press from small

Anonymous said...

Waje is soo good. Her song 'I wish' is still my number 1... Dats music.Love the gold top...gown

Anonymous said...

She is very pretty honestly she is pretty. I lov her

Anonymous said...

Anon 6;31pm Astonishing pix?
R u fucking kidding me?

Anonymous said...

I like her face structure...

Peter said...

Waje I want to marry you, would you pls be my wife? I really love you. Can someone send me her contacts? I need talk 2 her urgently!

Anonymous said...

Wetin do big boobs?

Anonymous said...

I don't know why this woman is so hyped. She's not that pretty! Makeup helps her a lot! She's fat! She's not endowed if not for those big jugs she's carrying. And she's not polished. Yes! My bloody opinion! #BitterTruth! Call it hating or whatsoever. I careless.

Anonymous said...

Omo de boob de dere oor men hw I wish

Anonymous said...

@ Ellatyra, wetin exactly u dey try talk?? Pidgin or pigin or pikin.. *na wa*....... waje darlyn u rock!! and u r definately rocking that stature wisely!!!

Anonymous said...

Pretty Waje, Fierce body, sexy boobs...whew!,,,,

A guy caught his pastor ontop of his woman on bed and almost killed the pastor...Click here to watch

Anonymous said...

Yea great makeup...I just love her dearly...

Just like Davido, a Brazilian prostitute videoed herself sleeping with Justin Beiber live...Watch HERE

Anonymous said...

Seriously...Waje just grew fat all of a sudden. a pretty lady with a normal body but as with tghe custom of our celebs here...smh

ANollywood actress caught on camera fighting over a movie producer.. watch here

Anonymous said...

Me likee

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Horrible hair. Abeg u choose the style sef? The person need eye mirror. This ur hair stylist na BOG tinz. But Waje babe... Always on point. Looking fierce and dreamy. Luv ya!!!

Anonymous said...

pwetty moma#shenemy#

Unknown said...

Pretty and stunning cover.Go gurl WAJE

Anonymous said...

Nigerian ladies are beautiful ooooo. However,I hate it when they bleach.

Anonymous said...

What weight is there to lose again, must everyone be a size 8?!!

Anonymous said...

BeautiFUL Waje,u are 2 much

Anonymous said...

She is funny

Anonymous said...

Nice one

TWITS said...

Abit of photoshop, but stil quite lovely. I must confess tho my system has the hots for dis girl..and I don't just know why. Waje pls help!*Lol!*

Mischievous said...

Waje, my sweet heart, you make me yearn for you! I love you now and forever. How far? Anything for me?

Don Peror Francis said...

Wat I likey most about Waje is d topography of her boobs..**Rubbing balls***Cums***

Anonymous said...

honestly if u see Waje dauter Emerald,,,jesus she is xtremely beautiful make i pause here because of some bad boys here.

BabyJoy said...

Awwwwwww,I luv her soooo much.she's d definition of beauty.....btw,that's a lovely dress...I prefer d 2nd picture tho.
Aunty Linda,hope u are doing great.

One Gud Chick said...

Great minds think alike, I'm with you dear. she has a nice voice but her songs are too lame for my liking, she needs to learn from Chidinma

Anonymous said...

Am jus lovin dis lady lili post my comment wat hav I don to u na

Lady Fola said...

I L♥√ε̲̣̣̣̥ the second pix,nice make-up #big hug#

Blunt Fuck said...

I will do anything to have access to those boobs. Honestly.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Personally, waje is overrated! Ya'll saying shez nice n all dnt even know her...she is mean and always jealous of omawunmi....hunnay u can try but omawunmi is outta ur league

Post UTME said...

Simply Gorgeous

Ash Baby said...

I love waje she looks cool on d 2nd pic tho

Aduke said...

Cool pics, plus very good n beautiful makeup. Especially the second pic. FAB makeup! Luv it!

Anonymous said...

Niceee......linda pls do help us people of oremeji bameke b/stop in shasha beg phcn,the light situstion in this area is so pathetic,so so generator noise and have a baby that's keeps crying cos of the noise,its so sad that areas where diginitaries stays are litted like say then dey live for governor's lodge and the other part of this area is in total darkness for almost 4days now

Anonymous said...

I love u! I love u!! I love u!!! So much waje....... Mwah! I love u so much my babe girl!!! Linda post my comment oooo!!! I love her so much,my babe waje I love uuuuuuuu ssssssssooooooooooo much babe!#myheaddonscattero!# chioooooo!!! Mwah! Love u babe!

Anonymous said...

She looks like my grandma

beampe said...

Nice make up ....she looks lovely....

Anonymous said...

still on the matter...Waje don old sha

Anonymous said...

Good voice. Great boobs.

Anonymous said...

Mehn, Pealie, you've got really heavy jugs! Can I ......

Unknown said...

WAJE .. e don tey wey i dey beg you to just gimme a chance *sobs* ... Nways TEAMWAJE for life....

MY TURN said...

First picture is terrible makes her look much older than she obviously is.

MY TURN said...

Which one is Zen magazine again? hian

JOYCHY said...

@Anonymous saying she should go 4 facial Surgery, wen she does it now, NA U GO CURSE HER PASS.
Leave dese celebs alone, dey r mere mortals like u all. Waje dis, Waje dat. U ain't even any better..

JOYCHY said...

@Anonymous saying she should go 4 facial Surgery, wen she does it now, NA U GO CURSE HER PASS.
Leave dese celebs alone, dey r mere mortals like u all. Waje dis, Waje dat. U ain't even any better..

Anonymous said...

she's not fat, she just has really big breasts and a slightly higher waist than more women

Arinze said...

Bless your heart Linda for this post. WAJE LOOKS GORGEOUS :)

Anonymous said...

She always looking scruffy when you see her on a normal day. Unbelievably scruffy! Then she looks hot in pics. I really can't 'marry' the two people ooohh.

Anonymous said...

Waje's daughter is beautiful oooohhhhhhh. Pretty polished girl. Light skinned too. Like me ;) and she has manners.

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