This is probably the reason he and Rihanna can't seem to make it work. He can't seem to stay away from his ex, Karrueche Tran. The ex lovers were spotted together backstage on Thursday May 9 after Chris performed at a show in
San Fransico. The following day he sub-tweeted Rihanna. Catch it after the cut...

Rihanna needs to move on from this guy mehn!
He has an album coming out,hence the attention seeking.she did that too! #bye
Hahahah... Y is he calling riri a dog na.....
I luv this Karrueche babe use Chris to be famous joor
He's only saying the known truth...... She can't be His if She's for Every Harry.
he z still behaving like a kid
I swear,this love and hate is too much,I wonder why these kids are fooling around,kai,well,na their life...chima.
Seriously, №ω I smell Jazz here... I really do.. That Karrueche geh.. She has gone to seek the ways of old. I wonder Why a guy would hv a gurl like Rihanna and still reason 'cheating'
Enough of their drama jor, its getting boring already @ season 2.
No Linda, she should just go and kill herself... Since she doesn't have common sense. Although I know say na 1st love still dey worry am. Deep sigh. So its now he's realizing that Rihanna is everybody else's? Looooooooong hiss. Triffling Nigga. *scoff*
no linda, you need to move on and look for other pple to follow thier lives, we are officially tired. I couldn't care less, stop shoving this pple's lives down our throat, we're nt interested. Same goes for kim k.
Linda it's obvious you don't really know much about Rihanna, you have to know some certain people that know her well before you judge Chris Brown.
His Statement is very correct so please leave the boy alone. Contrary to popular opinion, at the end of the day men who think for just a second know the kind of women they want to be the mother of their kids. Food for thought.
I wonder wat my ogas dem @ d top will say to dis one....when it comes to chrisbrown nd rihanna I have notin to say....cuz I don close their case..*dat all
Just tired of diz 2 people...on to d next 1 biko!
This is crazy........since she's not yours, y did u go back?..tired of there news self. If rhianna goes back, I stamp it that she's a big fool...mstchw
But truthfully Linda whats our BIZZ if they are back or not ....Psew
He disflowered her
Lolz abeg u make mi laff.. Eva d chick from desperate house wives, her husband cheated on her with a very, let's just say nt a hot chick like her. Na him u dey talk rihana? If u neva knw by now! Niggaz be dog Period
1st love?u gotta b kidding me
Best decision he made cus rihanna is big time trouble, she has no control of her kantunga. Good he followed his dads advice cus those two are like ticking time bomb together
But karrueche Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ prettier than Riri
1st love?u gotta be kidding me
Linda we've read enough about this 3 peoples and they making us sick with their fake love, plzzzzzzzzzzzzz linda, I repeat plzzzzzzzzzzzz linda post my comment!
Smh! As if we care about these morally Dead pple!
Karrueche is beautiful. Finer and classier than rihanna. So Chris shud use his head b4 karrueche walks out finally
I dnt knw y Chris is being dis way, Karrueche is d last person he shd b seen wif @dis tym...... I dnt knw y bt I feel lyk him n Riri are meant for each other... I wish dey can make dis work! Love dem both *peace*
And that's y men won't respect sme women,stupid miss Tran has accepted him bk,when he's tired or bored he'd dump her again,annd then she'l wonder why she can't get a man to respect her.joker.
Breezy, for your sake just turn gay , you can't seem to get it STRAIGHT with your girls,ex or present.
Attention seeker guy
Follow my weight loss journey
This ain't our concern Linda,,,they're just makin news each day...I wonder what's going on,,,may be confused on who to choose among Riri and Karu...
guys would like to bed a girl lik rihanna but wed a girl like kurrueche. No man wants a wife that would not give him peace no matter how sweet the potato is. Girls get it twisted. Beauty and potato would be gone someday so though we like those crazy wild girls we don't base our selection for the forever deal on it.
Chei oga biko,close mouth abeg.see ya surplus teeth!
