Governor Sullivan Chime of Enugu State has confirmed reports that he is keeping his wife incarcerated, but that he is doing so in her interest.
“I wanted the best for her and that’s why I pleaded with the doctors to have her treated at home,” he stated during a press conference in Enugu. “That’s also why I allowed her access to her telephone and laptop which unfortunately led to the stage where I’m now being falsely accused of imprisoning or detaining my own wife.”
Offering an explanation about his decision, the governor said, “My wife has some medical challenges and it would be very unkind for me to talk about her condition on the pages of newspapers,” the governor said at a strange press conference in Govt House.
“I’ve done everything to protect her integrity and I’m not now going to expose her to ridicule because some people want to exploit her situation to drag me into a needless war of words.
With Clara Chime by his side at the conference, he disclosed that the battle concerning his wife’s health situation commenced even before his inauguration in 2011.
“It was so bad at a time that she had to be taken out of here (Governor’s Lodge) for treatment. When she stabilized, I pleaded with her doctors if she could be brought back here to be receiving her treatment at home and they graciously accepted.
“There was a time she was confined indoors and that was strictly on her doctors’ advice. She’s here and she can confirm or deny it. Also, the doctors then advised against allowing her access to telephones and laptop.”
Asserting that he would never say or do anything to undermine the dignity of his wife, he said his “big blunder” was to have allowed her access to the telephone and her laptop, against the advice of her doctor, a mistake for which he is paying dearly.
“Her brother is here, her doctor is here with us too. You people (journalists) can confirm anything you want from them, either here and at your convenience. Would I have been a better husband if I asked her to leave the Lodge because of her medical challenge? Would it not have been more convenient for me if I allowed her to stay and be treated in the hospital?”
In a story broken by SaharaReporters one week ago in which she begged human rights bodies to come to her rescue, Mrs. Chime complained bitterly that two psychiatrists, Dr. Onwukwe and Dr. Agumuo, had prescribed “all kinds of drugs that ends up keeping me acute depressed and also drives me into hallucinations.”
Dr. Aham Agumuo, identified as Mrs. Chime’s neuro-psychiatric doctor, was present at the conference along with Tony Igwe, her elder brother; as well as Mrs. May Oji and Dr. Jide Chime, the governor’s siblings.
Following that first complaint, human rights lawyer Femi Falana wrote a letter to the Inspector-General of Police on her behalf urging him to have her released. She then wrote to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) with the same complaint of unlawful detention by her husband.
Offered a chance to speak at the press conference, for a long time Mrs. Chime was silent, ignoring persuasion from her husband and her brother. At a point, her brother Tony took her to an adjacent room where they spent a few minutes together before returning to the table. Tony then declared that she was willing to talk but Mrs. Chime dramatically delivered only another round of silence.
Eventually, the First Lady said: “You (referring to the governor) and my doctor can speak on my behalf.”
To that, the governor politely replied: “Yes, I’m your husband and should ordinarily do so but you know I’m the one being accused of detaining you. This way, I’ve lost that privilege to speak for you, at least on this case. The story out there also is that your doctor is probably scared of me and gives you all kinds of drugs, sometimes against your wish.”
Mrs. Chime merely said: “My doctor and I don’t have any problem.”
Concerning the petition to the NHRC, she corroborated an earlier text message she had sent to her husband that she had not met Falana or engaged him to seek her release from a purported unlawful custody. But she admitted that she wrote a letter to Dr. Agumuo and another doctor overseas to whom she was introduced, but said she did not know how the letter leaked to the public.
She also admitted that she was once confined to a room without access to her telephone and laptop. “That was when I had a serious crisis,” she said.
Mrs. Chime also confirmed that she has the key to her room and controls her entry and exit, contrary to the claim in the petition that she had been locked up for asking to be allowed to leave. Her grouse was that she had not been allowed to leave the premises, but it was learned that she attended Mass last Sunday.
Governor Chime chipped in: “All I want to reassure you is that she is safe here. Her confinement within the premises for now is at the instance of her doctor who is here. Why would I want my wife locked up? If it had been that I had issues with her, there are many ways to resolve them. But that’s not the case. She is not well and I’m willing to do anything to support and protect her.
“It was always more convenient for me to have taken the easier route but that would have been very callous and ungodly. When I had my own health challenge, I was receiving treatment in London and thinking about her, making sure she received the right treatment. I’m forever grateful to her doctors who have done a great job. Both families are billed to meet very soon and after that, I’ll take a decision which will be in the interest of both parties.”
Challenging the petition to the IGP by Mr. Falana, the governor said: “He’s my professional colleague but sometimes you leave people to their conscience. I won’t join words with him. Has he met this client of his as he claimed to assess her state of mind and determine if she can give him the right brief to guide his case? Did he ask for access to her or to me and was denied? I leave it at that.”
