Photos: Funke Akindele & Mercy Johnson mess around on set | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Photos: Funke Akindele & Mercy Johnson mess around on set

Funke Akindele and Mercy Johnson Okojie are currently working together on a movie. Funke posted some location pics on her instagram page today, which shows the actresses having fun while filming. See more photos after the cut...

Ini Edo dropped in to say hello to the girls...


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herrik said...

yu go fear fight. Se bread level na. Gbogbo bis gals on rampage.LWKMD.1ST to comment.Running to CBN for cash redemption

Anonymous said...

Rubbish! 1st to comment!

Anonymous said...

Catch fun girls - best way to ease stress.

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Having fun on reel...Doing what they love and enjoy doing! Nice one! Mama Purity still got her lovely curves!

Blackberry said...

Mgbeke character suit MJ like a glove.

jbankzE said...

Diz galz no go kill pesin shaa.....c bread lol

Anonymous said...

Nice one catch fun girls. Linda u be Igbo or Yoruba girl bcos Ikeji get meaning for the two language

Anonymous said...

Which tribe you come from Linda? Sha I know say na Igbo or Yoruba.

Anonymous said...

Linda answer my question - Which tribe you come from?

Anonymous said...

See as Ini Edo dey like man wey get 2 babe

Anonymous said...

Nice nice....I thnk I cn c ini's baby bump....nt sure tho


Anonymous said...

my two sweet heart; love both

Anonymous said...

Those googles doesnt fit Ini Edo in anyway making her look like a man.

Unknown said...

beautiful knowing she is moving on aft d marriage crash... gbogbo big gals

akudo nnaji said...

this movie is going to be epic, cant wait. i love em both

Anonymous said...

i u guys eating bread or fromu mercy funke

onyinye said...

funny 2,guess dy re havin fun.wah do u expect..linda!!!! I wonder why u don't post my comments,cuz its gettin annnoyin anytym there z a new gist I always want 2 comment n have a share in d fun buh u wil just spoil errthing..biko try 2 post ma comments.

Gbabe said...

Lol .....razz ini edo. She always look like a riff Raff. Thumbs up to mercy and funke .

Anonymous said...

Yea..cute but..No beef ooo..I am tired of seeing all dese ladies on set...can't we see fresh actors and actress..becos new people are not introduced I can never watch naija film..#gbam#

Anonymous said...

Funke I love you anytime. You are the best

23491053 said...

Must watch. Cheers. Engr E

Unknown said...

These two bunch of funny characters. I so love.

women's health said...

Well, let them have their fun... Good one.

Bonita Bislam said...

Hhahahhahahaha funny girls.I lik em

Nneka said...

Babes having fun. I like!!!! Funke tooo fine for here jor??

Unknown said...

Can u imagine! Hope de movie 'll be vry funny?

Nneka said...

Wait, nah bread dis babes dey drag soooooo. Hehehheheh. Crazy babes

Anonymous said...

What is sister ini wearing??!!!!! Lord!

Anonymous said...

dis ini edo cannot dress to save her life! smh

Sean Manuel said...

WOW! Now thats what I call a bread that can feed 5000 persons! Nice one. Like "Jenifa". Arguably one of the best top 10 female actors Nigeria has produced.

Unknown said...

Nice One..

Anonymous said...

Ini Edo is soooo obviously preggaz#NavyorDie!

SARAH said...

Lmao! I love dis girls @ flunke n mercy anytym any day ***kisses*** hope d movie comes out nice


Anonymous said...

Ini Edo needs prayer's, her dress sense is more than horrible.......... cant believe she is wearing a Timberland boot on her feet.

nonny said...

Its going to be fun,watching this movie ones its out

Anonymous said...

~D great anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Naija sha, their outfit does not show the village life they are portraying. They need to think very well when doing these movies....

Kenny jay said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwww so lovely...

Anonymous said...

Ini Edo sha, razzest of them all. She always looks like a piece of crap. That wig, ewwwwww

Anonymous said...

Wait Is Ini Pregnant? Cus am confused.... She was never dis big....

ms k said...

Ini Edo, I can see ur baby is growing, congrats babes.

ifiok-abasi said...

Dats d spirit...kip d gud work actresses...inibong edo looks pregnant...if she is...lord jesus I thank u for her life...

temmi said...

oh my!!!!!! i jst love jenifa!!!!!! dunno bout the oda!!! hehehe omo see my rhymes

Anonymous said...

Hmmm Ini Edo looks pregnant ooo
Or could it be my eyes???

Unknown said...

Lol!!! Gorgeous girls!! Nice chemistry too!! *ONYX GODWIN*

Anonymous said...