Walk out to where?who told you karrueche will walk out forever,she's happy with the fame.
Rough sex,hard drugs,booze,is what keeps riri and chris together.
@psychotic bitch oshi how is a groupie classier than an independent woman, and how can you compare a 4ft tall "aspiring" model to a super star and facially rihanna is prettier than the 10year old boy kantrentacondowithoutchrisbrowndick...
ℓ☺ℓ! These kids though,i just can't...........
Pretty Girl
Lets face it,Rihanna slept wit most artists she did collabo wit e.g Joe Cole,Drake,Ace hood,Kanye West, Jay Z etc, the thougts of all these will keep tormenting Chris Brown each time they r together and he sees one of them.
This 3 people are just confused......shikena, oya post dis one too linda
these peeps r juz kids, i tot k' tran was more matured dan dis!
What men really think about your body
Linda je ki eleyi lò oh
Honestly, I think they both need a long break from each other to appreciate their individuality. The media hype about them should be brought to the barest minimum or rather focus on their career mainly we dont need any drama from both of them as they sound like a broken record.
Isn't it an adolescent love affiar? Over adrenalin flowing in them.
Funny how you people come to conclusion so quick . Do you know riri bought him a million buck Mercedes's benk for his birthday? Those saying Chris brown left her because she is a dog are clueless .their latest problem started because riri started following drake on twitter whom Chris considers his ache enemy. This kids dated for almost three years before their break up and did anyone hear of infidelity then? Karuche is just imposing herself on Chris who is vulnerable at this time. About his dad's comment, it holds no water because he is not fully in his life and Chris mum is crazy about Rihanna'!!!
When he broke up with Karrueche he was spottd weepin,nw he finally got her baQ,he better sticks wit her,D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲γ̲'ll make a perfect couple.As for he And Riri,D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲γ̲'re just sexmates dt weneva do stuffs D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲γ̲ announce it to the world coz "aint nobody'ڪ business"
i have a question for chris brown where is your girlfriend rihanna
They should sort themselves out!
It's their Life.
Ohhh please! I get disgusted when peeps come on here and start bashing Chris or even riri for being "childish" when it comes to how they deal with their emotional/love life! Y'all be acting lyk u handled or can handle ur own love life better than dey did! When in reality majority of y'all do worse! So if u aint got anything better to say, stop accusing them of being childish! Mchwww
Thank God people are getting to see that karrueche is a fine girl cuz for certain people once your d popular artist then your the finest thing on earth.....when he's with rihanna all he gets is drama.oya drake put her back on your lap
Karrueche>>>>>rihanna #fact
Olodo its deflowered....10k me larra
That's wot kips d blog alive so if u hate it,take a bow!
When it comes to emotional issues,I like keeping quiet cos emotion is nt dat simple. Riri might no its time 2move on but won't just have d strength 2do so but trust time,with time she will get courage 2leave n be her true self.... Y'all no what I'm talking abt but as 4chris brown,I've always know his beauty is only in his talent everyoda thing...... Zero!,he nids 2grow up n no exactly what he want. If this too ar meant 2b time shall tell... Why are mine even wasting ma breath on pple who don't even no I exist! M outta here!
Wat do u expect from children of illuminati of course shame,reproach,confusion ,indecisn and it likes rili I m not expectn anything beta I pray they both meet wit the love n salvatn of Jesus amen.
Its not disflower oga! Its deflower
Hey nigga, linda aint. Shovin dem down ur throat. If u r tired nd u see dis kind of updats on ririr nd chris, jst pass u hear, nd let doz of us whu aint tired continue. Pizz out
Ati Chris B o,ati Rihannah, dat 1 no go affect price of food for market,abeg next..... jare
Abeg where's d beauty for karrauche o,
Its high time u stopped given us story about this adults that does not want to grow up linda. Pls give us more stories about our naija celebs pls. Eg TIMAYA
He's really a kid.They should just put a stop to this their celeb life styles.Who cares anyway. Can't believe I just wasted my time typing abt them
So till now...yall dnt know..all dis is a melodrama..both of dem belong to "illiuminiti"..and dey are acting according to dier scripts#..frm a reliable soURCE#
I head on E last night riri is help chris to make some money. So linda stop disturbing yourself over this attention seekers.
