Like I always say, I have nothing against homosexuals. People's sexual orientation is their business as long as they do not disturb me with it...but if you're a Man of God, someone who knows God and the scripture, someone who should lead people to the right path in life, is it okay to be shacking up with other men, and doing it openly?
Read the last sentence on the intro above. It says -
Rev. Jones-Wade (pictured above on the right) is married to First Gentleman, Job Jones-Wade...they reside in the DC area. a'fi First Gentleman no'o! Lol. The guy on the left is openly gay Nigerian pastor Rowland Jide Macaulay. What do you guys think of Men of God marrying men?
Madness of the highest degree, Linda, MADNESS!!!
Change that Headline to Men marrying men because it must be another God NOT Jesus.
RUBBISH! Men of God my foot!
What I think is that this just shows that the end time is near!! I pity the folk of people under his congregation. What a shame! Does he read his own Bible upside down? Smh!
This is so not right!
Gods judgment will start in the house of God... is not been judgmental,... but heaven have no place for these two...end time pple... turn to God!!!
This is total nonsense! Is only in d States you get such crab lunatics*
this is a sign of the end time
Best thing is just for God to come and end this world and start it afresh with pple like me that value the existence of God
this madness of the highest order. They just bear the title they are not men of God.
They are not men of God cos if they were, they will know Gods stand on sodomy. Thou am not judging dem, I leave dem to GOD.
Set of lost souls, end time tinz! To hell wiv dem
it is well even in the well.
hell awaits dem..unless dey change..stil dnt knw wat dey enjoy in shaggin oda so disgustin..ewu.
Wen dere are lots of pretty gals out dere beggin to be fucked like linda..lols
enuf said
it end time expect d unexpectd
Lindiway its abominable,my God abhors such.
Tufiakwa alu,with d way we're going with this our people have rights to this and that,I won't be surprised if we wake up one day and hear that murder is nolonger a sin nor a crime.
My God cannever compromise his standards. its a sin,its an abomination. just my mind.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Crap! Pure crap. And they still have voltrons who stick to them. This world is getting worse by the day.
See what our celebrities like Alibaba, Waje and Ebuka were doing at the AMVCA after-party. Crazy People. Lol
this is madness of the highest order. they just bear the title but are not men of God.
then they arent Men of God..this is really they have fallen.....they know homosexuality is an abomination before God. im sorry but i cant take them seriously as tru men of God...
ppl please beware of wolves in sheep clothing..kai..
I have nothing much to say than that I feel sorry for them...its bad enough that dey are homosexuals but professing it under christianity demeans everytin the bible stands 4 n is a great insult to God almighty....they are not ignorant of d scripture so dey can quote/misquote any part of scripture to suit dere stupid lifestyle in d end dey knw in dere heart what awaits dem....Hell!! Jst like sodom n gomorrah.
Good God! Sodom and Gomorrah would have been pilgrimage centers if they were still here. M still reeling from that 'gospel from a strippers pole'.
This is truly heart breaking.
Endtime tinz noni
Hahahaa nothing we no go see Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡°˚˚˚° God save us... Abeg wetin be the name ƒ this fake men ƒ God church, do hav they hav member @ all? Let guest their members Ɲa̶̲̥̅ gay lik them abi...
absurd and devilish.
They are not men of God, its simple n precise! Didn't God destroy soddom n gommorah for this? Didn't He speak against men doing what their lustful desire asks of them thereby sleeping with people of d same sex? No one was designed by God to b attracted to ppl of same sex, its a dangerous lie satan have made people believe. I pray God saves u. This maddness they call love is from d pits of hell
come self linda, am an addict to ur blog, i can't go a day without checking , to d extent dat my bro calls me linda ikeji lol. but good work. u r my mentor
Don't know wat is wrong wit d world 2dy.gays v existd since genesis. D problem is dat now dey make us d normal pple look'abnormal'. Gay bible,gay pastors. D line seperatin us is so blurrd dat it aint even dre. God help us 4 we v decieved ourselves. Just sayin...
End Time Period. ...Be careful and give your life to Christ
May God have mercy on them.
a friend of mine read this and he said, if God dsnt destroy this generation soon, he'll have to apologize to sodom and gomorah
dunno what to say aside from being a man of GOD i find it lame for a man and man to marry not to talk of a MAN OF GOD jeez it lame.
hmm!! this is very serious. what would they tell people in their church. i mean, would they encourage same sex marriage?
