Here's a few things you probably didn't know about her. She got married at 21, had a son at 22, and got divorced at 23. She came to Nigeria at 27 to pioneer cosmetic surgery & body enhancement. She turned 40 just last month...and still looks like a vixen. Stunning woman! See more pics after the cut...

nawaaa ooooo
So dis old woman is still looking dis young. I was only 12 when I watched and interview where she said she was 37yrs and 10yrs after she's still like dis. Oga ooo
She looks like a freak show. She would have looked better without all the surgery done to her face. Nothing compares to aging gracefully
She looks sexy...love her like Kilode
40! double wow..she stil got it buh she shld cut it dwn a lil bit wif d bleaching cream..she done reach ghost mode o wotz dat!evn if nah half cast
Seriously,Nigerian kim kardashian,#funny#
D 2nd pic she dey prison ni,oooooo isorait,she fine sha but na okumpi woman
Her eye brows look ridiculous tho,u can tell dat she hs surgically enhanced herself.
Omaricha nwa
No Comment!
Hey! C beautyyyyy..........
Cool. Happy for her. Everybody with their own hustle.
Hate light skin ladies sorry de blacker de better
she's a make-your-body-perfect person, i don't expect her to look anything different from this
Linda do u mind if i want is contact or email or address of his work
Pls text it to me
plzzz, she looks weird! kinda looks like she has done a lip job.
What was she thinking of getting married at an early age. Wow, biko post my comment o
Choi dis girl white sha, aunty Linda Abeg help me ask her which cream she dei use cos me go like be like her lol
She is a funny woman o...she has abandoned her only child in benin under the watch of Omosede Igbinedion and is posing round nigeria.
MILF alert! I repeat, MILF! Hola back if u get the code. #MILF
yellow fever... babanla nonsense....
Linda so tell me abeg she send you this picture for what?? Mtshewew
if she is 40, i was born 10 minutes ago. this plastic surgery junkie saw 40 ten years ago.
Plastic surgery don scatter dis woman skeleton, her nose has bin corrected more times than micheal jacksons,and I dnt kno what's curvier her eyebrows or the eclipse dats supposedly hit naija
She's nt bad for her age,but this her colour though can it be natural
Wowwww ds woman tho,ever beautiful.
Probably am d 1st yiiiipppeeeee,I luv dis woman wen I was growing up,d feeling is not der anymore,her body is telling of to many surgery.hmmmmmmm dn't like it @ all biko*MBOK*but still like her thou
gorgeous....got no problem wit plastic surgery. but am dope.hot d way I am
.. #donthate *ONYX GODWIN*
Gosh!!! She looks like a goddess whoa! #FiNEWiNe
Gosh!!! She looks like a goddess whoa! #FiNEWiNe
Nope, I used to think she was pretty....bt she's far from it, imagine her as a dark skinned person
She is drop dead gorgeous
40...., OMG!, she can pass for 18. She is so on point
Methinks this woman is 50! claiming 40 so that we can say her procedures are worth it! Haba! 14 years ago, she looked at least 35 o! Those days when Ovation was still a new mag and her face and business were a regular feature! Abeg na! All the same, she looks lovely... I'd tone down the pout though
Wow she looks 20s,wen me dey look like dis ,na wa ooo,moni good,poverty na disese ooo.
ojuju calabar
Okay gud 4 her
Lip enhancement, veri glaring
She kinda remind me of Dencia, but she's waaaaayy too light for my liking. She's beautiful tho
Beauty is fleeting and its certainly not everythin so all i will say is "This too shall pass"!!!!!
She is such a lovely lady,so much prettier in person and her son is a darling!
Am a barbie girl and in a barbie world... LIfe in plastic is fantastiC.. You can brush my hair....* my song says it all. She has a soggy face @ 40. Plzzzz Linda gimme a break. Vixen, too much sugery, over bleached skin, micheal jackson nose job = PLASTIC. She looks horrid. Let's face facts joor.
I love her so much,at 40 still stunning
She looks stunning at 40. WOW
Ok she's cute ... Really cute but seriously y r u telln us Linda . What r we supposed to use this information to do? ... I'm not interested I don't even know her
She is preetwy buh its likely d handiwork of cosmetic surgery. So I will hv to test it b4 I go 4 it .
I have that black nd white shirt she is wearing.....
Modupe you are gorgeous, you did not have to inject your lips with fillers.
Lindin! Hmmmm dis woman is tooooo artificial,she looks like all dis set of dolls ,hanhan!
