Uche Jombo's lovely outfits to ARIFF events. Which is your fav look? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 15 November 2013

Uche Jombo's lovely outfits to ARIFF events. Which is your fav look?

Star actress Uche Jombo has been stepping in beautiful outfits at various events at The African International Film Festival which began on Sunday November 10th in Calabar. See more photos after the cut and tell us which look/dress is your favorite.


Cute G said...

Woow!!I'll go wt d black!Classy!!!

Anonymous said...

D pink rockz

Anonymous said...

I like the red and pink dress with the necklace around her neck. Red dress is flattering to her figure.

Anonymous said...


Nikapetrelli said...

Nice pictures

lolade pinky said...

gbam!?!!!!! I fink she just got a new stylist...and that stylist sure knwz his or her job...

Anonymous said...

Me like the pink outfit with the silver necklace, and the black gown although her boobs looks really small in it. lastly, i like the red over the black skirt.

Anonymous said...

I like the bodycon!

Anonymous said...

None of d above

Anonymous said...

I Swear she looks just gorgeous in all the outfits..Haters oya make una start una Job#DIZZY

Anonymous said...

Nothing to comment about Uche, Linda you must go to Anambra tommorrow to witness the election..... Thisday reported 180 pple with fake voters card, another story spring up on this blog... Pls we deserve undiluted gist....Well done dear.

Anonymous said...

Uche dear U̶̲̥̅̊ are alwayz on point. Wait a minute! Am I d only one that sees d strike semblance btw mummy Joke silver n Uche Jumbo?

Anonymous said...

Uche dear U̶̲̥̅̊ are alwayz on point. Wait a minute! Am I d only one that sees d striking semblance btw mummy Joke silver n Uche Jumbo?

Anonymous said...

i prefer the top right. she looked gorg Uche jumbo secrets are now in the open here cant believe this

Ijjoy said...

I like the second to the last pic beta where she wore a loose pink dress and climbing d stairs. she looks slimmer,for her body shape she shuld'nt b wearing tight fitting clothes.

Unknown said...

I prefer d red gown, though she luks stunning in all

mamaego. said...

Na wa o!na Uche be dis?she has really pimped up her totall look.Good for her.whatever she did worked.#justsaying#

Anonymous said...

decent outfit.

Unknown said...

its all red,black and pink. no fashion risk and no high fashion choice at all.

Anonymous said...

The pink number has my vote.

Unknown said...

its all red, black and pink. no varieties, no fashion risk, no high fashion, it lacks taste and its what any girl on the street can put together. shes a celebrity she should aim high and give us something to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

None biko! They are all 'very one kain' rme

Anonymous said...

She is fat.

Anonymous said...

Today is my birthday. Despite all my time I spent in sending congratulatory birthday wishes to all my contacts on fb n bbm (on their Bdays); today is my day yet nobody has remembered me. Its so sad that I had to deactivate my fb account n delect all my bbm contacts. Now I know am lonely in diz whole world.

sdk's first lady said...

I luv d 3rd,5th,6th and 7th pictures..uche Jumbo my luv *BBM love Struck*

Anonymous said...

Uche dear U̶̲̥̅̊ are alwayz on point. Wait a minute! Am I d only one that sees d striking semblance btw mummy Joke silver n Uche Jumbo?

Oluwatiana said...

Luv the pic wit the black peplon gown. She is looking wow wit d make up.

Brendy said...

hmmmm i wld pick the black for an occasion, its NICE if you put on the right bra. others r quite regular.

Anonymous said...

the 3rd red dress rocks best

Roselle said...

I like the first outfit and the pink gown. She sure looks fab.love her,she looks like my sister of life.

Anonymous said...

All lovely love d fact dat she doesn't expose her self

Anonymous said...

Me likey all except d forth one. Peace out

Anonymous said...

beautiful uche... 1st to comment!!

Anonymous said...

She loves pink a lot but all dis outfit r all on point..

rosey said...

Uche is really really lukin sweet kip it on sweethrt much luv........luv ya

Anonymous said...

I think she shld try other colors ...

Anonymous said...

So loving all esp. D pink dress she killed it ist 2 comment linda If u like no post am

Anonymous said...

Abeg this lady did a nose job.

Mzz_Mary said...

I luv all of dem nd I want all of dem

rosey said...

