I'm not particularly a fan of President Jonathan and this government but c'mon Mallam El Rufai, that name calling is too harsh and uncalled for. Well, that's what I think, you're free to agree with him. Presidential aide Reno Omokri already replied...
1 – 200 of 375 Newer› Newest»I agree with you Linda! Not a fan of the president either. However, he's human first before a president. Whatever he says to God in his time with God is no one's business. He moment of prayer has to be respected.
Political bull shit.
Hmm dirty games
~D great anonymous!
He is just jealous
haba mr elrufia,,,, dis is total disrepect to our president... even if u dont lik d man, pls u re also abusing d office not only d person....
Linda, Jonah deserves to be called worse. He is truly what El-rufai says he is.
Sometimes love can be very contradicting: It is
hard to find but easy to loose. It makes you feel
good initially but hurts later. It opens your eyes and
also blind it. It fills up your heart then tears it apart.
Dear singles, love of this days is no more blind it
was before. LOVE OF THIS DAYS CAN SEE. Before
marriage keep your eyes wide open and half shut
afterward. If you are too carried away you may not
be carried along.
More grace!
Dis man call El rufai is too rude and useless fellow. I think dis man should be taken to a psychatric hospital for brain disorder. Jenwitemi say so.
Yea,it aint kool cos its only God dat wil Help our country
To think that this is coming from a man that's supposed to be educated,enlightened and well informed.
Such arrant display of bitterness,immaturity and spite from El-Ruffai.
This indeed goes to show that the men who parade themselves as our leaders are not only far from civil but are also filled with hate for one another.
El-Ruffai,your children must be so proud of you.
Hell Rufai!!!! Or what are you called, your bitterness shows focus how shallow minded you are, this tells me you cannot do even. 1% of what Jonathan has done, not this kind of attitude. I am not a Jonathan fan orPDP but it is obvious you are absolutely. All these names you called Mr. President...........infant you are a fool for doing this to. The public.......he be like a people like you wey dey sponsor book haram........ Trust me........the who world should check this guy.........Linda pls post my comment just for once now.
A category of folks in this country are born to rule, that's what they know best how to do,
I agree with him
Neither am I but dis is so childish n uncalled 4!!
Smh @ El rufai
El rufai, el rufai....what impact did u make when u were minister? All these mallams with cow brain sef.
El-rufa'I is right
That was harsh buh he just retweeted some1
Truth be told, every name El Rufai called †Ñ’ξ president is actually true. He is a clueless and useless leader. He is infact unfit to be A̶̲̥̅̊ leader!
1st to comment on dis shit!!!
This man needs to be arrested like seriously. He is indeed mentally ill what pity shit
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El-rufai is insane no doubt about it! How can he talk and condemn with so much hate.
El Rufai needs to be kidnapped and shot,stupid fool like him
El Rufai abi kilo kpe is a bitter man.He may end up commiting suicide.The person he has been throwing arrows at,has not even returned one.shame on u.
The biggest problem we have in Nigeria is from his fellow muslim brothers yet he is here writing,sore looser
I L♥√ε̲̣̣̣̥ Reno Omokiri's response
El-rufai is insane! How can he talk and condemn with so much hate.
El-rufai is insane no doubt about it! How can he talk and condemn with so much hate.
El-rufai is insane no doubt about it! How can he talk and condemn with so much hate.
One word 4 d old fool... PATHETIC
Mallam is just broke!
They say silence is golden. Y must the presidential camp reply? If a sane person happens to fight with an obviously mad person, they'll both be classified as mad. We pay too much attention to these pple that's y they will continue to insult the president.
Hi Linda.From your pic it shows el-rufai quoted laurelstar's tweet,he didn't tweet that. And then I think you woulda seen #saveErnest on twitter.pls its real!,he's an 18yr old boy that needs a kidney transplant.He just lost a sister last month.pls,help save him!
El-Rufai is truly a very bitter fellow. Sincerely, this continuous criticism from APC is becoming irritating.
Kai that was too bad. El-Rufai is in no positon to call GEJ names! He is not the best political office holder Nigeria has had ever oo...
El-rufai so sorry abt ur health , pls get well soon.
I use to have so much respect for el-rufai, but since he lost out of power, he true color became clearer and I lost ALL the respect I had for him.
How can a man in his right senses be mocking another, who is even the president, while he is praying to his GOD?
It's really unfair and it's condemnable! If a renowed Christain posts a message like this during when the late yar'adua was the president, I'm sure lifes would have been threatened if not eliminated by those bunch of "curs*d religious - fanatics" like el-rufai
ElRufai can't be someone's father, he's childish.