Disgusting and appalling. Wolves in sheep clothings.
Abomination. The bible says a man shouldn't have sexual relationship with another man. Let's not make things look ok when they aren't ok. This is blasphemy. No1z perfect but let's fear God.
They are cursed already!this just too sinful for christains.
whether he is a man of God or is wrong according to what the bible says. it is just wrong for two ladies to be sharging each other likewise men.Yuck!
it is nonsense....
The Signs JESUS talked about, the END is coming. I'm sure our generation is the last.
.Omo aunty Linda
I think all gays are disgusting
They are not Men of God.. I know they are a bit confused abt who they are but they are definitely not Men of God
temi says: They will burn in hell..haba..why drag the name of the Lord in shame, dont they have the book of Romans in their bible? They should read Romans 1. yeye people
Linda please these are not men of God they are using the name of God to justify there ungodly act. shikena .
Linda abeg they are not men of God-dont mislead people, they both need deliverance, na wa ooo. 1st time commenting after like how many years
While not being homophobic,i would love to know thier interpretation of the Bible as regards homosexuality
of course, its absolute rubbish
This is insane they should not call themselves man of God becos God himself is angry what! this world is turning upside down.
I'm not surprise the sin of the world is making even the elect to fall out...and also becos they have refuse to heed to God's command He has given them up to a reprobate mind.....May God have mercy!
Pls, what do you mean when you say man of god??
What I know is that the destruction of the world we live in is imminent. Looking through the bible, after each sin of Sodomy, there was destruction or Destructive battles: Genesis 19 vs 1-29, Judges 19vs 22-30; Judges 20vs 1-40. So the people reading this should prepare their houses for the 2nd Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christs. God speaks through me often, and what He keeps saying is: I AM COMING, MY GATE OF SALVATION IS ABOUT TO BE SHUT AND MY THRONE OF JUDGEMENT HAS BEEN PREPARED. You all should repent, even you Linda saying you have nothing against homosexualism or individual's sexual preference, REPENT and GIVE YOUR LIFE TO CHRIST NO ONE CAN SURVIVE THE LIFE UNDER THE ANTICHRIST. WITHOUT THE MARK YOU CAN'T BUY NOR SELL AND THERE WON'T BE GOD TO PRAY TO, NO JESUS TO SURRENDER TO. Please I beg you all give your lives to Christ.
God will so punnish all of them,well these are not real men of God,their end shall tell,#sodom&gomorah tins for dem
The judgment of God will start from d church. Hw will man of God marry his fellow man of God? May God have mercy on this generation.
Men of Devil.
I'll let God judge these ones but i'll judge u Linda for not posting my comments about Starcomms ripping off Nigerians and they continue to do so with impunity cos no one's doing anything about it.Imagine collecting money from customers every month for 7mths for internet access n not giving same or any compensation.
I Just wonder what you ppl mean when u call these ppl men of God. Who ordained dem? where u thr? Mtwshhh...... Men of God that can't read and interpret the word of God. You ppl should keep following them ooo. Until U land in Hell fire and wed the devil himself. Better return to churches that still av morals or better still worship the gods of ur ancestors or stay at home and read ur bible.... Off i go, i don talk my own, if u like, don't post it.
dnt av any fin against them buh its kinda crazy fucking an ass all ur lyf
RUBBISH! Pls he should not call himself a man of God, or if he wants to keep carrying that title on his head, then he is most definitely not serving the Almighty God that I serve who told us in His word about the negative effects of indulging in homosexuality and the lots of other immoral acts.
God have mercy.
Homosexuality is a sin against God. Nobody can be homosexual and claim to be a "Man of God". That is a lie from the pit of hell!
The end time is here d scripture is manifesting itself just imagine man of God * dis is d reason God desrtyed
A sign that the end is near. It was atrocities like these that led to the destruction of Soddom and Gommorrah. These are not men of God. The bible clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination unto God. If they are truly men of God then they must know how dearly God holds the institution of marriage between a man and a woman. Throughout the bible God made His stance clear: He forbids homosexuality, He forbids adultery and fornication, He forbids incest, He hates divorce. When He created Adam, He didn't create another "man" to be his companion but a "woman". Are these not enough to tell these so-called men of God that they are mocking God? I pray that God shows them mercy and delivers them.
It disturbs me,I don't like seeing fags... How can a man of God marry another man?
