The University of Exeter student was named Britain's Horniest Student after entering a degrading online competition where contestants are encouraged to sleep with as many partners as they can. Whoever sleeps with the most partners and can prove it, wins the competition. Latvian-born Elina won it and received £500 and a year's supply of condoms. Pictured above with Tom Thurlow, the creator of the website that organized the contest.
Elina proudly wrote on her Facebook page before she won
‘I should be the UK’s horniest student because I have sex with at least 2 / 3 different people a week. Sometimes I go clubbing, have sex with someone, and then go back to the club to pick up my second victim. Feeling horny right now, so might just text someone on my ‘shag list’ and do it in the computer room (I’ve done this before, was great!) 'With your help of Alcohol I will be able to become an even Hornier Student!’
Oh dear!
Girls are worse in Lagos!
3 men a week, that na small na.... The shocking thing na the hosts of the sick competition.
Hehehe her future employers ll be impressed cos d porn industry awaits her.
She should change department now dt she has found her talent.
N we liv in d same world...I want to liv africa n never come back.
Shag na shag.
Weda na one bf or stray guys.
B4 u judge, ask ur self dis Q
Do I hav sex uptp 2 to 3 times a wk and am nt married, if ur ans is yes den pls.....
I don hear
wht is this world turnin into, all dis white nd their stupid ways of life
hehehehehe Otene mvene. agbusi agbaa ndi committee!!
waaaat! @horniest girl. and she's proud she shags like 2 people a day. het life will never remain the same if she sees a brother from Nig.
She will be forced to call it rape.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
end time...dix is one of the signx..firxt to comment jare
Sorry girl u are still a big Learner when sum do it evryday with up to 5 men.
These people r definitely not in their right senses. Ife nkea dikwa egwu biko
Interestingly stupid
One of the major signs of end time is, sex will become so rampant that people will see it as an achievement. May God guide us.
Orishirishi! yes, the competition should be banned. its crazy......encouraging students to do this is insane. I guess this girl thinks ders no tomorrow....she needs jesus badly! i pray she realizes this is wrong and give her life to christ.
Oloribu omo-abipabe
Wonders shall never end....somebody should tell me to close my mouth. as in, this is a serious matter.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life...GOD is surely watching
Keep up the good work!
Make thunder fire u and ur dirty pussy....smello
hmmm,she now a record breaker......
Go girl, u can still do better u know.ahahahahaha....laugh has killed me this afternoon. lindy baby,this your news ehn....o badt gan
Very strange!!!!!
End time. First to comment
Accursed creature, she should be ashamed of herself, instead she is boasting about it. Where have all the morals gone to?
Pathetıc!..ıs dıs a show of talent or wat?!,ıonno wat 2 tag dıs.Honestly,these whytıes r full of bullshııdz!..Shez evn proud+ appıe!..She shuu proceed 2 beıng a pornstar!..dat settles et! Mz_NenyeH
Yaaaayyy, first to comment.
Na so
End time. First to comment
Msheeewww! Just 3 men a week? Naija undergraduates wil match dat feat in one night.
This white folks are somthing else
Hmmm lobatan!!,some girls in naija even sleeps with more than 6men a wik..so nobody hia shd cm and say nonsense abt her been a slut o.cos most of u hia in laq do more bad stuff.linda roger this
This is hilarious! well oyinbo no get better dick cos e get the type of huge black cock wey smally go collect and she go give hersef some break lol. Well am not in support of this competition sha.
serious oshisko !!!! i shake my head for this oyibo ppl.
end time. thinz...........obviously
Dis girl u tryyyyyyyy
end time. thinz...........obviously
Mheen..... So now dem don dey give award 4 eatn forbidden fruit. God pls 4give us.
Wonders shall never hand oo.what is her pride in dis stupid act
in other news ......today is my birthday my fellow libers
dis pple foolish. come my street & see 13yrs girls confronting 3 dicks @ once, nt to talk of a week.
enjoy iw while it last aunty ode
Linda she lives in a civilised world where your personal life is not a criteria for employment rather your qualification and what you can input into the company.
Madness n no be even better money
.Smh @Whites
The world is coming to an end........yea it happens everywhere,everyday but been proud about it and making it something to be awarded for is what i cant imagine now.........
