UK glamour model, Katie Price (pictured above) recently had hers done.
I personally find it weird and wouldn't recommend it because it never looks natural and kinda takes away from your beauty. You don't want to be walking around looking like RuPaul! I would rather apply my eyebrow pencils to my eyebrows everyday. That's my opinion, what's yours?
I had a roommate once who had tattooed brows, they turned green nd ugly later on.
I think they r d ugliest things I've ever seen.
Its better the lIB reader has eye brow hair transplant.
Aand btw, katie price is an ugly drag, every time I see her plastic self, I wanna puke!
Facial expressions too matter. U cnt be sad or surprised and d eyebrows wnt change! Na curse.
I'm with Linda on this one. Just do your brows every day...it only takes about 5 minutes
you can get your eyebrows tinted and they last about 2weeks or more and they dont look fake just darker and pop more
So there are eyebrows .u can apply everyday..*surprised face*...Ok
its amazing, i have had it done and its great to wake up without having to line ur eyebrows.
nope. wrong. styles change. the style of eyebrows she has tattooed on; she will not like it in a years time.
Linda it depends on the sort u get done, had mine done years back and its looks absolutely natural.
Look it up.
I agree with Linda , also if your black definitely don't get it because it looks horrible on black people whether your light or dark skinned .
I never like any beauty enhancement that can't be reversed. A woman goes through various stages in her life along with mood swings. Should I stupidly swing to the left, I wanna be able to COMFORTABLY swing back to the right.
Compliments of the season my darlings *kisses n hugs*
Very razz!!! A lot of niaja women in yankee have tatoo eyebrows and believe me their eyebrows make them look surprise/surprised all the time.
Please don't!
i had a classmate back then at the university that had a permanent eyebrow. when you stand close to her, she looked funny. the hair sometimes grows outta line. anyway am against it. trust me, you will hate at the long run. that classmate of mine regretted having it done
I go wt u linda
I strongly recommend it cos it will cut back on the time U gurls spend digging foundations, laying paints n building layers of colors n drawing lines on ur faces, in the name of makeup.
I strongly vote yes. Lol.
Now am bored. 2989B701. Let's chat.
I jst can't stand it!I don't think its a beauty plus & I won't advise anyone to do it!blackmary
U said it all Linda I don't like it as well..gives u permanent look
Everytym I think permanent eyebrow tattoos,I think of K-Solo's beat-up wife,can't recall her name..mehn,dat shit looks highly razzified and worgly!..
I wld suggest u keep ur eyepencil close 2 ur pillow and at all strategic points,if it makes u so self-conscious,..but gurl!!DON'T get dat ink!!
I'm with u on this one Linda, its a no no for me.
I wouldn't advice you to get your eyebrow tattooed. You can always draw in your eyebrows and its very easy. Go on YouTube and see the different eyebrows tutorial.
And also a tip to grow your eyebrows: get a cayenne powder pepper and mix it water, then with the use of a q tip, apply it to your eyebrows. This will sting a bit. Wipe it out after about 5mins. You can do this every day or however you deem fit. But please do not get your eyebrows tattooed.
God wen create u like that knw y him create u like that.I do am
I think itz razz
I'd rather she doesnt tatto it! Get a brown eyepencil n make a shape babe
Some of the tattooed eye brows I av seen re very razz... I dnt think its an option anyway
ɪ̣̝̇Ï„̣̣̥§ almost like having a shoe permanently fitted 2 ur leg cuz u tired of taking 'em off! I think ɪ̣̝̇Ï„̣̣̥§ kinda stupid!!!
hmmmmm.. just use charcoal mixed with a turtle poo and a watery infact poo.... u'd love the result on ur face...
thank me later....
twitter/Instagram : @durubrian
I also hve faint or almost invisible eyebrows buh ave learnt ova d yrs to get my arch right, smetimes pple mistake dem for a well trimmed brows. Learn hw to use ur eye pencils, get ur color and d particular brands dat suits u
Truly nasty!
Can't stand it! That and those fake looking lashes..
Well for me I dnt see it as being weird,d problem shud be 'if it'd fit your face' kim k had hers and she looked absolutely great,and it also depends on who is doing it...
I stay in Lagos nd so far av only seen permanent eyebrow on illiterates, semi illiterates, market women nd razz ladies. I won't recommend it @ all for pure bred ladies. Peace!
Stupidity is wen u shave ur eyebrow and later tattooed it or line it.dat my oppion.compliment of de season to u all lib reader.AMA see 2013 in longlife and gudhealth.SEXY D.I.V.A-Adetola.