Linda, o disagree with u, d only thing El rufai is guilty of is stating d obvious. What has ur President done to deserve the accolade hardworking, useful, hopeful and proactive..pls tell me. They are putting d blame on boko haram, what of states not affected, I agree that there is always a trickle down effect but I don't expect d Country to be in such shambles. Pls Nigerians let us speak d truth no matter d ethnic, religious or social background. This Govt has not tried at all, if I start counting their failures I won't leave this blog today...
Your head is there bimpe. Buh it's because GEJ is too soft that's why he's received humiliation of all manner throughout his tenure. May God strenghten him
He and his likes are bitter becos GEJ has not called them to come and chop......stupid man, what did he do when he was a minister? was it not to destroy people's homes?....El Rufai is hungry, pls give him some crumbs and he will shut up...
What has this got to do with goodluck and elrufai?
I don't know what is wrong with this hausa fools they don't have regard to anybody unless you are one of them I live in the north and I know what I am talking about.el rufai this office and person you are pouring refuse of shit on I sincere know you have your eye on it ,so when eventually you get there or your hausa brothers get there you expect other tribes to respect you we are not fool
You are a fool.
linda the day dem go come arrest u for top amebos,me i no dey ooooooo.u no know say dis one don pass your mouth ni lol.
U ar a fool. Beast! U wil never smel d sit of power in ur life. Go to hell. Dat is d hotest part of hell. Animal!
What are u talkin sef??are u sure its dis post u are commenting about abi na drunkard u be??wetin relate love nd marriage to dis issue??na u even worse pass GEJ nd dis rufai of a man...#passing by with toothpick
He retweeted sum1
Are you guys kinda tipsy or am I the one misunderstanding something? If I'm not mistaken,el-Rufai RETWEETED someone's tweet. If that's what happened,how is el-Rufai responsible for that? If I'm the one not getting something right,please someone should correct me.
Hey fellas dnt be quick to draw conclusions,what if El-rufai's account was hacked?
El Rufai is nothing but a bitter,frustrated,falling out of good times, psychotic fool!! What effontery!! Kettle calln pot black as if he'll do any better if given a chance oh well that ain't never gonna happen.......patiently waiting for d fool to commit suicide when the man he conveniently refers to as clueless returns in 2015!
This one is i must be relevant by force.always blabbing rubbish.if he thinks he is d messiah we r waiting for why can't he challenge GEJ in 2015 ....anuofia!
.Ewu can beer!!boko haram!!!!
This El whatever is a bastard..
And this mentality is what is exactly killing Nigeria. Why did God give you a brain? Its so you can do something. How many Americans believe in God? Isn't the country working?
I smell something fishy here,this could be a political propaganda against APC
TO USE TWITTER AGAIN RIGHT? COS YOU WANT TO BASH el-Rufai. DIDN'T YOU GUYS SEE el-Rufai only retweeted someone else's post? SMH
Are you guys kinda tipsy or am I the one misunderstanding something? If I'm not mistaken,el-Rufai RETWEETED someone's tweet. If that's what happened,how is el-Rufai responsible for that? If I'm the one not getting something right,please someone should correct me.
Thank you so much, Mich! Resentment is like drinking a poison and expecting the other person to die. El Rufai, the poison you drank in form of resentment will definitely destroy you and not our dear president. Jonathan looks so meek and gentle that's why you good- for- nothing northerners would always dare him. Would you say this to Obasanjo. Obasanjo, your boss ruled for good 8 years without any land mark achievement. You and your boss institutionized corruption in Nigeria and yet all you rotten and stinking opportunist still have the temerity and effrontery to poke Jonathan. Go and bury your face in shame. Fugitives posing as patriots! who is deceiving who?
nice one El rufai....our president is a coward and a kindergarten president
Linda i dis agree with you he is such a spineless idiot imagine he is just having talks with assu after 4 month of strikeoduah corruption has he responded to it my God will punish him to his last generation
El Rufai is just a castrated he goat. I Charles Bassey said this. I had so much respect for this guy but he just doesn't deserve it. Fuck u El Rufai......
Let's ignoe all these $ conrtibute to help the guy with kidney problem
The mallam only retwitted what someone typed na
El Rufai is just a castrated he goat. I Charles Bassey said this. I had so much respect for this guy but he just doesn't deserve it. Fuck u El Rufai......