He described the development as the penalty a public officer faces, adding that when he was receiving treatment in London, some of the newspapers reported that I had died in India.
“I’ve never been to India and had never applied for an Indian visa,” he stated. “Today, the story is that I’ve imprisoned my own wife in my residence. I know their motives but I wish those behind such wicked tales well.”
He did not identify the people or their motives.
Funny people. Wonders shall never seize.
it's true sha, but the press should have said this rather than making us think she was under punishment
Touching Photos: Pope Francis Halts His Weekly General Audience To Kiss And Hold A Sick Man Covered In Boils
Seems the thing changes with weather.
When its raining she will be normal,when its shinning it comesback.
she needs TB Joshua.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Well basically his wife is mad or mentally unstable from the way she's acting
i'm the first to comment!!!!!!! yaaay!!! i'll like to send a shout out to my fans, my family, friends, momty,ojoms,jules, lurla for shizay!!!! my second comment would be on the topic :D
This is getting nasty! May God help us. I'm no longer interested in the truth coz everything is interwoven like a spider's web. A lot of contrdictions here and there.
I dont believe this man at all. First, it was former Gov Kalu, then Nnamanni and now Chime. There is something more to it than meet the eye. Secondly, if he wants her best interest, why dont he fly her abroad just as he too had treatment for his cancer. All this ritual money na 6 feet go end am!
This is getting nasty! May God help us. I'm no longer interested in the truth coz everything is interwoven like a spider's web. A lot of contrdictions here and there.
Na wa ooo Dis Sahara reporters sef, cingirm ur gist b4 releasing to d public mbok!
Who r we going to believe,chime or his wife?
Which kind wahala is this? Something is terribly wrong, this governor knows exactly what he is doing. He is indirectly tellng us dat his wife is mad, ok ooh no matter how long the truth shall come out. His wife's silence clearly indicates dat there is war and I'm sure he has bought over his inlaw. Chime!!! Be careful God is watching you.
End time has come, exactly wat happed during the time of governor orji uzo kanu of abia state, at a time his wife went mad , hw can u use ur wife for sacrifice , to achieve uour political price , ODE..SI
Una doo!!
Oga oooo...wettin we no go hear
Lata she will divorce him and confess she was being abused and not medically challenged as dy r claiming. Political manipulations. U go fear.SMH
Dey'v charm her 2say al does tins,she's nt the one speaking but d spirit in her....its a pity #ada#
Na wa o..... It's not a small something. Strange Strange Strange
Guess its a mental disorder.Culd hapen to anyone.May God see her through.She could also be under manipulation of some sorts.The heart of man is treacherous.
Hmmmmmm! Nemesis
Make these Sahara reporters dey fear God oh before they meet their doom. How can anyone politicize a woman's mental illness? Mental illness is no joke and you guys shouldn't make it one. This is unfair to her and her husband. Sahara reporters and every other perpetrators of this evil act should remember that when it rains it pours on every household and not just that of your neighbour. Be very careful. Any body, including the so-called Sahara reporters can suffer from Mental Illness. We are not any better than her. We are only sane people today because of God's grace. A word they say, is enough for the 'wise' but the foolish will keep on with his folly and not take heed. I rest my case.
Wahala dey o!
There is more to this than meet the eyes. Let us not be easily carried away by this drama the governor and his cohorts have just put up. We should first of all take a critical look at Governor Chime's history. We all know his first wife practically ran for a life. Who has ever had the opportunity of having the seat of a first lady and yet not go for it? But Gov. Sullivan's first wife must have seen a lot from this man that made her vacate the seat of the first lady and ran for her life.
Now again, he married another wife and the same thing is happening. My people, there is no smoke without fire no matter how smart this man thinks he is to cover up this mess. There is something not right about this man. This case should be investigated further because it is possible both his wife and her siblings gave this testimony under duress. The way I see it, this man has a queer character.
Bonario wai's Prince Charming now?*winks*Missed his comments!...........sipn my tea ñ waitn 4 haters 2 reply.
this man has done nothing wrong from this note i think the wife is having serious mental issues. dats why d bible says dont judge cus reading from the wife letter i taut this man is very wicked.may God have mercy.
