Meet Venezuela's new sexy Sports Minister + her nude photo | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 27 April 2013

Meet Venezuela's new sexy Sports Minister + her nude photo

32 year old Alejandra Benitez is the new Sports Minister of Venezuela. The fencing champion fenced for Venezuela during the 2004, 2008 and 2012 Olympics. Last week, she made history by becoming Venezuela's first ever female Minister. She was appointed Sports Minster by Venezuela's President, Nicolas Maduro. Alejandra Benitez is the talk of the town in her country after a series of saucy snaps she posed for before the 2008 Olympics in Beijing were re-published online after she was announced as Sports Minister. She's been dubbed by Venezuelan media as 'Maduro's sexy minister.'



but why the nude photo? mschw
am just trying to imagine a Nigerian female minister posing nude. hei!

Anonymous said...

i know some MUMU people will soon start ranting about how ladies are suppose to be covered up.

abby said...

Naked minister. #Asewo things#

Anonymous said...

Weather she posed nude before or after being appointed as minister, the question is why pose nude? women should give themselves some dignity please

blackgold said...

Just the type of change we need here in naija. One word: awesome.


u go fear minister of sports.
so this is Maduro's plan. I wouldn't mind wrestling with the sports minister. I mean at the Olympics game.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!!! Sexy sports minister can dis happen in Africa Hahahahahaaha I laff in french. U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̣̣̥ pweety tho. "First to comment" I nid an award as pple D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ alwaiz rush to say first to comment instead of actually commenting. 9ja pple I hail ˚°ºH!‎​​!!!! *winks* linda post my comment. Nachy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hnmmm... Connection tinz. Issorai!

Anonymous said...

Everything sure needs a little bit of sexiness...

Anonymous said...

Wey d nude?

Anonymous said...

I beleived she must have changed to better now

Anonymous said...

Can there be a replica in Nigeran politics?


Nigerian Food Channel said...

Not bad :-)

check out my channel for Nigerian food's a dude cooking!

Nigerian Food Channel said...

Not bad :-)

check out my channel for Nigerian food's a dude cooking!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm dats gud for her. Y won't pple just live ur past to lie low? Ishsss

Unknown said...

SEX sells every time & everywhere! I'm pretty sure Nicolas is getting some SMH

Anonymous said...

Now it's all about nudity, even in politics!

Unknown said...

She must be d president s mistress.................bad example

sherlycious said...

wow very sexy indeed. congrats to her. at least shes a sports person so she will function well. com to dis side of the world and ul see a botanist made sport minister

Anonymous said...

Oyibo women and nudity sef,am tired ooooo,one skinny thing will just decide to show us park bones and call it sexy.I don tire!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Darn she is sexy. No let Jonathan meet am o. He go wan chop. Anyway she is way above his league. hehe.-newyorker

sherilycious said...

wow sexy indeed. congrats to her. at least shes a sport person so theres no doubt she will function well.

Anonymous said...

Go do your thing babe,nude or not

Unknown said...

Bad belle people,abeg free d babe,she has work hard enough to earn her position. For naija here which of d minister actually serve in his demain b4 becoming a minister? Is it nt frm class room to presidentcy?

Anonymous said...

Dis no well oo nds delieverance

Cute G said...

Hmmmm.Super hot sports minister.Or maybe 'Strip Minister'will be better.

Unknown said...

Where the hell is the nude photo. ........mistcheeeew

Unknown said...

Where the hell is the nude photo. ........mistcheeeew

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmm our ministers don't workout to keep fit(meemee).

Chidozie Mario said...

What kind of inspiration is she supposed to be?
Is Facebook Ruining Your Relationship?

Anonymous said...

If she deserved it so be it.

Anonymous said...

While b4 naija sports minister wld not be a sports person always zoned to d olodos of d North, who wld be fat n potbelled. B4 dey gav it 2 Bola n we won d nations cup.

Louis Kennedy said...

Hey Linda... This lady is same age with you. I see the correlation here. You could be the first minister of blogging and internet marketing in Nigeria from all indications :o)

Louis Kennedy said...

Hey Linda... This lady is same age with you. I see the correlation here. You could be the first appointed minister of blogging and internet marketing in Nigeria from all indications :o)

Anonymous said...

Okay Linda,but am a little curious,why exactly did you post that first picture?

Pretty Girl

Anonymous said...

Abeg show our own sport minister naaa....sure d person isn't fit.I like dz. so much

Unknown said...

she once said ‘Clothes can hide anything, But when you are naked, you are yourself.’ #WORD

to find out more about about Alejandro Benitez and other smashing news..

Anonymous said...

Linda biko why is this news????

Anonymous said...

Kai!dis woman don use t*t* collect minister for venezuela,anyway she shd b called porn minister instead

Anonymous said...

Hmmm very sexy indeed!

Anonymous said...

Hello, just wanted to say, I liked this article. It was helpful.
Keep on posting!

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Mills said...

Nude Minister Wow!
See linda's age mate ooo.


peter said...

