17 Knights of White Supremacist Organization, the Ku Klux Klan, held a rally on the second floor of a City Hall in Ann Arbor, Michigan on June 22, 1996, fully clothed in hate robes. And just outside in the street were 300 angry anti-KKK protesters who wanted the KKK to know they weren’t welcome. In the midst of the protestors, majority black, someone spotted a middle-aged white man wearing a Confederate t-shirt. Through his clothes and “SS” tattoo, it appeared that he was a white supremacist though he was not a member of the Klan. Once his presence was made known, the angry protesters chased him down and began to beat him in the streets, with one yelling “Kill the Nazi”.
Among those protesters was an 18 year old high school girl named Keshia Thomas. That’s when things went from violent to a kind of heroism that will give you goosebumps. Continue
While there were policeman with gas masks and riot gear protecting the Klansman who wore full garb on the other side of the fence, there was no one protecting the man who chose to stand on the same side as the protestors to observe, while he wore a symbol that represented racism on his shirt.
The man is seen running from the protesters in this gripping photo. Just over his shoulder in the USA shirt is Keshia Thomas.
The mob caught up with him, surrounded him, and proceeded to kick him and beat him.
That’s when Keshia had enough.
She covered his body with her own, screaming for the mob to stop beating him...
They listened and, in tears, she held the racist man in her arms. The man that hated her for the colour of her skin, and nothing else.
This is the photo that the whole world was talking about in 1996. And we should be talking about it today too. Keshia’s actions are inspiring.
Days after this took place, when asked about her actions, Keshia said, “I knew what it was like to be hurt. The many times that that happened, I wish someone would have stood up for me. Nobody deserves to be hurt, especially not for an idea.”
Keshia never heard from the man after that day, but she said months later, someone walked up to her in a coffee shop and said thanks. When she asked why, he said the man she saved was his father.
Everyone needs to be a little more like Keshia. Please share this story with others.
Source: BBC.co.uk
wow touching story....am i d 1st to comment??
what a touching story.
thats inspiring, very inspiring
Kindness pays. If you are wicked continue to be wicked, one day you will reap from your wickedness, if you don't your children or grand children sure will.
Lets make this world a better place by behaving like keshia, the story is so touchingðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜be ur brother's keeper
Wow! Inspiring.
goose bumps, chilling story. imagine the guilt this man would live with for the rest of his life, imagine the sense of victory, of accomplishment keisha would live with for the rest of her life. the same red blood runs through our veins. thanks linda for this post
How does this story affect the nigerian society? It's not like we have racism in nigeria. Do we?
woooooooow! I'm so impressed.
Good samaritanianism doesn't get any better than this.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Very very inspiring,but u knw if someone tried dat during d Aluu saga,dat person wld have paid wt his/her life....Those Aluu people were barbarians,these Americans were quite civil.Howeva,someone cld av still done sth to save d Aluu 4 victims.May der souls RIP. Timville
*goose bumps*This is so inspiring!!!Wish same could happen here.If u dare interfer,U"ll be lynched together wt d false suspects.@ least I've learnt frm such display of courage in the face of adversity.
Let's make this world a better place by being our brother's keeper. What a touching storyðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
*goose bumps*This is so inspiring!!!Wish same could happen here.If u dare interfer,U"ll be lynched together wt d false suspects.@ least I've learnt frm such display of courage in the face of adversity.
The stupid man could not even say thank you after that.. mtchew!
Now, that's inspiring. I never read stories like these on this blog...
This is the 1st time ever I'm goin to comment on this blog..
Linda; I wish we could b this courageous in naija.. Too Much hate...way too much in this side of town..
People with different colours tend to be there for each other while we of the same colour, never agree...what a shame!
please tell KONGA to use REAL WOMEN for their ads; these girls wearing their straight pants and harem are awful!
truly inspiring
Am crying....I wish I could have safe the Aluu4...Wait, will Nigerians stop beating the person if you make an attempt to stop them or they will just kill both of them. I fear o
Dat's so courageous of d young dudette(Keshia)
She must be a heroine.Am so inspired and gettin more inspirations
A True definition of heroism, but in Nigeria people are always afraid of what people will think of them when they take such actions instead of reminiscing on how clear their conscience will be. Well Change is inevitable, we'll get there someday.
Random thought but that guy helping her up kinda looks like Lamar Odom tho.
Reading it my head keep swelling like ghost dey pass! Harrrrrrrr: I always ask my self if I happn to be in a scene like dis wat will be my reaction, will I follow and beat d victime or I will be emotional nd cry nd plead 4 mercy! Even d Aluu 4, I went to skul dat dat, I was @ d CRAB wen my course mates were talking abt we lossing one of our own........ Wit d reason dey gave I laffed nd leta regreted my laffing wen I watched d video to see d much painful death dey had. Lord have mercy on me!
