The kind of madness going on in some parts of Nigeria is unbelievable. If you live abroad and hear some of these stories, you would be too scared to come back home. But thankfully this violence is not spread across Nigeria. I'm sure by now most of you have heard about the killing of many security operatives in Nassarawa State. For those who haven't heard, let me summarise it.
On Tuesday May 7th, Nassarawa State Commissioner of Police sent police officers, SSS and Civil Defense personnel to arrest the cult leader of a notorious militia group called 'Ombatse' (a cult group of the Eggon people of Nasarawa State) at Assakyo Village in Lafia, Nassarawa state. (Ombatse in Eggon language means “time has come”).
The state government wanted to arrest the chief priest because the group had been causing security concerns in the state. Unfortunately for the police officers sent to pick the man up, as they approached the Ombatse Shrine in a forest, members of the militia group who had laid ambush for them attacked and killed plenty of them. Many of the police officers were burnt beyond recognition.
The police command later said that only 17 out of the 90 police officers, minus SSS and NSCDC personnel, who went on the mission returned...and all with various degrees of wounds. Graphic photo when you continue...
Also, out of the 11 police patrol vans used to convey the mobile policemen for the operation, eight were burnt beyond recognition by the militia group.
The Nassarawa Commissioner of Police explains why they wanted to arrest the Ombatse cult leader:
"The militia group called Ombatse was going about in mosques and churches forcing all people of Eggon extraction in and out of Lafia to drink a particular concoction prepared from herbs and anyone who failed to comply was beaten up and harassed. It was agreed at the state security meeting that the Ombatse Shrine priest be arrested to stop such activities.”Only a few Ombatse worshipers were killed in an operation that lasted almost 24 hours, while at least 60 security operatives were killed. Over 100 bodies, some of them burnt beyond recognition, were displayed at the Dalhatu Araf Specialist Hospital in Lafia for identifications by friends and relatives of the slain police men.
The incident even forced President Jonathan to call off his planned visit to Namibia on Thursday.
Meanwhile, the Nasarawa State police command yesterday arrested two policemen who allegedly tipped off the cultists, leading to the deaths of their colleagues. The two police corporals, Corporal Enugu (pictured above) and Corporal Haruna Joseph, are of Eggon origin.
May the souls of the police officers rest in peace, amen.
It brought tears to my eyes,O ma shay ooooo.Nigeria what next?may their soul rest in perfect peace.
Too much blood being spilled every passing day in Nigeria.
I am tiredddddd of it all!
Kai! We r doomed in dis miserable country... May their soul rest in perfect peace amen
forcing them to drink the concoction sounds like "bearing the mark of the beast"
nawa oooo. This country has gone crazy. From boko haram to this. Some people just believe that they can do as they like. That is the main prob with Nigeria.
linda I want to continue reading the story but i dont want 2 see the graphic photo...i dont have d stomach 4 it so please can u make another post with the story and a different one with the graphics 4 pple who can stomach it...thanks
Linda it is neither better abroad we r innundated wit gists of serial killers. But seriously dis country needs help. it is heart-shattering dt d elders of d north hv folded dia hands and crossed dia legs while d north boils. The only tin they talk abt is hw power wil return to d north. it is a pity.
Comment Signed, Sealed and Delivered by DatShapIboBoy
God have mercy!so they are even forcing people to take the concoction?lord have mercy,God wil judge them,may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.
Am so scred of my Country Nigeria,when will all this rubbish end please
this is serious, may Jah save us!!
Sometimes I wonder y we Nigerians treat each other like dis, burning a fellow Human Being in d name of a Tradition. I don't seems to comprehend what's going on in dis Nation anymore, its one bad News or another. We already have enough on our plate (Boko Haram) now some psychopath have come with their own madness. I pray dat d Almighty God comfort d families of d deceased Policemen. God Help dis Nation.
Diz iz by far d saddest newz iv heard diz year...may d soulz of d deceased rest in perfect peace! Amen
Na wa o....which way Nigeria?
Blood of Jesus. Nigeria is now becoming a country were terrorists operate. May God have Mercy.
Was laden with sorrow watching this on television. these are peoples husbands,uncles,sons and brothers. killed while serving their country.
The only way to record a break a breakthrough in bringing an end to this menace is police-public synergy. its quite unfortunate that in Nigeria the security is perceived as the duty of law enforcements alone,while in other countries the success of their law enforcements are quite dependent on the informations by the public. The apprehension of the boston bomber is a very good example.
But over her reverse is the case,the opposition who are always quick to criticize have failed to provide any reasonable solution,the media also like Aljazeera who were quick to report and bash the Nig govt over the Baga issue were no where to be found this time.
The onus is on the northerners especially to shun ethno-religious sentiments,and help the security agents in unravelling the cause of this ugly incidents. for their continued silence is not helping atall.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
aaahhhhhhhhhhh!wat is 9geria turnin into???may GOD punish anibdy dat say our country wil nt rest...RIP 2 our Heros(police)...
Too bad, so many families are going to be devastated with the loss of dear ones. May their souls rest in peace
This is absolutely nonsense! I am not the tribalistic type but I think if there is a way, the Northerners should just be on their own and let Nigeria be! Each time I read about killings in the North, I don't even feel its NEWS again cos its something that happens often, as in something we expect all d time! Boko Haram, now Ombatse! What da heck is that from again! The way this people in d north are going, no foreigner will wanna come to the country again! This is the type of News all those selfish foreign media like reporting about us and we don't stop doing all this. Our country's image has been tarnished, we need to do something to this, its getting out of hand and its annoying. God bless Nigeria!