Uche is really really lukin sweet kip it on sweethrt much luv........luv ya linda post my comment oooooo first 2 comment#wink#

adobi said...

The red gown with black blazers.

Gbabe said...

I love all her pictures. Especially the black blazer, lovely.

hawkta hercules said...

d middle/sec one of course

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The one in pink is ma fav,u luk cute gurl......me likey.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What's up with the shirts nd gowns?.... Nice outfit though.. Not really into skirts nd gowns. Trousers all the way *CHIZZY*

Anonymous said...

really nice and classy

Unknown said...

Money gOoOOOOOod

Anonymous said...

Waw!..aunt lıly am sorwıe ahm nhad gonna stıck 2dah rules of 'whıch'..Honestly,ı ĿƱ√ all,she lookz good ın all.Ollof dah outfıts complıment ha body sıze..Hawt! #Mz_NenyeH

diamondblinqz said...

D very first pix daz ma fav.

Remmy said...

all are niiiice

best comments eva said...

linda e bi like say dis girl touch her face, she's looking too beautiful. let me hope its marriage. good one Uche

ZeeZee said...

she sure does love red

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Thought she was in the United States with her husband.

Anonymous said...

Black is always beautiful, nthing beats d second outfit for me dat looks hot

Anonymous said...

she has d yammiest legs in nollywood u knw

Anonymous said...

Love all of em...simple elegant n mature

Anonymous said...

Love all of em...simple elegant n mature

Anonymous said...

Hmmm I wil go and get my own nose job done*wink*

Anonymous said...

Outfit in 1st pic

Aderonke said...

Lovley! 2nd pic peplum black top and skirt, then, 6th pic fuchsia pink gown! I love loveee ds 2 gown, simple and chic. Way to go Uche.

nikky said...

Pixes 4, 6 n 7! I luv dem!

Anonymous said...

She's looking so sweet. Is so obvious she's happy.

Unknown said...

The pink outfit looks fab

Anonymous said...

Ȋ̝̊̅ love Ð 5th outfit.

PrettyBabe said...

She looks pretty in all..buh I think pics number 3 is my Fav look. And I love her figure,looks like she lost some stones

Unknown said...

Sexy she is.....I love all.

Koolchica said...

Nice pics.... Looking lovely Uche.Love the 1st three pics & the clothes.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The furcia gown

Anonymous said...

I love d first pix, red and black

Anonymous said...

Love d 2nd to d last pics....nice.

Anonymous said...

All i see is lot of Pink, Red and Black.... Jus normal, Random Looks. Okay!

Unknown said...

Lovely.......I luv u uche muah

udblacky said...

She looked stunning in all but I luv the black attire.

Unknown said...

Lovely.......I luv u uche muah

Unknown said...

Lovely.......I luv u uche muah

Unknown said...

Lovely.......I luv u uche muah

Anonymous said...

Love all her outfits, she's beautiful!!

Olufunmi said...

Beautifully covered! Thats my kinda lady......muaaaaahhh. she rocked them well, dont have a fav cos she rocksssssssssss!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

First and last... effortless chic.

Anonymous said...

Can,t even choose, she looks responsible and charming.

fabjoy said...

Hmmm pretty cool...mee likey.nd I luv her new facial looks.if u've gat d money, spend Iit on dose things dat makes u happy.

Anonymous said...

Uche u r looking pretty I love ur clothes

Anonymous said...

Is it me or are most of he clothes AX Paris? Well I knw cos I haff dem, cute tho. Coco

Anonymous said...

Uche u rock!! D reds go for me... Esp d blazer outfit

Anonymous said...

The red gown is hot think i prefer that

nice one uche

Anonymous said...

The Red corporate gown!

Olufunmi said...

Way to go Uche! show them pretty celebs that they can be covered up and sexy......much luv

Anonymous said...

All! Bur her yam leg too show!

Anonymous said...

The first and last look are my best

Anonymous said...

I go for the last pix *nice*

Double Vee said...

D 4th pic...me like d dress!

Anonymous said...

My fave is d fuchsia dress she was wearin on d stairs , she looked oh so classy.

OMG!WOMAN said...

O my! She looks amazing on the two pink gowns, those are my favourites, thot you said she relocated for a while, she's kind off more here than there o!

Anonymous said...

This babe deff had surgery done. She looks better than before tho

JOYCHY said...