El-Rufai has jst exercised his freedom of speech .Democracy owes him dat.Howeva d wods he used r too strong 4a sittin president,I fear his bluntness may land him 6ft soon.His mouth runs too bad n its filled wit bile n sentiments.If I were Jona,I'll summarize his brief self in jail.Nonsense
Silly of you all to be appeased by someone not taking their office seriously. Prayers, like really. He must do his job for Nigeria & keep his prayers private. If you believed in prayes you would not be be trading in gossip. But all is fine for you Linda. Lack of education in Nigeria is keeping your business going. Thousands semi illiterates post here daily they have no jobs or skills do do anything else.
Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaahahhaahhahahaha*****i can't just stop lafing oooo***NAIJA!!!!my country
Is el-rufai better off.let him go and sit down.mtchewwwww
The fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.....so the bible says.
A corrupt leader like our current president should not bother lifting up hands in prayers because God cannot and will not be mocked.
Jonathan has opened himself to mockery and insult by his lack of leadership.
As for El Rufai - answer not a fool according to his folly lest you become like him yourself.
God bless Nigeria.
So why is Reno Omokri also "stooping" to bandy words if he knows his president is effective? Anyway I guess he has to earn his salary.
What elrufai fails to realise is dt bad or good God put Gej dere so any insult passed to him is indirectly passed to God.... Not his fault dough he shld have tried dis shit wen abacha was deir.... Letter bomb tins for him
Shut up you useless docile foolish anonymous fellow for you stupid reply nonsense if your father was that good why isn't he the president vagabond!
Hi linda,
Thought it was obvious that all elRufai did was to retweet a tweet from the popular @Laurestar.
Same thing he did a few months ago when he retweeted @zebbook, in the latter's tweet about Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.
Long story short, elrufai did not write the posts, he however rebroadcast them. Same difference, you may say!
This is rude
call God when you've done your part....its high time we stop bringing Him to a whimp.....GEJ SHALL never be my choice... for heaven's sake, Fashola is a clear sign i can never settle for less.
Haba!!! That's juz too much....
We have to admit it's not easy to rule Nigeria.Corruption started many years ago before we even dreamt Jonathan will be president.We honestly need God's divine intervention in Nig.El-Rufai shld shut up already!!! I doubt if he wld make any difference if made the president.May God help Jonathan cos even if he has good intentions,he's surrounded by treasury looters!!!
This el- rufai is just a bitter fellow.he's been on this name calling thing for a long time now.i actually had to unfollow him on twitter when I got sick of it.
He should get a life abeg
Mallam E-rufai, what ever you said to our President will go back to you. I hate you with passion for saying all this to ur Presido. Even if you are to be our president which I personally, know you will never be till you die, you will be the worst president Nigeria will ever have. Jealousy will kill you as you don't have respect to your leader. Go & pack well joor! Until you learn how to respect your leader before you will be a leader. A word is enough for the aged.
Call ur father dog idiot. Animals
The name calling is so not necessary!
If you think Jonathan is not LAZY, DOCILE, INCOMPETENT, CLUELESS,HOPELESS, AND USELESS as being described ; please prove it.
I am not a fan of BOKO HARAM EL RUFAI, but he is being honest with his description of our " once-shoeless" and onced-loved Jonathan.
Let us all accept that our once loved Jonathan has disappointed us.
Not only is Jonathan as described above, he is the most INSENSITIVE leader we have ever had.
He is also highly self-destructive.
Jonathan has up to 10 functional planes in his presidential jet fleet, yet Nigeria does not have a single plane as a national carrier.
Does this make any sense to any one apart from Jonathan?
Jonathan wicked , no be small.
He does not just care about any one but himself.
He had said himself, HE DOES NOT JUST GIVE A DAMN".
The most painful aspect is that we all voted for him thinking that he will be doing the right thing.
A lot of us were killed by the foot soldiers of Gen BUHARI just for voting for Jonathan, and yet Jonathan does not just care thereby making it possible for BOKO HARAM ELEMENTS like this El Rufai to be saying things like this. It is just too pathetic.
When he is supposed to take a decisive decision, he will instead be forming committee upon committe.
Jonathan is a big shame to all us who supported him.
A big shame indeed.
Those the gods wants to destroy they first make mad..el-rufai needs urgent psychiatric support and help...please someone shout for help...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's call a spade a spade. Is Pres Jona lazy? Yes is pres Jona incompetent? Yes, is pres Jona clueless? Yes is pres Jona lazy? Probably.so what is the matter.one last question, if you were the Chairman of a fortune 100 company or rather one of the top 10 companies in Nigeria would you make GEJ your CEO?
I rest my case.
El Rufai, God himself will shut you up in Jesus name, Amen.
I've always admired el-Rufai...but now, i believe he is going too far with his criticisms of Mr. President.