This is rubbish. Even if the wife is mad how can he confine her to a room alone without means of going out. For crying out loud he's a governor of the federal republic of Nigeria and he can't tell me he couldn't send her wife abroad for proper medical care. At least there she could be comfortable and free ensuring easy recovery. I'm a psychologist and considering she's depressed and hallucinates, I guess they're gonna place her on antidepressants that will help her speed up chemical activities in her brain and then you lock her down and expect her to get well soon?......LIES UPON LIES. The story too get k-leg
Wat exactly is Femi Falana up to pokin his fine nose here an dere at least he shld av bin civil enough 2 talk 2 d gov one on one b4 reactin honestly events in recent times portrays him as bein immature he left one wonderin whether he tinks throu his anus sha al of dem na same, gambari pa fulani ko lewo so says yoruba pple
In every rumour, there is always an iota of truth.
Ewu uzbekistan
She's really sick. Send her abroad now
THIS IS SAD.I respect sullivan because of his developmental stride in my community and other parts Enugu state,but I feel so sad and disappointed about this inhuman treatment on his wife,though I don't know the read story about the saga.its not good for him to keep his wife indoors.the wife should have been taken to hospital since she have a health challenge and not keeping her indoors.
Can you trust the news media?That was the issue of Dec 2013 AWAKE.i suggest u go and read it.
Can you trust the news media?That was the issue of Dec 2013 AWAKE.i suggest u go and read it.
It's an eye opener 2 evry lady hu will occupy another woman's position. Some moni na akpa nsogbu.
Mental illness is real and shouldn't be treated as a taboo subject. Gov Chime should be as transparent as possible in this matter because he is a public figure. Shame shouldn't come in here. That way its easier to help the victim. If the illness has a name, put it out there and clear your name.
I pray God gives them the strength to pull through this.
This lady needs help but not doctors or lawyers rather christ, who make all things new. If truly she is mentally ill, God please heal her
Bona u dey craze I swear..Y utter such nonsense ..she did not wish dis upon herself na.. biko don't try to sound funny when anoda man is in pain
In lindiwey's voice*she needs 2be kept where retarded pple are meant. 2be...*hehehehehehehe#
Another version of this story please.
NGOs needs to stand up for dis womaan. She is mentally deranged no doubt but her husband and brother av beclouded her sense of reasoning which makes it very hard for her to recover.she needs an entirely different doctor prefarably she shld be flown out of d country for intensive medicare so as to clearly observe if her mental probs are natural or just out of trauma. . My main point is dat she shld leave her immediate environment far from ds greedy and wicked ones she calls family.
From all he has said, he's insinuating dt she's of unsound mind!!! Nawa oooh!! Ofu mbosi ka eziokwu ga puta
In other words the woman is mentally challenged? I suspected such, but still this is Nigeria!
Anonymous 10:40 odeoshi na shout out dem say make u come give abi........as 4 d Gov he is shady 4 all I know!
sahara reporters, good for nothing sinister reporters.
Lyke seriously, des pple dey senseless º°˚˚˚°ÂºooOooº°˚˚˚°Âº n truly d wife no dey ok. I rest ma case
Niftily stage-managed press conference for the kleiglights, though....
But there is more to this story than we may ever know...
Mr. Governor, please why not port Clara off to the same UK where you allegedly went for cancer treatment?
While Sullivan is now relieved of the cancer ailment, his wife has been flung into mental meltdown, perhaps en-route the grave...
Just like Patience Jonathan's wife got well in a German hospital, and her foster mother dies afterwards...
Mental diseases are not beyond cure....
Locking her up can hardly be curative either...
Sullivan must be told this before he begins to cook up other excuses for proceeding to bind her in chains!!!
Story ends and nothing changes. Poor woman.
Why is clara mad? If this pretty woman didn't marry governor she may not be having this illness or mental case. Our wicked politicians who knows what they ve used her for bcos she was very sound before marrying chime . Nawa ooooo such a pretty woman.
She is not the only woman he's married to. He has two wives who is he trying to fool. Mtcheeeeeeeew!
Why is clara mad? If this pretty woman didn't marry governor she may not be having this illness or mental case. Our wicked politicians who knows what they ve used her for bcos she was very sound before marrying chime . Nawa ooooo such a pretty woman.
Aaaaa where is my comment now linda
D truth is either dt she is so mentally unstable dt she misused d use of laptop n phones given to her which brought about dis story here n there(which anyone in her state of mind can do: they cook up stories to get the attention they want) or she's being manipulated. Period, but one thing is clear, she's mentally unstable.
Come to think of This, Something seems to wrong with Power sit of Enugu and their 1st ladies or the Governors themselves.(issues)
1. the first democratic governor of then Anambra state Gov Jim Nwaobodo was estrange with the wife.
2. the second democratic governor Gov.Christain Onoh was estrange with the wife(issues).
3. the third Gov. Dr. Okwesilieze Nwodo. there was no issues the wife was with him.
4. the fourth Gov. Dr Chimaroke Nnamani was estrange with the wife(issues), later got married.
