How three women don't mind sharing one man is amazing to me...Kim Porter is the main chick, then Cassie, then there's the other baby mama he was spotted with last weekend, Sarah Chapman.
Meanwhile, the music mogul has made it very clear that he's nowhere near ready to settle down and get married. See the photo of Cassie he posted on instagram after the cut...
Floyd Mayweather has 6 girls and they all flaunt him on IG ..its a normal thing nowwadays ..women have lost all dignity and will do anything for money
Who cares!! ASUU is still on strike ..fuck GEJ
This is really sick I swear! Three women, one man???? Obviously cos of his money! I'm sure there are other chics that aren't so popular! O ga oh! So naija girls still get senior! At least they do theirs undergee....
Who cares.
Why they don't bother is only because of one reason.....MONEY!!!
Why they don't bother is only because of one reason.....MONEY!!!
Awwww..how romantic *RME*farts then walks away..
Whaat else? He's a rich dude. The richestrapper alive.........every gal is ready to give a 2fucks
diddy is a nigerian.... polygamy tins
That is what money could do, even fifty women would't mind sharing him
an dem sabi! But Cassie is really beautiful and I think she deserves better than she's giving herself
Money talk bullsh*t walk.....
Romantic moments!luv de 1st foto thou.
Its really amazing. Daz all I can say
awwwwww! so lovely.
I can't waitoo!
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Dear Diddy,please kindly let Cassie get off your nutsack so she can bring back that amazing voice that endeared a lot of people to her.
Right now,in all honesty,she sounds like a pregnant dog that is being ran off by a drunken trailer driver.
Dear Diddy,please kindly let Cassie get off your nutsack so she can bring back that amazing voice that endeared a lot of people to her.
Right now,in all honesty,she sounds like a pregnant dog that is being ran over by a drunken trailer driver.
Hmmmm...... Na wa.....women sha.....we dey suffer for this so called men ooooo.... Baby massage him well after which u massage d main d main........
M I the first to comment..... I guess not.......
Lindo post my comment o
It's not far fetched...............hes worth 580 million US dollars!!!!!!!!!!!.............. if i hold that kind pepe even you linda will not mind sharing me with two other women ....lol....just kidding....................Buh wait first????? ..Shey this gurl was supposed to be dating Ryan Leslie????????##bb confused ##....... All these oyinbos and Akata's sef.! .....Can be so changing patners like shirts....ibw....i love cassies sawngs.....she one of ma favorite artists.
I don 4get wetin I be wan talk again sef
Na wa oh. God is great. Me I can't sha. If to say en na broke ass, dem no fit plenty @michelleogo
I think u both fit...LYNEA
Aunty Linda u re so not updated wit hollywood gist....Cassie is diddy's main chic....Kim poter n co re baby mommas.
cool.. But why Sharing it online?
Firm, Flatten and Correct your Posture in a snap click here
Guys don't like dis shiii ladies always do... When dey break up, let her also share d pix on instagram... -__-
Na money dey talk.
Some1 as cute as diddy who wud mind.
So who snapped the picture? their dog or cat?
Jokers! Is why I choose jay over diddy all day long! #jaybeyblu
The reason is simple and it has 3 names EGO,KUDI,OWO..Linda have you ever seen beautiful women dragging for a poor man??
The reason is simple and it has 3 names EGO,KUDI,OWO..Linda have you ever seen beautiful women dragging for a poor man??
This picture is really cute and Romantic..
What the hell is going on here?! This niggas soo confused he's even confusing me!
Linda don't be amazed. Just ask the average Muslim woman.
since the days of our four father no human as been able to disect or understand a woman's mind
They live their lives for the moment
The last set of pics sef! Can be misinterpreted if one doesn't look closely! Did he sleep on top of her throughout the night? That would be pretty painful tho'.well, whatever rocks their boat.
Linda o.._ need to go to twitter to see wot yvonne nelson is twitting o!!I no fit shout o
These are the kind of women that gives most men the impression that women are cheap. Self respect....zero!
Make dem kill themselves on top one amu now! #long hiss.
These are the kind of women that gives most men the impression that women are cheap. Self respect....zero!
Make dem kill themselves on top one amu now! #long hiss.
Hmmmmm really mekin de guy to feel important let Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Æ ̴͡ who wins de contest,rubbish.
These are the kind of women that gives most men the impression that women are cheap. Self respect....zero!
Make dem kill themselves on top one amu now! #long hiss.
These are the kind of women that gives most men the impression that women are cheap. Self respect....zero!
Make dem kill themselves on top one amu now! #long hiss.
Moni bring bitchz nd bitchz brings lies
Not all women o. I am tired of all dis dead generalisations. Some of us still gat deir dignity intact. Abi anty linda na lie?
Oh well,he's so rich cassie would nvr think of leavin him!
Three can play that game as long as they are Mature....its not really about money, u can't compare these gals to our nigerian women, men will alwes be men, those who are married even do worst, so why fight over it.