I'm sure even d devil is puzzled over dis...
I wish them the best in their mArriage. Lol. I'm sure the guy is Yoruba or calabar cos they put their little dicks in Any hole they see. I'm not being tribalistic here, jst saying the truth. Psychotic bitch
Na wahooooooo,this is serious,please these pastors should tell me which bible they are preaching sure it isn't the true living word of God.shior!!!!
Disgusting. Simply disgusting
end time men of God,ppl we have to be careful of the ppl we call our daddy in the lord.fake men of God are everywhere now. how can man marry man that is abomination b4 men and God.
Men of DEVIL u meant to say!!!
Opin aye ti de tan meaning the end has finally come
Shay na Adam & Eve for Bible?. Abi them confuse am to Adam & Steve. Smh....... Akomitipoju
You contradict yourself here. You claim you do not have anything about people's sexual orientation and homosexuals then what is your issue with "men of God" shacking other men? This is the problem with people like you. You find it unethical and religiously wrong for such an act but you come up with you double standard views. I think you should mind the kind of posts you put on your blog as many people read them. Someone like you having no problem with homosexuals??? Putting it loud and clear to many young readers around the world? You have to watch your own orientation. I believe your parents would disown you if you were like those "men".
We got to stop Judging them let them be, its only when you have worn a persons shoes then you can understand his pains.
linda why the man of God title, he is not one. I am not suprised, can't you see the piercing in his ear?
Despicable! Next please
Its rilly rilly crap...and people still go 2 d church????disappointing
Linda stop this rubbish!!! U insult GOD by adding His title to dis rubbish!!! They may be men of god or dog, but not of "God"
Signs of end time
Linda, there is nothing to think again other than its end time...because everything is happening according to the book of Revelations now in the Bible...#manofgodmyfoot
All I av to say is that d world is coming to an end. D more we see something bizzare like this happening, d more we should draw closer to God.
Ba Kyau...Ewoo ni! K'ama ri ni Paulu wi. Esu ti wo nu ijo Jesu, wahala de!
Of course it's completely wrong whether u r a man of God or not. Anywhich way it is not right. Sin and abomination in capital letters!
dnt call dem men of God cos even God destroyed sodom n gomorrah cos of dis same abomination,,pple who do wat God despise cant b men of God,,n nobody shud give me dat cliche 'he who has no sin shud b d 1st to cast d stone'or d 'do nt judge' sermon,,wat is bad must b condemned! I rest my case,,1st to comment! (lyk adding this cos it makes some pple angrry,wonder y?who cares any way *shrugs*if d'1st to comment' tin dey vex u,go explode if u lyk but no stain us :))
Don't worry honey. Their part of HellFire is especially reserved.
Linda point of correction:
The guy on the left is Rowland Jide Macaulay not the guy on the right.
All i know is they are Not men of GOD.
I wonder how your 'bestfriend' Derenle feels about it ...
Wat I think? I think they need to be stoned with heavy bricks to death
As far as am concern they are not real men of God. Any body can claim to be man of God.
It is wrong.
Linda abeg dis ones ₪☺ be men of God anytin. Agents of the devil
There is no passage in the bible that support homosexuality... God will save us all.
Linda ask your catholic priests hahgahahahsa
Ma dear,as long as u have accepted gay ppl and say dat ders nothing wrong wit being gay,expect anything to happen. I have neva and will neva be in support.I mean even animals are now berra dan humans,at least u can neva see 2 male animals making out,dey rather kill demselves. God has made it so dat it must be a man and a woman and not 2 men or 2 women. But since de dumb human race are beginning to think dat dey no more dan God and dey need 2 express demselves den its alright. If u are 4 gay ppl,den don't complain wen u hear dat 2 men or 2women of God are gay. And if ur children turn out gay,don't complain either
Sorry to deviate... Pls wat is the meaning of FYI . Thanks in advance..And yes I don't know and that's why am asking, no insults pls. Thank y'all
that is absurd!
Homosexuality is sinful, men shagging themselves is just repulsive n evil, then so-called men of God openly declaring their love for one another is purely satanic. Not everyone that calls the name of the Lord is His shepherd. Wolves in sheep clothing.
Dis is insane
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. When a generation claim they know too much(meemee).
That's an irony of life that its occurrence cannot be averted. We more have more of hypocrites than #Saints# mounting the alter these days.
