Still waiting for a new Pope | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Still waiting for a new Pope

The Catholic Church still does not have a Pope. The 115 cardinals who went into the Sistine chapel yesterday to elect a new Pope didn't unanimously agree on a new man to lead the church so they sent up black smoke from the chimney to signal their disagreement.

Black smoke was seen coming from the chimney again this morning indicating inconclusive ballot on the second day of deliberation. All the cardinals will remain locked inside Sistine Chapel until one candidate receives at least 77 votes. Hopefully they will consider a black man :-)

Meanwhile thousands of faithful Catholics are waiting in the rain outside the Sistine Chapel to hear the good news - the election of a new Pope.


Anonymous said...

No black pope

Frank said...

Only the Best Nigerian and African Music Video

Anonymous said...

why should they be having disagreements, i tot they are being guided by the holy spirit? God is not an author of confusion, its so clear that this is pure politics.

Esalam baka

Anonymous said...

we stil dey wait.

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

The world awaits then... Till when white smoke comes out from the chimney of Sistine chapel. I don't see the possibility of a Black pope though.

Anonymous said...

Kai....... A tradition that will never fade. Catholic all the waaaaaaaaaaay. See dedicated ppl waiting for the white smoke. I pray the chosen of the Lord, dbecomes the elected one. Proud Catholic.

Anonymous said...

Linda biko, reply your mail naauuuu


awwww! I can't wait to see d white smoke emanate from d chimney at the Sistine chapel
can't wait to hear the shout of HABEMUS PAPAM(we have a pope)
Imma stay glued to my screen till I recieve the first Urbi et orbi from whoever emerges the new Supreme pontiff.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Na so

tango said...

Gudluck tu dem ol...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

God take control

Hrm paul ojeih said...

No b small waiting una go wait tire of course they are not selecting a pope through spiritual means or thru the instrumentality of the holy spirit. The cardinals are in there drinking tea listening to batch Beethoven and mozart its all a charade they just kip the people guessing its a game they are playing when they are done and they have had enough they will come out and announce the chap that they have selected to represent them all na wash wash arranging its all political the deceit goes on. any body way no like this post fall and die.

Anonymous said...

It's gonna take days,hope those ppl are aware.

KratosNG said...

We can get a black pope. Am going on it.

Anonymous said...

It was not disagreement; it was an election. Linda, be corrected.

lolade pinky said...

politics noni..

Anonymous said...

It doesn't make any difference the pope being white or black

Anonymous said...

Shut uppp foool,its not buy force to comment ode!

Anonymous said...

black smoke for disagreement and white smoke for agreement. Then how black pope go take emerge. Racism........Nawaooo! Black people done suffer.Religious activities: Christianity is not a religion!......Nwa Amaeze

Anonymous said...

Catholic with their secret terrorist manner, I pity those of you that are members.

Anonymous said...

We need a black pope!

④thمواطن said...

Why can't they agree on one person

Anonymous said...

Enough of this "Black pope" story, this is just a way to cause division in d Catholic church. Whoever they elect becomes d Pope, black or white I don't care. I'm proud 2 be Catholic and will respect whoever is elected.

④thمواطن said...

Why can't they agree on one person

Burberry said...

will continue †σ wait..come †σ think of it,aren't these 115 cardinals supposed †σ b̶̲̥̅̊
guided by the Holy spirit †σ elect a new Pope?? #lips sealed with aradite#

Anonymous said...

Linda u want every1 2 start commenting on black pope? Just like during Cardinal Arinze's time. Imagine d age difference btw Arinze n Benedict? U choose according 2 rank even age. No black cardinal is old enuf or qualified in rank 2 b a pope so deal wit it. Don't bring up issues of racism even where der is no ground 4 it!

Anonymous said...

Abeg make them invite OBJ and PDP and within 2hrs,that black smoke go be black pope and d white smoke for white pope. I see rigging more over all d cardinals wants to be POPE. Who holy past?..... Loyal PDP Member.

Anonymous said...

black smoke for disagreement and white smoke for agreement. Then how black pope go take emerge. Racism........Nawaooo! Black people done suffer.Religious activities: Christianity is not a religion!......Nwa Amaeze

Anonymous said...

They must be having an orgy....

Anonymous said...

The new pope is going to be Chinese.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Those that don't understand should shut up

Anonymous said...

