'Maheeda’s maladjustment'. By Charles Novia
In the past few months, some prominent and other bandwagon bloggers have been inundating the social media space with inappropriate pictures of a confused personality called Maheeda.
From scanty information available about the lady, she used to be a prostitute who got ‘converted’ into Christianity and later released a Gospel album or some singles. Somehow, she decided to straddle the pop culture horse and brought out some nifty singles and videos which found backwater acceptance on Youtube.
Maheeda is also reported to be married to a white dude and she is presumed to be presently living in a European country with the man and her daughter (or divorced or separated from him as some reports say) I took little pains to do this background research on her so as to be well-informed about the next few points I would make about her behaviour.
Somehow, Maheeda started posting suggestive pictures of her body on her instagram page which caught the interest of Nigerian bloggers. Since blogging is generally an acceptable form of lazy journalism and tittle-tattling in Nigeria, Maheeda’s pictures got the desired attention she wanted. Either by a covert or overt payment to leading bloggers to keep her in the news (as it is wont in Nigerian cyberspace) or a calculated ploy to garner more hits to their sites, the bloggers went all the way out with more indulging pictures of the young lady. And she was ever willing to give more and cheerfully too with no intention by me to denigrate her past profession by this phrase.
From suggestive pictures of her near unclad body parts, the young lady went on a visual spree of debased pictures of herself and with the lecherous or amused oogling of social media commentators, she finally threw whatever was left of her indiscreet womanhood and posted wanton naked pictures of herself on instagram. Blogosphere went crazy in Nigeria with repressed hypocites heaping accolades or abuses at her or ravished reprobates asking her to carry on!
Instagram finally had enough a few days ago and deleted her account for good for crossing boundaries of (in)decency, perhaps.
It is instructive to psycho-analyse negative trenders such as Maheeda who have decided to gain cheap or compulsory notoriety by posting pictures of their nakedness on social networks. Granted, there were others before her based in Nigeria or somewhere in America , some older Nanny Goats who threw decorum to the wind as well and posted pictures of drooping breasts and disgusting backsides in a bid to gain unfathomable attention. Did Maheeda learn from them? Or did she decide to improve on their art ( or rather, their tart!)?.
Oh yes, there are some who would react angrily to the fears I have expressed here and post comments under ‘Anonymous’ name tags on some blogs where this article would find amplification and vilify me and not my points. For such missing links, you are entitled to your putrid opinions in the closets of your anonimity where cowards and bullies find voice.
But the fact remains that you who support and urge the Maheedas of this clime to carry on with the de-mystification of all that is dear and sacrosanctwomanhood, are no better than she is. You are intertwined in the pugnancy of her putrid purpose. You both are destroyers of the last remnants of the African woman’s mystique and majesty. You support and encourage her to destroy your children’s moral future. That is just the plain truth.
I may not know much about psychology or psychosis but I am willing to bet that Mrs Maheeda is in the early stages of bi-polarism. It is possible that she is using the pictures to Jekyll and Hyde her mental health issues. Mercifully, she lives in a Western society where it is only a matter of time where her total sanity would be called to question.
But if Maheeda is not ill, then what is her plan? Is she possessed by a legion of seventy times seven demons after her earlier conversion to Christianity? Or is she just being plain silly? If she is being silly, then the blogs and websites which amplified her silly whims have a moral question to answer.
But Maheeda is not the only by-product of a jaundiced country. We have her likes in the National affairs of this country. Only, those types don’t have to post their pictures for us to see. They are already naked dancers in the ruinous chambers of national leadership. They and the mad ones before them inflicted the pain on the social fibre of Nigeria which Maheeda was unfortunate to grow up in. Their naked dances of greed and corruption turned Maheeda and millions like her into Prostitutes to eke a daily living. Maheeda could well be paying back the society with her nakedness, spoiling the children of the new Nigeria as a vengeance eats her. She just might be saying, ‘ as una spoil my life, me sef go spoil una pikin own’. And stupidly the children of her vengeful mission oogle and applaud.