Oh Lord!!!That's just barbaric!!!Jeez...its always an inside job.This goes to show how much militia groups have infilterated security agencies in Nigeria.Its just sad.KN
They should use an aircraft and burn the forest...no need doing any land attack..what nonsense!!...
u sure say i no go DeNigeria myself like this,...whats really happening....we need to pray
Nigeria Jaga Jaga...may their souls rest in peace.
How appalling! What a country we live in, a country where wild dogs tear down lions with impunity, how then can the lambs be safe? When security operatives are being brutally killed like animals, what then is of the civilian? May God help us! May the souls of those slain rest in peace, Amen!
PS: That number of those dead needs a rethink though.
If the police can't protect us then what is our fate in this country??? SMH
this is sad.How can a policeman betray his brothers?He must be brought to justice
Nawa ooo.... 9ja which way?
The level of insecurity in Nigeria is alerming. God help us this is the signs of End Time.
Can you imagine! I said it that those cult people were tipped off because I don't understand how they easily over powered the police. We are our own enemies in this country. Lord have mercy. This group must be dislodged ASAP and thier members brought to book.
May God deliver us frm d hands of dese blood-sucking demons. May he rise up n fight 4us bc d time has come indeed! IJN Amen!
Woah. What a waste of human resources.
Corporal Enugu and Corporal Haruna Joseph, may u never know peace. As u have made a lot of women widows, children fatherless and parents sonless, May God almighty's wrath be upon you. Haba!!! Ika ni yin o.
Dis is really bad. Wich way Nigeria
The state of anarchy in dis country is becoming smtin else.Let's all return to where we have lost it and pray God help us all.
The state of anarchy in dis country is becoming smtin else.Let's all return to where we have lost it and pray God help us all.
Life in Nigeria is ''nasty, brutish and short''.
aunty linda biko nu!!! b postn ma comment... u correct abt those of us livin abroad tho, i pray 95% more for my family than for maself here... am a big bliver in nigeria bt its bcomin more diff 2see d way 4ward in naija these days... RIP 2dem fallen officers #Unity#Faith#Peace#Progress
You tip off a wicked group so that over 80 of ur collegues can die. Wow! The bloodshed in this nation is way too much. A country of Coup, counter-coups, war now terrorism! Nigerians why are you out to ruin ur motherland? If the country lay in ruins what territory shall be ours and for our generation??
Dis calAmitious village should be wiped 4rm d face of d earth
The issue about the Nigerian security system is that they believe in force and they forget about intelligence.its not about having troops,its about strategy.if there was strategic plan i'm sure this would have been avoided.RiP to the officers that lost their lives and may God comfort their families
Very sad story, i don\'t know wat to say about dis lovely country again. Anyway, I can only say thankz to GEJ. Is only God can help us out of dis northerners wahala.
Nigeria Security is largely at stake with all this 'Sabotoirs'.....
May the Almighty God help us.
I'm sick of this country,sick to my stomach. Someone take me the fuck out of here.
It's not spread across Nigeria, but for how long?
If the policemen are fou nd guilty then they deserve death sentence
Linda,tins are like dis cos we dnt hav a president in Nigeria but a ceremonial egg head whose only concern is travelling all ova d world wit his cohorts,2 continue wasting d countries resources wit his large entourage tru estacodes. In Nigeria 2day,evrybody is a president and as such,raise groups who carry out bloody campaigns bcos dey knw,instead of d ceremonial egg head to take a strong action,his middle name being "AMNESTY" wil pay dem 4 killing innocent lives. see d way deadly weapons are easily in d hands of ordinary ppl not licenced and in large numbers,it calls 2 question,how did dese ppl get dese weapons so easily,it cant b said dey wer picked afta d civil war,dat was a long time ago,dese politicians especially govnors hav questions 2 ansa and unless our ceremonial egg head makes a strong decision which is necessary by bringin 2 book a very top person responsible 4 arming dese ppl,evn more deadly groups wil come out.i kip saayin,d only tin nigeria needs is a president dat wil 4get abt electricity,educaation,health and agriculture,but wil focus on makin sure dat,no mata how highly placed U̶̲̥̅̊ are,any crime U̶̲̥̅̊ commit, U̶̲̥̅̊'ll pay dearly 4 it accordingly,den wil evry oda sector fall in line,cos ppl wil b scared. some one close to the ceremonial egg heeead shld tell him dat,his travels all ova d world wastin our money 2 converse for foreign investment wit dis kind of security and corrupt issues he is so weak 2 tackle wit his body movement suggesting he is in support of to,is likened to a comedian goin on shows making his audience laff...my widows myt.
What a wicked world. The 2 arrested policemen should be made to face the law without any prejudice.
When ll peace return to dis country? Jonathan is acting dumb when it comes to security, but he's not dumb when looting
enemies within, may God save us. Pls, fear nigerian police.they are not trust worthy.
Hold on to GOD guys.... The revelation remember? Remain steadfast n pray for Gods assistance to overcome this perilious time
We all dislike NPF due to the fact that they are unprofessional and collect bribe but we never ask why police force got to this menace.
- No Police academy all dis years
-No welfare package (if he dies, d wife/husband and kids are left at their own mercy. Have u ever been to a Police barrack? Total neglect!
