The chick pictured above claimed on Twitter a few hours ago that Wizkid has been texting and 'bothering' her roommate who is also an Ethiopian chick. That she wrote this doesn't mean it's true. Don't forget, Wizkid is in a serious relationship, not that being in a relationship has ever stopped any man from toasting another chick...but...we don't know if this is true.
And as expected, she was dissed by some Nigerians who saw her tweet. More tweets after the cut..
u nigerians have time. and the one thing u hate is the truth. kai
Some chicks have so much time on their hands. Next pls, Miss Ikeji
Lol I no fit shout
Wizkid is a man he can toast who ever he wishes to
So wots der?...is ur room mate na a lady?...abi she no fyn...abegi mak I ear word...u no go even hapi say wizkid dey text am...mumu kpalansa babe...mtchwww...abeg next
What about it? Mtchew Next plz!!
And Lindiway u helping this small girls stay relevant.
I can wakeup tomorrow and claim Beyounce has been disturbing me and I pray it makes the news here.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Dis jobless young girl seriously nids hlp.and hw is dat her biz if wizkid kips disturbin her room mate.na beef ooo
Dis gurl is jst a cow Abeg. Y didn't her socalled roommate broadcast it herself on twitter?? She's jst lookin for publicity! StupidCow!!!!!!!!!
How is dis news? Hisss
what is wrong with this Girl? ,i am wondering why you complain not your friend??
sugar go get a life all u need now is attention..u got it already
Anoda attention seeker...all ds babes d moment dey notice dey dnthv much followers on twitter dey mk up story jst 2 get noticed.mtcheeeeew
Nigerians are special all what other african countries do is to get our attention... I don tire to dey type make I go hustle
Attention seeker oshi. MtchewwWwwwww
And who d hell is this prostitute, seeking attention with d name of Wizkid, Linda i blame you for this, why will that idiot get attention self, they always said they hate Nigerians but all of their little seeking fame celebrities is coming to Nigeria to get what to eat
this east african people are hilarious. that is how my friends wife from malawi said they dont mingle with west africans, i could not but laugh, yet they know everything about nigerians, they want to be like us, they like our artistes even our food, our movies, yeye people, they are so jealous of us and now this 1 is claiming they hate us, na so. ok girl u have been noticed, u will not break up wizkid's relationship so go to bed
Lmao! Little wonder why Tee-baby had to move in with him
This Danayte babe is as jobless as Rough Diamond....let her manage d ones I gave her on twitter.
She's jealous bcus Wizkid refused to woo her with all her silly efforts
How wizkid take get d nomber....I beg!and if his gf can stand it no wahala...is der harm in *bothering* d girl
Rotfl in ijebu.. Wizzy baby textn ur rum8,u dey pariwo... If he texts u,u go create blog lyk linda.. Chai.. Face ur own road b4 kasala bust!.. Lookn like chicks in The gods must be crazy
Haha, I'm not active at twitter
well tell ur roomie he has a prettier girl frnd and if we hear say she wan do anyting with wizzy baby Nigerians will swallow her. Let her keep off. besides, how is that ur headache?? see her face.
Am sooo in luv with Wizkid,pls come and toast me.
No comment olodo...next page pls
Mtchewww..... all these gurls sha!!! 1st twas namibian naw its ethiopian....l8r it ll b ghanaian.....Na wah ooh
So wizkid dnt hav a rght to ask anoda girl out....becoz na sea goddess em dey date!!!mtcheeeeew mak dem free d guy plzz
Lol! Even if its the case, why come say it on twitter, why didn't ur friend say it her self, the thirst for attention tho! Smh.
Wait oHhhh, I dnt get it!!! Why are u lamenting??? ok you actually taught wizkid should be disturbing you not your friend rite? TAke several seats plz cos u are so jobless!!!! Matcheewwwww... Stella said soooooooob!!!!!!!!!!
Lol......yahoo guy don dey scam ur friend making you guys to believe you're chatting to wizkid don't worry wizzy will be broke and you will need to pay for return ticket into there GL Acc......mstecheeeew u better be wise and & don't think wizkid of T.T chatting ur frnd. ADVICE *Linda Post This*
Roomate are you jealous he isn't texting you,abi if he does wouldn't you be happy ,Groupie oshi,Pls let Wizkid sow his wild oats all he wants,as long as he uses protection,afterall he hasn't put a finger on his GF's hand! Jaiye ori e o jare,pls don't come attacking me and acting holier than thou,if you are wizkids age and you have money you would do worse !