It is not also far-fetched too that Maheeda might be using the naked pictures of herself as a new form of visual prostitution. Selling her body , now revamped and refurbished in a new clime, to her former clients as if to call them out. She might be saying, ‘You can’t have this now. I have gone to another level’.
Indeed, she has reached a new level. An all-time low of self-destruction in a gradual process. But knowing the society in which I live and where she comes from, her destruction may be pyrhic: the sick social society would soon invite her to red carpet functions and events. Soon, she just might be signing autographs and strutting societal streets of false adulation.
Then she would have have the last laugh. Or perhaps maybe society and fate have one last wince to elicit from her. Time has a way of telling, though.
Good for him.... Wetin concern him sef
OMG! I usually don't even support Charles Novia but Dang! This bitch is so Shameless,SMFH
looolz Maheeda has lost it long ago,joining issues with her will make u a colleague.
She needs to be ignored.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
You two should just get in bed already
The dude is right, who doesn't know in Nigeria dat maheeda needs deliverance
Charles said it all........ Hello Maheedah, can U please move to helll?
All entertainers are attention seekers. Simply.. They eat from that
U re a true son of the soil. Maheeda is shameless homo! She is like cloths in men's wardrobes where they wear n discard at ease. We shall laugh last
I dont really like the Charles Novia guy. He has made some comments in the past that made me think He is also a clown.
Hmmm I pray that young lady realizes that what she is doing is an abomination unto God. Maheeda please give your life to God, He will give u peace and I pray for God to show you mercy as you repent and turn to God.
Charlse, dis grammar too much abeg, u dey sleep wif dico ne?...lol
May God deliver maheeda and may the evil spirit that is at work in her life be put to shame.
Abeg make charles novia go rest...first jim iyke now maheeda,charles you got what you wanted u've been noticed OK....BTW maheeda was right,u guys r d same only dat u r an hypocrite...-leumas
Linda, you should be offended by this post as well, cuz I'm pretty sure he just called you and other bloggers lazy and suggested that you were paid by Maheeda to post her pictures...
Abeg make charles novia go rest...first jim iyke now maheeda,charles you got what you wanted u've been noticed OK....BTW maheeda was right,u guys r d same only dat u r an hypocrite...-leumas
They are all attention seekers
Abeg make charles novia go rest...first jim iyke now maheeda,charles you got what you wanted u've been noticed OK....BTW maheeda was right,u guys r d same only dat u r an hypocrite...-leumas
Maheeda is a product of what our society has become and still breeds... It's a shame for those who see no wrong in her. She said it all. Attention seeking woman who has lost hope in herself
Bt like seriously ds man insult linda join saying blogging is a lazy jounlsm..yet he stil visit dem and even wish for his post to behere.. Guy go hide,who r u to judge? Na d gurl lyf jare
wow he said it all,left for me to believe i would say she ain't normal,if she was she could have spot the clear difference between life abroad nd life in Africa huh.or maybe she is going broke she is using dis means to advertise herself to be fucked,c'mon i mean we all do shit,we all like crazy,we all have fun,we all get fucked,but can u do it in ur bedroom nd shut the fuck up u ain't the 1st.
Mr novia its nt in ur place 2 tlk abt it I don't knw y he is always putting is mouth were its nt suppose 2 b chiaaaa maheeda nyc 1 ooo she knws she seeks attention so y remind her of dt mr charles ll dt stop her NO it ll mk her do more crazy stuffs so jt igorne her.
I don't have time to read that
Charles pls stop being a nuisance to ur family. Rather than criticize ppl y not channel dat energy towards making a blockbuster. Be relevant to d society. Make a positive impact. Leave amebo work for d likes of Linda ikeji.
I agree completely with Novia. Who is this Maheeda character sef and what exactly is she famous for??
Maheeda change for gud
Charles Novia na you find trouble
Its nice to see them fight over attention seeking
Hmmmm dats all u hve to say,both of dm are attension seekers!
Its clear that they all are attention seekers
Its clear that they all are attention seekers
let the battle begin.....hahahahahaha
Na only she get dis long stament? Guess I will strt posting mine N******* Pic soon! *lol only in my dreams*
Honey, get a dictionary. "Deference"????? Really???