5. the fifth Governor Sullivan Chime was estrange with the wife(issues), later got married and now more issues.
Am just thinking ALOUND.
Why are u not posting my comments mtchewwww
Na craze b dat o she dy mental and d kin man no want make she enta market z for her gud abeg abi dy wan use her brain for 2015 election dis politictians sef
Wat is d cause of her madness????hmmmmm# sacrficial lamb### Ladies be careful ooooooo****money is not everything
Hmm! Hmmm! Hmmmm!
~D great anonymous!
Did he mentioned been married to only her? Oponnu.
She was obviously threatened and under duress. Her brother is on Chime's camp for obvious reason's (money). What did her brother take her to another room to say to her? to threaten her some more? Maybe she had temporary insanity earlier because her husband had a child with her sister (its enough to make anyone go mad), but i'm sure she's fine now and knows alot of secrets Chime is afraid she'll release if she leaves him as a scorned woman. That's probably why he's holding her captive. I dont trust that her brother! Is he not the same one she said would rather see her dead than leave the government house. Her letter didn't show any indication that she was mentally unstable. I feel for her because she's really between the devil and the deep blue sea (stay and suffer in silence or speak up/try to leave and die).
This thing, something dey under wey we no know...
He is just lyingmits so obvious that he locked her up.so she is mentally challenged yet could wirte for help.wat she said is true about her brothers not supporting her because of money.na wa.Ï„̣̣Ñ’Ñ‘ truth will still be known some day.poor lady.once a beauty and now turned to a mumu
I'm not just buying dis story,its complicated.
He flew to london for his own medical treatment andcheckup,why not fly her too to london for proper checkup and treatment.he is a lying bastard.keeping her under lock and keep.
The former governor of Abia state's wife had same health issues.what are these politicians doing to their wives?
Husband and wife matter de hard to judge....
Me no trust this man at all at all.
His response makes great sense. Trust me, alot of people have mental illnesses, which varies from madness. i'm guessing she's either bipolar or schizophrenic.
@Bonario: are you for real? TB Joshua is for jokers and he's not God by the way. let me believe you were joking
The word to note is "detained". That is a violation of her right to freedom, even if she is mentally unstable (which I seriously doubt, cos she was sane enough to call a top-notch human rights lawyer) she would have been committed to a health institution where she can be properly taken care of. And this will be done in consultation with close family members. And please what illness will warrant someone being kept away from electronic gadgets? Something does not smell right!
Sahara reporters! Always interested in bringing down every oda tribe xcept yoruba. D oda day it was stella oduah, bcos she took GAT(general aviation terminal) from wale babalakin's bi courtney, nw it is sullivan chime. Is bola tinubu not corrupt, dey shud investigate d ownership of intercontinental hotel at kofo abayomi VI. Only ibo nd hausa people dat they know hw 2 investigate. Yoruba people shud go 2 hell. They don't hold any important position in dis government, only minister of trade. They want 2 bring everybody down using d media. Keep going from state 2 state begging for members, tinubu is d most corrupt politician in naija, yet dey will not investigate dat 1, wetin concern una nd sullivan wife?
Sullivan Chime nke gi ekpomekwe.
...Chiboy Ebeano must,ve sneezed and spread some serious and very deadly mucus in clara's room before he left govt house..he exhibited similar traits when he was there..
Maybe enugu govt house needs some exorcism/deliverance....just saying lipsrsealed
I am begining to believe all those hogwash stories i heard as a kid about some serial womanisers who pick strange women along the cemetery road with some funny backlashes.
Chime did same..he settled loads of them with picantos and decided to crown this one with the title.
If this is not karma then somebody should tell me what this is.
He is lucky though..some men end up with incurable IBI..(scrotal elephantiasis)..Sullivan ended up with an unbalanced damsel that could chop his knob off or sink her teeth in his thyroid in the middle of the night.
I pity Enugu people..we dont deserve this..a paranoid governor and a schizophrenic first lady living together at Enugu govt house...
..To be continued..
If she has some mental issues den it is fair she's kept at home,idnt c d wrong gov chime did,evry1 who wnts to protect their own frm d public glare wud do d same,make d man allow d woman go outside go disgrace am? Shuooo! C groove ooo..som1 said he has 2 other wives! Well he is not d first to do so n dat cannot b d reason to imprison her in d house,she has a family, if he is been unfair de will speak up! shikena! abeg mk dem liv d,man no need to insult him
Although Chime is a public servant, I find this situation disrespectful to him. We need to learn to respect people's privacy no matter what. It is unfair to create this propaganda thereby forcing him to bring such a personal family matter to the public. And you will see a lot of our people rejoicing in their closet at another man's travails. A lot of people in Nigeria are incredibly nonobjective and heartless.