Yes I really wish, we could all be a little bit like keisha. The hatred, and disregard for life, especially in Nigeria is apalling. GOD SAVE US ALL
goose bumps wan kill me for here ooo...very inspiring story, but naija u knw say petrol an matches no hard to get, you know what i mean.
Linda sweedy...no be 4nigeria oooo...try am here they go kill you join
very inspiring story.
Yes,so touchy
A mind touching story...linda, you're amazing for posting this kinda long time story. I wish someone people can be like keshia...:(
This is a story of love and heroism. She needs to celebrated in an even bigger way. #stopTheHate
Touching story... The issue is the courage to do something like that
this brought tears to my eyes it just shows despite the odds some ppl actually do have a heart a racist saved by the person he has hated because of the colour of their skin he owes his life that day to her.
It is good to be good!
if someone had tried to stop d Aluu4 killers, trust me dat person wuld ave been burnt just like them. I've seen dis happen b4*
had this ever happened in Nigeria, the person plus the rescue will be killed.
I still detest whites though.
They walk freely everywhere in Africa without the fear of being hurt.
Go to Russia and try the same.
Heroic but extremely stupid. I wouldn't advice anybody to try this in Nigeria. We aren't as civilized or receptive of one another as the westerners are. I read somewhere that the sister of one of the Aluu victim pleaded for his life, but was threatened with death if she interfered. That's the gist of it. A country where police will sit down and watch a crowd lynch people guilty or not, why would I advice any sane human being to throw their selves in the path of an angry mob, determined to take out the frustration of the world on someone else?!!!
Im blown away!!
Very very touching!!!
yea gr8 heroism. but cme to think of It Africans are more barbaric than this dudes n anybody who would HV even dared to perform such act of heroism at aluu4 would hv been a goner. n am not talking about arsenal fc ooo
Now that's a true heroine
Inspiring,i could have done same and wish ε̲̣̣̣̥vε̲̣̣̣̥rγ̲̣̣̥one can. Nobody deserves to be hurt please.
-Blunt Ibo boy-
Inspiring,i could have done same and wish ε̲̣̣̣̥vε̲̣̣̣̥rγ̲̣̣̥one can. Nobody deserves to be hurt please.
-Blunt Ibo boy-
Inspiring indeed! i could have done same and wish everyone can. Nobody deserves to be hurt please.
-Blunt Ibo boy-
Oh! So touching...#grabs handkerchief and wipes away tears#
Such a wonderful tale. Good job Keisha!
Mtcheeew! I just love black Americans they act razz on d outside buh vry soft on d inside...Touchy Touchy #didi
Igbos are the ones promoting Hate/tribalism in this country. Always against the Yorubas and supporting their own. Stopping Hate/tribalism should start from the igbos, they need to change their mindsets.
U are just a retard... Its cos of pple like u dat nigeria isn't moving forward. Can't u understand d message being passed across??? Let me help u ... Simply mean u don't have to reward evil with evil. Cos it doesn't make u any better dan d "monster" u think ur destroying!
wow. .. so inspiring keisha is a bold woman!
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Eh yah so touching is good to be good. No matter what why must u take life when u cant give life.
But nobody stopped the ruthless killing of ALUU4 and BADAGRY2....WELL DONE kEISHA!
Very courageous of her but if u ask me, Its not a wise thing to do in this part of the world except the person has a death wish
Very courageous of her but if u ask me, Its not a wise thing to do in this part of the world except the person has a death wish
Stupid question. Did you read d story from the begining.
..this what makes LInda Ikeji different from most Nigerian BLOGGERS! CONTENT!! VERY INSPIRING
really touching and inspiring...but will the Nigerian mobs listen when such a voice speaks out???
thats the koko of this matter
Pls don't try it in Nigeria or u will die with the man, run to the nearest police station and make a report let the police come and save the day. Mob action for nija na die!
Nigerians nd bad attitude...such touching story,nd all u could do is to sigh.
Very touching story
brought tears to my eyes...
Any form of discrimination is the point of this.whether color,religion,age,gender.
Wow *head swelling* the world will be a better place,if we have the an ounce of courage and kindness like kesha
Its called selfishness.at the time Keisha wasn't thinking about her own safety.because truth is,she might have been mobbed with the man.the average Nigerian isn't selfless.and therein lies our problem.
The thank you shouldn't be your objective to do good.if that is all you took from this story,then you didn't understand its significance
Samuel,nothing states that the courage,love,good and all things positive can't start from you.you could be Keisha.
Someday can start today
The world wud be a better place, if every reasoned this way.
Hian...wetin connect igbo tribe 2 dis N̶̲̥̅̊a̷̷̴Ñ’ ds clueless yoruba.jealousy no go kill una oh...Saboteurs!