Pic one did it for me......She looks so gorgeous & comfortable

Helguera said...

Linda this no look like Uche Jumbo.U sure say u no make mistake with the name so.check am well well.Oyah 1st to comment so give me price.

Slimy said...

I'll go wit just d 1st one

Anonymous said...

shes doing too much to impress she needs to lose some weight her laps is just too big.

Anonymous said...

Me likey..sexy

Anonymous said...

Dress no 6.

Aphrodite said...

This her New Nose though......

kerho said...

I luv d 2nd to last one...d purple 1 plus ha smile,lightens d dressing..

JOYCHY said...

D 2nd pic is a No no, dat shoe ain't it at all, 4th pics just dere
D 5th pic look like say na choir practice she dey go.lol
D rest are cool

Anonymous said...

D pink outfits r lovely.

Anonymous said...

The first pink outfit becomes her. ***sweet***

Billy Franca said...

awww! Love da 3rd n 6th dress... Simple, classic n chic! Go mrs R.

Anonymous said...

the first and sixth pix

Anonymous said...

nice outfits..........love u

Unknown said...

pretty woman,pretty wardrobe...not the sorts of rag some bitches wear to show case their milk industry to the enter world.

Anonymous said...

Love love d red gown wt d blazer,she looked chiq in both pink gowns and d black peplum 2 but best look was d Red gown,hot mama...Stephy says so!

Anonymous said...

I luv dem all bt d 4th,5th n 6th are 2 die 4 plus linda post my comment oo

Anonymous said...

Looks like tonto in de second pic

Annie said...

I prefare d dress she wore in d 2nd to the last pix

Unknown said...

Cheap wears!
pretty tho!

Anonymous said...

Aunty Linda waz ur criteria 4 posting a comment? Cos mine is nowhere to be found yet. The first pink dress is becoming of her

Anonymous said...

She rocks! She looks real elegant in the pink dress

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Madam Ucherod has really come a long way. I'm really proud of her. Her hustle has finally paid off.

Unknown said...

pretty woman,pretty
wardrobe...not the sort
of rag some bitches wear
to show case their milk
industry to the entire

Unknown said...

Wow.... I Love all her outfit in the pics!

sweetness said...

Awww now she's stepping up her game...it new stylist is working. Muahhhhh

9ja horniest said...

Yes u r d only one

jaybeyblu said...

Only one I'm not keen on is d red jumpsuit. Maybe it's d pic, but she looks short in it. Aside that, tres fabulosoooo!

Anonymous said...

Hope MJ is learning?

Rough Diamond said...

Love d red dress! Lovely

Rough Diamond said...

Pele o!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday dear, dnt worry God remembers u n maybe ur friend don't know that today is ur bd.

Anonymous said...

None! They're all basic!

Anonymous said...

Ma name s Eve,n am wishin u a belated buffday longlyf n prosperity plus divine health,favour n protection

creamysugar said...

Happy birthday dear!
I wish u llnp

Anonymous said...

love her but she's way too paid to be rocking all those cheap looking hairstyles she always has on...

Anonymous said...

I'm sure ur wardrobe allowance alone ain't up 2 hers nt 2 talk of ur dress. HATER OSHI...smfh

Lilian chinomso said...

nix pix......

Anonymous said...

HBD! U̶̲̥̅̊ re not lonely...U̶̲̥̅̊ have Christ! Cheer up ko.

bcee said...

Happy bday dear, u did d right thing to remind ppl cos everyone has their problems, not felicitating with u isn't intentional, pele. Celebrate ur self, today na ur day.......cheers!

Anonymous said...

Linda, I know these were not Ur expected comments... #surgerytinz

Anonymous said...

I love d pink dress nd d silver necklace tho she looks gud in all

Anonymous said...

Hmm hmm hmm uche wat did u do to ur face...facial lipo? Or wat..buh a surgery took place sha...she's looking goog,good effort,


Anonymous said...

Lmao!! Could'nt help laughing

Anonymous said...

This girl types with her senses in her keypads! She must be 17

sdk's first lady said...

No ur nt d only 1

joy said...

Nice one uche buh y d nose job? It doesn't suit u #myopinion#

omoazu said...

Wow... Dis is awesome

Anonymous said...

All beautiful but I wil go for d pink dress.

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