-No special fund for equipment due to corruption
-No good relationship btw us and the police
-No security consciousness in the Country
Boston Police (not military) captured those terrorists.....
So tell me what went wrong here?
Operation meant for 5 men squad (10 max.), got almost 90 officers consumed.
linda seems u have written a story sent to U by Hausa Fulani people .. For ur info Ombatse is the unification of we Eggon people to protect our homeland from ravaging Fulani Marauders and chadian mercenaries they have brought to chase us from our fertile land ..Since the forming of Ombatse the eggon people have been able to repel attack after attack of the murderous herdsmen.. In a bid to over run our ancestral home the Fulani using their son Governor Almakura decided to use the administrative edge to destroy the Ombaste using the Nigerian Police in a clandestine and an unauthorised operation to destroy the shrine and weaken the eggon people so Fulani killers can come and finish the work they started and Eggon people put to an end .. Linda Do U know Fulani have been fighting a silent war of attrition on the middle belt tribes and in the last 7 days have killed over hundred people of Tiv extraction .. Please Lindiway do ur home work and help expose the truth of the police invasion that went sour .. Save the Eggon People From Fulanis
May their soul rest RIP policemen. This country nigeria wen will bad people leave us. keeping families in tears and fatherless
NPF is full of rotten officers.useless officers.I had an issue with a bloody lebanese living ilegally in nigeria .I went to report the case at jakande police station.this same men went to tip the guy abt the invite nalso told him what to say at the station , a girl that earns times 5 his salary is trying to sleep with an illiterate that has come to look for greener pasture in my country.I was too disappointed cos I would have expected the police to have done a proper investigation which they never did.md abubakar shld wipe off the rotten ones.I hate NPF with a passion.this masacre Is a typical example of police is not your friend.
1.My heart goes out to the family and friends of the dead security agents.RIP guys.
2.Even with the ambush, is the police not supposed to be more trained and more equipt than a cult group? These guys are not trained and they were able to kill about 90 police men ambush or no ambush.what will now happen when the police face boko haram?
3.What is the government doing about allocating more fund to police and other security agencies?
4. The Nigerian police should design a better recruitment process to avoid recruiting people of questionable character.
5. How could people sell-out on their own colleagues and cause such a number of persons to lose their lives. What a shame!
6. How long are we going to continue like this in this country???
RIP Nigerian, RIP the Nigerian police, RIP Goodluck Jonathan, RIP our law makers,RIP to the snitches. You guys played a very crutial role in the death of those officers of the law.
The situation right now is like a man sitting on a leaking drum of gunpowder while smoking. God save our land!
God help Nigeria
Anons 3:45, if u want to get out of here, u can find ur way out, must someone help u out. Well it is a sad new, d only d ur president knows how to do, is to travel here and there. Many God help dis country
so glad I left Nigeria when I was old enough at least I know where this rubbish is happening. Assuming I left naija wn I was 2yr I don't think I would ever come back. sometimes afta readin' this news I slap myself to come back to reality that its only happening in the northern states not all of Nigeria. these news are scary. I'm scared to my bones.
Linda this is so unbelievable, that I felt I was looking at scenes from a movie and reading the movie story.
Hmmmmmm...this is sick! Anyway sha...may their respective souls rest in perfect peace!
Concurtion 4 wot kwanu? I tire 4 dis nja ooo
People ar jus so heartlessss, Nigeria my country wots happening, God pls come rescue us
Security is a collective responsibility. We got to this state in our union because most people believe security is someone else's responsibility. We are all complicit in this tragedy. Nigerians must push aside sectarianism and ethnocentric fanaticism, and do the right thing. Allow all to live and let live while understanding that are different but equal, and we were all born free. Prayers are good but God will not do our work; we are here to do His work. And contrary to our beliefs, neither can Jonathan and the Armed Forces. The self satisfied smug assurance that some places in Nigeria are safe is just a myth. Unless we do something, this violence is coming to a place near us all.
+ts bin a very dark moment for personnel of our service linda. Dos young men killed had a very bright future ahead of dem. We av all bin mournin dia loss. May de RIP.
Puffy and Timman were killed in this! May their souls find rest. God help Nigeria.
I lost friends in this! So sad really sad,a country where there is no justices for the poor and weak!
@ jenny na wa for you o, how many trips has the president gone since he came into power. Abeg the man is trying. God help us.
Oh My goodness. So policemen r dt weak, dt dey can't handle simple operation, may God save us o, ds pple r sooo untrustworthy 2 even betray der own, Arrant nonsence.
I confused, I don't know what to say,
My dear sick is an understatement! How do people get away with crimes like this? Lord Jesus please Clease our Land, I weep for Nigeria. Even though am in the UK I still have cousins, friends and even sisters who are married and based in Nigeria. It affects all of us, Lord listen to the cries of your people
According to Awolowo, Nigeria is a mere geographical expression. In other words, Nigeria is a mirage. It doesn't really exist. And that's the reason why everything about Nigeria seems to be a mirage. The most annoying aspect of it is the leadership circle. When the head is rotten the whole body will be paralysed. This is exactly what is wrong with Nigeria. Nobody should be surprised at what is going on in Nigeria today because it is the reflection of our leaders' legacies over the years. Everybody seems to be talking about peace without JUSTICE. There can never be peace without JUSTICE! A situation where less than 2% of a population of about 160 million people are living in opulence and affluence by our collective patrimony is absolutely unacceptable. According to Martin Luther, our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter. Nigeria is gradually dying away because nobody is challenging our leaders. Nobody is talking about JUSTICE and EQUITY. Our youths are busy watching & discussing Manchester & Arsenal in their jobless, hopeless & futureless lives. My fellow youth let's begin to channel our energies on the things that matter. In conclusion, blame not the EXTREMISTS and REBELS who are taking advantage of the defective system to unleash terror on the defenseless and hapless masses which the government have failed to protect. As the revolution is going on...it is obvious that it's going to consume both the lead & the led if urgent action is not taken. My heart bleeds! What a badluck of a NATION which is suppose to be one of the greatest...
