From UK Daily Mail
Akinwunmi Akinyuwa (pictured above) attacked Qasam Pervez as they were traveling to hospital in the early hours of the morning.
The 29-year-old student, who had been found slumped and intoxicated in a communal stairwell at his home, began shouting ‘angel of death’ before unstrapping himself from the stretcher. He then threw Mr Pervez against the window so he hit his head on the glass before reigning blows on the back of his head as he lay defenceless on the floor.
Akinyuwa, of Blackfriars in Salford, fled the ambulance when it came to a halt. He was arrested the next day. He pleaded guilty to assault when he appeared at Manchester Magistrates' Court yesterday Tuesday November 5th.Barry Cuttle, defending, said the Nigerian-born defendant, was ‘deeply ashamed and deeply sorry’ for his actions. He said: 'This man has made the first mistake of his life and is deeply upset.'
Akinyuwa, who is studying a management course at college, cannot remember anything about the October 22 attack after getting drunk while celebrating his birthday with friends. His conviction comes as figures reveal a rise in reports of attacks on ambulance service staff in the north west.
Akinyuwa’s victim Mr Pervez has suffered blurred vision and headaches since the attack. He has also struggled with anxiety and fears he will be assaulted again.
The paramedic had initially been laughing and joking with his attacker and had been filling in paperwork when he was assaulted.
In a statement read to the court, Mr Pervez said: 'I feel angry because I am there to help people. I feel anxious about returning to work. Every patient could be a potential suspect or attacker. This assault has definitely knocked my confidence. The assault was totally unprovoked.'
The paramedic, who has worked as an emergency medical technician with North West Ambulance Service for four years, said he was determined to return to work.
Akinyuwa is due to be sentenced on November 27 after the case was adjourned for reports. He was released on bail.
Hnmm......... 'Angel of death' Na wah oh! They had better keep Close watch on hm b4 he murder sm1 as hs name implies
People who r here to study but they'll end up embarrassing themselves. Let justice take its course.
hmmm... Na wah oh
Stupid idiot.. He must be on drug for doing that shits.. This is one of those that spoils Naija's name everywhere. If a Nigerian calls for an Ambulance, i doubt if they would come.
Nigerians abroad always spoiling market 4 those at home hoping to one day travel abroad.. He probably thought he was been deported.. This is what I call "survival of the fittest" .. LWKMD
madam linda plsssssss post my comment
Oga o!!! Nigerians and bad newss
the reasons Nigerians are treated in a bias manner all over the world. we never cease to keep calm. another typical flop
He probably ws high wt stuffs.he. Felt it ws best to practice d stunts he'd learnt frm movies on d poor man.I can imagine d fears of d paramedic.
Wat a shame
I understand d man's fear but its a shame wat alcohol can cos
When I read the headline, "....drunk Nigerian..", I knew he only had to come from a particular ethnicity in Naija. Same with those murderers that stabbed to death d guard in UK. My Ofe manu brothers, thanks for giving Naija a 'good' name
Hahahaha@ angel of death.
He prolly saw his wicked Nigerian relatives .
Court should pardon him on the ground of "spiritual highness"
Omo komo. And what the hell does he mean by 'angel of death' #ewu gambia. All these manchy people sef.
See what alcohol does....people need to be careful...Am sure he is a good student only for this kinda rubbish to mess him up...Akin reduce hand for drinking and thank God the paramedic didn't die....
Hehehe ASUU chairman pickin....nah so God go day purnish una and una papa way day dabaru dis our ogbonge naija
Cheap drugs!smh!
Nigerians set! Always showing their talent.
Omuti gbagbe ishe..owa keregbe mori....yeye man...
Na him village people find am reach the UK
this makes no sense to me. why plead guilty when you were obviously so intoxicated that you needed medical attention. Why did the lawyer advice him to do that or did he plead guilty on his own.
Why is this news? Its just a misdemeanor case of assault.
As my mom would say, "adojutini omo ale" (the bastard child who soils its parents name). I pray he goes for AAA meeting and never touches another bottle ever in his life again. Stupid thing
Lol.d man don jam 9ja craz man
Look @ his fat face! Oponu oshi.
*He is in hot pepper soup,nija 4 dat mata in d UK.Eyes rollin***
9ija guys sha nawa ooooooooooooooooo
ndi Yoruba ga-araputa anyi
OMG! Im speechless... SUB SUB SUB... This is my kid broda..
Isi me bea kwa ya dia
But linda no be every news you suppose dry post here na... Focus your news on nigeria issues not UK issues... HISSSSSS!
Omo the guy no wan die! He think say death wan come carry am go, so he brush am wella.
I am an igbo girl and I have to say that your comment is VERY DAFT. I pray your kids have an enlightened father to teach them anti-tribalism.
