Aviation spokesman, Yakubu Datti, told Premium Times
“I don’t respond to rumours…and as we approach 2015, people are bound to make up all sorts of stories. This is a woman (Mrs. Oduah) who is successful and established. A woman that made her mark in oil and gas, who owned trucks, barges, and so on. What is two cars?"
Who do we believe, and they were right abt "what's two cars" it's nthn compared to what she has
Aaaaah! Liar!!! Anyway I don't expect less. Let's wait for EFCC's report. Lol!
Exactly my point, u guys shud stop being ignorant and ranting wit mumuish ffk.. stella has passd the level where she wud hv to steal just to buy car.. even if she steal,it can definately nt be car money.. this woman has money before she came into government. Infact this is one woman I know that give brand new car to herworkers,even domestic helps.. I know is the likea of ffk that is sparwheading this rumour... stella may nt be fit to be a minister, but she is still one of the best in this government..
All he yarned was dust.. Dey shud giv us proof dis rumor z false... We are tired of takin crap frm dis politicians.. But as usual,dis one will b 4goten,as if ntin ever hapend! I cry 4 my country *ONYX GODWIN*
Make we hear word,rumours oshiii.
As we approach 2015? Wow, what a great spokesman.
OwnED? What happened to them? She lost them, maybe due to poor management?
Being successful and established doesn't mean that being around 'free' money won't be tempting. Even Dangote with his plenty money will still soil his hands with 'free' money.
The woman should be fired with a rocket so she can leave our planet abeg.
Shut the fuck up. If she has made money before is she not still making money. Why is she there if she is not achieving anytin? If she is not making money dis woman loves material things she wud hv resigned long time ago.
It ain't about two cars Mr spoke man, it's about the fact that unnecessary cars were purchased with that kind of money when better and meaningful things are left untouched. EG, ASUU Strike. Make una dey fear God naw
They shld leave dis woman Abeg! If e easy make they go steal or chop their own! Awon aye o!
Thats serious... Interested students that wants to study in cyprus can email me (johnjoshua512@gmail.com) for details. Its really cool studying here
Yes, ''all rumours'' indeed! Rumours backed with concrete evidence. When will Nigerian political office holders stop telling blatant lies?
And he made no effort to debunk the purported rumour,rather than blame it on 2015.
Everything about this administration is politicized.
ASUU strike politicized.
Nigeria Governors forum politicized.
PHCN workers strike Politicized.
Health workers strike politicized.
CAN Elrufai issue politicized.
Plane crash politicized.
Rotimi Amaechi - first lady issue politicized.
FFK- aviation minister issue politicized.
may God help us.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
sometimes, these people think we are fools...Dangote is rich yet he is still making money? Nigerians are paying for her bleaching cream and soap...Idiot!!! You better resign before 1 million crash victim blood are on your hands..
Nigeria is always going to be what it is. Corruption like a virus has infected everything . It has become a way of life a legal path to achievement, people don't see anything wrong in it . It's more a matter of well this corrupt person is not as corrupt as that other person. Nigeria is honestly a surreal experience.
Many politicians in Nigeria don't have any shame. And to live without shame is dangerous.
So that's all the spokesman had to say,eh?
See how lowly these lot think of Nigerians,what an insult to the intelligence of Nigerians.
Its not just that she bought those cars,its the bloody timing here that upsets the majority of Nigerians...in a time where air mishaps are the order of the day,one would expect that nothing as this comes up.
So what if she was a billionaire before assuming office?she won't be the first wealthy person who assumed public office and pilfered state funds.
Such a shame!
Provide your own documentation to dispute the alleged evidence.
"What is two cars?"...you say? Cars worth millions, and that statement alone makes it seem like the don't care about that much because to them that's nothing, how funny! I would wanna see how she would rock her boat with all the crisis going on in her ministry.
Corruption is ingrained in the fabric of Nigeria. The process of getting it out would tear the fabric. It would take a bloody revolution to change Nigeria.
Nigerians will always remain d same a little opportunity n they wil pack money into their accounts.Mr spokes man Nigerians can not be deceived.