Does El rufai think it's easy 2 rule over a country like Nigeria? Honestly this man need 2 change is meds or hire a new doctor 2 manage his condition bcos it's like d one managing him nw is nt doing his job well.
Does El rufai think it's easy 2 rule over a country like Nigeria? Honestly this man need 2 change is meds or hire a new doctor 2 manage his condition bcos it's like d one managing him nw is nt doing his job well.
U are a fool. Ewu gambia
Obviously the Govt has some trolls surfing the blogs defending Houseboy Goodluck Jonathan .let us buy him a container of shoes and send him back to the creeks where he belongs.
Whatever!! Its took ur presido 100years to respond to ASUU, a thing very crucial to any country! Something dats shuld never be overlook. Let dem kill themselves. Trouble waa
Criticizing is always easy with distant-relationships, but when it comes to our allies and benefactors, we mostly look the other way.
We throw stones at others, but won`t even rebuke our own...
Many are on social media lashing public office holders who they have no ties with, but they are quiet when it comes to those they have ties with...
Some have turned devout sycophants in the name of loyalty...
Some have turned attack dogs because they are not in the system...
Sadly, some rant because it`s the temporal escape from idleness...
These are spanners that keeps flying into the wheel of progress.
If we truly desire change, then it is imperative for us to always question our intents and motives.
Why do you criticize?
Why do you support?
What`s your interest?
Patriotism should transcend personal interests and sentiments. You are entitled to your opinions and views, but the advancement of the society should be paramount on our minds.
U r d 1 who shld be checked cus ds ur grammar worse pass boko haram bomb
D annoyin part z al dis name callin Z irelevant n wunt change anytin!nt even d price of a cup of garri in vespa market!...ketle calin pot blak!nonsenx! *ONYX GODWIN*
we like him so; yardua was not different. el-rufai (north) wait for your turn or you go develop psycho before power shifts. wait, I say wait for your turn. as you guys also have nothing to offer other than plundering Nigeria wealth that you contribute little or nothing.
well everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Even if El Rufai detests GEJ so much and has no respect for him,he should @ least have respect for God..Haba! How can you even call a human being all those derogatory names? Am not a fan of GEJ's government too but Rufai took it to the extreme#Too bad abeg,besides that's our President,he deserves some damn respect no matter what
Like Linda rightly said"not a fan" but HABATICALLY,it is very poor,rude,disrespectiful,humiliation,disregard.......... to d number 1 citizen of Nigeria.
What a mockery??? Very bad and bitter of u@el rufai.
Nigerians will lik to act lik d Americans but no American citizen will address their President in such senseless and low mental way. There,he is called Obama of USA but here,it is yeye Goodluck Jonathan.very bad of an elderly states man@El rufai
Like Linda rightly said"not a fan" but HABATICALLY,it is very poor,rude,disrespectiful,humiliation,disregard.......... to d number 1 citizen of Nigeria.
What a mockery??? Very bad and bitter of u@el rufai.
Nigerians will lik to act lik d Americans but no American citizen will address their President in such senseless and low mental way. There,he is called Obama of USA but here,it is yeye Goodluck Jonathan.very bad of an elderly states man@El rufai
El-rufai, if jealousy no kill you, sickle cell anaemia will never ever will kill you again. Fanatic! I know why you're pouring your anger on our president, you will never ever get it again. Go and cure your watering mouth first before abusing our President in public. After all as a Minister, you did not do anything, yet nobody abuse you as you do to our President. Ji kwa ya nwayo! Aturu Awusa. Go & hug transformer if you don't like his government.
@ anon 4:34,aw can u say a religion is cursed? Datz nt nyc...if u want 2 abuse or reply el-rufai,pls do. Nt 4 u 2 b insulting his religion. El-rufai insulted GEJ, nt his religion remember? Pls let watch wat we say.
El Rufai is a man that has been forgotten in the political cemetery. He is only seeking relevance.
Well, el rufai should not have said this publicly on social network. Its degrading to our president. But I believe what he said though. Our president would have been better being the deputy or assistant or 2nd in command .
He jus confirmed to Nigerians dah he is a dull literate....cow...learned bingo....plss el ruf don't stop ooooo....animal
U deserve to b caLled worst names. When we had a corpse(yaradua) ruling this country, did any muslim speak againts him? My dear muslim friends, uv not seen anythn yet. Cos we will continue ruling this country till God says its time. Cos if the ANSWER is not JESUS then the QUESTION is WRONG!!! Thank you
Hmmm.. True words. GEJ shld resolve ASUU issue instead of joining issues with opponents
Plsss count now...buh wen u finish counting, tell us ow u av contributed in making nigeria a successful country...since u are so daft dah u can't differentiate insults from truth
Am totally not a fan of GEJ, but he is still the father of this nation. and EL-GOAT or whats that you name... You shall rot in hell for saying this rubbish.. You lack respect and you are foolish man.
