Bishop Benenoch announced to his congregation during a service on Saturday September 15th 2012 that he was divorcing his wife, Esther Benenoch and there was no going back because it was an instruction from God. Well, apparently God has instructed himself otherwise because he has withdrawn his divorce petition. See the public notice he posted on his Facebook page after the cut...
Public Notice
On Saturday the 15th of September last year, I announced my decision to file for a divorce to end my marriage to my wife, Esther. I wish to inform you my friends that Esther and I have decided to seek prayer solution to the challenges of our relationship.
We are no more pursuing the divorce option at this time. I therefore have since withdrawn my divorce petition from the court.
I thank you for your support, your concern and your prayers. I urge you to continue to keep us both in your prayers. Once again, thank you and God bless you.
Na dem sabi, pastors are suppose to be role models to us, but all u hear these days r divorse here and there. smh. 'Ms Bee'
I am happy for them. I hope it is not a publicity stunt because I didn't know them before now >_>
Na wao, esu Kpofo o
Much better.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
To God be the glory!!
read this<>
there was no
going back because it was an
instruction from God. I pray o. Thank God 4 evertin.
And this so-called pastor still has a congregation??!!
If I was in the congregation the day he said God told him to divorce his wife, I would have gotten up, waved him farewell, and never returned to that Church again!
Bishop my foot, if u cnt handle ur home how do u handle ur church. God cannot ask u to divorce ur wife of many yrs. Wonder who made u a bishop, makin moni tins abi, mtchewww. Quin
God only approve one condition for divorce. So whatever disguise anybody wants to use and say God said this is not true. So I think Benonche has now realise that he was wrong to have filed a divorce.
Thank GOD for that o. This is good news, our GOD does not support divorce, and HE is not the author of confusion. Its well!
GOD pls have mercy on all this fake pastor, they are just playing with the name og GOD.
That's great!!!
May they find peace in the marriage, again.
This is good news.
Nice one! This is what prayer can do. A praying wife, God bless Esther .
My God is nt an authour of confusion.....dat voice u heard was nt from him...God hates divorce,He honours his word more than his name.gud u ve come bck to ur senses..wish u both luck!
God is working!
Fake men of God. How do people converse with God? Its all BS. Its nothing more than having a conversation with yourself and then coming up with your own conclusion. All this "God told me to blah blah" is a bunch of crap. Or does God take international calls?
Its the truth for all you blind Bible thumpers out there. Lol bite me.
Thank God, there's still hope, it shows that he used wisdom. It would have been such a disgrace for him to divorce his wife and yet be preaching to his flocks.
Bishop my foot, God is watching you on 4D...
Thank God for his grace, It's so sad what has become of modern churches
Hmmmmm!! Ds means i cud cm to you for advice and get the divorce option. U shd hv prayed 1st b4 announcing to d world on a divorce. Now it wud b a fake life and a lot of pple look up to u. May God help ds human race
All these pastors and Bishops are begining to emulate their American counterparts, the Devil is really doing all he can to win souls to himself, because he knows that Time is running out. Bishops and pastors are not even spared. End time indeed!
Hahahahahahahahahaha, Oh Dear lord!
He doesn't have to tell us. Is that not what he's meant to do before angrily announcing a divorce to the whole world?
If am a member of his congregation, I would question myself if I should seek a counseling if i needed to.
Na wa oh,Man of God,he didn't knw that he could seek prayer solution to the challenges of his marriage before he went to seek divoRce abi..smh
May God help them as they have decided to do the best thing.
Good to hear. Let us return to the age when broken things are fixed not thrown away. God be with you and your wife.
Wat a 9ice second tort decision.
I thank God for the change of heart!!! The devil has come to kill, steal and destroy; he won’t sit down and see families flourish, cos family is the bedrock of any nation, may God help all homes to be unwavering and together (Amen!!!!)
After seriously embarrassing her.....anyway. God knows best.
All these fake pastors.. The lords name Don suffer..
Nonsence,man of God divorce his wife,nt a role model at all to d society at all,4 beta 4 worse u beta b with ur wife,God can neva instruct u on divorce,na wa ooo
Pastors encouragn divorce.what a world!
Well.......may God be praised!
This na bishop? Then I must be a saint.
The man is a preacher; & the Bible he preaches says the only basis for divorce must be in case(s) of adultery...Go figure.
yeye man
You didn't think to seek prayer solution before filing for the divorce? NA wah!
These are men of God? Nigeria needs help.