Let are publish her profile, how she made those money mentioned in oil & Gas, let her show proof. Mr spoke man, am even ashamed of you.
I'm so sure dis comment is coming from a mentally deranged asshole.
Go on defending the devil.......
What a pity for dis man called Jonathan and his ministers. Despite Yar'dua was UNFIT with some certain health issues, He was able to send Chief Bode George to prison for mismanagement of our national income bt truly Jonathan is MISFIT due to high level of corruption and pardon gave to ex Convict. Stop Jonathan Na or Nigeria will die prematurely.
please oooo!!!! how do renaissance Nigerian political office holders pass the level of stealing?
please oooo!!!! how do renaissance Nigerian political office holders pass the level of stealing?
please oooo!!!! how do renaissance Nigerian political office holders pass the level of stealing?
U asked what is two cars mr yakubu datti,the two cars is armored cars dats worths $ 1.6 spokesman
it is only in Nigeria that political office holders feel too busy to respond to corruption allegation. May she rot in hell with all her money.
Yakubu datti is one of her men she used in the ndustry to loot so he can debunk tthe claim that it is false.Stella is reach she cannot steal why did she take the appointment.she shuld hav remain in the oil sector where she started her stealing.she is busy milkin the aviation dry to re imburse her account for all her support for Jonathan with neigbour to neigbour.all staff welfare hav been granded to zero.there is financial crisis in the industry now.it has never been this worse
This is a woman (Mrs. Oduah) who is successful and established. A woman that made her mark in oil and gas, who owned trucks, barges, and so on. What is two cars?"
I laugh in Kwale! Extreme greed, my friend. That is what will drive Stella and every other public officers to steal..uncontrolled greed that causes parents to sell their daughters into prostitution in the name of traveling abroad.
Silly defence!
What is two cars? 2 cars for N255 million you monkey banana!
Not surpriseD, see her vampire blood thirsty eyes and lips. Imbecile
What else do you expect them to say, that the story is true even with blatant documents? 2 cars matters a lot when they are bought illegally with taxpayers' money. The oil wealth belongs to all naijans and not a certain thievery few.
Mr Spokesman,, MAY THE BLOOD OF the lost souls in all dese air crashes TORMENT U to fustration and as for U,,Stella!!! IF YOU dnt change for good in dat Office OR step down entirely,,,A GREAT CALAMITY OF DEATH will befall U and ur family@ large
Oloshi jatijati, hw much dem dash u self? Y she no go ask for 2 armoured cars after she don run her mouth say plane crash na art of God. Nobody cares about her money or fleet of cars or whoever she dashes brand new cars..abeg park well
Rumour,he said? Dis guy wan guy a guy-yoyo oooo.....no bi 2da we start to dey see ur type naaa??? But wait eee......isn't dis woman bothered? With all happening in her charge? Mama,u r a mother,why dnt u breast feed dis ur ministry wt a live-giving milk! VALENTINOLOGY
This lady is a greedy oniitsha woman and has always been greedy and corrupt ....see the way she awards construction contracts to non constructions fronts of hers and get her kick back in writing the lady is a bastard thief
This lady is a greedy oniitsha woman and has always been greedy and corrupt ....see the way she awards construction contracts to non constructions fronts of hers and get her kick back in writing the lady is a bastard thief
shame!!! to all those who are behind this "setup"
is it the ministers office the one to go and do the mechanical and the terminal checking so as to pls you and to avert the accident/crash............
shame!!! to all those who are behind this "setup"
is it the ministers office the one to go and do the mechanical and the terminal checking so as to pls you and to avert the accident/crash............
Its a pity we live in a country where even when the truth is staring us in the face we still choose to believe in a lie,SR showed pictures of the car supported with documentation of purchase of this cars with registration numbers,if all that's a lie then let them show us paperwork to disprove this.a shake my head for this nation
Nosence story.....
shame!!! to all those who are behind this "setup"
is it the ministers office the one to go and do the mechanical and the terminal checking so as to pls you and to avert the accident/crash............