Governor Sullivan has nose cancer, a very traumatic ailment. Most cancer patients are aware its incurable and often prepare to have a less distressing exit to the afterlife. Sullivan has lost a lot of weight, often carries a depressed demeanor. He is obviously under the burden of cancer and wouldn't love to aggravate his already hopeless situation. He may have stepped on some toes as any politician would, but what saharareporters have effectively done is worse. If she has a neuropsychiatric doctor, she's mentally unstable. Depending on the severity, such patients often have restricted movements as part of their management. He and the wife now have to deal with the stigma associated with mental disorders (having been made public by saharareporters) aside his stroll to inevitable demise!
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Hmmmm am speechless,diff stories by d day.nothing hidding under d sun. Its well
Bunch of confused humans. We have better things to worry about jare!
In my own opinion d woman is really sick and d govnr is doing all he can to help and protect her so as not to cause embarassment.
D wife is Mentally Unstable Dts jst it
Pple(press) should learn how to verify the authenticity of their tale b4 publishing it. Falana, your clint is MAD...KOLO...as in brain toch...Okwia?
This man is a womanizer, he is guilty
Something is nt right here!
Governor Chime is probably correct in his statement that his wife is not mentally balanced to brief Falana on the issue of her 'seemingly house arrest'. Naturally, the wife's mental challenge would not be a thing that the governor would want people to talk about on the pages of newspapers. So, his best option would be to keep her away from the preying eyes of journalists by keeping her under secured locks. What a pity !!!
I feel for the woman. Gov. Chime, now that everyone has known of her mental challenge, please help her to seek proper medical treatment. Do NOT confine her to the State House.
This is Super story...
Really Waiting For Rev Ejike Mbaka to say d final Sayings#GistingwitObama#
I woulda believed his side of the story, except that for a First Lady that is truly as SICK as they are portraying, she is still intelligent enough to create an intelligent write-up addressed to the appropriate body: the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) with the complaint of unlawful detention. Something is fishy here... they are shutting her up. Falana don't Rest, Linda Ikeji help her... tripple your publicity on her. If she(First Lady) is right as per her initial claims...This is war...psychological Violence... Help her free herself!!!!
Its well with her
am still not convince with dis press conference granted by d governor, dis guy is smart, he's a lawyer, he knw the rules & tactic of law, why was she silent wen dey ask ha question? why does d broda went with her? guess he went too persuade her to protect d governor, somthing is sketchy here, Sahara report will never release a statement without investigating there findings.
God ve mercy
pls can some one clear d air here,governor chime ve 2 wife which of dem now is mentally sick?
All I can see is manipulation,with time the truth shall be unravelled,if indeed he's locking her up against her will,and dosing her with sedatives,God will judge him and all peps involved........Poverty na bastard sha
U are indirectly telling dat ur wife (first lady) is mad. This is unbelivable
Possibly, my gripe though is that if he himself could travel to London when he was sick, why not send your wife abroad too to get the best treatment needed if he so truly loves and respects her like he claims. naija doctors were not good enough for you but they are suddenly good enough for your wife? You politicians already know how to spend and waste our money, this one is an issue that no one will blame you for too much if you send your wife abroad to get the best treatment she needs for her seemingly critical psychological ailment.
See what marrying a devil in mans form can lead to once upon a pretty babe now a shadow of herself......its a pity Gov chime God'll punish you if indeed u are guilty of the laid allegations.
Are the no Psychiatrists in Nigeria strong enough to answer this foolish men. What mental illness does she suffer from that requires her to be isolated without a phone & a computer. I am sometimes ashamed of the stories coming from my ancestral land. Isolation in itself causes mental distress. Are we all supposed to be uneducated that we cant tell foolish lies about mental illness. If he is really that ill that medical care in a medical institution is what she needs. Very soon the whole of Nigeria is going to approve the detaining & drugging of this woman. Whats she says after being coerced does not count. We now all know she has a mental illness. The government must find a doctor not linked to this man to check & look after this woman in a hospital. You will all be surprised she is normal just being abused by a controlling men. Many stories like these happen just google them.
Where is this woman's family. Other cultures in such incidence they take their daughter & look after her for a while. Thats the only way to see whats really happening. It seems the brother will sheepishly sit there as long as he get money. Next chapter something more mysterious will happen. Thats my 2cents. Back to my psychiatry work in a civilised country where you are not locked up unless you are violent.
Hmmmm, gov chime! Answer me now! What led to Clara,s mental break down? Did u marry her a mad woman? I smell ogiri okpei!!!