She's cute.... But not interested. What am I supposed to do with this info?
U didnt tell us hw many reconstructive surgery shes done.
Okay we go marry her now...
Alora sea Lord.. All protocols duely and whelemly observed....
We go turn her to queen ship.......
In one word.... "PRETTY".....
she probably went through the knife thats why she looks like this. my two cents though
she probably went through the knife thats why she looks like this. my two cents though
Her eyebrows in the last pic tho! She's beautiful sha!
she probably went through the knife thats why she's looking like this.my two cents though
Its her job to be stunning.how else can she be the best advert for her trade.the same way your posts (gossip etc) is yours.
First to comment she looks like micheal in his last days
Wel I'm nt suprised by her young looks, she obviousli livin ha career to the fullest......
Linda she attended APATA MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL.She is fine and my!dat skin is washed.
I have always loved, still love and will always love this lady... She is really gorgeous. Linda, abeg link us up or give me her twitter handle, email or smthng. I'm just crazy about her.
Y she no go look young wen she wan use plastic surgery finish herself mtchewww
D last pix....dats wat jezebel looks like
D last pix....dats wat jezebel looks like
Seriaz bleaching things #notinterested ~Ugo
ooo i love this girl because the have cover their self pls keep is up very wonderful picture
Has she done her lips?
She is a bundle of beauty...
Whoever did her makeup need better flogging, what is dis? Why did she allow dem use dis pics, this is not d Modupe Ozolua of 2001, horrible pics, she looks like a drag queen... I don talk my own. Tafia from New York.
Dang! She looks like a toy! Nope a mannequin!
Btw I like her boobs #no homo! Pls advice on boobs enlargement! Serious pls!!
I love this woman, Bold and Confident ;)
She bleached till she turned white. Who would guess she is Nigerian!
Lols....her story almost lyk Solomon grandy's own....#balu
Wow! So she's 40? I never knew sha and she doesn't look 40.
She doesn't look her age.
Oh I forgot...body enhancer CEO.
Does suit her well I must say....
Gud @ 40
Lol @ got married at 21, had a son at 22, and got divorced at 23. Wat a story! Shez done well for hersef. Good for her
Nice body.
Gosh!she's so white!
I love this woman. *in jenifa's voice* my rolls modeh
Hain! D last picture tho dat line close to her eyes! #okbye
Cancer of the skin is dangerous
Hmm dat means u hav no fair person in ur lineage....black monkey.
So modupe has turn 40, Hmmm indeed, I berra run back to my mother's womb.
With the last pic, her face resemble pure cartoon. Hope she don hook up or she still dey practice career woman.
She's cool
Wat is this 1 saying?
The devil better go back where she's coming from. She better state all the modifications she's had to her body. Women please don't fall for this nonsense.
Bitch she jst turned 40 last month, u couldn't hv been 12 wen u watched d interview, u were 5. Nd @ dt age u cud only understand cartoons
2 words....good genes , surgeries....but she is really pretty....her eyebrows look ridiculous *rme*
she looks like a witch In the last picture .
Come o!!! U dey read well so? She just turned 40 last month, so she was 37yrs 3yrs ago not 10yrs ago, u hear???
I totally agree with u o! She has done so much surgery she looks like a Barbie doll, all stiff like. Her pics before she startd all her surgeries, she was a 32a cup size n looked really pretty. Now she's had every part of her face done, tummy tuck n everything.
She looks good in pics, but see her life, she is very plastic
She is forty!! She isn't lying about her age cos I know her n she is 3yrs older than me. She might be a plastic surgery junkie but her age dey correct.
my gosh! dis woman don bleach soteeeey she wan disappear...abeg take am ez with d bleaching
Linda, please tell them she's not bleaching!!! How ignorant can we be??? She has BRITISH MOTHER!!! Those castigating her, do you expect her to be as black as you are with a british mum?
Agadi ekwe nka.
They said she's 40 not 50 o, do ur maths well.
U guys too beef, hanhan!!! Abeg leave d woman alone. Even if she's 50 claiming 40, wetin concern una? She's looking fabulous despite her age. Im sure most of u r not half as pretty as she is. Im sure if u all cld afford plastic surgery u wld hav changed 1 or 2 things abt ur body.
Modupe u're a beautiful and classy woman abeg
Those are scrubs!! You welcome!
Wow! She's 'plastically' hot.
Is it just me or is her hair natural?
She's a doctor, so that's a doctor's smock she's wearing...not prison uniform!