Linda o!!!!! El Rufai retweeted o!!!! Get it right
I think that one should not make a habit of talking all the time. sometimes, hold your peace, keep quiet. that way, you earn more respect. by talking every time, el-rufai is beginning to come across as desperate...
El-Rufai Please take a chill pill... ur own don dey too much
Linda, u blind oh.....el rufai didn't write dat...he retweeted dat...and if u check his bio..it reads...retweets r not endorsements
Nigerians and sentiment. EL- RUFAI is absolutely right. God cannot be mocked, one has to do his/her part in a situation and ask God to crown ones' effort with success. Here in my father's land, our leaders refused to do their part and asking God to take control, the gullible ppl that we are, we refused to accept the fact that our leaders are lazy, docile , unenlightened and ignorant because of tribal and religious sentiment. We should be objective enough to see an issue whenever it is raised and the personality of the individual that raised it
A boy said to his father: "I saw a girl and I want to
marry.... her. She is so beautiful and she has
gorgeous eyes.
The father answered his son : of course son, let’s
ask for her hand in marriage."
When the father saw the girl, he admired her
beauty and he told his son : "You don’t deserve this
girl, she needs someone who has experience in life
and she can depend on, someone like me."
The boy was surprised by the attitude of his father
and he told him : "She will marry me, not you”.
They started to fight and finally they decided both
to go to the police station to solve their problem.
When they tell their story to the police officer, he
told them :”bring the girl so we can ask her about
her opinion about this. "
When the officer saw the beauty of the girl he said
to the boy and his father :”you both don’t deserve
her, she needs someone who has prestige like me.”
The 3 men started a fight and decided to go to the
minister to solve their problem.
When the minister saw the girl, he said: "She
deserves to be married with a minister like me”.
The prince heard about their problem and call
them all to help them solve it but and when he saw
the girl he said : "This girl will marry me”.
All the 5 men started to fight.
Finally, the girl said “I have the solution! I will start
to run and whoever catches me first, he will be my
When she started to run, the boy, his father, the
police officer, the minister and the prince started to
run to catch her.
Suddenly the 5 men fell into a deep hole.
The girl looked to them from the top and she said
“did you know who am I?” I am the temporal
world!! People want to run to catch me, they are
racing to have me. By doing that, they forget their
God, until they end up in their grave and won’t
have me....!
----------Dont forget God because he didn't forget to
wake u up today.
I think we need to allow dis el rufai rule this country let's see how well he will do it
Ask me ooo
You are a fool
Why is Elrufai carry this bitter taste in his mouth forever?
Silence is golden.
Go and rule and see how it is before you condemn,fool
Dis man called El Rufai wil 4 ever remind stupid 4 calling mr persident names my comment
El Rufai is worse than Boko Haram and Buhari put together. You will never ever get a public appointment for the rest of your wretched broke life. Thank God for saving us from hypocrites like you!!
He deemed it necessary to take our problems to God. Many great leaders did same. El'Rufai, should bury his head in shame!
Blunt and correct position. We so much love half truths in this country.
This nation is shutting down gradually and GEJ will be held responsible
Linda I agree with one of the annonymous commentors about #save Earnest*. I tink dis blog will get more accolade, respect and recognition if it features the extreme needs of the common nigerians dat need help. As for El Ruffai, he is just a disgruntled element seeking cheep recognition. He doesn't deserve dis attntion at all. Hausa mallam. Wat dis his brodas abacha, musa yaradua etc do? Idiot!
Hepa!!! Se na bros Jo get all dos names.....I no knw say him name plenty like dat oooo.....Anyway Mallam that was too much.......
This short bitter malam has definitely crossed the line..
Oh ppl pls before u cast aspersions, was obasanjo better than jonathan or was babangida or buhari better or was it the despotic abacha, c'mon give GEJ a break, many of those calling for his head can't even serve as local government chairmen,talk more of presidency
Elrufia is a bitter person! It's in his nature to hate! May God forgive him! Amen!
Hey! Don't be a retard by dragging any religious sentiment into this. Kindly brain up anon 4:21
I pity u!
The question should be..Is Jonathan All this? Have you ever Called GEJ any of these before...For all I care, El Rufai was right!!! He is Lazy, Docile, Hopeless and Useless..
I do not care if this man is under pressure to run in 2015. What I care about and hope is that Nigerians have felt enough pressure to Vote out PDP in 2015.