I swear I'm seriously tired of this love triangle. One of them should move on abeg. The next thing we go hear now is that they are back together....
Its like this other girl is always ready to get down whether Rihanna is in or out of the picture? Very shameless somebody.
The 3 of them are WASTES sha. Just dey fvck about like sheep
Thanks for the GBAGAUN sha. We appreciate
Lol What Is This?
The whore has no where to walk to. She is always available.
He left KARRUECHE for Riri for no reason. No reason tangiable, at the end of the day the relationship still broke. If na be this Tran girl ehn i will take him back and chop him CLEANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN very cleannnnnnnnnnnnn and dump him in a spectacular fashion. The type of dumping that will provoke a life style change in him. #askrobkardashian
Wetin rhianabongafishpublicdog get wey man no go cheat. Abeg
U know ow to form accent..shame u don't know d spellings of illuminati..the reliable source should av told u you got d spelling wrong
One man many women..indecision dey worry am..abeg give am two face number let him teach him about hw to reach conclusions.
Lmfaoooo a reliable source indeed gueZz itz Jay Z dat told u dat choii nigerians sha
Point of correction linda,riri first took a swipe @ chris brown telling him he owes her hoes,guess she was talking bout drake,meek-mill n d rest,dat was when chris tweeted dis.so dnt make it look lyk its all cb's fault.Riri is actually a dog.
Tolu A via my Blackberry porsche.
She fucked Drake & meekmill nw fuckin J cole... Let her go fuck her feelings chris!
He didn't go back per se RiRi came to him..... Am tired of dis long gist.. Tran made him a better "BOY" but he needs to pls RiRi after dat beat down cos it really affected his career.. Imagine his concert was cancelled smtym over d protest by some peeps in an European State saying that he is a woman beater bla bla bla.. Soooo all dez stunts is just to plz Rihanna's fans not cos he loves her
But you just did lol.
Chris brown is a big time small, he needs to grow up... Rihana is so stupid too to av him back after d first problem, all I can see is rihana trying to buy his luv by spending her hard earned money on a community Dick, tot She's a boss then riri pls think like a man, don't let your emotions overshadow ur reasoning organ pls biko. As for alainiriju karatuche,she's only trying to compete with rihana nd I must say She's dumb,someone mentioned classy abt her, classy fire, She's classy nd She's with chris brown,if she is then she should av been bill gates' gf naw. Nonsense.
Anyone that thinks Chris ever broke u with Karreuche is STUPID!!.......How come Chris only decided to go back to Rihanna when she appeared on Oprah crying about him?....why would a man who is in love with her, release a VIDEO SAYING HE IS IN LOVE WITH TWO WOMEN?....The fact he did that video should have told Rihanna fans that Chris did not break up with Kae.....hell Kae runs his clothing line for him!....just because Rihanna is richer does not make her a better person...how come the guys shes been with call her easy?..drake, meek mill, etc...let her and her fans keep deceiving themselve.....Chris only used her to clean his image he is done now...
Love circle
CB and Riri dated for 3years no body knew bout it not until there was a BEATING... Who knew wat made Chris beat Rihanna... Then Drake keeps throwin punches at Chris brown and basking in the glory of screwing Rihanna..Before Drake Ace hood....Telling him she is Everybody's own.... Me I don't know what Tran has done before but for the fact that Tran cld prolly give him that feeling he had during d Pre-Beat Rihanna relationship..Maybe dat is y he keeps going back to her..