Until we all realise that it's the MAFFIAs that are ruling in Rome, we all will remain in the dark. The election isn't a Spiritual thingy...its plain politics which is very bad.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 4.13: b careful wot u say. Don't inflict God's wrath on Ʊя̲̅ soul. Its u who shld. B pitied ₪☺τ̅ catholic members. Jst know yourself and speak for yourself only.I am catholic and a proud one @ that. God bless us all, Amen.

Anonymous said...

I just hope this guys are aware that the real Papa, came and went 2000 years ago and is due back soon. Any other papa is a counterfeit!

Anonymous said...

The media started this whole Black pope nonsense and now stupid people has caught d fever. If a white Pope is elected, make sure u all kill urselves. Will having a black pope make black people go to heaven faster than whites? I pray they elect a white pope, let me see how many idiotic fellows will hang themselves. There is no favouritism in d catholic church wen it comes 2 electing spiritual leaders. Leave them alone and concentrate on ur own personal relationship wit God. Cos on Judgement day, every man will give account for himself.

Anonymous said...

Talking with ur pentecostal sense. Hav u ever read a story online saying dat d maffia's are involved. Catholics are not like ur pentecostal leaders who frolick wit politicians.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Black pope in ur dreams Linda

Anonymous said...

How is it racism? Atleast we have black cardinals there voting. Nigerians and their stupid mentality

Anonymous said...

Ur comment is like an Ant trying to bite d sole of an elephant ie worthless. Ur comment is as useless as wearing Bikini in winter. Clearly u are an educated illiterate

Anonymous said...

Ur comment is like an Ant trying to bite d sole of an elephant ie worthless. Ur comment is as useless as wearing Bikini in winter. Clearly u are an educated illiterate

Anonymous said...

Na u be Ode....mtschewww lie he/she talk ni ?@AnonymousMarch 13, 2013 at 4:10 PM......

Anonymous said...

May God direct dem to elect d right pope.where is my prince jobless dnt tell me ur haters have run u out of Linda ikegi blog thot u were tougher than that

Anonymous said...

Nice one !!!

Anonymous said...

There she goes again with her indepth lack of knowledge. Wetin u wan use black pope do? Rascist oshi. Is it d color of d skin tht is important. Stupid ass mofo of a blogger

Anonymous said...

Did I just read"hopefully,dey wil consider a black man"?and did I just see "disagreement"? Abt wat?whom wuld b d next pope...den d holyspirit aint leading nothing amidst dem,shuldnt choosin d nxt pope b by divine direction?abeg,make dem go siddon jooor n spare d spectators dere pollution 4rm black smoke abi na ash smoke....catholics n such alike,u cn reply dis comment wit ur insults hahahahahaha...truth is very bitter!

Anonymous said...

Bonario r u a seminarian?

Anonymous said...

politic every nd in every tin

Anonymous said...

Only God know oo

Anonymous said...

God bless u Ƒσя dis comment.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4:10PM..... Must you abuse before you comment... Na wa o o, so much hatered in Nija, God save us all.

Anonymous said...

. . . If it is politics y dnt u contest mumu

Anonymous said...

Why are we always in a hurry.All we know is that a new Pope must finally emerge disagreement or,we must all wait patiently.Proudly Catholic.

Anonymous said...

And ow has dat icreased my GP or ow has that increased my bank acct?

Anonymous said...

And ow has dat icreased my GP or ow has that increased my bank acct?

Anonymous said...

We wait

OBZ said...

What are the odds that a black Pope would be elected?

Anonymous said...

Esalam baka... thank you for your post...

Anonymous said...

Don't mind d empty head running hs or her big, lousy mouth pitying for catholic members.who's askn for ur pity? Pity for urslf instead.if u av notin meaningful to say u can as well tk a nap or slumber for all I care. Imu like u!

Anonymous said...

Any papal candidate must be able to speak about 5 or 6 languages and have extensive administrative experience ,international exposure etc. If a black cardinal doesnt meet those requirements, then he's automatically precluded. No sentiments, it's the rules.

Anonymous said...

Now there is WHITE smoke coming out of the chimney at Sistine Chapel...A decision has been made...New Pope Eelected

Anonymous said...

Smh 4 U̶̲̥̅̊!

Anonymous said...

And u dat attends d best church and judge others have a special space in heaven beside angel michael abi? U should have pitied urself b4 others. I refuse to abuse my dear cuz we would not be at par at level of understanding.

Anonymous said...

Better seal it well with more aradite! Mschewwww

Anonymous said...

I Guess ur father and mother and all ur family members are the Mafias too so you really understand d politics for such things abi?! Mschewwwww.

Anonymous said...

