1. Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu - former Lagos State governorWhat do you guys think?
2. Sule Lamido - Jigawa State governor
3. Mohammed Abubakar _ Inspector General of Police
4. Shamsuddeen Usman - Minister of National Planning
5. Akinwunmi Adesina - Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
6. Mrs Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala - Minister of Finance
7. Ahmadu Guiade - National Drug Law Enforcement Agency chairman
Not one!!!
The award should go to the 'MAN' who stayed all year without Light and security and still had these OG's eating away all the money he could ever wish for.
Hmmmm, okonjo iweala, cos I don't think the others have really done anything this year
Definitely not number one
The rest maybe if they actually deserve it....
Sincerely, None!
All this "copy copy" oyinbo thing. Nothing original.
Linda,who made all this nomination? i wonder where is our General BRF. with all the enormous achievement in Lagos. dem no try @l. none of this pple deserve anything. thumbs down!!!
None of dem. Linda ikeji or wat do yu call yaself if yu like don't post my comment
if Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and other female leaders are going to be nominated, the award should be called Person of the Year. She's not a Man!
Ahmadu Giade or the Minister of Agriculture.
We like to celebrate a bunch of thieves. People that r suppose to be stoned publicly for ruining Nigeria. Some people will waste their precious time to actually vote for this stupidity. Failed Media. Not even 1credible person. Hisssss
Asiwaju all the way! #Respect.
the title ought be
"Who deserves to be "Silverbed Corrupt Chief of the year"
then we can give you names in an ascending or descending order.
What have they accomplish to be anything for the year? Bunch of crooks
My dad *winks*
My man of the year is the common man/woman who is surviving against all odds.
How do they come aboout this list?
They are all fed people who do not know what suffering is like.
I think your list is a heap of crap(no offense meant) but I was expecting to see the names of journalists,boys and girls who made Nigeria prouder than the whole people in politics have made us all added together.
So thank you...its a NO vote for me
Engage me on @countproject on twitter
Sule Lamido because he has made significant development in jigawa state. constant light and water, good roads and access to affordable health care....
okonjo iweala
Sule Lamido
None of them deserve it. They are beneficiary of a corrupt political system.
None of them deserves any award whatsoever, they are all criminals and should be locked behind bars 4 @least 10yrs each. Mtcheeeew.
Ngozi Okonji iweala
Pls wat has Tinubu done dis year 2 deseve a nomination not 2 talk of an award? Siverbird its not by force 2 do man of d year o.
None of the above
i din know. do any of them really deserve it
with out a doubt, the nations police top dog deserves it. for being able to remove those leeches called check points, he is already my man of the decade.
Mohammed Abubakar!
Before saying anything I thing is good to know How silverbird arrived at these names, what's the criteria used in picking these people?because hardly u see any top Nigerian without a blemish....
None of these jokers and clowns. I suggest the Nigerian basketball team and the paralympics team for having HEART and great patriotic spirit in face of huge challenges.
Seriously! None of the above! Where is GEJ on d list!
What has each and evry1 on dat list done since d beginning of this year, our dearest president inclusive?if nt making life miserable for nigerians. Silverbird shd stop giving out the award jo!
The list is rigged.....how can you explain the fact that i cant see my name there?
M̶̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ go 4 IG of police for his bold steps 2wards reformin the police force.
mrs ngozi okonjo iweala
Only in nigeria dt thieves r celebrated.
None of the above thieves.
the inspector general of police deserves it
MUHAMMED ABUBAKAR!....He has been upright despite the security challenges in the country and the political interests in the insecurity. He has not had a negative story about whereas the remaining are either known thieves or under-performers!..
Rubbish list-how can silverbird compile such a list. No single person there should be on that list
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Mrs Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
None of them, they dont deserve it....Silver Bird is a big dissapointment
None of dem deserve d award dy r all bunch of corrupt leaders!
None of d above,but I vote Mrs Ngozi Okonjo Iweala,not because she did anything exceptional,just coz her mum was kidnapped.lolz
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Awon ole lo kun ebi ooooo maybe Akinwale but the rest especially the first two should be taken to barbeach and shot.
Muhammed Abubarka, Inspector General of Police
Agriculture Minister - Akinwunmi Adesina. The guy is a silent revolutionary and throughbred professional.
can't they choose pple apart From d top politicans. Rubbish.
More names must it be politicians ,is that the only way to achieve?
I think I will go for akinwunmi adesina...cause he as been very productive with agricultural issues in the country thruout the entire year...