Its all about politics...El Rufai is not better than GEJ,they r both the same.
Gudevnın Nıgerıa!..olmost 4got rufıa stıl exıst.Mr rufıa,plz go feed ursef wıd som 'good attıtude pıe'..yhu need enof 2satısfy yhur hungry Ass!..aunt lıly ah msd yhu jawe..bın supa busy 2comment'. #Mz_NenyeH
El rufai abi na wetin is a muslim naw..all this low lifers dat dnt knw wat to do apart from gettin married to dr granddaughters.insulting a whole president,itz evn in d bible dat u should respect ur leaders wat am I saying,he uses quaran sef.,abi no be una been vote for am,evn if hez nt doing well we hv to endure it #didi
i have just lost all the respect i had for this mallam, this name calling is way out of order. common!!! show some class.
el rufai is seriopusly acting childish. he needs attention
Conversation as it was captured and reported
by a Yoruba fly on Stella Odua’s living room
wall .
Stella: Old girl , how you dey ?
Friend: I dey O! People wan chop you raw
because of two small cars .
Stella: No mind them, I chop pass my two
female colleagues, the skinny one and the fat
cheek one ?
Friend: You think say na them set you up ?
Stella: Who know ? Them too don dey avoid
me, I flash them , no answer, I ping them,
them no ping back, I BB them, for where ? .
Friend: Wetin Oga on top talk ?
Stella: He say make I relax becos he dey
behind me like Iroko tree . He even say make I
no go for the hearing, but I go there ,I show
those little men my power nothing go happen,
you know say their oga balls dey my pocket .
Friend: Wetin you wear go for the hearing, you
show them those curves ? laughter…
Stella: I wear that Tie dye suit wey you give
me for my birthday with matching head tie.
Friend: Wetin your ex-husband talk about all
this wahallah ?
Stella: He say na God catch me .
Friend : You go resign ?
Stella: For where ? God forbid , You ever hear
say Oba go transfer ?.. Laughter
Friend : You dey read the things wey dem dey
talk about you for punch ?
Stella: I no dey read that Yoruba newspaper
Friend: Your Ibo brothers and sisters dey fight
for you there O!
Stella : Make them dey fight for me , wetin
them know ?..mugus.
Stella: Chukwudi !!! Come kill this fly for wall…
FLY.. Oh crap !!!… gat to go!!!!!
That was when the house boy sprayed it with
insecticide and the fly managed to fly in to file
this report , he is recovering in a local
A useless sickler lyk elrufai he will neva attain president johnathan's level.stupid fool
whats prayer without work?? omokri no sense in that tweet
Elrufai! Note Dis... Rude to ur fuckup presido can't get u back on track. With dat small but terrible mouth of urs. U lost it long tym ago!
With this argument on this concerning GEJ and Mr Nasiru. I have officially come to the conclusion that the people of Nigeria, are like their president. Lazy, Docile, and most especially clueless and ignorant. How can a nation say why is the president being insulted when intact, the words thrown at him are 100% true. Smh, go and see the trillions of stolen dollars only in GEJ tenure, increased international debt, improved corruption, increased political theft, improved Poverty, rot of infrastructure, Continous theft etc That is when we will begin to see the reason behind the anger of Mr Nasiru. MIss linda when it comes to politics report a story and please don't share your opinion, be unbiased. The reason is that there is always more in Nigerian Politics, than what meets the eye. I am apologising concerning my typos, please ignore them.
exactly who jona is, simple. Jona is nuttin but wotever Elrufai called him. foolish president
Abeg help me ask this fellow!!! Shoo
Mallam hell rufai,is suffering from political post syndrome.elrufai is so jobless and hopeless right now,ever since he left govt and no more political post,he now turned himself to an overnight human crusader.all in d name of power shift to d north,hell rufai has turned himself to nuiscance.its only in his wildest dream dat d power will return to the bokoharams.useless mallam
To be honest he stated the obvious truth. GEJ is unfit to rule this country!
Pls ask him very well.
Is El-Rufai a saint? I have never been a fan of the President but I think he should be respected as our leadear.
That y dis apc tin. Am not a politician ooooooo
Omokiri,God bless U.El Rufai is xo daft&naive
Elrufai or wat ever ur called, you need to be cross examined by a psychiatrist, with wat you've twitted shows me that you have a mental issue... His praying to God has nothing to do with you or anybody... Your just a jobless old man. If you don't reap this evil ur sowing now ur generation will...