@Chika Ekesi na thunder go fire your entire family.. ethnicity my foot. stupid idiot. people like you stay behind your computers and chat rubbish. oloshi oniraaanu jati jati. iku looma pa iya eeeh!
But linda must you carry every gist around... Focus your attention on nigeria, a lot is going o there... Why putting up sh*t like this?
must they always give nigeria bad name. If not in uk it will be in us.
God help you Akin, drinking will do you no good.
Ile ya!!It's a shame really!!
Such a shameful incidence, but then anything can happen under the influence of alcohol, Its not a matter of who U are or where U're from. Based on the account, its obviously not premeditated. & also Mr first comment @ Chika, You need education U backpissing tribalistic bigot.
Chika or whatever you call yourself you are a narrow minded being. Is it just that ethnic group that cause problem. What about the one that tried to blow a plane in the US and many more even from your tribe. Stupid idiot.
Ndi yoruba......tufia. Oya attack me but its d truth. Eziokwu na afu ufu na nti. Wetin be em name again? Akinyuwa, gini ka ona anyu? Waiting 4 d attack oh! Ndi ofe ose....
Mere looking @ his face, u dnt need to be told where he's from. Kai! Aga eme ndi mgbati mgbati a ginidi bikonu? Sorry oh! God help u and ur lucky e happen over sea, if na 4 naija u do dis kain tin, mesuya straight.
Naija guys? Abi Yoruba guys!!!
They said yoruba people always have mouth odour, is it tru? Hohohohohoho...
Wewimo what are u speaking? In tongues? Abeg no blow that juju for libers head oh. Face ur village de blow that white stuff. Ur broda fuck up, u de dia de read incantation! E no go work hia oh. Speak english!
Its simple. Paramedics should engage themselves in Combat training for self defence to treat these idle pple's f-up. Its so unfair.
And the guy look like micheal adebalajo that slaughtered or shud I say massacared lee. The question is: y is it always these bloody tribalists from Nigeria? U will soon hear from FFK insulting other tribes including but not limited to the great Igbo people
Ur such a stupid girl. Ur as stupid as ur name Chika Ewu. U complain about whites bin racists not knowing ur d big time black racist. U will perish with that ur smelly toto. Thunder fire ur family into dungeon.
Who da fuck is ur ofe manu brothers? May ur family never know peace in life. Ewu
You just want attention, you are not going to get it so place your ugly face in the poo.
It baffles me to see how a lot of Nigerians think.
Notice: Can you guys just write in common correct English please, I doubt so. Rubbish low life!
A day without LIB is a day without oxugen hahahahahahah @ this comment: hilary obiorah said...
Omo the guy no wan die! He think say death wan come carry am go, so he brush am wella.
November 6, 2013 at 4:53 PM
Naijas especially igbos can be so ignorant and stupid. Just read their retarded comments, calling people ofe mmanue.... Alchoholism is a disease you fools. The guy probably needs treatment. Take note you tribalist bottom of the barell igbo fools.
Y O R U B A!!!
The dude wants to cash out , but realize he is a student, so no money.. LOl...
But linda dis na normal level for obodo England.. Abeg go carry news for malaysia.. Una go tire..
Sorry man,nxt tym u'll watch out
@Anonymous 5:02pm, if you don't like Linda's articles, simply start following another blog. Why would you call her stupid..that is so wrong.
To all the Igbo people that keep abusing Yorubas, it just shows how senseless you can be. Why don't you just leave Lagos and go back to your beloved Igboland?
SUB ke! And u say ur lil bro is in Britian. Hian....
My friend all this time you have been in toronto, could you not learn to atleast write properly,
Ur writing is just shits mehn
LoL, am I the only one who read this. Hahaha, u guys were not praying hard enough for your brother. Now ur village people have succeeded..eiyaa, pele.
U are an idiot! Your tribe doesn't drink liquor! Werey! Saddist! Angry at the world! Better commit suicide let's us know how many reasonable humans we have
Speak english coward!
No succesful upright man/ woman will be here with tribalistic comment! It shows how bitter and angry you are.
When I saw the title I just knew it would be a Yoruba goat... Yoruba guys are so aggressive and abusive especially after alcohol...
I totally agree with you. Infact I just made same comment above. Yoruba guys are too aggressive most of them are wife beaters ... Shameless lot.
May the Lord see him through!
Anonymous 9:36...I knw say na sand fill ur skull..#stopbeingtribalistic..linda post dz comment o
Most Yoruba men are not wife beaters, they are philanderers. Its Igbo men that pour acid down their wife's throat which to me is even worse than beating.