She's a doctor, so that's a doctor's smock she's wearing...not prison uniform
Guys common!So u guys can tell that she's a cast?kai!na wa o..pplp will just come to blogs and be running their mouths!u can't see something good and appreciate!Someone I s naturally light you pplp r thr saying she bleached!Just bcosshe does cosmetic surgeries..anyways na una cup of tea!
She's an half cast ...
Yeah! I ve seen her jogging several times along games village/prince & princess estate in Abuja. She looks 'way' younger that this in real life. *Ada nnewi*
Y'all saying she bleached,get ur fact right! she's an half cast! I can't forget her first TV interview even pics of when she was a baby and a toddler were shown
I think she looks good in the pictures, never seen her up close and personal. We all enhance ourselves, everyday. Makeup, push-up bras, body magic. I have seen some ladies with so much makeup on they put drag queens to shame. I know if surgery was within the reach of budget purse economy , most nigerian women would do it. I didn't like the last picture that's just drag queen.
She's a doctor, so that's a doctor's smock she's wearing...not prison uniform
May ur B neva C within ur V
lols...I get d code. Hehe
How won't she look like one (vixen)...wen all the photos hav been photoshoped...hapi for her tho
This babe still dey? years ago she was at every event and pictured. Haven't seen or heard about her in a long while
This last picture screams WHORE!!! beautiful wooman all the same, banging body love it.
Anonymous said...
So dis old woman is still looking dis young. I was only 12 when I watched and interview where she said she was 37yrs and 10yrs after she's still like dis. Oga ooo
November 7, 2013 at 8:56 PM
pls stop saying nonsense u don't know her she is a woman with good heart.Love u Modupe keep going God will continue 2 lead u HBD
No sugery on her face Odeh!!! Only breast transplant
Nigerians re hateful and bitter omg... She is mixed race and they say she is too light or bleaching. Cos she does cosmestic surgery doesn't mean she has operated on herself. Appreciate so u can be appreciated ......
Plastic Girl abi na plastic woman >>> Isorai
A.S.L, if u no be illegini,no trebor chop for lobbish arena which, it is lagging tantamous to serious oiling...be warned and live long..
is she going 4 hallowing, nevertheless she is a beauty
How you take knw amebo!
U dunce what if the girl is 15 .is it onlyold uunmarried whores like you that check Linda . Sandra
The truth wen dey dere be say, all this things wen she don do for her body get Down side...so mk she ready
@Anonymous 9.21PM, so you are 10years old abi?...You no suppose dey visit this blog... come on Sharrrrap there. U people can beef... e dey pain u? she looks good whether 40 or 50.
doctor my toe... her mother and father are both dark skinned... go figure
Mumu u no fit afford am
she left no part undone mind u... She looks like a witch. **GIFT**
Dear modupe,
U are really beautiful,and,I know by now dat u are aware dat u have more frenemies dat hate ur personality cos they can't be like u.just Know dat u're d kind of woman I always desire.
Sugar mummy needed...call this number 0809bigpreek
first time here though been reading the blogs here....
Anon 8.59, u re d ode no 1. Greatest fool of the century. Now, I didn't just insult u but told u what u re. If u followed her interview wen she first came to naija with her body enhancement magana, she said in ovation magazine that she's done her lips n nose n will go for her brows in d nearest future. And since, she fone more surgeries. Cow!!!!
Renew modupe ni ko. This is the problem with Nigerian women always trying to act Oyinbo fake hair nails boobs body eyelashes mouth she isn't
fine at all. This is the curse she wants Nigeria to have? To find a way to be more fake. Abeg it Don do. The one I Don see still dey Disturb me I no fit unsee
That amazing moment when milf meets filf n they ...f
Omo u must be a miracle child to be internet-compliant at 10mins old,d world needs to hear about ya!
Asuu strike tins
It's Grundy btw
D son shd be 18years old
Some said her mum s British,some said she s a doctor,her wikipedia profile says her parents re from edo state,and she studied graphic artist
I have a baboon for me.
LOOOOL! Women can haaaaate! She looks amazing for a 40 yr old woman, plastic surgery or not, her boobs are obviously perky, not saggy like some of u, her skin glows. Admit and stop trying to make ur self feel better by saying she looks plastic. Most of u would do the cosmetic stuff if you could easily afford it. I'd LOVE to look that #hot at 40 and u all would too. Damn, some of ur husbands would wish u looked that good at 40! Stop hating abeg. Envy is a nasty shade.
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