Permanent eyebrows gives a manish nd muscular look, drawing eyebrows is the best. I highly recommend that u shudnt get permanent brows
NO WAAAAAAYYYY please dont do it!!! youll regret it!!! even if you find a style to suit your face...the human mind is ever changing...they look incredibly unatural and look worse than pencil drawn on eyebrows. The colour will be a dull grey colour and they just look horrific! please dont do it!!
You'll regret it when you're older cos your eyebrows would have a permanent look and you might get tired of that look in future
I agree wit you linda,lolol!bt don't let rupaul catch you.dude/mam has βα̲̅d mouth.missy,its best you buy eyebrow pencil and do it everyday,I av same issue too.bt wen my frien did her tatoo eyebrow and 1was looking funny,lol I prefered mine!I can shape it as I wish
Lyn I agree wit u
Not a good idea. We've seen different trends with eyebrows within the past few yrs. If she gets it done she won't be able to change it again. Also if she's unlucky and its not done properly she gets to carry her face like that forever. She should get a temporary one because they have that one too.
I personally do not like it. Trim and fill in with a good brown eyebrow pencil. Saw the tattoo on some saloon girls months back. Both looked 'razz' cause both sides were not evenly done. Claimed they paid N2,500.
use to like ι̥t̶̲̥̅̊ myself, bt ăϻ kind of scared, carve den use ur eyebrown ι̥t̶̲̥̅̊ works well too.
I hate it, I wuldnt advice it. U wake up to see ur brow made up every morning.
Madness and Foolishness! Are there any real black women left in the world?
MY opinion is same as yours linda.
GREAT advice
also whats the diff between applying the brow pencil daily and tattooing it on. its all the same fakish look. ladies grow ur brows and have then threaded or shaped and do away with the pencils and ink.
Jordan's has a nice arch 2 it!!
D problem is wen its tattoo'd so thick and long...
It becomes a nightmare!!
I see no problem in getting tattoo brows, as long as it isn't in very black in!!
Brown ink wud b much beta!!
But den again wat if u want 2 spice it up... U CAN'T!!
U can't change d arch, dats d disadvantage of tattoo..
Overall I like tattood brows!!
At least it doesn't rub off wen u sweat and wipe ur face in 9ja's killer heat!!
Billie jean
I wouldn't recommend it because you never know, you may have a bad skin which after getting a tatto could result to kaeloid.
I personally don't like it... it looks really fake and turns green afterwards..
Am wearing a permenent tattoo (eyebrow) it doesn't look werid at all. People don't even know its a tattoo, they just compliment on how nice they looks. P:S that's the only tattoo am wearing.
wait till ur brows are considerably full then thread them..threading gives an equal nice curve and you wont even need a pencil just thread lik every 3 weeks or even a month depending on how hairy u are and u will have lovely looking brows..katie price is anoda story entirely thats if she can even feel her brows from all the botox she's had..http://aomosale.blogspot.co.uk/
No pls... Fashion is prone to constant change, what is in vogue this year may not be next year... Thus, if u get permanent eyebrows now and its style goes extinct what would you do?
It can actually look very natural, provided you get a good professional to do it. Less is always more... tattoo within your natural eyebrow shape, and don't shave your eyebrows off! you can lift the tattoo slightly higher at the tail end.... there are many women walking around with frightful tattooed eye brows because they were not done right!
LooooL @ apply my eyebrows everyday. Linda you won't kee someone
It looks fake! Kate price prolly did hers at a very professional place! D ones I see ladies in naija walkin around with is very terrible! + hair wud neva grow back dea,so why do smth dat wud change ur live forever! *stifles laugh*
d tattoo eyebrows is always looking weird and ras, i will forever recommend natural one.
Since d perpanent tatoo 4 eye brows avnt heard mch of pipo doing it..meaning lots of em dnt care mch.4 me its a no no,i'd advice u carve ur brows neatly n apply a brown liner,jst d way u want*as i do,coz i love 2 mk my self up,+ i av diff moods 4 makinup,i luv 2 look dis way dis wik n nxt wik its d oda way round*My love jst carve n line ur eyebrws n go ur way.Easy does it.#Nanchalz#
Correct linda!!! i hate heavy dark looking eyebrows. very unatural!!! But she can try a temporary one made from henna -just to get an idea of it.