So true. My dear LIBers wat happened to us the African women???? Something has to be done about dis.
So mch venom in Charles writin whch is commendable.frm hs write up,almost evrybdy(bloggers,fans,anonymous commenters,d society at large) has hs own share of d blame but NOT him.at dis point I'll stick wit wat maheeda said abt him bin hypocrite...I tink if he had included himslf in d blame,it wud hv bin a perfect write up.We all r guilty of 1 social sicknes or d oda!
Linda Ikeji please post my comment I offend you? hummmmmmm
Oh shut up and go do ur Dead Moviez......watz ur biznx in it,u jst wan show ursef.
Hmmm, this is really G̲̣̣̣̥ọ̥ọ̥ƌ̲̣̣̣̥, I think this Man Is Right.
Another Teenager Nabbed In Attempt To Hide Inside
Aircraft At Lagos Airpor
OK dis novia guy is just plain stupid if u have so much info abt some1 like dis u shld b on ur way of solving cancer #nonsense....d truth is there r one thousand n one million ways a child would come across such things......do ur job as a parent n raise a child and God will do d rest in dat child's life. Charles novia go n make proper use of ur time ,remove d log in ur own eye.....nufsaid#
Yeeeeeeeeee,,, I lol in chinese.....see painment.*tong out 4 yu, ashawo jatijati
I dont know why maheeda is waisting her talent. go and join porn star than disturb out eye on instagram.
maheeda is bad.
Gbam! Inasmuch as I don't like maheeda,bt what she jst said about charles is nothing bt d truth,he is seeking attention seriously,and thinking that picking on popular people will earn him that,moreover,humble and famous artist/nollywood as a whole don't make hullabaloo over their dwindling career.they jst look for anoda available opportunity quietly.he needs serious orientation.
Slumdog millionaire
This man has spoken.. There is nothing to add and nothing to subtract.
He ain't got no pussy so he is discussing hers'!!!LOL. Just like Kanye West has been pimping out Kim's image. Men like to blame women for this and that, but they are the PIMPS and they are the ones who pay to watch porn, pay to sleep with hoes, pay their friends' university age daughters to have sex with them and so on and so forth. Then one day, out of necessity to get married,they will pick a girl who they choose to believe HAS NO PAST and marry her and then deceive themselves that that one woman somehow was never another man's hoe. Their mothers, wives and daughter are not hoes but all the other women are. MEN!..una wickedness too much.
Na wa o.. All ds long story about Maheeda. We know she's insane but den u sound so pained. U beg am p***y she no giv u?
Na dem sabi
Finally someone with sense,I totally agree with charles novia!
*Darlyn lara*
Well said.
Grammer too much 4 d article sef..nawah ooo..
I applaud u Mr Novia....I agree totally with all you've said but atlas!it'll change nothing. Vblack
wooowww...gud write up. I wish she waakes up from her sleep....like someone said:better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven,i thnk she's choosed her path
Am not one to engage my self in discuss of this nature but I agree completely with charles Novia. The rubbish going on in the social media all in the name of entertainment is indeed disqusting. I don't think womanhood has been debased as much as it has been in the past few years under the guise of entertainment media and I weep for this nation and generations unborn. Charles you ve said it the way it is whether people agree or not narrow indeed is the way that leds to eternal life and very few travel it....
No body is worried about the pictures jare. Elejo wewe. @people are increasingly worried.
Linda this is too long na
Nice & meaningful write-up, Charles. No doubt, Maheeda is mentally disturbed. Why did it take u ds long tho? Cossy was b4 her. I think u have a personal beef with her. This illiterate Maheeda mks me wanna puke. Linda & co, stop writing stuffs about them (Maheeda, Cossy, Afrocandy...). They are irrelevant. #dhoine
Charles is right! Bloggers are giving her the attention she wants. Dis woman is a disgrace to motherhood. If she wants to do porn let her go d way of her sister afrocandy.
He is completely right!
Hmmmmm!!! This is one of those situations where you deliberately refuse to take sides! (but maheeda you gotta go back to school boo! Your spelling sucks!)