Even though we know men are polygamous in Nature, this must be another Wizkid. Lol
Jdy last posted...Top 10 Proven Signs She's Interested In You
These Thirsty hoes tho! Smh!
It is jobless fellows like her that replied that kind tweet.
Wizkid that is screwing oluchi in lekki phase 1 .una dey here dey shout for ethiopia girl look closer home
Tania is coming 4 u
Nawao...linda somtimes me dey tire 4 some gist wey u dey put 4 dis ur blog nii??dis one no be gist na...abi u don run out of gist?haba....wetin concern us wit ethiopian girl wizkid dey text?haba!!!!!@rewxo6
Is dis M̶̲̥̅̊y̶̲̥̅̊ willie willie? Jus wondering cos U̶̲̅ share d same name wit M̶̲̥̅̊y̶̲̥̅̊ twinnie
Hahhhhaaahaa,and so?
So? Just seeking attention & u r helping her
Nt news
Mind ur business
But how is dis news? ??
How e take affect us??
d babe is lookin 4 followers mehn!!!!!!!!!
These Ethiopian girls are so full of poop...who cares if ya'll hate Nigerians.And by the way,why are u complaining.ur friend should be elated...bothering?pfft!!!please.get a life,rat
Haba na good news if d boi text ur rmi na , u dey made ooo dat one na case
All the African countries hate Nigeria. It's understandable. We are just too confident in ourselves. We love life, just like the Americans. People think we are too arrogant and blah blah blah. They should go jor!! Because we no send them. 👊👊
lol she just looking for attention www.fashionitazbybuiti.blogspot.com
Popular singer Chidimma sex tape leaked, too bad
nigerians hate pass satan, n thats a fact. mk God help us.
Dis girl is seekin 4 attention and we are aready given her wat she need my comment
Am so sick of all dz cheap publicity.. And who cares if u like Nigerians or not. Who gives a rat ass abt wot an Ethiopian thinks anyway .. Ode oshi
The #BGEL pose competition is on
Next news abeg!
lmbfao...... wizzy likes ur roommie, and @MadeInEthiopia takes up broadcating. wat a Job. its not a crime to like somebody but wen you cheat dahz wen it becomes a crime. Fellow nigerians do you agree with me?
Lol.,the thing wey twitter go cause ehn
How is it my bizz! Evrybody wants to be popular.
Whizkid is still a young boy. By the time he is in his 40's, I can see him having kids and baby mama's at every post code in the world.
ASUU STRIKE: ASUU Postpones Call Off, NEC Meeting After Iyayi’s Death
Wizkid was texting to fuck her or texting to love her? Cos both are different.
The chic looks like a chiwawa. So what if hez texting ur room mate? Sure u wish it was u.
and how is it her business???
Some chicks sef....publicity stunt.
Well, I honestly don't care if Wizkid texts Paris Hilton. The lady sounds like an attention seeking person.
Slummmmmy ass D*ck freak nambi whatever! u dey CRaze!
Reasons why naija babes always have back ups. for where u go see a typical 9ja babe with only one dude as bf when love don disappear? Wizkid ride on so that Tania can pay attention to her other admirers.
To each his/her own, wetin concern me? FYI her father sha about that gibe about Nigerians!
Reasons why naija babes always have back ups. for where u go see a typical 9ja babe with only one dude as bf when love don disappear? Wizkid ride on so that Tania can pay attention to her other admirers.
I don't doubt the promiscuity of a Nigerian man especially the "big boys" however the girl and her roommate need to take several seats and so what if he's texting her, eish mere words have a bitch excited get a Nigerian visa follow him and see if you will enter his house smh at the end of the day you know he has a chick and you are entertaining it... in our messeed up society you are the bitch, the man is a don- he has his chick by his side, his plenty cars and money and he's still texting you... as for the young lady vthat leaked this info do not take panadol for another persons headache..Use your time wisely
Hope ur frnd pritty pass u! What is ur problem self r u Jealous of ur roommate
Amebo frnd
Hope ur frnd pritty pass u! What is ur problem self r u Jealous of ur roommate
Hmmm this is a serious matter. I wish to hear more of this story. Linda keep us update on this
Attention seeker Ethiopian bitch!