People should stop using the name of God in vain. So much for being a pastor. So that your 'god' has instructed you otherwise, yeah? How convenient. Some of these pastors can be so annoying.
Thank You Jesus!! The God who reverses the irreversable
Thank is good to hear. Some people need to learn from this. For every of God's instructions there is always a lesson( I.e if it was God in d first place) I admire his openness and pray things work out fine to the glory of God.
Thank you Jesus! The truth is that many Christian marriages are under attack in these last days! "Strike the Shepard, the Sheep will scatter" But the devil is a liar! "The gates of hell shall not prevail".....
Warevs biko. Next time make up ur damn mind before publicizn shit. Ur not a child
Thank You Lord Jesus. I pray you will continue to shield our pastors from every plot of the enemy in Jesus name. God bless you Pastor Ben.
Thank You JESUS!!!! Indeed God answers prayers. My prayer for anyone whose home is being threatened by the devil is that the unchanging God, who is no respecter of any person will intervene and reign in your home today. Helleluiah! God is good. To all the married, please remember that marriage is not a bed of roses. Stay together, in times of challenges, cry to God and he will answer you in Jesus name
Some of these pastors r terrible. The bible is strongly against divorce! Yet everyday we hear one story or the next. Which God instructed u to divorce u wife?? Nonsense
Imagine pastor....end time is near
Chai the rate at which some people disrespect God dis days is alarming> i still say God is no respecter of persons, Beware cos he is a consuming FIRE.
Rubbish Revelation!!!! How can God tell u dat? No gree God strike you. U are lucky I am not God. Pastor Oshi!!!!
Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Shikena::::::
Wisdom is a rare gift from GOD.....the moment people realise that marriage is a sacred institution,which when you enter,there should be no going back,the better for every1.....thumbs up to bishop david,he made the right decision(that's the kinda example we need from married people)....God bless him,AMEN!!!
ok oooooo if u say so
Hmmmm, I hope its for good this time. No more declarations
I am in no position to judge a Man of God bt d statement dat God actuali asked him 2 'divorce' his wife is totally absurd.. Lolz or maybe d Devil should be charged for impersonation nw.
With all the shit going on in this country . Who really cares about this bishop and his issues.....
Miss Jade said..
Na brain wave d man get...God is indeed patient, from God instructed him to divorce now dey are trying to sort out marriage challenges. Man of God lying on God. Shame on you!
Africans sha! either lie on devil now na God... SMH
All dse pastors n dir msgs. Thank God 4 d bible ,u canread it yasef. D only tym u can even tink of divorce is wen ur significant oda commits adultery. Nd dre is still grace 2 4giv.xcept dat was d case(hmmm). Anyways success in patchin tinz up. Just sayin...
God have mercy on u shamelles people
Thank God. In Societies like this, men of God should encourage us against divorce and not to fall prey to same "evil".
You wont believe how Davido looked as a kid
Hmmn...i reserve my comments. If d wife respcts herslf she'd not go bk to him. Jst lyk OKOtie n his divorces...lemme bera worship my God @ home!
Thank God o, @ least d devil has bn put to shame. Pastor I know this is one challenge u ll overcome, jst like d victory God gave u during the time of Adisa, thru prayers we overcame then, also thru prayers u ll overcome again in Jesus Name, Amen
The man is a joke, a freak of nature.
The man is a joke, a freak of nature.
May God have mercy on u. Pastor dat don't read his bible very. Unless ur trying to tell us dat ur wife is cheating on u. Even at dat where is d forgiveness u preach on d peupit
even jesus,before he left this very world.he said we should be aware of false prophet and their deciet,you that is of God should stand fame,so am not surprise.jesus said his father hate divorce even if you send your wife away because of adultery,you shall remain unmarried or forgive and take her.
could this be advertisement? Just asking!
Wat a lot of Folks dont know is that pastors and preachers are humans too and facing real life issues.
Im happy for them, and i pray they find lasting solutions in God.
@Bonario what is much better. That God is now confused NOW abi? he tells you A and then tells you B abi wetin.
This man is a disgrace i await more to unfold from this story. Shameless man.
Pastor, I hope u are saying the truth because honestly I think ur wife has got someting on u.
Bishop, i really dnt knw wat to say! First, God askd u to file a divorce. 2day, u're gonna seek prayer solution to ur relationship. God is God n nt a man! Abeg, if papa God no talk, mk no man sey na him talk o! Seeking prayr solutn to ur relationship is wat u wld've done as a bliva(bishop 4 dat mata) n nt filing a divorce! Una d fal my hand o! Ur mercy lord!