That is what the world has turned into, they celebrate and even reward ill morals.
Temple run movie on the way, to be produced by Harry Potter film series producer
See Learner. Come Lagos where Caro dey fire pass Ferrari. This babe I know sleeps with at least 2guys everyday.
Who gives a Damn if she sleeps with 10 monkeys per hour??next story abeg#DIZZY
Remember there is something called cervical cancer now. ignorance is bliss really. Oz
Hmmmmmm! according to Wafi people.... Well work! Tuale! We hail you oooo. That is no achievement. Aunty Lynda,next story please.
LOL. Wonders! Prostitutes sleep with more than that in a day.
Are nigerian girls not sleeping with 50 guys a week. Abeg what next?
Wonders shall never end.......For her mind nw,She don achieve something..Smh
shz a learner..haba lag galz cn s*x 6 guyz a day
Youngstars don't know what they put online never ever goes away. Tell them Linda.
She is even proud to flaunt it, lasgidi babe dey do more dan 5 a day, urs na a wk, nd u dey make noise
Linda if don't post dis comment dis will be d last time I will eva comment on ur blog again, I knw am I nt bee d best, bt trust me 15% of ur commentors are from me
Wonders shall never end.......For her mind nw,She don achieve something..Smh
Very very degrading indeed!!! Mtcheew. Most Lagos girls are even worst, it is just that this one is a competition. i pity men who sleep with this public toilets called girls!
Why will thunder fire her, I love sex too. I can do 3 men everyday. For money shaa
She is actually aimin 2 be a porn star at d ripe old age of 20. More grease 2 her elbow or shld i say p***y
Aye nshe!!!
Hmmm,things r happening oooo..
Nigeria girls try pass her yeye peeps
Funny 2/3 men in a week and she da shout dam even giv her money ontop mak she come here na if i no win her lols
Chie! Ogini na eme!
This is the silliest thing i have ever heard!
Dis is rlly terrible oh! Wat is dis world turning into??? She sayz so
Linda approve my comment na
this gal.. you de learn work now, come nija make guys change the way u walk..
Those without sin are casting the first stone. Bloody hypocrits
Odikwa egwu
Buh I think dey are pple more Dan her in lag
end time, so ashawo work has a reward now.
@linda, its also DEGRADING for a woman to remain single at 40. Mtchwww!
Only 3 men a week? Some runs gurls re sleeping wit more than 5 men everyday just that they hv not won an award for it. Clap for urself ur mother wil b so proud of u.
Shameless ..
Arrant nonsense
small time dem go do compition of u kill people pass,god help dis world
why do pple try 2 mock God?it is a fearful tin 2 try God.iam afraid of God
Mk una help me tell her say her pussy go soon turn to APERE °☺º°˚˚˚°ºoh
The competition should be banned. It is immoral!
The girl is truly beautiful joo. If I have half a chance, me I go do o!
Computerized prostitution 101. She resides in Middlesex doing Inter-Course at Essex University, sorry, University of Exeter. Be careful where you study, name matters.
Most Nigerian undergraduates would beat her to 100 position , no thanks to the cravings for foreign hair and communication gadgets ( phones and mini-pads ).
It's vanity!
She is a local champion. 3 men will be for a day and not for a week for some girls.
This is sin o. Go and sin no more
Onye ojior kibu.looolz
*grrrrr*Disgusting filts
Computerized prostitution 101. She resides in Middlesex doing Inter-Course at Essex University, sorry, University of Exeter. Be careful where you study, name matters.
Most Nigerian undergraduates would beat her to 100 position , no thanks to the cravings for foreign hair and communication gadgets ( phones and mini-pads ).
It's vanity!
If she good at her course of study, she will get a job. All those critiquing her should stop been holier than thou. Some of us are far worse and please it's not end times.
There is something we should pay attention to here, did u notice the name she called her partners... "Victims" hmmmm obviously she is on a mission; an evil one at that, guys pls b careful not all free shag are actually free! Pls b guided.
She's still a learner though
What's her status though? She's playing Russian roulette w HIV and other std's.