Linda the truth is,we can not ascertain the number of police officers that died or suffered causality the statement that only 17 out of 90 minus sss and my oga on top group that went in survived is confusing what are they trying to say. Are they saying that only 17policemen returned and civil defense force and state security service personnel did not make it back
on a serious note the combined team of all the government forces suffered 90percent fatality this is not acceptable
it still boils down Nigeria being a useless country a country were preparation is never carried out how can they invade the Forest with out proper intell and investigation they should have known that they were was a militia group guarding that forest.
a question that i have always wanted to ask is were the police not armed before they entered the forest or are we to believe that they just walked into an ambush and were they were not prepared to fight their way out if it comes to that useless law enforcement agencies devoid of piratical combat training their inefficiency and ineptitude has cost the lives of their men abeg let them call in the army those are the only serious force we have in Nigeria
Linda i just read a comment from one of your readers captioned save the eggon people from the Fulanis that write up got me infuriated only a bastard would write such rubbish first of all the idiot accused u Linda of publishing a biased story favoring the fulanis i ask wetein concern Linda ikeji no b story way she get she go write second of all the son of a bitch is justifying the murder of over 80 police men by the ocultic eggon group yes dey are ocultic how many militia died in the forest zero zap non yet the son of a worm is blogging rubbish wat is he going to say to the deceased family i bet he will say your husbands deserved it son of worm thunder fire you there
Are police men chads and fulanis that your occultist group should slaughter them in the forest do u use violence to press home your demand soon they will bring this bull shit to Lagos and see if oduas people congress wont light up fire on your arse
If the military go there to get the work done we will still cry wolf. I think most of us like the way things are going in this country. The group want to be noticed maybe tomorrow they will be granted amnesty and they will be paid for life for killing people. Its only in NIJA where a graduate will go for NYSC and will be paid #18000 for a year. But a militant is collecting #65000 every month throughout his lifetime. He is sent abroad for skill acquistion. A Boko Haram member will be paid #100000 every moth for life if their amnesty negotiation goes through. Why won't another group come up. Everyone want his share of the national cake. Our leaders are HUMPTY DUMPTY. Non among them has a commom sense
The North has refuse to allow peace to rain in this country. I say we split the country! Let everyone stay on their own! After now idiots will blame GEJ for this! Nonsense!!!
Oh, our dear Nigerian police. The weakest in the world. Who ever invented intelligence gathering must've committed suicide by this despicable ignoramus act of the Nigerian police. They need total overhauling, they are simply not good at anything. 90 policemen dispensed to arrest cult members!!!!!! I shed the blame also to the old heads we have in governance, who see absolutely no need to acquire new methods in combating crime. They rather boast with reviving our rail transport system with old locomotive trains when nations have advanced to light speed trains, and ofcourse we have the resources in abundance.
It's a sad place we live in...rip!!!!!!
@Olaleye Adisa and Meka, u guys must be really dumb and stupid! So u blame the president for this now? Jeeeeez! Ur hate for south-south and south-east president is alarming tho. So It's the president that formed the cult? So he is the one that trained the security operatives? You guys need to borrow a brain,maybe from a goat.
This is just a disaster. Haba! kilode
do click to check out my style blog
This rubish can't happen during Obasanjo's term....trust baba,e go don destroy dem tay tay.
I has a strange dream about rapture...may God save us all
How many souls will continue to Rest In Peace? When they did not even die a reasonable death... Its beta we cut dis yam nw, make all man collect him own go rest... Why must we continue to die shamfully and still no one cares... Am so ashamed of this country and her useless leaders that, still dont kn if they are realy Nigerians...
Nigeria is doomed! I live and work
Lafia and I want to give u guys a
full gist of what really happened.
Everything boils down to 2015
gubernatorial race. The Egon
people said they are tired of been
ruled by foreigners (i.e migrants
from Maiduguri) which the current
governor Umaru
Tanko Almakura and the emir of
Lafia are and so they’ve started
preparing for 2015 elections. The
militia group actually recruited
youths but they never did it
forcefully, Egon youths voluntarily
enlisted themselves because we
never heard of such occurrence @
the church (Egons are
predominantly Christians, say
98%). Sometimes, we see the
militia group matching around
Lafia peacefully with their black
uniform not disturbing anyone or
causing mayhem and even
sometimes, we see their leader
drive around his SUV robed with all
sort of charms & laughed.