Who even gave u the title. BIshop. U fake pastors
All these LIBers,who seem to know the bible very well,I guess u haven't come across the part of the bible where it is said"touch not my annointed and do my prophet no harm"if he is lying about the revelation from God,its between him and God.No1 is in any position to judge another,not to talk of a Man of God....you're trying to act as God's "spokesman",did God tell you he doesn't know and see all things??......by the way,u sit in the comfort of ur homes,and type whatever you feel like.you think divorce is somthing easy???....or do u think the bishop forgot he was 1 while publicly declaring his intentions to divorce his wife?....have u pondered over what the reason for his initial decision might have been???...don't always be in a haste to criticize som1 or draw conclusions about what u barely know about...(NOTE:I am a total supporter of"For better for worse till death......",and I condemn divorce)...linda,oya kwa
Yeah right!!! God will never ask you to divorce your wife. I wonder if these people think we are stupid and will believe anything they say bcos they claim to be men of God.
Yeah right!!! God will never ask you to divorce your wife. I wonder if these people think we are stupid and will believe anything they say bcos they claim to be men of God.
God is not the author of confusion...He told you to divorce your wife then told you to take her back? Anyway I wasn't there but do not make the mistake of mistaking your voice or voices of reason (friends/elders in the church) as the voice of God
ONLY CHRIST could have made this possible. Indeed HE has again proven HIS words true: "what God has joined together let NO MAN put assunder!" May Christ complete this yet-another-good work HE has started. Amen. He fell, BUT he stood up AGAIN - that is the ONLY thing which matters in all of these.
ONLY CHRIST could have made this possible. Indeed HE has again proven HIS words true: "what God has joined together let NO MAN put assunder!" May Christ complete this yet-another-good work HE has started. Amen. He fell, BUT he stood up AGAIN - that is the ONLY thing which matters in all of these.
YES, pastors are meant to be role models, but at the end of the day we are all human beings we all make mistakes. People need to STOP BEING SO JUDGEMENTAL! Stop talking like you do not do any wrong! Kai. Thank God for their situation. And before any1 goes on to condemn another person finish working on yourself!
Pastor, God can not ask you to divorce your wife. Maybe Satan did. That shows your level of relationship with God. Anyway, glory be to God that you have withdrawn divorce suit. Pls. don't mislead people again sir. When satan is whispering to your ears, don't say it's God
God don change him mind???? na wah o-newyorker
Real life issues ni Real life issues ko... and u don't know where to find all the major newspapers that report and discuss real life issues?... they are all online for free if u don't want to spend money... Smh! Real issues indeed, joker...
Thank you Jesus. You remain faithful!
Apparently he is a foolish man!
It is the will of God, bt now no be God's will again ba?
The bible is clear on this! "I hate divorce"
Why will a supposed man of God who's not ignorant abt that fact claim his own divorce na frm god again!
I pity his members! This is enough signal that dre pastor is fake!
Really glad to read about the withdrawal cos after going through the woman's blog, I felt bad for her and prayed that God will intervene in her situation. Thank God they are reconsidering!
God is righteous & just. He's not a man. Every man of God needs 2 b conscious of themselves because we are Bible that people reads. So help us Lord 2 overcome every tribulations of life, mind & world.
Is dis bishop calling God a laier?t̶̲̥̅̊
Creator of heaven a̶̲̥̅̊
Earth is no man to lie neither is he a confussionist. In d first place God will not ask him to divorce his wife if God did has a reason a̶̲̥̅̊
God who knows even before he was concieved will not ┏̲g̲̅ö back a̶̲̥̅̊
Say he should take his wife back.i̶̲̥̅̊
Bet u̶̲̥̅̊
All these one man church are not called by God.they called demselves.
Ignorant LIBers, Linda why dint u put the original post so they can see the exact words he used to coin his announcement.
He even quoted the passage all those castigating him here with, and that indicates that something really deep must have happened. Even though almost no one would want to put that up on their blog.
I'm proud of the man, that he can swallow his pride and prayerfully seek the road to reconciliation. That's the lesson to learn in the whole matter. And women pray to God that the devil will not use you to test or fall your man. Remember Job's wife (she was never mentioned in Bible again after saying Job should curse God and die), remember David's love, Saul's daughter, she was the only woman that died barren in the bible after saying David shud mind how he dances and embarrasses himself.