Non of the above
Alhaji Ahmed Giade...for his successful campaign against illicit drug traffickers
No.1: Asiwaju Bola Tinubu-this man that rigs elections in all the states. Asiwaju TOLL GATES.
No2:Sule Lamido- Was he not his son that was caught with money at the airport. mtscheww (Pls correct me)
No3:Mohammed Abubakar- Has crime rate reduced, kidnapping especially?
No4:Shamsuddeen Usman- Abeg, who bi dis and wetin he dun do for naija? Don't know him.
No5:Akinwunmi Adesina-People still can't get enough food to eat o, pls tell him.
No6:Mrs Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala- aunty needs to explain the $161 blln subsidy money to us, don't understand what it's for yet.
No7:Ahmadu Gimiade-Drug law, 'may be' but the highest bidder never gets caught.
So MAN OF THE YEAR for me is MY MAMA who stayed by my bed side when I was in the hospital jare.
None please
None of the above listed
i think the Silverbird man of the year should be Mrs. Ngozi Okonjo Iwealla for her selfless,transparent,unique,sincere, and administrative sagacity in the delivery of her official duties as the Minister of finance of the nation. Also for her powerful n uncompromising stand during the OIL SUBSIDY REMOVAL DEBATE and her solid implementation of the agreed policy...however, Her dedication to her job was posed with a threat recently via the abduction of her mother. thank you
Mr Akinwunmi Adesina deserves it
none of the men are worthy of wining that award.if am to give it will be to the victims of attacks in nigeria
Tinubu wowo sha
Ngozi iweala is trying as much as she can to be among the group of men,but the truth is that she will remain a lady no matter d achievements she makes.but she is reali trying cos her actions are normally true and just and I like her for that;unlike the real men who do things for their own benefit and that of their family.soo I think ngozi iweala should be given the award.
As far as i'm concern none of them deserves it bcos they r all thieves.
Non of the above!!!.more names please
What is the achievement that landed them the nomination in the first place. As far as i am concerned none of them are deserving of such award. This award has lost its credibility. why is it Man of the year? It should be Politician of the Year since thats the area they draw nominees from.
I will rather not think! , something is wrong with silverbird.
Muhammed Abubakar Inspector General of Police
I dnt even have a clue of who should win,and why..but i damn well no who MUST NOT..
Yu guessed right,madam no 6..she shouldnt even be der in the first place..by the way who compiled this amnoying list ?
The NDLEA guy.He seems to be the only one making a bit of a difference so far.All the rest are...*zips mouth*
They should jst give it to d agric guy or Okonjo.
is "none of the above" an option?
none of dem deserves it...it shuld be the poor in d street.nigeria should go beyond giving accolades to thoses that dont deserve it.those whose ideologies keep trampling on d poor. it should go to those that died in the multiple bomb blast or to victims of dana air crash or even victims of flood.
Mohammed Abubakar _ Inspector General of Police
None of the above.Corrupt people
I think my father is the best candidate for this position.
None of them....the award in itself is a sham and a poor representation of recognition. Ben Bruce and his band of thieves have been fed fat from the coffers of government why won't they concoct daft award ceremonies. mtcheeeeeeew.
None of the above deserves it. Let all of them go and sit down.
none of them pls -__-
None of the above!
Wonder wat ikonjo iweala is doing in the nomination list!
The highest bidder amongst dem will buy the award!rubbish!
Ahmadu Guiade - National Drug Law Enforcement Agency chairman..... Dis man as done a lot to combat illegal drugs import and export.. He's d only man dat hve done well out of all of dem... He really deserve it.
And am suppose to answer this too
None of them deserves it....
Definitely NOT Tinubu he is tooooo filthy for words... YUCK!
None of the above.they are all useless idiots.mschewww
As far as I am concerned, none of them deserve it. Silverbird should go round schools and pick a dedicated teacher (based on polls done by the students)to be the man or woman of the year. I respect good and dedicated teachers. They contribute a great deal to what a lot of us become in life.
I am not a teacher (I am a lawyer) but I love and respect my children's teachers. They give so much and I feel they deserve a lot more than what they get in return. It is high time we start appreciating the next door person who has made a difference in society!.
As far as I am concerned, none of them deserve it. Silverbird should go round schools and pick a dedicated teacher (based on polls done by the students)to be the man or woman of the year. I respect good and dedicated teachers. They contribute a great deal to what a lot of us become in life.