She's really pretty but her nude pix is d madness of the highest order.

Anonymous said...

ok but dat first pic na wow, why cover d mid section?

tha rock said...

sexy mama, working for her as a P.A go make sense die, lol....just kiddng

Anonymous said...

I told you sport works.. Firm tits, flat stomach,seductive eyes. Hi lin lin sup with d weekend. Hope u ar gud n pls stay out of trouble. Krisz

tha rock said...

sexy mama, working for her as a P.A go make sense die, lol...just kiddng

Anonymous said...

Hmm,sports minister! I hear ooo! Smthing is actually cooking btw d presdo n ds lady jaree! All d same,gud luck gurl

Anonymous said...

So putting up here nude pic is to achieve what? Because she's a female sport minister now ppl will focus on the negative...mschewww

Anonymous said...

None of our Minister or Reps are this FIT self

Grace said...

Great first female minister quite an achievement for her the saucy snaps was just for the Olympic campaign is it because she is a female if it was a male no body will talk about wish you good luck girl on your new appointment

Unknown said...

Ihieeeeeeeeee,sports minister naked?

Rafique said...

Congrats you.

Anonymous said...

I just imagined our very own minister Okonjo Iweala posing nude and am wondering wot she ll luk lyk. *fanningmyself and sipping alomo* #NobleAngel

Anonymous said...

Venezuela has been always known 4 sexy ladies.....too hot!

anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Like ur mama abi??! With ur well cunt!

Anonymous said...

gud 4her


Pls tel GEJ, let him bring hot blooded yong ministers on board not al these retired female hoes n cougars, if he wasnt doin dem both, y wud he leav d economy in d hands of cougars of finance n petroleum! N also d expired men who nid d money 2 buy their ARVs. We nid yong RESPONSIBLE ofice holders in d country

Anonymous said...

Oya show us your picture na, as you wide like bed spread so.. Mugu!

LORDBLOG phonehome said...

I know there is a Nigerian out there who thinks this is justified and should be applied in Naija since we are well known importers of anything labelled BS...ride on

Hrm paul ojeih said...

why don't we have dis type in Nigeria chioma ajunwa would have done well as sport minister in Nigeria

Anonymous said...

Now this is the meaning of "The youth are the leaders of tommorow". Its commendable, we need more youths in positions of Authority.

Unknown said...

omo fatness things.

Unknown said...

omo fatness things

KratosNG said...


Unknown said...

Too bad. Anyway, God is looking at you, ur case ll be review.

Anonymous said...

Its 'whether' not 'weather'. You are welcome by the way :)

Romance Meets Life said...

The picture was taken more than five years ago..

Ekpenyong said...

Carla-Bruni Sarkozy had her nude pictures with her bushy pubic hairs all over the net when she became France's first lady. She had taken those pics years before becoming president sarkozy's wife.

Also, she had affairs with Eric Clapton, Mick jagger etc...

Conclusion: There was always a life BEFORE, before celebrity catches with anyone.

In other words, there's no big deal here.

Anonymous said...

The people here shouting "am sure the president must be sleeping with her". You are morons! Sooo you think everywoman who gets somefin must have gotten it "that way". Cos that's wat you guys do here in naija,demand sex for every favour you do for a woman.And you honestly believe all our agbada nd iro nd buba wearing female ministers are holy!that's ur problem chasing naked shadows wen evil is @ ur doorstep fully clothed.


Lie. Okonjo Iweala looks fit.

Anonymous said...

U need help!!....som1 call 911 plssss...mtchewww

Anonymous said...

U'r such a fool I swear. She took those pics in 2008 madam, so which one is you can't imagine a Nigerian female minister posing nude?

Shallie said...

hmm still dont get it tho...what is that supposed to achieve..

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

i wonder why this lady is so interested in showing her nudity all in the name of sports.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:23 υ̲̣̥
α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ a big fool 4calling her mum's name!! Idiat witout home training! Pig! Ūя̲̅ own cunt wey b lik python mawt nko? Cheap prostitute!! Aunty Linda υ̲̣̥
know say ȋ̝̊̅̄
neva vex lik dis b4? So mak ȋ̝̊̅̄
no find my comment!

Stephanie Greeny

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments, don't mind nigerians and their crude mentality. She took the pictures 5years ago and the fact that she is hot doesn't mean she is the president's babe. She is a fencing star hence the sport minister role. In nigerian stupid old men/women with pot belly and ond in agriculture would be appointed our sport minister...smh

Anonymous said...

R u a learner ? She took d nude pix in 2008. Way back b4 she dreamt of the new position

Anonymous said...

Why a nude picture?
Why would the press publish her past pictures sef?, if she was a beauty queen they would have dethroned her.
But she is an inspiration to young people, especially women. We can make a difference despite our past or occupations.
Pls, post my comment, thank you.

Synergyhome said...

Mhmmm. . I close my eyes o. I no see anythng o

Anonymous said...

ahhh...y re y'll pressing d "p" button, go nd beat her na mstchewww

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