Hmmmmmm.....God help dem
That mental illness is not natural #political
Pls wat does he mean by it he would ve taken d easier route but it will be ungodly????? Hmmm am in tears for that lady,
Clara,s family should look for what happened to their daughter ooooo cos this is not the beautiful lady that was married to Sullivan.
hmmmmmm.....God help them
Clara,s family should look for what happened to their daughter ooooo cos this is not the beautiful lady that was married to Sullivan.
Yeay first time on Lib
Ah anonymous 11:56 na wa oooooo!!!!!!!! 2wives? U r 1 of d reason we hear fake news @ 1st...... Nigerians don't confirm their news b4 publishing....which is very bad....sahara n fake news sha
So he can receive treatment in London and his wife's treatment is in government house! He try well well!
Why wud his wife refer to her husband as ''you'' in a press conference dere is more to dis story Dan all dis,clara was mentally stable wen she married Gov sullivian chime, she became mad cos of wat he did to her with her sister, her sister even ave a baby for me, she shud take evritin happenin to her, I jst pity her baby boy wit her present state.
The problem of the Governor's wife started when the randy Governor impregnated the wife younger sister, the woman had a brain damage as a result of the incest and shame the governor put her into when he had carnal knowledge of his wife sister. The Governor will definitely pay for this act as he will be judged, posterity will tell.
badoo don use him wife brain 4 rituals... Hahahaha #an anonymous passing by#
Make she talk nah.....nah accidental death go follow....
Nawa oh...why are you this lame nah? Who told you're the first to comment? You haven't been first in class since your days in primary school till you finished your secondary school,even in university,you are still 50 miles away from first class,then how can you be the first to comment? And even if you manage to be the first to comment one day,it doesn't matter cos you are an anonymous and will always be anonymous(⊙o⊙)
Just put an end to deceiving yourself.(⊙o⊙)
Days of our lives!!!.... lets wait for the next episode.
The Gov shld pls park well, the woman can't even speak for herself bcos she's scared or something. She earlier said her family members wld rather hav her die as the gov's wife and r in full support of the gov. Their is somethn fishy here, she's under pressure and won't say a word to the press, its evil to have people treated in this manner. Pls free d poor woman from bondage cos d person behind dis ol is enjoying herself somewhere. We know who d gov is, he does whatever she says, I aint calling names here but she's a stake holder in Enugu state. I rest my case
There's more to this I think.........
.....never cease, u mean. Cheers.
That woman is not insane. She is only acting like a person under duress. This matter should be properly investigated
God will judge! She was not like that b4 he married her sha, only God knows what went wrong. Do u eXpect her talk where her Husband is? She doesn't want to loose her dear life. She was kept out of reach of her family members and u say u are protecting her. Even if she shld be in d position u claim she is, she need not to be isolated, all she need is love n proper care.
Eeeeeeeehya Clara I feel so sowee for yhu....I pray dat God wil interven in ur situatn...Amen
Dis is confusin. Only God knws d truth.
May be she has been warned not to say anything or her own is finished,dats why she keep mute deciding on what to do wen she's ask a question if to say d truth n dam d consequence or not
He has used his wife's sanity to win election!!!
Hell is waiting for you!
Y is she receiving treatment in Nigeria???
He shld take her abroad if he rily kias 4her..cos him too went abroad 4his own treatment..
Its all a JUJU affair
Is so sad to read dis about clara,so this governor said her health issues started 2011 God forbid..The clara I know I met waybk in abia state university beautiful lady with a beautiful heart,u got carried away when d governor proposed..Nne I know all this is a lie he is not treating u well but God will see u through..is well
Linda show ma msg o, I said its all a JUJU affair
I dont know wt to believe again sef. The woman may v mental issues but may not be as severe as he is painting it. She was probably brot to the press conference under duress hence her brother calling her to th eside. Maybe they threatened to kill her moda if she did not talk...okay, i watch too much Afmag. *drops mic*
Here I tot d whites were more complicated,nau who is nau
I see a woman been made to make statements against her wish. Even the so called press conference was called so that Chime will have the moral (immoral?) excuse to either divorce her or fully separate from her. Ladies please know that not all that glitters is gold. That young man who has prospects will give you more joy than an absentee millionaire/ governor / politician husband.
I see a woman been made to make statements against her wish. Even the so called press conference was called so that Chime will have the moral (immoral?) excuse to either divorce her or fully separate from her. Ladies please know that not all that glitters is gold. That young man who has prospects will give you more joy than an absentee millionaire/ governor / politician husband.