I am not a teacher (I am a lawyer) but I love and respect my children's teachers. They give so much and I feel they deserve a lot more than what they get in return. It is high time we start appreciating the next door person who has made a difference in society!.
i dnt lyk any of dem bt i ll go wt d IG of police 4 removing those animals on d rd. I mean d police on checkn points.
Honestly speaking,none of them deserve to win any award.The pple paraded here are a bunch of politicians who are embezzling our common wealth nd impoverishing us. Silverbird is pathetic,they should go out there and look for pple who are really making a difference in the lives of human beings,then we can vote.They can take a cue from CNN'S CNN HEROES.
none. they r all corrupt people. Tinubu especially. Linda, post my comment o
None of them
The "man" of the year for me are two people who have done exceptional well in the circle of thier influence: Asiwaju Bola Hamed Tinubu for leading on the opposition voice we have in Nigeria, giving our hard earned democracy a face n a vioce. Adeshina Akinwunmi the Agric. Minister, he is egually doing a very good job in his ministry, we might not be "seeing" what he is doing now, but before 20:20:20 we will al be gratfull for in input in the Agric sector. For me any of them is good to go.
To be candid, 90% of those on this list don't deserve any award let alone man-of-the-year recognition. Are we talking about a man whose son launders money? Or a politician that is hellbent on commandeering all the resources of Lagos State? Or a minister who is stealthily on the line of bourgeoisie economic principles, someone who doesn't care about the plight of Nigerians on the scarcity of resources at our beck and call? Or the same men in black without any plain direction of ensuring security? Or a minister of planning that has nothing to offer but the talk-show that any Nigerian can organise? Or Minister of agriculture whose focus is directed towards that small-holder rain-fed farmers who are the real Nigerians? Yet we dont know where the Zimbabwean farmers who were given large tract of land for farming are, we haven't seen their products, in fact there is no news about their activities.
The NDLEA man deserves some commendation even though the Baba-Suwe episode wont leave our heads easily. So someone should tell us what is going on.
The award shud go to Inspector-General of Police. He deserve it seriously... forget all dis politicians who steal our moni.hmn
mohammed abubakar
The award shud go to Inspector-General of Police for checkmating n reduce corruption in police force. Forget all dis politicians who s stealing frm da country treasure claiming they are doing us a favour.
Ngozi okonjo-iweala all d way
The award shud go to Inspector-General of police. Politicians are just stealing our money...
Non of them. What exactly have they done for this country, if not enriching themselves.
None of them. Theyre all rogues
If u ask me Na who I go ask Na! that's ur problem so u deal wit. How does that put food on table of the poor n the downtrodden masses struggling to survive, free me Jare !
I'm torn between Mohammed Abubakar (IGP) and Akinwunmi Adesina (AGRIC MINISTER).
However, I will give it to Akinwunmi Adesina for the agric revolution. It's as if we have never had an agric minister before him. God bless you, man!
Mayb Mohammed Abubakar dats the IG bt Tinubu?really?why pls silverbird?why Is he on that list?na wa,corruption kill us 4dis naija
What is the criteria for this award because I don't understand why the likes of Tinubu should be there, rather than contribute, he is taking from the society!
None of the above...m
none of them should be choosen...They are all thieves...Why wasnt Gov Fashola considered btw?
Linda non of the above, non of the clowns listed there deserve to be silver bird man of the year 2012.
the nominees have contributed in one way or the other in destroying this nation and dey have all stolen at one point in time, there hands no clean
Not a single one of them. These are the pple destroying this country and they want to award them on top. Silver bird well done.
General Muhammadu Buhari.
None of them. They are all heartless thieves. So, silverbird no see better person to put for nominees ba? Silverbird sef wan chop from them. Smh for this country
None of them deserve such honor..I blame silverbird anyway not them.But among all I will prefer Tinubu.
The Governor should tell his son to return govt money they have been looting first. Silverbird, please nominate people who real deserve an honor in case of subsequent awards (don't look at what you are going to gain from people before nominating them) because none of Nigeria present Leaders (looters) deserve award from any reputable organization..
None of em deserves it;
Tinubu - Forming an undemocratic Tin god in the south west
Lamido - Laundering money
Inspector of Police - Not been able to capture or resolve Boko haram or any kidnapping issue
Okonjo - Subsidy!!!!
Adeshina - dont know anything about agriculture in nigeria , so that knocks him out!
Giade - if u catch someone with drugs, saw it in xray machine in his stomach, purged his stomach and still did not see the drug! Dont think u deserve any form of award!!!!