Funke is just too chic. Unilag tinzzzz.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...the story was flowin not until miss Ini appeared!!d lady has becom synonymous with SMS syndrome!!!if u kno wat I mean....
Blue Superman

Ginger said...

"Laughing my ass off" is that bread? Funke sabi open mouth."Ofemmanutinz"

Anonymous said...

Y is ini lukn crazy! Na wa oh

Anonymous said...

Wht d fuck is ini putting on.

Anonymous said...

Wow that's great! These peepz are really having fun ooo!

Looks like Ini Edo is pregnant. I pray its so IJN. Amen

Anonymous said...

These are nice pics, that shows that they are happy with what they are doing. Keep it up babies

Unknown said...

Lol!!!! Wait oo!!! Na bread be dat abi na mouka foam??4rm wat I can see on set,Funke's got more WERE dan mercy...nice one der n its I hope it comes out asap.@rexo6

Anonymous said...

nice.first to comment anty linda

Anonymous said...

Q10 on display..*seen* funke sef don dey follow bleach

Unknown said...

I must watch this movie

Anonymous said...

Fun girls' day on the set. MJ looks much better here than she did in yesterday's pics. Uncontrived is where it's at.

Stephlinda said...

Ini looks big and pregnant. . . Funny Funke and Mercy. . . †Ñ’ξ first picture got me laughing so hard. . . Lol

Anonymous said...

Looks like both of them can finish that agege bread....where's the beans na?

fly guy said...

omo wat a customed baked bread

Anonymous said...

Ini Edo is preggy..whoop whoop..see her chubby happy for her.Ann#

Unknown said...

Funny it.

francesca said...

What kind of bread is this#suprisedface# lols,funke is glowing,mercy j's not bad either.

Anonymous said...

Funke that cellulite leg is not smiling at all

Browndelight by Queen Liz said...

I'm prouding Mercy n Funke (in Jennifer's voice) . pls Ini fling that blouse abeg.

chyko said...

This will be a comedy film,waiting patiently for it.

Raylah said...

Mercy should get a firmer bra biko... Her boobs look like slippers.. Then WTF is Ini wearing????

Nilla said...

I just love these two! Carry on gurls!! Muahhhh. *NoHomo* oo

Unknown said...

The F is Ini Edo wearing???? Ugh, was having a great day looking through LIB when without warning, freaking Ini Edo enters my life. WHY IS SHE IN MY LIFE???????

Anonymous said...

This is going to be hillarious....cant wait to see the movie!

Unknown said...

LoooooL. Love em both.

Anonymous said...

I just can't stop loving the 3 of them...........especially aunty Funke

Anonymous said...

How come Ini Edo and Mercy is looking pregnant.

Anonymous said...

Iniedo's bra tho. #eye rolling#

Mzz_Mary said...

Crazy af
Buh wat kind of bread is dat + Ini looks preggy

Anonymous said...

Eerrh!!! Ini darling, what in the name of your husband are you wearing? Like seriously?!! Mercy and Funke, can get away with goofing, cos they get paid to do that, so they can have fun..#thats all.. *running back to my patients.. Dr kaodi..

Anonymous said...

Bread of Life

Anonymous said...

So so tired of d kind of roles, new sometin new from funke n mercy!!

Anonymous said...

Is ini pregnant

Unknown said...

they're having so much fun. Fine girls

Janelicious said...

lol fun tym

Anonymous said...

HOMEWRECKERS UNITE!!! Look at how ugly, out of shape and dirty they all look.

Unknown said...

pretty ladies, very FRESH

Anonymous said...

Is it jus my eyes Deceiving me or ini looks preggy! Lovely ladies...

Anonymous said...

Mercy j pls wen will baby okwu 3 come out na.m tired of waiting for baby okwu in america
Wafi babe

Anonymous said...

Ini Edo looks heavy

Queen Esther said...

That big bread! D movie looks very interesting....

Tinu said...

Ini looks preggo. She probably doesn't want everyone to know she's taken in. Very understandable

Anonymous said...

Uni looks like a mad woman

Mutiat said...

Ini Edo, is by far the tackiest celebrity ever :/ What is she putting on??? Enough said.

Until my next comment, arrivederci!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.....I lyk ds bt I tot ini nd mercy wrent frnds wat hapened to dem.....I hop dey ar frends nw...

pwitie B said...

Oh dis gehs wnt kill mi oo love dem scatter tho

Anonymous said...

This movie will be so intresting ,please let me know when it comes out.

Anonymous said...

Ini edo nids help wit her dress sense.lawd! #:-s

teawhy said...

Beautiful people

yk said...

very funny. The two most talented actresses in nollywood.

Anonymous said...

Funke Akindele is sooo dramatic! Her mouth is open in more than half of those picture. Much love for her tho......