The best way to reverence God is just to live in good conscience, respect his word and just act upon it.
#God Let thy Kingdom Come Quickly oooooooooo!!!!!#
We are at the End of the End Time. These men are not even christians not to talk of men of God.Friends signs of the End is all over the place, how prepared are you?
The world is coming to an end. Obviously with all these happenings around us, the end is here.
thats absurd
Shameful,I thought the agreement was "a man would leave his parents to move in with a woman and whoever findeth a wife findeth a good thing".I just can't put this together,the picture of 'em' making love makes it all the more horrifying. To all those gay freaks out there,u probably don't know what you are missing,a woman's body is the bomb,there aint nothing like it,nothing like a woman's touch,I can't imagine myself in a room with a naked freak.they both need spiritual deliverance
Ewwwww disgustin both spiritually n physically mayb he reads his bible upside down
Absolute nonsense but its their life. So let God be d judge, who are my to criticise
I am highly against homosexaulity it is wrong it is wrong no matter how right you want it to be.
Signs of Endtime.
you know what Linda, after reading this I just found myself laughing. laughing at how the enemy is really or should I say almost succeeding at confusing us. It then dawned on me that once again the Bible is real and what is written in Revelations is true. These are the signs of the world coming to an END.
madness. remember the biblical story of sodom and of GOD who shld know are doing they ever mention sodom and gommorah when preaching or do they twist the bible.
This are all signs of endtime.the end is near
Hmmmmm this age is truly coming to an end.
In this era dat Women like us are seriously looking for Life partners, den this two handsome Men decided to marry themselves bah?!!! God will punish them..Nonsense!!!
@anon 3.12 For your information
madness. remember the biblical story of sodom and of GOD who shld know are doing they ever mention sodom and gommorah when preaching or do they twist the bible.frm felix
Human nature clearly shows that two men or two women are not meant to copulate. it is unnatural and our sense of right or wrong tells us this is wrong. I am not judging just expressing my view. The world is sick to be frank. I would rather them clone human parts for medical reasons than condone same sex marriage. For all i care they can be married if they love each other abi..but once they are having unnatural sexual intercourse then wahala dey.
Well it's better to be open about it, than go on a down low. It is wrong in the Bible except they have a different Bible. I mean they should practice what they preach. Days what Barry White sang about.
This is wrong ohhhh
Woow!!!! There's actually a Prefix title of "REV" attached to this gentleman Faggot oooo!!!!(Suprised)..........................................I still wonder how any "Normal" man forsakes the pleasures embedded in the sweet soft lips of a female vagina and accepts a the hard buttocks of another man! Lols Smh my imagination mehn!!............I wonda wetin him go dey teach him congregation......And wot sciptures him go dey use back up him choice of husband(hehehehehe)..............Abegii!!!!! Him cup of tea!! Make him dey think dat,Ah gat money deals occuring 2moro 2 think of!!
For your information ,,,,
Linda on a very serious note i enjoy your blog becos its lively some times fellow bloggers get things heated up by poking fun but the issue of pastors becoming gay is morally and spiritually wrong why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.
He did becos they were burning with lust after each other men seeking carnal knowledge with fellow men homosexual is demonic it is devilish woe betide any pastor that is in it or condole it or practice it the lake of hell fire awaits you.
why have they left the natural way of the penis to the Virgina must it be the penis to the anus tufikwa men becoming women God forbid bad thing oh God will curse this world God will send destruction tot his world if not for his only begotten son Jehovah who is daily pleading and interceding this world would have come to an end baba God pls have mercy on the so called pastors that derail and have mislead your people even that one that say that masturbation is good
Tru talk...let's just get as close as we can to God....!
There a 3 options:
A) Support the gays:
Then champion their causes and support them to have ALL the rights and priviledges that everyone else has becos they are as 'normal' as everyone else!
b) Oppose it:
Then stand against it in all its forms. Zero tolerance. Whether they want to marry or not. Whether they preach the gospel or not. What is wrong is wrong!
C) be 100% indifferent:
Then whatever is going on wit gays is none of ur business as long as a gay person is not trying to force u to practice it.
It important to pick a side.
U cant say u have no problem with it and then come and say they shouldn't get married. Or say they are committing a sin against God.
Its like a white man saying "I have no problem with blacks being free men. Slavery is wrong...but they MUST NOT be allowed to vote". That's a classic contradiction, my dear.