Basically no one deserves the man of the year but the ordinary Nigerian who has been able to survive the year under the harsh weather imposed by this same people! and maybe the ex-minister for power!
Lwkmd shey ngozi na man?? ¶ reckon
Okk, My dad! #Smiles
I don't think anythin cz left for me no one deserves it. I hav said ma own. for tips on weight loss visit http://simja.top3weightlosssolutions.com/
none of them deserves the award, i remember when d award started, now it has also become a tool of politics like every other tin in dis country...... smh for this beloved country
Agric Minister..Adeshina
None of them deserve the award but most importantly, I'm happy that president Jona does not make the list cuz he is d true definition of failure.
Tinubu! Thief of the Decade!
My answer is: NONE OF THE ABOVE!
None of dem,they are all criminals.they all deserve to rot in hell
The IG tried a lot this year biko.
At least removing his men from the road and curbing the N20/N50 menace
Mohammed Abubakar- The Inspector General of Police
I only know of, 1 and 6! Really need to start watching nta news!
none of them...lagos thug and toll collector tinubu, or the ethnic police man, NDLEA boss, he is a crook, they are all wolves in sheep clothing...bt, if STV insist, maybe adesina.
playing stupid games and winning silly prizes...Naija remains a comedy of errors. Any politician with a conscience would assess the state of the nation and ask to be removed from that list before it goes public.
@ anon December 20, 2012 10:37 AM
you asked about the farmers from zimbabwe, I read about their ordeal in Nigeria from the financial times in November...all of them have packed up and left because of lack of basic infrastructure and the kwara state government failed on its promises, fake/undelivered fertilizer,300km road trips to mill and deliver product with bad roads and corrupt cops, erratic power supply,unreliable staff etc...the list is endless. Saddest shame
Bonario u funny no be small.
Lwkmd......u pple are just cracking me up. Mi o le rerin o
Asiwaju Bola Hammmed
Selfless? Transparent? Unique? Sincere? And administrative sagacity? Uncompromising stand during subsidy removal debate? .... Ur comment is saddening, its probably becouse you don't understand some economic issues
The IG tried a lot this year biko.
At least removing his men from the road and curbing the N20/N50 menace
who nominates tinubu for anything in this country, is the person living in a cave with just a pen and paper?
None of the nominated ones, Please ask readers to suggest for them
I don't really see any outstanding personality among them.....However,i wll give my nod to the Minister of Agriculture or the NDLEA for their astuteness and relentless effort in making agriculture a viable sector in Nigeria,and also,tackling the drug cartel,respectively...
THe minister of agriculture should be awarded the honor. The country is in financial mess so that excludes Okonjo Wahala.
Hon. Akinwunmi Adesina all d way, d esteemed minister of Agriculture. Iweala is an overrated minister of nonsense. She is useless.
definitely Adesina, agric minister
Why Fashola name no dey there?
Sincerely None of them any award
None of the above. Save the award for next year
Don't worry about BRF, he's to busy working to bother about buying that title. Let he/she who have paid for the title take it home cause none of them have our vote yet! S
I dey laugh in my OBJ voice & smirk...Bunch of clowns being nominated for man of the year award. On what grounds? But then again this is Nigeria we are talking about where anything goes.
Bunch of thieves,silverbird of d year,or claybird of d year,tell me wat they did 2 deserve dat award,nonsense.#Angryface#***lincoln
Anyone apart from Okonjo.........
None of the above. Should go to the common suffering nigerian.
Inside 'PERSON', the last 3 letters no be 'SON'...is that not male too?
not one of them deserve any honour ,you are just deceiving yourselves
The winner is Asiwaju. It is all PR. The magaazine has chosen Asiwaju already. It is money business.
wetin tinubu dey do there? abi egunje dey dis man of the year minini
I love me some of these couple----> http://efemenaoreoluwa.blogspot.com/2012/12/oh-gosh-i-love-you-i-love-you-so-much.html
SILVERBIRD SEF DON DEY TURN ASHAWO TV STATION. celebrating thieves who only work for their own pockets instead of serving the people of Nigeria positively. who does not know what pains they have caused for the nation. It just a sorry case.
anini should be on the list....
what kind of criteria does silverbird use in picking nominees cos it feels like some names are being recycled each year. Man of the Year should have done something positive for the nation this year. There's been no change. God help us!
None of dem deserves it.......they are all bunch of thieves!!!
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