Best response ever. Lmao
Buh wait ooh, wht do they really refer to as Sex..just tk a look at the pics!! no Breast no nyash no sexy anytin ______what's she using den?? Maybe her WIDE MOUTH ⊙﹏⊙
U be funny man
wot stupid achievment. Mtcheeeeeeew! Linda post my coment joor.
She's just digging her grave without knowing it. I really feel sorry for her
Can't bliv shz proud of this ,such a shame. And they say nigeria is d most corrupt country. This one really needs to be counseled can't even begin to imagine how wide her ****** is right now. Smh
Naija babe are far worse dan dis....so there is nothing new under the sun
She's a learner cuz dia r gals in ph n abj dat can do worst Dan her,anyway 4 dem she's a record breaker.....wat wuz her price abeg
Mtcheeeeew....3guyz small na,,,,,,come lagos state and experience 15guyz on one girl per week
that is small now, let them come see babes here who do 14 a wk, that is 2 every day. haba
Lord have mercy
So stupidly funny..
bonario has met a younger sis
End time tinxx
Ordinary 500 quid... stupid people.
Girl u r bostin cos u never meet horse,u r only meetin oyibo men who can only cum within 5 mins,nta 9ja nah,u go knw say guys no dey play kpakpangolo 4 express,dis ur tiny waist go confirm
I am one the weekly guys that screwd her weak pussy. The girl is hot i pity her life tho smh!
Lyk seriously all she nid is a nigerian guy believe me she will confess dat jesus is lord I mean if she hears d**k oso
LMFAO...Dhiz Iz Crazy!!! Ske Skele skelele Skelewu Skelewu skelewu ┌(˘.˘)ʃ ┐('⌣'┐) (┌'⌣')┌ ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ┌(˘.˘)ʃ. Dhayourcrmeme baby...
My wonder is this: are these "2 to 3 men weekly" completely different people or are they recycled from her "shag list" as she calls it?? If they are different people weekly then this is very scary!! I mean, why don't you just be a sex worker ... You'd surely earn far more than the paltry $500 price in that space of time!!
Meanwhile, Linda Ikeji how you take run into this kind news sef??
Jesus Christ! I cant believe this! Yes, the competition needs to be truly banned...
I am one of the weekly guys that screwd her weak pussy. The girl is hot i pity her life tho smh!
You see, won't blame her...the devil has made her body his temple!...its one thing †Φ do ℓ̊τ̅ α̲̅πϑ be ashamed ...its another thing †Φ be proud of ℓ̊τ̅...she has serious problem...α̲̅πϑ those men she shags Ǎ̜̣̍я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ Ŋ longer human being...they Ǎ̜̣̍я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ objects α̲̅πϑ toys!...before you say Jack, they'll start writing shit about Nigeria....meanwhile depraved α̲̅πϑ demented fools who need special attention Ǎ̜̣̍я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ being ignored I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ their own country..under their own aproko nose!
And instead of them to be intrested in having everlasting life, they are busy shaggin endlessly
God help all of us o, cus I swear the end is really here...pls Lord Jesus we are so sorry
wat a crazy world? fornication & even arm robbery are celebrated games.
Na wa o, nothing wey person no go hear& see. This one na real end time, l rest my case...
This's crazy mehn
2go pple are now on LIB #lobatan .. Firxt to reply hehehehe
3 too small u can do beter, stupidity of d higher order hisssssss
Lmaooooo shag na shag oh
Oniranu omo.. Na only obodoyibo ds kyn contest fit happen
2go pple are now on LIB #lobatan .. Firxt to reply hehehehe
Hmmmmmmmm. Wonders shall never end. Linda if u like dt post my comment.
Omo pao bi ibon
Hmmmmm if they orgarnise such award in Nigeria, then no gift, tophy or presentation go remain be dat nah....where some1 in naija dey chop 5 men in a day?
For naija U still be learner
Some one pls run to the airport and see how clear it is trying to land but I can't,have been stock in the air trying to land. With my private jet for 2hours now my igbo pilot eat beans and hv been having running stomach trust me he is fired!gosh I really need to land my private jet worth 10.6b this man is fired arrrggg finally have landed I need a france pilot someone make enquires for me before I shot this igbo pilot
Wen a♏ wif ma fiancee i do it more than 1nce a day,smtinz little bt i do it α̲̅πϑ we lyk it. Bt nt wif different guys. Mehn †ђξ gal wil find it difficult wen she meets †ђξ real world.