Well, Charles, you just gave her more attention by dedicating time and energy to write this article about her :-)
He writes well.
Epic! This man should be applauded, he sure knows his onions
U go gurlllll u couldn't have said it better,I no dey support your nudity oh don't get it twist but charles is just a busybody
True talk charles,nice one
Oga Novia,thanks for ur intellectual and sincere analysis of the situation.she is just morally destructive to the youths.Linda,if u no post my comment ehh .........
Charles novia see a shrink. you definitely have a problem.
I actually agree with him, sometimes all in the name of making money and news media throw all sense of moral decency out. I've never heard of this woman nor her story until I read it here on Linda's blog, after that I definitely was not interested in the following millions of naked pictures, what are there relevance, its obvious what she wants as it is with her type, same goesto this Cosy woman. What validates these people as celebrities, and does that give them the platform to display whatever nonsense they wish to display? Where and when do we as a people draw the line? Its one thing to do something in the privacy of your own house, its another thing to air your dirty laundry so liberally as though its an achievement. Pls before you start cussing this guy out, know that we are all responsible for protecting the moral fiber of our society or we will suffer the consequences of its demise!
...Maheeda, has the truth ever being dis bitter?, u ve got a daughter for God's sake...and ur comeback is so freaky witless...and I second the fact that bloggers re givin her unwarranted publicity
Well said charles...Like I always say,the world is messed up!People knw d ryt tin to do and say and the ryt way2 live.they do it in secrecy but cme out in public and display 'I dnt care' attitude.Wen problem cmes evryone wud desert U,nd leav u to ur fate...Society standard of living is a wasted and confused standard!
Hehehehe...... i love her die.....makes twitter nd instagram less boring.....her new instragam @m9ja
Whoever wrote dis is really seeking for cheap attention....Mr writer! Did anyone ask for dis rubbish advice? No one is complaining, jst pack well....u complained abt children being demoralized...ok, re u not worst but morally nd otherwise? Were u exposed to Maheeda's nudity when u were a child? Pls cut the babe some slack nd go find something else to write on....nonsense!!!
Maheeda abi wetin be ur name, shut up osiso! Charles we agree is an attention seeker writting abt pple n wat he says ain't lies!
Ok, so u dey find person wey go make a movie abt u? Ur no reach o! Ur life style is nothing to emulate! Madeeda u r jst a disgrace to womanhood! Yes i said it!
Me am not a saint o @all but come on! I gat self respect for myself n my household! N datz wat matters most!
Ur parent must be very ashamed of u or maybe they r late but even @dat!
A good name is far better than all d riches of this world!
Now i know u dont even have sense join 4 replying charles novia , u shld v keep mute cos ur character is nothing to zero point!
Our God is merciful, he forgives all!
Enud said!
Whether he's seeking attention or not. His words make sense and it's the truth. She has lost her self respect,worth and dignity. Just cause she wants to be "famous" and talked about. Now, she has that. But, what kind øf conversation will her name be å part of. Definitely not the same kind as Geneveive or Omotola. But, If we're talking about the trashy women who have cheapened and exposed themselves on the internet then she and the likes øf (the fat one with big boobs) definitely take the cake. So, lady if that was your aim, then clap for yourself, you have succeded!
Whoever wrote dis is really seeking for cheap attention....Mr writer! Did anyone ask for dis rubbish advice? No one is complaining, jst pack well....u complained abt children being demoralized...ok, re u not worst but morally nd otherwise? Were u exposed to Maheeda's nudity when u were a child? Pls cut the babe some slack nd go find something else to write on....nonsense!!!
@linda, you do realize he took pot shots at you abi? Not just Maheeda. Well like Maheeda said, he is just seeking attention. We all are, it's what keeps us relevant.
Wetin concern this man. He even wrote about having some like her in political positions. Hmmmmm......could he talking about Florence ita giwa and Co? This man dey look for wahala o linda
For me.....i love her free promos......bonario sef do
Mr Novia is right. If she is not given any attention by bloggers as well as soft sell magazines, I believe she would channel her energy to doing something that impacts positively on the society. She is only doing face-saving by replying Novia the way she has done. I seriously doubt if she still has any face to save though. Whether Novia wants to be noticed or not is irrelevant here. The truth is Maheeda's character is appalling and is a very negative influence for the younger generation and everyone. AMAKA.