In my opinion Chris B allowed the Rihanna relationship cos he needs it for his career.. The beating stuff messed him up career wise so the best thing is to try please people by being with her again..... Then Rihanna keeps going back to Chris brown cos of the Sex.. After all he's got a long JOHN THOMAS.. And he got a goofy character that suits her.. NOTE ITS MY OPINION
#Illuminati things# Jesus is coming very soon. Let EVERYMAN give their lives to Christ both the dumped and the dumper. Linda post my comment oh!
“Please don't judge me...and i won't judge you”
Who sang that again...#thinking#..........wareva, i can't remember..lolzzz
I don't want to judge anybody...
Rihanna is not my sister, Karrueche? I no even know her, Chris Brown? Only know him as a singer... So, NA DEM SABI!
Come Aunty linda, are you not back from church yet..? Abeg come Blog for us today jare...
Yeah christopher behaves like a kid,a very dramatic fellow I tell you,but truth be said,riri has had the industry and vice versa,all d shitty talks of her being in love wit chris on oprah,might be real,but chances are it in atonement of what transpired "that night"
Yall keep wondering while chris keep running back to karrueche or *wateva its cald*,cause he poped her cherry,chris has this insecurity with riri,unlike karrueche,he wil buy anytin,and do anythin for.
The whole thing tire me self!!!
Karruche sef should move on.....Chris Brown has always treated her like 2nd best after RIRI....a man that doesn't know what he wants isn't worth it.....
She cannot continue to pick up the pieces after RIRI and Chris falls out....
Anyway..what's my own sef...
She has always been everybody else's...move on,dawg
These three are busy enjoying their lives screwing each one the other and smiling to the bank and you fools are wasting ur damn time arguing and cussing each other over them on LIB.....jobless pple....mmschew in ebira
Oh please shut up trick. If soul is wrong about the 1st love comment, why don't you, as Rihanna's younger sister or Chris Brown's mother, tell us the REAL story?! *rme*
Hey babe, make bais no kill u. Facially, Riri is not finer, Yes taller. But abeg Kae is pretty and sweet looking. Lovely babe
Nne, KK can't be imposing herself on Chris. CB can't stay away for fear of her really dating another.I even wish Kae will find a more normal love life.
Joan River warned her!
Hey babe, make bais no kill u. Facially, Riri is not finer, Yes taller. But abeg Kae is pretty and sweet looking. Lovely babe
Riri cb and tran tangled relationship
STFU!!!!!!! Beauty's in the eyes of the beholder,... 1 mans trash is anoda mans heaven! But I guess ure to "smart" to knw that! *EINSTEIN*
Ooooops! U forgot to mention that ure chris's PA!... Say what υ knw or remain silent!
Can υ imagine "dis flowered?"Reply when the highness wears out....cause I know you are practically drunk!
See... Bro pls comment when ure smart! Cos ure obviously not.
Wait just one question are υ in control of your own Kantunga?when ωє all know men are obssesed with their one and only equipment...who wouldn't jump on the opportunity of having sex with chris..don't decieve yourself and be real....
Shaebi na face dem dey chop????!
Your display name says it all... *psychiotic bitch*
Abi Oooooooo!
He's having the very best of two worlds.
He is just being an African American just like most Nigerian men cant stand it knowing their boo is for every D**K n harry.
Rihanna is prettier, karruche is basic
Anon 2:29am you're too funny. Lol at kant- rent- a- condo- without- chrisbrown- dick
Rihanna shld stay away 4rm dis boy! After d whole abuse u went thru nd u gav him a 2nd chance nd he still treats u like dis? Gosh! Smh! Dis dude is a fucking player! Confused kid!
Let's be honest Rihanna is a slut. There is nothing wrong with Chris saying that he doesn't want to be with her. On the contrary that shows he is maturing some to pick the higher quality female over the flashier one. Everyone knows Riri's whorish ways. I like KT she is sexy classy. Just because youre from the islands doesnt mean you have to automatically defend Rihanna. Be honest. It won't kill you!!!
Karrueche seems to b the right one. Love I see.
Cute couple
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