So the person being disturbed is not complaining, its the room mate? smh, jobless chick, amd who say's Wiz kid does not have a right to toast and play games? He is not married YET!!!
See dis little rat o!jobless pple mtcheeeew!
N here it is again if u guys dnt biliv dis girl bcos anyone can wake up n claim such y did most of y'all biliv ese walters story. Or is it bcos wizzy isn't married? If there's no proof advise is neva biliv it fellas.
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who is this fairy??
Rihanna: hey handsome will I be asking too much if I ask for ur digits?
Me: +23480*******2 where have u been all my life????.
Una see am???? Rihanna sef dey disturb my life with sms.
Hoes seekin attention! N Linda obliged dem! Rubbish! *ONYXGODWIN *
Linda nawooo gist don finish 4 market abi? How dis news now kum tke concern us. Whtevaaaaaaaaa sha.
Yeah. It's normal. Wizkid has been texting my friend, here in ibadan too
Beyonce is disturbing me o. Ehen...
Abiii oh, she's so sure its wizkid. Loool
Ethiopian girls dey sweet o! Huge squirting mehnnn!!
Afi be "financial empowerment na"?....mcheeeewww.
Mo fe fe Esosa, Ngozi peperempe, all of them for me...including Ethiopians...
taa! kitipka gbawa gi onu there. your room-mate should go for thanksgiving if wizkid of the whole people has her number talkless of texting her. u girls should watch your mouth o!. Linda tell them
Twitter allows for cyber bullying. why should anyone care that some chick is claiming whatever? Its not like you know the truth..
hahaa! then let her buy cow and go for thanksgiving na. she is lucky is she'nt? is she the 2013 miss world? haba! quickly for thanksgiving o!
Is it a crime to text another gal, he is an african besides africa man marrys more than one wife.
Ds babe is jes trying to seek attenion nofn else....lol....all ds gals shhaa
Lol....ds babe js trying tu seek attention....when she no get job...lol...all is well...all I knw is wizkid is in a serious relationship with tania
Ds babe is jes trying to seek attenion nofn else....lol....all ds gals shhaa
And am disturbing Linda....yet no response n to post my comments na war...well...*in don jazzy's Voice* Surulere!!!
*the cook*
So Nigeria plays Ethiopia this weekend or so and these bitch is tryna start some twitter shit.
If wizkid ask ha out nko,wts so special abt dat? Mtchewwww!
Amebo roommate! Who goes her? Who is her Ethiopian father? School girl for dat matter. Mtchew attention seekers.
so why you all care the ethiopian chick is tweeting? that is what twitter is for! you cannot assume she is expecting people to explode like this. mtttcheeww you all should calm down. and for what are you defending wizkid oh? what he do for you?
she is beautiful tho i must say
Ewu 10.49 oluchi is in durham running her Msc so shut the fuck up. Go better your life zombie.
All dose girls re saying rubbish anty linda pls don't mind all dose okpoo if u don't no d meaning of okpoo let me tel u okpoo means jobless girls who believe they can use their pussy make money everyday frm anybody some of them we use d name of we re student weather d person blind o or nt without shame all what they want is money, nt only ur room mate. (infact lady gaga) has been pinging me since 3320ffb9 she said dat she's in love wit me Lol I pray make wizkid sick ur attention say caro if wizkid sing wit caro it means he has been disturbing ur room mate since idiot ode Lol.
Fake wizkid account??
Sorry to say tho. you all are jobless. Y dont u all do something sweet by letting her be. whether it is lie or not, Wizkid or no wizkid. Pls for God sake let her have her fun. There is no crime in that
Sorry to say tho. you all are jobless. Y dont u all do something sweet by letting her be. whether it is lie or not, Wizkid or no wizkid. Pls for God sake let her have her fun. There is no crime in that
fuck dos wizkid haters
In b lyk say d gurl dey craze sha.
I hate being sober #reBEL GAng
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