The governor got scared because
of the growing strength of the
militia and even attacked them
severally through Fulani herdsmen,
they even killed a Fulani herdsman
close to my
house early this year. The
governor’s second shot
was through the emir. He invited
the chief priest to his palace and
tried to charm him but the chief
priest defeated him and it was
even rumoured that the emir was
dead that period. (RUMOUR)
Discovering that he couldn’t
succeed with his Fulani herdsmen
and the emir
strategy, he decided to use the
police, SSS and civil defence guys
through the commissioner of
police, one silly Yoruba man that
doesn’t know his job and really
good at driving around Lafia with
his dead BMW disturbing with
siren sound. The commissioner fell
for it and he sent his boys to arrest
the chief priest of the
militia. They claim to have gone
there peacefully to arrest him, but
ask why they went with machine
guns. The killed some of the militia
guys but the militia wiped them all,
just about 6 of them
escaped. I don’t think the militia
group used guns because I went to
the hospital where they deposited
their remains (Dalahatu Specialist
Hospital at Shendam road) and I
saw deep cutlass cuts on them
and I also saw stuffs like blue
powder on them, they were burnt
and were over 100 in number.
Immediately this
happened, the governor ran to
Abuja and later ran to kano
probably to meet with the emir.
The commissioner cried all
through but many don’t know why
he cried. It’s because he’s to retire
in 2 months’ time but now will
likely face dismissal.
The candidate egons want to put
forward is Solomon Ewugha (not
sure of the spelling).
Dis is madness. Setting up ur own colleague .omg wut a cruel world.mr joe do sumtin.place deir under a state of emergency. It is needed. Dey ve bitten more dan dey can chew.killing our police force is d height.d so called priest needs to pay dearly.
Nigeria is doomed! I live and work
Lafia and I want to give u guys a
full gist of what really happened.
Everything boils down to 2015
gubernatorial race. The Egon
people said they are tired of been
ruled by foreigners (i.e migrants
from Maiduguri) which the current
governor Umaru
Tanko Almakura and the emir of
Lafia are and so they’ve started
preparing for 2015 elections. The
militia group actually recruited
youths but they never did it
forcefully, Egon youths voluntarily
enlisted themselves because we
never heard of such occurrence @
the church (Egons are
predominantly Christians, say
98%). Sometimes, we see the
militia group matching around
Lafia peacefully with their black
uniform not disturbing anyone or
causing mayhem and even
sometimes, we see their leader
drive around his SUV robed with all
sort of charms & laughed.
The governor got scared because
of the growing strength of the
militia and even attacked them
severally through Fulani herdsmen,
they even killed a Fulani herdsman
close to my
house early this year. The
governor’s second shot
was through the emir. He invited
the chief priest to his palace and
tried to charm him but the chief
priest defeated him and it was
even rumoured that the emir was
dead that period. (RUMOUR)
Discovering that he couldn’t
succeed with his Fulani herdsmen
and the emir
strategy, he decided to use the
police, SSS and civil defence guys
through the commissioner of
police, one silly Yoruba man that
doesn’t know his job and really
good at driving around Lafia with
his dead BMW disturbing with
siren sound. The commissioner fell
for it and he sent his boys to arrest
the chief priest of the
militia. They claim to have gone
there peacefully to arrest him, but
ask why they went with machine
guns. The killed some of the militia
guys but the militia wiped them all,
just about 6 of them
escaped. I don’t think the militia
group used guns because I went to
the hospital where they deposited
their remains (Dalahatu Specialist
Hospital at Shendam road) and I
saw deep cutlass cuts on them
and I also saw stuffs like blue
powder on them, they were burnt
and were over 100 in number.
Immediately this
happened, the governor ran to
Abuja and later ran to kano
probably to meet with the emir.
The commissioner cried all
through but many don’t know why
he cried. It’s because he’s to retire
in 2 months’ time but now will
likely face dismissal.
The candidate egons want to put
forward is Solomon Ewugha (not
sure of the spelling).
So much blood has been spilled in this Country. Latest is this Ombatse thing. However,I'm not suprised. Have you noticed that almost every tribe has their own militia? Yes. In a country where the govt is so impotent, this is what happens. The citizens would rather see themselves as members of an ethnic tribe first, rather than a Nigerian. Nobody gives a damn about Nigeria. This is why its so easy for the two culprits to rat on their fellow Policemen. They are simply protecting their Eggon 'brothers'.
Is not as if the person is supporting the massacre, but some truth are hidden for instance people that stay there said they never witnessed any forcefully taking of concoction. Also the most painful truth is that the Governor of the state is behind it, he lieu those innocent police men into the invent even the wives of the deceased are already protesting against the Governor.... Just in case you want to know more....
Nigeria is doomed! I live and work
Lafia and I want to give u guys a
full gist of what really happened.
Everything boils down to 2015
gubernatorial race. The Egon
people said they are tired of been
ruled by foreigners (i.e migrants
from Maiduguri) which the current
governor Umaru
Tanko Almakura and the emir of
Lafia are and so they’ve started
preparing for 2015 elections. The
militia group actually recruited
youths but they never did it
forcefully, Egon youths voluntarily
enlisted themselves because we
never heard of such occurrence @
the church (Egons are
predominantly Christians, say
98%). Sometimes, we see the
militia group matching around
Lafia peacefully with their black
uniform not disturbing anyone or
causing mayhem and even
sometimes, we see their leader
drive around his SUV robed with all
sort of charms & laughed.