You dat even wrote it may have just few days to live b4 u fall down and die! Pple should watch what dey say! Don't be a mess to urself and ur generation. Get a life. Guess u have entered there and have tasted d tea b4? Mschewwwwwww. Linda beta post my comment! Nonsense pple comment nonsense things!

Bee10(mummytwins) said...

Linda d new pope has been elected

Anonymous said...

CATHOLICISM.........are these things biblical? Hmm.... i pray my friends realize true worship soon!

Anonymous said...

U guys should watch dis movie “THE BORGIAS” u wil know d process n play in selecting a pope.God help us

Anonymous said...

Dumb u!!!

Anonymous said...

I used to be a catholic but no longer one. Thank GOD 4 bringing me out of there. I respect your faith but the truth is that it'll only lead you all to the regrettable eternity. If you doubt me, ask pope john paul the second. I just pray the good LORD will give you understanding. Hail Mary is idolatory! Purgatory doesn't exist. All lies from the pit of hell! Be warned my dear brothers and sisters.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter at all where the pope should come from, weather black Or white. All we have to do is to pray for God's will to be done.

Anonymous said...

1.39pm EST, new pope chosen

Anonymous said...

Its white smoke now,Linda ure not as fast as u use to be ooo

Anonymous said...

White smoke came out at 1:04pm EST

Anonymous said...

Finally a new pope has been elected..we await his name

Anonymous said...

Awwww white smoke at last .....Habemus Papam #so happy# proudly catholic

Unknown said...

abeg we don gt new pope so Fuck all d catholics haters

Anonymous said...

And ow has dat icreased my GP or ow has that increased my bank acct?

Anonymous said...

Pls shut up if u don't no anyfin about d Catholic Church or have anyfin reasonable 2 say#proudCatholic#

Anonymous said...

And ow has dat icreased my GP or ow has that increased my bank acct?

Me said...

It's beautiful to be a catholic. The church indeed will never be prevailed. It's old but it's still strong. That alone explains that it's truly of God.

Anonymous said...

Breaking News: White smoke emerges from the Chimney of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican signifying New Pope, now awaiting appearance of new Pope on Balcony @ St Peter's Square... Paul Bosotto reporting live from the Vatican City #St Peter's Square

Anonymous said...

Yay! We have a new Pope he is Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio...

Anonymous said...

New pope has now been elected

Anonymous said...

@anon 4:13 PM i was just expecting people like u wey suck donkey breast when dey small to comment. fool, better go pity for ur Papa and Mama, and even for ur random life. Idiot like u. Anu ofia.

linda post my comment o.

Anonymous said...

Clearly u are undoubtedly d biggest lie nd failure 2 ur family.......daft punk...

Anonymous said...

New Pope: Cardinals have elected 76-year old Argentinian Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the 266TH Pope who succeeds Pope Benedict XVI.. New Pope has chosen the Papal Name of Pope Francis 1.. First South American Pope, First Latin Pontiff and First Jesuit Pope.. So says CNN's Paul Bosotto.

Anonymous said...

U will die painfully and slowly too. I can already imagine how no one will cry @ ur funeral sef. Monkey

Anonymous said...

I don't why you people are waiting for a black pope. Oyedepo is the Pope of his own church, Adeboye is the Pope of his own church, Not mention Okotie and others. Even Olumba Olumba is a Pope self...Pope plenty for Naija now!

Anonymous said...

Islam and Hindu r all old religion, r dey of God too? Everyone shld just pick up der bibles and read up, get to know ur God for ur self cos on d judgement day all will be judged including pope himself.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful comment coming from a true catholic! Yes! Rain abuses on d anon, even Pope will be very proud of u. U sure r a good example of a true catholic, clap for ur self.... Lead my example my dear...

Anonymous said...

By example I mean

Anonymous said...

To all these protestants running their mouth,they elect and are also guided by the power of the holy spirit on the right person to elect. So shut ur pie holes please and don't place curses upon urselves. @anon 4:30pm God bless you for that sensible comment you left. #proudcatholic

Anonymous said...

See them so lousy and quick to insult pple whose opinions differ yet claimin 2b all righteous and "proudly Catholic"......keep deceivin urslvs we all knw truth is bitter and u can rant all u want....brainwashed agents of darkness!

Seb said...

I am proud to be a catholic, one of the Christian religion that can be traced back to the first disciples of Jesus Christ. I feel rejuvenated and blessed whenever I attend a mass. God bless the Catholic church...Amen

Anonymous said...

And ow has dat icreased my GP or ow has that increased my bank acct?

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