There is tribalism in nigeria, its no better than racism, in a way its worse than racism
What an amazing Human being Keisha is.. One you repay evil for evil, then you are just as bad as the evil person. God bless her
Faith in Humanity Restored!
You are quite the ignorant,retarded inconsequential,really stupid and dumb fool huh? pple like u live life without an impact..sorry 4 u
Oh well nice read, i wonder how many of us read the story to the end.. Lin you should post more of this often. Cheers
Help a Nazi..God forbid!!
@3.30pm are you kidding me , where did hatred / tribalism originate from in this country? Is it not from the Yorubas - terribly tribalistc set of people with deep-rooted hatred for the Igbos, have you forgotten cross-carpeting etc, in any discussion if they have not mentioned omo Igbo, they have not started, if there is one tribe that make the Yorubas feel unsettled, it is the Igbos and they equally hate the south south the same way but always feel threatened by the confidence of the Igbos, for your info am not Igbo.
Am inspired, but can this be achieved in naija?
So sweet of her..
Linda more posts like this please' inspiring and educative
i think Bonario Nnags has become boring....sob sob sob
And truth be told!
How will the son view blacks now?
The best way to convert is by example.
Too often have we yielded to the temptation of paying evil with evil and God is laughing
They are protesting against a hate group,suddenly they see a hater in their midst and decide to unleash pure hatred on him!
How ironic
As for anon 2:16......
I'm with ou on this!these konga gals in harem pants are worse than assless.
I'm sure they know the manager, to get the contract to model or maybe it's oga Konga's sister herself(trying to save money)
Amazing story.... So inspiring, wish the world will be more like her
Lol..but you know Nigerians behave like animals now..
It's a pity people still don't understand why God asked Noah to build the Ark!
We all should be building Arks today
Pls wia is prince charming? Anyone dats knws him shud help me tell him dat someone is missing his GRAMMAR
Jungle Judges take NOTE
Where the tissues at?
Some Yoruba are just filled with much hatred & bitterness for other ppl. They detest to see other ppl mk progress. They rarely appreciate d good in other ppl who are better than them. They are experts at noise-making while entrenching inequality & injustice in dis geographical expression. They are just very selfish, greedy, arrogant, lazy and wicked. These subjugated & insincere ppl love to point accusing fingers at d Igbos with a view to deflecting their misery & slavery just to feel good.
Why do Yorubas tend to reduce every matter of discourse to tribalism? Why is Yoruba tribe so tribalistic, arrogant & full of bitterness against other tribes? Why do Yorubas find it hard to appreciate & support other ppl? Let's go down memory lane...
During d independence period while a nationalist like Zik was busy championing the cause of one Nigeria even to d disadvantage of his Igbo tribe, bigotic Awolowo and his partners sowed d seed of tribalism, promoting anything that wd only favour their ppl to d detriment of others. Awo was too greedy & ambitious for power for himself in particular and for the advancement of his Yoruba people in general. D tribalistic Awo was the man who prevented an Igbo man who was duly elected from leading the Western House of Assembly in the famous ‘carpet crossing’ incident of 1952.
The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Lagos was forced to leave. So was the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ibadan. Because they were Igbo.
Remember, Akintola vs Awo's operation wetie that led to d carnage in Lagos & d West, where political opponents were burnt alive along with their homes. Yoruba kick-started the political troubles in Nigeria that culminated into the civil war. By the time d crisis unfolded, they turned around to become the staunchest allies of the north and became the most implacable practitioners of "civil war".
Yoruba revel in corruption and anarchy and can't do without it. A tribe filled with professors & lawyers, who are specialists at lies & twisting of events to suit their selfish ends. They turn blind eyes to d numerous looting of d treasury perpetrated/being perpetrated by their kith & kin. They live as parasites on other ppl, reaping where they do not sow and still hv d audacity to cry foul.
It is on record that the Yoruba are the undisputed champion of tribalism, nepotism and favouritism. Yet no matter how hard Yoruba & with their co-travellers try to cover her up and silence her, truth is stubborn and she cannot be drowned.
What a touching story, tears.....
Bonario is now born again! *shocked look*
Wow I actually had goosebumps bt e ₪☺ D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ happen 4 9ja dem go kill †Ñ’ξ girl join
To Anonymous NOV 5, 2013 at 8:37.
You should ask yourself why an IGBO MAN WANTED to be premier of Western region if not for GREED and an attempt to dominate the YORUBAS.
So, the Yorubas are in Nigeria to be 2nd class citizen where they cannot even provide a premier out of themselves to lead themselves. Right? You must have not remembered to take your medications to treat your GRANDIOSE DELUSION. Grandiosity runs in your genes.