The governor got scared because
of the growing strength of the
militia and even attacked them
severally through Fulani herdsmen,
they even killed a Fulani herdsman
close to my
house early this year. The
governor’s second shot
was through the emir. He invited
the chief priest to his palace and
tried to charm him but the chief
priest defeated him and it was
even rumoured that the emir was
dead that period. (RUMOUR)
Discovering that he couldn’t
succeed with his Fulani herdsmen
and the emir
strategy, he decided to use the
police, SSS and civil defence guys
through the commissioner of
police, one silly Yoruba man that
doesn’t know his job and really
good at driving around Lafia with
his dead BMW disturbing with
siren sound. The commissioner fell
for it and he sent his boys to arrest
the chief priest of the
militia. They claim to have gone
there peacefully to arrest him, but
ask why they went with machine
guns. The killed some of the militia
guys but the militia wiped them all,
just about 6 of them
escaped. I don’t think the militia
group used guns because I went to
the hospital where they deposited
their remains (Dalahatu Specialist
Hospital at Shendam road) and I
saw deep cutlass cuts on them
and I also saw stuffs like blue
powder on them, they were burnt
and were over 100 in number.
Immediately this
happened, the governor ran to
Abuja and later ran to kano
probably to meet with the emir.
The commissioner cried all
through but many don’t know why
he cried. It’s because he’s to retire
in 2 months’ time but now will
likely face dismissal.
The candidate egons want to put
forward is Solomon Ewugha (not
sure of the spelling).
This report has answered the question troubling my mind since I read the news. The success of an ambush means, your enemy knows you are coming. It is clear, that the cult group was tipped-off. The police do it all the time. I believe Corporals Enugu and Haruna even told the cult group the number of policemen coming for the raid. Otherwise, how could the cult group sustain such fire power.
The cult group has won the battle and not the war. The Federal Government should demolish that shrine.
Lemme make some tins clear here,do u knw wat dis socalled cult group do?dey formed demselves 2 b able 2 ward of attack 4rm dese fulani herdsmen dat av bin goin abt terrorizing villages,y dint dey send d police 2 places where dese fulani herdsmen live 2 arrest dem?do u expect villagers 2 fold dia arms wile fulani herdsmen extinct dem!since d police n oda security operatives av refused 2 provide dem d needed protection dey av 2 form a kind of local militia,and wen police came 2 kill dem,dey had 2 protect demselves by fytin back....
Tank u 4 dis piece of info...u av sed exactly wats on my mind! D poor pple formed a group 2 protect demselves against constant attack by fulani n chadians yet d govt sent security forces 2 crack dem down?wat do u expect dem 2 av done?surrender n b killed by d police force wile dia women n children wuld kip being slaughtered by dese fulani herdsmen?since d govt has failed 2 protect dem or even fish out dose fulani herdsmen dat r killin dem all in d name of religion,we av decided 2 do it our own way n if policeforce comes again,we wuld do dsame tin!
I believe you are one of them with your stupid write-up(you sound so happy about the killings),may God deliver us from all evil minded people.
I have read everybodies post wit keen interest n I observe d following wrongs.
1. The cultists are wrong by operating without govt approval
2. The people r wrong by protesting unlawfully
3. The police is more wrong by leaking their own secret. Imaging a common coporal leaking a secret that led to d death of up to 50 of his colleagues.
4. The police commissioner should be court martiald for not having a back up troop
5. The SSS is very wrong by not providing enough security details before they all commenced that operation.
As a retired police chief, in an operation of this nature especially at nights, if u send one troop for an operation, u must have three troops as back up. There must be 5min interval update from the front line commander in the operation, if after 20mins, the 5min interval update didn't come in, it means dey need more back up. So I seriously blame dem. Der is nothing like ambush. U only ambush who doesn't hav a back up.
this is soo sad. May their souls rip.
God please help us nigerians. We are suffering. Impending state collapse and we dont know it.
Oh pls shut up! So if d police force had succeeded in killing all d socalled cult pple,it wuld av bin justified instead ryt?if dey had allowed demselves 2 b arrested by d police,we all knw d outcome of it,dey wuld av branded dem wat dey r nt n killed all of dem...its all man 4 himself nw oo....
Instead of d police force 2 eliminate d root cause wich are fulani herdsmen!in some villages in Kaduna,dese fulani herdsmen won't let d villagers be,killin dem n destroyin dia farmlands,d villagers tried 2 form a vigilante group,knw wat police did??dey came n arrested d poor villagers n even killed some....do u guyz undastnd nw?u xpect dem 2 sitdown n watch demselves killed by fulani pple n police too?NO!
My heart is so heavy for all I can say is may d souls of those involved rest in prefect peace n may God give d families involved d fortitude to bear such unexpected lost. D most annoying tin is dat they died in d cost of serving their duties to d country n d stupid so called Nigeria will do nothing to console such families all they are good in doing is to send some kind of stupid amount of money to d families which will not even sustain them for two day. If d Federal Government can't protect their citizens then democracy is bullshit if u guys can't fulfil ur promises let military resume power instead of dis bad news we hear on daily basis. Nigeria we should bury our heads in shame cos I don't think people frm other countries will found our country interesting.
Oh pls shut up! So if d police force had succeeded in killing all d socalled cult pple,it wuld av bin justified instead ryt?if dey had allowed demselves 2 b arrested by d police,we all knw d outcome of it,dey wuld av branded dem wat dey r nt n killed all of dem...its all man 4 himself nw oo....
Hey Presido....how's about some amnesty for these murderers buddy? Seems to be your favorite solution to everything isn't it?
Wow! Well said! May the families of d deceased receive solace & may the dead rest in peace. It's a pity that such things are still happening in Nigeria.
the ppl ve the rigth to protect demselves. The fulani herdsmen n thier supporters in govt @ all levels should be prepared for a show down from other tribes in nigeria. Be warned!