Anonymous said...

Theme of the film, prostitution! Lyk don't dey have talent for oda roles apart frm ashawo work? Smh!

Anonymous said...

my besties.waitin patiently for dat d movie

Anonymous said...

hehehe, I like MJ and funke, lol, they are two goofy people. What is ini edo feeling like? wats with the sunglass, I thought this was supposed to be a fun pic.... Linda, I know u don't like to post my comment especially when I say something bad about a celebrity, I knw u kiss celebrity ass, but me I don't. I will come back to check if u posted this comment or not. Your fan will spend time to read your blog and write comment but u wont post it, I am so mad at u.

GREAT love said...

They r catching fun mehhhn

Anonymous said...

Wat is Ini edo wearing for Christ sake... Dos she tink she is still young.... N its dat a baby bump I seee... I know dis movie will be funny.. Colabo of Funke n Mercy.....

SexyChubby says so

Unknown said...

Huh!!! Ini Edo is pregnant.... Praise God....#alinko

Anonymous said...

very funny. didnt know acting was this fun

Anonymous said...

Vry funny,mercy hv really lost somuch weight after gvin birth,,ini edo u look too local on dis ur outfit,abi na d hair sef

Anonymous said...

Dis. Is gud,dis 2 in a movie is waw. C Mercy Jonson curves,thank God Funke is gettn brighter by d day, also. Luv her make up.

@sinzu said...

I used to think Ini Edo had bigger breast ooo

Unknown said...

Pls linda is ini pregnant, just asking. Nice pix gals

Anonymous said...

This movie will b so funny @michelleogo

Anonymous said...

Lyndah lack of gist dey worry u.

Unknown said...

Is ini pregnant? I pray ooo

Anonymous said...

I luv des guys, can't wait 2 c d movie o. Nice makeup Funke got dere she luks cute.

Unknown said...

nice job

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm am loveing dis3 ladys lili my comment

Sane Mind said...

The 3rd pic of funke akindele is making me feel sexy!

Anonymous said...

Mercy is lukin sweet n luvli dey r both. First to comment

Anonymous said...

Ini is definitely preggy so obvious in d pics. Jeni baby,jenifa kan lagos kan. Dumebi o I c u

Anonymous said...

I gbadun dem gan... Expecially Mercy figure8 nice gurls keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Rosie Said....... Did Ini Edo drop by the set or is she part of the cast?.......Because this her outfit....Na Wah

Broda Fatai said...

Lol,I so love em both,awesome combo,i'm so putting this on my blog

Broda Fatai


See Mercy Johnson boobs sha....
I love it!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is dat baby bump on Ini edo? *lipsealed*

Terrywiz said...

Nice too wana act d way, is Ini edo pregnant?? Abi na mi eye?

Anonymous said...

are u seeing what am seeing? our own very ini is preggy? check out her over seized congrats!

Anonymous said...


Shinelle said...

Ini looks so preggy.... Abi is she acting? Buh dat her wig get as e be... As for mercy n funke, I trust dem to crack me up! Loll

Anonymous said...

Is that tinbar land ino wore???lol

Unknown said...

Linda dropped in ke?! Hian!!!

Anonymous said...

Love this Ladies..... they look like one family, XOXO love y'all

Tolu said...

hmm.seems this movie gonna make sense with the light of mercy johnson and funke starring.

Anonymous said...

Love this Ladies, they look like one family, XOXO.....muahhhhhh

Anonymous said...

Dese r my gals,kudos babes

Anonymous said...

I love the both of them they are so good in what dey know how to do best

Anonymous said...

ini get a stylist na!

ifex said...

Funke, must you always keep your mount open?

ifex said...

Funke, must you always keep your mount open?

Idele Ukate Gabriella said...

Lindodo is Ini really pregnant or she is acting as a preggy woman?

Anonymous said...

Bread of life lollz


Anonymous said...

Funky fellaz

Mama said...

Funke funny girl,gudwork

Unknown said...

Old mama iniedo wanna dress lyk riri abi miley,sick of al dis old cargos dat cnt respect dia old age

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha Ridiculous

Anonymous said...

Ini looks pregnant

Femolastic said...

So very funny.... Funke and Mercy I love u guys. Keep up d good work. CHEERS!!!

Anonymous said...

My Brown sugar Ini is definitely pregnant....

Unknown said...

Lol,Very Funny..

Anonymous said...

Ini edo is definately preggers!!!

Anonymous said...

These girls need to hit the gym ASAP...

ifex said...

see as Funke open all her mount for all the pictures...Original Yoruba girl, i site you...

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaha mercy ooooooooo

Anonymous said...

Mercy no go kill me with laugh,d girl to funny ooooo

Anonymous said...