God is a forgiving father but He can be a brutal judge.
Ignorant LIBers, Linda why dint u put the original post so they can see the exact words he used to coin his announcement.
He even quoted the passage all those castigating him here with, and that indicates that something really deep must have happened. Even though almost no one would want to put that up on their blog.
I'm proud of the man, that he can swallow his pride and prayerfully seek the road to reconciliation. That's the lesson to learn in the whole matter. And women pray to God that the devil will not use you to test or fall your man. Remember Job's wife (she was never mentioned in Bible again after saying Job should curse God and die), remember David's love, Saul's daughter, she was the only woman that died barren in the bible after saying David shud mind how he dances and embarrasses himself.
God is a forgiving father but He can be a tough judge.
God told u to divorce? D word of God can never return back to HIM void! Hw can u say God asked u 2 divorce in d heat of anger? Mr bishop, u berra return back to God n ask him for total spiritual restoration n a new oil of anointing, dats my advice 2 u, if not........ A word is enough 4 d wise.
Even pastors are human beings u kno...
Are you calling God a liar?
Please do not say what you guys are not sure of... the bishop has been through enough already and he needs your prayers....thank God for them :D
Linda post my comment na
Please do not say what you guys are not sure of... the bishop has been through enough already and he needs your prayers....thank God for them :D
I repeat one can be pastor, bishop, reverend, evangelist or whatever title name you like by professions and not with divine calling of God. You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? (Matthew 7:16)
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. (Galatians 5:22)
No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. (Luke 6:43)
Even small children are known by their actions, so is their conduct really pure and upright? (Proverbs 20:11)
As the old saying goes, 'From evildoers come evil deeds,' so my hand will not touch you. (1 Samuel 24:13)
For your information, the bible only accepts divorse on the grounds of one party being unfaithful. So it could be he decided to divorse her on that grounds. The fact that he didn't out her if she was shows a lot of maturity and grace.
.....MiZz Marcel speaks
Thank God. Oh Linda it is wife of almost 30 years o and they have 4 kids, of which one is married. Hehe don't say I told u o.
'Have decided to seek prayer solution.' What were they doing before? Seeking worldly solution?
Pastor, are u sure d voice u heard is from God? Now u said u prayed and ur prayers has been answered. Anyway Tnx to God who made u not to divorce her cos many hungry gals are out waiting to take over. Job was tempted but he did not fail, tnk God for ur life today.
See both of them looking like brother and sister. Bishop, no matter wot she did to u, forgive her and love her once more. Biko,
Tru talk guy. Pastors divorce dier wives dis days and den claim God has spoken to them.God is God of peace and not confusion
@Zion Daughter. I'd love to suck ur breast.
crazy. He needs to get over his god complex otherwise the will be at this point in a short time
What changed? He had embarrassed her enough?
Okotie them,2dy God say,2mw God hs changed his mind.pls whateva it is Christ tot 4gvness.thnk God he has reopened d scriptures nd discovered it.
A blunt liar ,u ar lieing against god hw can god tells u to divorce ur wife ,is god a confusionist or a trouble maker this is hw u fake pastors decieves ur congregations ,if a pastor can divorce his wife wat du expect from his congregations
The man is a joke, a freak of nature.
Let be serious can God ask this man to send his wife of many years parking no this are false prophets let them not be showing bad examples in the name of God
praise GOD
Bishop, it wasn't God who asked you to divorce your wife, but satan did. Thank God you have come back to your senses....
Gbam!..He's fake.."God said"...and den God went back on his words..Kai!..These so called men of God!..
Hey hey this is really great. I hope it's no publicity stunt, that's the worst.
I'm so happy for them, I see good things in their future. Anon, it is possible it is a publicity stunt, but they still seem like a good couple.
What fallacy how he said God has him to divorce his wife did God marry the said wife for him pple should stop desecrating the holy name of God
utah divorce
Let's take a minute to reflect on our father in the Abraham, if he had announced to the world that God asked him to kill his son, what would the reaction had been like. Then the same man comes up and tells u God now told him to use a ram.
Who even ordained him a Bishop??
Thank You, Lord for restoration.
Hmmm. I thank God the bishop repented of his mistakes. God does not permit divorce for any reason, even in case of adultery you can still forgive. You are bound to your covenant husband or wife as long as you both live. Marriage is permanent and the one flesh joined by God can't be broken. Even if per chance you separate either as a result of violence or abuse etc, you are to remain single and celebate or reconcile.
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