I wouldn't mind having mine tattooed as well as I have it threaded and tinted every 2-3 weeks. I also think it gives d face its unique look n 1 stands outs kinda. If u really think it'll make a positive difference 2 ur face then go 4 it.
It makes people look older. I don't like it.
How nice they looks????
2500?@ Lawal, it is cheap then. I remember when people wore natural eye brows, then the shaving came in, the black n red liner then the brown liner. Some people wear it thick, some people wear it light. What i m trying to say is, change is a constant thing. This may b� in voke now but tomorrow it wouldnt. So before \"following fashion\" b� sure what u r doing n in this case,that u want to live with the same brows 4d rest of your life...even in old age.
Thats the samething that always comes in my mind. I love tatts, i have 5 beautiful 1s. But for the eyebrows, nope
I don't like it, looks fake.
I like it. Drawing brows with pencil gives a fake look too. Think it better waking up in the morning with a nice set of brows than to wake up with your face looking like mashed grape
Got mine done 2 years ago and HAPPY is all I have been since. My aesthetician uses the feathering technique and it looks really natural. You should get a certified aesthetician and not a tattoo artist to do your permanent makeup. If you want to do something, go ahead and do it with or without people's approval!
It not that weird.It all depends on who does the tatooing for u.Caution is not to use black,more like brown ink.
Hair wasn't growing well defined on my eyebrow even when I threded or waxed,was very frustrating so I did the tatoo. my mum who has an eye for detail didn't see it till I told her myself after 6months!
People don't even see,I fill in it pencil with too &i don't let hair grow in it so yea there goes ur answer.
It all depends. One man food is anothers poison. I prefer it natural though.
Where do ppl thread in nigeria shuttup
Go 4 it! It saves u the stress of shaving nd lining it everytime wit a pencil!
Ok, pls who's Henna . A friend wants to get tattooed brows but wants to try the artificial one first. Recommendations pls. Thanks
You guys saying thread don't use pencil bla bla can't u read what she said? She's got faint brows. Babes I'm in your shoes as well and I thread n all but I still use my dark brown (not black) pencils and eyebrow fillers, watch videos on YouTube on how to arch your brows.
Had mine tattooed in ChicAgo with a Vietnamese lady in brown ink and not thick and bogus like they do in Nigeria. That's the only tattoo I have and people don't even know its tattoo,when they see me. Looks real like mine as if I use a pencil on it. I love it and I flaunt it. Thanks Ana on the north side of Chicago. Will never get something like that done in Nigeria, never.
Linda why didn't u post ma comment? Anyways I see nothing wrong in it,afterall kim did hers and it looked good on her and many others too,it all depends on where ur doing urs and who's doing it cus not everyone can do it appropriately...I love it and see no reason why people say it weird..
Anon you shurrap... Threading is every beauty saloon in nigeria. If you don't know stop talking... Over sabi house wife
Who's Henna? Ha! Ha!! Ask Google please.
Your right abt d freedom 2 swing bothways as regards fashion choices. Wat rocks ur world 2day myt just piss u off 2moro- wudnt it b a relief 2 kno u cud go bak on ur decision?
Well,2 be described in one word...)RAZZ....my dear,use an eye liner...I'm wiv linda,its a NO 4 moi!!
try it and you'll start looking like frankistaine
Hahhaha what wont we see ehhh abeg linda i'm with you on this eye pencil no dey finish for market as you can drag it this way and that way mehn thank goodness for eye pencil chei
so we can't buy tiro any longer abi for us to now go permanent oga ohh abeg tiro never finish for market
U are razz,eniola badmus sister
I hate evrything dat has to do with permanent fashion
Chie anon, ignorant fool, threading is done in nigeria
miss Ravishing Kim as in Kardashian? She didn't tattoo her eyebrows. She waxes them.
it is actually not bad if it is done by a professional and you follow your natural shape.
Also make sure your eyebrows grow over it as well that way it looks even more natural.
Only disadvantage though is that you cannot change the look of your eyebrows. I've had mine for almost 8 years now and i have no complaints
I think the idea is using pigment ink not tatoo ink to do it . Its not tattoo ooo !!!!
They have procedures called mirco blading which makes it so natural, it would look even more natural than when you pencil in your eyebrows and only if you do it with people that are professionals and not quacks who claim to know what they are doing.
It eliminates the lopsided drawing of your eyebrows or not getting them quite right when you are in one of those "am late" kinda moments .
It also helps with the waking up to your man with half your eyebrows gone loool. To me,I think its kinda unfair on the guy lol
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