FYI-For Your Information. And let he who is without sin, cast the first stone, it might be Biblically wrong, we as humans do not have any right to judge 'em. So let's leave it be.
Ohh sharrap dis, people should do what they like, as far as its not against humanity ...ughhh God I can't stand black people n their black brain...THAT'S WHY I HATE RELIGION!
Chief Justice Suinshine tzu, e ku ishe Oluwa!! Who send u to dey judge???. They won't' end up in hell fire in Jesus name, may God grant them mercy, we pray they repent and come back to Him be4 its too late... Hell fire is not anywhere we wish our worst enemies, its a terrible terrible place , d worst part is dt its eternal! So abeg no matter wat any1 does we shld be careful nt to wish them hell, @ least d merciful God dt destroyed sodom and gomorrah fr this act hasn't destroyed this pple despite the fact that they call themselves men of God and disrespect His Holiness and person..You'll also be judged in the measure in which u judge, so if u sef do somfin worthy of hell u sef get specially reserved place for hell.Of which no how no how u probably have done in the past 24hrs sef .. But if u pray for them and ask God for mercy on their behalf, the same shall be 4 u..its only d devil and d demons we should wish hell for cos they r d ones who decieve and cause pple to rebel against God and hell was created for them in d 1st instance... Let's be careful peeps. May God help us all.. Much luve.. Shalom! LINDA IKEJI!! POST AM ABEG!!! Thanks..xoxo
Leviticus 18 vs 22 ..thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind. It is an abomination unto God...
No they don't , know has the right to kill anyone because of their sexuality. God loves everybody regardless of what we do because we r his children but that doesn't mean he is pleased with peoples behaviour . The bible says in exodus 20 in the ten commandments that you shouldn't commit murder , which is what u r doing if u stone them to death . No sin is worse than the other in Gods eyes they r all the same , whether u lie , steal , kill or u are an homosexual u r all the same in Gods sight . So I think u should think about that before u say such things again
Its so sad am part of this generation, I don't get it, with all this beautiful ladies everywhere how will your fellow man with nothing to offer no front no back chai. Man to man is simply demonic.
Linda, u're doing a good job, but sometime ur perspective on issues as a social commentator could be heart rendering and cause the skin to crawl. You dont mind homosexuals once they dont disturb you is your submission; but you find men of God who do open gay unacceptable. Sorry u're talking from both side of your mouth. Another of ur pontification is women's right to wear anything they wish, no pastor should touch dat. Your fence-sitting moral latitude sound self-serving and could be very hurtful to ur beautiful blog. Pls, dear Linda, take a moral stand, possibly biblically if it could serve your purpose.
Are you well??
Linda, u're doing a good job, but sometime ur perspective on issues as a social commentator could be heart rendering and cause the skin to crawl. You dont mind homosexuals once they dont disturb you is your submission; but you find men of God who do open gay unacceptable. Sorry u're talking from both side of your mouth. Another of ur pontification is women's right to wear anything they wish, no pastor should touch dat. Your fence-sitting moral latitude sound self-serving and could be very hurtful to ur beautiful blog. Pls, dear Linda, take a moral stand, possibly biblically if it could serve your purpose.
Linda Im truly and honestly disappointed in you...
I understand d saying "Judge not" fully well but that does not mean we sit on the fence when we should declare something wrong on ALL levels to be wrong.
U can't say claim uv nothing against homosexuality and then go ahead in d same breath and find sty wrong with 2 men shacking up
Dat bit confusing and hypocitical dont u think????
Sin is sin!
Allow the truth set u free
And PLS post my comment
They can be married to a goat for all I care. How much garri will this put on my table. It cant even make my poo stink more. #evil grin#
LINDA plsss post my comment
I only speak the truth and i refuse to be morally shy
The end is approaching and the truth shall set us free!!!
On the last day,people like you will be so shocked,cos una nor dey go anywhere near you holy pass abi?
Anon 4:52 I'm sure your gay. Oloshi.
Dear Linda, You are simply wrong about your posting on Homosexualityis is purely sensational and misleading and very sad that majority of the commentators have no idea of the issues of human sexuality and the judgement of God. I feel you have done this purely to gain ratings for your block. Like someone said watch out because those who celebrate you today will turn away tomorrow. Perhaps You and your homophobic commentators can consider the letter below.
Open Letter to Homophobes.