Charles Novia is on-point. Personally I can sympathize with Maheeda. Only God knows the kind of abuse she's gone through in life, especially been an ex-prostitute. But 90% of naija bloggers are clueless for promoting maheeda, afrocandy, cossy, etc
This is the best I have ever read in recent times. Mr Charles, u have made my day. Well thought article. Keep it up.
i even thaught she would say somthing reasonable.she did not even respond like a graduate all she said is out of point OP
Do u Knw the meaning of judge? Fool
too long to read...maheeda is a fool but im liking her foolishness.
This Charles self can like to write rubbish what's his own? Can he write about the rubbish he does in his office asking up comers to dance for him naked in his office? He's just a pretender and attention seeker mu'der f*ck'n hypocrite he should take several seat back and close his stinking mouth. All he does is write epistle running his colleagues down who does that? If he's not bias let him write about himself, Chico Ejiro, Zeb Ejiro, Fidelix Duker, Opa Williams, Obi Osutule, Frank Dallas and Efe-Damijo's sex-caped in their various offices and the ones they all do together in their so called mini bar at the back of Chico Ejiro's office. This bastard called Charles enjoying seeing ladies fondly and caressing her own boobs in front of him while he wank his d*ck out. Why didn't he write essay on the porn called movie Efe Damijo did? Room 107 or something...because Efe is his friend and they all pass the girl in the porn movie round to themselves. #Uselesscaucus#
Charles are u sure Maheeda can comprehend all you’ve said? I doubt it much.
Maheeda what. Please Charles don't burder yrself, the girl is heading for destruction.
What a stinky ol untalented uncreative bitch maheeda is
I tire o,d man is jst a hypocrite..let he who is innocent be d first 2 cast d stone
Lmao,i bet charles novia is lukin 4 a way 2get into her pants
Maheeda or what is that ur name u should be ashame of ur self.
Nd ur a bigger fool..must u insult??
Charles Novia, why will you call blogging,lazy journalism?Young Nigerians like Linda Ikeji are doing very well for themsevles earning an honest living through blogging and you have the guts to call them lazy.Shame on you! What about the so called 'movie producers' and 'directors' in Nollywood that release poorly edited,low quality and useless movies everyday.Are they not the lazy ones!Please remove the log from your eye before trying to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
ChArles couldn't hv said it beta. He is on point. The girl is mentally sick and bloggers encourage her by writing abt her stupid and disgraceful pics. It's a shame.
Both Charles and the girl are stupid but she said one truth which is Charles is a hypocrite, he is also seeking attention, she is a whore
If maheeda won ready to marry she go begin go night vigil and crusade for church.If she no see man to trap she go say na her grandmother for village dey winch her.she no go do flash of her past say na her runs and weird past dey haunt her.
Best comment here :*
If maheeda won ready to marry she go begin go night vigil and crusade for church.If she no see man to trap she go say na her grandmother for village dey winch her.she no go do flashback of her dirty past say na her baand weird past dey haunt her.
Maheeda you are just a cheap whore! Go on continue to put your over used pussy on the net. Ashawo kobo kobo. Mtcheew.
Heheheheheh... His already a colleague only that he doesn't ve pussy.
She can't spell "difference". That bugs me. In face the word she used to replace "difference" is actually more complex than "difference" *sigh*
See I want to be straight to the point. I do not feel the woman is possessed
Some people do things 4 no reason. Some situations in life cannot be analysed. Only the woman or someone who knows and most importantly understands her can best inform us
Truth be told,everyone is guilty of sin,but the question is (should we celebrate it?) as Nigerians and African's at large,we av a duty to protect the moral cloak of our nation, celebrating pornstars by encouraging and publicizing their desperate cry for relevance through publicity stunts is certainly a downward spiral to a rotten and decaying state. Zurielle's Opinion . Linda post my comment ooooooooooooooo
Hehehehheheheh, lool, she wid her pussy, instagram no still delete her page? I don even forget say anybody like maheeda dey xsit sef, upon all d yansh, boobs, nd tots wey I see #fact
Charles should shut the fucking fuck up!!.He talks too much.