Ini and MJ are dey pregiii? Can't wait 4 dis movie 2 be out. Lindiwayyyy I see u!

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaha mercy ooooooooo

Anonymous said...

Is INI Edo pregnant?

Anonymous said...

Awww..agege things..hahahahaha..choi!.I love this ladies abeg..
*Nita Briggs*

Anonymous said...

Pls what has gone messy?

Anonymous said...

Mercy is not messy pls

Anonymous said...

Dey are both gud @ wat dey do. Watch out 4 part2. Linda pls be my baby mama.

Miz Lincoln said...

Wonderful girlz

Anonymous said...

This ini edo Don craze ooh smh.. see as she dress like one local champion. She dey like who wan act comedy

Anonymous said...


Swanta said...

Hv fun babes

Techlordd said...

Lol...women with same symptoms.

Unknown said...

I can swear ini edo ÈŠ̝̊̅§ preggy..I pray she ÈŠ̝̊̅§...linda Æ”☺ΰ dnt post ♍γ̲̣̣̥ coment agn nawa2uooo

Anonymous said...

Wow nice

Anonymous said...

Happy 4 ini at last d biggest joy is to be called a mother after being married esp 4 some yrs!! Amen to God!!!! Jennifer and mercys skin shaaaaaa!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ini's outfit isn't it at all..funke is always getting it right but mercy's sense of dressing is wack..dey all look good tho..

Unknown said...

Mercy of life and funke of life, I love u guys

Unknown said...

My favourite!! Love u guys to d moon and back cant wait to see d new on LIB tho kk bye:)

Anonymous said...

2 funny babes keep it up u girls are d best ll girl ll go above d sky n u girls are nt proud lik some celeb God bless u girls welldone sweethrts.

Anonymous said...

2 funny babes keep it up u girls are d best ll girl ll go above d sky n u girls are nt proud lik some celeb God bless u girls welldone sweethrts.

Anonymous said...


I love me said...

Can't stop lol at the first pixure.... Chai!!!! See how funke akindele leg straight down from the waist to her ankle. No shape. Mama purity.... Yu too much.... Nice shape to die for. NB: jeniffa watch the kind pix n posture u go dey snap with merry johnson.

Anonymous said...

Ini edo any need for that ur hair?????

Love or Lust: Des true love exist these days?! said...

As in eh, za bread is massive.

Anonymous said...

linda na omo-igbo

Unknown said...

See bread! LoL. Ini Edo always trying to try. Smh!

Anonymous said...

Right from time,Ini will always disappoint me with her dress sense ewww!!! Funke&MJ thumbs up #Annytooch#

Deelarry said...

I love mercy like no other. My favorite. She is the best.. She needs to start putting class in what she does and how she looks too. I love too much..

Deelarry said...

And I love this Mercy, I pray I can meet her, and just hang out.. Love her to bits.. Linda, please pass this message across..

Deelarry said...

Actually both Mercy and Funke

Andre said...

I've seen u who luks classy. Lady trashy.

Anonymous said...

I thought Ini was a man in drag, lmao

Anonymous said...

Nice to see InI Edo and Mercy together. Which means they have made up . No more beefing ladies.

Anonymous said...

Oboi dis Bread no be hear oooooo

Anonymous said...

Who are they and why are they fighting in public over bread. My neighbor shit too dey smell. Linder, if u no post my comment eh....... It's moi Illiterate chic

Anonymous said...

dis is definitly a must watch movie...lav em bof

Anonymous said...

I tot I was d only one dt noticed InI edo's baby pump... Api 4 her shaa.. Funny movie tho'


Looool...I just love this two! So much fun to watch

Anonymous said...

You need to upgrade, this is 2013. What do you think they wear in the village now ? You think they tie leaves around their private part or use wrapper to cover their body. Why don't you help them out when doing the movies ?

Anonymous said...

Lol so true but she's so adorable I just wanna take her home and. Make her my Besty cos she seems so down to earth. And she's one hell of an actress too.

Anonymous said...

both of dem are tryin keep it up.but de mose impotant tins is .... Ask me i wil tel.

Unknown said...

I jst luv dis 3 babes lyk mad... finally ini edo is preg am so glad, ini pls make me proud by givin birth dis tym.. I reject any miscarriage story in ur doorstep ijn. Luv u plenny

Unknown said...

Lol... Tell her

Unknown said...

oh,,..... Bread of life....

BARRY9ICE said...

dis is hilarious, what kind of bread's dis? Anoda funny movie, love there combo, Mercy igbo local champion vs Funke Yoruba local sampion.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Ini.

Unknown said...

See bread, oboy see fight,love u cash fun.

Anonymous said...

Ini edo need to grow up

Anonymous said...

I liked them so much

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