Terrible .. Shayo na bastard .. I still played indoor football with this Wunmi fella on sunday night .... Good gentle guy from what i know SMH
No! Igbo's do, they are born with it, linda if you like don't post my comment.
I pray ur Igbo man will be d one to send you to Hell. Note- including ur kids
@ Tee..you are the same as the person as you are angry with...why the curses?...the fact that you don't agree with the person's opinion does not mean he/she can voice it..lit really is a free E-world!
Was appalled by your comment...
See them all criticizing like they haven't done any wrong in their lives. Being tribalist makes you even worse than this man. At least we know he was under the influence of alcohol and couldn't control himself,you who isn't under the influence,what is your excuse for your dumb comments??
Lol. Its true tho. Yoruba pple r violent. But hey, we all r Nigerians, let's love echoda. Quit d insults abeg nd d 'smelly toto' part was uncalld for nd immature. Let's love ourslvs pls
Getting a Sound Education is not just attending a school or being in a University but also having your mind and intellect broadened.I have read not only on Linda's Blog but on Facebook and other social media that allows for interaction,where one Tribe or the other refer to each other with the most derogatory and inhuman remarks my brothers and Sisters,when a post is put up its not for You to turn against each other but to air your own Opinion in a polite and civil Manner please ok and stop calling out Different Nigerian Tribes.I have Friends From different parts of Nigeria,and I will not say because one behaved in a certain manner that means everyone from that Tribe are all the same.Please open your Hearts and minds and Learn to see the good in People and not what someone in Time Past did to your Tribe a million Years ago.if Nigeria will ever move foreward we need to keep an open mind because Americans don't think as individuals when it comes to their country No they say we are Americans and act as such.
Its high time we drop this whole Tribalism thing.
Fuck U
typical yoruba
This is so stupid! Am sure he was on some crystal meth or something mad, this is surely not alcohol. Manchester home of drug users. Definitely a case of Crystal Meth or Bath Salts, this one no be Drink.. See his fat head, He has nothing better to do than to be taking hard drugs, you don turn oyibo??.. idiot
Yet u insult a drunk man.... Pls wat exactly r u dat condemns d oda tribe? Yoruba man did dis , did dat!! U urselve u r evil! U r nt any beta nd ppl lik u shld b sacrificed b4 nija cn get beta
i wan laugh die as i read the news, the guy saw angel of death in the man, lol. chai ndi ofe mmanu wan finish our naija name for U.K, i was in a train back to my flat dis eve, all the white that sat beside me was just like standing up before i will kick them, what a mess idiot child, see pikin wey dem dey spend money for him head make he come here read them go dey spoil our name, if you trace am u go see say nah son of one idiot thief naija politician he go be.
@anonymous 8:59 u r very stupid...maggi seller coming to LIB 2 feel tush.english teacher.
My dear yesisaidit pls go n check ur HIV status... Ur brain cells r decomposing
@oyemen.....I must say dats a very nice comment...thumbs up
Linda y u no dey post ma comments?eeehhh nwa IKEJI? Ogini?
Hahahahahahaahah laughing my silly ass out, Emmanuela u get mouth oooo lol
Yoruba,s dem stupid gan haba see as dem dey spoil naija name na school dem send am go
'Sub' what exactly? SUBmit or SUBscribe???
Linda maybe you should put out a post saying you will not condone any more tribalistic posts and then actually stop posting them. That will be a great service to your nation
Nice dude ,just that shayo na bastard..we all have our ups and down in life...I pray all goes well with you after this..One love bruv
student! Drunk! Beating up some! who was trying to help him? this is humiliating.
now why won't they impose the 3000 pounds bonds, with all these things happening
it is such a shame that some tribes (ibos) are calling names here, and when you go round the globe you see how these people spoil our names doing drugs, its such a shame we can't live together as one , without some groups pointing fingers whenever things go wrong, and its just mainly the ibo ppl (not only them sha).Nigeria is *blanked*
Very surprised with level of tribslism that goes on here. People are really showing their true self especially the fire starter who began the tribal comment from top. This means if i met a fellow Nigerian from a different tribe and we happen to get talking i should just assume there is no love lost as the friendliness is fake. They dont really love me as a person as I can now assume things said behind ones back will tribalistic stereotypes. I have noticed a trend amongst igbos that whenever there has been a matter overseas involving a Yoruba, some uneducated people start popping off. ie Adebowale. Likewise any Yoruba initiating tribalism on topics is not excused either.
Best coment so far..
The truth is, whenever there is bad news about a nigerian in d uk, d person turns out to b yoruba.. Why?? Make una no dey spoil our name abeg.. Y'all should just get ur act together jorr nd stop using "tribalism" as excuse.. Eish!
this is a guy from a noble home..............adojutini omo
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