Wummy so u no de fuck abi, nigerians are hypocrites
Linda, first you must understand that sex sells. How many people gave Melvin an award when he came back from BBA. But Beverly was celebrated and given a country tour.
So proud of you honey.
Luv Mum & Dad
Wow! Dere is now an award for adultery...well lemme not say much cos d second award wud be frm d mst high
Abi o, where is ds world heading to?
O boi come and organise that kinda competition here in Nigeria u go fear. 3 guys in a week?
I can sleep with 5 guys iin a day
Hausa man say Nata wasa ne jus 2 - 3 men a wik n she won an award in Britain.Kai am dissapointd make den host dat kin competition 4 9ja na.
Nothing wey person no go see ehhhhh....
Dat 1 na small na,some Nigerian girls dey do am;8men a week.....lol
people get celebrated for the wrong reasons.oya naija girls time to copy o.una can copy Anytin frm oyinbo
hahahaha... just 3? pls tell her to get her flat butt on a broken chair. this is nothing compare to some bitches in Nigeria that fuck 5-10 men everyday!
97/% of girls in Nigeria are hoes.
92% of girls commenting on this blog are hoes...
Linda pls post my comment cos I hate them hoes... *spits*
I,pray God help her wit these life style she puts up.
Nna eeh... Onweyikwa ihe mmadu agayi ahu ebea... Ana enye award maka ira otu.... Oooochimuooo... Chineke anokwam gi na aka
Hmmmmm God hav mercy wat kin of competition is dis sleepin wit 3men a day and u are happy well na later ur body go tell u my comment ooOo
For just 500 pounds? Her mates sold their virginity for millions. And they are all wrong btw
To what end??? £500,SMH.
The westerns are so devilish.satan in human skin,
Lord have mercy on us all!
Say what? where she lives in a world where your employer actually checks your fb/Google your name before they hire you
Oh dear!!!!! Unto how much na?
I will advice that she desist from this and accept Christ as Lord and saviour. He can 4give her.
Like seriously???!!!, WHO CARES?? /:)
Is ha pussy en she can do wateva she want 2
linda abeg post teresa faith comment o, that girl de threaten o
well done darling. but you can do better, you hear. increase your target
na wa sha
But wait o ....... Y most it b a sex conputition nd nt dat of virginity .... Haha devil shaaa him get corny ways o c as him convince dem all
Dem 4 make am world conputition na make NIGER GIRLS get avenue to wen big in life cos they are talented sex machine SMALL BODY BIG ENGINE
TOTO sweet o Bt girls lik dis her evil guys beware o they ar all over the world
Anonymous November 15, 2013 at 1:14 PM who told you that? No responsible employer in ANY part of the "civilised world" will hire her without considering this situation. They may hire her eventually somewhere (and I doubt that it will be anywhere very reputable)but it will come up.
I dnt understand linda.we knw u own ur blog bt try respect ur readers by posting their comments. Me don stop commenting on ur blog. And am gonna block ur site on our office server. Soo annoying
Sodom & Gomorrah
Sodom & Gomorrah
Many girls de here de criticize d girl when dem self de do more Dan her.... anyway she for come meet my two friends ,ucche and osaretin wey seeing dia dicks alone go make d girl give up.....Uche own alone na 10inches and e never stand fully,while Osa own na made in hell.... she go repent.
Confirm @lekpa shandy.... including u
People Dey try o, who dey fuck dis 1
Abeggi!! Try 4 wia?? U never jam calabar gal wey d fuck na...omo na twice a day o!! Oya calculate....14 tyms a week GBAM!!!! Ekaette no need competition....dis oyibo gal na learner...mstcheeew....if nigerian matured cock fuck ha self she go go strike like asuu
Oga ju.......
Na wa for this babe o...
They should have a male equivalent na...
And first to breast the tape should be the dude that fucks at least 20 babes per week!!!
this is nothing but celebration of madness!
Lmao oluwamob ure funny
All dis pple calling the girl a porn star don't you watch porn. hail your future star na. Abeg its her lyf leave her
We need your mercy O Lord.
Hehehe @a broda from Nigeria....i feel u for once Bonario
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