Who do we believe in dis case na lili my comment
Even if she has issues psychologically, it is not every time that you load people with drugs, she may need a change of environ, maybe a vacation even if it is within Nigeria, this woman does not seem mad to me, betrayal , depression, hurts may have driven her to this state.does he give her attention? Does he share intimate moments with her? Oh pls, mad indeed, if you are behind this woman's predicament, trust me, God will avenge for her, deceive everyone but God knows the truth
Mister governor I dnt bliev ur story but den ur a governor ad cn afford 2 manipulate everytn 2 ur favour y treat a sick woman at home?
There is something they are nt telling us, if u knew her condition n ur cancer of d nose was treated in london why nt take her dere for proper treatment? she wrote a letter to a doctor abroad where it leaked to d public Y didn't u contact d doctors for her if u truly didn't locked her up? N ur due to meet with both famlies what have u been waiting for all dis while, dats means there r stories yet untold. Am waiting for the part 3
She most likely is schizophrenic. It is not an easy disease to treat and the unnecessary stigma attached to the disease worsens the burden on her and her family. Please leave them alone.
U actually believe the governor? It's a shame cos u dnt kno all this politicians they are so good at manipulatin things
Abeg anon 11:35AM shut up! Stupid tin, na bonario cause health issues of chime's wife? Abeg gerrrout.
This guy sounds guilty as fuck,he's done something to this lady.She shd be interviewed without him or d medical personnel present,OCCULTIC BASTARDS!!!
Eyaaaaa..... I feel for this woman. A mare victim of political juju. I guess detaining her in the house will keep Chime in power or alive, if not why hasn't he flown her abroad? Taking her treatment abroad is the best way to keep her away from prying eyes and maintain her integrity. Who is Gov. Chime trying to fool??! Onye Ogwu Ego!!!
Is a pity May God help dem
This story has bin overflogged.Let karma resolv d ish
It is likely that this lady, the governor's wife has mental health issues. A reality that a majority of Nigerian are in denial of. The best thing for this lady is proper evaluation and treatment.
The governor has already stated the obvious. He should send her for proper treatment. Mental health issues are not reasons for stigmatization. Most people suffer without realizing it. Take note people, not all that seemed well is well.
Where's my comment Linda the bitch?
"Allowed her to use her laptop and phone?" That right there is a huge red flag. Your wife is a grown ass woman, she does not need your permission to use her phone or her laptop. Smh please rescue this lady.
Bastard child! It is the same yoruba that will kill your household. Dickhead
Hmmm! First he was sick to a point where nobody knew if he'll survive or not, now they are applying that his wife has psychotic issues, Shei na their politics juju dey do dem so? As him don well, wifey has taken up the curse
U sound like u were born via Blowjob_ #Ewu !
Anoda fool sounding like he was adopted_u sure u know ur real father? Idiaaat!
Pls since ur a psychologist, can we know her diagnosis from you?
My dear u need to rewrite english in WAEC and NECO...it's so unfortunate! Smh...
The best comment so far on this blog...
do u guys actually believe dis governor? some tin fishy is happening up deer. pls i beg d agencies involved, even linda ikeji pls investigate into dis issue.she didn't want to talk , it shows dat she has a sound mind. she is being threatened .maybe dey said dey will kill her son or mother. dis people are top politicians,dey knw how to get anytin dey want. asuming d wife is mad would dry hv given her a chance to speak? dat woman is sane. her reluctance to talk should proove to nigerians dat she's under duress. she isn't free to talk. her brother is bought over by d governor...alas what money can do! pls pls nigerians come to d aid of dis innocent woman! very soon dry might evn muder her and say she died in an accident! i pray for her.
dis woman is under duress and threats by her husband. she isn't free to say her mind. i knw how dis politicians can get power toxic! pls safe dis woman from d hands of her husband. highest womaniser in enugu
nigerians should come togeda and free dis woman from govement house. surely shes not mad but shes been threatened
governor is lieying. d wife isnt mad ooooooooooooo. shes being threatened joor
lawyer fanni pls dont give up on dis case. dis is a very serious case. u guys wont understand what she has been tru
dey dont want her to leave d govmnt house so dat she wouldnt expose dem
in dis interview,u guys should note dat she neva denied d fact dat she wrote dat shes being held hostage. all she said is dat she doesnt hv problems wif her doctors
sometin is wrong somewhere. d gov is smart cos hes a lawyer and he wants to cover his ass. buh believe me, d wife really needs to leave dis govnmnt house, her life could be in danger. d border has been bought wif money. why didnt dey call her mum in dis preess conference? food for thought
enugu state indegines calls for d release of ur wife. we believe she's under threat by u! period! release our first lady pls
dis is so fishy . wat are dry hiding. dis woman has suffered sop much in dat house. release her pls
inhuman treatmentts can make piple run mad. release her from d govnmt house and lets see if she would still be mad?