Far too many people play God and dehumanize Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Trans, and Intersex people throughout the world, in every culture, race, background etc.
The discrimination is so bad that it leaves many LGBTI people wondering and asking questions. This letter to Homophobes is being reproduced to answer many questions people have asked me.
Both heterosexuals and homosexual people, People of all faith have claimed that homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under any circumstance.
The following is an open letter to all Homophobes...(I also pray and hope that gay people will learn that they are children of the living God.)
Dear Homophobes,
Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your bigoted rhetoric, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, they are clobbered with Leviticus 18:22 which clearly state it to be an abomination...End of debate.
I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some other elements of God's Laws and how to follow them.
1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighbouring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odour for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problems are my neighbours. They claim the odour is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
5. I have a neighbour who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2. Clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it?
6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? Are there 'degrees' of abomination?
7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle-room here?
8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)
I know you have studied these things extensively and thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters, so I am confident you can help.
Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.
The Other Child of the living God.
where is prince jobless? he is usually commenting on every post why not this one. i wonder???????????????????. oya start yabbing. lol
Very well said.
Linda pick a side and stop sitting on the fence!!!
Homosexuality is wrong, God hates it, i hate it.
I work with them but i dont condone it neither do i endorse it.
Pick a side my love there is no de-militerized zone here
I read about this Macaulay about 3 years ago and brushed it off my mind. Now Linda brings it up again now as married to another man. Very annoying. Let them enjoy each other
Simple, he is not a man of GOD
I agree annoymous brethren at 4.54pm. Linda where do you stand. Elenu meji... you can stand your ground even if you have gay / lesbIan friends
Mind you. Roland was once married wIth kIds and his poor wife found video of him shagging a guy.
I tot he was saved already. Now we need to pray more.
'Black brain'? U are confused. This person is quoting d scriptures which dis supposed 'men of god' claim to follow. What is ur stress?. What we are discussing here is spiritual matters. If u are an atheist, make u waka pass. Must u comment on things u dont understand?
I totally agree with you Bonaparte, Boniface,, or whatever you call yourself.
Just being curios, what is your real name?
Men of gods please don't try n put our ALMIGHTY GOD in their category. My goodness just see 2 fine men wasting their lives and calling it love una go climb altar go preach.
it has come to the time that even men of God are getting confused...
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exactly my tune with other comments...arrant rubbish.these are not men of God,men of flesh and of the world.
Nigerians and their self righteousness. None of these comments even sound Godly. Linda even you wey no dey go church get opinion for the matter. May God save us all. Even that babe with her naked profile picture get mouth. Ok oh.
Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be on them.
You r a fucking mug mate , about ur not being tribalistic my arse . It's the way u idiots always think ur better than everybody else . Yet u fools will be residing in yoruba people's land e g . Lagos and u will still be saying we r evil go back to your village then , fool . I can tell ur not okay u even said it urself
Dear Anonymous 4:54 STFU. You are allowed to sit on the fence...not everyone has to adhere to YOUR moral latitude. I hate when people demand for someone to pick a side. Is it by force? V
Well your friend may hv a point. But don't forget the death nd ressurection of Jesus Christ paid for all our sins.
linda,i enjoy ur blog d all, buh wot u jst said about ur views on homosexuals is so digusting; iono if ur tryin to be 'cool' or sumtin.plss dis is nigeria... condemn d act outrightly plus if ur truly a christian, u shudunt be askin us dt question. berra post dis
Dear linda you ought not be so selfish, how can u say that someone's sexuality is not ur concern so long as it doesnt harm you. PLS tell yourself the truth. Will you see someone putting his finger in the fire and not try to stop him cos its not your finger? Pls stop that, its not good at all. HOMOSEXUALITY IS WRONG, capital W.R.O.N.G . God created man to be with a woman, not a man with a man. How can a square peg fit into a round hole? How can a guitar be used like a drum? Everything has a purpose for which it was made. Even if you were not a christian, common sense and intellect could not possibly accommodate homosexuality because it is just not normal. And please, saying that something is wrong does not mean you are judging, if not nobody will have an opinion, we will all be yes members and be flowing with the tide of life. My brothers and sisters, we need to understand that the devil is anti Christ, whaT that means is that anything that God stands for, he stands for the opposite.Hence the word ANTI-CHRIST. If God says you should give, the devil will say dont give. If God says, pray, the devils says dont pray,if God says, obey, the devil says disobey,if God says honour, the devil says dishonour,if God says man marry woman, the devil says, man marry man. Let us not be deceived by the liberal lifestyle of the western culture where everything is permissible. We should always stand for that which is true and pure. Remember, what Jesus said, blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. God help us all...Amen
These guys shouldn't come anywhere near me. I'm as homophobic as they come.(Bcos I fit shoot dem). My longest guy to guy handshake lasted for 5 seconds. Men of God indeed! More like 'Men of Dog!'