Charles should shut the fucking fuck up!!. He talks too much
I'm laughing so hard right now....isn't it obvious, people?? Charles obviously has an unsatisfied erection for her!!!!
Charles, we all know she's got a few loose screws but is she worth all this your big big grammar?? abeg free yourself jare...Find something worthwhile to do or you can start trying to edit the translations in Nollywood Yoruba films...lol..
Onion Ko, crayfish ni, #mumuoshinovia#
Ola. You're a foool bigg fool oo ndi di ka gi na emebi obodo a. Ewu he is just saying and not judging so that they know that our children sees all this I don't. You maybe you're not married. #stupid
Really very busy now...
I will reply this clown soon enough...
Wait for it....
Charles is definitely an attention seeker! What's his business with her? Is he that bored? Can he swear he didn't look at all her semi nude pictures with a smile on his face? Its her body and she can do whatever she likes with it! Maheeda pls carry on(you didn't force no-one to take a peep)! Charles pls do us a favour and take several seats!
And u typed this in block letters because?! ! Like you didn't enjoy the pics. You and your attention seeking charles can go hug a transformer
@anonymos 12:14,ur comment has been noticed Dick/Pussy.. @1:52,nt his/her fault he/she ws probably raised by a man who cals d dad names,am nt suprise
Yes Charles is good at running others down based on their fuck ups and it pisses me at times...
....but on this maheeda issue, I support him 1 million times over.
Maheeda, unapologetically is a fool, a psycho and a shameless goat in woman/human nature.
And yes it annoys me too that Linda always makes her news.
Too many posts on her raunchy pictures.
Irrelevant attention given to her.
We all should read the below Bible passages: Luke 11:24-26;2 Pet 2:20-22; and Romans 1:32.
Summary: Maheeda was cleansed & she allowed the evil spirit to return; She may have been given a reprobate mind/heart. All who have pleasure in posting/enjoying the nudity are under the judgement of God Almighty. Mind us that Maheeda wont be posting those pictures if the bloggers are not posting them. So many of us are watching the pictures and we are daily being defiled in our spirit. May God deliver all of us in this wicked & sin-soaked world we live in IJN.
Of course he's saying the truth. Bloggers mustn't publish all what they see. They are also seeking for attention.
Charles go n tak several seats joor
Are u any berra dan her? Good for u!
Dry gist.
charles Novia!!! always making sense! hes never afraid to say the truth as it is !
Maheeda should be ignored please
all he has 2 do is ask, n nt writing stupid stories abt her. If she wants 2 spoil her life, allow her, abeg make we hear word. Wat of her husband self, his d man nt seein all dis things? GIFT
Don't mind the fool showing us her smelly pussy. Rubbish.
Maheeda is here reading comments hiding under anonymous. Silly kunt
Maheeda is here reading comments hiding under anonymous. Silly kunt
Charles is right, we all know the girl deserve nothing but to be condemned. if she want to act porn, let her shoot one and introduce it to the market then we'll know seeing her is strictly 18+ and will not be accidentally run into by easy minded folks. Charles should just ignore her.
I tot married men are to luk after dem kids & wife? Mr charles live internet & quit lukin at nude gals, d kids r hungry... run alone
Good day linda ikeji, so many people look up to you for inspiration...so God bless you for your work. maheeda is leading alot of people to hell so please stop encouraging her. You kept posting go all out and she eventually did so it's obvious she visits your site. please in God's name please don't push her evil agenda cause i believe once you stop giving her attention she will respect herself and grow up. Upcoming bloggers and Teenagers visits your blog as well so please stop giving her attention in other to stop this menace. Remember you're the biggest blogger in nigeria and what you post go a long way.pls discourage maheeda and the likes of her. thanks and God bless.
Charles saying some truth and some peeps are on about abusing him, Maheeda is on a payback mission to destroy the girl child, she makes it seem so right when its so so wrong.