This frustrated idiot called El-Rufai is the biggest fool I have known. won't be surprised if he commits suicide very soon. The bible says touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm. For insulting God's anointed and a sitting president, God's judgement will surely visit him and his entire generation, both those unborn. What was achievement as a minister than destroying people homes and reallocating the land to his family and friends. El-Rufai,I have seen men of your type, on have seen old age, your DOOM is near and no tears for you. To hell with you and your jealousy.
But is it not true. We are unfortunate to have a leader like Jonathan someone who is not even fit to be a secondary school principal.
For Pete sake,that was a RT but he is actually clueless.
Follow KaratKid on twitter @its_karatkid
EL Rufai - are you not the one that has been called similar names? I guess you got accustomed to it and presumed it to be part of the regular vocabulary. About Boko Haram, why don't you take your northern hiny and go talk to those northern lunatics marauding in the name of a peaceful God and do something about it, hmm? Who said a president is the one with power to address such community level issues? True action must come from the community. So tell me Mallam, what da fuck have you don't in ya backyard lately? - Rivers Babe.
Hellrufai is a born fool, given d same opportunity u will perform lesser that d so called clueless, useless Jonathan, idiot! Anunpama.
El rufai is as concerned as every other person surferin d maladministratn of d Jonathan led govt,,,we ve bin @ home 4 d past 4mnths,,,,hospitals were shot 4 more dan a mnth,,corruptn has neva bin dis endemic,,,d ills of dis govt is endless,,D adjectives 4rm el rufai is best or inadequate 4 dis useless govt led by jonathan
Mallam that was too harsh, if U don't respect d president pls respect d office. Remember, what goes around, comes around.
Emerald u must be an idiot, its obvious that u re equally clueless.
What adjective is too much 4 a father that think certain amount too much 2 invest in once child's education?students have bin @ home 4 more dan 4 mnths,,,hospitals were closed 4 more dan 4wks,,corruptn has neva bin dis endemic,,,any1 who has feel a pounce of hunger due 2 maladministratn of d jonathan led govt ll kno those words re not enough for "them"in my own oppinion El rufai is on point
i totally agree with el-rufai even thou he sounds a bit harsh.d prayers are uncalled for,God has already given him all the resources he needs to make those prayers come true....so...its all a waste of time
Lets be frank wt ourselves,,,,re those words enough for this govt,,,forget tribal or religeos sentiment,,
Nasir El-Rufai is stupid, foolish, crazy, insane, silly and retarded. I am not surprised at his bitterness for not securing an appointment with this administration. All the losers seem to have lost every manner due to their bitterness and jealousy. PLEASE, WHAT DID YOU ACHIEVE DURING YOUR OWN TIME AS A MINISTER?? Kettle calling pot black! Next plsss!!
El rufai shaking my head for you. You have a very shallow mind.#tufaikwa#
Linda dts d kind of country we live in, som 1 just talked abt respect 4 an office which office? If a DPO can interupt a peaceful meeting of 7 siting govnors, Wat do u xpect? Som 1 might just slap mr President 1 day cos dts d kin of xample he leads wit. No 1 is 2b respected
U r so useless. Retarded beast.
El Rufai thinks that being the president of Nigeria is the same as being Minister of FCT. Wake up idiot. Both jobs are poles apart. You can never know what it is like to lead over 120 million people. You have the right to disagree with the president but not to call him a fool. You are the bigger fool and a man whose brain is as small as his frame.
Haba, et tu Linda? El rufai simply retweeted but of course, you have joined the realm of those that seek to add kerosene to smouldering ashes, so your headline reads, 'Elrufai calls GEJ...'etc. I know blogging is more lax than actual journalism but sha, seek the truth within you and be your own ombudsman...I bet you wont print this...
El rufai is a bitter, bitter man. But I do agree with his assertion, GEJ has not shown an mettle as president yet.
El rufi forgot to add imbecile to the insults I can't wait 4 2015 ,I'm sooo votin this moron out of office so that he ll finaly relocate to d creeks where he rightfully belongs
Linda where v u been na?? Checked ds blog like a million times 2day.
Naijadeltapikin... El rufai shuld shut is dirty mouth and stop insulting jonathan God will help jonathan and direct him, what has elrufai done for Nigeria people only to destroy their house he should go n hide inside a hole big fool elrufai.
And u Emrald or whatever u call urself, what impact have u made in some1's life. Thunder fire ur yansh. Isi ewu.
Jonathan cannot do a damn thing to cure Nigeria. His hands. Are tied. He is just a figure head.Nigeria is just a big third world sweat shop meant to service the first world countries. El rufai knows this. He is a fucking tribalistic wanker!. He really doesn't care about Nigeria. His problem is Jonathan. He is just a Bigot.