Just what the world needs one more angry judgemental angry Black woman! Angry because she cannot have these beautiful black men -- and with this mentality will probably never have a man in her cold hard lonely bed! Truth would have it if you had a man you would not be writing a blog about homosexuals and they're life styles!
Scripture reminds us NO MAN/or Angry bitter black woman knows the day nor the hour so stop screaming hate and fear in the ears of the Lords people with this hate "the end is near!" and judgement. Sweep in front of your own damn house before you start judging the men and women of God.
We are all Gods children! We are all created in HIS image not in the image you want us to be!! And all you BIBLE THUMPIN BED HOPPIN Heffas that think homosexuality is a sin let me leave you with this to ponder -"Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people - I am so sure there will be a whole LOT of people in Eternity YOU thought WOULD NOT make it in - and a whole lot of people NOT in Eternity YOU thought would!"
STOP JUDGING and worry about ya own house - before ya try to clean out mine!
As you were - (sips hot tea pinky extended!)
Madam Linda, fighting immorality,societal ills, evil acts etc. is every sane person's responsibility. you don't have to wait till they come near you b4 taking action.As a writer, you have the power of the pen to write against it and instigate people against it. The world today seems to be getting worse because the good people in it are keeping quiet or they only condemn without fighting evil to a standstill.remember that those who give the Devil a chance to take a step should know that he will definitely go farther than a mile.
It is amazing how many people on here think they know the mind of God. The God I know Is a God of love. There is no love in your comments. There is no love in you. Depart from HIM. HE does not know you. Do not Judge others.
Hmmm. Dis is total madness. This is mocking God. How dare des men call demselves men of God, Men of lucifer dey meant...Total rubbish, 2 difficult(hard)bodies... Kai!!!
'Best thing is just for God to come and end this world and start it afresh with pple like me that value the existence of God
March 13, 2013 at 1:49 PM'
You're that certain of your own holiness huh? 100% sure God will pick you among the favoured to begin the earth anew, are we? Interesting
Linda!!! Stop speaking with both sides of ur is teRmed 'hypocrisy or pretense'. Homosexuality is wrong, it is a sin. Whether pastor or member. *ur post and statement is irritating and offensive*
Alhamdullilah I am a Muslim hmmmm I thanks God for that
rowland jide maccaulay is a fool in coat,most of those scripture he coats ar in the old testament,he,s a pastor cos he went to seminary skul nt bcos the lord ordained him,linda bkiafull cos bible promised absolute jugdement on this
Jesus clearly stated "On that day,many will say Lord! Lord!! did we not prophesy in your name? and healed the sick?..and he will reply them - depart from me I never knew you". People who claim being gay is cool must be fools cos I have never seen a male dog attracted to a male dog..even animals know better..*smh
Jesus clearly stated "On that day,many will say Lord! Lord!! did we not prophesy in your name? and healed the sick?..and he will reply them - depart from me I never knew you". People who claim being gay is cool must be fools cos I have never seen a male dog attracted to a male dog..even animals know better..*smh
we have been redeemed from the law Rowland Jide are NOT a pastor you are a fraud who needs mental help. How dare you quote the old testament to try to rationalize your sick nature? I don't have to be Christ to advice you that if you don't change from your wicked way and seek christ truly you would surely roast in HELL.
Point of correction Anony 1:44pm,Jesus is the son of God,Not God ok?
Our ALMIGHTY GOD has seen,heard not to talk of the blasphemy in this century sha,if only he punishes the way he used to in the times of Cain and Abel we for don finish 4 dis earth when you misyarn na die get u not to talk of these fools.