We are not intrested OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................rubish.
May God av mercy on ur foolish, impoverished n gullible soul. AMEN.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? basket.
Ur parents av wasted their money by sending u to school, u r so shallow minded. Whether it is true or false, u just talked like her ignorant spokesman. May God av mercy on ur soul. Next time, pls, use ur brain.
May God av mercy on ur foolish, impoverished n gullible soul. AMEN.
U ® so daft. U must be an illiterate to speak like dis. Pls get educated. Idiot!
Really?! 1.6million dollars on 2 cars is nothing compared to what she has?! Plz wot does she have & how did she get it? It's a shame our politicians have made us have no value for money anymore seeing as we hear billions stolen every other day, A hundred million naira on a car is absolutely ridiculous, it's just a shame nothing will come out of this, in a week or 2, we would have forgotten bout this, no one is held accountable for their actions anymore & even when caught all they get is a slap on the wrist. Our future scares me & as usual all my ppl will say is "we'll leave them to God", "God is watching them in 3D". Absolte rubbish.
I used to respect ds man bt nt anymore.....imagine telling us ds bullshit wif dt hs big nose
This is what all these so called ministers do, they milk the agencies they are incharge of..like bart nnaji use to collect monthly allowance of 2milllion naira monthly each from phcn distribution companies when he was minister, not to talk of exotic cars that was also purchased for him! Its the trend with these nigerian ministers/politician. They are so greedy and the money is never enough for them they want more and more and more #Godhelpnigeria from corrupt leaders
Our leaders are bastards...all of them.
Can u hear yosev talk? No iota of sense in u. None!!! "Even if she steal?"....common correct sentence u can't compose. They v used ur brain to collect exchange o. She didn't steal, she ordered them to buy d cars for her from d agency
@6.16 i like ur last sentence..i see REVOLUTION coming..linda if u won make we quarrel no post my comment..
She should increase the salary of the aviation workers, to encourage them, instead of using the money they generated to buy cars for herself. The disasters are too many, I doubt they are in a right state of mind.
What's rumours? All the copies of the invoice and payment documents are available at Sahara reporters website. Please we need to kick this heartless woman out of office
What's all dis resign resign ish.. As if, once she resigns sector will jst change.. Is she the only one "chopin money". We are all "chopin the mney" one way or d oda, even the mkt women. The problem with Nigeria is all of US.. Untill we all wrk on ourselves this nation will remain the same even if madam Aviation resigns.
I agree with u
What's 2 cars the spokesman asked. Nigeria is truly finished. What impudence. This is proof positive dat d Nigerian leaders hv no respect for Nigerians talkless of tax payers. Even if the cars are worth 1 kobo, the issue is d manner it was procured by d Minister. Mehn dis minister and dis spokesman sud be fired immediately. Odikwa egwu o.
I agree with u
This explanation is so ridiculous.just two cars he says.at the expense of a failing ministry.we don't care how much money she had prior,its irresponsible for any public office holder to blatantly and shamelessly dip into tax payers money.lts wrong on all levels.and can you all just stop.everything is blamed on the coming elections.evidence shows cars were purchased at xyz costs.no one said she stole it.we are talking about the wisdom behind spending so much on vehicles against other pressing issues.debunk the story with facts and documents instead of writing crap.
My dear man,its called greed.the more they have,the more they want.and its not just two cars.its two very expensive automobiles.
Your mama and your sisters are mumu.low life idiot.no constructive criticism,jst insults
These African Apes and their PHD palavar. Whether una like am or not, Stella still remains the best performing minister in nigeria, no amount of blackmail or castigation will change that.
If this woman is innocent let those who accuse her falesly and their family die in car crash IJN Amen.
Of course her camp was going to deny it. Was waiting on it.
Too bad, too sad!
With people like this occupying ministerial positions, Nigeria will just keep rotating in circles.
"Thiefjoshua",no maga 4 u on dis blog!!!