Linda get your gist right Abeg. Kim potter is past they no more together, they've got kids together. Cassie is the main girl everyone knows Diddy with now.
You are a dumb and you forgot that when men turned to cheating animals women turn to gold diggers its not a matter of dignity it is what they offer to the women Ewu ohia
With d right amount of cash and influence, women will do the unthinkable this days.
Dnt get it twisted his d richest hip hop artist alive, nt only dat d owner of badboy records,sean comb's clothing line, Ciroc is payin him 9 figures annually. so wat do u expect frm those ladies? is money nd fame.
If he really fell asleep, then who took the pics?
i have eight gurls..... so theres ntin with wrong wif diddy having three
Diddy ain't marrying Cassie's ass! He's just publicly playing the real man thing on IG.
She doesn't even have a net worth close to his.
And for his other baby mama's, their clearly hoes and irresponsible women. Why get pregnant for a rapper when he ain't married to you? Little wonder why HIV and AIDS is so common among black american women.
Cassie should better know her priority with Diddy, if she ain't getting what she want, she should move on before she waste his youthfulness with Diddy.
i wonder who snap dem
He is using juju on them
Lmao, very funny
Dats DIDDY for u
He is using juju on them
Thank you anon 5:36
I was there that day, their bodyguard.
Yeye girl, see as u dey rob dat smelling toes.
Hmmmm.....Diddy z enjoyin' his life....!!
Ladies will always like to stay, cos dey see the money. No love lost, no love found.
People accept d love dey tink dey deserve and most tyms, pple wd continue to treat u d way dey do as long as u keep taking it...sad wot women put up wiv these days...
Money speaks.... They're actually happy with him. Their biz though.
are men now scarce that three women share one man... I am not taken yet..
@AnonymousOctober 10, 2013 at 5:36 PM....was abt 2 ask the same ??, LMAO
jus passin'
Am sure you are another gold digging bitch
Money speaking and Diddy must be very good on ***. Men has nothing to be ashamed of.
That's all she is. Foot rubber + sare wa gba
d guy fugly sha
Diddy snapped d pic he shared bt d one cassie shared is wat I am wondering who d photographer is.....????
Muther-fucker!!! And 3 hoes...
Muther-fucker!!! And 3 hoes...
I wonder ooooooo
What is linda sayin? Kim potter blah main chic? Na cassie we knw o... Cassie is d diddy's chic, odas are baby mamas. Toh!
Tell her please! Anu ohia! Abegii! I think they are tooo cute..he should settle with Cassie doe!
Shutup ya mouth abeg! Did they ask you to choose? Gtfo
Kim porter and d other girls re jst baby mamas bt cassie is his girl,get d rite fact b4 u paint smbodies image black
So,please,who took the picture then.......?Since he fell asleep on top of her.or does her wall have an inbuilt automatic camera or cctv,cos her hands are tied down.Abegi,make I hear.
So,please,who took the picture then.......?Since he fell asleep on top of her.or does her wall have an inbuilt automatic camera or cctv,cos her hands are tied down.Abegi,make I hear.
Internet driving people nut since 1908!
Money talks, bullshit walks. The way we share my man. The way I shaare him with his wife. Yeah yeah this is our world right now. Sad
Diddy's best friends are JESUS, music,B.I.G and girls
Unfortunately u don't have a copper talkless of gold church rat
Sorry ooh, biko, na question I wan ask maka na onye juru ajuju anaghi efu ezi. That outta the way, who snap the first picture? Cos Diddy is asleep as Cassie claims and their four hands are accounted for. Abi photographer dey follow dem enter room ni?
I watched 'official girl' video recently, Cassie really made a case for herself. Guess she ain't doing Diddy unofficially anymore! As to why 3 women would share one man? MONEY, loads of it. It's not like they not doing other men too.
Rubbish...you wan suffocate the babe???
Abegi! Cassie is a sharp babe!!music=0 acting=0 dancin=0 modellin=0!!she's got ntin 2 offer,d richest hiphop artist den shws interest n u xpet her 2 decline?? Hun?? Most 9ja babes will kill 2b whr she is now! She shud chec her lineage!she prolly has ibo great-grandparents!! *ONYX GODWIN
Did they ask you to reply the comment?
A man isn't cheating with you because you are so good at being the other woman. He's cheating with you because you aren't good enough to be THE WIFE. I laugh at women that brag about being the "go to" woman when the man gets bored at home, & you try to put down a submissive woman for being who God designed her to be. Learn what submission really means.
A submissive woman is far from weak, because a true submissive woman knows how to carry the load for him and her both without him even having to know it. She knows how to speak to his spirit & not his lusts.
She knows how to push him to his dreams instead of pulling him to destruction. She knows how to pray with him and not play with him. She knows how to be quiet even when her flesh wants to speak. She knows the value of his hard work & not just his dollar. A submissive woman is his "LIFETIME" but you are just a "GOOD TIME". And that's all you will ever be.