Only God I'll save us, Politics in Nig has become a do or die affair.the leaders u talking abt re they not the sponsors inorder to take over their father's inheritance. Nigerians re not so daft.
lexo22 has said it all... For all your information that is what happened. But he didnt mention that the fight was spiritual..bcosbthe cult group were invisible!
Lexx thank you!nobody is in support of bloodshed however the governors ambitiousness for the gubernatorial race caused all this..how will the main sons of nasaarwa just sit back and watch migrants invade all they have including the governors seat?when they have that seat then they have everything...useless Almakura has caused loss of innocent lives by luring the police commisioner into a hasty attack..no intelligence,no strategy etc...this is just the begining.Goodluck should investigate properly before launching into another hasty attack.why do these aturu awusas think being in power is thier birth right?!the idiotic governor has hastily doled out 1million naira each to the deaseased families from the state cofferswho told him that will bring them back?poverty will not alow the families reject the money and ask necessary questions!more will be unraveld.by the way i am not frm Eggon tribe and not even from the middle belt.but time has come for all Nigerians to use thier tounge and count thier teeth...Ndi obiara kara mba want to pocket all of us that is why they dont peace in Nigeria on all fronts.RIP fallen officers.Signs of the end tikes anyway.God lead,guard,guide and direct your children.amen
Me no come house again ooo...naija..na later tinz
U ar a fool shaa..too drenched in tears to tell u anytin.so d president is not in anyyway accountable?God help u.President of a country were notin works!nada!lemme reserve my comments fo u dis stephen uche!
I second your opinion...the north should go! Enough already!!!
check out this kind of personality disorder trait in our youths today in dis blog
Wow! Al'makura be careful
The sad reality of present day Nigeria is the obvious sense of no-value for human life.Boston was closed down b'cos as we Nigerians would say "Just 3 People Died". Offcourse we'll say just 3 people b'cos in our clime people now die in 100's .Politics has emerged the only means of enrichment ,while violence and murderous intents and deeds is guaranteed to earn you monthly amnesty stipends from govt and if you are a militia group leader you'l get juicy contracts ranging such as oil pipeline securities (Tompolo,Asarii,Now OPC-Fasheun faction) ..We are been lead by satanists and self righteous people ,even Linda's humanity is so impugned she said the crisis is not everywhere in Nigeria.Obviously b'cos we feel less bothered as it has not happened to us or anyone close to us.We all ve a low sense of value for the human life.Truth is Nigeria is at war and say what you like its drawing nearer to all of us .Hope God's help spare us.
This brought me to tears. Kaii, but people are wicked sha. To think that those were daddies that just went to work, peoples children that wont be seen again because they were 'serving their country'. For those corprals their own judgment will start from the earth and they'll still face further wrath when they die. RIP GREAT MEN, MAY GOD ACCEPT YOUR SOULS INTO HEAVEN.
when u c an hausa / fulain man in ur town dont pity him cos wit time his children will grow up & try to rule u, if u refuse he will use force & claim to be an indigene. If u are in e shoes of egon people u will fight for ur freedom.
Ewo! Things are happening. Nigeria needs prayers.
The Government of Nigeria must do something about the menace of the itinerant fulani herdsmen in Nigeria. There's too much outcry from farmers all over the country concerning their nefarious activities. They have been severally accused of various violent crimes ranging from wilful destruction of crops, aggravated assault, rape, armed robbery to cold-blooded murder (I have seen some victims first-hand while I was working in Yobe state).
These kinds of activities when left unchecked force the victims to resort to self-help as we have seen in Lafia. The primary problem must be tackled otherwise we would never come out of the unfortunate vicious circle.
My heart goes out to those who lost their loved ones in the avoidable confrontation.
Horrible and Terrible
If it is proved beyond all shadow of doubt that Corporals Enugu and Haruna tipped-off the cult group, then the 2 Corporals will definitely get the death sentence.
Section7 of the Criminal Code of Nigeria(CCN) is titled 'Principal Offenders' and it states; "When an offence is committed, each of the following persons is deemed to have taken part in committing the offence and to be guilty of the offence, and may be charged with actually committing it, that is to say-; section7(c) every person who aids another in committing the offence."
Also, a latin maxim states; "Qui facit per alium, facit per se." It means; "He who does an act through another, does it himself."
Bad pple thrive becuz gud pple fold dia hands and do notin....more lives wud b lost,buh it must b for a course...reset /reboot 9ja,delete amnesty from d vocabulary...crime doesn't pay 9ja shud b no diFferent..d frustrations of a failing state is driving pple to d edge,we must rise up and understand dat ...cus u have a leaking roof doesn't make u demolish ur house...Rip to em police peeps
Totally true! Let's kip tribalism aside n face d truth. This is how dey attacked boko haram n dey became violent.
Come oga, how many times do u want to post this? Ehn? Pls open ur own blog o!
The only reason why security works the way it does in the western world is largely dependent on the information given by the general public to aid the work of the security men. An ordinary Nigeria with a wealth of information as to the whereabouts of these evil perpetrators is scared to give them to the Police. This is because Police cant be trusted. In this case, as reported by Linda, it's the-same Police who betrayed their fellow Security operators and lured them to their untimely death. Tell me, why won't things be the way it is in Nigeria. May the souls of the departed, whose lives were been taken in the course of their service to their nation, rest in Peace. Nigeria should split, it's fucking too big to be ruled by one person, or the system of government should be changed to true federalism and let each state look after themselves. I may never come back to that country.