With all these stark naked evidence in black and white, someone is still defending corruption, what am i even saying, is that not the norm in this country. I weep for ♍Ɣ beloved country, it has been hijacked by bad people in high and low places.
Duhhhh @ d both of u fools!
FFK @ work. FFK is a bastard and na igbo woman go kill am.
@Apple, come talk for this matter oh! Na double stand be your way!
Dere is always an element of truth in rumors no matter how small. And am surprised at those "defending" her, can u say she's not 1 bit corrupt?
Vindy and urs is constructive? Wonderful. Tee
Omg, d state of Murtala Mohammed intl airport arrival wing is appalling and heartbreaking,..Jeez.. D heat(no fan or ac), d awful smell, spoilt escalator, water everywhere, d list is endless.. D relevant authorities shd pls do sometin.. Here I was thinkin Abj's intl airport is far from intl standard but dat Lagos int airport is crazy
And if she's guilty, how would YOU and your family perish?
what if she´s guilty?mayb she shld die of plane crash ko?
Shut ur mouth fool... With ur scattered teeth like 'duuuuuh'
Is dat u FFK????
With all the documents tendered as evidence and she is still trying to deny it?
Dumbless n senseless ppl like u, r those bringing dis country down. Nt d greedy leaders
ha! this woman lives near my house in vgc, owns like 5 rows of duplexes and owns d dead fuel station infront of vgc as well...that fuel station they never have diesel...lol! well, it doesnt mean she dint buy those cars, i dont know, only God will judge!
So u are among those effecting the psychology of students to study in cyprus without telling how de dos n dons. God have mercy on you for the many you have lied into believing you scrap story of studying in cyprus.
So u are among those effecting the psychology of students to study in cyprus without telling how de dos n dons. God have mercy on you for the many you have lied into believing you scrap story of studying in cyprus.
Make them understand the difficulties associated with studying in cyprus and not to fix their hopes on externalities.
For you that is cursing,should we also ask that you die a miserable death?and cursing in the name of our Lord isn't what God teaches us.the ministry has come out to acknowledge the purchase.i guess you should be getting ready to die.
And what level is that.as rich as the babangidas,abachas,bankoles,tinubus,faroq,otedolas are,is it ever enough.?the timing of this purchase as well as the verifiable inflated cost is the point if this argument.a full options almost James bond style G wagon is about 75million naira.there is no way except heaven was built into this BMW can it cost that much.thank you.
Shut up Vindy
For all of u that commented on my post wit abuses... lol am not here to abuse. I said sometim from my point of view and when I said even if she steal, thay was to tell u I dnt see her as a saint either. My point is, let us not follow people wwho hve selfish interest of their own and be castigating this woman.. on my score sheet, she is still one of the few perfomng ministers.. people die on our roads everyday, we hv more road accidents than plane crash, and I hv never seen anyone call for the sack of minister of works or transport. It was wrongfor her to say accidents re arts of God because the pilot isn't God stella isn't the pilot that pilot the plane either. Am happy ffk agreed we hv beautiful airports now becos even wen he was there we didn't hv neither beautiful ports nor safee air
.. what moral right do ffk havto judge someone who is doing what he cudnt do...
This woman is a vampire and only those that don't know her will defend her. Take it from me - That sharp NCAA boy
Why do we celebrate subsidy thieves in this country... which oil & Gas was Stella doing before the ministerial job..? by the time this oil finishes, all our eyes will open..
Why do we celebrate subsidy thieves in this country... which oil & Gas was Stella doing before the ministerial job..? by the time this oil finishes, all our eyes will open..
Why do we celebrate subsidy thieves in this country... which oil & Gas was Stella doing before the ministerial job..? by the time this oil finishes, all our eyes will open..
I honestly didn't believe men like you still live. May God in his infinite mercy bless you beyond this truth. The only solution is to tear it USSR style.
If she is not innocent all of you shall die suddenly. You all must die cos its a fact. Oloriburuku gbogbo.
No one is talking about FFK here. We are talking about taxpayers money. Use your brain.
No one is talking about FFK here. We are talking about taxpayers money. Use your brain.
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