He knows that he can throw a few dollars & material possessions your way & that's all you will ever expect. The other woman makes it easy for a man, the submissive woman makes it easy for herself by making him EARN & not buy her. You are the O.T.H.E.R. woman: an Overplayed Toy He Eventually Releases....
True of False??
#eyes rolling#
Igbo grandparents...roflmao
Igbo grandparents...roflmao
Diddy should sue this girl for this ugly pictures
This is y J-Lo couldnt stay with his ass...lol...if she was still with him he wont try this...men only respect "craze" in a woman
Igbo grandparents...roflmao
Mend ur english is letalone not talkleess
Oloshi... u go soon die
Wt d moni he has,i'm sure he can get more than 3 if he wants,i won't blame d gals either,i 4 nor mind too
What do u mean by music 0.. u re frm which planet... d babe is good ode
Three is even too small for him!!! If you doubt me ask chiefs in nigeria.
Talkless not talkleess and space the let alone
Looks like you can buy certain kinds of women if you have money
Na d african blood in him dey fire
Local champions its nt even "talkless" its "not to talk of" #i too know no go kill una!!!
Kim Porter where? He just pays her bills. Cassie is the one he's with. Why marry when we know they will divorce and the woman will want to take half of his fortune? Meanwhile, C and D swing both ways.
Stupid MOFOS......if pdiddy wants to keep one girl,are u guys saying he can't...See how stupid men are...u guys didn't comment abt the fool having 3 girls...yet u talk abt girls being goldiggers and all that crap...useless fools...that's what most men are!Fact!
Mend ur english, it's let alone not is letalone.....lol
MONEY,KUDI,EGO......I wish I cn find 1 rich maga dat will pay me real big 4 jst massaging his feet.....I wish
You can buy anybody,not only with money,love and sex too,as long as they are sticking around then something is keeping them,cash or in kind.
Who took d picture of both of them sleeping?..
@ 7:48, false. As submissive gutless wife, you're his STD receptacle.
Shebi 2face had 3 women before choosing Annie. So....
Not surprised...wen ur rich+handsome, such hapns. Am Diddy's greatest fan,but I think it'l speak so good if he decides 2b more responsible n setl down. Cassie is pretty no doubt, but I think Kim Porter deserves all afta all dz years...Wish dem d best tho..Always Diddy!
Pdiddy has 5kids, justin,Christian,chance,d'laila and Jesse, kim porter had 3 for him while two diff women had odas,dey all dated pdiddy for years, Sarah chapman has been Linda ikeji, stop saying spitting bcos she is Sean combs baby mama, and av known for yearns b4 kim porter's twin girls. Diamond
And 2face had 5 women in his life....Dignity didn't make it to 21st century.its about being the highest shareholder.how are u even sure u are the only shareholder in ur Boos life. People port more in relationships now than with telecommunication lines
U guys r funny, who's talking about money here?? His baby mamas are different from his chick.. He's dating Cassandra n I believe they r both in love.. U guys need to stop d money talk as u can see she's not doing badly for herself
Lol..u made me laugh so bad..thanks jare!
Madame,your husband obviously cheats on you constantly and you have managed to brainwash yourself into believing the crap you wrote above.if you are/were all that,he would respect and love you more by making you The ONLY woman.
This is the kind if degrading words that we allow ourselves and men to believe so much so that we more or less hand them the condoms and cheating rights.i work hard to keep my home,job,kids and husband running smoothly.but I will not submissively hand him a go fuck outside pass.
Guys!u be guy?oh,kk
7 reasons to know he/she is the right person.
@ anonymous 9:53...even your papa, your broda and uncles abi?
Honey get your facts right please. Diddy is only with Cassie now. He and kim porter broke up a while ago and he never really dated sarah chapman, just had a kid with he.
Who took the picture?
it's all about d cash & D**k, is there life, hey u there get me some shepe, paraga, alomo + opa eyin, tell d woman mke she mix am well.
Yeah,think cassie is engaged to diddy,she is the official chic others are baby mamas
@Anonymous 5.39 10 October At least theose women are LEGALLY married to that man and have equal rights not concubines.
Why is it always the womens fault? A man can do whatever and get away with it right?.. Judgmental chauvinist.. Remain anonymous jerk!! #Chic..
"How three women don't mind sharing one man is amazing to me..."
He's worth about $580m. There's your answer.
Such things have been happening since the time of our forefathers..men tend to have more than 1 woman, so why should it surprise any1..?
Absolute rubbish ...watzz this world turning into ? Nobody seems to see anything wrong WT this madness ...n now like d baby mama stuff is a normal thing ...living n fornicating ard like animals
Jex 3 virginas and y'all mkin noise.....
who took the pix for them? just asking..
Unofficial girl!!!
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