collecting phones and laptops shows dat dry hv a skeleton in dier cupboard. free our first lady u wicked gov
Clearly this woman is in danger and needs help, because she could not get the help from her greedy family that is why she cried out to the world for help. The man is using his position to make people believe she is mentally unstable when in truth he is the devil himself. Ask any body who has been in an abusive marriage with a husband that is rich and you will understand what this woman is going through.
dis is what happend to princess diana dry framed her death. dry killed her knowingly. pls good citizens lets luk into dis issue. dier is more to dis dan meets d eye
dis is what happend to princess diana dry framed her death. dry killed her knowingly. pls good citizens lets luk into dis issue. dier is more to dis dan meets d eye
My fellow women pls let's just all dis talk talk and help dis woman with prayers,she really needs Gods intervention though she went contrary to Gods commandment but she still needs mercy,men don't really care abt us 4get all dere pretence.pls pls and pls let's pray for her
Another 'RASHIDI YEKINI' in the making.
All Nigerians need to rise up against this powerful man who is about to cause the death of his own wife .
How can any one with brain locked up a psychiatric patient in this day and age.
The psychiatrist who advised that this woman should be locked up with no access to basic things like a telephone should be reported to the NIGERIA MEDICAL COUNCIL.
It is against the teaching in psychiatry to lock up some one like this woman.
This woman showed no sign of violence. Even if she does, you cannot just locked her up perpetually.
I think Falana should drag that psychiatrist to the NIGERIA MEDICAL COUNCIL.
I believe, the governor is using the psychiatrist to kill his own wife.
In Nigeria, people including family members can do any thing for money. The psychiatrist, and this woman' family are all in this arrangement for nothing but money.
This is a man who can afford to travel to UK ( not even India ) to treat cancer inside his own nose but now decided to lock up his own sick wife. Does this arrangement make sense to any one?
This story is really k-legged!!! When gov chime was sick he flee to UK for treatment. Now u claim u love ur wife so much and u confine her to a room with a team of doctors experimenting with hallucinogens and antipsychotic drugs . If u trusted them that much why didn't u leave urself to the care of naija doctors.?? And why couldn't she reply directly to the questions without mins and mins of silence. She is being subdued and her family is under some threat!! The doctors around at the press conference are under the governors payroll .... What else are they gonna do?? Dance to the governors tune !!!! This woman no mad when u marry am ... After marriage she start to dey craze...oloshi
I totally blame d gal and her family. They worship moneymoney. The man will slowly kill her! Bet me!!! Gals neva marry just for money.
He was with Muna the eldest sister. Then Clara went behind her back to sleep with Chime. Clara and their mother now started going to all sorts of dibias so he can hook her. He did. Then he moved on to Ebere the other sister. Their mother knew all this but favoured Clara because he married her. The story is plenty and the husband and wife are both nasty people.
Sit down there, set look, dey buy all these people's BS. If he was trying his best, he would've flown her out of the country like he did for himself instead of isolating her in the house and continuously pumping her with drugs indefinitely. Is she not important enough to do that for as a wife?
I suspect something fishy here, that woman is either chronically scared of the husband or she is under drugs that always keep her mentally unstable, femi falani should request that she should be tested somewhere else or by other doctors, possibly doctors representing the court or falani himself, to determine her state of health or the kind of drugs that she is on or that she is taking
Some truth but this woman is phyisically suppressed and mentally manipulated. U can c, she just dey follow follow, yes ma yes sir.
I smh at the ignorance displayed on this blog most times. The fact is that there is no cure for mental instability. I suspect schizophrenia in her case even before the governor called a press hearing. The patients cannot think for themselves and need relatives to make decisions for them. Taking her abroad may be worse because she'll be far from family and I pray he doesn't divorce her, it'll make her sink further. They should not have allowed her access to phone but guess they did it out of pity. It's a tough fight but God ll see you guys through. It's not easy at all.
I've also noticed this sickness trend in the wives of rich occultic people like ROF( reformed ogboni fraternity). Women beware, all that glitters is not gold.
I don't knw if I wl say dis is law of karma telin on her or manipulation frm her husband.only God knws bt I pray she regains her sanity an d truth b told.
What ever , we were told that some of her siblings prefer her dead than living that place, please I hope that one there is not one of them, n why was she taken out of the conference room for a while by her brother, proper investigation should be done period.
Nothing to add to it!
Exactly my thought. If he cares as he claims; why not send her abroad with security and relation. He left her in nija so they can overdose her because he knows abroad that no Dr is allowed to over administer meds just for convenience sake.
money ,power,and misery.if she is rescued,all his shit politics power will vanish.
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