Why don't people like you sit down in your own region and develop it? Why travel to another person region and all you want to do there is make attempt to control those people. You should ask yourself all these questions and you will surely see the causes of all these problems.The same question Fashola asked, just some weeks back.
You did the same to the Northerners and they ended up kicking your ass at the end of the day.. Why come to Yoruba land and all you want to do is to become leaders of Yoruba when you are not Yoruba.
You filled all your universities with igbo VCs and you were in western region making attempt to fill Western region with IGBO VCs. Does that make any sense to any one? And you expect the Yorubas to take that nonsense. So in your own dreams, Yorubas SHOULD NOT be VCs in their own universities while IGBOS are VCs in all Igbo universities.
All the nonsense you wrote shows your level of ignorance.
Pa Awolowo remain the greatest leader ever produced by the YORUBAS.
You are anonymous because you know that what you have written above showed nothing but CONTEMPT towards the Yorubas, so you should remain forever anonymous.
The first notable party to be formed in Nigeria (NCNC) was formed by a Yoruba man named Herbert Macauley. A pioneering leader in Nigeria who established the first notable press in Nigeria which he used to fight the colonial government to a standstill.
An Igbo man was his deputy.
Immediately after the death of Macauley while campaigning in the North, the deputy was made the head by all the party members including all the Yoruba Zonal leaders in NCNC.
That deputy was Azikwe( an Igbo man).
Azikwe then started making serious attempts to IGBONIZE the party and even gone to the extent of making TRIBAL COMMENTS on the floor of the house of assembly that "IGBOS ARE DESTINED BY THEIR GODS TO DOMINATE ALL NIGERIANS".
This was where tribalism started from in Nigeria. This lead to Pa Awolowo making the BEST decision out of his ENTIRE political life by instigating the carpet crossing.
We, the Yorubas will for ever be grateful to Pa Awolowo for making that tactical decision.
For your information, the carpet crossing was done to preserve the Yoruba nation. It is also in history as one of the best decision ever made to preserve the authority of Yorubas over their ancestral land.
We YORUBAS are accommodating people but we are not fools. We are progressives in nature. We believe and will fight any day, any where for fairness, equity and justice for ourselves and for anyone.
When we fight, we fight with our brains unlike people who fight with their hands and also expect enemy combatant to be feeding them.
There is no war you cannot win when you fight with your brain rather than using your bare hands as stated by Pa Awolowo.
You should Continue to display contempt towards the YORUBAS, the future will definitely be the deciding factor.
This is my candid advice for you.
What rubbish are you saying? I think you're commenting on the wrong post *rme*
@8.28 pm spot on, you have it all, truth is bitter those people! they practice tribalism like an art.
@oluwa Damilola 9:42pm.........when am article like dz is publish,it calls for everyone to have a moment of reflex not to battle with words....Nigeria as a whole ve Issues worse than racism e.g tribalism is a chronic syndrome in Nigeria,though we are black n fair but we hate ourself like serpent to man.....imagine ur comment"but U know Nigerians behave like animal"i thank God U use plural that means ur home is included.......Nigeria unity n Africans in general......
Am so surprise that instead of U guys to examine urself&state of mind,putting an end to violence in Nigeria,stop people from taking laws into their hands...if someone stood out on that day maybe the ALUU 4 would be alive today....instead we mourn everyday for their soul that was taken untimely...stop dz talk n talk take action instead of tribal war on blog,we know U speak good English&good in keeping record....keeping all this to urself......thats not what we need today....we ve been speaking English for long,we are still were we re....park ur English & grammar somewhere cuz we are not in d classroom....its time for Action...if Nigeria will change it takes U & I. Cheers
Hmm I must say dis is d best iv read frm Æ”☺ΰ linda keep it up
Something similar happened last week in my area. A man was been mobbed for stealing an ordinary phone, my sister dat was lying in bed sick, heard d noise and went out only to see what they were doing, they had already torn his clothes, d guy was naked and bleeding but they didn't stop. My sister with her tiny weak voice, shouted at them to take him to d police station nearby instead of beating him but one of them said "who be this woman wey dey talk, abeg shut up there". She got angry and asked dem "can u swear that none of u here have never stolen before?" Dats wen dey kept quiet and pretended like dey were goin to d police station. But my sister wasn't done, she went into d house, dress properly and followed dem, instead of police staion, they took him to a field, I don't know what for but by the time she found dem, he was almost dead, she entered d middle and told dem to touch him one more time if dey dare. Kai! That girl got me scared dat day, me I quickly went to call police before they do anything to my sister. She just kept making reference to d Aluu 4 incident. Its mind-boggling how a human would kill a human without batting an eyelid. God help us!
Hmm I must say dis is d best iv read frm Æ”☺ΰ linda keep it up
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