Charles is ryt,but 4 me I. Will. Say she shud come. 2 my village so Dt I can take her 2 sumwhr let us knw who did all dt shit happening 2 her now,lolz cos na disgrace she dey cos 4 her self nw,d truth is dt is not worth all ds...is well wit ur soul
This is the best article I have read. On this blog! Charles Novia, I am proud of you. Ur article is impeccable. Maheeda shld be ashamed of herself. Likewise those of u supportin her! And as for u bloggers, I think what Charles just said shld bee a. Wake up call for u! Stop giving pple. Like maheeda cheap publicity! U don't need her story to make ur blog lively! Linda I hope u hav learnt ur lesson? Weldone Charles! Weldone! I. Am proud of u. Money wen ur parents. Take train u for school, nor waste.
Abeg..the guy is saying the truth..have we seen men put up naked pics of themselves?? Please women should be told the truth..and stop this he without sin should cast the first stone syndrome...she should behave her self...abeg...
ABeggg.....is this Patrick Obahiagbon's brother?
Sometimes when writing, learn to be simple and concise.
This is bogus and verbose.
Infact, e dry!!
Many no reAd am but as far as he's talking about MAheeda! He's right abi!
Her reply really made me laugh!
Why, because it's not only funny but ironic.
It really shows that he's wasting his time.
You are flogging a horse and it's still galloping
Save ur cane biko!
Besides, as much as this MAheeda annoys me(maybe cos I'm looking at it from the backdrop of her declaring she was a prostitute before)
I can tell you that her music is really unique and good.
Im a music critic but I have to admit!
Besides,how many of you have heard her songs?
I won't blame you sha,it's her body she used to gain fame sha.
Shocked that people are insulting Charles for staying the truth. We really need to get our moral values back.
Some people are better left alone. If I were Charles, I wont dignify somebody like Maheeda with any reaction.
Linda I understand this is ur blog & u can publish whatever u plz, but I beg, stop giving this jobless, bored, goat an avenue to communicate his hypocritical & stupid line of thot. "Blogging is lazy journalism" who asked for ur bloody opinion??? This man strikes me as a very boring individual, I wonder how his wife manages if he has. U can tell he's a 1st
Dude mehnnn, u really need to get a life damn! U can just tell he sucks the joy out of anything fun. Linda it's u I blame for publishing this & giving him room to share his hypocritical view. Wot exactly does he do for a living besides trying to depress ppl? Oga plz feel very free to keep ur dead views to urself, dead guy. Over sabi na wetin go ki u. Quite obvious u are jobless cos if u had better tins to do, no maheeda
Well,enough said. Look, no matter what we say,how we say,or wen we say it,nothing will change. The young Mr has made his point. Linda is making her money the more we comment.Moheeda on d other hand is having fun and laughing at all the comments. Why don't we sit back and make our own lives better? So much has been said and she is still not ready to change. Blame no one.we are different so are our views. Love.
Well,enough said. Look, no matter what we say,how we say,or wen we say it,nothing will change. The young Mr has made his point. Linda is making her money the more we comment.Moheeda on d other hand is having fun and laughing at all the comments. Why don't we sit back and make our own lives better? So much has been said and she is still not ready to change. Blame no one.we are different so are our views. Love.
Do not know either party but a very well written article. He also took shots at you Linda if you were not aware.
its her life... if she like make she expose her ****** u guys should mind ur business sometimes. So far say she no be ur relative *hehehhhheheh
It takes courage to speak up,if we ignore her i'm sure one day she will past her pussy on net
Hmm...I jst read some comments nd tears jst drop bcos I jst realise how bad our moral standard has bcome...jst forget abt charles himself nd look at d truth in wat he said... with all these irrational comments here, no b curse bt Naija can nt get any better bcos na dis same MUMUs go enter governance.
can you see the tirade of prostitute colleagues of the mad maheeda supporting her massively..?
U call am dead view abi!Ok u go open ur dirty TOTO outside mak u see weytin pple go talk$i guess she ur aunt..shameless fools
Charles novia shut your dirty hypocritical mouth......
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