Ws he nt d 1 dat kille abiola's wife murderer were oshi......................anti Linda abeg I jst finish diploma m in search of work plss I studied dip in law.............................. If u fit spons me go private uni no p abeg sis..........
As Fela said "And dem go dei do Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad things through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen...." El Rufai has said nothing wrong
Book haram out now?
Ok Linda, your President is useful for discharging his responsibilities as C-in-C, he is kind for utilizing the country's resources prudently and he has been fair to all his followers by brutalising and oppresing some Govs who have dissenting opinion from his. I think your Uncle GEJ has been very smart for sheilding corrupt state officials and even awarding other financial criminals with state pardon. Linda, you know what? Your President is the most unqualifed, docile and unproductive President Nigeria ever had. Take it from me!
Coming frm a 0.0 human being am nt in support, leav dis tins to ur children nt ur age mr fool @ 40
El Rufai.is jst a frustrated looser. When he thought he was going to get a position he told the world on BBC he was the best for the Job. Now his lost out ofthe political tussle he calls him names. El Rufai be cool fool
Its in no way harsh... He is everything he was called..Why are you people so damn patient with all this nonsense
No matter how harsh we might percieve his comment, its actually true
But let's stop insulting el rufai. What has Jonathan administration done to benefit us, in each and everyone of us privacy we have all called him those names. He is just saying his to public. Any of the country's university student dt hasn't called GEJ this names Shld come out and say so. Yet someone is using 255 million to buy two vehicles and she still has d audacity to go for FEC meetings, y can't he sack her. Let's just stop d hypocrisy Abeg. He has d right to freedom of apeecb and expression. Who is patience foster mother to nigerians for her to get state burial and Jonathan's mum for her to donate hostel blocks. No be our money dem dey steal.
May i remind el-rufai that he once headed most fruad privertisation in the history of Nigeria..He and Obasanjo sold Nitel to their cronies but it was revoked back,El-rufai allocated plots of land to his wives and under age children...During Obasanjo regime in 2000\2001 ASUU strike was over 8 months which he served what did they do?during their regime with Obasanjo oil output dropped to 700bpd where are others? El-rufai should show away out of this country..shameless idiot..
And there i was thinking that el-rufai had fallen to the lowest level ever...little did i know that he continues to dig even lower. I am so ashamed of el-rufai. What has he achieved? it is a lot easier to be in one little corner and criticize.
Linda, wld u av done tinz d/ftly ursef?
Remember hw fightin corruption in d begining nearly cost him his political future. I noticed the president has taken d preventive measure in other to avoid the rot of the mighty cabal. Since d president took office,inflation is down to 8%,new shippin ports & railways ar springin up in many states, he is bulding airports cargoes, constsucting high speed train in Abuja and kaduna which wil soon be completed,Onitsha has new port tanx to him,he is buildn world trade center whic is abt 50% completed. How abt helpn d poor? Google "conditional cash transfer in nigeria" and see 4 ursef. I av d edunal requirement but believe me i culdn't hav done better with d limited resources.
I agree ...GEJ is a beast
Idiot inshort na una northerners barb nigeria the kind head weh I'm de carry nw,if nt for obasanjo nigeria fit see road.for forty years una de rule nigeria wetin una do.idi onu ka ogili isi.jealous fool,one day that bokoharam una de use disturb the peace of this country go begin kill una one by one.
El-Rufai epitomises all that is wrong in the human nature.
Yes Jonathan has not endeared himself at all to the populace by dithering on so many issues, but dear God to think this vitriol is spewed forth from a man who looks so "CALM" on the outside but is a boiling volcano of unfulfilled dreams on the inside. Hmm! Nigeria beware el-rufai is reeking and leaking SHIT!!!!!
Hell Rufai!!!! Or what are you called, your bitterness shows you are not focused. how shallow minded you are, this tells me you cannot do even. 1% of what Jonathan has done with this kind of attitude. I am not a Jonathan fan or PDP, but it is obvious you are absolutely All these names you called Mr. President...........infact you are a fool for doing this on a social media.....he be like na people like you wey dey sponsor book haram........ Trust me........the who world should check this guy.........Linda pls post my comment just for once now.
the truth sure hurts!!...you expect him to colour coat the bleeding obvious??
El Rufai is just a fool...A young fool for that matter..
Mumu am very sure el rufai is ur bfrnd...jonah is the best...suck ursef up
And his fellow cow brains are okay wit wat he tweeted... Sad... He will soon go crazy if he isn't already.
Exactly. I won't b surprised if he says his acount was hacked. I neva liked rufai and aunty linda u don't have to tell me if u r nt a fan of mr president on dis,go straight to d point. El rufai is bitter.
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