Sir Andrew jaja,u're an idiot,who asked u about all dose jargon u're saying.i'm sure u're a bloody mediocre jumping at this opportunity to prove how smart u are instead of addressing the main issue. What a moron, u think taking a mugshot with a wig and typing shit is all there is to law. u really need a brain and a good one if i must add
Abegi!pple wil just open dia mouth n start sayin rubbish...mstcheeeew..u nid 2 come 2 kd n see hw fulani herdsmen r dealin wit villages arnd,d villagers cnt go 2 d farm else dey get killed dere n dia women raped,wat is d police force doin abt dese cruel fulani herdsmen?instead if d poor villagers form a vigilante group,dey wuld come n arrest dem!pple shuld stand up n fyt 4 demselves,dnt wait 4 d police 2 intervene cos dey work wit d fulani pple!
Lexo 22 and annoy are correct about the facts of the matter. 2. The law recognise african traditional religion and the right to practice; when has the worshippers say of 0gun become cultist . 3. Mbaste was a response to malicious fulani herdsmen attack on eggon people with provocation or any altercation btw them. 4. The governor desperate for 2015 knew he can't win cos eggons put him there n without their support, it better to dis power them since most are farmers. 5. Wat is happening in middle belt is fundamental re awaking and re assertion of the rights of indigenous ethnic groups whose political n economic right were usurped by the hausafulani using the British n military might. For instance a tiv man from kadraoko in nasarawa state is treated as a non indigene whereas a fulani frm sokoto or bauchi is given indigne form n has access to all opportunities once u bear musa, abubakar etc. 6. Am yoruba and I have lived in lafia for 12 years;
Al-makura n the CP are blatant liars n God will judge them for killing innocent. Taiwo, RICE MILL, Lafia
D police had no chance cos does guys where all protected wit charms cos nothing could cut through dia body, guess d Gov got wht he deserve.
Why do we keep saying REST IN PEACE in brutal murders like dis. Let me tell u people souls have stopped resting in peace n dis nation where people don't have d fear of God. Is d police u killed fulani herdsmen? Why justify evil! Let me tell u, d size of hell fire is so large dat satan is acquiring more land to occupy people. D North have turned der region to bloodshedding northern region, killed der economy, education, religion, every thing. I don think d evil of sodom and gomorrah is half compared to the evil in the North. I AM SO SAD.
What is well said there, Bonario's just trying so hard to speak grammar.
It is high time the Nigeria police start doing things properly. Any high profile operations like this should have been planned outside the state not within the state to prevent any intelligence breach...Any planned Op should embrace the following elements:
1. information/intelligence received
2. Intention of the Op
3. Method to be used
4. Administration - logistics
5. Risk assessment - very important to minimise/prevent any loss or injury to officers/suspects
6. Communication - important to prevent any security breach or jeopardise the safety of officers
The above operation that led to death of these police officers lacked all these basic elements...I therefore call for the resignation of the commissioner of police that initiated the operation....he lacks adequate policing knowledge, hence the high death tolls that we all witnessed
Nigeria s policemen are untrained nd lack equipment.Nigeria the giant of africa! May their souls rest.
U r doomed...not we r...abeg..greater is he dat is me.and even I pass through d shadow of death I fear no evil..
This is really sad $ just when u think things can't get anyworse they indeed are!......My condolences.
@ Lexo22 : That you see nothing wrong with the killing of these Men who are Fathers, Husbands and Breadwinners is far from being reasonable. Rather than condemn this wicked and dastardly act,you are rejoicing at breakdown of the rule of law. I pray that God will give family of the deceased security men the fortitude to bear the loss. They have paid supreme price of serving their fatherland.
From the tone of your comments one can deduce that you are a member of the omatse cult/political opposition / one of the people asking for amnesty for this terrorist group .
You live in Lafia but obviously do not know the facts of this, and only speaking on behalf of the group you represent.
Plotting to overthrow a democratic government and killing scores of security operatives would make them better described as a terrorist group, not a "militia."
They carry arms and are anti government and were torturing and forcing people in churches and mosques to swear to an oath of allegiance to the Ombatse deity. These are acts of disrespect for solidarity, selfishness, individualism, and hate for your neighbour and society, and that in turn does not justify the use of violence as a tool to make justice for yourself.
Not acceptable by any means anywhere in the world. This is not the legacy we want to leave for our children .
What I see here is a Police that poorly equipped police fighting groups with sophisticated weapons.The police needs to be better equipped to fight these terrorists with more sophisticated weapons. While the classic stakeout approach is still used throughout the globe, technology has largely replaced many of these traditional methods of law enforcement. Hi-tech cameras and listening devices, for example, can watch a suspect's home for months at a time without a single police officer present.
Larger police departments around the world use even more sophisticated equipment. Some of them rely on satellite imagery to gather intelligence on terrorist activities. Efforts were being made to bring the perpetrators of this dastardly act to book including you!!! ---Lexo22 !!
-Plus the Police commissioner joined the force before you were born(from your childish comments and lack of regard for human lives ) as a graduate of the University of Ibadan He is a lawyer by training and has served the police at various capacities even at the United Nations,and even received awards from the UN .
Stop hiding under the cover of these terrorist groups to express your love for power and grievances and making innocent lives pay – He who sows the wind, reaps the whirlwind.
Shebi you live and work in Lafia Ko ?
May 14, 2013 at 7:52 PM
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