Is that all u can quote, 'man of god'? If u really are of God then u would know d significance of both the old and new testaments to the xtian faith. In the old testament before the redeeming Blood of Jesus, man had to work out his salvation, by obeying several laws, but with Christ, His blood redeemed us from the law. In addition, in the New testament He gave us a warning in 1 Cor 6:9 .....dont be deceived no homosexual, sodomite, will inherit the kingdom of God....' Pls stop leading others to sin. If u want to live in the world, that's finei, if u want to follow Christ then live according to His Word! It is a matter of choice.
Leviticus 18 vs 22 ..thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind. It is an abomination unto God...
Since you like quoting the old testament, u can as well add n read this above.
Do not be deceived for God is not mocked...Stop misleading our young men and women.
Accept Christ today so that your confused mind and life style wiLl be realigned with God.
Linda, seems u have friends that are into this, that's why u ar ashamed to condemn it inorder not to spoil ur relationship with them.
But the bad news is, if you ar not morally sound, nobody would take you serious. Shikena.
Berra post my comment o, biko kwa.
Mr, if you like quote all the old testaments in the can as well start from Genesis.
The truth is if you don't accept Jesus Christ today as your LORD and personal SAVIOUR, when death comes, you are flying down to HELL FiRE where your black butt will burn forever.
That you went to a seminary school does not make you a pastor. Repent today and turn to God, so that your sins will be given.
Homosexuallity is a SIN.
No matter how you try to prove or define it. It is a SIN. Ask Sodom and Gomorrah people, that's if any of them is still alive today.
Today is the appointed time, there's still room for you to make amend, stop confusing yourself more with all these old testament quotes.
As for you Linda, I pity you big time. Watch n Pray.
If you like don't post my comment at least you read it and you ve heard.
Bro.Rowland, pls talk like a child of God and know that Jesus came to take the curse for us and that is why we dont have to follow the jewish laws to be called children of God but even in the new testament when Jesus death bout christianity,PaUL our founding fathers instructed pastors to be men of one WIFE meaning woman in corinthians or dnt be married.You are taking the grace of God for granted cz if u were a muslim cleric you would have been stoned to death. God stl loves you and wants you to be the adam he created you to be in the beginning and find your EVE(WOMAN)to do ur ministry work. Its in your mind but wt renewal of ur spirit u cn subject ur mind and body to the will of God to be straight again and use ur 'DICK' for the right purpose if you must be married. Dont deceive yourslf, this sexual perversion is a big SIN and u r nt represntin God on earth with ur sins.Talk to Donnie Mcurklin to hlp you out.Pls i pray u knw how powerful u r and dnt let the devil take you right thinking ways to this abhorrent way of life
False prophets!!!!!!
Thank u very much. Linda is trying to form "miss enlightenment" by saying she doesn't have a problem with gays. U r either for them or against them.
Maybe she's one too.
Local Ibo girl dt came to Lagos to open eye. Mtcheeew..........
You must find yourself in hell if you do not see anything wrong with homosexuality, in the Animalistic kingdom you can never find animal of the same sex crossing each other. You really have to be careful with comments you leave on your post. It was condemned in the scripture, the word of God is real. Greatest sin that can not be forgiven is a sin against God, we were created in his image and likeness. So get it straight Linda.
Yoooo who are my? Looooool
Not quoting my earlier approving comments about the gentlemen seems to indicate homophobia. There shouldn't be a problem about this. Nature has its varieties. People have been gay or bi since the dawn of time, in virtually all well-explored cultures, from ancient Greece to the Pacific Islands. Homophobia at best is wilful ignorance. Nature is not exclusively straight. From lions to tame species, gays abound. Google! Enough of this prejudice. What gives a man who ruins countless girls' lives through abortions or even kills off some through septic abortions, the moral right to say gays are anti-procreation? Most straight relationships are not aimed at procreation. The goal is pleasure, supported by contraception and abortion. Gay is good, period.
make dem chain 2 of dem, dem dey mad
Linda, you still refer to them as "men of God"...oxymoronic.
Wat an animal cannot do, a human does, it's a big shame, d only answer there is dt dey'r false prophets nt men of God, cos d God I serve n knw abhores n detests such inmorality
Anonymous one u are right about what u said and u corrected her.anonymous two haba its not enough to start getting all worked up on now.anyways pls Linda my babe correct that thing cos they are no men of God pls
Anonymous one u are right about what u said and u corrected her.anonymous two haba its not enough to start getting all worked up on now.anyways pls Linda my babe correct that thing cos they are no men of God pls
God bless u for what u just said Amen.
Wow sorry but that is no excuse for such acts
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